07-10-2014 MinutesMINUTES SCHERTZ HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF July 10, 2014, AT 6:30 P.M. Call to Order Chairman Weirtz called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm with a quorum present. Voting members present: Barbara Hall, Pete Perez, Louis Segaloff, Dianna Webb, Jim Webb, Cynthia Palmer, Sue Boissonneault, Lou Foehrkolb. Introduction of Guests and New Members: Joyce Segaloff Discussion and /or Action Items 1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 24, 2014. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jim Webb and seconded by Lou Foehrkolb. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Fund Expenditures: Consideration and /or action regarding the submission of member's expense vouchers and proposed fund expenditures. Jim Webb, Committee Treasure, reported that Chairman Weirtz submitted an expense voucher in the amount of $680.77 for approval. A motion to approved the voucher expenditure was made by Cynthia Palmer and seconded by Pete Perez. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Treasurer's Report: Consideration and /or action regarding book sales activity during the calendar quarter and other fiscal matters. Treasurer Webb reported there were no book sales since the last report in April 2014. A written summary report was provided by Mr. Webb. 4. Newsletter and Remembrance Special Edition Articles: Consideration and /or action regarding the publication of the Summer 2014 Newsletter and REMEMBRANCE Special Edition Articles 2014 -4 & 2014 -5. Discussion of typographical errors in the text of the two Special Edition articles resulted in recommended corrections. A motion was made by Cynthia Palmer and seconded by Pete Perez to approve the publication of the Newsletter and the Special Edition articles with appropriate typographic errors being corrected prior to publication. The motion passed unanimously. 5, Cemetery Journals Volumes #2 & #3: Consideration and /or action regarding the publication and transfer of Cemetery Journals Volumes #2 & #3 to the Schertz Public Library. Chairman Weirtz advised that two additional volumes of Schertz Cemetery Journal have been completed by himself and the Cemetery subcommittee members which are ready for placement at the Schertz Public Library. The two volumes provide detailed information and photo depictions of cemetery plots in the following cemeteries: Saint Joseph's Cemetery (Comal), Vordenbaum Cemetery (Guadalupe County), Fisher - Schertz Cemetery (Universal City), Hasenbeck Cemetery (Schertz), Edens Cemetery (Universal City). The two volumes were presented to the Committee for inspection. A motion was made by Lou Foehrkolb and seconded by Pete Perez to publish the two volumes and to transfer them to the custody of the Schertz Public Library. The motion passed unanimously. 6. Schertz City Landmark Property Registry (Comal and Guadalupe Counties): Consideration and /or action regarding the publication of the Schertz City Landmark Property Registry. Chairman Weirtz reported that he had developed a registry book containing the applications for and photos of the twenty -six landmark property designations within the City of Schertz and /or its extra territorial jurisdictions (ETJ). The book was presented to the Committee members for inspection. A motion was made by Jim Webb and seconded by Louis Segaloff to approve publishing and transfer of a copy to the custody of the Schertz Public Library. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Saint Joseph's Chapel Application for National Registry Listing of Historic Places: Consideration and /or action regarding the application for listing of Saint Joseph's Chapel on the National Registry of Historic Places. Chairman Weirtz reported that the Texas Historical Commission had approved forwarding the application for naming St. Joseph's Chapel for placement on the listing of historic places to the Department of Interior for their approval. The results of the DOI's evaluation will likely be announced in approximately September 2014. No action required. 8. Schertz Historic Preservation and Landmark Designation Program — UDC Amendment: Consideration and /or actions regarding the Schertz historic preservation and landmark designation program and UDC amendment proposal. Chairman Weirtz reported the Schertz City Council was again presented a proposal by city staff to consider initiating a provision within the UDC for a voluntary non - punitive, incentive based "historic district" program similar to that which is in place in Victoria, Texas. The Victoria program allows "historic district" property owners to qualify for matching city sponsored grants for restoration projects that are in accord with preservation standards set by the DOI and the City of Victoria. The City Council recommended that a final proposal be formulated by City Staff and brought back to them for consideration. Brian James briefed the Committee on a proposal his staff has developed for presentation to the City Council. That proposal appears as attachment #1 to these minutes. Comments by the Committee included a request that City Staff consider adding the words "Main Street" to the title of the proposal as well as developing a map outlining the area of eligibility for the program. It was further recommended by the Committee that eligible properties be those that have been declared as "landmark properties" by the Committee. Mr. James indicated that he would make needed revisions and would consult with Chairman Weirtz on them prior to resubmitting any recommendation to City Council. 9. Amendment of Committee By -Laws, Section 3.7 addition: Consideration and /or actions regarding the amendment of the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee By -laws, Section 3.7 addition. Chairman Weirtz explained that commitment to the work of the Committee is measured by several means but participation at Committee meetings is the minimal measure. It is Chairman Weirtz's opinion that members should schedule themselves to attend meetings ahead of all other obligations unless vacation planning and /or illness prevents attendance. In those latter instances, notification of a member's inability to attend should be made known to a Committee officer prior to the meeting date. Thus, it is the Chairman's judgment that should a Committee member miss two consecutive meeting without having excused himself or herself for one of the above reasons, that member should be discharged from the Committee henceforth. Discussions were held and it was recommended that the proposed wording of the Section 3.7 amendment be changed to replace the word "will" in line four to the word "may ". It was also recommended that the works "In the later circumstance" be omitted from line six of the proposed amendment. A motion was made by Cynthia Palmer and seconded by Pete Perez to adopt the proposed By -Laws revision with the above changes to its language. The motion passed unanimously. 10. Vacancy in Committee Secretary Position: Consideration and /or actions regarding the vacancy in the Committee Secretary position. Chairman Weirtz announced the change in membership status of committee Secretary Stefani Warshaw from active member to associate member due to her having changed her address to a location outside the City of Schertz. Consequently, her position as Secretary has been vacated. Chairman Weirtz asked for a volunteer to assume her position however no volunteer was forthcoming. Chairman Weirtz indicated that the position would be temporarily assumed by himself and that the issue would be readdressed at the October Committee meeting. No action required. ■ Subcommittee Reports — Discussion only - Cemetery —No report presented. A master listing of occupants of burial sites is being prepared by Beverly Jobe. - Historian — No report. Chairman Weirtz reminded members that a historical scrap book is maintained by him that contains news articles relating to the City and the Committee. Members were encouraged to retain any such articles they might encounter for placement in the scrap book. - Student Involvement Project — Jim Webb advised that no action has yet been taken but that he is planning to arrange a meeting with the school superintendent. - Aviation Heights Project - Pete Perez advised that he is seeking a valid map for the Aviation Heights area. Chairman Weirtz stated that he would provide such a map and that the City could also contribute an aerial view of the area. Chairman Weirtz indicated.that beyond the mapping of the area, there would need to be a narrative explanation as to the area's historic significance. - Picture Book Project —No action reported. - Outreach On Friday, June 20, 2014, Chairman Weirtz led a group of about twenty members of the Comal County Genealogical Society on a historical day trip tour of tri- county historical landmarks to include Comal's St. Joseph's Chapel, Selma's Stage Coach Stop and several landmark property sites in Schertz. Chairman Weirtz participated in the Comal Settlement Association Historic Marker Area Landscape Project on Fridayy, June 13, 2014 in preparation for the marker dedication event held on June 28t . The City of Schertz contributed time, labor and materials to the project and the result is a marker site that is thought to be among the best within the south Texas region. Chairman Weirtz advised that there are two markers in place at the site: one recognizing the historical history of the community and another recognizing the historical significance of the Post Road (circa 1915). The Comal Settlement Marker Dedication Ceremony was held Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the marker site (Old Nacogdoches Rd. and FM 482). Approximately sixty guests were in attendance including dignitaries such as Mayor Carpenter (City of Schertz), Comal County Judge Sherman Krause, Schertz City councilmen Jim Fowler and David Sacliola, Assistant City Manager Brian James, Schertz Chamber of Commerce President Maggie Tetterington and several representatives of the Comal County Historical Commission, the Comal Settlement Association, the Selma Historical Association and our own members of the committee (Lou Foehrkolb, Jim and Dianna Webb, and Louis and Joyce Segalof£ The Schertz M Senior Center Choir provided musical choral selections appropriate for the occasion. A reception was held after the ceremony. Congratulatory declarations were received from the State House of Representative under the signature of State House Representative Doug Miller and via letter of congratulations from State Senator Donna Campbell. A proclamation was also presented to Chairman Weirtz by the Comal County Commissioners Court on July 10, 2014. Chairman Weirtz and Jim Webb met with Chuck McCullough, editor of the Schertz Magazine, with a proposal to enhance the committee's exposure on the City web site and to include a "Looking Back" feature in the Schertz Magazine. Chuck has adopted the recommended additions and the Web page has been changed. The "Looking Back" feature will begin appearing in future issues of Schertz Magazine. Jim and Dianna Webb have collaborated on articles to be published in upcoming issues of the Schertz Magazine. One is the story of Pete Perez, Sr. and another is on the Comal marker dedication ceremony. Mayor Carpenter has proposed forming a Mayor's Task Force on community involvement and future planning. He is requesting one representative from each City committee or commission to serve for a six month duration. Barbara Hall volunteered to be the Committee's representative on that task force. City Staff have requested the Committee to provide input on wording to accompany a historic farm equipment exhibit now in place near the City Visitor's Center. Chairman Weirtz submitted a poem he has developed for the exhibit. No other inputs were received. Requests and Announcements 6. Requests by Committee Members that items be placed on a future agenda. 7. Requests by Committee Members to City Manager and Staff for information 8. Announcements by Committee Members ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the committee, a motion was made by Pete Perez and seconded by Cynthia Palmer to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried Dean Weirtz, Cha' an and Acting Secretary 5