FY 1997-98 Budget CITY OF SCHERTZ Operating Budget Fiscal Year October 1997 - September 1998 September 17, 1997 FROM: Mayor and City Council vt 1)~ ~ Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager~ TO: SUBJECT: 1997-98 Operating Budget Recommendations Budget recommendations for FY 1997-98 were filed with the City Secretary on August 1, 1997 in accordance with the terms of the city charter and state law. The total budgeted expenditures for all funds is recommended to be $7,682,661. Revenues in each fund meet or exceed proposed expenditures. A total of three (3) workshops were held during August prior to the public hearing scheduled for September 16, 1997. The recommended budget and tax rate ordinance was adopted September 16, 1997. Details for the general fund include a recommended tax rate of 35.54 cents per $100 value. The tax rate is based on an assessed value certified by the Appraisal District of $442,089,027. The recommended 1997 tax rate is broken down as 5.05 cents per $100. value for debt service and 30.49 cents per $100. value for operating and maintenance expenses. Calculations indicate that each one cent in the tax rate, at the current collection rate, is equal to approximately $43,322 in ad valorem tax revenue. The 1997 rate is 3.53 cents below the 40.72 cent rate of 199'5 and 1.65 cents below the 37.19 cent rate of 1996. ' The general fund portion of the budget contains specific expenditures including: l)addition of two new patrol positions; 2) continuation of the vehicle replacement program in the police service by purchase of (4) vehicles together with related equipment; 3) replacement of a vehicle in the fire department; 4) addition of three (3) fire fighters in the fire department; 5) addition of one (1) person in the street department; 6) increase of part time personnel in the library department; 7) upgrading of data processing capabilities and equipment in several operating departments; 8) increase of one position in the building services department; and 9) the establishment of a court administrator position in the municipal court. The SAFES/EMS operating budget reflects income increases related to population base changes and per capita charges and a significant increase in Guadalupe County support and overall billings for service. Changes in personnel include the addition of one (1) EMT/paramedic and a change from part t5.me to full time of a billing clerk position. Budget Recommendations FY 1997-98 Page 2 Water and waste water expenditures are estimated to be $2,466,864. and includes purchase of replacement equipment and the addition of one (1) billing clerk and three (3) additional field personnel. The capital recovery portion of the recommended provides for the purchase of a large boring machine. budget Fleet services is projected to have expenditures totaling $101,862 and revenue totaling $102,427. The hotel/motel tax fund has anticipated revenues of $70,000 and expenditures of $20,200. We are recommending the establishment of this fund reserve to provide future funding of major advertising and project activities authorized under the terms of city ordinance and state law creating this fund. Eortions of the July Jubilee support expenditures previously paid from the General Fund are proposed to be paid from this fund as well as funding for additional Christmas lighting material. Recycling revenues and reserves are scheduled as a separate account to fund the rebate program. Park improvement funds, as a separate account, anticipate capital expenditures to begin improvements in the Ashley Place Park. We are recommending that longevity pay - those payments made to employees recognizing years of employment be increased from $4.00 per month per year cf service to $8.00 per month as a means to reward continued service. Summary and detail sheets regarding- debt service obligations for the general and water fund, together with charts and graphs are a part of the overall budget document, on sheets following the index. Copies of personnel information, salary plan and the table of organization also included in this budget document. While each year I express appreciation to each of the department heads for their sincere efforts to produce a worki~g and meaningful document, this year special thanks and appreciation are due to Mark Marquez for his expertise in "number crunching" and effective organization and tabulation of the budget requests and myriad of changes! I believe each employee of this organization continues to deliver high quality services with a commitment to make this a better place to live and I commend them to you. Thank you for your continued assistance, advice, support and coopeJ:'ation! ORDINANCE NO. f1-~4_~ '1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, as required by the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter, the budget has been prepared and submitted to the city Council with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all City Departments and activities for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997 and ending September 30, 1998. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legally published; and WHEREAS, said public hearing has been held and full and final consideration given said budget; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT for ,'the purpose of providing the funds necessary and proposed to be expended in the budget for said City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997 and ending September 30, 1998, the budget' was prepared and submitted to the City Council for its consideration and approval and that said budget in the total amount of $7,682,661 and the same is hereby appropriated for the maintenance as set forth in said budget~ ' SECTION 2. THAT the said budget of the City of Schertz, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997 and ending September 30, 1998, an exact copy of which is marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council for fiscal year 1997-1998. SECTION 3. THAT this ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve-month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage, and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09(e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the~day of ~#~ 1997. w:~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTE~T: ~~ ~~CI Cit Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) ORDINANCE NO. J/1' .- - /) / 5' ;- / o-:-k AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1997; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $0.3554 ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of $0.3554 on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 1997. SECTION 2. THAT such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, and such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various I Departments I t $0.3049 (B) For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for fiscal year 1996-1997 TOTAL TAX RATE $0.0505 $0.3554 The Director of Finance has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the Fiscal Year 1997-1998. DATE OF ISSUE 1962 City of Schertz, Sewer System Bonds Principal Interest $12,000.00 2,247.50 $14,247.50 Total 1987 City of Schertz, General Obligation Bonds Principal Interest $40,000.00 7,282.50 Total $47,282.50 1990 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation Principal Interest $25,795.00 10,288.07 Total $36,083.07 1992 City of Schertz, Street Improvement General Obligation Principal Interest $25,000.00 33,573.76 $58,573.76 Total 1995 City of Schertz Principal Interest $49,199.00 13,048.00 $62,247.00 Total SECTION 3. THAT the' Tax Assessor and Collector for the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas on the basis of one hundred percent ,(100%) of appraised values for the year 1997, such basis of assessment being required to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 1997-1998 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of $0.3554 assessed valuation as herein provided. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage, and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09(e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND september, 1997. ADOPTED this the /6~' day of MaY~t!::=-;:: Texas ATTEST: ~nI40' t2~ city Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) , , THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF SCHERTZ 1997-98 BUDGET INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUDGET RECAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL FUND Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditures city Council..... Ci ty Manager ... Municipal Court ... Tax ...... Planning .... Legal Police .......... Fire Inspection Streets .. Parks .............. Facility Maintenance Animal Control SWimming Pool Administration ....... Library ....... Management Services Non-Departmental Finance Department . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOTEL/MOTEL FUND Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WATER/WASTEWATER FUND Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W~ter Service Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water Billing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -i- i v 1 5 7 12 16 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 68 72 78 84 88 92 95 98 102 104 106 INDEX (continued) FLEET SERVICES Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 CAPITAL RECOVERY Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 SAFES FUND Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 PARKS ,FORD Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Expend! tures ........................................... 13l RECYCLING FUND Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 PERSONNEL Table of Organization Position Authorization Pay Tables Compensation Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 142 146 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BONDS General Bonds Summary of Debt Service Requirements . . . . . . . 154 General Obligation series 1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 General Obligation series 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Street Improvement series 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 General Obligation Refunding Series 1995 . . . . 158 -;;- INDEX (continued) Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates Summary of Debt Service Rquirements ............ 159 Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates series 1990 ........... 160 Combination Tax and Jr. Lien Revenue Certificates Obligation series 1992 ........ 161 Utility System Revenue Bonds Summary of Debt Service Requirements ............ 162 Utility System Revenue series 1973 .............. 163 Utility System Revenue series 1987 .............. 164 -iii- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -iv- CITY OF SCHERTZ Total City Revenues (All Funds) 1997/98 >.. SAFES . Water Funds ffifll Capital Recovery ~ . ~ Fleet SerV1ces . Hotel/Parks/Recycling . General $7,787,837 -v- CITY OF SCHERTZ All Funds Expenditures by Object Category 1997/98 iiI;;] ::~~ ............... .. .............. ...... ............... .......... .............................. .............................. ............... .................... ................ ........................ ............... ........................... ~~ ~ Object Category hf~{:~:~j Suppl ies ~. ~ Malntenance . Personnel . Contractual . Capital Services $7,682,661 -vi- City of Schertz Bxpenditures ~ Activity (A~l Funds) 1997-98 Hotel/Motel 0.26% Maintenanc 3.21% Municipal Court 1.87% 4.48% Leisure Service 5.20% Admi.nistrati~ 4.19% Debt " Contingen 11.07% Public Work 31. 42% Public Safet 38 . 29% 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 300000 $7,682,661 -vii- City of Budget Request for Expenditures (All Funes) 1997-98 Schertz . Generol . Capitol Recovery . Reet Service . SAFES ~ ~ rn:mm liliiliili Water Othef"* $7,682,661.00 -viii- CITY OF SCHERTZ General Fund Income 1997/98 ............... ................. ................... .................... ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" ..':':':':':':':':':':-:-:':':':':':':':':':':':-:':':':':':':':':'. .................................... ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,.. .. Total Franchises . Total Municipal Court (I@@@~ City Sales Tax JW~~g Total Licenses/Permits . Total Miscellaneous . Total Taxes $4,206,620 -ix- CITY OF SCHERTZ General Fund Expenditures by Object Category 1997/98 Object Category ~ Iilli& Supplies ~ ~ Maintenance . Personel . Contractual . Capital Services $4,206,099 -x- City of Schertz General Fund Departmental Expenditure. Facility Maintenanc 3.45 % Inspectio 2.34% Libra 4.24% Plannin 3.02% Non-Departmental 9.38% I6.micipal Court 2.37% Streets/Park 10.49% Ta 2.30% Fir 13.Q7% "Pool 1.85% l~fffement City Council 0.40% Animal Control 5.95% , Legal 1.05% Polic 29.99% o 250000 500000 750000 1000000 1250000 150000 $4.206,099 -xi- CITY OF SCHERTZ Historical Tax Rate 200 150 100 50 nsCAL YEAR . 1984 1m . . 1987 . 1988 . 1989 . 1990 ...... ::::::x. 1986 :.x........... 1985 D 1991 . 1992 m m ~1~~ . . 1997 ::::::::::>:<< 1993 .......... 1994 1995 1996 ..........~.:w:. "'=<~. . . ....~. ':\~ tt":,, CITY OF SCHERTZ Historical Tax Values 300000 450000 400000 350000 25000 10000 5000 o FISCAL YEAR .1984 h::::::::::J 1985 . 1986 j~tt";::' 1987 . 1988 . 1989 .1990 D 1991 g:it 1992 I........t 1993 Ij:~t~~ttjI1994 t.:.:.:.:.:.:'~ 1995 . 1996 tI~@~j~!~ 1997 -xiii- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -xiiii- 1997-98 BUDGET RECAPITULATION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 3,550,492.80 3,853,363.00 4,206,620.00 EXPENDITURES City Council 19,688.00 27,460.00 16,915.00 Management 217,595.00 224,758.40 123,610.00 Municipal Court 70,209.00 82,652.00 99,488.00 Tax 85,752.00 92,991.00 96,941.00 Planning 126,330.00 137,417.00 126,993.00 Legal 43,000.00 43,500.00 44,000.00 police 1,009,751.00 1,131,522.00 1,261,187.00 Fire 516,712.00 471,118.00 549,593.00 Inspection 61,557.00 85,820.00 98,544.00 Streets 329,141.00 335,274.00 342,146.00 Parks 100,150.00 107,328.00 99,147.00 Facility Maintenance 119,727.00 140,304.00 144,973.00 Animal Control 105,273.00 199,890.39 250,075.00 Swimming- Pool 65,940.00 70,936.00 77,882.00 Administration 101,508.00 99,610.00 103,569.00 Library 139,067.00 164,637.00 178,162.00 Management Services 66,257.00 74,910.00 76,980.00 Non-Departmental 336,812.00 354,576.00 394,504.00 Finance 0.00 0.00 121,390.00 --------------- --------------- --------------- Expenditure Total 3,514,469.00 3,844,703.79 4,206,099.00 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Sub-Total 36,023.80 8,659.21 521.00 Recyling Reserve 22,000.00 0.00 0.00 ADP Reserve 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 Fund Balance 4,023.80 8,659.21 521.00 ****************************************************************************, HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND EXPENDITURES 15,000.00 2,000.00 53,000.00 11,750.00 70,000.00 20,200.00 REVENUES --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 13,000.00 41,250.00 49,800.00 Reserve Forward 0.00 13,000.00 54,250.00 Fund Balance 13,000.00 54,250.00 104,050.00 **************************************************************************** -1- 1997-98 BUDGET RECAPITLUATION (cant) BUDGET 1995-96 BUDGET 1996-97 BUDGET 1996-97 WATER & WASTEWATER FUND REVENUES 2,029,951.00 2,318,069.25 2,474,302.00 EXPENDITURES Service Billing 1,915,574.00 85,673.00 2,204,885.00 110,923.00 2,312,972.00 155,031.00 Expenditure Total 2,001,247.00 2,315,808.00 2,468,003.00 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Fund Balance 28,704.00 2,261.25 6,299.00 **************************************************************************** FLEET SERVICES EXPENDITURES 66,100.00 65,576.00 79,772.00 79,772.00 102,427.00 101,878.00 REVENUES --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 524.00 0.00 549.00 **************************************************************************** CAPITAL RECOVERY EXPENDITURES 333,664.00 260,724.00 550,311.00 548,155.00 106,500.00 43,760.00 REVENUES --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 72,940.00 2,156.00 62,740.00 **************************************************************************** S.A.F.E.S FUND REVENUES EXPENDITURES 576,709.00 573,188.00 734,704.00 734,214.89 785,488.00 782,116.00 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 3,521.00 489.11 3,372.00 **************************************************************************** -2- 1997-98 BUDGET RECAPITLUATION (cant) PARK FUND EXPENDITURES 0.00 107,045.00 53,572.00 26,500.00 44,605.00 REVENUES 0.00 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 0.00 53,473.00 -18,105.00 Reserve Forward Fund Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,810.53 60,810.53 42,705.53 **************************************************************************** RECYCLING FUND EXPENDITURES 0.00 15,372.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 REVENUES 0.00 55,977.47 --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- 0.00 40,605.47 0.00 Reserve Forward Fund Balance 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,605.47 40,605.47 40,605.47 **************************************************************************** -3- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -4- GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 01 GENERAL 40010 TAX-ADVALOREM CURRENT 1.325.531.00 1,367,033.00 1, 320,JHJ9. 00.- 40011 DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 218,999.00 40012 TAX-ADVALOREM DELINQUENT 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 40014 TAX-ADVALOREM P&I 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 40020 TAX-BINGO 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 40022 TAX-CITY SALES 715,000.00 786,797.00 800,000.00 40036 TAX-PAYMENT IN LIEU OP 210.000.00 265,000.00 265,000.00 40040 TAX-ROLL BACK 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 41012 PRANCHISE-CITY PUBLIC SER 21,000.00 24,000.00 26,000.00 41014 PRANCHISE-ENTEX 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,200.00 41016 PRANCHISE-GVEC 108,870.00 128,238.00 140,000.00 41018 FRANCHISE-PARAGON CABLE 52,000.00 58,000.00 64,000.00 41020 PRANCHISE-SW BELL 40,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 41022 PRANCHISE-SOLID WASTE 18,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 42010 LICENSE-ALCOHOLIC BEV. 2,000.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 42011 CONTRACTORS LICENSE 5,000.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 42012 LICENSE-ELECTRICAL 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 42014 LICENSE-PET 3,400.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 42016 PERMIT-BUILDING 175,000.00 205,000.00 225,000.00 42017 MOBILE HOME INSPECT. 600.00 900.00 1,000.00 42018 PERMIT-ELECTRICAL 15,000.00 23,500.00 28,000.00 42020 PERMIT-HEALTH 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 42021 HEALTH CARDS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 42022 REINSPECTIONS 4,000.00 9,500.00 13,000.00 42024 PERMIT-PLUMBING 13,000.00 17,500.00 21,000.00 42025 PERMIT-MECHANICAL 8,000.00 11,500.00 12,000.00 42026 PERMIT-SOLICITOR/PEDDLER 500.00 500.00 500.00 42027 PERMIT-GARAGE SALE 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 42028 PLATTING PEES 3,500.00 7,500.00 6,750.00 42029 NOTARY FEES 250.00 250.00 250.00 42030 PLAN CHECK PEE 35,000.00 65,500.00 75,000.00 42031 BOA/ZONING PEES 0.00 0.00 750.00 43012 ANIMAL ADOPTION 4,300.00 4,300.00 4,500.00 43016 BALLPIELD USE 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 43018 BUILDING RENTAL 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 43019 PROPERTY RENTAL 1,800.00 2,300.00 3,500.00 43026 PET IMPOUNDMENT 11,500.00 11,500.00 12,000.00 43028 POLICE REPORTS 1,700.00 2,500.00 2,800.00 43029 POOL RESERVATIONS 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 43030 POOL GATE ADMISSIONS 19,500.00 19,500.00 15,500.00 43038 SEASON POOL PASSES 7,000.00 7,000.00 9,000.00 43050 SWIMHING LESSONS 5,000.00 5,000.00 11,750.00 43054 VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT 100.00 100.00 100.00 43058 TAX CERTIPICATES 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 43060 ALARM PERMITS 5,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 43080 STREET REPAIR CHARGES 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 44010 MC/PINES 160,000.00 190,000.00 200,000.00 44012 MC/ARREST FEES 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 44014 MC/WARRANT PEES 20,000.00 26,000.00 29,000.00 44016 LIBRARY PINES 4,000.00 6,500.00 12,000.00 44018 MC/STATE PINES 10,000.00 10,000.00 14,500.00 44020 MC/CS PEE 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 44022 MC/TPC PEE 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,700.00 -5- GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAILS REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 01 GENERAL 44024 MC TEEN COURT ADMIN 500.00 500.00 500.00 44026 MC SECURITY PEE 4,500.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 44028 MC OPTIONAL PEE 2,500.00 3,000.00 1,400.00 45200 COUNTY LIBRARY 60,636.00 65,000.00 79,000.00 45310 COUNTY PIRE CONTRACT 19,200.00 19,200.00 26,800.00 45311 GOAD CTY ANIMAL CTRL 0.00 88,645.00 93,000.00 46110 INCOME-MISC.-GEN.FUND 10,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 46111 INCOME-MISC-LIBRARY 2,300.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 46112 INTEREST-EDTP' 700.00 800.00 1,000.00 46212 DONATION-PARK/LANDSCAPING 500.00 500.00 500.00 46214 DONATION-PLOAT 500.00 500.00 500.00 46216 DONATION-CRIME PREVENTION 100.00 100.00 100.00 46218 DONATIONS-XMAS DECORATION 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 46220 DONATION-POLICE ACADEMY 500.00 500.00 500.00 46224 ANIMAL CONTROL DONATIONS 400.00 400.00 350.00 46410 DISPATCH: CIBOLO 3,960.00 4,690.00 8,000.00 46411 DISPATCH SERVICES-SCUCISD 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 47018 INTEREST INCOME-GEN. FUND 12,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 47019 INT INCOME DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 400.00 47020 INTEREST-CRIME PREVENTION 7.67 8.00 0.00 47022 INTEREST-PARK LANDSCAPING 22.64 23.00 0.00 47030 INTEREST-PD PORPEITURES 74.49 0.00 0.00 48030 INDIRECT COST (SAFES) 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 48035 INDIRECT COST (HOTEL) 0.00 0.00 2,100.00 48060 LEASE (CCMA) 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 48108 GOAD.CO.-ECONOMIC DEV. 0.00 11,282.00 0.00 48110 SALE OP' PROPERTY 0.00 15,197.00 0.00 48111 SALE RECYCLE MATERIAL 22,000.00 0.00 0.00 48112 SALE OP MERCHANDISE 500.00 700.00 700.00 48113 EDTP-NON TAXABLE SALES 100.00 100.00 100.00 48116 REIMBURSEMENTS 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 48117 EMERGENCY GENERATOR GRANT 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 48118 AACOG RECYCLING GRANT 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 48119 PEDERAL GRANT POLICE 32,800.00 32,800.00 32,800.00 48120 LEOSE 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 48121 911 GRANT 0.00 0.00 3,750.00 48122 KPO GRANT 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 48125 SW BELL LITIGATION 16,850.00 0.00 0.00 48997 LOAN PROCEED-PIRE VEHICLE 0.00 0.00 16,500.00 48998 RESERVE-PIRE APPARATUS 164,000.00 0.00 0.00 48999 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0.00 13,000.00 0.00 49030 LOAN PROCEEDS POL VEHICLE 42,891.00 45,000.00 0.00 49034 PARK GATE RECEIPTS 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 --------------- --------------- ============== --------------- --------------- 45312 GOAD CTY A/C RESERVE 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 48109 GOAD CTY ECON DEV RES 0.00 0.00 7,532.00 48998 ADP RESERVE 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 3,550,492.80 3,853,363.00 4,206,620.00 -6- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CITY COUNCIL FUNCTION: The City Council consists of five members and the Mayor and is the governing and legislative body of the City of Schertz. The Mayor and city Council are responsible for policy, leadership and general direction of City Government. The Mayor and all Councilmembers are elected from the City at large, with each Councilmember occupying a numbered position. Terms of the Mayor and members of the Council are staggered with the Mayor and Councilmembers filling positions number one and two, elected in even-numbered years, and positions three, four and five elected during odd-numbered years. Elections to the positions are held in May of each year for a two-year term. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 $19.688.00 $27.460.00 $16.915.00 -7- EXPENDITURE SO CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL CITY COUNCIL GENERAL TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 0.00 250.00 19,438.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 0.00 250.00 200.00 27,210.00 16,715.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,688.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- -8- 27,460.00 16,915.00 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS CITY COUNCIL SUPPLIES 50110 OPPICE SUPPLIES TOTAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50216 OTHER CONSULT/PROP SERVo 50250 ANNUAL AWARDS 50252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 50254 CONPERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 50264 SPECIAL EVENTS 50272 CITY ELECTIONS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CITY COUNCIL TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 250.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 4,904.00 4,920.00 2,720.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 5,300.00 6,300.00 1,700.00 1,634.00 7,390.00 3,695.00 19,438.00 27,210.00 16,715.00 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- 19,688.00 27,460.00 16,915.00 -9- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -10- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CITY MANAGER FUNCTION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is Chief Executive Officer of the City. The City Manager's Department cons~sts of the City Manager, Finance Officer, Deputy City Secretary/ Secretary to the City Manager, and the Finance Clerks. Responsibility of this department includes personnel appointment and removal, budget preparation and execution, as well as overall administration of City Ordinances and policy as adopted by the City Council. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 S224.758.40 BUDGET 97-98 S217.595.00 S123.610.00 -12- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 51 MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL 193,964.00 197,525.40 105,302.00 SUPPLIES 3,600.00 3,600.00 2,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,986.00 21,081.00 11,826.00 HAINTENANCE 345.00 502.00 832.00 CAPITAL 700.00 2,050.00 3,650.00 ===a===.....=.. .-.-.--==-.-.=== ======.a====== MANAGEMENT TOTAL 217,595.00 224,758.40 123,610.00 -13- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL 51010 SALARIES 159,940.00 164,539.00 88,942.00 51012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 2,350.00 1,526.00 150.00 51014 PICA 12,265.00 12,824.40 6,890.00 51016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 470.00 524.00 218.00 51018 GROUP INSURANCE 8,640.00 7,460.00 2,928.00 51020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 8,523.00 9,308.00 4,542.00 51024 LONGEVI:TY 1,776.00 1,344.00 1,632.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 193,964.00 197,525.40 105,302.00 SUPPLIES 51110 OPPICE SUPPLIES 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,000.00 51112 POSTAGE 800.00 800.00 400.00 51118 MOTOR.VEHICLE FUEL 600.00 600.00 600.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,600.00 3,600.00 2,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51213 COMPUTER PEES & LICENSES 4,435.00 4,657.00 0.00 51216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 51222 OPPICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 199.00 100.00 51224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 2,150.00 2,150.00 1,282.00 51230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,300.00 51238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 626.00 656.00 26.00 51240 OTHER REPAI:R/MAINT (AGREE) 650.00 650.00 650.00 51250 ANNUAL AWARDS 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 51252 HEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 1,075.00 1,075.00 740.00 51253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 600.00 600.00 400.00 51254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 4,000.00 5,500.00 3,500.00 51260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 144.00 78.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,986.00 21,081.00 11,826.00 MAINTENANCE 51314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 170.00 170.00 200.00 51315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 175.00 332.00 632.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 345.00 502.00 832.00 -14- CAPITAL 51416 51422 51423 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS PURNITURE/PIXTURES OPPICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP TOTAL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 500.00 250.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 1,800.00 3,300.00 700.00 2,050.00 3,650.00 ============ ------------ ============= ------------ 217,595.00 224,758.40 123,610.00 -15- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MUNICIPAL COURT FUNCTION: The purpose of the Court is to file complaints and adjudicate Class 'c' misdemeanors within the jurisdiction of the Schertz MUnicipal Court. Warrants will be issued as needed and be served by the Warrant Officer. Court Clerks are responsible for the receipt of fines, fees and court costs. These personnel also maintain court records, files of a confidential nature, and prepare reports in timely fashion to the City Manager and Texas State offices. The adjudication process is divided into contested and non-contested traials as well as jury trials. Aditionally, there are Truancy and Teen Court Trials. There are two Municipal JUdges, a Court Clerk and a Deputy Court Clerk who work in the court office and courtroom. One of two prosecutors is present for contested trial dates. The Warrant Officer serves as the Bailiff as needed. The police department dispatchers are also Deputy Court Clerks for the purpose of accepting court fines and fees during non-duty hours of the court. The judge magistrates adults and juveniles who are charged by law; attends deceased persons when called; issues arrest warrants; conducts hearings for emergency protection orders and issues commitment orders when needed. The Municipal Court also processes and adjudicates complaints received from the ISD Police Department in the same manner as the Schertz Police Department. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: In the Municipal Court there are hearings other than the contested or non-contested courts. There is a Truancy Court, a Teen Court and a Magistrates Hearing. The Teen Court, which was deactivated for a time, now has a new Teen Court Administrator and will function while school is in session. The below listed figures reflect the activity in each court function. FY 95-96 Oct./JUne 97 Complaints Filed in Municipal Court Warrants Issued 6,952 3,100 4,314 1,333 PROGRAM MEASUREMENTS: Warrants Served Truancy Court Hearings Teen Court S-C-UC ID Police Department Magistrate's Office 1,591 110 220 78 17 128 1,262 128 256 4 141 27 -16- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MUNICIPAL COURT (continued) PROGRAM COMMENTS: With the growth of new residents, growth of home and business construction, and the growth in traffic figures, the demand for increased judicial activity together with expected administration functions is requiring consideration for changes. Such changes embody additional man-hours, equipment and possibly space to achieve the level of efficiency and production that is now required. Bstablishment of a full time court administrator position which includes the functions of an Associate Judge, has been added in FY 1997-98. ACTUAL 95-96 S70.209.00 BUDGET 96-97 S82.652.00 BUDGET 97-98 S99.488.00 -17- GENERAL EXPENDITURE 52 MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 46,469.00 54,169.00 70,725.00 2,252.00 2,225.00 1,900.00 21,488.00 25,058.00 26,563.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 300.00 =============== =============== -------------- -------------- 70,209.00 82,652.00 99,488.00 -18- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL 52010 SALARIES 36.974.00 43,639.00 56,636.00 52012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 1,138.00 1,018.00 500.00 52014 PICA 3,038.00 3,473.00 4,518.00 52016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 111.00 141.00 142.00 52018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,804.00 2,976.00 4,148.00 52020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,780.00 2,202.00 2,899.00 52024 LONGEVITY 624.00 720.00 1.920.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 46,469.00 54,169.00 70,763.00 SUPPLIES 52110 OPPICE SUPPLIES 1,172.00 1,305.00 1,000.00 52112 POSTAGE 720.00 720.00 600.00 52130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 360.00 200.00 300.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,252.00 2,225.00 1,900.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 52213 COMPUTER PEES << LICENSES 1,992.00 2,092.00 2,092.00 52214 MEDICAL SERVICES 1.00 0.00 165.00 52216 OTHER CONSULT/PROP SERVo 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,200.00 52218 ADVERTISING 1.00 0.00 125.00 52220 PRINTING & BINDING 774.00 774.00 500.00 52222 OPPICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 22.00 25.00 52224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,090.00 1,090.00 971.00 52230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 590.00 790.00 790.00 52238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 26.00 26.00 35.00 52240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT (AGREE) 324.00 324.00 360.00 52246 COURT & JURY COSTS 480.00 1,480.00 1,480.00 52252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 110.00 120.00 160.00 52253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 60.00 60.00 120.00 52254 CONPERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 240.00 240.00 300.00 52255 PROP. CERTIPICATIONS 0.00 240.00 240.00 52270 COLLECTION EXPENSE 8,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,488.00 25,058.00 26,563.00 -19- CAPITAL !)~~16 52423 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS PORNITURB/PIXTURES COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP TOTAL CAPITAL HCNICIPAL COURT TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 300.00 ............ ............ ............. 70,209.00 82,652.00 99,488.00 -20- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -21- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY TAX DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: To assess and collect property taxes for the City of Schertz. To maintain an open line of communication with the citizens of our City and the Guadalupe County Appraisal District so that every effort can be made to correct errors and disseminate information. To notify City of Schertz citizens of corrections to there tax accounts. To maintain contact with mortgage companies and make every effort to make sure that these companies receive correct and timely information. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: To make sure that all property owners are notified of the taxes ,due for the current Tax Year, whether through a tax statement or the Mortgage Company responsible for paying the taxes-. To notify property owner of all delinquent taxes due. To collect and post all payments received. To make sure that the Cities' Property owners have a contact to answer questions and to assist them with any problems concerning their taxes. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Through correspondence and phone calls this department has made corrections in a timely manner. This department is in close contact with the Tax Attorney to take action to collect on delinquent accounts and to intervene on bankruptcy accounts and other agencies on court cases involving city tax accounts. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 $96.941.00 $85.752.00 S92.991.00 -22- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 53 TAX PERSONNEL 46,437.00 52,654.00 55,705.00 SUPPLIES 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35,456.00 36,837.00 38,036.00 JIAJ:H'l'ENAHCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL 659.00 300.00 0.00 -~--_.. ---..-. a======..a..... .....a==......= .c===....==... TAX TOTAL 85,752.00 92,991.00 96,941.00 -23- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 TAX PERSONNEL 53010 SALARIES 38.509.00 43.202.00 45.624.00 53012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 258.00 105.00 50.00 53014 PICA 2,995.00 3,358.00 3,575.00 53016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 125.00 136.00 112.00 53018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,160.00 2,976.00 2,928.00 53020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,054.00 2,445.00 2,360.00 53024 LONGEVITY 336.00 432.00 1,056.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 46,437.00 52,654.00 55,705.00 SUPPLIES 5-311 0 OPPICE SUPPLIES 600.00 600.00 600.00 53112 POSTAGE 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 53128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 100.00 0.00 100.00 53130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 0.00 100.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53213 COMPUTER PEES & LICENSES 2,247.00 2,358.00 2,358.00 53216 OTHER CONSULT/PROP SERVo 700.00 500.00 500.00 53220 PRINTING & BINDING 700.00 700.00 700.00 53222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 25.00 50.00 53224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,021.00 53230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 600.00 600.00 500.00 53234 APPRAISAL DISTRICT 27,815.00 27,934.00 30,706.00 53238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 144.00 200.00 200.00 53240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 171. 00 177.00 200.00 53252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 115.00 115.00 115.00 53254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 1,714.00 1,536.00 534.00 53255 PROP. CERTIPICATIONS 0.00 1,442.00 1,074.00 53260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 78.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35,456.00 36,837.00 38,036.00 CAPITAL 53416 FURNITURE/FIXTURES 200.00 300.00 0.00 53423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 459.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 659.00 300.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ TAX TOTAL 85,752.00 92,991. 00 96,941.00 -24- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -25- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY PLANNING DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: This department is tasked with three main areas of responsibility: (1) Coordinate and assist the planning and zoning Commission in their administration of Subdivision, zoning, Mobile Home and Sign Ordinances along with coordinating plat and construction plans with developers, engineers and Staff in conjunction with the planning and zoning Commission; (2) Provide overall supervisor control for the following Departments - Inspection, Building Maintenance, Public Works and Facilities Repair; (3) Assist City Manager in special projects. In addition, this department also serves as Flood Plain Manager, ADA Coordinator, Landscape Committee Chairman, Christmas Committee Chairman, Communications Coordinator and provides central control functions for office equipment repair needs and assists all departments as required in planning for future data processing needs. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Exhibits the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively with all levels of Federal, State, County and Municipal elected and appointed officials along with engineers, developers, lawyers and citizens pertaining to all aspects of expansion or development. provides timely and thorough reports and studies as required. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The Planning and zoning Commission is well along in its scheduled review of the City Comprehensive Plan and is expected to submit a draft of the plan to City Council by the end of 1997. This Department will also be involved with the purchasing of ROW for FM 78 and Lower Seguin improvement and expansion projects scheduled for 1998. ACTUAL 95-96 $126.330.00 BUDGET 96-97 $137.417.00 BUDGET 97-98 $126.993.00 -26- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 54 PLANNING PLANNING 94,154.00 103,361.00 72,772.00 2,075.00 2,305.00 2,380.00 27,046.00 28,899.00 50,311. 00 1,580.00 732.00 1,530.00 1,475.00 2,120.00 0.00 =============:1= _====a========= -=====-======= TOTAL 126,330.00 137,417.00 126,993.00 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES KAINTENANCE CAPITAL -27- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 PLANNING PERSONNEL 54010 SALARIES 76,385.00 83,785.00 59,982.00 54012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 600.00 761.00 800.00 54014 PICA 5,998.00 6,529.00 4,677.00 54016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,420.00 1,520.00 149.00 54018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,212.00 4,476.00 2,928.00 54020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 4,147.00 4,754.00 3,084.00 54024 LONGEVITY 1,392.00 1,536.00 1,152.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 94,154.00 103,361.00 72,772.00 SUPPLIES 54110 OPPICE SUPPLIES 400.00 650.00 650.00 54112 POSTAGE 225.00 225.00 450.00 54118 MOTOR-VEHICLE FUEL 500.00 500.00 350.00 54124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 100.00 80.00 80.00 54128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 750.00 750.00 750.00 54130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 100.00 100.00 100.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,075.00 2,305.00 2,380.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 54211 ENGINEERING SERVICES 17,300.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 54216 OTHER CONSULT/PROP SERVo 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 54222 OPPICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 309.00 400.00 54224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,545.00 1,545.00 1,182.00 54230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 975.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 54236 ONIPORM/LAONDRY 275.00 250.00 0.00 54238 COMP &: SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 28.00 85.00 26.00 54240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT (AGREE) 218.00 218.00 230.00 54252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 775.00 805.00 805.00 54253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 350.00 325.00 300.00 54254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 4,540.00 4,615.00 4,615.00 54260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 72.00 78.00 54262 CONTINGENCIES 450.00 575.00 575.00 54264 SPECIAL EVENTS 590.00 525.00 525.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 27,046.00 28,899.00 50,311. 00 -28- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 54312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 0.00 200.00 0.00 54314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 0.00 200.00 100.00 54315 MOTOR VEH(PLEET SERVICE) 1,580.00 332.00 1,430.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,580.00 732.00 1,530.00 CAPITAL 54423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 2,120.00 0.00 54438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,475.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 1,475.00 2,120.00 0.00 ..===_a====== =====a=====_ ......=.=...- PLANNING TOTAL 126,330.00 137,417.00 126,993.00 -29- . DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY LEGAL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Legal Department is responsible for legal transactions of the City of Schertz. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and serves as the legal advisor to the City Council and City operations. It is the duty and responsibility of the City Attorney to examine and approve or disapprove, as to form and legality, all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City has an interest. The City Attorney, through his law firm, represents the City of Schertz in areas of litigation, contract dispute and other civil matters. ACTUAL 95-96 S43.000.00 BUDGET 96-97 S43.500.00 BUDGET 97-98 S44.000.00 -30- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 55 LEGAL LEGAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43,000.00 43,500.00 44,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------- =============== ============== --------------- TOTAL 43,000.00 43,500.00 44,000.00 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES nINTENANCE CAPITAL -31- LEGAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55215 55218 LEGAL SERVICES ADVERTISING TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES LEGAL TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 40,000.00 3.000.00 43,000.00 ------------ ------------ 43,000.00 -32- BUDGET 96-97 40,000.00 3,500.00 43,500.00 ------------ ------------ 43,500.00 BUDGET 97-98 40.000.00 4.000.00 44,000.00 ------------- ------------- 44,000.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -33- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY POLICE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: Traditionally the police function has entailed the responsibilities of the prevention of crime, the protection of life and property, and the keeping of the public peace. These are still the vital parts of the police role and include satellite duties such as proper reporting, investigation of offenses, and court testimony. However, the police function within the community has evolved into one involving great sociological impact. Law enforcement is called upon to make more decisions daily which more seriously affect people's lives than any other government entity. Therefore, the functions of enforcement, prevention, protection and peacekeeping must be conducted in conjunction with a responsiveness to, and a compassion for, the needs and rights of the community and the individual. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: 10/96-9/97 Projected totals Current and projected measurements included: Calls for services (14,065) traffic stops (6,045), citations issued (5,700), arrest (670), and accidents (540). PROGRAM COMMENTS: To meet the increasing demands for service from a growing community, the police Department need additional officers, equipment and replacement of equipment. An emphasis on officer training will ensure a professional policy agency responding properly to the community. ACTUAL 95-96 $1.009.751.00 BUDGET BUDGET 96-97 97-98 $1.131.522.00 $ -34- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 56 POLICE POLICE 764,064.00 902,505.00 990,781. 00 50,840.00 52,850.00 81,175.00 106,356.00 114,417.00 68,856.00 10,600.00 14,641.00 15,600.00 77,891. 00 47,109.00 104,775.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -============== ============a== ===a===..===== TOTAL 1,009,751.00 1,131,522.00 1,261,187.00 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HAJ:NTBNAHCE CAPITAL -35- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 POLICE PERSONNEL 56010 SALARIES 607,235.00 719,127.00 786,042.00 56012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 6,000.00 6,091.00 8,000.00 56014 PICA 47,042.00 56,053.00 61,529.00 56016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 26,922.00 27,458.00 28,661.00 56018 GROUP INSURANCE 37,680.00 45,877.00 49,044.00 56020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 32,657.00 40,507.00 40,705.00 56024 LONGEVITY 6,528.00 7,392.00 16,800.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 764,064.00 902,505.00 990,781. 00 SUPPLIES 5611 0 OPPICE SUPPLIES 1,400.00 1,800.00 2,300.00 56112 POSTAGE 800.00 900.00 700.00 56114 CHEH/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 250.00 250.00 275.00 56116 CLOTHING 15,190.00 13,900.00 20,100.00 56118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 17,700.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 56124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 9,300.00 10,000.00 23,400.00 56128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,000.00 4,300.00 7,200.00 56130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 56132 PIRE/CRIME PREY SUPPLIES 500.00 0.00 500.00 56136 CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY 500.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 50,840.00 52,850.00 81,175.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 56213 COMPUTER FEES & LICENSES 2,350.00 2,470.00 2,470.00 56214 MEDICAL SERVICES 1,700.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 56216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 1,550.00 1,600.00 2,300.00 56218 ADVERTISING 800.00 500.00 800.00 56220 PRINTING & BINDING 2,000.00 1,200.00 2,100.00 56224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 26,791.00 26,791. 00 23,277.00 56228 ELECTRICITY 500.00 400.00 400.00 56230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4,145.00 6,600.00 5,300.00 56236 UNIPORH/LAUNDRY 13,200.00 14,400.00 15,250.00 56238 COMP & SUP EQ HAINT(AG) 26.00 26.00 26.00 56240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT (AGREE) 2,600.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 56242 RENTAL-BUILDING, LAND 75.00 75.00 75.00 56244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT, ETC. 3,400.00 2,800.00 3,500.00 56250 ANNUAL AWARDS 150.00 150.00 150.00 56252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 725.00 780.00 780.00 56253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 844.00 644.00 650.00 56254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 2,500.00 3,390.00 5,000.00 56260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 43,000.00 47,841.00 2,028.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106,356.00 114,417.00 68,856.00 -36- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 56310 BUILDING MAINT. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 56312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 1,300.00 1,700.00 2,100.00 56314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,500.00 56315 MOTOR VEH(PLEET SERVICE) 5,000.00 8,641.00 9,000.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 10,600.00 14,641.00 15,600.00 CAPITAL 56416 FURNITURE/PIXTURES 800.00 700.00 750.00 56420 MOTOR VEHICLES 75,291.00 36,909.00 84,000.00 56423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 56426 RADIO & COMM.EQOIP. 0.00 2,500.00 10,100.00 56438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,800.00 7,000.00 3,425.00 _.. __.. h _ TOTAL CAPITAL 77,891. 00 47,109.00 104,775.00 ------------ ============ ============= ------------ POLICE TOTAL 1,009,751.00 1,131,522.00 1,261,187.00 -37- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Fire Department is to protect lives and property in the city. Department responsibilities include responding to residential and commercial structure fires, hazardous material incidents, motor vehicle accidents with injured or trapped persons, and as first responder on all life threatening medical emergencies. The department is also responsible for conducting fire prevention activities including inspections, plan review, and public education. PROGRAM MEASUREMENTS: The Schertz Fire Department provides 24-hour fire and rescue services to a population of over 14,500 people within the city limits, and another 5,000 in unincorporated county area, for a tota~ of 34 square mile area, conducts fire inspections on nearly 200 commercial and public buildings, presents fire safety lectures to community groups. The number of emergency calls in 1997 is projected to reach 1,0550, a 30% increase over 1996 (886 alarms). These activities are accomplished using twelve (12) full-time (including the Fire Chief and Fire Marshall) and three (3) part-time fire fighters augmented by volunteer fire fighters. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Residential and commercial growth is proceeding at a rapid pace. Current projects include five active residential subdivisions, three subdivisions under development, a 66,000 square foot intermediate school, a 500,000 square foot warehouse, an 85,000 square foot grocery store with a first phase of 25,000 square feet of shopping space, and several smaller projects. Construction on several projects in the Tri-County Park facilities are due to start during the next twelve months. Adequate fire protection for this growth requires additional fire fighters, new apparatus, and additional equipment. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 $516.712.00 $471.118.00 $549.593.00 -38- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 57 PIRE PERSONNEL 269,811.00 336,228.00 415,204.00 SUPPLIES 22,375.00 27,400.00 33,250.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,661.00 25,055.00 26,468.00 HAIN'l'ENANCE 13,940.00 19,532.00 20,925.00 CAPITAL 186,925.00 62,903.00 53,746.00 a============== =========...=== ========-.-==- PIRE TOTAL 516,712.00 471,118.00 549,593.00 -39- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 FIRE PERSONNEL 57010 SALARIES 216,495.00 267,668.00 332,951.00 57012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 4,500.00 7,123.00 8,500.00 57014 PICA 16,971. 00 21.245.00 26,547.00 57016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,775.00 8,410.00 7,464.00 57018 GROUP INSURANCE 11,614.00 13,801.00 17,568.00 57020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 11,392.00 15,101.00 17,406.00 57024 LONGEVITY 2,064.00 2.880.00 5,568.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 269,811. 00 336,228.00 416,004.00 SUPPLIES 57110 OPPICE SUPPLIES 750.00 750.00 750.00 57112 POSTAGE 75.00 75.00 100.00 57114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 2,900.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 57116 CLOTHING 7,100.00 11,425.00 16,350.00 57118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 6,000.00 7,000.00 7,500.00 57124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 950.00 950.00 950.00 57128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 57130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 57132 PIRE/CRIME PREV SUPPLIES 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 22,375.00 27,400.00 33,250.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 57214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 260.00 300.00 57218 ADVERTISING 0.00 125.00 125.00 57220 PRINTING & BINDING 300.00 350.00 200.00 57222 OPPICE COPY SERVICE 1,510.00 2,760.00 2,000.00 57224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 4,500.00 4,500.00 3,845.00 57226 GAS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 57228 ELECTRICITY 3,900.00 3,900.00 4,000.00 57230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 800.00 800.00 800.00 57232 WATER SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 57236 UNIPORM/LAUNDRY 2,700.00 3,150.00 4,050.00 57250 ANNUAL AWARDS 100.00 100.00 50.00 57252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,350.00 57253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 750.00 465.00 800.00 57254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 4,900.00 4,400.00 5,375.00 57255 PROP. CERTIPICATIONS 600.00 645.00 520.00 57260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 1.00 0.00 1,053.00 57264 SPECIAL EVENTS 500.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,661.00 25,055.00 26,468.00 -40- GENERAL PUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 57310 BUILDING MAINT. 600.00 600.00 600.00 57312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 2,840.00 2,755.00 2,000.00 57314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 1,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 57315 MOTOR VEH(PLEET SERVICE) 8,000.00 5,427.00 7,575.00 57320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 13,940.00 19,532.00 20,925.00 CAPITAL 57414 POLICE/PIRE/MED EQUIP 30,825.00 20,003.00 16,746.00 57416 PURNITURE/PIXTURES 950.00 0.00 250.00 57420 MOTOR VEHICLES 155,150.00 40,000.00 33,000.00 57423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 57426 RADIO & COMM.EQUIP. 0.00 2,150.00 2,000.00 57438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0.00 750.00 750.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 186,925.00 62,903.00 53,746.00 ============ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- PIRE TOTAL 516,712.00 471,118.00 549,593.00 -41- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ~NSPECT~ON DEPARTMENT FUNCT~ON: The ~nspection Department has the responsibility to enforce all building and related codes during the construction of new buildings along with rehabilitation, alterations and additions to existing buildings and structures. Duties include reviewing plans, issuing permits and inspecting all construction wi~hin the city limits. This department also supports the Health Inspector by issuing food establishment permits and provides information necessary for the maintenance of sanitation within food environment. PROG~ MEASUREMENT: Estimates for residential permits will increase by 10% pared to last year. For the 95/96 fiscal year we close out with 468 new ,residences at a value of $48,959.00. By the end of June 1997 we show 375 new residences at a value of $41,042.00 for this.. year. Commercial construction will average about the same with 14,758,928.00 in values. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The past year we added a new inspector to help with increased work loads. It is the departments goal for 97/98 to re-organize inspections, increasing productivity and to insure proper follow up times for re-inspections. Also to work on better citizen communications concerning code enforcement. ACTUAL 95-96 S61.557.00 BUDGET 96-97 S85.820.00 BUDGET 97-98 S98.544.00 ,..4 2 '" EXPENDITURE 58 INSPECTION PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES KAJ:R"l'ENANCE CAPITAL INSPECTION GENERAL TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 46,823.00 68,405.00 78,287.00 1,800.00 2,400.00 2,800.00 9,589.00 10,346.00 11,684.00 2,445.00 2,414.00 5,373.00 900.00 2,255.00 400.00 ............... ...--.......... .............. 61,557.00 85,820.00 98,544.00 -43- GENERAL POND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 INSPECTION PERSONNEL 58010 SALARIES 38,158.00 55,792.00 63,018.00 58012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 58014 PICA 2,945.00 4,302.00 4,978.00 58016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 470.00 613.00 560.00 58018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,880.00 3,634.00 4,392.00 58020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,034.00 3,132.00 3,283.00 58024 LONGEVITY 336.00 432.00 1.056.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 46,823.00 68,405.00 78,287.00 SUPPLIES 58110 OPPICE SUPPLIES 350.00 500.00 550.00 58112 POSTAGE 550.00 550.00 600.00 58118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 700.00 900.00 1,200.00 58128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 150.00 250.00 250.00 58130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 50.00 200.00 200.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,800.00 2,400.00 2,800.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 58214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 88.00 0.00 58216 OTHER CONSULT / PROP SERVo 3,800.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 58218 ADVERTISING 0.00 61. 50 0.00 58220 PRINTING & BINDING 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 58222 OPPICE COPY SERVICE 1.00 0.00 100.00 58224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,542.00 58230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 600.00 600.00 1,280.00 58236 UNIPORM/LAUNDRY 900.00 900.00 900.00 58238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 26.00 26.00 26.00 58240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 214.00 214.00 230.00 58252 MEMBERSHIPS PROP ORGNS 200.00 300.00 300.00 58253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 252.00 522.00 522.00 58254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 645.00 490.50 1,050.00 58255 PROP. CERTIPICATIONS 150.00 200.00 200.00 58260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 1.00 144.00 234.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,589.00 10,346.00 11,684.00 -44- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 58312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 250.00 150.00 260.00 58314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 0.00 100.00 2,850.00 58315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 1,195.00 1,164.00 1,263.00 58324 LOT CLEANING 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2,445.00 2,414.00 5,373.00 CAPITAL 58416 FURNITURE/FIXTURES 0.00 600.00 0.00 58423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 1,655.00 0.00 58426 RADIO & COHN. EQUIP. 900.00 0.00 400.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 900.00 2,255.00 400.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ INSPECTION TOTAL 61,557.00 85,820.00 98,544.00 -45- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY STREET DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: To provide a means for transportation between the home, work place, recreational facilities and commercial establishments. provide a system for storm water drainage and removal. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Establishing and maintaining sufficient traffic control devises to inform the general public on the conditions of and the requirements for the use and control of vehicular movement throughout the City. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The division program consists of repairing and maintaining 66.53 miles of paved roadways and 6.77 miles of gravel roads. Mowing right of ways consisting of 50 acres. Other measurements consist of work order system of FY 92-93 which are as follows: Mowing: Right-of-ways Drainage Alleys Road Repair Traffic Sign Repair Streets Swept 1,469.0 man-hours 484.5 man-hours 276.3 man-hours 4,351.5 man-hours 1,886.5 man-hours 4,289.0 man-hours PROGRAM COMMENTS: The addition of on position to maintain efficient service levels was made this year. ACTUAL 95-96 S329.141.00 BUDGET 96-97 S335.328.00 BUDGET 97-98 S342.146.00 -46- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 59 STREET PERSONNEL 208,083.00 229,624.00 225,577.00 SUPPLIES 45,875.00 42,860.00 47,472.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,050.00 33,990.00 31,701. 00 JIAIH'l'BNANCE 25,743.00 20,410.00 34,856.00 CAPITAL 30,390.00 8,390.00 2,540.00 ............... .............== _._.a.___._... STREET TOTAL 329,141.00 335,274.00 342,146.00 -47- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 STREET PERSONNEL 59010 SALARIES 149,644.00 167,739.00 158,850.00 59012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 4,500.00 4,579.00 5,000.00 59014 FICA 12,081. 00 13,443.00 13,071.00 59016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 16,728.00 18,619.00 21,316.00 59018 GROUP INSURANCE 12.960.00 11,904.00 11.712.00 59020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 8,378.00 9.788.00 8.620.00 59024 LONGEVITY 3.792.00 3.552.00 7,008.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 208.083.00 229.624.00 225.577.00 SUPPLIES 59110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 600.00 600.00 544.00 59112 POSTAGE 70.00 90.00 90.00 59114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 5.700.00 5,000.00 5.385.00 59116 CLOTHING 1,420.00 1.420.00 2,027.00 59118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 10,350.00 10,350.00 10.350.00 59122 STREET/MAINTENANCE MATLS. 22.350.00 20.125.00 21,515.00 59124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 825.00 825.00 1.299.00 59128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4.005.00 4.000.00 4.074.00 59130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 555.00 450.00 2.188.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 45.875.00 42.860.00 47,472.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59211 ENGINEERING SERVICES 200.00 200.00 400.00 59214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 375.00 480.00 59216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 0.00 300.00 0.00 59218 ADVERTISING 0.00 200.00 0.00 59220 PRINTING & BINDING 105.00 105.00 150.00 59222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 250.00 250.00 250.00 59224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 5.521.00 5,521.00 3.529.00 59226 GAS 522.00 618.00 618.00 59228 ELECTRICITY 4.500.00 4.000.00 4.000.00 59230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 816.00 816.00 500.00 59232 WATER SERVICES 448.00 448.00 617.00 59236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 3.169.00 2.950.00 2.950.00 59238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 312.00 0.00 0.00 59244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT. ETC. 1.200.00 1.200.00 1.200.00 59250 ANNUAL AWARDS 150.00 150.00 150.00 59252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 327.00 327.00 327.00 59253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS' 40.00 40.00 40.00 59254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 1.490.00 1.490.00 1,490.00 59260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 15,000.00 15.000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19.050.00 33.990.00 31.701. 00 -48- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 59310 BUILDING MAINT. 500.00 500.00 500.00 59312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 600.00 600.00 1.215.00 59314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 0.00 2.500.00 0.00 59315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 13.474.00 6.641.00 19,040.00 59320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 400.00 400.00 400.00 59326 POWERED EQUIP. MAINT 2.500.00 2,500.00 3,658.00 59330 STREET MAINTENANCE 8.269.00 7.269.00 10,043.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 25,743.00 20,410.00 34,856.00 CAPITAL 59426 RADIO & COHN. EQUIP. 0.00 0.00 840.00 59438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 30,390.00 8.390.00 1,700.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 30,390.00 8.390.00 2,540.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ STREET TOTAL 329.141. 00 335.274.00 342.146.00 -49- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: providing safe and sanitary recreational City Park system. Meeting the level of service maintaining park equipment, baseball/softball fields, volleyball field, walk/jogging paths, to include the on going day to day maintenance of the restrooms, pavilions and other Municipal Complexes. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The Park system consists of approximately 70 acres, requiring vegetation management, maintenance to all park equipment and facilities now to include the new Dove Meadows Park which will require hundreds of man-hours in the development stage. The Division workload is based on the number of work orders and man-hours which are as follows for FY 96/97: Grass Mowing parks, City Hall, Library, Fire Station: park Cleanup: Park Repairs - Equipment and Facilities: 1,998.0 745.1 1,544.0 PROGRAM COMMENTS: The usage demand continue in the park system requiring addi tional playground equipment to serve the communi ty. placing the additional park land and green space, requires higher maintenance activity, and while no new personnel were added in FY 1997-98, we expect the need to dictate more personnel in future years. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 S100.150.00 S107.328.00 S 99.147.00 -50- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 60 PARKS PERSONNEL 55.229.00 57.363.00 50,384.00 SUPPLIES 9,026.00 8,997.00 14,915.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,023.00 12.080.00 14,629.00 HADTEHANCE 10,832.00 14,021.00 17,944.00 CAPITAL 10,040.00 14,867.00 1,275.00 ...........-=.. ............... ..a........... PARltS 'l'OTAL 100,150.00 107,328.00 99,147.00 -51- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 PARKS PERSONNEL 60010 SALARIES 42,254.00 44,227.00 38.478.00 60012 . SALARIES-OVERTIME 1.500.00 1.526.00 2,000.00 60014 FICA 3.252.00 3,507.00 3.126.00 60016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1.368.00 1.489.00 1,407.00 60018 GROUP INSURANCE 4.392.00 3.968.00 2.928.00 60020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2.223.00 2.550.00 2.061.00 60024 LONGEVITY 240.00 96.00 384.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 55,229.00 57.363.00 50.384.00 SUPPLIES 60110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250.00 275.00 411. 00 60112 POSTAGE 179.00 125.00 125.00 60114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 1,200.00 1.200.00 3.638.00 60116 CLOTHING 621. 00 621. 00 1,520.00 60118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 1,404.00 1,404.00 1,400.00 60122 STREET/MAINTENANCE MATLS. 900.00 900.00 950.00 60126 WATER & SEWER MAINT. 227.00 227.00 1.135.00 60128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3.500.00 3,500.00 4,550.00 60130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 745.00 745.00 1.186.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 9.026.00 8,997.00 14.915.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60211 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.550.00 200.00 200.00 60220 PRINTING & BINDING 75.00 75.00 75.00 60222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 260.00 0.00 0.00 60224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1.940.00 1,940.00 3,280.00 60228 ELECTRICITY 4,026.00 4.000.00 4,850.00 60230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 810.00 810.00 400.00 60232 WATER SERVICES 2.033.00 2.280.00 2.469.00 60236 UNIPORM/LAUNDRY 1.753.00 1.400.00 1.400.00 60240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 1,200.00 0.00 725.00 60244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT, ETC. 326.00 325.00 525.00 60250 ANNUAL AWARDS 150.00 150.00 190.00 60253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 60.00 60.00 75.00 60254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAI~. 440.00 440.00 440.00 60264 SPECIAL EVENTS 400.00 400.00 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15.023.00 12.080.00 14.629.00 -52- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 60310 BUILDING MAINT. 290.00 290.00 700.00 60312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 350.00 300.00 1,040.00 60314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 85.00 18.00 85.00 60315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 2,907.00 5.313.00 6.688.00 60320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 300.00 300.00 500.00 60326 POWERED EQUIP .MAINT 1.800.00 1.800.00 1,425.00 60328 BVYA SUPPORT 5.100.00 6.000.00 7.506.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 10.832.00 14.021.00 17,944.00 CAPITAL 60416 FURNITURE/FIXTURES 2.455.00 0.00 0.00 60420 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 8.867.00 0.00 60436 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 7.585.00 0.00 1,275.00 60438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 10.040.00 14,867.00 1.275.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ PARKS TOTAL 100.150.00 107,328.00 99,147.00 -53- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FACILITY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION: This department performs several functions including Building Maintenance and repairs, CUstodial services, Purchasing, Energy Management, Off-road Fuel administration and Function set-up. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Building Maintenance and repairs; 5 city facilities including City Hall and police Department, Community Center, SAFES barn, Public Library and Facilities building. Repairs include plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, general repairs and services, preventive maintenance programs, building access and security, A.D.A. building requirements, HVAC repairs. CUstodial services 7 city facilities containing a total of 59 offices and 17 rest rooms. Services consist of vacuuming, carpet extracting, sweeping, mopping floor striping, waxing and buffing, trash pick up, sanitary services etc. Purchasing officer; 14 city departments, items include but not limited to office chemical, operating supplies and capital outlay items such as furniture/fixtures and other support equipment. At mid year approximately $16,500 in supplies and services have been purchased. Administrator; $10,400 recovered in last 8 years. Square feet maintained Area Vacuumed sq. ft. Area Buffed sq. ft. Areas other sq. ft. Functions/Meetings 1995 34,690 1,098.170 255,417 1,649,172 471 1996 34,690 1,178,561 256,258 2,126,599 527 1997 34,690 2,332,656 194,101 1,704,373 489 PROGRAM COMMENTS: This budget request includes the merger of the Facility Worker position which has in the past been assigned directly under the planning Department. This position will continue to provide services to all city departments. Also included in this request is a new computer for the department. This department will continue to provide facility maintenance, custodial, purchasing, function set-up, energy management and fuel administration services. ACTUAL 95-96 S119,727.00 BUDGET 96-97 S140,304.00 BUDGET 97-98 S144,973.00 -54- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 61 FACILITY MAIN'!' PERSONNEL 63,182.00 80.269.00 92,468.00 SUPPLIES 12.710.00 11.900.00 11,415.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26.245.00 30,288.00 29.940.00 MAINTENANCE 13,590.00 15,282.00 9,000.00 CAPITAL 4,000.00 2,565.00 2,150.00 -.=.-===.-.==== ====.11.======== _.=-======_.::= FACILITY MAINT TOTAL 119,727.00 140,304.00 144,973.00 -55- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 FACILITY MAINT PERSONNEL 61010 SALARIES 47,925.00 58,909.00 69.518.00 61012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 1,950.00 4,044.00 2,500.00 61014 FICA 3,907.00 4,802.00 5.722.00 61016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2.677.00 3,246.00 3,046.00 61018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,840.00 4.476.00 5,124.00 61020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,683.00 3.496.00 3.774.00 61024 LONGEVITY 1,200.00 1,296.00 2,784.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 63.182.00 80.269.00 92.468.00 SUPPLIES 61XlO OFFICE SUPPLIES 185.00 400.00 400.00 61114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 2.500.00 900.00 250.00 61116 CLOTHING 0.00 0.00 65.00 61118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 475.00 550.00 650.00 61124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 50.00 50.00 50.00 61128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 9,500.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12.710.00 11,900.00 11.415.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 61214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 68.00 68.00 61218 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 50.00 61220 PRINTING & BINDING 70.00 70.00 70.00 61224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1.750.00 1.750.00 1.243.00 61228 ELECTRICITY 18.000.00 21.500.00 21.500.00 61230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 572.00 700.00 350.00 61232 WATER SERVICES 2.500.00 2,800.00 2.800.00 61236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 860.00 806.00 1.027.00 61238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 27.00 26.00 0.00 61240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 2.341.00 2.285.00 2.285.00 61244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT. ETC. 0.00 158.00 158.00 61252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 0.00 0.00 75.00 61254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 125.00 125.00 80.00 61260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 234.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26.245.00 30,288.00 29.940.00 -56- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 61310 BUILDING MAINT. 12,000.00 11.350.00 7.000.00 61312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 250.00 250.00 250.00 61314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 0.00 32.00 0.00 61315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 500.00 500.00 600.00 61320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 650.00 650.00 650.00 61332 LANDSCAPE MAINT(NOT PARK) 190.00 2.500.00 500.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 13,590.00 15,282.00 9,000.00 CAPITAL 61423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 0.00 2.150.00 61.4.26 RADIO & COMM.EQUIP. 0.00 490.00 0.00 61438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4,000.00 2.075.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 4.000.00 2.565.00 2,150.00 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- FACILITY MAINT TOTAL 119.727.00 140,304.00 144,973.00 -57- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: Regulate the keeping of domestic, wild life, livestock, fowl and vicious animals. To enforce state laws and city ordinances concerning rabies vaccination, registrations and the number of domestic animals per household. To promote and maintain adoption program for unclaimed animals in addition to their impoundment and care. Serve as City of Schertz Health Authority in the investigation and quarantine of bite/scratch incidents. Provide education and promote the responsible care of all animals. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This divisions attitude has brought about a decrease in the number of dogs and cats found to be at large in the City of Schertz, handled in the year 1995-1996. 11,665 miles have been driven on patrol and responding to numerous calls. A total of 1,112 impoundments for the year, 119 of these calls were spent on wildlife an increase of 96 due to the growth of the City. Numerous livestock calls resulting in impoundment of 2 animals. Adoptions totaled 222, returned 270 animals to their owners, 498 animals euthanized, issued 86 citations, sold 977 city license and investigated 71 bite/scratch incidents and quarantined these animals. PROGRAM COMMENTS: In order to maintain the same level of service in the City of Schertz as well as providing service to a large portion of Guadalupe County, constructing 18 canine kennels and expansion of work areas will soon be under construction. Under the county contract patrol service will be increasing in the city, due to the fact of lion call" response in the county. ACTUAL 95-96 S105,273.00 BUDGET 96-97 S199,890.39 BUDGET 97-98 S250,075.00 ,...58.... GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 62 ANIMAL CONTROL PERSONNEL 67,269.00 84.479.39 103,314.00 SUPPLIBS 11,014.00 12,183.00 17,146.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13.603.00 13,896.00 20,507.00 HAI:H'l'ENANCB 4,627.00 5,056.00 6,528.00 CAPITAL 8,760.00 84,276.00 102,580.00 ............... ............... .............. ANIHAL CONTROL 'l'O'l'AL 105,273.00 199,890.39 250,075.00 -59- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 ANIMAL CONTROL PERSONNEL 62010 SALARIES 50.416.00 63.987.75 81.812.00 62012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 4.000.00 5.088.00 2.000.00 62014 FICA 4,095.00 5,328.40 6,522.00 62016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1.106.00 1.448.69 1,383.00 62018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,320.00 4.476.00 5,856.00 62020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,804.00 3,718.55 4,301.00 62024 LONGEVITY 528.00 432.00 1,440.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 67.269.00 84.479.39 103.314.00 SUPPLIES 62110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 642.00 642.00 792.00 62112 POSTAGE 46.00 46.00 75.00 62114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 3.088.00 3.088.00 4.182.00 62116 CLOTHING 1.105.00 1.780.00 3.360.00 62118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 787.00 787.00 1,574.00 62124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1.105.00 1,105.00 1.105.00 62128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,241.00 4.735.00 6,058.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,014.00 12.183.00 17,146.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62214 MEDICAL SERVICES 3.000.00 3.000.00 5,250.00 62220 PRINTING & BINDING 891. 00 916.00 1,400.00 62222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 425.00 425.00 200.00 62224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,726.00 1,726.00 1.712.00 62228 ELECTRICITY 3.171.00 3.000.00 3,990.00 62230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1.045.00 1,045.00 1,700.00 62232 WATER SERVICES 856.00 979.00 1,958.00 62236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 1.022.00 1.158.00 1.755.00 62244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT. ETC. 192.00 192.00 182.00 62252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 175.00 175.00 125.00 62253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 75.00 75.00 75.00 62254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 1.025.00 1,205.00 1.926.00 62260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 234.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,603.00 13.896.00 20.507.00 -60- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 62310 BUILDING MAINT. 1,703.00 1,803.00 1.803.00 62312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 274.00 275.00 475.00 62314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 0.00 200.00 0.00 62315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 1.200.00 1.328.00 2,800.00 62320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 1.450.00 1.450.00 1,450.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 4.627.00 5.056.00 6.528.00 CAPITAL 62412 BUILDING 0.00 49,041. 00 95,000.00 62420 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 18,000.00 0.00 62422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 1.090.00 520.00 62423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 0.00 0.00 2.060.00 62426 RADIO & COMM.EQUIP. 0.00 1.500.00 0.00 62438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 8.760.00 14.645.00 5.000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 8.760.00 84,276.00 102,580.00 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL 105.273.00 199.890.39 250,075.00 -61- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY SWIMMING POOL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: To provide and maintain a well managed and safe environment for aquatic pleasures for the citizens of our community. Providing for a system of instruction in aquatics safety, recreation swimming, and physical fitness. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Tested in the form of activities and training. annual season passes, aerobics, water safety. follows: admission fees, special function Includes fee for daily gate entry, reservations, swimming lessons, The classes for the FY 95/96 were as Admission Fees: .. Daily Fee Passes Lessons: Beginner 1 & 2 Intermediate Water Babies Advance Pool Maint. & Repairs 16,321 8,894 101 16 10 9 1,369.3 man-hours PROGRAM COMMENTS: The 1997 swim season was very busy during June. The capacity exceeded 300 maximum aload rate 12 times. The department received several complaints concerning the entry fee of $1.00 not being allowed to come and go. OUr recommendation is to retain the $1.00 entry fee and establish a day pass of $3.00 per person. This will allow families to enjoy the park and revenues could offset capital improvement to the pool complex. In the 1998 season, the pool will be open 618 hours for public use. 112 hours for reservation night and 169 for swim lessons and lifeguard training classes. Standard budget request $93,185 divided by 899 hours equalS a cost per hour of $103.65 average. The cost per hour represents 2 hours reduced from Friday and Saturday night. A cut back to 8 pm from 9 pm, the average attendance after 7 pm was 5 each evening the pool was open. -62- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY SWIMMING POOL DEPARTMENT (continued) A study will need to be conducted after the 1997 swim season, to recommend a rate adjustment for swimming lessons, lifeguard training and reservation nights. Operational hours and available time for private reservations will be studied and changes considered for the 1998 season. ACTUAL 95-96 S65,940.00 BUDGET 96-97 S70,936.00 BUDGET 97-98 S77,882.00 -63- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 63 POOL POOL 42,518.00 45.979.00 46,419.00 7.037.00 7.285.00 10.067.00 7.631.00 7,253.00 8.437.00 2.654.00 2.419.00 5,059.00 6.100.00 8.000.00 7.900.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- TOTAL 65.940.00 70.936.00 77.882.00 PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL -64- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 POOL PERSONNEL 63010 SALARIES 38,355.00 40,851. 00 41,784.00 63014 FICA 2,933.00 3,126.00 3.196.00 63016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,230.00 2,002.00 1,439.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 42.518.00 45.979.00 46.419.00 SUPPLIES 63110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 175.00 125.00 235.00 63114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 5.300.00 5.300.00 7,725.00 63116 CLOTHING 480.00 800.00 825.00 63118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 10.00 10.00 15.00 63128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 722.00 700.00 700.00 63130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 350.00 350.00 567.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,037.00 7,285.00 10.067.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 63214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1.400.00 63218 ADVERTISING 0.00 80.00 0.00 63224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1.205.00 1.205.00 900.00 63228 ELECTRICITY 4,000.00 3,500.00 3.500.00 63230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 320.00 320.00 320.00 63232 WATER SERVICES 800.00 800.00 900.00 63252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 950.00 950.00 1,019.00 63254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 356.00 398.00 398.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7.631.00 7.253.00 8.437.00 MAINTENANCE 63310 BUILDING MAINT. 1.155.00 920.00 1.973.00 63312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 40.00 40.00 40.00 63316 WATER & SEWER MAINT. 225.00 225.00 436.00 63320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 400.00 400.00 633.00 63326 POWERED EQUIP.MAINT 834.00 834.00 1.977.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 2.654.00 2.419.00 5.059.00 -65- CAPITAL 63436 63438 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL POOL TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 0.00 6,100.00 8,000.00 0.00 6.100.00 8.000.00 ------------ ------------ 65,940.00 70,936.00 -66- BUDGET 97-98 7,900.00 0.00 7.900.00 ------------- ------------- 77,882.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -67- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: Administration covers three functions: (a) City Secretary maintains alcoholic beverage permits, property liability records, contract files, easement right-of-way files and quit claim deed files. Coordinates, attends and prepares minutes of all City Council meetings and workshops. prepares ordinances, resolutions and proclamations. Conducts all City elections. Prepares department's budget. Is responsible for keeping the Code updated, implementing the Records Management Program and making the daily deposits. Also serves as back-up person for Data System Administration. Serves on various committees such as Personnel Committee, Computer Committee and Employee of the Quarter Committee. Attends several seminar and training courses throughout the year. (b)--Receptionist answers telephone and routes all calls to appropriate stations. Provides back up at counter for personal contact, general information, payment receipts, health cards, garage sale permits, rentals, etc. Provides back up when Cash Collections Clerk is ill or on vacation. Files, types, does computer work, etc., as requested by other departments. Attends training courses throughout the year. Is responsible for collection of NSF checks. (e) Cash Collections Clerk provides customer service through counter contact, general information, payment receipts, health cards, garage sale permits, rentals, etc. Balances cash drawer. Provides back up when Receptionist is ill or on vacation. Does miscellaneous tasks as required by other departments. Attends training courses throughout the year. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: City Secretary (in conjunction with Elections Administrator) held an officer election, a Charter amendment election, a bond issue election and a sales tax election. Coordinated 48 Council meetings/workshops. Prepared 48 sets of minutes, 35 ordinances, 11 resolutions and 7 proclamations. Attended an election law seminar and certification course seminar. Between the Receptionist and the Cash Collections Clerk, they waited on an estimated average of 20,000 plus customers and answered an estimated average of 30,000 plus phone calls. They also prepared receipts for 25 vendor permits, 350 garage sale permits, 400 health cards and 100 facility rentals. Each plans to attend a training seminar before the end of the fiscal year. -68- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ADMINISTRATION (continued) PROGRAM COMMENTS: The first half of the Records Management Plan (approval of retention schedule by the State Library) has been accomplished. The second half, a destruction schedule, still needs to be accomplished. The updating of the Code is an ongoing process and the possibility of hiring an intern for several months (someone who can devote their full time to it) has been discussed. I feel this would be an excellent idea and would get the update of the Code back on track. Having joint elections with the Elections Administrator has proved to be good for everyone involved. The sharing of responsibilities between the Receptionist and the Cash Collections Clerk seems to be going smoothly. ACTUAL 95-96 S101,508.00 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 S99,610.00 S103,569.00 -69- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 64 ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL 81,094.00 73,036.00 77.572.00 SUPPLIES 6.050.00 6.050.00 6.300.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14.364.00 20,524.00 19.697.00 MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 =============== =============== ===========..= ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 101,508.00 99,610.00 103,569.00 -70- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL 64010 SALARIES 66,142.00 59,494.00 62.678.00 64012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 0.00 100.00 200.00 64014 FICA 5,189.00 4,614.00 4.957.00 64016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 218.00 188.00 156.00 64018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,320.00 4,464.00 4.392.00 64020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 3,593.00 3,360.00 3.269.00 64024 LONGEVITY 1.632.00 816.00 1.920.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 81,094.00 73,036.00 77,572.00 SUPPLIES 64110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.650.00 4,750.00 5,000.00 64112 POSTAGE 1.000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 64124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 300.00 300.00 300.00 64130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 100.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 6,050.00 6,050.00 6.300.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64220 PRINTING & BINDING 2.500.00 2.400.00 1.800.00 64222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 430.00 452.00 64224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,388.00 1.388.00 1.021.00 64230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 585.00 585.00 600.00 64238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 26.00 26.00 26.00 64240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 6.265.00 7,010.00 9.050.00 64252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 175.00 225.00 265.00 64253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 240.00 255.00 275.00 64254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 3.185.00 3,205.00 3.130.00 64260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 78.00 64268 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 0.00 5.000.00 3.000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,364.00 20.524.00 19,697.00 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 101,508.00 99,610.00 103.569.00 -71- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: I. MISSION STATEMENT The Schertz Public Library shall serve the community as a center of reliable information and provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to educate themselves continually. The Library will assemble, preserve and make easily available to all patrons, printed and other materials that will assist them in fields of knowledge and recreation. II. ROLES The Schertz Library Advisory Board has adopted the following roles as guidelines for planning and operations of the library: REFERENCE LIBRARY: The library actively provides timely, accurate, and useful information for community residents. PRESCHOOLERS' DOOR TO LEARNING: The library encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and learning through services for children, and for parents and children together. POPULAR MATERIALS LIBRARY: The library features current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages. SECONDARY ROLES INDEPENDENT LEARNING CENTER: The library supports individuals of all ages pursuing a sustained program of learning independent of any educational provider. FORMAL EDUCATION SUPPORT CENTER: The library assists students of all ages in meeting educational objectives established during their formal courses of study. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Growth of the population of the library service area as well as the rapid expansion of all things electronic, seem to be the main reasons for the continued increase in the library'S statistics. Electronic technology makes the measurement of library usage easier and it encourages use as well. The increased population of the area naturally contributes to the increased library patron count. Daily library statistics are -72- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY LIBRARY DEPARTMENT (continued) PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: recorded in areas of types and amounts of library materials that are checked out, returned, lost, requested and reserved. Manual records are maintained that keep track of the amount of patrons that actually walk into the library, persons who attend special programs and telephone calls answered, as well as the amount of hours that volunteers contribute to the community by helping out at the library. The first nine months of FY 97 indicate record breaking library usage and transactions. This means that the public library is alive and well in the City of Schertz and there is no reason to believe that this will change in the near future. Statistics for first nine months of FY 97 Registered Library Users Library Materials Checked Out Hours Volunteered Actual Library Visits Telephone Calls Received 6,213 83,071 2,015 65,689 5,221 PROGRAM COMMENTS: The focus for FY 98 will be to continue to pursue ways to provide more electronic resources to the public by taking advantage of the grants that are available at this time. Electronic teChnology is amazing and appealing, but the balance of humanity and technology is necessary. To that end, the library will strive to improve customer service, initiate programs for staff development and continue to pay attention to the roles and missions of the Schertz Library and the City of Schertz. ACTUAL 95-96 S139,067.00 BUDGET 96-97 S164,637.00 BUDGET 97-98 S178,162.00 -73- GENERAL CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 6S L:IBRARY PERSONNEL LIBRARY 92,219.00 106,735.00 119,356.00 4.040.00 4.780.00 4.550.00 12.768.00 15.782.00 17.616.00 3.040.00 6,940.00 2.040.00 27.000.00 30,400.00 34,600.00 --------------- --------------- ============== --------------- --------------- TOTAL 139.067.00 164.637.00 178.162.00 SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES KAIN'l'ENANCE CAPITAL -74- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 LIBRARY PERSONNEL 65010 SALARIES 76,561.00 88,032.00 97,733.00 65014 FICA 5,949.00 6,839.00 7,704.00 65016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 283.00 332.00 289.00 65018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,320.00 5.208.00 5,856.00 65020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 3,906.00 4,980.00 4,798.00 65024 LONGEVITY 1.200.00 1,344.00 2,976.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 92,219.00 106,735.00 119,356.00 SUPPLIES 65110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 700.00 800.00 3,000.00 65112 POSTAGE 500.00 500.00 550.00 65128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,840.00 3,480.00 1.000.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 4.040.00 4,780.00 4,550.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65213 COMPUTER FEES & LICENSES 0.00 0.00 1.500.00 65216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 0.00 2.000.00 500.00 65218 ADVERTISING 40.00 0.00 100.00 65220 PRINTING & BINDING 600.00 750.00 750.00 65224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1,470.00 1,270.00 1,235.00 65228 ELECTRICITY 5.800.00 5,800.00 5.800.00 65230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,000.00 1,300.00 1.440.00 65232 WATER SERVICES 500.00 500.00 500.00 65238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT (AG) 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 65240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 825.00 2,645.00 1.509.00 65250 ANNUAL AWARDS 150.00 150.00 150.00 65252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 230.00 275.00 275.00 65254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 1,338.00 1.092.00 1.279.00 65260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 815.00 0.00 78.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,768.00 15.782.00 17,616.00 MAINTENANCE 65310 BUILDING MAINT. 2,500.00 6.700.00 1,500.00 65312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 300.00 0.00 300.00 65332 LANDSCAPE MAINT(NOT PARK) 240.00 240.00 240.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 3.040.00 6.940.00 2.040.00 -75- CAPITAL 65416 65418 65423 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS FURNITURE/FIXTURES LIBRARY BOOKS COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP TOTAL CAPITAL LIBRARY TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 0.00 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 ------------ ------------ 139,067.00 -76- BUDGET 96-97 400.00 30,000.00 0.00 30,400.00 ------------ ------------ 164,637.00 BUDGET 97-98 540.00 32,400.00 1,660.00 34,600.00 ------------- ------------- 178,162.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -77- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MANAGEMENT SERVICES FUNCTION: The Management Services Department consists of three distinct functions: Economic Development; Personnel (and associated employee benefitss programs, health, life insurance, TNRS); and Risk Hanagement (liability, property, and Workers' Compensation programs). The department is staffed with one director and one personnel clerk. The focus of this department is Economic Development. This department also provides support to several citizen groups: Executive Director to the Schertz Development Foundation and Schertz Parkway Zone Board of Directors; and direct staff support to the Schertz Economic Development Commission. This department also serves as the City of Schertz representative to several outside agencies: The Austin/San Antonio Corridor Council (currently has a seat on the Executive Committee and chairs the Economic Development Committee); Texas Bconomic Development Council; and works closely with economic development allies in the area and the State. The department head also serves as Administrative Assistant to the City Manager and Budget Officer. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Progress in Economic Development is always difficult to measure. We continue to have successes with new company relocations and some expansions. This trend will continue over the foreseeable short term. Prospect inquires continue to increase as well as the quality of the prospect and the size of the project. Emphasis will be on continured marketing outside the local area. Our success in this area is more nearly measured in terms of future years' development. Personnel programs continue to expand as the City adds employees, and inceases its sophistication of services. Risk Management programs have stabilized with all Risk Management activities consolidated with TML programs. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The Economic Development Program is active and working. Its development has been slow and laborious, but the focus remains on the long term. Short term strategies only last in the short term. with the investment we are making now, we will be positioned to benefit over the longer term. -78- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (continued) The payoff will be (1) the expansion of our commercial tax base which will have a major position effect on ad valorem rates. and (2) the creation of new jobS which will have long term lasting benefits to the community. The pace of development along Schertz Parkway will accelerate the Tax Increment Financing Program. It is estimated this program is 10 years ahead of schedule. It is likely work can begin on the Schertz Parkway expansion within the next two years. Personnel programs have remained basically intact. the additional staff added over the last several increased the level of activity. However, years has The goal remains long term stability with programs designed to insure our quality of life remains our community'S strongest asse~. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 $74.910.00 BUDGET 97-98 $66,257.00 $76,980.00 -79- GENERAL EXPENDITURE 66 MGMT SERVICES PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL HGMT SERVICES TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARy BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 53,151.00 58,565.00 61,300.00 1.575.00 1.575.00 1,575.00 11,381.00 12.650.00 11.955.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 2.120.00 2.150.00 =============== --------------- ============== --------------- 66.257.00 74,910.00 76.980.00 -80- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MGMT SERVICES PERSONNEL 66010 SALARIES 44,216.00 48,519.00 50,802.00 66012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 200.00 204.00 300.00 66014 FICA 3,417.00 3.746.00 3,953.00 66016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 144.00 153.00 124.00 66018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,630.00 2.976.00 2,938.00 66020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,352.00 2.727.00 2.607.00 66024 LONGEVITY 192.00 240.00 576.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 53,151. 00 58,565.00 61.300.00 SUPPLIES 66110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 375.00 375.00 375.00 66112 POSTAGE 400.00 400.00 400.00 66134 MERCHANDISE 800.00 800.00 800.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,575.00 1.575.00 1,575.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66215 LEGAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 0.00 66216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 0.00 1.000.00 0.00 66218 ADVERTISING 550.00 500.00 500.00 66220 PRINTING & BINDING 2,100.00 800.00 900.00 66222 OFFICE COpy SERVICE 0.00 129.00 135.00 66224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1.000.00 1,000.00 971. 00 66230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,000.00 1.500.00 1.500.00 66238 COMP & SUP EQ HAINT(AG) 26.00 26.00 26.00 66240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 220.00 220.00 220.00 66252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 335.00 345.00 345.00 66253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 450.00 330.00 330.00 66254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 3,000.00 4.000.00 4.800.00 66260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 78.00 66262 CONTINGENCIES 800.00 800.00 500.00 66264 SPECIAL EVENTS 1,400.00 1.500.00 1,650.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,381.00 12,650.00 11.955.00 -81- CAPITAL 66416 66423 66438 GENERAL FUND EXPENDI',"~;RE DETAILS FURNITURE/FIXTURES COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL MGMT SERVICES TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 150.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 ------------ ------------ 66,257.00 -82- BUDGET 96-97 0.00 2,120.00 0.00 2,120.00 ------------ ------------ 74,910.00 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 2.000.00 150.00 2,150.00 ------------- ------------- 76,980.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -83- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY NON-DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTION: This account includes a number of expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function/department. Items in this account include audit cost, newsletter printing, contract amounts for emergency ambulance service, general fund debt service and a portion of data processing. Additionally this account contains provisions for contingency funds. ACTUAL 95-96 $336,812.00 BUDGET 96-97 $354,576.00 BUDGET 97-97 $394.504.00 -84- GENERAL EXPENDITURE 67 NON-DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES coNTRACTUAL SERVICES XAIN'l'ENANCE CAPITAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 4,000.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 330.012.00 342.616.00 382.104.00 1.300.00 1.600.00 300.00 1.500.00 8,360.00 10.000.00 --------------- =============== -------------- --------------- -------------- 336.812.00 354.576.00 394.504.00 -85- PERSONNEL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS NON-DEPARTMENTAL 67022 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPo CLAIM SUPPLIES TOTAL PERSONNEL 67112 POSTAGE TOTAL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67213 67214 67216 67217 67220 67224 67254 67256 67258 67260 67262 67266 COMPUTER FEES & LICENSES MEDICAL SERVICES OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo AUDITOR/ACCOUNTING SERVo PRINTING & BINDING CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. INTER FUND CHARGES-ADMIN DEBT SERVICE LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS CONTINGENCIES TAX INCREMENT FINANCE MAINTENANCE TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. CAPITAL TOTAL MAINTENANCE 67423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP TOTAL CAPITAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 58,500.00 3,300.00 7,500.00 3,600.00 1,500.00 0.00 20,000.00 224,612.00 0.00 10,000.00 500.00 330.012.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 ------------ ------------ 336,812.00 -86- BUDGET 96-97 2,000.00 2.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.180.00 2,800.00 7.500.00 3,750.00 750.00 0.00 20,000.00 221.235.00 0.00 14,000.00 9.401.00 342.616.00 1.600.00 1.600.00 8,360.00 8.360.00 ------------ ------------ 354.576.00 BUDGET 97-98 2.000.00 2.000.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 69.930.00 22.800.00 7,500.00 3,375.00 0.00 1.500.00 20,000.00 218.999.00 8.000.00 10.000.00 20.000.00 382.104.00 300.00 300.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 ------------- ------------- 394.504.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -87- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The purpose of this finance department is to provide financial management assistance to the City Manager. To provide assistance to all departments with bUdget, purChaSing, accounts payable and payroll, and ensure that year end transactions are completed for the annual audit. The department consists of the ComptrOller, Senior Finance Clerk and two Finance Clerks. PROGRAM MBASORRMRN'T': Exhibits with all aspects of Reporting. as required. the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively department heads, employees and vendors on all Governmental Accounting, AUditing and Financial Provides timely and thorough reports and studies ACTUAL 95-96 SO.OOOOo. BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 $0.00000 S121,390.00 -88- EXPENDITURE 68 FINANCE PERSONNEL SUPPLIES GENERAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAPITAL FINANCE TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 108,232.00 0.00 1.400.00 0.00 11.758.00 0.00 0.00 c============== =============== ===========-== 0.00 121..390.00 0.00 -89- GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 FINANCE PERSONNEL 68010 SALARIES 0.00 0.00 88.614.00 68012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 500.00 68014 FICA 0.00 0.00 6,935.00 68016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0.00 0.00 218.00 68018 GROUP INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 5.856.00 68020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 0.00 0.00 4,573.00 68024 LONGEVITY 0.00 0.00 1,536.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 0.00 0.00 108,232.00 SUPPLIES 68110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1.000.00 68112 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 400.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 1.400.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 68213 COMPUTER FEES AND LICENSS 0.00 0.00 4.657.00 68222 OFFICE COpy SERVICE 0.00 0.00 100.00 68224 CITY INSURANCE COMM 0.00 0.00 1,041.00 68230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 400.00 68238 COMP/PERIPHERAL EQ MAINT 0.00 0.00 626.00 68240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT AGREE 0.00 0.00 300.00 68252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 0.00 0.00 321.00 68253 SUBSCRIPTIONS/PUBLICATIOS 0.00 0.00 130.00 68254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN 0.00 0.00 4.105.00 68260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 78.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 11,758.00 ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- FINANCE TOTAL 0.00 0.00 121.390.00 -90- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -91- REVENUES 47011 14 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND REVENUE DETAILS BUDGET 0.00 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 HOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX 15.000.00 53.000.00 70.000.00 =============== =============== ============== TOTAL 15,000.00 53.000.00 70.000.00 -92- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -93- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY HOTEL/MOTEL FUNCTION: The Hotel/Motel Fund is entering its first full year. Revenues are derived from a 7% tax on rooms rented at local hotels/motels. Revenues are estimated at $53,000 this year. Expenditures from this fund are limited by State law to those kinds of programs that promote the tourism industry. We have projected limited spending this year in the form of advertising and the printing of brochures, and promotion of specific community events. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 S20.200.00 S2,000.00 $11. 750.00 -94- HOTEL/MOTEL TAX CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 70 HOTEL/MOTEL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,000.00 10,750.00 19,200.00 MAINTENANCE 1.000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 =============== =============== ============== HOTEL/MOTEL TOTAL 2,000.00 11.750.00 20.200.00 -95- HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 HOTEL/MOTEL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 70217 AUDITOR/ACCOUNTING SERVo 0.00 750.00 1.000.00 70218 ADVERTISING 0.00 5,000.00 4,100.00 70220 PRINTING & BINDING 1,000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 70256 INTER FUND CHARGES-ADMIN 0.00 0.00 4.100.00 70264 JUBILEE SUPPORT 0.00 0.00 5.000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTURAL SERVICE 1,000.00 10,750.00 19,200.00 MAINTENANCE 70328 BVYA SUPPORT 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1,000.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ HOTEL/MOTEL TOTAL 2,000.00 11.750.00 20,200.00 -96- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -97- WATER FUND REVENUE DETAILS REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 02 WATER 43024 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 12,000.00 14.000.00 16,500.00 43034 SALE OF METERS 13,000.00 19.500.00 19.500.00 43036 SALE OF WATER 1,088,232.00 1,144.532.00 43040 SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 1.450.00 3,000.00 43042 SEWER CHARGES 730.000.00 792.055.00 842,494.00 43046 SOLID WAsTE COLLECTION 60,600.00 66.200.00 82.459.00 43052 TRANSFER PEE 500.00 500.00 580.00 43056 WATER PENALTIES 42,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 46614 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0.00 11.400.00 70,000.00 46618 TRANS.FRO!! BONDS 0.00 0.00 18.000.00 47010 INTEREST-WATER/SEWER 14,000.00 45.833.25 84,000.00 47036 INTEREST-REVENuE BOND I&S 3,200.00 320.00 0.00 47046 INTEREST-WS CAPITAL IMP. 225.00 300.00 0.00 47048 INT. -WS CAPITAL RESERVE 200.00 200.00 0.00 47052 IN'l'EREST-WS EQ REPL 4.800.00 4.900.00 0.00 47060 INVES'l'KEN'l'S 0.00 0.00 24.000.00 47064 INT-REV BD RES SCHERTZ BK 0.00 0.00 15,655.00 48031 PW SALARY ADJUS'l'MENT 20.000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 48050 WS LINE CONST. REID. 30.000.00 30.000.00 30.000.00 48116 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 74.825.00 0.00 48118 AACOQ GRANT 11.194.00 0.00 0.00 48119 GUADCO II INCOME 0.00 0.00 11.100.00 48998 RESERVES 0.00 47.054.00 0.00 ..============= -============== ========-===== TOTAL 2.029,951.00 2,318,069.25 2.474.302.00 -98- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -99- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY WATER/WASTEWATER SERVICE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Water/Wastewater Division is responsible for providing the City of Schertz customers safe, potable drinking water to include adequate fire protection as well as maintain a safe sanitary sewer collection system. It is also bound by State/Federal laws, local ordinances, and the City Charter to keep the public water and wastewater systems maintained in a satisfactory condition. The division plans, designs and coordinates all future water/wastewater mains and services, sewer lift stations, water productions facilities, and storage plants. Produces, maintains reports to document activities as required by the State Health Department and Texas National Resource Conservation Commission and the City of Schertz. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Current measurements consist of the number of service calls, preventative maintenance of Water/Wastewater vehicles, main breaks, service repairs, water meter repairs, installation, valve, fire hydrant and manhole maintenance. Other measurements include miles driven, fuel, number of service activities. The totals for Water/Wastewater 1995 1996 Fiscal Year are as follows: Gallons of Water Pumped: Gallons Available for Distribution: Average Active Water Connections: Average Active Sewer Connections: Service Calls: Blanket Work orders: Meters Installed: New Service Taps: 803,835,000 723,950,562 4,633 3,763 570 28 489 23 PROGRAM COMMENTS: It is of the utmost importance to continue to seek secondary water supply as stated in the Capital Recovery Budget. As the City strives to maintain water production levels within the allotted amount from Edwards Aquifer Authority of 2414, with continued growth the task has become more difficult, inClUding current demands. -100- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY WATER/WASTEWATER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (continued) PROGRAM COMMENTS: Three additional personnel were added to maintain the same level of service without creating more overtime man-hours. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGBT 96-97 S2.204,885.00 BUDGET 97-98 S2,312,972.00 S1.915,574.00 -101- WATER EXPENDITURE 75 WATER SERVICE PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL WATER SERVICE TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 332.326.00 70.837.00 1.438.511.00 33.750.00 40.150.00 BUDGET 96-97 385,760.00 79.836.00 1.531.786.00 44.216.00 163,287.00 BUDGET 97-98 434.243.00 85.009.00 1.589.731.00 49,129.00 1.915.574.00 =============== =============== ============== 154.860.00 -102- 2.204.885.00 2.312.972.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -103- WATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-96 WATER SERVICE PERSONNEL 75010 SALARIES 256,087.00 296,469.00 335,380.00 75012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 9,000.00 9,158.00 11,500.00 75014 FICA 20,523.00 23.850.00 27,175.00 75016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 9.133.00 13.996.00 9.027.00 75018 GROUP INSURANCE 20.160.00 21.206.00 24.888.00 75020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 14,255.00 17,337.00 17,921.00 75024 LONGEVITY 3.168.00 3,744.00 8,352.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 332.326.00 385.760.00 434,243.00 SUPPLIES 75110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800.00 2.700.00 2,835.00 75112 POSTAGE 501. 00 500.00 614 .00 75114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 3.300.00 6.363.00 7,300.00 75116 CLOTHING 2.541.00 2,800.00 3.000.00 75118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 7,000.00 7.923.00 9,250.00 75122 STREET/MAINTENANCE MATLS. 2.628.00 2.500.00 3.500.00 75126 WATER & SEWER MAINT. 48.217.00 50.350.00 51.860.00 75128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3.850.00 5,700.00 5.700.00 75130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 1.000.00 1.000.00 950.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 70.837.00 79.836.00 85.009.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75210 CCMA EXPENSE 479.718.00 535,158.00 542,254.00 75211 ENGINEERING SERVICES 9.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 75214 MEDICAL SERVICES 540.00 952.00 900.00 75215 LEGAL SERVICES 15,000.00 15.000.00 15.000.00 75216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 21,520.00 21.580.00 11,274.00 75217 AUDITOR/ACCOUNTING SERVo 6.500.00 6.500.00 6.500.00 75218 ADVERTISING 300.00 300.00 900.00 75220 PRINTING & BINDING 500.00 500.00 300.00 75222 OFFICE COpy SERVICE 500.00 500.00 500.00 75224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 14,717.00 14.717.00 16.051. 00 75228 ELECTRICITY 82.992.00 91.291. 00 95,850.00 75230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4.200.00 4,400.00 5.500.00 75232 WATER SERVICES 800.00 800.00 1,000.00 75236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 4.493.00 4,400.00 4.400.00 75240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 6.500.00 4.500.00 4,500.00 75242 RENTAL-BUILDING, LAND 285.00 285.00 285.00 75244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT,ETC. 1,589.00 1,500.00 926.00 75250 ANNUAL AWARDS 450.00 450.00 450.00 75252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 2.026.00 2.506.00 2,595.00 75253 SUBSCRIPT/PUBLICATIONS 500.00 490.00 490.00 75254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 3.452.00 3.952.00 5.439.00 75256 INTER FUND CHARGES-ADMIN 225.000.00 265,000.00 265.000.00 -104- WATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 75258 DEBT SERVICE 470,826.00 455,978.00 456,022.00 75259 RAW WATER PURCHASE 63,030.00 63,030.00 119.552.00 75260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 624.00 75262 CONTINGENCIES 20,073.00 29,997.00 23,419.00 75268 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 75270 LOW FLOW REBATE PROGRAM 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 75275 SOD REBATE PROGRAM 2.000.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,438,511.00 1.531,786.00 1.589.731.00 MAINTENANCE 75310 BUILDING MAINT. 3.250.00 3.250.00 4.250.00 75312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 1.000.00 1.200.00 3.315.00 75314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 2.000.00 6.000.00 3,000.00 75315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 11.000.00 17,266.00 16.364.00 75316 WATER & SEWER HAINT. 10.600.00 10.600.00 16.300.00 75320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 75330 STREET MAINTENANCE 3.500.00 3.500.00 3.500.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 33,750.00 44,216.00 49.129.00 CAPITAL 75420 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 19.443.00 95.175.00 75422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4.800.00 0.00 0.00 75423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 6.000.00 6.598.00 8.346.00 75424 FIXED PLANT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 24.000.00 75426 RADIO & COMM.EQUIP. 0.00 2.250.00 5.020.00 75432 WATER,MAINS,VALVES, ETC 0.00 111.879.00 0.00 75436 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 7.350.00 2.400.00 21.600.00 75438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 22.000.00 20.717.00 719.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 40.150.00 163.287.00 154.860.00 ============ ============ ------------- ------------- WATER SERVICE TOTAL 1,915,574.00 2.204.885.00 2,312.972.00 -105- DEPAR'1'MENT COMMENTARY WATER BILLING DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Water Billing Division is responsible for providing the City of Schertz customers with a monthly billing, identifying water usage, sewer rate, garbage, reCYCling and does the billing for GUADCO MOD unit 2. This division is responsible for the collection of these bills and assisting the customers with answers to their questions, concerns and complaints and provides information for State required reports. New customers and contractors apply for new services through this department. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This area bills approximately six thousand (6,000) accounts a month with few errors. Old accounts are closed and new accounts are opened on a daily basis. With the continued construction of new homes and businesses the demands on this area are going to continue to grow. PROGRAM COMMENT~: During this past fiscal year the cycle billing areas re-organized to equalize each cycle. This may have to be again in the future. With the addition of new accounts work load has also increased. To keep up with the needs, staffing requirements were evaluated and the addition another Utility Billing Clerk has been made. were done the the of ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 $110,923.00 BUDGET 97-98 S155.031.00 $85.673.00 -106- WATER EXPENDITURE 76 WATER BILLING PERSONNEL SUPPL1:ES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES KADfTENANCE CAPITAL WATER BILLING TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 45,886.00 70,883.00 106.608.00 16.358.00 17.306.00 20.800.00 21.119.00 22.234.00 27.123.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 2.310.00 0.00 0.00 =============== =============== ===========... 85.673.00 110.923.00 155.031. 00 -107- WATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 WATER BILLING PERSONNEL 76010 SALARIES 36.345.00 55,361.00 83.717.00 76012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 804.00 2,035.00 2,000.00 76014 FICA 2.875.00 4.477.00 6.866.00 76016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 129.00 182.00 214.00 76018 GROUP INSURANCE 2.804.00 4.464.00 5.856.00 76020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,969.00 3.260.00 4.499.00 76024 LONGEVITY 960.00 1,104.00 3.456.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 45.886.00 70.883.00 106.608.00 SUPPLIES 76110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,420.00 2,400.00 2.400.00 76112 POSTAGE 13,498.00 14,506.00 18,000.00 76130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 440.00 400.00 400.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 16,358.00 17,306.00 20,800.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 76213 COMPUTER FEES & LICENSES 5.121.00 5,377.00 5,377.00 76220 PRINTING & BINDING 4,165.00 4,700.00 4.700.00 76222 OFFICE COpy SERVICE 0.00 101.00 101.00 76224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 2,160.00 2,160.00 971. 00 76230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 555.00 555.00 555.00 76238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 4,447.00 4.670.00 4.670.00 76240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 171. 00 171.00 171. 00 76254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 500.00 500.00 500.00 76259 UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS 4.000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 76260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 6,078.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21.119.00 22,234.00 27.123.00 MAINTENANCE 76310 BUILDING MAINT. 0.00 500.00 500.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 0.00 500.00 500.00 -108- CAPITAL 76416 76423 WATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS FURNITURE/FIXTURES COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP TOTAL CAPITAL WATER BILLING TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 1.610.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 0.00 0.00 2,310.00 0.00 0.00 =~=======.=. ==========.. ============= 85,673.00 110.923.00 155.031.00 -109- REVENUES 10 FLEET SERVICE 43040 48116 FLEET SERVICE FUND REVENUE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 DUE FROM DEPARTMENTS PARTS CONTRACTUAL 50,100.00 16,000.00 44,853.00 34,919.00 63.131.00 39,296.00 =============== =============== ============== TOTAL 66.100.00 79,772.00 102.427.00 -110- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -111- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FLEET SERVICES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The primary function of the Fleet Service Department is to perform preventative maintenance and repair on all City owned vehicles and equipment. Before Subcontracting any repair work to local auto repair facilities or dealerships, Fleet Services reviews each repair order and examines the vehicle and equipment to determine if necessary repairs can be completed in-house. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: CUrrent measures consist of the number of scheduled and non-scheduled work orders at a total of 539 for the 95-96 py are as follows: Administration Animal Control Fire Department Fleet Service Parks 24 13 62 3 33 Police S.A.F.E.S. Streets Water/Wastewater 201 4 101 98 PROGRAM COMMENTS: Creation of second mechanic postion and fixed cost fee per individual department not inClUding parts or miscellaneous filters, billed at the time of Service. Tire repairs will not be charged a fee. Fees are recommended to be funded through inter department transfers during the fiscal year. ACTUAL 95-96 $65,576.00 BUDGET 96-97 $79,772.00 BUDGET 97-98 $101. 878.00 -112- FLEET SERVICE EXPENDITURE 77 FLEET SERVICE PERSONNEL SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES KAINTENANCE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICE TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 24,721.00 28,569.00 11.371.00 915.00 0.00 BUDGET 96-97 35,482.00 28.561. 00 14,904.00 825.00 0.00 BUDGET 97-98 52,971.00 31.548.00 16.454.00 905.00 0.00 =============== =============== ============== 65,576.00 79.772.00 -113- 101.878.00 FLEET SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 FLEET SERVICE PERSONNEL 77010 SALARIES 19.574.00 28.620.00 42.826.00 77012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 150.00 509.00 150.00 77014 FICA 1,512.00 2,247.00 3.320.00 77016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 872.00 1,173.00 1.340.00 77018 GROUP INSURANCE 1.440.00 1.492.00 2.562.00 77020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 981. 00 1,201.00 2.197.00 77024 LONGEVITY 192.00 240.00 576.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 24,721.00 35.482.00 52,971. 00 SUPPLIES 77110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 148.00 148.00 156.00 77112 POSTAGE 50.00 50.00 75.00 77114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 3.500.00 3.500.00 3.850.00 77116 CLOTHING 208.00 208.00 376.00 77118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 307.00 300.00 300.00 77124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 19.601. 00 19,600.00 21.560.00 77128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,805.00 1,805.00 1.986.00 77130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 2,950.00 2,950.00 3,245.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 28,569.00 28,561.00 31,548.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77218 ADVERTISING 0.00 145.00 0.00 77220 PRINTING & BINDING 277 . 00 277.00 305.00 77224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 1.125.00 1.125.00 874.00 77230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 300.00 55.00 200.00 77236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 569.00 569.00 1.092.00 77238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 200.00 0.00 0.00 77240 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 8.200.00 12.000.00 13.200.00 77244 RENTAL-EQUIPMENT, ETC. 200.00 200.00 220.00 77250 ANNUAL AWARDS 25.00 75.00 25.00 77252 MEMBERSHIPS PROF ORGNS 175.00 350.00 420.00 77254 CONFERENCE/TRAVEL/TRAIN. 300.00 108.00 118.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11.371. 00 14,904.00 16.454.00 -114- FLEET SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 MAINTENANCE FLEET SERVICE TOTAL 290.00 275.00 317.00 375.00 300.00 300.00 250.00 250.00 288.00 915.00 825.00 905.00 ------------ ============ ============= ------------ 65,576.00 79.772.00 101.878.00 77310 77315 77320 BUILDING MAINT. MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) MINOR & OTHER EQUIP TOTAL MAINTENANCE -115- REVENUES CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND REVENUE DETAILS 11 CAPITAL RECOVERY 43020 43021 48998 CAP. RECOVERY-WATER CAP.RECOVERY-WASTEWATER TRANSFER FROM RESERVES TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 200,000.00 62,735.00 70,929.00 BUDGET 95-97 BUDGET 97-98 50.250.00 6.750.00 193,206.00 75.000.00 31.500.00 0.00 333.664.00 =============== =============== ============== -116- 250.206.00 106.500.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -117- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CAPITAL RECOVERY DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The ~apital Recovery Program is designed to support future growth of population and commercial water and wastewater demands without impacting the existing customers while keeping bond supported programs to a minimum. Capital Recovery projects are based on the number of connections sold, to increase pumping, storage, and transmission water lines, and wastewater programs. In accordance with House Bill 336 Impact Funds (Capital Recovery) must be used within five (5) years of collection date. All water and wastewater improvements are constructed to meet State Board of Insurance, TNRCC rules and regulations. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Measu~ements include the availability of provided service connections, excess storage capacity, pumping production, transmission and collection main capacity. A pre-calculated fee is collected at the time of sale of the meter. PROGRAM COMMENTS: We must strive to finalize the development of a water supply, by continuing the engineering stUdy water resources. The Edwards Aquifer Authority establishing maximum pumpage in the FY 1997 reduction will begin with the permitted allotment Make up water is vital for Schertz to meet current water demands. secondary of other will be 1998 and of water. and future ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 $548.155.00 BUDGET 97-98 S260,724.00 $43,760.00 -118- CAPITAL RECOVERY CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 78 CAPITAL RECOVERY SUPPLIES 50.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,000.00 15,200.00 100.00 KADTTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL 235,674.00 532,955.00 43,660.00 .c...........c. ............... c............. CAPITAL RECOVERY TOTAL 260.724.00 548.155.00 43,'60.00 -119- CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 CAPITAL RECOVERY SUPPLIES 78112 POSTAGE 50.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 50.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 78211 ENGINEERING SERVICES 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 78216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 78218 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25.000.00 0.00 100.00 CAPITAL 78428 POMPS,HOTORS,STORAGE FAC 42.000.00 0.00 0.00 78432 WATER, MAINS. VALVES. ETC 193.674.00 447.566.00 0.00 78438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0.00 85,389.00 43.660.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 235,674.00 532,955.00 43,660.00 ------------ ------------ ============= ------------ ------------ CAPITAL RECOVERY TOTAL 260,724.00 532.955.00 43.760.00 -120- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -121- SAFES FUND REVENUE DETAILS REVENUEs BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 03 SAFES 43010 FEE-AMBULANCE INVOICE 256,741.00 322,640.00 339,000.00 43011 MILEAGE TRANSPORT FEE 0.00 39.830.00 45,000.00 45010 CITY SUPPORT-ClBOLO PYMT 8,892.00 9,547.00 10.567.00 45012 CITY SUPPORT-GARDEN RIDGE 9.360.00 9.360.00 10.360.00 45014 CITY SUPPORT-LIVE OAK 46.908.00 46.908.00 53.380.00 45016 CITY SUPPORT-MARION 5,148.00 5.248.00 5.698.00 45018 CITY SUPPORT-SCHERTZ 58.500.00 63.180.00 69,930.00~ 45020 CITY SUPPORT-SELMA 2,527.00 2.527.00 2.797.00 45024 CITY SUPPORT-ST.HEDWIG 6.753.00 8.424.00 9,324.00 45026 CITY SUPPORT-UNIVERSAL CY 65.520.00 66.784.00 73.918.00 45028 SUPPORT RAFB 38.844.00 53.530.00 59.244.00 45100 COUNTY SUPPORT-COMAL CO. 5,616.00 5.616.00 7,770.00 45200 COUNTY SUPPORT-GUADALUPE 44.800.00 44.800.00 80,000.00 46110 INCOME-MISCELL-SAFES 0.00 1.860.00 2.000.00 47010 INTEREST INCOME-SAFES 5.000.00 8.855.00 16,500.00 47012 INCOME-AMBULANCE 1, lOlL- 00 1.500.00 0.00 47014 INTBREST-CONTINGENCY-SAPE 1.000.00 1.095.00 0.00 48998 RESERVES 20.000.00 43,000.00 0.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- TOTAL 576.709.00 734.704.00 785,488.00 -122- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -123- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY SAFES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: SAFES EMS purpose is to provide a "round the clock" Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Service for the sick and injured, stand-by service for all residential and commercial structure fires, hazardous material incidents stand-by for the City of Schertz along with the entities of Cibolo, Selma, Universal City, Marion, Garden Ridge, St. Hedwig, Live Oak, unincorporated areas of Guadalupe and Comal counties and contractual agreement with RAFB. SAFES also provides CE program support for the City of Schertz Fire Department and the above entities. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The services area is approximately 250 square miles with a population exceeding 60,000. SAFES conducts Emergency Medical Services and 9-1-1 awareness programs to area schools and community groups. Number of Calls: llH ill.S. ll.H 1997/98 3,189 2,905 3,475 3,560 During 1996/97 63% of all calls were transports. 58% of these transports were trauma calls; requiring ALS treatment. PROGRAM COMMENT$: Residential and Commercial growth in the City of SChertz and surrounding communities is occurring rapidly. Adequate EMS services for this expansion will require an additional EMT and a full-time clerical staff as well as eventually a new station. SAFES Volunteer organization, with their Memorial Donations and Fundraisers, have provided a trailer home for temporary housing quarters for twentY-four hour or evening EMT shifts. The SAFES organization also continued to fund EMT training and certifications along with expensive equipment (such as monitors) to defray some of the financial cost. ACTUAL 95-96 $573,l88.00 BUDGET 96-97 $734.214.89 BUDGET 97-98 $782,116.00 -124- EXPENDITURE 80 SAFES PERSONNEL SUPPLIES SAFES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES HUNTENANCE CAPITAL SAFES TOTAL CATEGORY SUMMARY BUDGET 95-96 252,159.00 63.811.00 178.768.00 26.700.00 51,750.00 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 384,653.89 442.746.00 68.634.00 73,365.00 170.108.00 193,260.00 27.329.00 30,200.00 83.490.00 42.545.00 c=========-==== c===c===.====== c==....--..... 782,116.00 573.188.00 734,214..89 -125- SAFES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 SAFES PERSONNEL 80010 SALARIES 194,075.00 290,798.00 337.368.00 80012 SALARIES-OVERTIME 15,000.00 29,500.00 30,000.00 80014 FICA 16,875.00 23.979.26 28,297.00 80016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 10,558.00 14,389.27 13,131.00 80018 GROUP INSURANCE 7,609.00 11,184.00 16.104.00 80020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 7,418.00 14.035.36 15.446.00 80024 LONGEVITY 624.00 768.00 2,400.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL 252.159.00 384,653.89 442,746.00 SUPPLIES 80110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,188.00 3,700.00 80112 POSTAGE 2,600.00 2,600.00 2.600.00 80114 CHEM/MED/LAB SUPPLIES 36,682.00 39.300.00 41.000.00 80116 CLOTHING 1,289.00 2,065.00 2,640.00 80118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 14,820.00 14,856.00 15,600.00 80124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1,700.00 3,200.00 3.500.00 80128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,425.00 3.425.00 3.425.00 80130 MINOR EQUIP. SUPPLIES 295.00 0.00 600.00 80132 FIRE/CRIME PREV SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 300.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 63,811.00 68,634.00 73,365.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80213 COMPUTER FEES & LICENSES 840.00 840.00 1,200.00 80214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 650.00 720.00 80215 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1.000.00 80216 OTHER CONSULT/PROF SERVo 10,000.00 12,000.00 14,700.00 80218 ADVERTISING 148.00 0.00 200.00 80220 PRINTING & BINDING 500.00 500.00 750.00 80222 OFFICE COpy SERVICE 800.00 1,000.00 1.500.00 80224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 25.890.00 26.000.00 27.000.00 80228 ELECTRICITY 0.00 0.00 1.800.00 80230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 4.500.00 6.500.00 7.470.00 80236 UNIFORM/LAUNDRY 4,200.00 6,300.00 6,750.00 80238 COMP & SUP EQ MAINT(AG) 3.000.00 0.00 0.00 802~~~OTHER REPAIR/MAINT(AGREE) 1,000.00 900.00 1.000.00 ~-~-,. 802!54 . .. CONFE~fTRAVEI:i7TRXIN. 1,960.00 3,443.00 3.500.00 80256 INTER FUND CHARGES-ADMIN 7,800.00 7.800.00 7.800.00 80259 UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS 71,250.00 78.275.00 98,750.00 80260 LEASE/PURCHASE PAYMENTS 30,000.00 2,900.00 3,120.00 80261 MEDICARE ALLOWANCE 12,500.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 80262 CONTINGENCIES 1,440.00 0.00 1,000.00 80270 COLLECTION EXPENSES 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 178,768.00 170.108.00 193.260.00 -126- SAFES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 MAINTENANCE 80310 BUILDING MAINT. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 80312 RADIO/ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 80314 OTHER MOTOR VEH MAINT 20.700.00 20,000.00 24,000.00 80315 MOTOR VEH(FLEET SERVICE) 0.00 1,329.00 1,200.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 26,700.00 27,329.00 30.200.00 CAPITAL 80414 POLICE/FlRE/MED EQUIP 0.00 875.00 1,000.00 80420 MOTOR VEHICLES 50,000.00 70,000.00 34,500.00 80423 COMPUTER & SUPPORT EQUIP 1.750.00 2.615.00 895.00 80426 RADIO & COMM.EQUIP. 0.00 2.000.00 5.850.00 80436 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 8.000.00 300.00 TOTAL CAPITAL 51.750.00 83.490.00 42,545.00 ============ ============ ========-===== SAFES TOTAL 573,188.00 734,214.89 782.116.00 -127- REVENUES 17 47035 PARKS FUND DEVELOPERS FEES PARKS FUND FOND REVENUE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 107,045.00 26,500.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- TOTAL 0.00 107.045.00 26.500.00 -128- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -129- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY PARK FUND FUNCTION: The Parks Fund is a special fund designed to monitor and manage funds for improvement of the City of Schertz Park System. Revenues are derived from developers fees {in lieu of park land dedicatin}, grants, and donations. PROGRAM COMMENTS: This year, $44,605 is planned for the development of a park in AShley Place. ACTUAL 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 $53,572.00 BUDGBT 97-98 S44,605.00 $0.00000 -130- PARKS FUND CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 95-96 96-97 97-98 71 PARKS CAPITAL 0.00 53,572.00 44,605.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- PARKS TOTAL 0.00 53.572.00 44.605.00 -131- PARKS CAPITAL 71436 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL PARKS PARKS FUND FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS BUDGET 95-96 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ TOTAL 0.00 -132- BUDGET 96-97 53,572.00 53,572.00 ------------ ------------ 53,572.00 BUDGET 97-98 44,605.00 44,605.00 ------------- ------------- 44,605.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -133- REVENUES 48111 18 RECYCLING FUND RECYCLING FUND FUND REVENUE DETAILS SALE OF RECYCLING MATERIL TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 0.00 55.977.47 16.000.00 =============== =============== ===========z== 0.00 55.977.47 16.000.00 -134- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -135- DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY RECYCLING FUND FUNCTION: The Recycling Fund is designed to monitor and manage revenues received from the Recycling Fee on all residential water bills, and the sale of recyclable material. These funds are currently being used to "buy down" solid waste collection costs. ACTUAL 95-96 SO.OOOOO BUDGET 96-97 $15.372.00 BUDGET 97-98 S16,OOO.00 -136- RECYCLING FUND CATEGORY SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET 95-96 BUDGET 96-97 BUDGET 97-98 73 RECYCLING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 15,372.00 16,000.00 --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- RECYCLING TOTAL 0.00 15.372.00 16.000.00 -137- RECYCLING FUND FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS RECYCLING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 73.205 73249 73251 PAYABLE TO ALAMO WASTE TRANSFER TO WATER BILLING TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RECYCLING TOTAL BUDGET 95-96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -=========== 0.00 -138- BUDGET 96-97 13,068.00 1,845.00 459.00 15.372.00 ============ 15.372.00 BUDGET 97-98 13.800.00 1,700.00 500.00 16,000.00 ============= 16.000.00 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -139- - :* ,0 :CiJ :1.- . 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Secretary 19 8 MUNICIPAL COURT Magistrate/Administrator Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk 10 8 7 TAX DEPARTMENT Tax Collector/Office Manager Tax Clerk 15 7 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Building Official Inspector Asst Inspector 13 10 8 -142- 1997-98 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE FACILITY MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance Supervisor CUstodial Helper II CUstodial Helper I 13 8 6 POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant/C.I.D. Warrant Officer Det/Special Projects Det/Youth Services Police Officer Office Manager Secretary Dispatcher Crossing Guards - P.T. 20 15 13 13 11 11 11 11 10 8 8 FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Lieutenant Fire Marshall Firefighters 17 13 13 10 HEALTH/SAFES Administrator Asst. Administrator EMT Attendant Billing Clerk 17 14 10 8 LIBRARY Librarian Library Assistant Clerks Clerk - P.T. 16 10 5 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director Asst. Director PW Inspector PW Secretary PW Clerk 18 15 10 8 7 -143- 1997-98 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT Supervisor Animal Control Officer Shelter Operator 13 8 6 STREET DEPARTMENT Supervisor Foreman Street Worker II Street Worker I Pool Manager - P.T. Lifeguards - P.T. 13 10 8 6 PARK DEPARTMENT Park Worker II Park Worker I 8 6 WATER/WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT Supervisor Foreman Serviceman II Serviceman I Meter Tech II Meter Tech I 13 10 8 6 8 6 FLEET SERVICES Mechanic 11 WATER BILLING Supervisor Collections Clerk II Collections Clerk I 10 8 7 -144- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -145- ~ \D\DCT\L1) rl MONrl 'M 0. r-O\\.D Q) OOr--Lf'l .u UiNM '" ..... M rJ.........! \D If) ...-l N Vi N...-l .0 0. r-- r-- .........! Q) r--Lf)\f1 .u L1)N...-l '" ..... N OOCOM.--4 .-t O...-lr--N .r- 0. r--\O\D (]) \ON""" J.J If) N....... Ul ..... .,.....j .qoCOOON rl 0\0\0("") ..,. 0. \OlflN Q) If)O<o::!" 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NO\\Dr-- rl r-- LJ"l "'''0' ...,.\D\DN 0\...,..-1 ~ . 0 \DUlO .. NLJir--\O ....."'UO N.,. rlO'\O'\("") ~rlLf)"'1' .", \OMCO .. N.-tr--'o::f" .....UOUO N"O' O\D...-I\D O'\r-CO\O . CD UO..... CO Nt" CDM O"'UO N.,. O\~Q'\O ("")...-Ir--....... . CD Lf)...-IO .. NMON O",UO C"J.,. 0\...-10...,. CO 1"'1 Lf) r-- .,.... 'q'.-t...,. .. N 0\....-4.-1 ""MLJ"l ......... 0\000\ """NO'IUl .,.... 'o::f" ("'.J 0\ .. C"'JlJ"INO "'NUO ......... (,loor-""" 0'>0\0'\\.0 .,.... M M '.0 ... Nrl-;;Jl'O'> "'......... ......... 1..OLf)Lf)(J) ~~'.['PJ:l . r- (""I \..(' Lrl _ <J r-- '.c' '~0 0:> '2-::- .--<.... ~ .-l "0' <lJ..c: CO N~Q).w:J 1 ;:l ~ c: c: o 0.... 0 c: "':I:CO;:S<t: -148- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -149- 1997/98 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. Salary Schedule The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general intermediate prescribed in service for 40 salary schedule consists of an entrance rate, rates, and a maximum rate. The salaries the schedule are fixed on the basis of regular hours of work per week. 2. Application of Plan to Position The service grade assigned refers to the service grade established for each of the positions. Each employee shall be paid within the range established for his position, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this plan. The City Manager will determine the rate on the basis of his evaluation of the experience, ability and length of service of the employee. SECTION II 1. Starting Rate on Initial Employment On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in successive steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate service grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Manager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. 2. Starting Rate on Return to Duty Employees returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve months, when separation was without prejudice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Manager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary. -150- 3. Starting Rate in New position Whenever an employee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held, and such change is not a promotion, the employee shall receive the entrance rate in the salary schedule or such other rate within the applicable schedule as may be reasonable for prior service, meeting the following conditions: a. duties of new position similar to those from old position; b. service in former position provided experience valuable to performance of duties in new position. 4. Rate of Pay on Promotion When an employee is promoted to a position with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule. The lowest step is considered to be the lowest step that will provide an increase over the salary received immediately prior to promotion. 5. Advancement of Salary within a Salary Schedule Advancement in the salary of an employee within a schedule shall be based on the achievement of minimum of service and satisfactory performance. salary periodS a. The minimum periOd of service for the first salary advance after hire or promotion shall be six (6) months. For each succeeding advance, uninterrupted service of twelve month periodS shall be required. In both instances, the individuals supervisor must make a recommendation based on performance as noted in Section ~v. b. To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement; but such advancement cannot exceed two steps in any twelve (12) month period. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other provisions for step advancement within grade. 6. Recommendations for Salary Advancement within Grade Department Heads may recommend in writing to the City Manager the advancement in salary rate of employees in his department who have completed special training, or who have accepted additional duties and responsibilities within the department beyond those normally required. -151- SECTION III 1. Compensation of Part-Time Employees A part-time employee is an employee who works less hours per week and/or whose total hours worked in consecutive month period does not exceed 1040 part-time employee shall be paid on an hourly equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in schedule for the classification. than 35 a twelve hours. A rate basis the salary 2. Advancement in Salary for Part-Time Employees A part-time employee may be advanced in pay in the same manner as other employees, provided that only actual hours of work shall be considered in determining such advancement. When the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, advancement to the next higher step rate may be effected in accordance with Section II above. 3. Compensation for Temporary Employees A temporary employee is an employee who is employed for a known period of time not to exceed four consecutive calendar months, to perform a specific function. All such employment must be specified as to length of time anticipated to complete the temporary assignment on the appropriate form on initial employment. A temporary employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule. SECTION IV 1. Periodic Performance Evaluation The Periodic Performance Evaluation is a management method which puts in actual operation the philosophy that human assets of organizations are just as important to organizational development as material resources. The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee'S weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to discover old and new talent with a view to further development and improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and employees; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. -152- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER SYSTEK BONDS, SERIES 1962, DATED DECEMBER 1, 1962 INTEREST AT 3-5/8% ON BONDS 1-3, 3-3/8% ON BONDS 4-27, AND 3-5/8% ON BONDS 38-301 PAYABLE DECEMBER 1ST AND JUNE 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 301,000.00 251,000.00 50,000.00 DUE OVTSTANDING BOND PI SCAL YEAR RBQtTIR.BKBNT DATES BALANCE NOHBERS PRINCIPAL Dn'ERBST TOTAL 12-01-97 50,000.00 906.00 06-01-98 248-260 13,000.00 906.00 14,812.00 12-01-98 37,000.00 670.44 06-01-99 261-273 13,000.00 670.81 14,341.25 12-01-99 24,000.00 434.88 06-01-00 274-287 14,000.00 .&35.12 14,870.00 12-01-00 10,000.00 181.20 06-01-01 288-297 10,000.00 181.30 10,362.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ 50,000.00 .&,385.75 54,385.75 ============ ============ ===.======-== PAYING ~GENT: Bank of New York -155- CITY OP SCHERTZ, TEXAS 460,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 1987-PINAL DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE INTEREST AT 8.30% POR 1993-1994, 7.75% POR 1995, 6.30% POR 1996, 6.45% POR 1997, 6.60% POR 1998, 6.75% POR 1999 AND 6.50% POR 2000. AMOUNT ISSUED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 460,000.00 330,000.00 130,000.00 DUE DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03-01-98 09-01-98 03-01-99 09-01-99 03-01-00 09-01-00 130,000.00 40,000.00 4,301.25 2,981.25 47,282.50 90,000.00 45,000.00 2,981.25 1,462.50 49,443.75 45,000.00 45,000.00 1,462.50 0.00 46,462.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ 130,000.00 13,188.75 143,188.75 ============ ============ ------------ ------------ TOTAL PAYING AGENT: THE BANK OP NEW YORK -156- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS $620,000 NEW MONEY ISSUE STREET IMPROVEMENT GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1992. INTEREST AT 7.25% FOR 1994-1998, 6.875% FOR 1999, 5.25% FOR 2000, 5.40% FOR 2001, 5.60% FOR 2002, 5.80% FOR 2003, 5.90% FOR 2004, 6.10% FOR 2005, 6.25% FOR 2006, 6.35% FOR 2007, 6.40 FOR 2008. AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1996 DUE OUTSTANDING DATE BALANCE 12-01-97 545,000.00 06-01-98 12-01-98 520,000.00 06-01-99 12-01-99 495,000.00 06-01-00 12-01-00 470,000.00 06-01-01 12-01-01 445,000.00 06-01-02 12-01-02 420,000.00 06-01-03 12-01-03 370,000.00 06-01-04 12-01-04 320,000.00 06-01-05 12-01-05 270,000.00 06-01-06 12-01-06 170,000.00 06-01-07 12-01-07 70,000.00 06-01-08 TOTAL PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK 620,000.00 75,000.00 545,000.00 FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 16,786.88 25,000.00 16,786.88 58,573.76 15,880.63 25,000.00 15,880.63 56,761.26 15,021. 25 25,000.00 15,021. 25 55,042.50 14,365.00 25,000.00 14,365.00 53,730.00 13,690.00 25,000.00 13,690.00 52,380.00 12,990.00 50,000.00 12,990.00 75,980.00 11,540.00 50,000.00 11,540.00 73,080.00 10,065.00 50,000.00 10,065.00 70,130.00 8,540.00 100,000.00 8,540.00 117,080.00 5,415.00 100,000.00 5,415.00 110,830.00 2,240.00 70,000.00 2,240.00 74,480.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ 545,000.00 253,067.52 798,067.52 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -157- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1995 INTEREST AT 3.75 IN 1996, 4.05 IN 1997, 4.15 IN 1998, 4.30 io 1999,4.45 10 2000, 4.60 10 2001, 4.75 10 2002 4.85 io 2003, 4.90 10 2004, 5.00 io 2005 AldOUNT ISSUED 1,700,000.00 PAID 250,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 1,450,000.00 DOE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT AKNOUNT PAID DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL BY WATER POND' 02-01-98 1,450,000.00 230,000.00 32,883.75 08-01-98 28,111.25 290,995.00 228,748.00* 02-01-99 1,220,000.00 210,000.00 28,111.25 08-01-99 23,596.25 261,707.50 221,952.50* 02-01-00 1,010,000.00 270,000.00 23,596.25 08-01-00 17,588.75 311,185.00 272,523.50* 02-01-01 740,000.00 335,000.00 17,588.75 08-01-01 9,883.75 362,472.50 271,207.50* 02-01-02 405,000.00 85,000.00 9,883.75 08-01-02 7,865.00 102,748.75 27,915.00* 02-01-03 320,000.00 110,000.00 7,865.00 08-01-03 5,197.50 123,062.50 74,864.75* 02-01-04 210,000.00 105,000.00 5,197.50 08-01-04 2,625.00 112,822.50 66,719.00* 02-01-05 105,000.00 105,000.00 2,625.00 08-01-05 107,625.00 65,600.00* ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTAL 1,450,000.00 222,618.75 1,672,618.75 ------------ ------------ ============ ------------ ------------ PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK *THIS AMOUNT IS THE WATER FUND SHARE OF THE REFUNDING AND IS PAID BY THE WATER FUND -158- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1998-2005 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS YEAR OUTSTAND:IRG ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PRINCIPAL ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 490,000.00 09-30-98 65,000.00 30,732.50 95,732.50 425,000.00 09-30-99 70,000.00 26,107.50 96,107.50 355,000.00 09-30-00 75,000.00 21,121. 25 96,121.25 280,000.00 09-30-01 75,000.00 15,898.75 90,898.75 205,000.00 09-30-02 145,000.00 9,921.25 154,921. 25 60,000.00 09-30-03 60,000.00 3,480.00 63,480.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTALS 490,000.00 107,261. 25 597,261.25 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS: 99,543.54 -159- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND LIMITED PLEDGE REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1990. INTEREST AT 9.0% FOR 1993-1997, 7.0% FOR 1998, 7.10% FOR 1999, AND 7.25% FOR 2000-2005. AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 02-01-98 330,000.00 55,000.00 11,848.75 08-01-98 9,923.75 02-01-99 275,000.00 60,000.00 9,923.75 08-01-99 7,793.75 02-01-00 215,000.00 65,000.00 7,793.75 08-01-00 5,437.50 02-01-01 150,000.00 65,000.00 5,437.50 08-01-01 3,081.25 02-01-02 85,000.00 85,000.00 3,081. 25 08-01-02 0.00 ------------ ------------ TOTAL 330,000.00 64,321.25 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK -160- 850,000.00 520,000.00 330,000.00 TOTAL 76,772.50 77,717.50 78,231. 25 73,518.75 88,081.25 394,321. 25 ------------ ------------ CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS $200,000 NEW MONEY ISSUE COMBINATION TAX & JR. LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OBLIGATION, SERIES 1992. INTEREST AT 7.00% FOR 1994-1997, 5.70% POR 1998, 5.00% FOR 1999, 5.00% FOR 2000, 5.40% FOR 2001, 5.60% POR 2002, AND 5.80% FOR 2003. AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30,1997 DUE DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST 03-01-98 09-01-98 03-01-99 09-01-99 03-01-00 09-01-00 03-01-01 09-01-01 03-01-02 09-01-02 03-01-03 09-01-03 160,000.00 4,480.00 4,480.00 4,195.00 4,195.00 3,945.00 3,945.00 3,690.00 3,690.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 10,000.00 150,000.00 10,000.00 140,000.00 10,000.00 130,000.00 10,000.00 120,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 TOTAL 160,000.00 42,940.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK -161- 200,000.00 40,000.00 160,000.00 TOTAL 18,960.00 18,390.00 17,890.00 17,380.00 66,840.00 63,480.00 202,940.00 ------------ ------------ CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1998-2007 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING YEAR PRINCIPAL ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL BALANCE 955,000.00 09-30-98 55,000.00 67,012.50 122,012.50 900,000.00 09-30-99 80,000.00 63,587.50 143,587.50 820,000.00 09-30-00 35,000.00 58,375.00 93,375.00 785,000.00 09-30-01 35,000.00 55,750.00 90,750.00 750,000.00 09-30-02 125,000.00 53,125.00 178,125.00 625,000.00 09-30-03 125,000.00 42,500.00 167,500.00 500,000.00 09-30-04 125,000.00 34,062.50 159,062.50 375,000.00 09-30-05 125,000.00 25,625.00 150,625.00 250,000.00 09-30-06 125,000.00 17,125.00 142,125.00 125,000.00 09-30-07 125,000.00 8,562.50 133,562.50 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 955,000.00 425,725.00 1,380,725.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT 138,072.50 -162- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, DATED APRIL 1, 1973 INTEREST AT 6.10% ON BONDS 1-16 AND 5.75% ON BONDS 17-33 PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 165,000.00 80,000.00 85,000.00 DUE DATES OUTSTANDING BALANCE BOND NUMBERS FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03-01-98 09-01-98 03-01-99 09-01-99 85,000.00 2,443.75 17-24 40,000.00 2,443.75 44,887.50 1.293.75 25-33 45,000.00 1,293.75 47,587.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ 85,000.00 7,475.00 92,475.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 45,000.00 TOTAL PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS OPTION: SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 -163- eITY OF se.HERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1987 - FINAL DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE INTEREST AT 7.50% FOR 1993-2101, 8.50% FOR 2102, 6.75% FOR 2103-2104, 6.80% FOR 2105, 6.85% FOR 2106-2107. AMOUNT ISSUED 1,020,000.00 PAID 150,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 870,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03-01-98 870,000.00 31,062.50 09-01-98 15,000.00 31,062.50 77,125.00 03-01-99 855,000.00 30,500.00 09-01-99 35,000.00 30,500.00 96,000.00 03-01-00 820,000.00 29,187.50 09-01-00 35,000.00 29,187.50 93,375.00 03-01-01 785,000.00 27,875.00 09-01-01 35,000.00 27,875.00 90,750.00 03-01-02 750,000.00 26,562.50 09-01-02 125,000.00 26,562.50 178,125.00 03-01-03 625,000.00 21,250.00 09-01-03 125,000.00 21,250.00 167,500.00 03-01-04 500,000.00 17,031.25 09-01-04 125,000.00 17,031.25 159,062.50 03-01-05 375,000.00 12,812.50 09-01-05 125,000.00 12,812.50 150,625.00 03-01-06 250,000.00 8,562.50 09-01-06 125,000.00 8,562.50 142,125.00 03-01-07 125,000.00 4,281.25 09-01-07 125,000.00 4,281.25 133,562.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTAL 870,000.00 418,250.00 1,288,250.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK -164- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK -165-