FY 1986-87 Budget '" ; """:'~""'~"*'~";'':~ .,'." ~~'~C". ."_.. rl:J fI ill il1:J1J.EjJJ1 ~ -'i 1400 UVE OAK ROAD P.O. DRAWER I SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 AC (512) 658-7477 on the GrOw \'1\ JIMMY G. Gll..MORE CITY MANAGER August 15, 1986 TO: The Honorable Mayor Sawyer and Council Members SUBJECT: Budget Message The 1986-1987 budget is submitted in compliance with Article VII, Section 7.02 of the Schertz City Charter. , , The budget is constructed upon an assessment ratio of one hundred percent (100%) of value with a tax rate of $0.45 per hundred dollar evaluation._ Fees and.. service' charges for City services are as established by ,City Council., The S.'A.F.E.S. revenues and expenditures '!ore. separated to provide -claz::ity.' . The' Capitol Improvement. . Section provides'I'a: means' of replacing capitol equipment and to complete capitoll improvements. The 1986-1987' Personnel Compen~ation Plan and Pay Tables are incorporated into the Budget dolcument. A recapitulation of the budget by departments is also inlcluded. Th~ budgeting process .is cont.inuous throughout the budget year. By, continual review throughout the year, and effectual management by the Council and staff, the citizens can be assured that a proper budget is being efficiently managed. Respectfully, /~r-+O Gilmore ager JGG/jgk enc. GENE:::R AL FUND REVENUES EXPENDITUPES City Caullei 1 Management Mun i c: i pa 1 Cour.t Finance Ta:>~ Planning/Zoning L.egal Police F iF'€? Inspection Eng i neer' i n9 Str-'eets Par'ks Municipal Bldg. An i ro,,) 1 Con tF'O 1 St.! i rom i ng POD 1 Aclm i n i str"at i Dn L. i b/'"'ary RECAPITULATION ACTUAL 84-8~; $1439487.98 $18004.63 $1.11026.78 $7535.00 $96837.43 $3258~:;. 75 $l.251.60 $16152.96 $274151.60 $67991.06 $31:351.16 $34415.99 $148506.21 $0.00 $126229.29 $44794.88 $29567.71 $2~:32073. 83 $23451.19 $1.295927.07 $143560.91 ESTIMATE 8~:;-86 $14,3001.3.00 $14800.00 $135087.00 $8200.00 $101.760.00 $4071.;:'j.00 $3150.00 $22150.00 $312983.00 $101600.00 $38052.00 $26000.00 $1'73041 . 00 $0.00 $119700.00 $48506.00 $31225.00 $2444.00.00 $29350.00 $1450719.00 ($20706.00) BUOGET 86..87 $1652678.00 $1.7900.00 $14,2198.00 $8400.00 $78494.00 $41868.00 $2950.00 $23000.00 $357083.00 $136906.00 $48099.00 $22000.00 $1 '725:35. 00 $61086.00 $13Z~000. 00 $52907.00 $38650.00 $260000.00 $36602.00 $16$?678.00 $0.00 ._.....__....."._".__.'"",'_.w.."._.._..'"'_...__...,..."...__.H.__..__.___.,_______________M_________..__'___'."_"__"_""'_ _..__.,""',._~_."""--_._------,_._--_._-----------------------------_."---------------- B.A.F.E,S. REVENUES EXPENDITUI~ES WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES EXPENDITURES $1. 5;?864. 93 $143454.22 $120:3204. 54 $1137581..50 $6562~'l. 04 $155567.85 $1.55567.85 $11 ~37~500. 00 $1133940,00 $3560.00 $178375.50 $178375,30 $1265989.00 $1265989.00 $0.00 CURRENT TAXES DEI... I NCl. TAXE!'> ROLL BACK TAXES PEN. & INTEREST CITY SALES TAX MIX BEV. TAX BINGO TAX G.V.E.C. FRANCHISE ENTEX FRANCHISE S.W. BEL.L FRANCHISE C.P.S. FRANCHISE ROGERS CABLEVISION BANf( FRANCH I SE BUILDING PERMITS ELECTR IC PERMITS PLUMBING PERMITS AL.COHOL BEV. PERMITS PEDDLERS PERMITS HOUSE MOVING PERMITS Hr:::ALTH PERMITS ELECTRIC LICENSE SEASON POOL PASSES POOL. GATE ADMISSIONS SWIMMING LESSONS MUNI COURT FINES STEP FINES WARRANT FEES TAX CERTIFICATES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PET IMPOUNDMENT AN I MAL. ADOP TI ON PET LICENSE!'> POLlCE REPORTS VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENTS LEASE PAYMENT CCMA BAL.LFIELD USAGE DHiPATCH FEES BUIL.DING RENTAL MISC. INCOl1E I NTER EST PAY IN L.IEU OF TAXES REVENUE SHARING DISCOUNTS REIMBURSE RETIREMENT INSURANCE DIVIDENDS INDIRECT COSTS SAFES INT. I&S SUPPLEMENTAL BTATE FINES SUB TOTAL CASH FORWARD REV SHAR FORWARD GRAND TOTAL. ACTUAL. , 84-"85 G/F REVENUE $481502.03 $2629.27 $0.00 $361.0.27 $316148.28 $961.23 $5746.78 $64093.93 $8059.16 $16143.79 $8571.82 $14973.82 $3807.24 $56898.00 $6196.00 $6045.50 $1918.58 $95.00 $0.00 $590.75 $1 Tn. 00 $5588.80 :'1; 17488.88 $4807.00 $76835. :35 $3903.00 $9'748.50 $636.00 $8492. ,~2 $23:::19. 01. $990.00 $1347.50 $550,00 $2004.50 $6084.60 $4403.46 $2400.00 $2011..96 $11.094.84 $13962.85 $131879.92 $40998.72 $:32.77 $5::':i38. 42 $480.00 $4.800. 00 $4350.30 $1950.53 1364487.98 $75000.00 $0.00 1439487.98 ESTIMATE '85--86 $547000.00 $3000.00 $1.500.00 $3200.00 $:305100, 00 $1.800.00 $5000.00 $64183.00 $7430.00 $17000.00 $6200,00 $12000.00 $:3800. 00 $40000.00 '$3700.00 $4500.00 $650.00 $100.00 $100.00 $3000.00 $1.200,00 $7600.00 $1 ~5000. 00 $3200.00 $68000.00 $4200.00 $8000.00 $400.00 $9000.00 $1500.00 $700,00 $1000.00 '$450, 00 $2000.00 $6i?00.00 $3000.00 $;?';?-OO.OO $2600.00 $5700.00 $18000.00 $100000.00 $52000.00 ~!;1 00 , 00 $5000.00 $800.00 $4800.00 $;?-OOO. 00 $11.00.00 $1355013.00 $75000.00 $0.00 $143001.3.00 1 BUDGET '86-87 $618000.00 $3000.00 $0,00 $3300,00 $363000.00 $1200.00 $5000.00 $64200.00 $7400.00 $18000.00 $8000.00 $14900.00 $~3800. 00 $60728.00 $5000.00 $9000.00 $650.00 $150.00 $50.00 $2000.00 $1300.00 $::i()OO. 00 $15000.00 $3200.00 $70000,00 $3500.00 $9000.00 $600.00 $9000.00 $1700,00 $900.00 !t.1200.00 $500.00 $3000.00 '\;6200.00 $3500.00 $0.00 $2600.00 $5700.00 $18000.00 :-1;100000.00 $0.00 $100.00 $5000.00 $0.00 $4800.00 $0.00 $1500.00 $1458678.00 $150000.00 $44000.00 $1652678.00 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 84-85 85-86 86-87 CITY COUNCIL. EXPENDITURES EXPENSE $930.00 $1400.00 $1400.00 MEMBERSHIPS $1.928.97 $1600.00 $1.600.00 "'lEE I I NGS & TRAVEL $7624.90 $3500.00 $3800.00 SPECIAL EVENTS $1482.70 $2100.00 * $2100.00 AREA RELATIONS $1639.43 $1600.00 $1600.00 ELECTION COS'fS $542.30 $600.00 $2000.00 NE: I GIIBOR HOOD SERVICES $200.00 $500.00 $500.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $2796.33 $::?600.00 $4000.00 COMMUNITY SERVICES $860.00 $900.00 $900.00 '... ",- ,..., -., ~. "'~ "". "". .-. "." - .......,..-........,.."'........".......,......'''- _, ..... ..... ...., ,._ "'" ,,~, ..... _, 'RO' ..~_ DEPT. TOTAL. $18004.63 $14800.00 $17900.00 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 84-,,85 8~i-86 86-.87 MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES BALAR I ES $97594.17 $127137.00 $1 ~:l3998. 00 INTERN $234-4.72 $2000.00 * $2000.00 CM ALLOWANCE $2400.00 $2400.00 $2400.00 FUEL. & U.lB. $446.85 $500.00 $500.00 VEH I CI...,E MAINTENANCE $274.29 $300.00 $300.00 MEMBERSHIPS $755" 4,~i $4.50. 00 $500.00 MEET. & TRAVEL $1400. :::!2 $1500.00 $1.600.00 C'" ALLOwtlNCE $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 "J PUBLICATIONS $161.08 $150.00 $2~jO. 00 TRAINING SCHOOL,S $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 VEHICLE PURCHASE $5000.00 $0.00 $0.00 -.......-.................-..........,...., _ _ __,.. '......... ,_..... ,,,0> _.. ..... - -.... ..... '-" ,.... ..... -" -. -, ,_. ,,,.. TOTAL.S '$1.11026.78 $1. :35087 . 00 $1421"'18.00 2 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGE'! 84'"85 85,...,86 86.-87 MUNICIPAL.. COURT EXPENDITURES JUDC~E $3600.00 $3600.00 $3600.00 COURT ATTORNEY $3600.00 $3600.00 $:3600. 00 JURY $335.00 $200.00 $200.00 PRINTING $0.00 $800.00 $1000,00 -, ..- ..... .,... -~, ..... -.,- _. ,,_. .....".m.'.....'.....,,"..... -. ..- .-. ..... ..... .~. ."'- "... "'" ..... ..-.. DEP T . TOTALS $75~:35. 00 $8;~00. 00 $8400.00 ACTUAL 84-85 ESTIMATE 85-86 BUDGf::::T :36-87 FINANCE EX P END I TUf'( I::~S SALARIES MEETINGS & TRAVEL. TRAINING SCHOOL.S TRANS I&S TRAN-CERTIFICATE FUND $1.1612,43 $0.00 $225.00 $25000.00 $60000.00 $1.2200.00 $100.00 $1.50.00 $65310.00 $24000.00 $13~jOO. 00 $100.00 $150.00 $64744,00 $0.00 DEPT. TOTALS $96837. 4,3 $101760.00 $78494.00 ACTUAL EST'I MATE BUDGET 84,,,,85 85-86 86--8'7 TAX EXPENDITURES SALARIES $8061.56 $8500.00 $961.8.00 I"IEME:ERSH I PS $120.00 $100.00 $100.00 MEETI NGS & fRAVEL. $174.78 $160.00 $175.00 PUBLICATIDNS $415.75 $80.00 $150.00 TRAINING SCHOOLS $332.2'7 $225.00 $;::;?-5.00 PRDPETHY TRANSFERS $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 DEL. TAX ATTORNEY $0.00 $600.00 $600,00 CClUN'TV APPRAISAL. $23481..39 $31000,00 $31000,00 ~""''' ..... ",,,..'" ._,,~ ..... m"....._ -........... -,...,.......'" ~.., .~..... -..,- ,.....-.............-.,,,...........-....""....- DEPT. TOTALS $32~i85. 75 $40715.00 $418f.8.00 3 PLANNING & ZONING EXPENDITUHES PUBL.ICATIONS RECORDING Fl:::ES MEETINGS & TRAVEL DEPT. TOTALS LEGAL EXPENDITURES LEGAL NOTICES CODIFICATIONS RETAINER PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES DFPl. TO'fALS ACTUAL. 84-85 $146.35 $974.75 $130.50 $12~H. 60 ACTUAL 84-[3:::; $1392.83 $0.00 $3600.00 $11160.13 $1615;:>'.96 ESTIMATE 85,,"86 $150.00 $1200.00 $1800.00 $3150.00 ESTIMATE 85-86 $950.00 $200.00 $3600.00 $17400.00 $221.50.00 4 BUDGET' 8,'.:1,-,8'7 * $1;:'jO.00 $1.200.00 $1600.00 $29:50. 00 BUDGET 86.,87 ~p1.200. 00 $200.00 $3600.00 $18000.00 $23000.00 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 84.-85 85,-86 86-87 POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITUHES SAL.ARIES $212145.84 $251423.00 $28751.8.00 UNIFORMS $3050.00 $3500.00 $4500.00 FUEL & U.lBR I CANTS $14232.11 $15000.00 $14000.00 TIRES $991.64 $1300.00 $1800.00 FL.ARES $421.56 $140.00 $14,0.00 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES $;::.;?'06. 57 $2000.00 ,'li;~500. 00 OFF EClUIP. MAINT. $0.00 $150.00 $150.00 STEP $3470.72 $2'700.00 $2'700.00 RADIO MAINT. $1986.85 $1500.00 $1500.00 VEHICL.E MAINT. $'7'785.71 $9800.00 $10000.00 EXTINClUISHER MAINT. $96.16 $1~;0. 00 $1.00.00 LAUNDRY & CLEANING $29:-38.41 $2600.00 ~f;2800. 00 I"IEMBEHSHIPS $406.45 $370.00 $400.00 MEETINGS & TRAVEL $714.43 $650.00 $750.00 TRAINING SCHOOLS $721.78 $1400.00 $1.400.00 WAI~I~ENT FEES $11.300.00 $8000.00 $8000.00 SUPPORT OF PRISONERS $460.00 $850.00 $8~)0 . 00 eQUIPMENT RENTAL. $42.6'7 $~~~~5. 00 * $200.00 RADIO PURCHASE $2330.00 $1600.00 * $1200.00 POLICE CAR $7025.00 $7000.00 $14000.00 L.AB ANAL.YSIS $0.00 $200.00 $150.00 RECORDER $30.70 $225.00 $;~;=5. 00 H I Gl-I SPEED TELETYPE $1795.00 $2200.00 * $2200.00 ._. .M"......_ 'M" 'M" _....... ..... "... "'" _.. _ "'-_ ..... -... ._~..... -..... ,.... -, - -..,-- ,,_ _,~ ...., _ ._..... ..... '"n ._,._ ..m_ DE:f'ARTMENT TOTAL.S $274151.60 $31298:~" 00 $3~j7083. 00 5 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGE'f 84-85 85",86 86-'87 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPI='::NDITURES SAL.ARIES $0.00 $13::-:100,00 $53706.00 FIRE MARSH/I N~3PECTOR $1.0936.19 $12000,00 $14000.00 CONTRACT SALARIES $32376.4.9 $43000.00 $33000.00 EMERGENCY MANG/CORD $3696.00 $6500.00 $ 7~~00. 00 EMEI~ MANG. cmm TRAV $115.63 $600.00 $800.00 EMER MANG. EXPENSES $209.65 $5000.00 $7000.00 UN I FORI'1S $3345.76 $4500.00 $4600.00 OXYGEN $1'73.55 $400.00 $400.00 FUEL & L..UBF<ICANTS $2025.40 $1600.00 $1800.00 T'IPES $0.00 $700.00 $600.00 VEHICLE APPARATUS $2338.33 $2200.00 * $2200.00 OPER ATI ONAL. SUPPLIES $500.46 $500.00 $500.00 BL.DG. MAINTENANCE $35~i. 8f:! $300.00 $300.00 EQUIP.& API' MA I NT. $376.1.9 $1400.00 $1.200.00 RADIO MAINTENANCE $500.00 $400.00 $400.00 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE $672.50 $1.000.00 $1000.00 CHIEF/MARSH. EXPENSE $1.86.02 $500.00 $500.00 MEMBI",PSHIPS $21,2.20 $200.00 $200.00 MEETINGS & TRAVEL $661.14 $1.000.00 $1000.00 'T'RAI NING SCHOOLS $2750.00 $3600.00 $3600.00 FIRE PREVENTION $248.75 $500.00 $500.00 SPECIAL EVENTS $500.00 $500.00 * ;!;500. 00 OTHER INSURANCE $350.80 $900.00 $900.00 VEHICL.E $4165.00 $0.00 $0.00 HOSE: $1295.1,2 $1000.00 * $1000.00 ............... -" -.. ..... "'"..... -. _.. .......... -. ,-- _._.....__.__.__._._.~- __ .,m_ _.._ ....._....,_ ..... ...., ..... ..,~__ DEPARTMENT TOTALS $67991.06 $101.600.00 $136906.00 6 INSPECTION EXPENDITURES SALARIES INSPECTION SERVIQ~S HEAL.TH INSPECTIONS FUEL & LUBRICANTS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES VEHICL,E MAINT. \VIEME:ER~>H I PS MEETINGS & TRAVEL. PUBL. I CAT I DN~; IRAINING SCHOOLS VACANT LOT CLEANING DEPARTMENT TOTALS ENGINEERING EXPENDITURES MAPS & SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL. SERVICE SURVEYS DEPARTMENT TOTALS ACTUAL 84-85 $25370.00 $1570.00 $17::;5.00 $414.83 $305.57 $489.78 $75.00 $271.78 $50.90 $483.30 $565.00 $31351,,1.6 ACTUAL 84-85 $0.00 $3441~:i. 99 $0.00 '$34415.99 ESTIMATE 85-86 $28752,,00 $1500.00 $5000.00 $450.00 $200.00 $700.00 $50.00 $2:';0. 00 $50.00 '$~SOO. 00 $600.00 $38052.00 ESTIMATE 85-86 $1000.00 $24000.00 $1000.00 $26000.00 7 BUDGEI 86,-87 $4,014-4. 00 $1000.00 $4000.00 $600.00 $175.00 $600.00 $50.00 $;=::;0.00 $80.00 $500.00 $700.00 $48099.00 BUDGET 86-87 $1000.00 $20000.00 $1000.00 $;,12000.00 STREETS / PARI-\S EXPENDITURES SALARIES STf<EEfS CHEMICAL SUPPLIES FUEL & L.UBRICANTS TIRES & TUBES ASPHALT SAND & GF<AVEL TRAFFIC CONTROL.S TRAF. CONTROL. MAINT. LUMBER & CEMENT OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES HEC. SUPPLIES BLDG. MAINT. fRAINING SCHOOLS OTHER MAINT/STORM DR EQUIP. MAINT. PAINT RADIO MAINT. VEHICLE MAINT. UNIFORMS ELECTR I C I 'rv MEETINGS & TRAVEL. GRDS/FENCE MAINT. STREET SWEEPER MAINT VEHICLE PURCHASE SUB TOTAL. PARf<:S CHEMICAL SUPPLIES PAINT FUEL. TIRES SAND & GRAVEL. L.UM8ER & CEMENT OP SUPPLIES REC SUPPL.IES BLDG. MAINT. GRND & FENCE MAINT 8VVA MAINT. SUPPORT eQUIP MAINT RADIO MAINT VEHICLE MAINT PARK ELECTRIC UNIFORMS I"ITGS. & TRAVEL TRAINING SCHOOLS ~3UE: TOTAL DEPT. TOTAL.S ACTUAL 84-85 $85369.03 $5694..79 $7278.56 $250.90 $4566.90 $1166.90 $1'798.43 $1630.88 $1464.58 $3026.09 $0.00 $2719.04 $1.;:5.67 $1427.12 $5032.81 $1898.88 $1.703.84 $24;:'j7.53 $3108.31 $4.862"54 $0.00 $2263.91 $1500.00 $9159.50 $63137.18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ _. "'~.".. ..__.. _ .....fl'.. _, _ "... H.....__" - .~,' ._. ..~ ,,". ,......." "'" ..." "'" ,.." ".., "... ..... "." $148506.21 ESTIMATE 85'-86 $105841.00 $5000.00 $ '7500. 00 $900.00 $6000.00 $3500.00 $500.00 $1600.00 $2000.00 $1600.00 $800.00 $2500.00 $600.00 $2500.00 $4000.00 $3500.00 $1500.00 $3200.00 $~'!500 . 00 $5000.00 $700.00 $2::.-l00.00 $1500.00 $8000.00 $67200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __..._ - __.._.._.. _.._....._.._n --......,......................,".........."."."....'" $17:3041.00 8 BUDGET 86'-87 $1338;:~::i. 00 $9890.00 $2800.00 $7.1.],0.00 $'7840.00 $4680.00 $5000.00 $1.700.00 $2175.00 $4175.00 $0.00 $11.50.00 $780.00 $1200.00 ~!;4175. 00 $1000.00 $1.300.00 $2200.00 $1680.00 $1600.00 $'780. 00 $650.00 $1195.00 $0.00 $58710.00 * $9191.00 $2405.00 $3500.00 $100.00 $400.00 $1080.00 $6220.00 $800.00 $44.00. 00 $3500.00 $16500.00 $4800.00 $50.00 :-1; 1 'rOO. 00 $3000.00 $900.00 $1755.00 $585.00 * $61086.00 __ _ _ ~M..m__"__.._.. """"'" -.. .,." -" ..........' '.............. ....,..- ..", ,~" ...... $253621..00 ACTUAL ESTIMATE: BUDGET 84-85 85-86 86-8'7 MUNICIPAL. BUIL.DING EXPENDIfURES SAL.ARIES $16778,,5l $19000.00 $21000.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $862'7. ;?5 $9500.00 $10000.00 PDSTAGE.:: $9099.94 $8800.00 $9200.00 JANIfORIAL SUPPL.IES $1886.65 $1800.00 $2000.00 OPERATIONAL. SUPPLIES $1479.84 $1000.00 $1200.00 BDGD. MAINI'. $~'3502. 39 $;~500. 00 $3000.00 OFFICE EClUIPMENT $101.5.59 $1800.00 $1800.00 POSTAGE METER MAINT. $0.00 $1.00.00 ':1i100.00 TH,EPHONE $22188.83 $20000.00 $27000.00 EL,ECTRICITY $44806.05 $42000.00 $42000.00 ENTEX $1.026.89 $1600.00 $1.500.00 WATER & SEWER $4982.61 $4700.00 $4600.00 JANITORIAL. SERVICE $0.00 $100.00 $100.00 PRINTING $2510.35 $;::!300. 00 $;?500.00 CClMP U'TER PHASE III $8::1;.:~4. 3C'J $4500,,00 * $6000.00 -_.~~._-_._....._.,_.._- "'" -" ..... "... ...., -" ..... .."...... -. .-.- .""""',....,........,..........'."...".~.,,..- DEPARTMENT TOTAL.S $126229.29 $119700" 00 $132000.00 ANIMAL CONTPOL EXPENDITURES SALARIES CHEMICALS ANIMAL. FOOD PET TAGS FUEL & L.UBRICANTS OPERATIONAL. SUPPLIES RADIO MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY MAINT. CL,OTH I NG A/C CONTRACTUAL MEMBEHSHIPS MEETINGS & TRAVEL ANIMAL. TRUCK CAGE DEPARTMENT TOTALS ACTUAL. 84-8~i $30961.12 $0.00 $2561.26 $461. . ::;i7 $861. ;:15 $738.59 $71. '74 $241..21 $6979.05 $111. 40 $1540.35 $267.34 $0.00 $0.00 $44,794.88 ESTIMATE 85-86 $:33000. 00 $600,,00 $3000.00 $350.00 $850.00 $1500.00 $175.00 $400.00 $1500.00 $1000.00 $850.00 $1.60.00 $400.00 $4721.00 $48:;';06.00 9 BUDGET 86,,,,87 $~:30431. 00 $3300.00 $36:30.00 $450.00 $1290.00 $2~iO. 00 $2000.00 $4~iO. 00 $4800.00 $1000.00 $3500.00 -II' $600.00 $1200.00 $0.00 $52907.00 SWII"IMING POOL EXPENDITUHES SALARIES CHEMICAL SUPPLIES PAINT OPERATIONAL SUPPL.IES BLOG & POOL. MAINT GRDS/FENCE MAINT. El:lUIPMENT MAINT. WATER MEETINGS & TRAVEL PUBLICATIONS TRAINING SCHOOLS POOL EQUIP MAINT OEPARTMENT TOTAL.S ACTUAL. 84,,-85 $18818.01. $;::894.76 $876.62 $2006.25 $148::'j.67 $951.00 $1061.47 $1429.93 $0.00 $0.00 $44.00 $0.00 $;::9567.71 E~3T I MATE 85-86 $24000.00 $2200.00 $300.00 $1000.00 $800.00 $700.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $150.00 $25.00 $50.00 $0.00 $31.;?-25.00 BUDGEf 86-8'7 $25000.00 $5100.00 $1.000.00 $900.00 $1500.00 $1.50.00 $150.00 $1000.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50.00 $3600.00 $:386~50. 00 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 84,-85 85-86 86-,,87 ADMINI STRATION EXPENDITURES SOCIAL SECURITY $48018.60 $50000.00 $52000.00 RETIREMENT $23359.94 $29000.00 $29000.00 UNEMPLOYMENT TAX $286.35 $3000.00 $3000.00 WOR f\MANS COMPo $20474.00 $15000.00 $1.6000.00 GROUP INSURANCE $3171.5.2;:'. $19500.00 $26000.00 GEN L.I AE: I L.I TY $14453.00 $16000. 00 $1~3000. 00 AUTO LIABILITY $14.113.00 $16000.00 $17000.00 E;ELF INSURANCE $2000.00 $2000.00 $2400.00 SAFES $2;:'j8::10. 00 $26000.00 $27500.00 BONDS $398.00 $500.00 $600.00 AUDIT $12000.00 $1.1000.00 $12000.00 MERIT INCREASE $346.50 $1000.00 * $1000.00 F IRE/EXTD. COVERAGE $0.00 $8300.00 $8400.00 INVESTIGATE EMPL.OY. $0.00 $100.00 '$100.00 CONTINGENCY FUND $30070.47 $35000.00 $3~iOOO. 00 DEVEL.OPI'1ENT FUND $9008.75 $1.2000.00 $1.2000.00 -......-....."........................................ _.__.._----.....--~_. ------ - -..... ..... .......... -...- DEPARTMENT TOTALS $2320'73.83 $244400.00 $260000.00 10 ACTUAL. ESTIMATE BUDGEr 84-85 85"-86 86-87 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES S,c:\LAR I ES $1.6048.20 $22000.00 $24512.00 B(Jm~s $5535.52 $~5500. 00 $7000.00 MEMBERSHIPS $70.00 $150.00 $150.00 MEETINGS & TRAVEL. $601.36 $500.00 * $600.00 PER I (m I CALS $531. ~;O $500.00 $500.00 AUTO VISUALS $80.52 $100.00 $1.00.00 SUPPLIES $584.09 $600.00 $650.00 COMPUTER $0.00 $0.00 * $:3090.00 _ ._. .......... ..... _. ,~, _ no>...m.m "'~ -........--........".........-..-................. - "'" _. __ ...., m",,_ .m, ..... _............ DEPARTMENT TOTALS $;~3451.. 19 $29350.00 $36602.00 GFMND TOTALS $1295927.07 $1450719.00 $1652678.00 11 WATER SALES SEWEH CHARGES PENALTIES TRANE';FEH FEES SERVICE CHARGES SEWER TAP FEES MISC. SOLID WASTE COLLECT. METERS I NTERE~:;r CAPIrOL. RECOVERY DISCOUNTS SUB TOTAL. CASH FORWARD GRANO TOTAL. ACTUAL ESTIMATE BUDGET 84-'.85 85,86 B6,.-8'7 WIS REVENUES $583423.16 $545000.00 $580000.00 $46El929.44 $393000.00 $467464.00 $16507.49 $1.2000.00 $14000.00 $225,00 $300.00 $325.00 $;~097 . 50 $3500.00 ~1i3000. 00 $1.1947.58 $7500.00 $10500.00 $241.02.38 $21500.00 $1. ~5000. 00 $30049.18 $2'1000.00 $30000.00 $8474.80 $4500.00 $8500.00 $17308.35 $18000.00 $1.2000.00 $39929.45 $40000.00 $60000.00 $210.21 $200.00 $200.00 ~...................".............",.."..........- ....._.,,_.....~_._. .-.....-.......- m" n_ "... "DO moo _... _. m" ._. "," ..... _ $1203204.54 $1072500.00 $12009B9.00 $0.00 $6~jOOO. 00 $65000.00 --,.......,.....,.............................."....... ~... ",., .....~ ,-.. .....-.--.......-....... ---..---..- ,-..... -- -.. ..... $1203204.54 $113'7500.00 $1265989.00 12 WATER/SEWER EXPEND I TUr~ES SALARIES CHEMICAL SUPPL.IES FUEL AND LUBRICANTS TIPES &: TUBES VEHICLE SUPPLIES OPERATIONAL. SUPPL.IES BLDG. MAINTENANCE GRDS/FENCE MAINT. EOUIP. MAINTENANCE RADIO MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTNENACE WELL.S &: MOTOR MAINT. R E:SEVO IRMA I NTENANCE WATER LINE MAINT. METER MAINTENANCE L.IFT STATION MAINT. SEWER LINE MAINT. EL.EC. WATER PUMPING UNIFORMS MEMBERSHIPS MEETINGS &: TRAVEL. TRAINING SCHOOL.S L.FC.~AL" ENGINEERING PRINTING EQUIP. I~ENTAL. SEWAGE TREATMENT NEW METERS WATER LINES PRINCIPAL (BONDS) I NTEREST <BONDS) PAYING AGENT FEE THAN IN LIEU OF TAXES DEPRECIATION UTILITIES BAD DEBTS VEHICLE PURCHASE COMPUTER MAINTENANCE BARR/WARNING DEVICE OUT FfWNT MOWER OFFICE EOUIPMENT ELECTRIC WTR PUMP FISHER WEL.L SIGNAL. AIR PACf\S BACTERIOLOGY TEST TOTAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 84-,,85 $133743.1.0 $4095.49 $6807.91 $;::!84.;::!8 $152.46 $5567.10 $1344.51 $1065.79 $4881.46 $348.51. $3314.9''7 $478.93 $1243.00 $16004.28 $1.434,.70 $391.3.51. $48TI. 49 $89106. '74 $3890.75 $48.00 $41.2El $895.00 $89676.42 $16881..1.4 $1903.27 $10522.51 $3~i;~ 134,. 68 $7583.89 $9390.94 $50000.00 $1. 09322!. ~jO $703.85 $131.879.92 $56000.00 $597.04- $B393.95 $6589. 17 $7'72.94 $1.690.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.137581.50 EFrIMATE 85,,86 $164250.00 $9000.00 $7200.00 $1000.00 $400.00 $4000.00 $2400.00 $1000.00 $3500.00 $4500.00 $2600.00 $1500.00 $1200.00 $12000.00 $3000.00 $3500.00 $1000.00 $78000.00 $5600.00 $190.00 $800.00 $;?200. 00 $50000.00 $17000.00 $2000.00 $4000.00 $368000.00 $1.;:;!000.00 $16000.00 $60000.00 $125000.00 $500.00 $100000.00 $48000.00 $2200.00 $0.00 $6800.00 $3600.00 $0.00 $2500.00 $700.00 $2000.00 $2600.00 $;::-1200. 00 $1133940.00 13 BUDGET 86,,,,87 $199742.00 $8702.00 $72~i6. 00 '$1500.00 $400.00 $60()0.00 $2000.00 $1200.00 $5500.00 $1:::;0.00 $4000.00 $9000.00 $2000.00 $130'77.00 $3150.00 $~5000. 00 $1000.00 $85000.00 $6066.00 $250.00 $950.00 $2740.00 $5::;000.00 $~,:'OOOO. 00 $2~;00. 00 ~ti6;:!38. 00 $400000.00 $126(;'38.00 $16724.00 $80000.00 $188881.00 $900.00 $100000.00 $0.00 $1500.00 $0.00 $12000.00 '$;::!5'75.00 $0.00 $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1500.00 $1,265989.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 86-87 EXPENOIrURES BEN FUND EQUIP REP. WATER/SEWER EQUIP REP W/S CONSTRUCTION W/S CAPITAL. IMPROVE DRAINAGE SEAL COATING WIDENING FM 3009 $50000.00 $85000.00 $23409.00 '$~j~,~{::~;3. 00 $26700.00 $24000.00 $250000.00 TOTAL $511362.00 FUND ACCOUNT EXPEND I TU[.:(E:S FIRE HOSE 3 INCH RADIO WAL.KIE (FIRE) VEHICLE (INSP) RADIO & POLICE EQUIP OFFICE EQUIP (ADM) R .to I NG MOWER CUSHMAN RUNABOUT EQUIP L.EASE/PUR $1.000.00 $1000.00 $3000.00 $6000.00 $5000.00 $9500.00 $5800.00 $11700.00 TOTAL $43000.00 W/S CAPITAL IMPROVE. PUMP DEER HAVEN TANK MINI DUMP TRUCK TAPPING TOOL ASPI,IALT VIBRATOn WATER L.INE TOOL.S COMPUTEn & MAPPING VEHICLE $8000.00 $14.000.00 $2000.00 $5300.00 $5500.00 $35000.00 $3200.00 TOTALS $73000.00 14 CITIES SUPPOR"r U.C. PAYMENT LIVE OAf" PAYMENT SCHERTZ PAYMENT CJ80L,O PAYMENT ST. HEDWIG PAYMENT SELMA PAYMENT GARDEN RIDGE PAYMENT SUB TOTAL A/"IBULANCE F'EES GRAND TOTAL SAFES EXPENDITURES SALARIES RETIREMENT SOCIAL. SECURITY WORKMANS COMPo GROUP INSURANCE CONTRACT LABOR MEDICAL SUPPLIES TRAINING SUPPLIES OPERATIONAL. SUPPLIES L.INEN LAUNDRY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE INDIREET EXPENSES FUEL & LUBRICANTS VEHICLE MAl NT/REPAIR RADIO MAINT/REPAIR BUILDING MAHrT. DATASCOPE SERVo CONT. VEHICLE LIAB. INS. VEHCILE COMP. .INS. MALPRACTICE INSURANCE BAD DEBT EOUIPMENT REPL/REPAIR AMBUL.ANCE DEBT MEET I NGS /TRAVEL TUTAL SAFES '86-87 liEVENUES ACTUAL 84-,,85 88629.93 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $88629.93 $64235.00 $1.52864.93 ACTUAL. 84-..85 '$21. '724.80 $791.92 $1,528.27 $0.00 $1319.'76 $29935. ~iO $22951 . 55 $221. 5~i $1034.17 $746.52 $0.00 $4800.00 $7034.58 $6137.66 $1218.79 $;;20:3. 25 $3;~81 . 00 $0.00 $0.00 $3167.43 $12904. 89 $452.58 $24000.00 $0.00 $143454.22 ESTIMATE 85",86 $0.00 $34335.00 $2Tl51. 50 $25830.00 $2516.85 $3055.50 $2079.00 $0.00 $95567.85 $60000.00 $155567.85 ESTIMATE 85..-86 $49901.00 $212;2.90 $;,;!266. 95 $5841.00 $1340.00 $11466.00 $16000.00 $300.00 $800.00 $1200.00 $480.00 $4800.00 $8000.00 $5BOO.00 $850.00 $300.00 $2600.00 $16;:'jO.00 $1850.00 $1200.00 $12000.00 $800.00 $24000.00 $0.00 $ 15;5::'j67 .85 15 BUDGET 86,,87 $0.00 $36515.00 $29513.50 $27470.00 $2676.65 $3249.50 $2211 . 00 $3182.50 $10481.8.15 $7:3557. :35 $178375.50 BUDGET 86,-,87 $501.$3.00 $84.0. 00 ~1i3150. :30 $2841.00 $779.00 $36306.00 $14500.00 $300.00 $600.00 $960.00 $360.00 $4.800. 00 $ 7;:00.00 $6200.00 $1480.00 $300.00 ~i>33~56. 00 $1050.00 $1.250.00 $5245.00 $12000.00 $4,00.00 $24000.00 $300.00 $178375.30 I PIJLICE DEPT. 1 Chief 1 Sgt/Patrol I Cpl/lnvestigator/Patro 1 Cpl/Patrol 10 riltrolmen 5 Dispatchers Clerk 2 (PT) Crossing Guards .a CITY MANAGER DEP. CITY MANAGER CITY SECRETARY I I I I . TAX A/C-INSPECTION FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFES 1 Inspector 1 Fire Chief 1 Administrator 2 Asst. Inspector 1 Fire Marshal (PT) 1 Asst. Administrator 5~ Firemen 2 EMS Attendants (PT) Fire Insp. , ADMINISTRATION 1 Office Manager/ Deputy City Sec. 1 Planning Coordinator 1 Court Clerk Deputy 1 Uitl ity Cl erk 3 Office Cl erks 1 Custodian 1 , ,Cust. Helper 1 (PT) Draftsman FINANCE 1 Bookkeeper 1 Computer Operator 1 Fi nance Cl erk LIBRARY 1 Librarian 1 Asst. \0 ..... r ANIMAL CONTROL I 1 Foreman 1 I\'C Offi cer 1 Shelter Operator 1 (PT) Shelter Ile 1 per I I STREET/PARK DEPARTMENT 1 Supervisor 9 t40rkers 1 St, Sweeper Operator 1 (PT) Summer Director ~ (PT) Life Guards 4 (PT) Summer Hires 1 Appl'entice, WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT 1 Supervisor 9 Workers 5 Part time ,1 Clerk/Dispatcher 1 Apprentice _, 76 - Full Time 23 - Par t Time ( P T) 1985 - 1986 POSITION AUTHORIZATION POS ITION TITLE STARTING TOP GRADE/STEP GRADE/STEP ADMINISTRATION City Manager * Dep. City Mgr/City Secretary * Planning Coordinator 9-A l4~A Office Mgr/Dep. City Secretary 9-C l4~A Deputy Court Clerk 6-B 8-C Receptionist Clerk 3-D 7-A W & S Clerk 6-B 8-C Bldg. Maint. Custodian 3-C 7-C FINANCE DEPARTMENT Bookkeeper 9-A ll-C Computer Operator/Clerk 4-D 9-C Finance Clerk 4-B 7-A INSPEo:nON .",:: Tax A/C-Inspector 8-C 13.,.I~,. Asst. Inspector 5-C 10-A HEALTH/SAFES Administrator - EMS 12-A Asst. EMS Administrator 11-0 EMT Attendant 9-0 EMT Attendants (1) 8-D LIBRARY Librarian 6-D 12-0 Library Clerk l-C 4-C FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief 10-B 16-8. Marshal PT Fi remen 8-B ll-A Fire Inspector 9-A 11-B - 17 - POSITION TITLE Animal Control Foreman Anima1 Control Officer Shelter Operator Shelter Helper Chief Sgt. Patrol Cpl/Investigator Cpl/Patrol Patrolmen Office Manager Dispatcher Crossing Guard Supervi sor Crew leader Serviceman II Serviceman I STARTING TOP GRADE/STEP GRADE/STEP AN I MAL CONTROL 5-C 9-8 4-C 7-A 3-C 6-D PT POLICE 18,,8,: lO-A 12-C 9-D 11-D 9-D 11-D 8-D 11-A 7-C 9"'C 5-A 7-A l-A 1-0 WATER AND SEWER 16-8 .. 8-0 13-B. 7-C 8-0 5-A 7-A STREET AND PARKS Supervisor Worker I I Worker I Street Sweeper/Operator/Foreman Summer Hire Swimming Pool Director lifeguards 5-A 4-C 7-C PT PT PT 8-8 6-0 12-B * - As authorized by City Council (1) - Paid in accordance with individual contract PT - Part time employees - 18 - -.-~.' CITY OF SCHERTZ PAY TABLES October 1, 1982 STEP GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Hour 3.35 3.62 3.91 4.21 4.54 4.90 1 581.00 628.00 678.00 731.00 788.00 850.00 . Month Annual 6,968.00 7,534.00 8,139.00 8,776.00 9,461.00 10,210.00 B Hour 3.40 3.68 3.96 4.28 4.62 4.98 Month 589.00 638.00 687.00 742.00 801.00 863.00 Annual 7.079.00 7,655.00 8..237.00 8,903.00 9,618.00 10,362.00 C Hour 3.45 3.74 4.04 4.35 4.69 5.06 Month 599.00 649.00 701.00 754.00 814.00 877.00 Annual 7 . 192. 00 7.,781.00 8,404.00 9,051.00 9,770.00 10,531.00 D Hour 3.51 3.80 4.10 4.43 4.77 5.15- Month 608.00 659.00 711. 00 767.00 827.00 893.00 Annual 7,307.00 7,910.00 8,542.00 9,214.00 9,934.00 1 0,720.00 STEP GRADE 7 8 9 10 11 12 A Hour 5.30 ,:' 5. 73 6.18 6.64 7.17 7.74 Month 919.00 992.00 1,072.00 1. 1 52 . 00 1..243.00 1,341.00 Annual 11,030.00 1 L 916.00 12,873.00 13,826.00 14,918.00 16,1 01. 00 B Hour 5.38 5.80 6.29 6.75 7.28 7.82 Month 932.00 1 ,006 . 00 1,090.00 1,170.00 1,263.00 1,356.00 Annual 11 , 186.00 12,074.00 13,086.00 14,040.00 15,161.00 16,275.00 C Hour 5.47 5.89 6.39 6.86 7.40 7.95 Month 948.00 1,022.00 1,108.00 1,189.00 1,282.00 1,378.00 Annual 11,377 .00 12,265.00 13..295.00 14,273.00 15,394.00 16,545.00 D Hour 5.56 6.01 6.49 6.97 7.53 8.08 -Month 965.00 1,042.00 1,125.00 1,209.00 1,305.00 1,402.00 Annual 11 ,581.00 12,511.00 13,500.00 14,509.00 15,663.00 16,906.00 STEP GRADE 13 14 15 16 17 18 A Hour 8.32 8.99 9.72 10.51 11.37 12.29 Month 1,442.00 1,559.00 1,685.00 1,822.00 1,970.00 2,130.00 Annual 17,308.00 18,713.00 20,231.00 21,872.00 23,646.00 25,566.00 B Hour 8.46 9.14 9.88 10.69 11.55 12.49 Month 1,466.00 1,535.00 1 , 713 . 00 1,852.00 2,003.00 2,165.00 Annua 1 17,597.00 19,024.00 20,567.00 22,235.00 24,039.00 25,990.00 C Hour 8.60 9.29 10.05 10,86 11.75 12.70 Month 1,490.00 1,611.00 1,742.00 1,883.00 2,036.00 2,201.00 Annual 17,889.00 19,340.00 20,908.00 22,605.00 24,438.00 26,421.00 D Hour 8.74 9.45 10.21 11.04 11. 95 12.91 Month . 1,515.00 1,638.00 1,771.00 1,915.00 2,070.00 2,238.CC Annual 18,186.00 19,661.00 21,255.00 22,980.00 24,844.00 26,860.00 - 19 - 1985 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. .~IY Sched~ The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general salary schedule consists of an intermediate rates, and a maximum rate. prescr ibed in the schedule are fixed on the time service for 40 hours of work per week. entrance rate, The salaries basis of full- 2. Application of Plan to Position The grades assigned refer to ,the grades established for each of the pos itions. Each employee shall be paid within the range of grades established for his position, subject to the provision of Section 2 of this plan. The City Manager will determine the rate Of) the basis of his evaluation of the experience, ability and-length of service of the employee. SECTION II 1. starting Rate on Initial Employnlent On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in succeSSlve steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Hanager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. 2. Startina Rate on Return to Duty " Employees returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve r:10nth5, \"hen separation vlas v!ithout prejud,ice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Nanager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate ror a~ least such period as is normally requirec far aovancen,€nt to the next higher salary. 20 3. Sta rt iuS-Bgj:..LiILF....e:xLEos itj,Q,ll Whenever an employee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held, and such change is not a p'romotion, the employee shall receive the entrance rate in the salary schedule or such other rate within the applicable schedule as may be entitled to be reasonable of prior service, meeting the following conditions: duties of new position similar to those from old position; service in former position provided experience valuable to performance of duties in new position. 4. Rate of Pay on Promotion . When an employee is promoted to a positon with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule. The lowest step is considered to be the lowest step that will provide an increase over the salary received immediately prior to promotion. 5. Advancement of Salary Within a Salary Schedule Advancement In the salary of an employee' within a salary schedule shall be based on the achievement of minimum periods of service and satisfactory performance. a. The minimum per iod of service for the advance after hire or promotion shall be six (6) each succeeding advance, longevity service of periods shall be required. Longevity pay is a advance. first salary months. For twel ve montb hlO (2) step Advancement to the six, eighteen, thirty, forty-two, fifty- four, sixty-six and seventy-eight month longevity pay steps shall be based on uninterrupted service in the same divison of the City. b. To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement; but such advancement Cannot exceed two steps in any 12 month period. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other provisions for step advancement within grade. 21 6 . P~~.Dl1lID.5;Jl ~i.aj;.iQIl.L! ,P.L ..p.9..Lar Y_b.dYaD.9 i' 1TI& I1.t......1Ut.hin_ GJ:-'l..Qe. The Department Head concerned shall recommend in wr iting to the City Manager the advancement in salary rate of each e~ployee in his department who has met the requirements for salary advancement as enumerated above. This recommendation shall include a certification that the employee's manner of performance during the months immediately prior to the effective date of the recornmended advancement in salary was satisfactory. SECTION II I 1. Compensation of Part-Time Employees A part-time employee is an employee who \'lorks less than 35 hours per week and/or whose total hours worked in a twelve consecutive month period does not exceed 1040 hours. A part- time employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule for the classification. 2. Advancement in Salary for Part-Time Emplo~ A part-time employee may be advanced in pay in the same manner as other employees, provided that only actual hours of work shall be considered in determining such advancement. vmen the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, advancement to the next higher step rate may be effected in accordance with Section II above. 3. ~~2.e.r.~2t ion for Temporary Em.9.lQy~ A temporary employee is an employee who is employed for a kn?wn period of time not to Exceed four consecutive calendar months, to perform a specific function. All such employment must be specified as to length of time anticipated to cOffiplete the tenporary ~ssignment on the appropriate form on initial enployment. A temporary employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis ~quivalent to the approriate monthly rate in the salary schedule. SECTION V 1. Per ioc3 i~_Perforrr;2nce Ev~,l.JJ.gt ~.Qn The Per icdic Performance [,valuation is a rr,anagement ulethod VI2;icr; puts into actual operation th~ philosophy thai: human assets of organizations ar~ just as importa~t to tlleir develop~ent as material resources. 22 The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee's weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to d~scover old and new talent with a review to further development ano improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and supervisees; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. 2. P~anning and Schedulinq Evaluations It is important that each employee understand the organization's periodic Performance Evaluation procedures and know who will review his or her performance. The evaluation committee for the City _of Schertz will be made up of the City Manager and two members appointed by the Manager. These two appointees will be individuals who are familiar with the overall operation of the City organization. The Performance Evaluation Committee will meet regularly four times a year. Each meeting will be conducted on a day at the approximate midpoint of that quarter. The City Manager will schedule and ensure that all necessary individuals are notified. Each employee I s perfor!1;ance will be evaluated at the meeting that falls within the same quarter as his/her emploYTIlent anniversary date. 3. Conductj.n9....t~e---.Committg~_N.s;et i ng The Cha irman of the committee is 'Cne City Manager. HiS/her chief function is to keep the discussion moving r~pidlyalong the desired channels. - His or her major contribution is to ferret out vital inforIT~tion, to ask pertinent questions and solicit eviclence in support of opinions as they are expressed. The employee's department head will present information about the employee's job performance, attendance record, .training, attituce, and other applicable information. All members or the committee will then contribute any information that they may have \"hicn is pertinent to the employee's rating. As might be expected, however, the 5'-lpE:rvisor is generally ::egarc1ed as the pr irr,ary source of such information as on [.im/her rests the burden of proof for citing specific facts and relating data concern ins ttE: ~mployee under review. Results of ~ne rating wil: be recorded along \-lith specific recqmii1endat:.ons for improve!!!ent, tra:.nir.g, et cetera, if necessary. 23 . 4. ~:tng~_!:M~iillJ91.Q~~~Q1Y,gUOD Form The eval~ation form is ,important only insofar as it prOVloes an outline for the discussion and a record of the committee's d~cision. Any statement appearing on the evaluation form may be altered at will to conform more nearly to the exact situation in each case. Members of the committee, before meeting, should familiarize themselves with the gradations of meaning as found on the evaluation form. Pertinent evidence should be presented by each supervisor to guarantee as much objective thinking as possible. Such evidence includes: job description; budget variance; records pertaining to accidents; health of the employee; labor turnover; attendance; production; Schertz Employee Evaluation form(s); and other related information. The committee is expected to det:,ermine with a fair degree of accuracy the most outstanding abilities and qualifications of the individual. These should be clearly stated, and full weight given them in determining the quality of performance, as well as proper step placement of the individual. 5. Cone 1 ~i.Q.ll This program ...-!ill furnish managem~nt with a reliable overall inventory of its human assets in terms of skills ana aptitudes, present and potential. On an individual basis, it provides all the necessary data for appraif'inS potential ability of all employees. Ivloreover, it promotes better understsnding and communication bet~een supervisors and their e21);loyees. Finally, experience with the prograrr: has shown that sound personnel evaluation is almost invarably reflected in improved organizational planning. 24 CITY OF -SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1987-2001 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS YEAR ----------- -------------- -------------- OUTSTANDING ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOT AL PRINCIPAL ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 9-30-87 $27000.00 $37744.25 $64744.25 $432000.00 9-30-88 $29000.00 $36184.00 $65184.00 $409000.00 9-30-89 $29000.00 $34427.75 $63427.75 $385000.00 9-30-90 $35000.00 $32421. 50 $67421.50 $365000.00 9-30-91 $35000.00 $30099.00 $65099.00 $340000.00 9-30-92 $36000.00 $277 81.50 $63781. 50 $314000.00 9-30-93 $42000.00 $25437.00 $67437.00 $282000.00 9-30-94 $43000.00 $22716.25 $65716.25 $249000.00 9-30-95 $45000.00 $19913.50 $64913.50 $214000.00 9-30-96 $47000.00 $16745.00 $63745.00 $187000.00 9-30-97 $52000.00 $13167.50 $65167.50 $160000.00 9-30-98 $53000.00 $9292.50 $62292.50 $127000.00 9-30-99 $33000~00 $6381. 25 $39381.25 $74000.00 9-30-00 $34000.00 $4470.00 $38470.00 $40000.00 9-30-01 $40000.00 $2522.50 $42522.50 $0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTALS $580000.00 $319303.50 $899303.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT: $59953.57 25 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATIONSEWER SYSTEM BONDS, SERIES 1962, DATED DECEMBER 1, 1962 INTEREST AT 3-5/8% ON BONDS 1-3, 3-3/8% ON BONDS 4-27, AND 3-5/8% ON BONDS 38-301 PAYABLE DECEMBER 1ST AND JUNE 1 ST AflIOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER, 1986 $301000.00 $136000.00 $165000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIIREMENT DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12-1-86 $165000.00 $2989.80 6-1-87 133-141 $9000.00 $2991. 45 $14981.25 12-1-87 $156000.00 $2826.72 6-1-88 142-150 $9000.00 $2828.28 $14655.00 12-1-88 $147000.00 $2663.64 6-1-89 151-159 $9000.00 $2665.11 $14328.75 12-1-89 $138000.00 $2500.56 6-1-90 160-169 $10000.00 $2501. 94 $15002.50 12-1-90 $128000.00 $2319.36 6-1-91 170-179 $10000.00 $2320.64 $14640.00 12-1-91 $118000.00 $2138.l6 6-1-92 180-189 $10000.00 $2139.34 $14277.50 12-1-92 $108000.00 $1956.96 6-1-93 190-200 $1l000.00 $1956.04 $14913.00 12-1-93 $97000.00 $1757.64 6-1-94 201~211 $11000.00 $1758.61 $14516.25 12-1-94 $86000.00 $1558.32 6-1-95 212-223 $12000.00 $1559.18 $15117.50 12-1-95 $74000.00 $1340.88 6-1-96 224-235 $12000.00 $1341. 62 $14682.50 12-1-96 $62000.00 $1123.44 6-1-97 .236-247 $12000.00 $1124.06 $14247.50 12-1-97 $50000.00 $906.00 6-1-98 248-260 $13000.00 $906.00 $14812.00 12-1-98 $37000.00 $670.44 6-1-99 261-273 $13000.00 $670.81 $14341.25 12-1-99 $24000.00 $434.88 6-1-00 274-287 $14000.00 $435.12 $14870.00 12-1-00 $10000.00 $181.20 6-1-01 288-297 $10000.00 $181. 30 $10362.50 ----------- ----------- ------------ $165000.00 $50747.50 $215747.50 ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ PAYING AGENT: FROST NATIONAL BANK SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 26 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1972 DATED FEBRUARY 1, 1972 INTEREST AT 4-12% ON BONDS 1-14, 5% ON BONDS 15- 39 5.3% ON BONDS 40-63, AND 6.2% ON BONDS 64- 150 PAYABLE JUNE 1ST AND DECEMBER 1ST AMOUNT I SSU ED $150000.00 PAID $55000.00 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 $95000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQU IREMENT DATES BAI,ANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12-1-86 $95000.00 $2909.00 6-1-87 56-63 $8000.00 $2909.00 $13818.00 12-1-87 $87000.00 $2697.00 6-1-88 64-73 $10000.00 $2697.00 $15394.00 12-1-88 $77000.00 $2387.00 6-1-89 74-83 $10000.00 $2387.00 $14774.00 12-1-89 $67000.00 $2077.00 6-1-90 84-93 $10000.00 $2077.00 $14154.00 12-1-90 $57000.00 $1767.00 6-1-91 94-103 $10000.00 $1767.00 $13534.00 12-1-91 $47000.00 $1457.00 6-1-92 104-114 $11000.00 $1457.00 $13914.00 12-1-92 $36000.00 $1116.00 6-l-93 115-125 $11000.00 $1116.00 $13232.00 12-1-93 $25000.00 $775.00 6-1-94 126-137 $12000.00 $775.00 $13550.00 12-1-94 $13000.00 $403.00 6-1-95 138-150 $13000.00 $403.00 $13806.00 ----------- ---------- ----------- TOTA.LS $95000.00 $31176.00 $126176.00 ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ----------- PAYING AGENT: MAIN BANK AND TRUST SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS OPTION: JUNE I, 1987 27 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 1975, DATED MARCH 1, 1975 INTEREST AT 7% ON BONDS 1-9, 6.2% ON BONDS 10-12 6.8% ON BONDS 13-15, 7% ON BONDS 16-25, AND 7.2% ON BOND S AI.WUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER, 30, 1986 DUE DATES 3-1-81' 9-1-87 3-1-88 9-1-88 3-1-89 9-1-89 3-1-90 9-1-90 3-1-91 9-1-91 3-1-92 9-1-92 3-1-93 9-1-93 3-1-94 9-1-84 3-1-95 9-1-95 3-1-96 9-1-96 3-1-97 9-1-97 3-1-98 9-1-98 3-1-99 9-'1-99 3-1-00 9-1-00 3-1-01 9-1-01 TOTALS 26-47 $235000.00 $45000.00 $190000.00 OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL $190000.00 $185000.00 $180000.00 $l75000.00 $170000.00 $165000.00 $160000.00 $150000.00 $140000.00 $130000.00 $110000.00 $90000.00 $70000.00 $50000.00 $30000.00 10 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $5000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $20000.00 $20000.00 $20000.00 $20000.00 $20000.00 $30000.00 11 12 13 14 15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 . 34-37 38-41 42-47 $190000.00 $6685.00 $6685.00 $6530.00 $6530.00 $6375.00 $6375.00 $6220.00 $6220.00 $6050.00 $6050.00 $5880.00 $5880.00 $5710.00 $5710.00 $5360.00 $5360.00 $5010.00 $5010.00 $4660.00 $4660.00 $3960.00 $3960.00 $3240.00 $3240.00 $2520.00 $2520.00 $l800.00 $1800.00 $1080.00 $1080.00 $142160.00 $18370.00 $18060.00 $17750.00 $17440.00 $17100.00 $16760.00 $21420.00 $20720.00 $20020.00 $29320.00 $27920.00 $26480.00 $25040.00 $23600.00 $32160.00 $332160.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 28 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION SERIES 1981 DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1981 AMOU r-,i'T ISSUED $150000.00 PAID $20000.00 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 $130000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE NU MBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2-1-87 $130000.00 5 $5000.00 $6412.50 8-1-87 $6162.50 $17575.00 2-1-88 $125000.00 6 $5000.00 $6162.50 8-1- 8 8 $5912.50 $17075.00 2-1-89 $120000.00 7 $5000.00 $5912.50 8-1-89 $5662.50 $16575.00 2-1-90 $115000.00 8-9 $10000.00 $5662.50 8-1-90 $5162.50 $20825.00 2-1-91 $105000.00 10-11 $10000.00 $5162.50 8-1-91 $4662.50 $19825.00 2-1-92 $95000.00 12-13 $10000.00 $4662.50 8-1-92 $4167.50 $18830.00 2-1-93 $85000.00 14-15 $10000.00 $4167.50 8-1-93 $3702.50 $17870.00 2-1-94 $75000.00 16-17 $10000.00 $3702.50 8-1-94 $3227.50 $16930.00 2-1-95 $65000.00 18-19 $10000.00 $3227.50 8-1-95 $2742.50 $15970.00 2-1-96 $55000.00 20-22 $15000.00 $2742.50 8-1-96 $2000.00 $19742.50 2-1-97 $40000.00 23-26 $20000.00 $2000.00 8-1-97 $1000.00 $23000.00 2-1-98 $20000.00 27-30 $20000.00 $1000.00 8-1-98 $0.00 $21000.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- $130000.00 $95217.50 $225217.50 29 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1987-2005 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING Y EA..1'{ ----------- -------------- --------------- PRINCIPAL ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOT AL BALANCE ------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- 9-30-87 $45000.00 $85797.50 $130797.50 $745000.00 9-30-88 $50000.00 $82822.50 $132822.50 $705000.00 9-30-89 $55000.00 $79035.00 $134035.00 $685000.00 9-30-90 $60000.00 $74897.50 $134897.50 $650000.00 9-30-91 $65000.00 $70472.50 $135472.50 $615000.00 9-30-92 $65000.00 $65597.50 $130597.50 $575000.00 9-30-93 $75000.00 $60922.50 $135922.50 $540000.00 9-30-94 $80000.00 $55480.00 $135480.00 $500000.00 9-30-95 $85000.00 $49527.50 $134527.50 $455000.00 9-30-96 $85000.00 $43212.50 $128212.50 $405000.00 9-30-97 $90000.00 $36687.50 $126687.50 $355000.00 9-30-98 $90000.00 $29707.50 $119707.50 $300000.00 9-30-99 $100000.00 $22797.50 $122797.50 $250000.00 9-30-00 $65000.00 $15100.00 $80100.00 $190000.00 9-30-01 $25000.00 $9250.00 $34250.00 $100000.00 9-30-02 $25000.00 $7400.00 $32400.00 $75000.00 9-30-03 $25000.00 $5550.00 $30550.00 $50000.00 9-30-04 $25000.00 $3700.00 $28700.00 $25000.00 9-30-05 $25000.00 $1850.00 $26850.00 $0.00 ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- TOTALS $1135000.00 $799807.50 $1934807.50 AVERAGEANNUAL REQUIREMENT $101831.97 30 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1968, DATED MARCH 1, 1968 INTEREST AT 4% ON BONDS 1-39, 4-1/2% ON BONDS 40-329, AND 5-3/4% ON BONDS 330-379 PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED PArD OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER, 1986 $579000.00 $279000.00 $300000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIIREMENT DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 3-1-87 $300000.00 $7750.00 9-1-87 305-329 $25000.00 $7750.00 $40500.00 3-1-88 $275000.00 $7187.50 9-1-88 330-354 $25000.00 $7187.50 $39375.00 3-1-89 $250000.00 $6468.75 9-1-89 355-379 $25000.00 $6468.75 $37937.50 3-1-90 $225000.00 $5750.00 9-1-90 380-409 $30000.00 $5750.00 $41500.00 3-1-91 $195000.00 $4887.50 9-l-91 410-439 $30000.00 $4887.50 $39775.00 3-1-92 $165000.00 $4025.00 9-1-92 440-469 $30000.00 $4025.00 $38050.00 3-1-93 $135000.00 $3162.50 9-1-93 470-504 $35000.00 $3162.50 $41325.00 3-1-94 $100000.00 $2l56.50 9-1-94 505-539 $35000.00 $2156.50 $39313.00 3-1-95 $65000.00 $1150.00 9-1-95 540-579 $40000.00 $1150.00 $42300.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- $275000.00 $85075.50 $360075.50 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- PAYING AGENT: MAIN BANK AND TRUST SAN ANTONIO.. TEXAS OPTION: BONDS MATURING SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 THROUGH 1995 ARE OPTIONAL FOR REDEMTION SEPTEMBER 1, 1983, AT 102.50, SUCH PREMIUMS REDUCING 1/2 OF 1% ON EACH SEPTEMBER 1, UNTIL THE BONDS ARE OPTIONAL AT PAR ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1988, AND REMAIN OPTIONAL AT PAR ON ANY INTEREST PAYMENT DATE THEREAFTER TO ~lATURITY , 31 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, DATED APRIL lINTEREST AT 6.10% ON BONDS 1-16 AND 5.75% ON PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST 5.3% ON BONDS 40-63, AND 6.2% ON 1, 1973 BONDS 17-33 39 MI0UNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 DUE OUTSTANDING DATES BALANCE 3-1-87 $165000.00 9-1-87 3-1-88 $165000.00 9-1-88 3-1-89 $l65000.00 9-1-89 3-1-90 $165000.00 9-1-90 3-1-91 $165000.00 9-1-91 3-1-92 $165000.00 9-1-92 3-1-93 $165000.00 9-1-93 3-1-94 $165000.00 9-1-94 3-1-95 $165000.00 9-1-95 3-1-96 $165000.00 9-1-96 3-1-97 $125000.00 9-1-97 3-1-98 $85000.00 9-1-98 3-1-99 $45000.00 9-1-99 TOTAL $165000.00 $0.00 $165000.00 BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1-8 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $4883.75 $9767.50 $4883.75 $40000.00 $4883.75 $49767.50 $3663.75 $40000.00 $3663.75 $47327.50 $2443.75 $40000.00 $2443.75 $44887.50 $1293.75 $45000.00 $1293.75 $47587.50 ----------- ----------- ----------- $165000.00 $112477 . 50 $277477.50 9-15 17-24 25-33 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS OPTION: SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 32 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS DATED 1975 INTEREST AT 7.75% ON BONDS 1-5, 7% ON BONDS 6-20, 7.4% ON BONDS 27-65, PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER, 30, 1986 DUE DATES 3-1-87 9-1-87 3-1-88 9-1-88 3-1-89 9-1-89 3-1-90 9-1-90 3-1-91 9-1-91 3-1-92 9-1-92 3-1-93 9-1-93 3-1-94 9-1-84 3-l-95 9-1-95 3-1-96 9-1-96 3-1-97 9-1-97 3-1-98 9-1-98 3-1-99 9-1-99 3-1-00 9-1-00 3-1-01 9-1-01 3-1-02 9-1-02 3-1-03 9-1-03 3-1-04 9-1-04 3-1-05 9-1-05 OUTSTANDING BOND BALANCE NUMBERS $285000.00 $280000.00 $275000.00 $265000.00 $255000.00 $245000.00 $235000.00 $225000.00 $215000.00 $205000.00 $195000.00 $180000.00 $165000.00 $150000.00 $125000.00 $100000.00 $75000.00 $50000.00 $25000.00 9 10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-29 30-32 '33-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 1ST $325000.00 $40000.00 $285000.00 FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL $5000.00 $5000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $10000.00 $15000.00 $15000.00 $15000.00 $25000.00 $25000.00 $25000.00 $25000.00 $25000.00 $25000.00 $285000.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ,TEXAS 33 $10400.00 $10400.00 $10225.00 $10225.00 $10050.00 $10050.00 $9700.00 $9700.00 $9350.00 $9350.00 $9000.00 $9000.00 $8650.00 $8650.00 $8300.00 $8300.00 $7940.00 $7940.00 $7577.50 $7577.50 $7215.00 $7215.00 $6660.00 $6660.00 $6105.00 $6105.00 $5550.00 $5550.00 $4625.00 $4625.00 $3700.00 $3700.00 $2775.00 $2775.00 $1850.00 $1850.00 $925.00 $925.00 $261195.00 $25800.00 $25450.00 $30100.00 $29400.00 $28700.00 $28000.00 $27300.00 $26600.00 $25880.00 $25155.00 $29430.00 $28320.00 $27210.00 $36100.00 $34250.00 $32400.00 $30550.00 $28700.00 $26850.00 $546195.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1981, DATED FEBRUARY 17,1981 INTEREST AT 10.0% ON BONDS 1-28, 9.8% ON BONDS 29-33, 9% ON BONDS 34-38,9.10% ON BONDS 39-44i 9.20% ON BONDS 45~51, 9.40% ON BONDS 52-58, 9.60% ON BONDS 59-65, 9.80% ON BONDS 66-72, AND 10.0% ON BONDS 73-95, PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOU NT ISSUED $475000.00 PAID $65000.00 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 $410000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 3-1-87 $410000.00 $19865.00 9-1-87 14-16 $15000.00 $19865.00 $54730.00 3-1-88 $395000.00 $19115.00 9-1-88 17-20 $20000.00 $19115.00 $58230.00 3-1-89 $375000.00 $18115.00 9-1-89 21-24 $20000.00 $18115.00 $56230.00 3-1-90 $355000.00 $17115.00 9-1-90 25-28 $20000.00 $17115.00 $54230.00 3-1-91 $335000.00 $16115.00 9-1-91 29-33 $25000.00 $16115.00 $57230.00 3-1-92 $310000.00 $14890.00 9-1-92 34-38 $25000.00 $14890.00 $54780.00 3-1-93 $285000.00 $13765.00 9-1-93 39-44 $30000.00 $13765.00 $57530.00 3-1-94 $255000.00 $12400.00 9-1-94 45-51 $35000.00 $12400.00 $59800.00 3-1-95 $220000.00 $10790.00 9-1-95 52-58 $35000.00 $10790.00 $56580.00 3-1-96 $185000.00 $9145.00 9-1-96 59-65 $35000.00 $9145.00 $53290.00 3-1-97 $150000.00 $7465.00 9-1-97 66-72 $35000.00 $7465.00 $49930.00 3-1-98 $115000.00 $5750.00 9-1-98 73-79 $35000.00 $5750.00 $46500.00 3-1-99 $80000.00 $4000.00 9-1-99 80-87 $40000.00 $4000.00 $48000.00 3-1-00 $40000.00 $2000.00 9-1-00 88-95 $40000.00 $2000.00 $44000.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL $410000.00 $341060.00 $751060.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 34 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1987-2001 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS YEAR ------------------------------------------ OUTSTANDING ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PRINCIPAL ------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- 9-30-87 $35000.00 $105682.50 $141682.50 $1135000.00 9-30-88 $35000.00 $103182.50 $138182.50 $1100000.00 9-30-89 $35000.00 $99682.50 $134682.50 $1065000.00 9-30-90 $40000.00 $96182.50 $136182.50 $1025000.00 9-30-91 $45000.00 $92182.50 $137182.50 $980000.00 9-30-92 $55000.00 $88245.50 $143245.00 $925000.00 9-30-93 $55000.00 $83735.00 $138735.00 $870000.00 9-30-94 $60000.00 $77115.00 $143235.00 $810000.00 9-30-95 $65000.00 $73955.00 $146560.00 $745000.00 9-30-96 $75000.00 $68235.00 $143235.00 $670000.00 9-30-97 $85000.00 $61560.00 $146560.00 $585000.00 9-30-98 $100000.00 $53910.00 $153910.00 $485000.00 9-30-99 $105000.00 $44810.00 $149810.00 $380000.00 9-30-00 $160000.00 $35150.00 $195150.00 $220000.00 9-30-01 $220000;00 $20350.00 $240350.00 $0.00 ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------- TOTALS $1170000.00 $1103978.00 $2288702.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS: $152580.17 35 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1983 PAYABLE MAY 1ST AND NOVEMBER 1ST. AMOUNT ISSUED $1250000.00 PAID $80000.00 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEf.mER 30, 1986 $1170000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------------ 11-1-86 $53341.25 $13 8182.50 5-1-87 $1170000.00' $35000.00 $53341. 25 11-1-87 $51591. 25 $139932.50 5-1-88 $1135000.00 $35000.00 $51591. 25 11-1-88 $49841. 25 $136432.50 5-1-89 $1100000.00 $35000.00 $49841.25 11-1-89 $48091. 25 $132932.50 5-1-90 $1065000.00 $40000.00 $48091.25 11-1-90 $46091.25 $134182.50 5-1-91 $1025000.00 $45000.00 $46091.25 11-1-91 $44122050 $135213.75 5-1-92 $980000.00 $55000.00 $44122.50 11-1-'92 $41867.50 $140990.00 5-1-93 $925000.00 $55000.00 $41867.50 11-1-93 $39557.50 $136425.00 5-1-94 $870000.00 $60000.00 $39577.50 11-1-94 $36977.50 $136535.00 5-1-95 $810000.00 $65000.00 $36977.50 11-1-95 $34117.50 $136095.00 5-1-96 $745000.00 $75000.00 $34117.50 11-1-96 $30780.00 $139897.50 5-1-97 $670000.00 $85000.00 $30780.00 11-1-97 $26955000 $142735.00 5-1-98 $585000.00 $100000.00 $26955.00 11-1-98 $22405.00 $149360.00 5-1-99 $485000.00 $105000.00 $22405.00 11-1-99 $17575.00 $144980.00 5-1-00 $380000.00 $160000.00 $17575.00 11-1-00 $10175.00 $187750.00 5-1-01 $220000.00 $220000.00 $10175.00 11-1-01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $230175.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTAL $1170000.00 $1106997.50 $2361818.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 36