78-F-10 .' . , .1. . ORDINANCE NO. 75- r-/t!> AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 28 OF ORDINANCE NO. 78-F-7 GOVERN- ING CONNECTION OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CIT~ OF SCHERTZ AND REGULATING SAME AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority has increased their charges to the City of Schertz for sewer services, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS I That Section 28 of Ordinance No. 78-F-7 governing connection to the Water and Sewer System of the City of Schertz be amended to read as follows: SECTION 28 That the rates and charges for the services of the City of Schertz, Texas, shall consist of a base rate for debt service and system depreciation and a user charge for system operation and maintenance. The rates and charges shall be assessed according to the following categories: Single Family Residence Base Rate - Each single family residential connection shall be assessed a base rate of $2.50 per month. User Charge - Each single family residential user of the sewer system shall be assessed a monthly rate based on 70% of the user's average water consumption as computed for the months of December, January and February. Eighty cents (80~) shall be assessed for each thousand gallons. In the event a customer moves from one address to another, within the City, his sewer rate at the new address shall be the same as that at the former address until the annual re-rating which shall occur in February of each year. In the event that no previous rate has been established by the customer, the rate assessed shall be determined by taking the overall average of chargeable water consumption of all single family residences on the sewer system. Business and Multi-Family Dwelling Units Base Rate - The base rate shall be assessed in terms of connec- tion equivalents, which equivalents shall be determined as follows: Customer's previous twelve month water consumption as deter- mined at the annual re-rating in February, shall be divided by 365; and the result of such division shall then be divided by 245. The figure arrived at by the second division shall be the customer's connection equivalent. ~ . . . .'~ Each business and multi-family dwelling connection shall be assessed a base rate of $2.50 per connection equiva- lent per month. In the event of a new sewer connection or a change in use of the existing connection, the base rate assessed shall be based on the connection equiva- lent as determined by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority in calculating sewer connection fees, until such time as the customer has established a six-months average. At such time the base rate shall be based on the six- months average until the annual re-rating which shall occur in each year in the month of February. User Charge - The user charge shall be assessed on 100% of the customer's water consumption eighty cents (80~) per thousand gallons. Public Schools Base Rate - Each public school shall be assessed a base rate of $2.50 per connection equivalent. In the event that new schools are constructed, the base rate shall be based on the connection equivalents as determined by Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority in determining sewer connection fees, until such time as the new school has established a twelve months average. At such time, the base rate shall be based on the twelve month average until the annual re-rating in February. User Charge - The user charge shall be based on 70% of all water consumed each month eighty cents (80~) per thousand gallons. Where industrial wastes are discharged into the sewers, if such waste contains amounts of suspended solids and/or biochemical oxygen demand in excess of normal domestic waste, the service chage for such connection shall be subject to negotiation between the business establishment and the City. Such special charges shall be based on the quanity and quality of waste discharged into the sewerage system of the City. Whenever a customer of the City Water Service and/or the City Sewer Service terminates such service at one address and renews either of such services at a different address, then and in that event a $2.00 re- connection fee for sewer services shall be assessed against such customer for the services required in disconnecting and reconnecting such customer. If, and in the event, it is determined that as a result of a tem- porary water leak or other unusual circumstance the means of establishing rates for sewer service by measurement of water flow would place a sub- stantial burden on the customer, then the water consumption for such tem- porary period shall be determined by the Superintendent of Utilities based on evidence available to him. His determination shall be final and un- appealable. Any residence or business outside the City limits desiring to be included in the sewer system must negotiate with Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority and the City, and the price for such connection is to be deter- mined by such negotiation. .. . " . . . -- ''". II That the City Secretary of the City of Schertz shall cause the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City in the form and manner required by law for penal ordinance. The official newspaper of said City being a weekly publication, publication shall be made in one issue thereof. III That this ordinance take effect and be in force with the June 1978 utility billing. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1/iA Pf[.J 'a- the /6 day of ,1917 ''I j;;;/ -P- ,)- ..~~. / i ./t-{'t:.t.--[ C. ;...,.,.d..(../'",_ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: PUBLISHER'S AFFIDA Vii The State of Texas County of Guadalupe } Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared_....m..._______.. W ..~.~.__'+'.~:t;)J.1!!__mm..mmm__.mmm...__.._m_....._mmm..__.__..__..__.., who being duly sworn says that he (she) is fhe ..mJ~),1.l?U.~hl?.r__.mm...h..__h.___m...mm______ of ~tl~...Y.~.U.~.Y-h~~.~.WL..._._.m.__' a weekly newspaper published at m..~_~.g~J!l..mmm__m__mm.mmm_________n______m..__..' in said county and state and that .__... ....__..__ ....... ........__..__.~!?~.~.l?~_____.....h__m...__....m....__.........__ __ _____, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper on ..n.__mm...____...___.. May 25, 1978 --------......----...--.-..-----------------------------------....---........------.....---.....-.......----.............------..---._--------------.------------..-----.- ...............m..__.L~,R~~...m.n... Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ..........3.l..__.......__.__m..........m........ day of .~~~y.......__.......__.._....__........._.., 19.......7.8 CITY OF SCHUTZ , LEGALNOTICE ' AN ORDINANCe BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF TIlE ClTYOF SCHERTZ TEXAS~. AMENDING SECTIO!'I 28 OF OR. DINANCE NO. 78.F.7 GOVERNING CON. NECTlON OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ AND REGULATING SAME AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLu;;ATION AND PROVIDING AN EF. FECTIVE DATE. PassedL._ approved and adopted tlWl the 16th day of May, 19'78. June G. Kral1se City ~fiira City"" '-.. ",:,.: (Ie " ;'i ,/ 't'7'l , / /:i.._ - : r_. /, /~, '",-; ,: . ,/.. ,/~' ! / 7/:./ J1/z.. L4~ ::.x..,:A../l(j ("{J...../ --. ~..._........ .............. ... ..'"'FfJ"......................._... 'I Il,-l Notary Public in and fot U-us.da1upe County, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT The State of Texas County of Guadalupe } Before me, the undersigned aufhority, on this day personally appeared__.m..... ......__. --.-- ..~.!.~.~..~.~~)Jw'___..____...m.......__..... - 'o..'o... m__.. ...__.... m____ __, who being duly sworn says that he (she) is fhe -m.m.~.I,l,9.U.~.~~~__..____.......__.._m..m...u___.. of ~J?:.~...Y.~g~J:..~~~.~...m.........., a weekly newspaper published at .h.--.--.-S.~g~.~P:.....h.__h__.m..._________.m...__m..........., in said county and state and that ."mh.__ _ m 'om m..... h.....--??~.;.~.~.m.m___...___.__.__..._____m....h.m... ...m., a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper on ...mmh..__...........__ .. n... -~~ !... ~~ .~... ~ ~ .?~.... nn... nn............. __" u......_......... __. _................ n.......... __................ _. n... _.. u.., -. -~- ~ _. - -.-... --- --- ------.- -- -- -- -.- --. -- --- - --- --- - --- -- ---. -- -..._ - - - - __ow - o. _ ____ _.... ._. ____A __... ___ _ __ __.. _____ .___ _ __ _~__ __._._ __.. __ ____ __ ___ _, ..------------..----------......---------______________...0______--------.-..---..-----.-------------.-.----__....__..___......._.......__________________...... -----------------.....----------------------------.__.--------0-_____....---------------------...----...---.---___....__________________....___________ .-...--....--.....n.--.n.--..mhUX2di:~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this the mn...J),.hm.n......mu...h....h...._____.h day of ....m.~~~m.....__h....n.....nm.h.' 19 ..7..~... AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL l' OF THE, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS 1 AMENDING 'SECTION 28 c OF,ORDINANCE NO, 78-F.7 s GOVERNING CON- < NECTION TO THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ . AND REGULATING SAME AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING AN EF. FECTIVE DATE, Approved at 1st reading on the 2hd day of May, 19711'. June G. Krause City~ '. CitY ~ ',,' .' T~~ (lc ," 1,1 ,..) / ' I .. /; ~ I" , .. .' ; ,'1"-....., 1 ,.' ,r _,-{'..I' i/ I /?, ),-', ".~ ". "oo iL ~'....L~ ....[vJ:i. ~'~-:h:: --.... ..:..::::-~.;;;t,k..~~J~~~~{,.~~~,iC;;;~~.:~~~-... iJ j Notary Public in and for --Guaaa.l:u~......_.--..mm......... County, Texas