FY 2000-01 BudgetCITY OF SCHERTZ Operating Budget 45GHERT2 -35_ _ �� . 'I -1 C Fiscal Year October 2000 — September 2001 CITY OF SCHERTZ Internal Memorandum To: Hon. Hal Baldwin — Mayor From: Steve Simonson, Interim City Manager Date: September 15, 2000 Subject: Revised FY 2000/2001 Operating Budget Submission I would like to submit, herewith, a revised FY 2000/2001 Operating Budget request for your consideration and approval. All recommended adjustments to the line item department budgets have been incorporated into this document for your final review. Highlights of significant changes are listed below: • The City of Schertz property tax rate is now reflected to be 0.5 cents lower per $100 valuation than originally proposed. The revised rate of 0.3405 is now possible by updating both Sales Tax and some Franchise Tax revenue estimates, based on two additional months of actual revenue receipts. • Budget corrections and updates have been made for City Insurance and approved Health Care plan. All personnel costs have been reviewed to assure accuracy. • Additional staff for Police and Fire Departments now reflects a full year's cost. • S.A.F.E.S. staffing has been adjusted for availability of two teams, for ambulance runs, on a 24 -hour a day, 7 -day a week basis. Cc: Glyn Williams, Mayor Pro -Tem Norma Head — Council Member Joe Potempa — Council Member Reginna Agee — Council Member Kenneth Greenwald — Council Member August 1, 2000 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager SUBJECT: FY 2000/2001 Operating Budget Recommendations Budget recommendations for FY 2000/2001 are hereby filed with the city secretary on August 1, 2000 in accordance with the terms of the city charter and state law. The total budgeted expenditures for all funds are recommended to be $11,400,210. Revenues in each fund meet or exceed proposed expenditures. Workshops are scheduled during the month of August and required public hearings are planned in September. Details for the general fund include a recommended tax rate of 34.5572 cents per one hundred dollar value based on an assessed value certified by the appraisal district of $716,790,038. The recommended year 2000 tax rate is broken down as 2.58 cents per one hundred dollar value for debt service and 31.9772 cents per one hundred dollar value for operating expense and maintenance. Calculations indicate that each one cent in the tax rate would be equal to approximately $70,000 in ad valorem tax revenue. The proposed rate is the same as the previous year and is .9 cents less than 1998/1999 and compares to the 1997 rate of 35.54 cents per one hundred dollar value, is 2.64 cents below the 37.19 cent rate of 1996 and 6.17 cents below the 40.72 cents rate of 1995. The general fund portion of the recommended budget contains expenditure recommendations including: 1. The municipal court includes an additional clerk at mid -year. 2. Continuation of the planning consultant service for update of the comprehensive plan from the previous year; 3. The police department includes an additional dispatcher position in October and the addition of one position in the CID effective at mid -year. 4. the fire department includes the addition of three fire fighter positions at mid -year. 5. in addition to the continuation of major street maintenance expenditures, phase 1 of a major drainage ditch excavation has been brought forward from the previous year's plan to be added to additional reserve funds for funding of the West Dietz drainage improvement plan and the addition of a truck and tractor as replacement equipment. 6. the park department anticipates purchase of one (1) new mower for the new building maintenance 7. the animal control division anticipates the conversion of one part-time to full -time position to meet additional workload needs and the addition of a pickup to meet additional service requests. 8. the facilities maintenance department expenditures anticipate the cant' forward of the conversion of the old EMS garage to a material storage and maintenance facility, and the replacement of the Library building roof. 9. the library department includes implementation of new computer services for patrons and increased book purchase. 10. the swimming pool will be adding a children's slide for added participation 11. non - departmental activities anticipate reserve for replacement of data processing equipment when needed. The SAFES /EMS operating budget revenue reflects an increase in the per capita charges and the addition of one — fulltime position. Water/Wastewater expenditures include the lease /purchase of water rights to supplement the Edwards Aquifer permit, increased payments to the Edwards Aquifer Authority, payments to the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation for the alternate water supply development, and increased fees for wastewater treatment by CCMA. The hotel /motel tax fund reflects continued support of the 4 t of July Jubilee and items for the BVYA program. The capital recovery portion of the recommended budget includes estimated engineering design cost for improvements related to the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation line connection and pump station improvements. The fleet service division anticipates increase of internal fees to assure a balanced operation. Recycling revenues and reserves are continued as a separate account funding the rebate program. The park improvement fund includes funds paid by developers for both park improvements and tree mitigation costs and expenditures this year anticipate continuation of the ball field and parking lot improvements for the area behind the community center, which is a project started in the previous fiscal year. Summary of debt service obligation for both general and water fund are a part of the filing, with General Obligation bond requirement reflected in the interest and sinking fund, and revenue bond debt service included in the operating budget. Within the overall budget affecting each of the operating departments, we have recommended to continue the merit pay system by making available a maximum of two (2) salary steps based on evaluation. The recommendations also include an increase in the longevity program by increasing the monthly amount based on years of service as follows: 0 -5 same $10 per month; 6 -10 - $11 per month; 11 -15, $12 per month; 16 -20 - $13 per month; and 21 +, $14 per month. Health coverage and other related benefits are anticipated to increase personnel services cost. This year is certainly no exception as I would like to publicly express thanks and appreciation to each of our employees and specifically each department head for their diligent and thoughtful efforts to produce a working budget recommendation and both Mark Marquez and Vijay Jain performed outstanding work in completing the budget evaluations and have enhanced our budget process. Thank you CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 -2001 BUDGET Index Ordinances Tax Rate Iv Budget Illustrations Ix Budget Recap 1 General Fund Revenues 5 Expenditures 8 City Council Dept 50 11 City Manager Dept 51 13 Municipal Court Dept 52 15 Business Office Dept 53 18 Planning Dept 54 20 Legal Dept 55 22 Police _ Dept 56 24 Fire Dept 57 27 Inspection Dept 58 30 Streets � Dept 59 33 Parks Dept 60 36 Facility Maintenance Dept 61 40 _ Animal Control _ Dept 62 43 Swimming Pool Dept 63 46 City Secretary Dept 64 48 Library Dept 65 50 Management Services Dept 66 _ 52 Non - Department Dept 67 54 Finance T� Dept 68 57 Water Fund 59 Revenues 60 Water Service Dept 75 61 Safes Fund 63 Revenues 64 Expenditures Dept 80 65 CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 -2001 BUDGET Debt Services 68 Revenues 69 Expenditures 69 State Fines 70 Revenues 71 Expenditures 71 Fleet Service 72 Revenues 73 Expenditures Dept 77 74 Capital Recovery 76 Revenues 77 Expenditures Dept 78 78 Hotel Occupancy Tax 79 Revenues 80 Expenitures Dept70 81 Tax Increment Financing 82 Park Fund 83 Revenues 85 Expenditures Dept 71 84 Recycling Fund 86 Revenues 87 Expenditures Dept 73 88 Police Forefeitures 89 Revenues 90 Expenditures 90 Library Grants 91 Revenues 92 Expenditures 92 Personnel CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 -2001 BUDGET 4. the fire department includes the addition of three fire fighter positions at mid -year. 5. in addition to the continuation of major street maintenance expenditures, phase 1 of a major drainage ditch excavation has been brought forward from the previous year's plan to be added to additional reserve funds for funding of the West Dietz drainage improvement plan and the addition of a truck and tractor as replacement equipment. 6. the park department anticipates purchase of one (1) new mower for the new building maintenance 7. the animal control division anticipates the conversion of one part-time to full -time position to meet additional workload needs and the addition of a pickup to meet additional service requests. 8. the facilities maintenance department expenditures anticipate the cant' forward of the conversion of the old EMS garage to a material storage and maintenance facility, and the replacement of the Library building roof. 9. the library department includes implementation of new ORDINANCE NO. O o — T ? 3 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 2000; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100 %) APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF 0.3405 ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of 0.3405 on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 2000. SECTION 2. THAT such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, and such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For the current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various Departments (B) For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 TOTAL TAX RATE IV $ .3147 $ .0258 $ 0.3405 The Director of Finance has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the Fiscal Year 1999- 2000. DATE OF ISSUE 1962 City of Schertz, Sewer System Bonds Principal $10,000.00 1987 City of Schertz, General Obligation Bonds 1990 City of Schertz, General Obligation Bonds 1992 City of Schertz, Street Improvement General Obligation Bonds 1995 City of Schertz, General Obligation, Refunding Bonds Interest 363.00 Total $10,363.00 Principal $45,000.00 Interest 1,463.00 Total $46,463.00 Principal $32,500.00 Interest 4,259.00 Total $36,759.00 Principal $25,000.00 Interest 30,043.00 Total $55,043.00 Principal $33,750.00 Interest 5,148.00 Total $38,898.00 V SECTION 3. THAT the Tax Assessor and Collector for Guadalupe County, Texas is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas on the basis of one hundred percent (100 %) of appraised values for the year 2000, such basis of assessment being required to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 2000 -2001 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of 0.3405 assessed valuation as herein provided. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage, and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09 (e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the of/September, 2000. ATTEST: City tecretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) VI Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas m m a 0 L a 0 .0 m m x ca H A 6R 643, i M ❑ ❑ M O'� O% O% a% O\ O� m m O a\ O% a% as O\ a% O` O J89A O O O O O O O O ti O O O O LO O O x H la � O � 0 0 0 0 M O O O O N O O O O 0 0 0 O o o O O O O o of O O O o o O O O O; o ' 'd O O O O O O 0 N N O O t tp 0 0I r r r- ► ►— 6 6n 1 O'� O% O% a% O\ O� m m O a\ O% a% as O\ a% O` O J89A O O O O O O O O ti O O O O LO O O x H la � O � 0 0 0 0 M O O O O N O O O O O O 'g Q 0 (D 0� Q. m C) 4) CN C 40D 4D e , rn g 02 M -6 cc of 0 wj cc U .0 C6 06 m jai iU m L V C d CL x W 4) m 3 m O F- a� co m a U N N N a fC r o' U N V-P.Mma S' m N N _Q o � N N m' Q m U� ■ 4) U� Ci m C' N w C ■ U) W U 4) N ❑ N W Q d 7 U) N C C O N N a ■ a� U cn to C H H H c O v LL r m m d 7 C m N� I.L L d d I c 0 m o U � d d �o U � a a)o Z a otf a� m m c O_ f0 i N. L) Ni L_ f0 O ■ f0 i a as a� I a� w. I c a> E o! � II d c Ni s T N (0 �I U I 7 ■ x m d O m m F- ti U O w Q. - U Q N C C U o 76 m ID w la cn ti Q- ■ ■ ■ ❑ ® ■ i m m m m C LL R{ L m _ m m N O N C m O U N 2 a� x m F- o O N mt CL O x m F- to o N N m U) O O N U ti cc o Drs o U_ '= E C O � d x m F- to o N N m U) d L d Q K w M C LL d m Q G 00 U CU CD U o i> Lo N -6 c c 0 a� a LO m U) D 0 0. o Q 7 H r> a� U� c C O Q Q �I al U) ( U� CU CD U o i> Lo N -6 c c 0 a� a LO m U) D 0 0. o Q 7 H r> m c m m C LL L m m L m c o cu � o U M I li U) d y LL N C tC d E O U C N N C U ► m H H m C m a x w L m 3 m 06 L m r lQ :t-_ 10 CL M N U U C <O C N C N 4 C L C 4 4 Q a� U C 1 N � O U w w j 0 Q fl N Cp OR fl. M 7 0 CO I- LL 2 00 Ld LL: 4 ui 2 00 a� U C O CL L a Z a m m W co co :R U N W N Z W IL W c o N M C W Q N U d a 3° n� m C m d 'a m m a m r O O N m V m m m LL rn� M�� 0. 4) Ow ■ ID c cr �8 L O H 0 m m CL x w d v m U) m m l0 CL o f6 � U G LL c � o � C r o° La v CD LL m CL co U ■ a> U C 1p C (D C cc 0 U) U O ■ h N .Q Q 7 U) ■ C � C i 01 'a H H CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 - 2009 BUDGET RECAPITULATION AMENDED APPROVED ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FUND NAME 1998 -99 99 -2000 2000 -01 (with Year - End Adj.) GENERAL FUND REVENUES $ 5,852,357 $ 5,867,253 1 $ 5,984,468 EXPENDITURES: City Council $ 14,345 $ 18,800 $ 20,725 City Manager $ 137,187 $ 229,284 $ 142,173 Municipal Court $ 149,430 $ 190,921 $ 182,877 Business Office $ 105,319 $ 216,525 $ 229,427 Planning & Zoning $ 128,939 $ 137,548 $ 202,441 Legal $ 100,266 $ 99,000 $ 99,500 Police $ 1,290,320 $1,583,954 $ 1,751,230 Fire $ 591,026 $ 687,961 $ 876,036 Inspections $ 142,033 $ 165,591 $ 170,079 Streets $ 372,134 $ 587,613 $ 655,276 Parks $ 100,274 $ 148,921 $ 130,405 Facility Maintenance $ 174,332 $ 291,345 $ 294,747 Animal Control $ 142,287 $ 278,020 $ 300,143 Swimming Pool $ 66,325 $ 65,915 $ 88,765 City Secretary $ 91,563 $ 90,936 $ 93,169 Library $ 208,540 $ 229,040 $ 252,826 Management Services $ 85,845 $ 88,976 $ 99,155 Non - Departmental $ 247,854 $ 604,961 $ 247,208 Finance $ 157,265 $ 151,932 $ 145,226 Total Expenditures $ 4,305,284 $ 5,867,243 $ 5,981,408 WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES $ 3,307,540 $ 3,260,182 $ 31 943,158 EXPENDITURES $ 2,941,703 $ 3,258,331 $ 3,937,401 FUND BALANCE $ 365,837 $ 1,851 $ 5,757 Updated:9 /25/00 Page 1 2001 exp.fund - consol CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 - 2001 BUDGET RECAPITULATION AMENDED APPROVED ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FUND NAME 1998 -99 99 -2000 2000 -01 (with Year - End Adj.) S.A.F.E.S. FUND REVENUES $ 820,091 $ 893,176 $ 1,094,169 EXPENDITURES $ 196,828 $ 191,805 $ 187,525 EXPENDITURES $ 900,428 $ 888,048 $ 1,091,760 FUND BALANCE $ - $ _ $ _ STATE FINES FUND BALANCE $ (80,337) $ 5,128 $ 2,409 1 & S FUND REVENUES $ 196,828 $ 191,805 $ 187,525 EXPENDITURES $ 196,828 $ 191,805 $ 187,525 FUND BALANCE $ - $ _ $ _ STATE FINES REVENUES $ 8,500 $ 21,000 $ 22,000 EXPENDITURES $ - $ 4,652 $ 5,800 FUND BALANCE $ 8,500 $ 16,348 $ 16,200 LIBRARY GRANT FUND REVENUES $ 19,397 $ 19,269 $ 99,049 EXPENDITURES $ 18,545 $ 19,269 $ 99,049 FUND BALANCE $ 852 $ - $ Updated:9 /25/00 Page 2 2001 exp.fund- consoi CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 - 2001 BUDGET RECAPITULATION AMENDED APPROVED ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FUND NAME 1998 -99 99 -2000 2000 -01 (with Year - End Adj.) FLEET SERVICES REVENUES $ 98,499 $ 139,404 $ 135,998 EXPENDITURES $ 117,688 $ 139,404 $ 135,709 FUND BALANCE $ (19,189) $ - $ 289 CAPITAL RECOVERY REVENUES $ 488,542 $ 491,000 $ 588,752 EXPENDITURES $ 33,272 $ 25,000 $ 24,000 EXPENDITURES $ 3,360,552 $ 26,150 $ 161,684 FUND BALANCE $ (2,872,010) $ 464,850 $ 427,068 HOTEUMOTEL TAX FUND REVENUES $ 41,515 $ 136,340 $ 33,500 EXPENDITURES $ 33,272 $ 25,000 $ 24,000 FUND BALANCE $ 8,243 $ 111,340 $ 9,500 PARK FUND REVENUES $ 75,737 $ 169,022 $ 169,772 EXPENDITURES $ 50,153 $ 49,200 $ 54,200 FUND BALANCE $ 25,584 $ 119,822 $ 115,572 Updated:9 /25/00 Page 3 2001 exp.fund- consol CITY OF SCHERTZ 2000 - 2001 BUDGET RECAPITULATION AMENDED APPROVED ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FUND NAME 1998 -99 99 -2000 2000 -01 (with Year - End Adj.) RECYCLING FUND REVENUES $ 7,839 $ 7,500 $ 25,000 EXPENDITURES $ 6,057 $ 7,500 $ 25,000 FUND BALANCE $ 1,782 $ _ $ _ POLICE FORFEITURE FUND REVENUES $ 10,329 $ 2,800 $ 2,800 EXPENDITURES $ 1,047 $ 2,800 $ 2,800 FUND BALANCE $ 9,282 $ - $ Updated:9 /25/00 Page 4 2001exp.fund- consol DATE 11/14/00 Page 5 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - -------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND -------------------------------------------- 600 TAXES 400.10 TAX - CURRNT 1,630,183 1,985,167 1,985,167 2,279,572 400.11 DEBT SRVCE 196,828 191,805 191,805 0 400.12 TAX - DELINQ 20,000 24,000 39,000 32,000 400.14 TAX -P &I 12,500 13,000 24,100 17,500 400.20 TAX - BINGO 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 400.22 TAX -SALES 900,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,225,000 400.26 TAX -MIX BV 2,000 2,200 3,200 2,300 400.40 ROLL BK TX 10,000 ----- - - - - -- 15,000 ----- - - - - -- 0 15,000 TAXES TOTAL . . . . . . . 2,776,011 3,335,672 ----- - - - - -- 3,447,772 ----- - - - - -- 3,575,872 610 FRANCHISES 410.12 FRANCH -CPS 35,000 37,000 52,500 50,000 410.14 FRANCH -ENX 8,800 8,800 7,475 8,000 410.16 FRAN GVEC 145,000 185,000 185,000 200,000 410.18 FRNC -PARAG 75,000 90,000 110,000 100,000 410.20 'FRNCH -SW B 52,000 52,000 72,500 65,000 410.22 FRNCH -WAST 19,000 ----- - - - - 19,000 21,000 22,000 FRANCHISES TOTAL . . . . . -- 334,800 ----- - - - - -- 391,800 ----- - - - - -- 448,475 ----- - - - - -- 445,000 620 PERMITS 420.15 PRMT -HM OC 0 0 115 125 420.16 PERMIT -BLG 286,200 318,000 255,000 206,700 420.17 PRMT -MOBIL 1,000 0 200 250 420.18 PERMIT -ELC 35,600 35,600 27,250 23,140 420.20 PRMIT -FOOD 1,500 1,700 1,650 1,500 420.21 FOOD HANLR 1,200 1,200 5,000 7,500 420.23 PERMIT -ANM 200 350 150 250 420.24 PERMIT -PLB 26,700 27,500 27,500 17,875 420.25 PRMIT MECH 14,600 15,200 12,500 9,880 420.26 PRMIT -SOLC 500 500 600 500 420.27 PRMIT -GARG 2,200 2,200 3,300 2,750 420.36 PRMT -SIGNS 0 0 800 750 PERMITS TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 369,700 ----- - - - - -- 402,250 ----- - - - - -- 334,065 ----- - - - - -- 271,220 630 LICENSES 420.10 LIC -ALCH 2,600 2,000 1,250 1,000 420.11 LIC CNTRAC 5,500 5,800 8,625 7,500 420.12 LIC -ELECT 5,500 6,500 6,200 5,600 420.14 LIC -PET 4,000 ----- - - - - -- 4,500 ----- - - - - -- 3,300 ----- 4,500 LICENSES TOTAL . . . . . . 17,600 18,800 - - - - -- 19,375 ----- - - - - -- 18,600 640 FEES 420.22 REINSPECT 30,000 45,000 80,000 48,750 420.28 PLATTING 8,000 25,000 21,600 20,000 420.29 NOTARY FEE 250 250 300 300 420.30 PLAN CHCK 100,000 100,000 111,750 65,000 Page 5 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:58:42 650 FINES 440.10 MUNI FINE 440.18 GF -ST FINE FINES TOTAL . . . . . . . . 670 MISC REV 1999 2000 2000 2001 430.54 VEH IMPOUN Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT GUADA -LIBR Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 84,813 -------------------------------- 84,813 95,353 420.31 BOA /ZONING 750 750 900 800 420.32 MAP FEES 0 0 1,600 1,500 420.33 SITE PLAN 0 0 2,000 2,000 420.34 SPEC USE 0 0 2,300 1,750 420.35 MOWING -INS 0 0 275 200 430.12 ADOPT FEE 4,500 5,500 4,900 5,500 430.18 BLDG RNTAL 7,500 5,000 5,650 7,000 430.19 PROP RNTAL 3,800 3,800 6,225 3,900 430.24 NSF CK FEE 0 0 220 150 430.26 IMPND FEE 14,000 14,000 8,100 11,500 430.28 P/D REPRT 3,000 3,200 2,925 2,500 430.29 POOL RESRV 3,000 1,500 1,400 825 430.30 P GATE FEE 20,000 20,000 13,975 20,000 430.38 SEASNL FEE 7,600 4,500 5,250 5,310 430.50 SWIM LESSN 8,550 14,470 9,725 10,250 430.60 ALRM PRMIT' 4,800 4,800 3,275 4,000 430.80 ST REPAIR 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 440.12 M/C ARREST 19,000 21,500 45,000 55,000 440.14 M/C WARRNT 31,000 55,000 45,000 50,000 440.20 M/C C S 500 600 1,150 1,250 440.22 M/C TRAFIC 7,900 7,000 8,750 7,500 440.24 M/C TEEN C 500 500 0 0 440.26 M/C SecFee 8,500 8,700 0 0 440.27 M/C TECH 0 25,000 0 0 440.28 M/C OPTNAL 1,550 1,800 0 0 440.29 M/C CC /CHK 600 600 900 750 440.30 DPS -TLFTA 30,000 25,000 7,150 0 440.31 MC THE PAY 0 1,000 1,000 1,200 440.32 DPS -LOCAL 0 0 3,000 2,500 440.33 DPS - OMNIBA 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 1,050 3,000 FEES TOTAL . . . . . . . . ----- 320,300 - - - - -- ----- 399,470 - - - - -- 395,370 ----- - - - - -- 337,435 650 FINES 440.10 MUNI FINE 440.18 GF -ST FINE FINES TOTAL . . . . . . . . 670 MISC REV 400.36 FUND CHRGS 430.16 FIELD USE 430.54 VEH IMPOUN 430.58 TAX CERTIF 440.16 LIBR FINES 452.00 GUADA -LIBR 453.00 GUADA -FIRE 453.01 BEXAR -FIRE 453.11 GuadAnimlC 225,000 260,000 15,200 ----- - - - - -- 18,200 ----- 240,200 - - - - -- 278,200 250,000 250,000 7,500 0 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 257,500 250,000 265,000 355,156 355,156 372,914 500 500 900 800 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 9,500 9,000 84,813 89,953 84,813 95,353 29,600 31,480 24,992 22,825 0 0 8,100 10,800 49,500 54,450 63,525 57,060 Page 6 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:58:42 Page 7 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget Budget Budget Approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 453.12 GuadAniBld 15,000 0 1,200 0 453.13 GuadAniVeh 7,000 7,500 0 7,500 453.14 GuadAniVet 28,500 4,000 0 0 453.15 MiscAnimal 0 0 1,275 1,300 453.16 PET SHOP 0 0 25 25 461.10 MISC -INCOM 22,000 22,000 15,500 16,000 461.11 MISC LIBR 2,500 1,500 1,750 1,800 461.12 MISC -POLIC 0 0 75 0 461.13 MiscStreet 0 0 925 0 462.14 DONAT -FLT 0 75 0 400 462.18 DONAT -XMAS 0 400 0 250 462.24 DONAT -ANML 450 400 1,500 1,350 463.10 CIBOLO SRV 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 464.10 DISP -CIBOL 12,600 13,860 13,860 14,553 464.11 DSPTCH -ISD 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 480.30 CSTS -SAFES 7,800 .8,200 7,800 11,806 480.35 CSTS -HOTEL 2,100 2,500 2,500 2,500 480.60 LEASE -CMA 6,200 6,200 6,200 6,250 481.10 SALE -AUCTN 5,000 5,000 0 10,000 481.12 SALE -MDSE 700 700 600 500 481.16 REIMBURS 26,500 25,500 17,500 20,000 481.19 P /D -F GRNT 0 0 14,800 0 481.20 LEOSE 2,800 2,800 0 0 490.90 TransferIn 0 0 0 237,555 491.12 CO A/C RES 90,000 100,000 100,000 0 491.13 PG&E Settl 0 0 30,000 0 MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 672,863 ----- - - - - -- 746,474 ----- - - - - -- 764,696 ----- - - - - -- 902,741 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 65,000 93,000 30,000 33,600 470.23 LOGIC -INTR 0 ----- - - - - 0 ----- - - - 170,000 - 150,000 INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . -- 65,000 - -- 93,000 ----- - - - -- 200,000 ----- - - - - -- 183,600 REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 4,796,474 ----- - - - - -- 5,665,666 ----- - - - - -- 5,867,253 ----- - - - - -- 5,984,468 GEN FUND TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----------- 4,796,474 . ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,665,666 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,867,253 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,984,468 Page 7 DATE 11/15/00 Page 8 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND ------------------------------ 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 2,382,575 2,700,871 2,683,481 2,972,157 012 OVERTIME 41,948 48,100 57,633 58,300 014 FICA 189,625 217,780 217,165 239,027 016 WORK COMP 38,346 50,154 47,030 54,289 017 INSUR LTD 0 5,335 5,620 7,303 018 GR INSUR 141,930 183,144 183,144 220,131 019 CERTFICATN 8,000 8,000 5,440 4,800 020 RET. RESER 159,515 197,229 197,229 221,443 022 UNEMP COMP 3,500 5,000 2,500 5,000 024 LONGEVITY 49,920 ----- - - - - -- 71,376 ----- 71,448 89,280 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 3,015,359 - - - - -- 3,486,989 ----- - - - - -- 3,470,690 ----- - - - - -- 3,871,730 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 21,489 24,754 27,304 25,337 112 POSTAGE 10,425 29,450 26,855 28,450 114' CHEM /MED 24,545 2'6,938 26,880 30,260 116 CLOTH /LAUN 53,458 66,232 65,590 75,130 118 VEH. FUEL 53,390 65,815 59,602 59,715 122 ST MATERIL 62,998 62,998 62,998 62,998 124 VEH SUP 14,720 17,700 17,025 18,225 126 PLUMB SUP 1,135 1,135 1,135 1,000 128 OPER SUP 36,400 41,650 42,075 54,600 130 MINOR EQIP 7,738 10,188 8,768 9,600 132 Crime /Fire 4,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 136 CTYZN ACAD 500 600 600 600 138 PromoMdse 800 800 800 800 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 291,598 ----- - - - - -- 353,260 ----- - - - - -- 344,632 ----- - - - - -- 372,715 201 SERVICES 210 GUA ADMFEE 0 2,500 2,104 2,500 211 ENGINR SER 20,600 35,600 66,600 48,700 213 CMPTR FEES 4,828 33,200 6,252 23,200 214 MED SERVS 89,885 91,259 94,154 102,695 215 LEGAL SERV 45,000 70,000 90,000 90,000 216 CONSL /PROF 61,100 24,400 130,970 64,505 217 AUDIT SERV 12,500 14,000 17,100 7,000 218 ADVRTISING 10,425 13,555 17,590 17,745 221 PRT & BIND 20,670 21,290 21,163 21,193 222 COPY SERV 3,860 3,990 4,665 3,790 224 CITY /INSUR 49,764 58,102 55,262 45,230 226 GAS SERV 1,618 1,550 1,550 1,850 228 ELEC SERV 49,335 51,195 62,270 90,000 230 TELE SRVS 26,655 31,850 35,945 38,673 232 WATR SERV 9,855 11,348 14,272 14,858 234 CO APPRASL 32,031 37,115 38,331 40,335 236 UNIFRM /LAU 12,416 13,365 10,565 14,846 238 COMP MAINT 5,013 5,300 7,246 9,730 240 OTR MAINT 19,494 20,385 15,642 21,420 Page 8 DATE 11/15/00 TIME 10:22:59 Page 9 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND ------------------------------------ 244 RENTL EQIP 5,159 6,634 4,434 6,525 246 CRT /JURY 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 250 ANN AWARDS 3,050 3,800 3,800 3,850 252 Membrships 9,969 9,930 11,080 11,455 253 Subscrptns 4,185 4,545 5,045 6,054 254 CONF /TRAVL 46,625 77,568 64,699 71,043 255 PROF CERTS 1,965 2,015 2,015 2,115 256 FUND CHRGS 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 258 DEBT SRVCE 196,828 191,805 191,805 0 260 LEASE /PUR 61,233 5,067 7,374 7,016 262 CONTINGENT 20,500 15,500 25,080 20,500 263 PLN /CNSLT 15,000 50,000 0 75,000 264 SPECL EVNT 9,200 11,850 12,350 10,400 266 TIF 40,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 268 RECRD MGT 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 269 CMPTR CNSL 12,000 12,000 13,000 12,000 270 COLECT EXP 12,000 1,500 3,500 3,500 271 TIME PAY 200 600 600 600 272 CTY ELECTN 2,500 2,500 0 3,000 273 OMNI BASE 6,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 274 ST -FTA 20,000 10,000 7,000 5,000 328 BVYA SUPRT 7,500 ----- - - - - -- 7,500 ----- 7,500 7,500 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . 973,443 - - - - -- 1,014,298 ----- - - - - -- 1,087,943 ----- - - - - -- 920,808 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 16,600 112,005 23,990 25,280 312 RADIO EQ 7,000 6,750 8,565 6,025 313 CarAllownc 0 0 0 2,400 314 VEH MAINT 20,935 23,914 24,439 36,330 315 MOTOR VEH 54,056 60,143 68,351 68,464 316 W/S MAINT 436 436 6 436 320 MINOR MAIN 4,033 4,183 3,593 4,183 324 LOT CLEAN 1,000 2,500 935 2,500 326 EQ MAINT 9,960 9,960 5,022 12,052 330 ST MAINT 119,974 119,974 119,974 119,974 331 DRAIN CHAN 0 66,069 66,069 66,069 332 GRND MAINT 800 ----- - - - - -- 800 ----- 756 1,800 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 234,794 - - - - -- 406,734 ----- - - - - -- 321,700 ----- - - - - -- 345,513 401 CAP OUTLAY 412 BUILDING 105,000 100,000 100,000 99,011 414 P &F MED EQ 12,500 19,160 19,160 17,000 416 FURN /FIXTR 1,250 12,160 15,816 6,200 418 LIB BOOKS 35,000 38,000 38,000 42,000 420 MTR VEHICL 104,000 112,000 112,000 134,300 422 OFF EQUIP 350 4,730 3,530 2,730 423 COMP /PERI 18,000 27,000 21,800 28,000 Page 9 DATE 11/15/00 TIME 10:22:59 Page 10 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND --------------------------------------- 426 COMMUNI EQ 5,600 13,564 14,264 8,840 433 OthrImprov 0 0 90,000 66,228 435 SAFES Barn 0 0 12,700 12,700 438 OTR EQUIP 7,000 12,385 19,592 53,633 480 MITIGA 97 460,000 0 5,100 0 495 ALERT SYST 0 ----- 38,686 36 0 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . - - - - -- 748,700 ----- - - - - -- 377,685 ----- - - - - -- 451,998 ----- - - - - -- 470,642 501 EXPNDITRES 151 ParkMatch 0 0 55,000 0 152 XtraPayrol 0 ----- 0 135,230 0 EXPNDITRES TOTAL . . . . . - - - - -- . 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 190,230 ----- - - - - -- 0 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 5,263,894 ----- - - - - -- 5,638,966 ----- - - - - -- 5,867,193 ----- - - - - -- 5,981,408 GEN FUND TOTAL . . . . . . 5,263,894 --- - - - - -- 5,638,966 ----- - - - - -- 5,867,193 ----- - - - --- 5,981,408 Page 10 CITY COUNCIL ( #01— 50) FUNCTION: The City Council consists of five members and the Mayor and is the governing and legislative body of the City of Schertz. The Mayor and City Council are responsible for policy, leadership and general direction of City Government. The Mayor and all Council members are elected from the City at large, with each Council member occupying a numbered position. Terms of the Mayor and members of the Council are staggered with the Mayor and Council members filing positions number one and two, elected in even numbered years, and positions three and four and five elected during odd - numbered years. Elections to the positions are held in May of each year for a new two -year term. Page 11 DATE 11/15/00 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . 201 1999 2000 2000 2001 AUDIT SERV Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved ---------------------------------- Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 264 SPECL EVNT 272 CTY ELECTN Department 50 - CITY COUNCIL -------------------------------------------- 4,500 5,100 6,000 0 101 SUPPLIES 300 300 4,500 6,500 110 OFF SUPP 150 200 250 275 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . 201 SERVICES 216 CONSL /PROF 217 AUDIT SERV 250 ANN AWARDS 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 264 SPECL EVNT 272 CTY ELECTN SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 150 200 250 275 1,400 1,400 500 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 200 200 200 150 3,000 3,500 4,400 5,000 0 0 50 0 3,000 4,500 5,100 6,000 0 0 300 300 4,500 6,500 6,500 5,000 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 0 ----- 3,000 - 14,600 18,600 - - - - -- 18,550 ----- - - - -- 20,450 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- CTY COUNCL TOTAL . . . . 14,750 18,800 18,800 20,725 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . . 14,750 18,800 18,800 20,725 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- GEN FUND TOTAL 14,750 18,800 18,800 20,725 Page 12 CITY MANAGER ( #01 — 51) FUNCTION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is Chief Executive Officer of the City. The City Manager's Department consists of the City Manager and Deputy City Secretary/ Secretary to the City Manager. Responsibility of this department includes personnel appointment and removal, budget preparation and execution, as well as overall administration of City Ordinances and policy as adopted by the City Council. Page 13 DATE 11/14/00 Page 14 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 51 - CITY -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- MANAGER -------------- 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 92,314 96,471 96,471 97,490 012 OVERTIME 200 300 140 300 014 FICA 7,217 7,787 7,787 7,767 016 WORK COMP 157 175 335 188 017 INSUR LTD 0 198 198 244 018 GR INSUR 2,988 3,500 3,500 3,885 020 RET. RESER 6,302 7,268 7,268 7,351 024 LONGEVITY 1,824 ----- - - - - -- 2,520 2,520 3,744 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 111,002 ----- - - - - -- 118,219 ----- - - - - -- 118,219 ----- - - - - -- 120,969 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 1,000 1,100 600 1,100 112 POSTAGE 400 400 400 400 118 VEH. FUEL 700 700 700 750 124 VEH SUP 0 150 25 150 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- . 2,100 - - - - -- 2,350 ----- - - - - -- 1,725 ----- - - - - -- 2,400 201 SERVICES 216 CONSL /PROF 2,400 2,400 95,270 2,400 222 COPY SERV 100 100 125 100 224 CITY / INSUR 1,111 1,250 1,350 1,326 230 TELE SRVS 2,404 2,800 2,900 3,000 238 COMP MAINT 26 50 300 300 240 OTR MAINT 500 500 150 200 250 ANN AWARDS 2,000 2,700 2,700 2,700 252 Membrships 740 775 975 1,000 253 Subscrptns 500 500 500 500 254 CONF /TRAVL 3,400 3,800 3,500 4,000 260 LEASE /PUR 0 ----- 0 95 78 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . - - - - -- ----- . 13,181 - - - - -- ----- 14,875 - - - - -- 107,865 ----- - - - - -- 15,604 301 MAIM' 314 VEH MAINT 200 225 0 700 315 MOTOR VEH 632 ----- - - - - -- 750 1,475 1,300 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . ----- 832 - - - - -- ----- 975 - - - - -- 1,475 ----- - - - - -- 2,000 401 CAP OUTLAY 422 OFF EQUIP 350 ----- - - - - -- ----- 1,200 0 1,200 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . 350 - - - - -- ----- 1,200 - -- - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 1,200 CTY MGR TOTAL . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 127,465 - - - - -- ----- 137,619 - - - - -- 229,284 ----- - - - - -- 142,173 Page 14 MUNICIPAL COURT ( #01 — 52) FUNCTION: The purpose of the Court is to file complaints and adjudicate Class `C' misdemeanors within the jurisdiction of the Schertz Municipal Court. Warrants will be issued as need and be served by the Warrant Officer. Court Clerks are responsible for the receipt of fines, fees and court costs. These personnel also maintain court records, files of a confidential nature, and prepare reports in timely fashion to the City Manager and Texas State Officers. The adjudication process is divided into contested and non - contested trails as well as jury trails. Additionally, there is Truancy Trials. There are two Municipal Judges, a Court Clerk and a Deputy Court Clerk who work in the court offices and courtroom. One of two prosecutors is present for contested trail dates. The Warrant Officer serves as the Bailiff as needed. The police department dispatchers are also Deputy Court Clerks for the purpose of accepting court fines and fees during non -duty hours of the court. The judge magistrates adults and juveniles who are charged by law; issues arrest warrants; conducts hearings for emergency protection orders and issues commitment orders when needed. The Municipal Court also processes and adjudicates complaints received from the ISD Police Department in the same Manners the Schertz Police Department. Page 15 DATE 11/14/00 Page 16 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 52 - MUNICIPAL -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- COURT ------------------- 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 88,300 96,758 96,758 103,847 012 OVERTIME 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 014 FICA 6,948 7,568 7,568 8,349 016 WORK COMP 153 820 820 203 017 INSUR LTD 0 180 280 262 018 GR INSUR 5,976 6,872 6,872 8,740 019 CERTFICATN 0 0 0 600 020 RET. RESER 6,170 6,374 6,374 7,901 024 LONGEVITY 1,728 ----- - - - - -- ----- 2,160 2,160 3,684 PERS SERVS TOTAL 109,975 - - - - -- ----- 121,732 - - - - -- 121,832 ----- - - - - -- 134,586 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 112 POSTAGE 600 750 750 11000 116 CLOTH /LAUN 1,300 1,300 1,300 300 118 VEH. FUEL 650 200 1,200 1,200 130 MINOR EQIP 300 ----- 300 300 300 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 4,050 - - - - -- ----- 4,050 - - - - -- 5,050 ----- - - - - -- 4,300 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 165 264 264 264 216 CONSL /PROF 7,400 7,400 7,900 7,900 218 ADVRTISING 125 150 650 540 221 PRT & BIND 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,500 222 COPY SERV 25 25 25 25 224 CITY / INSUR 971 1,100 1,200 1,046 230 TELE SRVS 3,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 238 COMP MAINT 35 100 600 1,000 240 OTR MAINT 360 360 360 360 246 CRT /JURY 1,480 1,480 1,480 1,480 252 Membrships 200 200 200 300 253 Subscrptns 120 120 120 334 254 CONF /TRAVL 650 20,750 15,650 6,650 255 PROF CERTS 240 240 240 240 260 LEASE /PUR 0 0 100 170 270 COLECT EXP 12,000 1,500 3,500 3,500 271 TIME PAY 200 600 600 600 273 OMNI BASE 6,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 274 ST -FTA ----- 20,000 - - - - -- 10,000 7,000 5,000 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- 54,671 - - - - -- ----- 50,789 - - - - -- 46,889 ----- - - - - -- 36,409 301 MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 200 200 200 50 313 CarAllownc 0 0 0 2,400 314 VEH MAINT 350 350 850 1,432 315 MOTOR VEH ----- 1,000 - - - - -- ----- 1,000 - - - - -- ----- 1,500 - - - - -- 1,300 ----- - - - - -- Page 16 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 17 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 1,550 1,550 2,550 5,182 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN/FIXTR 0 1,800 2,600 1,800 423 COMP/PERI 0 0 12,000 0 426 COMMUNI EQ 0 0 0 600 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- ----------- 0 ----------- 1,800 14,600 ----------- 2,400 MUNI COURT TOTAL . . . ----------- ----------- 170,246 ----------- 179,921 190,921 ----------- 162,877 Page 17 BUSINESS OFFICE ( #01 — 53) FUNCTION: This office is usually the first contact a customer has with the city. The first responsibility is customer relations. There are two areas that are covered by this office and supervised by the Office Manager — utility billings and collections, and miscellaneous cash collections for various fees and permits. The Office Manager is responsible for cash collections and preparing the daily deposit. Resolution of customer complaints and problems, providing monthly reports to the Finance Department and the City Manager. This position acts as liaison with the County Tax Office and the County Appraisal District and the computer software company. Is active with the computer committee concerning hardware and software issues. Must be able to perform all the jobs in this area. Works closely with all other departments. Page 18 DATE 11/14/00 Page 19 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 53 - BUSINESS OFFICE 001 -------------------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 50,193 111,275 111,275 116,487 012 OVERTIME 100 1,000 2,000 3,000 014 FICA 3,921 8,788 8,788 9,528 016 WORK COMP 85 178 382 231 017 INSUR LTD 0 230 230 299 018 GR INSUR 2,988 8,591 8,591 9,712 020 RET. RESER 3,424 8,116 8,116 9,018 024 LONGEVITY 960 ----- - - - - -- 3,600 ----- - - - - -- ----- 3,600 - - - - -- 5,064 ----- PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 61,671 141,778 142,982 - - - - -- 153,339 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 800 2,000 3,000 2,000 112 POSTAGE 2,500 20,700 17,700 19,700 128 OPER SUP 100 300 0 300 130 MINOR EQIP 150 =---- 300 0 300 = SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 3,550 - - - - -- ----- 23,300 - - - - -- 20,700 ----- - - - -- 22,300 201 SERVICES 210 GUA ADMFEE 0 2,500 2,104 2,500 213 CMPTR FEES 2,358 0 602 0 214 MED SERVS 0 100 100 100 218 ADVRTISING 0 300 300 300 221 PRT & BIND 700 4,500 4,500 3,500 222 COPY SERV 75 150 150 150 224 CITY / INSUR 1,021 2,082 1,174 1,025 230 TELE SRVS 766 1,500 1,730 1,500 234 CO APPRASL 32,031 37,115 38,331 40,335 238 COMP MAINT 300 0 1,096 1,100 240 OTR MAINT 200 200 75 200 254 CONF /TRAVL 1,705 3,000 2,606 3,000 260 LEASE /PUR 78 0 75 78 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 39,234 - - - - -- ----- 51,447 - - - - -- 52,843 ----- - - - - -- 53,788 BUS OFFICE TOTAL ----- - - - - -- ----- 104,455 - - - - -- ----- 216,525 - - - - -- 216,525 ----- - - - - -- 229,427 Page 19 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ( #01— 54) FUNCTION: This department is tasked with three main areas of responsibility: (1) Coordinate and assist the Planning and Zoning (P &Z) Commission in their administration of Unified Development Code (UDC) along with coordinating plat and construction plans with developers, engineers and staff in conjunction with the Planning and Zoning Commission; (2) Provide overall supervisory control for the following Departments: Inspection, Building Maintenance and Repair, and Public Works; (3) Assist City Manager as Flood Plain Manager, ADA Coordinator, Landscape Committee Chairman, Christmas Committee Chairman, Communications Coordinator and provide central control functions for office equipment repair needs and assist all departments, as required, in planning for future data processing needs. Page 21) DATE 11/14/00 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . 101 SUPPLIES 1999 2000 2000 2001 118 VEH. FUEL Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT MINOR EQIP Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 54 - PLANNING & ZONING 253 Subscrptns 254 -------------------------------------------- 001 PERS SERVS LEASE /PUR 262 CONTINGENT 263 010 SALARY 65,185 69,223 69,223 64,271 012 OVERTIME 958 1,200 500 1,000 014 FICA 5,170 5,535 5,535 5,021 016 WORK COMP 112 150 225 122 017 INSUR LTD 0 144 144 158 018 GR INSUR 2,988 3,500 3,500 3,561 020 RET. RESER 4,507 5,166 5,166 4,752 024 LONGEVITY 1,440 1,920 1,920 360 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 118 VEH. FUEL 124 VEH SUP 128 OPER SUP 130 MINOR EQIP SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR SER 216 CONSL /PROF 221 PRT & BIND 222 COPY SERV 224 CITY / INSUR 230 TELE SRVS 238 COMP MAINT 240 OTR MAINT 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 262 CONTINGENT 263 PLN /CNSLT 264 SPECL EVNT SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . 301 MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 314 VEH MAINT 315 MOTOR VEH MAINT TOTAL PLANNING TOTAL . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- -� - - -- ----------- ----- - - - - -- 80,360 86,838 86,213 79,245 710 700 350 700 450 450 350 450 350 350 350 400 50 50 0 50 900 850 850 850 100 ----- - - - - -- 100 ----- - - - - -- 0 100 2,560 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 1,900 ----- - - - - -- 2,550 20,000 20,000 39,000 30,000 20,000 5,000 100 1,000 0 0 25 0 400 425 25 425 1,217 1,400 1,120 1,146 1,575 1,575 1,575 1,650 26 0 0 0 230 230 75 200 700 625 350 600 375 375 250 300 4,615 6,040 4,000 6,050 78 78 110 90 500 500 80 500 15,000 50,000 0 75,000 1,000 ----- - - - - -- ----- 1,000 - 1,700 1,700 65,716 - - - -- ----- 87,248 - - - - -- 48,410 ----- - - - - -- 118,661 100 50 0 0 50 50 0 1,300 2,372 ----- 2,000 1,025 685 - - - - -- 2,522 ----- - - - - -- 2,100 ----- - - - - -- 1,025 ----- - - - - -- 1,985 ----- - - - - -- 151,158 ----- - - - - -- 178,686 ----- - - - - -- 137,548 ----- - - - - -- 202,441 Page 21 LEGAL DEPARTMENT ( #01 — 55) FUNCTION: The Legal Department is responsible for legal transactions of the City of Schertz. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and serves as the legal advisor to the City Council and City operations. It is the duty and responsibility of the City Attorney to examine and approve or disapprove, as to form and legality, all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City has an interest. The City Attorney, through his law firm, represents the City of Schertz in areas of litigation, contract dispute and other civil matters. Page 22 DATE 11/14/00 Page 23 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 55 - LEGAL -------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT ------------------------- 201 SERVICES 215 LEGAL SERV 45,000 70,000 90,000 90,000 218 ADVRTISING 7,500 ----- - - - 9,000 9,000 9,500 SERVICES TOTAL - -- ----- 52,500 - - - - -- ----- 79,000 - - - - -- 99,000 ----- - - - - -- 99,500 LEGAL DEPT TOTAL ----- - - - - -- ----- 52,500 - - - - -- ----- 79,000 - - - - -- 99,000 ----- - - - - -- 99,500 Page 23 POLICE DEPARTMENT ( #01 — 56) FUNCTION: Traditionally the police function has entailed the responsibilities of the prevention of crime, the protection of life and property, and the keeping of the public peace. These are still the vital parts of the police role and include satellite duties such as proper reporting, investigation of offenses, and court testimony. However, the police function within the community has evolved into one involving great sociological impact. Law enforcement is called upon to make more decisions daily, which more seriously affect people's lives than any other government entity. Therefore, the functions of enforcement, prevention, protection and peacekeeping must be conducted in conjunction with responsiveness to, and a compassion for, the needs and rights of the community and the individual. Page 24 DATE 11/14/00 Page 25 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 56 - POLICE DEPARTMENT 001 -------------------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 858,315 978,773 976,573 1,083,956 012 OVERTIME 8,240 9,000 9,000 14,000 014 FICA 67,819 80,417 80,417 86,760 016 WORK COMP 15,579 21,946 21,946 22,583 017 INSUR LTD 0 2,082 2,082 2,722 018 GR INSUR 52,290 66,359 66,359 79,635 019 CERTFICATN 2,400 2,400 4,600 4,200 020 RET. RESER 58,848 74,980 74,980 81,196 024 LONGEVITY 17,568 ----- - - - - -- 26,760 ----- - - - - -- 26,760 ----- 31,968 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 1,081,059 1,262,717 - - - - -- 1,262,717 ----- - - - - -- 1,407,020 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 2,400 3,000 3,500 3,600 112 POSTAGE 600 600 600 500 114 CHEM /MED 275 300 300 900 116 CLOTH /LAUN 28,450 35,000 35,000 38,000 118 VEH. FUEL 28,000 40,000 30,500 28,000 124 VEH SUP 11,220 14,000 14,000 14,500 128 OPER SUP 8,200 8,700 10,200 13,000 130 MINOR EQIP 1,200 3,500 3,000 3,500 132 Crime /Fire 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 136 CTYZN ACAD 500 ----- 600 600 600 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- 81,845 ----- - - - - -- 106,700 ----- - - - - -- 98,700 ----- - - - - -- 103,600 201 SERVICES 213 CMPTR FEES 2,470 3,000 3,000 0 214 MED SERVS 1,600 1,600 3,100 3,200 216 CONSL /PROF 2,500 3,800 3,800 2,485 218 ADVRTISING 1,000 1,500 3,400 4,000 221 PRT & BIND 2,500 2,500 1,600 2,500 224 CITY / INSUR 23,277 25,000 24,000 19,859 226 GAS SERV 0 0 0 300 228 ELEC SERV 400 400 10,400 24,500 230 TELE SRVS 7,000 9,500 9,500 10,200 232 WATR SERV 0 0 1,500 1,200 240 OTR MAINT 2,750 2,800 2,800 2,800 244 RENTL EQIP 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 250 ANN AWARDS 150 200 200 200 252 Membrships 780 780 780 500 253 Subscrptns 650 900 900 400 254 CONF /TRAVL 7,000 8,000 8,000 9,500 260 LEASE /PUR 2,028 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 2,500 3,000 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . 57,605 ----- - - - - -- 65,980 ----- - - - - -- 78,980 ----- - - - - -- 88,144 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,515 312 RADIO EQ 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 Page 25 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 26 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 314 VEH MAINT 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,322 315 MOTOR VEH 23,113 ----- - - - - -- 25,807 25,807 27,267 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 30,713 ----- - - - - -- 33,407 ----- - - - - -- 33,407 ----- - - - - -- 36,204 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 750 2,550 2,550 3,000 420 MTR VEHICL 84,000 84,000 84,000 88,000 422 OFF EQUIP 0 3,000 3,000 1,000 423 COMP /PERI 2,500 6,600 3,600 0 426 COMMUNI EQ 5,600 6,854 6,854 5,000 438 OTR EQUIP 7,000 ----- - - - - -- 10,146 10,146 19,262 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . 99,850 ----- - - - - -- 113,150 ----- - - - - -- 110,150 ----- - - - - -- 116,262 POLICE TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 1,351,072 ----- - - - - -- 1,581,954 ----- - - - - -- 1,583,954 ----- - - - - -- 1,751,230 Page 26 FIRE DEPARTMENT ( #01 — 57) FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Fire Department is to protect lives and property in the city. Department responsibilities include responding to residential and commercial structure fires, hazardous material incidents, motor vehicle accidents with injured or trapped persons, and as first responder on all life threatening medical emergencies. The department is also responsible for conducting fire prevention activities including inspections, plan review, and public education. Page 27 DATE 11/14/00 page 28 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 57 - FIRE -------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 388,515 436,042 436,042 568,819 012 OVERTIME 9,000 9,500 11,300 11,000 014 FICA 30,931 35,178 35,178 45,354 016 WORK COMP 4,865 4,925 4,925 7,843 017 INSUR LTD 0 920 920 1,423 018 GR INSUR 22,410 30,926 30,926 40,789 020 RET. RESER 27,009 32,488 32,488 42,923 024 LONGEVITY 6,816 ----- - - - - -- 9,600 9,600 13,044 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . ----- . 489,546 - - - - -- ----- 559,579 - - - - -- 561,379 ----- - - - - -- 731,195 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 750 850 2,400 1,000 112 POSTAGE 100 100 100 100 114 CHEM /MED 2,450 3,950 3,950 5,950 116 CLOTH /LAUN 17,256 23,330 23,180 30,660 118 VEH. FUEL 7;500 7,500 6,250 7,500 124 VEH SUP 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,500 128 OPER SUP 1,500 2,000 3,300 3,000 130 MINOR EQIP 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 132 Crime /Fire 3,000 ----- - - - - -- 4,000 4,000 5,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . ----- . 36,056 - - - - -- ----- 45,230 - - - - -- 46,880 ----- - - - - -- 56,710 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 300 525 525 775 218 ADVRTISING 200 200 200 200 221 PRT & BIND 150 200 350 200 222 COPY SERV 2,000 2,000 3,250 2,000 224 CITY / INSUR 3,845 4,100 4,100 5,016 226 GAS SERV 1,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 228 ELEC SERV 4,500 5,250 7,250 18,000 230 TELE SRVS 900 1,035 1,335 1,500 232 WATR SERV 500 575 825 700 236 UNIFRM /LAU 4,500 4,968 1,968 6,084 252 Membrships 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,595 253 Subscrptns 1,000 1,000 1,650 1,525 254 CONF /TRAVL 5,600 8,700 5,600 9,750 255 PROF CERTS 475 575 575 675 260 LEASE /PUR 1,200 1,200 1,550 1,200 264 SPECL EVNT 500 500 500 0 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- . 28,070 - - - - -- ----- 33,378 - - - - -- 32,228 ----- - - - - -- 50,370 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 600 600 600 1,865 312 RADIO EQ 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,500 314 VEH MAINT 9,000 9,384 9,384 10,390 315 MOTOR VEH 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,456 320 MINOR MAIN 750 750 750 750 page 28 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 29 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- - GENERAL FUND MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . ----------- 16,350 ----------- 17,734 ----------- 16,934 ----------- 19,961 401 CAP OUTLAY 414 P&F MED EQ 12,500 19,160 19,160 17,000 416 FURN/FIXTR 0 6,810 6,810 0 423 COMP/PERI Soo 800 800 0 426 COMMUNI EQ 0 4,270 3,770 800 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . ----------- ----------- 13,000 ----------- 31,040 30,540 ----- - - - - -- 17,800 FIRE DEPT TOTAL . . . ----------- ----------- 583,022 ----------- 686,961 687,961 ----- - - - - -- 876,036 Page 29 INSPECTIONS ( #01 — 58) FUNCTION: The Inspection Department responsibility is to insure public safety and health, structural strength and stability of a building or structure and safety to property from fire or other hazards through permitting and inspections. Duties include reviewing plans, issuing permits and inspecting all construction within the city limits. This department also supports the Health Inspector by issuing food establishment permits and provides information necessary for the maintenance of sanitation within food environments, while providing scheduling of food handler's classes. The Inspection Department provides enforcement of the city codes concerning nuisances and other minor health violations, responds to complaints and sends notices. Page 30 DATE 11/15/00 201 SERVICES 1999 2000 2000 2001 222 COPY SERV Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND Subscrptns 254 --------------- - Department 58 - INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT LEASE /PUR 001 -------------------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 87,030 92,846 92,846 95,776 012 OVERTIME 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,000 014 FICA 6,859 7,388 7,388 7,659 016 WORK COMP 438 457 457 576 017 INSUR LTD 0 191 191 240 018 GR INSUR 5,976 6,872 6,872 7,769 020 RET. RESER 5,989 6,738 6,738 7,248 024 LONGEVITY -- 1,632 --- - - - - -- ----- 2,520 2,520 3,336 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 108,924 - - - - -- ----- 118,212 - - - - -- 118,212 ---- -- - - - -- 123,604 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 550 650 850 650 112 POSTAGE 600 900 1,000 900 118 VEH. FUEL 1,200 1,200 2,020 2;000 128 OPER SUP 250 250 250 1,400 130 MINOR EQIP 250 250 250 250 ----- SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 2,850 - - - - -- ----- 3,250 - - - - -- 4,370 ----- - - - - -- 5,200 201 SERVICES 216 CONSL /PROF 221 PRT & BIND 222 COPY SERV 224 CITY / INSUR 230 TELE SRVS 236 UNIFRM /LAU 240 OTR MAINT 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 255 PROF CERTS 260 LEASE /PUR SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . 301 MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 314 VEH MAINT 315 MOTOR VEH 324 LOT CLEAN MAINT TOTAL 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 423 COMP /PERI 426 COMMUNI EQ 4,000 4,000 2,500 2,500 100 100 1,542 1,653 400 1,280 900 900 230 230 300 400 530 600 2,525 3,935 250 200 234 234 13,511 16,032 260 300 1,200 3,000 2,697 2,697 1,000 ----- - - - - -- ----- 2,500 - - - - -- 5,157 81497 0 0 0 19,600 0 0 Pa €;e 31 19,000 19,320 2,620 3,000 100 100, 1,653 1,272 1,280 1,280 1,100 900 230 230 400 400 600 2,045 3,935 3,500 200 200 289 234 31,407 32,481 340 300 3,000 2,100 2,697 3,894 935 - ---- - - - - -- ----- 2,500 - - - 6,972 - -- 8,794 2,030 0 1,400 0 1,200 0 DATE 11/15/00 TIME 14:06:34 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved ------------------------------ -------------- Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . 0 19,600 4,630 0 INSPECTNS TOTAL . . . EXPENSE TOTAL GEN FUND TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 130,442 165,591 165,591 170,079 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 130,442 165,591 165,591 170,079 130,442 165,591 165,591 170,079 Page 32 STREET DEPARTMENT ( #01 -59) FUNCTION: To provide a means for transportation between the home, work place, recreational facilities and commercial establishments. Provide a system for storm water drainage and removal. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Establishing and maintaining sufficient traffic control devices to inform the general public on the conditions of and the requirements for the use and control of vehicular movement throughout the City. Page 33 DATE 11/14/00 Page 34 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 59 - STREETS DEPARTMENT 001 -------------------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 181,686 187,340 187,340 193,357 012 OVERTIME 5,000 6,000 6,000 10,000 014 FICA 14,825 15,049 15,049 16,534 016 WORK COMP 11,537 13,905 13,905 15,223 017 INSUR LTD 0 332 342 519 018 GR INSUR 13,446 15,074 15,074 17,481 019 CERTFICATN 5,600 5,600 840 0 020 RET. RESER 12,945 13,269 13,269 15,647 024 LONGEVITY 7,104 ----- - - - - -- ----- 9,408 9,408 12,768 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 252,143 - - - - -- ----- 265,977 - - - - -- 261,227 ----- - - - - -- 281,529 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 816 816 816 816 112 POSTAGE 50 50 50 50 114 CHEM /MED 7,075 7,075 7,075 6,000 116 CLOTH /LAUN 2,007 2,007 2,007 2,000 118 VEH. FUEL 10,350 10,350 11,350 12,200 122 ST MATERIL 62,048 62,048 62,048 62,048 124 VEH SUP 1,100 1,100 700 1,100 128 OPER SUP 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 130 MINOR EQIP 2,188 ----- - - - - -- ----- 2,188 - - - - -- ----- 2,188 1,900 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . 89,634 89,634 - - - - -- 90,234 ----- - - - - -- 90,114 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR SER 400 400 900 1,000 214 MED SERVS 480 480 480 480 218 ADVRTISING 500 500 500 500 221 PRT & BIND 125 125 225 175 222 COPY SERV 250 250 250 250 224 CITY / INSUR 3,529 5,550 5,550 3,409 226 GAS SERV 618 400 400 400 228 ELEC SERV 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 230 TELE SRVS 500 1,200 1,200 600 232 WATR SERV 475 475 875 900 236 UNIFRM /LAU 2,834 3,315 3,315 3,315 244 RENTL EQIP 525 2,000 0 2,000 250 ANN AWARDS 250 250 250 250 252 Membrships 170 170 170 170 253 Subscrptns 75 75 75 0 254 CONF /TRAVL 478 478 478 478 255 PROF CERTS 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 260 LEASE /PUR 56,921 144 294 251 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 73,130 - - - - -- ----- 20,812 - - - - -- 19,962 ----- - - - - -- 19,178 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 700 700 700 700 312 RADIO EQ 750 750 750 750 Page 34 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 35 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 314 VEH MAINT 3,060 3,060 4,560 6,820 315 MOTOR VEH 12,782 14,077 20,835 12,982 320 MINOR MAIN 500 Soo Soo 500 326 EQ MAINT 6,060 6,060 2,802 6,060 330 ST MAINT 119,974 119,974 119,974 119,974 331 DRAIN CHAN 0 ----------- ----------- 66,069 66,069 66,069 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 143,826 211,190 ----------- 216,190 ----------- 213,855 401 CAP OUTLAY 420 MTR VEHICL 0 0 0 27,800 438 OTR EQUIP 0 ----------- 0 0 22,800 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- 0 ----------- 0 0 ----------- 50,600 STREETS TOTAL . . . . ----------- - ----------- 558,733 ----------- 587,613 587,613 ----- - - - - -- 655,276 Page 35 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ( #01— 60) FUNCTION: Providing safe and sanitary recreational City Park systems. Meeting the level of service in maintaining park equipment, baseball/softball fields, volleyball field, walk/jogging paths, and including the on -going day -to -day maintenance of the restrooms, pavilions and other Municipal Complexes. Pag= 36 DATE 11/14/00 101 SUPPLIES 1999 2000 2000 2001 112 POSTAGE Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT CLOTH /LAUN Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 60 - PARKS -------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT 950 126 PLUMB SUP 001 PERS SERVS OPER SUP 4,550 130 MINOR EQIP 010 SALARY 49,231 52,922 52,922 52,452 012 OVERTIME 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 014 FICA 4,193 3,969 3,969 4,496 016 WORK COMP 900 840 840 1,142 017 INSUR LTD 0 104 104 141 018 GR INSUR 4,482 5,154 5,154 5,827 020 RET. RESER 3,661 3,665 3,665 4,255 024 LONGEVITY 576 ----- - - - - -- 960 960 1,320 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . ----- 68,043 - - - - -- ----- 72,614 - - - - -- 72,614 ----- - - - - -- 74,633 101 SUPPLIES 211 110 OFF SUPP 411 112 POSTAGE 125 114 CHEM /MED 3,563 116 CLOTH /LAUN 1,520 118 VEH. FUEL 1,400 122 ST MATERIL 950 126 PLUMB SUP 1,135 128 OPER SUP 4,550 130 MINOR EQIP 1,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . . 14,654 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR SER 214 MED SERVS 221 PRT & BIND 224 CITY / INSUR 228 ELEC SERV 230 TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 236 UNIFRM /LAU 244 RENTL EQIP 250 ANN AWARDS 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 264 SPECL EVNT 328 BVYA SUPRT SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . 200 200 75 1,940 4,800 810 2,557 1,400 725 250 0 75 378 0 600 7,500 21,510 411 125 3,563 1,520 1,400 950 1,135 4,550 1,000 14,654 200 300 75 1,940 4,800 810 3,500 1,400 725 250 0 75 378 0 600 7,500 22,553 411 125 2,713 1,520 1,400 950 1,135 3,550 1,000 12,804 200 300 75 1,940 5,500 1,510 3,500 1,400 725 250 25 50 378 450 600 7,500 24,403 411 25 2,750 1,520 1,400 950 1,000 4,550 700 13,306 200 300 75 1,722 4,800 810 3,500 1,400 725 250 0 0 378 450 600 7,500 22,710 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 700 1,000 1,000 1,000 312 RADIO EQ 400 400 400 400 314 VEH MAINT 445 445 445 4,774 315 MOTOR VEH 5,036 51475 5,475 7,790 320 MINOR MAIN 500 500 500 500 Pagr 37 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 38 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 39 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 326 EQ MAINT 2,000 ------------ 2,000 2,000 4,092 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 9,081 ----------- ----------- 9,820 9,820 ----------- 18,556 401 CAP OUTLAY 420 MTR VEHICL 20,000 28,000 28,000 0 438 OTR EQUIP 0 ----------- 1,280 1,280 1,200 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . ----------- 20,000 ----------- 29,280 29,280 ----- - - - - -- 1,200 PARKS TOTAL . . . . . ----------- ----------- 133,288 ----------- 148,921 148,921 ----- - - - - -- 130,405 Page 39 FACILITY MAINTENANCE (01 — 61) FUNCTION: The Facilities Maintenance Department is responsible for several functions including Facility Maintenance and repairs, Custodial Services, Purchasing for all City Departments, Energy Management, Off -road Fuel administration Minor landscaping maintenance. City and Public function/meeting set up at any of the buildings maintained by Facilities Maintenance Department. Page 40 DATE 11/14/00 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 104,545 101 SUPPLIES 1999 2000 2000 2001 116 CLOTH /LAUN Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT OPER SUP Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 61 - BUILDING -------------------------------------------- MAINTENANCE 254 --------------- - - -- 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 79,864 86,535 86,535 89,966 012 OVERTIME 2,650 3,000 5,983 5,000 014 FICA 6,445 6,831 6,831 7,568 016 WORK COMP 2,255 2,357 519 3,133 017 INSUR LTD 0 179 179 237 018 GR INSUR 5,976 6,872 6,872 9,712 020 RET. RESER 5,627 6,309 6,309 7,162 024 LONGEVITY 1 728 2 760 2 760 3 960 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 104,545 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 114 CHEM /MED 116 CLOTH /LAUN 118 VEH. FUEL 124 VEH SUP 128 OPER SUP SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . 201 SERVICES 221 PRT & BIND 224 CITY / INSUR 228 ELEC SERV 230 TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 236 UNIFRM /LAU 240 OTR MAINT 244 RENTL EQIP 252 Membrships 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 314 VEH MAINT 315 MOTOR VEH 320 MINOR MAIN 332 GRND MAINT MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . . 401 CAP OUTLAY 426 COMMUNI EQ 433 OthrImprov 435 SAFES Barn 400 250 450 725 50 10,300 12,175 70 1,243 22,145 600 2,465 1,027 2,650 175 105 600 288 31,368 7,000 250 1,280 701 650 500 10,381 - - - - 114,843 500 800 600 1,600 100 11,500 15,100 90 2,100 22,145 900 2,600 1,027 3,400 175 120 600 325 33,482 102,005 250 1,300 1,565 800 500 106,420 1,600 0 0 Page 41 ----------- 115,988 500 1,247 600 3,332 100 12,300 18,079 90 1,728 20,000 900 2,600 1,027 1,687 175 120 305 325 28,957 12,005 250 1,300 1,565 800 606 16,526 1,600 90,000 12,700 - -- 126,738 575 3,000 675 3,750 125 14,800 22,925 100 1,908 23,800 900 3,700 1,235 5,000 300 120 600 350 38,013 10,000 250 2,728 5,193 800 1,500 20,471 1,600 65,100 12,700 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved ---------------------------- - - - - -- Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 438 OTR EQUIP 0 400 7,495 7,200 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - --- ---- - - - - -- CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . 0 2,000 111,795 86,600 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- BLDG MAINT TOTAL . . . 158,469 271,845 291,345 294,747 Page 42 ANIMAL CONTROL ( #01 — 62) FUNCTION: The primary function of the Animal Control is to regulate the keeping of domestic, wild life, livestock, fowl and vicious animals. Enforce state, city and county laws and ordinances concerning rabies vaccinations and the registration. We also promote and maintain an adoption program of unclaimed animals in our care by impoundment. Serve the City of Schertz and Guadalupe County health authorities in the investigation and quarantine of bite /scratch incidents. Provide education and promote the responsible care of animals. Page Z3 DATE 11/14/00 Page 44 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 62 - ANIMAL CONTROL 001 -------------------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 82,222 94,532 87,907 95,848 012 OVERTIME 5,000 6,500 11,000 5,000 014 FICA 6,884 7,849 7,849 7,724 016 WORK COMP 959 1,300 1,300 1,273 017 INSUR LTD 0 161 161 242 018 GR INSUR 5,976 8,748 8,748 9,712 019 CERTFICATN 0 0 0 0 020 RET. RESER 5,534 7,326 7,326 7,310 024 LONGEVITY 960 1,560 1,560 120 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 107,535 - - - - -- ----- 127,976 - - - - -- 125,851 ----- - - - - -- 127,229 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 792 792 1,117 1,110 112 POSTAGE 75 200 250 350 114 CHEM /MED 4,182 4,500 4,500 4,910 116 CLOTH /LAUN 1,500 1,500 1,213 1,000 118 VEH. FUEL 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 124 VEH SUP 350 350 50 350 128 OPER SUP 4,900 - - - - -- 4,900 - 4,900 8,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- ----- 14,299 - - - -- ----- 14,742 - - - - -- 14,530 ----- - - - - -- 18,220 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 5,250 5,950 7,950 7,836 216 CONSL /PROF 0 400 400 400 218 ADVRTISING 200 280 880 505 221 PRT & BIND 1,400 1,600 1,550 1,843 222 COPY SERV 200 200 0 0 224 CITY / INSUR 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,278 228 ELEC SERV 4,590 5,500 4,500 5,500 230 TELE SRVS 2,860 2,860 3,510 2,860 232 WATR SERV 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 236 UNIFRM /LAU 1,755 1,755 1,755 1,912 244 RENTL EQIP 234 234 34 0 252 Membrships 145 470 470 470 253 Subscrptns 75 75 75 75 254 CONF /TRAVL 2,438 2,519 119 2,519 260 LEASE /PUR 0 0 250 250 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 24,105 - - - - -- ----- 26,801 - - - - -- 26,451 ----- - - - - -- 27,406 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 1,800 1,800 4,200 1,800 312 RADIO EQ 400 400 575 575 314 VEH MAINT 850 1,600 400 1,764 315 MOTOR VEH 1,723 1,772 2,972 2,597 320 MINOR MAIN 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 5,773 - - - - -- ----- 6,572 - - - - -- 9,147 ----- - - - - -- 7,736 Page 44 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 45 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND 401 CAP OUTLAY 412 BUILDING 105,000 100,000 100,000 99,011 420 MTR VEHICL 0 0 0 18,500 422 OFF EQUIP 0 530 530 530 426 COMMUNI EQ 0 840 840 840 436 OTR EQUIP 0 ----------- 559 671 671 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL ----------- 105,000 ----------- 101,929 102,041 ----- - - - - -- 119,552 ANIML CTRL TOTAL . . . ----------- ----------- 256,712 ----------- 278,020 278,020 ----------- 300,143 Page 45 POOL ( #01 — 63) FUNCTION: To provide and maintain a well - managed and safe environment for aquatic pleasures for the citizens of our community. Providing for a system of instruction in aquatic safety, recreation swimming and physical fitness. Swimming lessons offered have been a great success. Page 46 DATE 11/14/00 201 SERVICES 1999 2000 2000 2001 224 CITY /INSUR Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved CONF /TRAVL Department 63 - SWIMMING -------------------------------------------- ----------------------- POOL 1,400 ---------------- 2,000 001 PERS SERVS 0 300 0 398 010 SALARY 43,000 47,942 39,377 53,274 012 OVERTIME 2,000 2,000 2,160 0 014 FICA 3,443 3,796 3,181 4,075 016 WORK COMP 739 1,998 193 1,036 024 LONGEVITY 0 ----- 0 0 0 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 49,182 - - - - -- ----- 55,736 - - - - -- 44,911 ----- - - - - -- 58,385 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 235 235 10 200 112 POSTAGE 0 0 5 50 114 CHEM /MED 6,750 6,750 7,095 6,750 116 CLOTH /LAUN 975 975 770 975 118 VEH. FUEL 15 15 0 15 128 OPER SUP 700 3,400 775 3,200 130 MINOR EQIP 550 ----- 550 30 550 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 9,225 - - - - -- ----- 11,925 - - - = -- 8,685 ----- - - - - -- 11,740 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 218 ADVRTISING 224 CITY /INSUR 228 ELEC SERV 230 TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 252 Membrships 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR SERVICES TOTAL 301 MAINT 1,400 310 BLDG MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 316 W/S MAINT 320 MINOR MAIN 326 EQ MAINT MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 401 CAP OUTLAY 433 OthrImprov 438 OTR EQUIP CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . SWIM POOL TOTAL 1,400 1,400 830 1,400 200 450 1,210 850 1,677 1,677 1,072 821 3,100 3,100 4,395 3,400 640 640 980 1,023 1,400 1,400 2,000 1,400 1,019 0 300 0 398 398 263 398 48 ----- - - - - -- --- 150 -- - - - - -- 600 251 9,882 ----- 9,215 - - - - -- ----- 11,650 - - - - -- 9,543 2,500 2,400 400 2,400 40 100 0 100 436 436 6 436 633 633 43 633 1,900 ----- - - - - -- ----- 1,900 - - - - -- 220 1,900 5,509 ----- 5,469 - - - - -- ----- 669 - - - - -- 5,469 0 0 0 1,128 0 0 0 2,500 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 0 0 0 3,628 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 73,798 82,345 65,915 88,765 Page 47 CITY SECRETARY ( #Ol — 64) FUNCTION: City Secretary maintains alcoholic beverage permits, property liability records, contract files, easement right -of -way files and quit claim deed files. Coordinates, attends and prepares minutes of all City Council meetings and workshops. Prepares ordinances, resolutions and proclamations. Conducts all City elections. Prepares department's budget. Is responsible for keeping the Code updated, implementing the Records Management Program and making the daily deposits. Also serves as back up person for Data System Administration. Serves on various committees such as Personnel Committee, Computer Committee and Employee of the Quarter Committee. Attends several seminar and training courses throughout the year. Page 48 DATE 11/15/00 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND Department 64 - CITY -------------------------------------------- SECRETARY 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 49,590 51,278 51,278 52,811 012 OVERTIME so 0 0 0 014 FICA 3,915 4,099 4,099 4,231 016 WORK COMP 85 179 179 103 017 INSUR LTD 0 75 100 133 018 GR INSUR 2,988 3,468 3,468 3,885 020 RET. RESER 3,419 3,814 3,814 4,004 024 LONGEVITY 1,536 1,728 1,800 2,496 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . ----------- ----------- . 61,583 ----------- 64,641 64,738 ----------- 67,663 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 112 POSTAGE 500 Soo 200 .250 124 VEH SUP 450 450 ----------- 450 .450 ----- - - - - -- SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . -------- ----------- . 5,950 5,950 5,650 5,700 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 0 0 75 0 218 ADVRTISING 0 300 300 '300 221 PRT & BIND 1,800 1,800 1,728 1,200 222 COPY SERV 475 Soo 500 500 224 CITY/INSUR 955 1,350 1,350 1,033 230 TELE SRVS 600 700 .1,000 900 240 OTR MAINT 10,485 10,485 8,085 101500 252 Membrships 265 265 265 250 253 Subscrptns 305 325 325 325 254 CONF/TRAVL 2,590 2,720 .2,720 2,720 260 LEASE/PUR 200 200, 200 78 268 RECRD MGT 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 - - - - -- SERVICES TOTAL ----------- ----------- 20,675 ----------- 20,645 18,548 ----- 19,806 401 CAP OUTLAY 423 COMP/PERI 0 0 ----------- 2,000 0 ----- - - - - -- CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . ----------- ----------- . : 0 0 2,000 0 CTY SEC TOTAL . . . ----------- ----------- . : 88,208 ----------- 91,236 90,936 ----------- 93,169 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . ----------- ----------- . : 88,208 ----------- 91,236 90,936 ----- - - - - -- 93,169 Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND GEN FUND TOTAL . . . . . . 88,208 91,236 90,936 93,169 Page 49 LIBRARY ( #01 — 65) FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Public Library is to serve the community as a center of reliable information and provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to educate themselves continually. The Library assembles, preserves and makes available to all patrons in the service area, printed and other materials that will assist them in fields of knowledge and recreation. The library service area includes all residents of Guadalupe County, in addition to all residents within the City of Schertz. Page 50 DATE 11/14/00 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 128 OPER .SUP SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . . 201 SERVICES 1999 2000 2000 2001 218 ADVRTISING Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT ELEC SERV Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 65 - LIBRARY COMP MAINT 240 OTR MAINT 250 -------------------------------------------- 001 PERS SERVS Membrships 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 010 SALARY 111,318 125,196 125,196 130,710 012 OVERTIME 500 800 830 1,000 014. FICA 8,804 10,002 10,002 10,534 016 WORK COMP 218 578 578 308 017 INSUR LTD 0 207 207 261 018 GR INSUR 4,482 6,773 6,773 7,769 020 RET. RESER 5,476 9,149 9,149 9,969 024 LONGEVITY 3 264 4 440 4 440 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 128 OPER .SUP SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . . 201 SERVICES 213 CMPTR FEES 214 MED SERVS 218 ADVRTISING 221 PRT & BIND 224 CITY /INSUR 228 ELEC SERV 230 TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 238 COMP MAINT 240 OTR MAINT 250 ANN AWARDS 252 Membrships 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 264 SPECL EVNT SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 332 GRND MAINT MAINT TOTAL 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 418 LIB BOOKS 423 COMP /PERI CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . LIBRARY TOTAL ----------- 134, 062 3,800 500 1,000 5,300- 0 200 200 850 1,270 5,800 1,800 500 4,000 1,509 200 300 1,473 80 100 18,282 2,300 200 300 2,800 500 35,000 0 35,500 - -- 157,145 4,000 750 1,200 5,950 3,000 200 200 1,000 1,500 6,000 2,500 840 4,500 1,600 200 325 1,500 80 500 23,945 2,500 200 300 3,000 1,000 38,000 0 39,000 ----------- 157,175 4,000 650 1,200 5,850 1,200 90 0 1,000 1,500 6,225 2,825 1,014 5,100 1, 60 0 200 325 1,095 80 300 22,554 4,085 0 150 4,235 1,226 38,000 0 39,226 5,988 166,539 4,400 750 1,500 6,650 0 200 200 1,000 1,327 6,000 4,900 1,500 4,080 1,600 300 350 1,500 80 300 23,337 5,000 0 300 5,300 1,000 42,000 8,000 51,000 . 195,944 229,040 229,040 252,826 Page 51 MANAGEMENT SERVICES ( #01 — 66) FUNCTION: The Management Services Department consists of three distinct functions: Economic Development, Personnel (and associated employee benefit programs, health/life insurance, TMRS) and Risk Management (liability, property, and Workers Compensation programs). The department is staffed with one director and one personnel clerk. The focus of this department is Economic Development. This department also provides support to several citizen groups: Executive Director to the Schertz Development Foundation and Schertz Parkway Zone Board of Directors; and direct staff support to the Schertz Economic Development Commission. This department also serves as the City of Schertz representative to several outside agencies: The Austin/San Antonio Corridor Council (currently has a seat on the Executive Committee and chairs the Economic Development Committee); Texas Economic Development Council; and works closely with economic development allies in the area and the State. Page 52 DATE 11/14/00 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 138 PromoMdse SUPPLIES TOTAL'. . . . . 201 SERVICES 1999 2000 2000 2001 221 PRT & BIND Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT TELE SRVS Budget Budget Budget Approved Department ------------------------------=------------- 66 - MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 001 PERS SERVS 1,100 1,100 135 140 010 SALARY 56,457 60,200 60,200 63,194 012 OVERTIME 350 400 600 500 014 FICA 4,412 41719 4,719 4,963 016 WORK COMP 96 96 96 120 017 INSUR LTD 0 123 123 156 018 GR INSUR 2,988 3,436 3,436 3,885 020 RET. RESER 3,852 4,349 4,349 4,697 024 LONGEVITY ----- 864 - - - - -- --- 11080 -- - - 1,080 1,188 PERS SERVS TOTAL 69,019 - - -- ----- 74,403 - - - - -- 74,603 ----- - - - - -- 78,703 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 138 PromoMdse SUPPLIES TOTAL'. . . . . 201 SERVICES 216 CONSL /PROF 218 ADVRTISING 221 PRT & BIND 222 COPY SERV 224 CITY /INSUR 230 TELE SRVS 240 OTR MAINT 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR 264 SPECL EVNT 475 500 500 500 425 425 425 425 800 ----- - - - - -- ----- 800 - - - 800 800 1,700 - -- ----- 1,725 - - - - -- ----- 1,725 - - - - -- 1,725 600 0 0 5,000 500 550 550 600 1,000 1,100 1,100 1,100 135 140 140 140 975 11000 1,000 929 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,700 230 230 230 230 345 350 350 350 380 400 400 400 5,950 6,050 3,750 5,000 0 78 78 78 2,500 2,750 2,750 2,800 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . 14,215 14,348 12,048 18,327 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 0 0 600 400 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . 0 0 600 400 ----- - - -- -- ----- -- - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- MNGMNT SER TOTAL 84,934 90,476 88,976 99,155 Page 53 NON - DEPARTMENTAL ( #01 —67) FUNCTION: This account includes a number of expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function/department. Items in this account include audit cost, newsletter printing, contract amounts for emergency ambulance service, and a portion of data processing. Additionally this account contains provisions for contingency funds. Page 54 DATE 11/15/00 Page 55 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND - Department 67 - NON -------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENTAL 001 PERS SERVS 022 UNEMP COMP 3,500 ----- - - - - -- 5,000 ----- 2,500 5,000 PERS SERVS TOTAL 3,500 - - - - -- 5,000 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 5,000 101 SUPPLIES 112 POSTAGE 2,500 2,500 3,250 2,500 128 OPER SUP 0 ----- - - 0 750 0 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . - - -- . 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 ----- - - - - -- 4,000 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR`SER 0 15,000 .26,500 17,500 213 CMPTR FEES 0 27,200 1,450 23,200 214 MED SERVS 80,290 80,290 80,290 88,040 216 CONSL /PROF 22,800 0 4,000 .25,000 217 AUDIT SERV 12,500 14,000 15,600 7,000 221 PRT & BIND 3,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 224 CITY /INSUR 1,000 2,000 2,550 968 230 TELE SRVS 0 0 1,000 3,000 238 COMP MAINT 0 0 150 3,000 254 CONF /TRAVL 0 0 3,000 6,000 256 FUND CHRGS 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 258 DEBT SRVCE 196,828 191,805 191,805 0 262 CONTINGENT 20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 266 TIF 40,000 35,000 •10,000 10,000 269 CMPTR CNSL 12,000 ----- - - - - -- ----- 12,000 13,000 12,000 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . 408,918 - - - - -- ----- 4161295 - - - - -- 398,345 ----- - - - - -- 219,708 301 MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 300 ----- 0 2,750 0 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- . 300 - - - - -- ----- 0 - - - - -- ----- 2,750 - - - - -- 0 401 CAP OUTLAY 423 COMP /PERI 0 0 2,000 20,000 480 MITIGA 97 460,000 0 5,100 0 495 ALERT SYST 0 ----- 38,686 36 0 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . - - - - -- ----- . 460,000 - - - - -- ----- 38,686 - - - - -- ----- 7,136 - - - - -- 20,000 501 EXPNDITRES 151 ParkMatch 0 0 55,000 0- 152 XtraPayrol 0 ----- 0 135,230 0 EXPNDITRES TOTAL . . . . - - - - -- ----- . 0 - - - - -- ----- 0 -/ - - -- ---- 190,230 - - - - -- 0 Page 55 DATE 11/15/00 TIME 14:08:46 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fund 01 - GENERAL FUND NON DEPART TOTAL . . . . 875,218 462,481 604,961 247,208 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . GEN FUND TOTAL . . ----- - - - - -- 875,218 ----- - - - - -- 462,481 ----- - - - - -- 604,961 ----- - - - - -- 247,208 ----- - - - - -- ----------- 875,218 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 462,481 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 604,961 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 247,208 Page 56 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ( #O1— 68) FUNCTION: The purpose of the finance department is to provide financial management assistance to the City Manager and all of City's Departments and operations. Areas of responsibility include: annual budget preparation, purchasing, accounts payable and payroll processing. Handling City's investment portfolio and banking relations are other activities undertaken by the Comptroller. Also, the Finance Department staff ensures that year -end transactions are completed timely for the annual audit. The department consists of the Comptroller, Senior Accountant, and two Finance Clerks. Page 57 DATE 11/14/00 Page 58 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Department 68 - FINANCE DEPARTMENT -------------------------------------------- 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 99,355 113,538 113,538 109,899 012 OVERTIME 1,200 1,200 920 500 014 FICA 7,839 8,805 8,805 8,464 016 WORK COMP 168 250 330 205 017 INSUR LTD 0 209 359 266 018 GR INSUR 5,976 6,999 6,999 7,769 020 RET. RESER 6,752 8,218 8,218 8,010 024 LONGEVITY 1,920 360 360 240 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 123,210 ----- - - - - -- 139,579 ----- - - - - -- 139,529 ----- - - - - -- 135,353 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 2,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 112 POSTAGE 1,000 ----- - - - - -- 1,000 1,000 1,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . 3,000 ----- - - - - -- 3,500 ----- - - - - -- 3,500 ----- - - - - -- 2,500 201 SERVICES 214 MED SERVS 0 150 150 100 218 ADVRTISING 0 125 600 250 221 PRT & BIND 4,800 300 800 1,000 222 COPY SERV 100 100 100 100 224 CITY / INSUR 1,191 1,400 975 1,145 230 TELE SRVS 700 850 1,000 850 238 COMP MAINT 626 650 0 250 240 OTR MAINT 350 350 350 100 252 Membrships 500 550 550 350 253 Subscrptns 100 100 100 150 254 CONF /TRAVL 3,825 4,200 4,200 3,000 260 LEASE /PUR 78 78 78 78 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . -- --- - - - - -- 12,270 ----- - - - - -- 8,853 ----- - - - - -- 8,903 ----- - - - - -- 7,373 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 0 0 0 0 423 COMP /PERI 15,000 0 0 0 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL ----- - - - - -- 15,000 ----- - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 FINANCE TOTAL . . . . ----- - - - - -- 153,480 ----- - - - - -- 151,932 ----- - - - - -- 151,932 ----- - - - - -- 145,226 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 5,263,894 ----- - - - - -- 5,638,966 ----- - - - - -- 5,669,408 ----- - - - - -- 5,981,408 GEN FUND TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----------- 5,263,894 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,638,966 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,669,408 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 5,981,408 Page 58 WATER/WASTEWATER SERVICE DEPARTMENT ( #02 — 75) FUNCTION: The Water/Wastewater Division is responsible for providing the City of Schertz customers safe, potable drinking water, including adequate fire protection, as well as maintaining a safe sanitary sewer collection system. It is also bound by State laws, Federal laws, local ordinances, and the City Charter to keep the public water and wastewater systems maintained in a satisfactory condition. The division plans, designs and coordinates all future water /wastewater mains and services, sewer lift stations, water production facilities, and storage plants. It also produces and maintains reports to document activities as required by the State Health Department and Texas National Resource Conservation Commission and the City of Schertz. Page 59 DATE 11/15/00 670 MISC REV 1999 2000 2000 2001 430.36 SALE -WATE Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT REBATE Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 02 - -------------------------------------------- WATER & SEWER FUND 480.50 W/S LINE R 481.17 PROJCT REI -------------------------------------------- 001 PERS SERVS 481.22 GUAD MUD 1 48,000 49,500 480.31 SALARY ADJ 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 20,000 - - - - -- ----- 20,000 - - - - -- 20,000 ----- - - - - -- 0 301 MAINT 8,000 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 481.23 GUAD - MAINT 25,000 ----- - - - - -- ----- 25,000 - - - - -- ----- 25,000 25,000 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 25,000 25,000 - - - - -- 25,000 ----- - - - - -- 25,000 640 FEES 430.46 WASTE COLL 92,202 ----- - 93,350 93,350 98,950 FEES TOTAL . . . . . . . . - - - -- ----- 92,202 - - - - -- ----- 93,350 - - - - -- 93,350 ----- - - - - -- 98,950 670 MISC REV 430.22 MISC CHRGS 430.34 SALE -METRS 430.36 SALE -WATE 430.40 SERV CHRGS 430.42 SEWER CHRG 430.47 REBATE 430.52 XFER FEE 430.56 WATR PENLT 466.14 EQUIP REPL 480.50 W/S LINE R 481.17 PROJCT REI 481.21 GUAD MUD 2 481.22 GUAD MUD 1 MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . . 16,500 20,000 20,000 18,000 21,500 21,500 21,500 21',500 1,448,011 1,600,149 1,715,000 1,693,193 3,990 3,990 3,990 3,990 842,494 806,598 986,598 1,706,625 0 0 0 0 615 650 650 700 48,000 49,500 49,500 49,500 55,600 71,894 71,894 73,000 46,000 48,500 48,500 48,500 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 11,100 11,100 11,100 11,100 60,100 ----- - - - - -- 60,100 ----- - - - - -- 60,100 ----- - - - - -- 60,100 - 2,553,910 2,701,981 2,996,832 ----- - - - -- 3,694,208 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 19,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 470.20 LISP -INTER 0 0 0 0 470.21 LISP -GOVT 0 0 0 0 INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 19,000 ----- - - - - -- 125,000 ----- - - - - -- 125,000 ----- - - - - -- 125,000 REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 2,710,112 ----- - - - - -- 2,965,331 ----- - - - - -- 3,260,182 ----- - - - - -- 3,943,158 WTR & SWR TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----------- 2,710,112 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 2,965,331 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 3,260,182 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 3,943,158 Page 60 DATE 11/14/00 Page 61 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 02 - WATER & SEWER FUND Department 75 - WATER -------------=------------------------------ DEPARTMENT 001 001 ------------------------------- PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 394,828 496,549 491,549 501,122 012 OVERTIME 5,000 5,000 19,000 10,000 014 FICA 31,360 39,455 39,455 40,930 016 WORK COMP 7,497 7,255 7,255 9,031 017 INSUR LTD 2,000 1,034 1,034 1,284 018 GR INSUR 28,386 37,796 29,796 42,731 019 CERTFICATN 600 18,016 16,566 1,800 020 RET. RESER 27,383 36,438 36,438 38,736 024 LONGEVITY 9,504 ----------- 17,400 17,400 22,104 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 506,558 ----------- 658,943 ----------- 658,493 ----------- 667,738 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 2,835 6,200 6,200 6,200 '112 POSTAGE Soo 500 5,500 6,500 114 CHEM/MED 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 116 CLOTH/LAUN 3,300 3,000 3,000 3,000 118 VEH. FUEL 9,250 9,750 13,042 12,137 122 ST MATERIL 3,988 4,000 4,000 4,000 126 PLUMB SUP 51,860 51,860 49,860 51,860 128 OPER SUP 5,700 6,500 6,500 9,904 130 MINOR EQIP 1,000 ----------- 1,000 1,000 1,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- 85,733 ----------- 90,110 96,402 ----- - - - - -- 101,901 201 SERVICES 209 COMA -EXP 542,254 585,634 705,634 1,236,435 211 ENGINR SER 7,000 7,000 17,000 16,500 213 CMPTR FEES 0 0 0 5,850 214 MED SERVS 900 900 900 1,275 215 LEGAL SERV 15,000 15,000 15,400 22,000 216 CONSL/PROF 11,274 11,274 19,274 11,274 217 AUDIT SERV 9,830 9,830 10,430 7,000 218 ADVRTISING 500 500 700 Soo 221 PRT & BIND 500 650 4,550 1,075 222 COPY SERV Soo 675 675 675 224 CITY/INSUR 16,051 18,000 18,000 11,475 228 ELEC SERV 95,850 100,000 126,500 106,771 230 TELE SRVS 10,168 8,000 11,746 10,729 232 WATR SERV 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 236 UNIFRM/LAU 5,127 4,555 5,342 4,555 240 OTR MAINT 4,500 4,500 2,000 4,500 242 RENTL BLDG 285 285 285 285 244 RENTL EQIP 926 926 926 926 250 ANN AWARDS 450 450 450 450 252 Membrships 2,270 2,270 3,006 3,021 253 Subscrptns 490 490 490 490 254 CONF/TRAVL 5,182 5,656 3,095 5,656 Page 61 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . WTR & SWR TOTAL . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 2,379,636 2,965,331 3,258,331 3,937,401 2,379,636 2,965,331 3,258,331 3,937,401 Page 62 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 02 - WATER & SEWER FUND ----------------------------------- 256 FUND CHRGS 265,000 355,156 355,156 372,914 258 DEBT SRVCE 495,448 535,734 535,734 524,278 259 WTR PURCH 136,436 203,366 215,866 300,000 260 LEASE /PUR 624 624 624 624 261 LOW FLOW R 2,000 2,000 2,900 3,000 262 CONTINGENT 32,475 37,456 2,356 85,570 268 RECRD MGT 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 269 CMPTR CNSL 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 275 SCHR /SEG C 0 ----- - - - - -- 133,819 267,319 279,705 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . 1,676,040 ----- - - - - -- 2,059,750 ----- - - - - -- 2,341,358 ----- - - - - -- 3,032,533 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 4,250 4,250 4,250 4,250 312 RADIO EQ 2,115 2,115 615 2,115 314 VEH MAINT 5,416 5,416 3,416 11,594 315 MOTOR VEH 15,134 14,307 17,807 22,070 316 W/S MAINT 16,300 16,300 12,900 16,300 320 MINOR MAIN 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 330 ST MAINT 3,500 ----- - - - - -- 3,500 1,000 3,500 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 49,115 ----- - - - - -- 48,288 ----- - - - - -- 42,388 ----- - - - - -- 62,229 401 CAP OUTLAY 420 MTR VEHICL 36,200 71,840 71,840 73,000 423 COMP /PERI 3,590 25,600 37,050 0 438 OTR EQUIP 22,400 10,800 10,800 0 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 62,190 ----- - - - - -- 108,240 ----- - - - - -- 119,690 ----- - - - - -- 73,000 WTR DEPT TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- 2,379,636 ----- - - - - -- 2,965,331 ----- - - - - -- 3,258,331 ----- - - - - -- 3,937,401 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . WTR & SWR TOTAL . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 2,379,636 2,965,331 3,258,331 3,937,401 2,379,636 2,965,331 3,258,331 3,937,401 Page 62 SAFES DEPARTMENT ( #03 — 80) FUNCTION: SAFES EMS purpose is to provide a "round the clock" Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Service for the sick and injured; stand -by service for all residential and commercial structure fires; hazardous material incidents and stand -by services in its service area. City of Schertz, along with the entities of Cibolo, Selma, Universal City, Marion, Garden Ridge, St. Hedwig, Live Oak, and unincorporated areas of Guadalupe and Comal counties comprise SAFES' service area. SAFES also provides CE program support for the City of Schertz Fire Department and the above - enumerated entities. Page 63 DATE 11/14/00 670 MISC REV 450.30 STRAC 451.00 COMAL SUPR 451.10 GUADCO SUP 453.17 CntingRev 461.10 MISC -INCOM MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . 0 0 1999 2000 2000 2001 7,770 8,520 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT 0 Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 03 - SAFES FUND 109,770 ----------------------------- - - - - -- 109,270 ------- 640 FEES SAFES TOTAL . . . . . . . . 777,826 893,176 893,176 1,094,169 430.10 AMBUL. FEE 345,000 413,773 413,773 583,750 430.11 MILE FEE 55,000 103,077 103,077 110,755 450.10 CIBOLO SUP 13,986 13,986 13,986 15,336 450.12 GARDEN RID 10,878 10,878 10,878 11,928 450.14 LIVE OAK 51,919 51,919 51,919 56,930 450.16 MARION SUP 5,097 5,097 5,097 5,589 450.18 SCHERTZ 80,290 80,290 80,290 88,040 450.20 SELMA SUP 2,952 2,952 2,952 3,237 450.24 ST.HEDWIG 9,324 9,324 9,324 10,224 450.26 UNIV.CITY 75,110 ----- - - - - -- 75,110 75,110 82,360 FEES TOTAL . . . . . . . . ----- 649,556 - - - - -- ----- 766,406 - - - - -- 766,406 ----- - - - - -- 968,149 670 MISC REV 450.30 STRAC 451.00 COMAL SUPR 451.10 GUADCO SUP 453.17 CntingRev 461.10 MISC -INCOM MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . 0 0 0 4,000 7,770 7,770 7,770 8,520 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 ----- - - - - -- 1,500 ----- - - - - -- 1,500 ----- 1,000 109,770 109,270 - - - - -- 109,270 ----- - - - - -- 113,520 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 18,500 17,500 17,500 12,500 470.23 LOGIC -INTR 0 0 0 0 INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- . 18,500 ----- - - - - -- 17,500 ----- - - - - -- 17,500 ----- - - - - -- 12,500 REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- . 777,826 ----- - - - - -- 893,176 ----- - - - - -- 893,176 ----- - - - - -- 1,094,169 SAFES TOTAL . . . . . . . . 777,826 893,176 893,176 1,094,169 Page 64 DATE 11/14/00 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 101 SUPPLIES 1999 2000 2000 2001 114 CHEM /MED Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT VEH SUP Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 03 - SAFES FUND 226 GAS SERV 228 ELEC SERV Department 80 - SAFES TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 236 -------------------------------------------- 001 PERS SERVS OTR MAINT 252 Membrships 253 010 SALARY 367,684 396,306 396,306 525,735 012 OVERTIME 30,000 32,000 39,170 0 014 FICA 32,071 34,913 34,913 43,506 016 WORK COMP 9,407 14,750 14,750 13,127 017 INSUR LTD 1,000 667 667 1,365 018 GR INSUR 17,928 20,996 20,996 40,789 019 CERTFICATN 17,900 19,000 19,000 36,800 020 RET. RESER 26,776 25,809 25,809 41,174 024 LONGEVITY 3 648 5 640 5 640 6 168 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . . . 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE ' 114 CHEM /MED 116 CLOTH /LAUN 118 VEH. FUEL 124 VEH SUP 128 OPER SUP 130 MINOR EQIP 132 Crime /Fire SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . . 201 SERVICES 213 CMPTR FEES 214 MED SERVS 215 LEGAL SERV 216 CONSL /PROF 218 ADVRTISING 219 Medicine 221 PRT & BIND 222 COPY SERV 224 CITY / INSUR 226 GAS SERV 228 ELEC SERV 230 TELE SRVS 232 WATR SERV 236 UNIFRM /LAU 240 OTR MAINT 252 Membrships 253 Subscrptns 254 CONF /TRAVL 255 PROF CERTS 256 FUND CHRGS 257 UNCOLL ACT 260 LEASE /PUR / , , , 506,414 550,081 557,251 708,664 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 1,980 1,500 1,50'0 1,000 46,300 45,000 45,000 50,000 2,640 3,360 3,360 5,160 14,400 12,400 12,400 16,000 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,000 3,650 3,650 3,650 3,700 600 600 600 500 300 ----- - - - - -- 300 ----- 300 300 77,570 - - - - -- 74,510 ----- - - - - -- 74,510 ----- - - - - -- 82,660 0 0 0 0 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 42,000 41,348 41,348 30,000 200 200 200 200 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 800 0 26,100 27,405 27,405 18,143 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,800 3,000 3,000 18,000 7,900 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,300 3,900 3,900 3,900 5,500 8,500 8,500 10,800 0 0 0 100 20 140 140 200 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,200 750 0 0 750 7,800 7,800 7,800 11,806 81,400 75,000 75,000 108,737 3,500 4,000 4,000 5,800 Page 65 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 301 MAINT 1,000 1999 2000 2000 2001 314 VEH MAINT Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT 1,564 ----- - - - - -- Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 03 - SAFES FUND ----------------------------- 7,800 7,800 --------- 262 CONTINGENT 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 265 MEDCARE AL 12,000 12,000 12,000 20,000 270 COLECT EXP 1,500 500 0 100 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 201,770 - - - - -- ----- 214,293 - - - - -- 212,593 ----- - - - - -- 258,736 301 MAINT 1,000 310 BLDG MAINT 312 RADIO EQ 314 VEH MAINT 315 MOTOR VEH MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . . 401 CAP OUTLAY 416 FURN /FIXTR 420 MTR VEHICL 423 COMP /PERI 426 COMMUNI EQ 450.31 STRAC -Expn CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . 1,000 1,000 500 3,500 4,500 4,500 5,500 5,000 25,500 30,000 25,000 20,000 900 ----- - - - - -- 1,564 ----- - - - - -- 1,564 9,200 31,900 37,064 ----- - - - - -- 32,564 ----- - - - - -- 37,700 0 7,800 7,800 0 75,000 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 4,300 3,330 0 0 ----- - - - - -- ----- 0 - - - - -- 0 ----- 4,000 76,500 12,100 - - - - -- ----- 11,130 - - - - -- 4,000 SAFES TOTAL . . . . ----- - - - - -- . 894,154 ----- - - - - -- 888,048 ----- - - - - -- 888,048 ----- - - - - -- 1,091,760 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . ----- - - - - -- . 894,154 ----- - - - - -- 888,048 ----- - - - - -- 888,048 ----- - - - - -- 1,091,760 SAFES TOTAL . 894,154 888,048 888,048 1,091,760 Page 66 Lil CD N O O O ro CD w OQ W Itl ' CQ v (p N O C) M N co _a CJl O O 0owoowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m v z z z z z z z z z D c m w m m r r D r m m (D (D (D fD 0) fD N CD CD N -i -;A i -u T 'D T T T T D p m m m' T "D N (O/) (OA N N N N f0/J (O A � O � N N ,N..1. N O O O• O• 0 0 0 0 0 0 -i 0 a � tD 6969 69ti) EflG969696969figi69� (�E969H9EA69E969 �E9b9 j I D Q 00 N N N N N N N N N v V W V N N i N CC U 00 i 01 TI i C� I A O M Cfn n N N A UA - co V A A A A A A A A A w A N A O N C V V V V V V V V V D D CO i W tD A CA A 69 69 -to 69 E9 69 69 69 69 EA 6,1691 fo I 69 69 69 iw EA 69 w 6A to 69 tJ to 1 i co i -' 00 00 •••� co i Oo -' co -> co -+ 0o i 00, N I O I N N W i 0 --` OO i (D N K) N O W N N N n O V V V -41-4 V V V -41 0)' O V V W W O (D O 0 co 0 0) O W 0) V V V V V V V V V O I co --+ W (D A Ul 0) Co Co A (A 69 69 69 69 69 6A 69 69 69 EA i69 69 I 1 6A 69 69 69 69 ifl Fo 69 69 6A W 1 O O O O O O O O O I w V CO V V � n N V V V V V V V V V 'm Ul W U co 00 W V V V V V V V V V V L71 V V N W (3) V U1 V N N W to 69 EA 69 69 69 69 69 w 69 <A 69169 I 69 69 fA 69 69 6A 69 69 69 EA A C1 ...� i .... i i ._.. i .� i i N' N ...� i i i N N W N N •� G. �I 1 Oo Co CD Oo 00 co DD 00 00Icn I N co N -4 co i O ? IV O co (p A W 0 .... 0 0 0 0 i... 0 Cl 0 0 Ut ' w -+ N I N co V V CD O) A N OD to V N -+ O 01 ->• N <A 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69IEO16A!69 1 EA 6A 6A 6A 69 6A 69 6A 69 6A = CD V Oo 1 (D A cD A CD A co A co A co A CD A co A CDjCO1(D A'A'A (D A -co A cD A cO A tD A cD A (D A CD A (D A (D A (O N N N N N N N N NIN'N N N N N N N N N N N 6A 69 .09 69 69 w 69 69 69 69 691<A 69 I 69 69 69 69 69 69 .69 fA 69 69 Q i i I i i 0 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I j A D) co ; Co A w 1 1 I C7 O i N V N W N A co W D) (Q OD O: O O 0 0 00 O O O � 1 W rn 1 (n ( 1 w (n Cn Cn m m (n 001-4 0) A 0 O M O i V M M 0 U) (D 0 (D w co O co w 0 W! w C l N co O co O W N 00 A 61 69 E9 69 69 69 69 to 69 69 <A W: <A i i 69 69 69 6A 69 69 69 6A 69 69 W 00 O 1 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 10 O 0 CD 0 0 Co 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cl Ef► 69 6A 69 69 69 w 69 69 6A 69169 EA E9 b9 69 tsi 69 69 69 to E9 69 1 2 .a G7 i 0 00 A 1 CO (D w (D w (D CO (D CO (D 00 (D w (D 00 (D 00 1' 1 (Dl 1 CD 1 w m co co 1 i O i O co d 0) 00 A A A A A A A A A j --� CO A A rn (D 0) O V 69 69 69 69 69 6A 69 EA 69 69 69169169 69 6A 69 EA 69 69 69 6A 69 69 I � � 1 Q V O W W W W W W W Cl) j W A i W W N W W W W Cn W W W N (C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O! N; w w N O i (P A O V W W N h1 , w O) O0 00 w OD w w 00. O. W co O -W W O K) W to W W W (D (D (D (D CO, (D to (D ID. V . N CD A O i C11 A A (D -W V I V V V V V (D co O (D W W O O O i A V DEBT SERVICE ( #05) Function: This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for and the payment of principal, interest and related costs on general long -term debt of the City. The I &S portion of the property taxes are directly deposited by the County Assessor's Office into this fund. Page 68 BUDGET LISTING 1,999 2,000 2,001 2,001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 05 - TAX DEBT I & S FUND EXPENSE 1999 2000 2001 2001 1962 G.O. BOND Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 05 - TAX DEBT I & S FUND SERVICES TOTAL REVENUE 600 TAXES 466.10 TAX -I &S 196,828 191,805 187,525 TAXES TOTAL 196,828 191,805 187,525 TAX I & S TOTAL 196,828 191,805 187,525 1,999 2,000 2,001 2,001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 05 - TAX DEBT I & S FUND EXPENSE 10,599 201 SERVICES 251.14 1962 G.O. BOND 251.00 1987 G.O. BOND 251.06 1990 COMBO BOND 251.08 1992 G.O. BOND 251.04 1995 G.O. BOND SERVICES TOTAL 10,877 10,599 48,774 47,529 38,580 37,596 57,769 56,295 40,828 39,786 196,828 191,805 10,363 46,463 36,758 55,043 38,898 187,525 TAX I & S TOTAL 196,828 191,805 187,525 Page 69 STATE FINES ( #07) FUNCTION: This account is a depository for the court costs that the state of Texas mandates a municipal court to collect on each citation that results in a conviction or deferred adjudication. Currently the following funds are deposited in this account: TLFTA, criminal justice planning, operator and chauffeurs license, law enforcement management institute, law enforcement officers administration, law enforcement officers continuing education, general revenue, comprehensive rehabilitation, judicial and court personnel training, court compensation to victims of crimes, consolidated court costs, fugitive apprehension, prevention of juvenile crime and delinquency and the state portion of the revenue collected under the time payment fee. All revenues except the time payment fee are reported to the state comptroller on a quarterly basis. If payments are promptly made at the end of each quarter, the city is permitted to keep 10% of the revenues deposited in this fund and all interest earned on the revenues. Revenues under the time payment fee must be reported monthly to the state comptroller, and the city .remits only one -half of the revenue collected. Page 70 BUDGET LISTING 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 07 - STATE FINES FUND EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 213 COMPUTER FEES 423 COMPUTERS & PERIPHERIALS EXPENDITURE TOTALS :11 4,652 4,652 5,800 STATE FINES TOTAL 4,652 5,800 Page 71 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 07 - STATE FINES FUND REVENUE 640 FEES 440.26 M/C SECURITY FEES 8,500 10,000 10,000 440.27 M/C TECHNOLOGY FEES 11,000 12,000 FEES TOTAL 8,500 21,000 22,000 STATE FINES TOTAL 8,500 21,000 22,000 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 07 - STATE FINES FUND EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 213 COMPUTER FEES 423 COMPUTERS & PERIPHERIALS EXPENDITURE TOTALS :11 4,652 4,652 5,800 STATE FINES TOTAL 4,652 5,800 Page 71 FLEET SERVICES DEPARTMENT ( #10 — 77) FUNCTION: The primary function of the Fleet Service Department is to perform preventative maintenance and repair on all City owned vehicles and equipment. Before subcontracting any repair work to local auto repair facilities or dealerships, Fleet Services reviews each repair order and examines the vehicle or equipment to determine if necessary repairs can be completed in- house. Page 72 DATE 11/14/00 Page 73 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 10 - FLEET SERVICE FUND ------------------- - - - - -- 670 MISC REV 430.41 OPER REVEN 70,866 ----------- 136,954 138,954 135,998 MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- 70,866 138,954 ----------- 136,954 ----------- 135,998 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 46,750 ----------- 450 450 0 INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . ----------- 46,750 ----------- 450 450 ----------- 0 ----------- REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- 117,616 ----------- 139,404 139,404 ----- - - - - -- 135,998 FLEET SERV TOTAL . . . . . 117,616 139,404 139,404 135,998 Page 73 DATE 11/14/00 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . 101 SUPPLIES 1999 2000 2000 2001 114 CHEM /MED Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT VEH SUP Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 10 - FLEET SERVICE FUND 260 LEASE /PUR Department 77 - FLEET -------------------------------------------- SERVICES 001 PERS SERVS 010 SALARY 44,896 47,829 47,229 47,701 012 OVERTIME 300 500 1,100 0 014 FICA 3,539 3,751 3,751 3,768 016 WORK COMP 935 977 977 1,178 017 INSUR LTD 0 98 98 118 018 GR INSUR 2,988 3,436 3,436 3,885 019 CERTFICATN 0 0 0 0 020 RET. RESER 3,090 3,464 3,464 3,566 024 LONGEVITY 768 1 200 1 200 PERS SERVS TOTAL . . . 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 112 POSTAGE 114 CHEM /MED 116 CLOTH /LAUN 118 VEH. FUEL 124 VEH SUP 128 OPER SUP 130 MINOR EQIP SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . 201 SERVICES 221 PRT & BIND 224 CITY / INSUR 230 TELE SRVS 236 UNIFRM /LAU 240 OTR MAINT 244 RENTL EQIP 250 ANN AWARDS 252 Membrships 254 CONF /TRAVL 260 LEASE /PUR SERVICES TOTAL 301 MAINT 310 BLDG MAINT 315 MOTOR VEH 320 MINOR MAIN MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . . , 1,548 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 56,516 61,255 61,255 61,764 725 50 3,850 376 300 34,532 2,544 1,000 43,377 305 1,125 200 1,092 10,300 200 25 420 118 0 13,785 250 300 288 838 725 275 3,850 376 300 40,000 3,500 1,000 50,026 305 1,125 200 1,092 17,500 200 25 420 118 0 20,985 250 300 288 838 725 275 3,850 376 800 40,000 3,200 1,000 50,226 305 1,125 200 1,092 17,425 200 25 220 118 75 20,785 250 300 288 838 500 125 3,000 376 1,400 40,000 3,500 1,100 50,001 305 819 200 625 13,930 200 25 420 100 310 16,934 250 200 260 710 401 CAP OUTLAY 424 OPERA EQUP 2,500 6,300 6,300 6,300 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Page 74 DATE 11/14/00 TIME 14:59:27 Page 75 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Approved Fund 10 - FLEET SERVICE FUND ------------------------------------- CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . 2,500 6,300 6,300 6,300 FLEET SRVS TOTAL . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 117,016 - - - - -- 139,404 ----- - - - - -- 139,404 ----- - - - - -- 135,709 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 117,016 - - - - -- ----- 139,404 - - - - -- 139,404 ----- - - - - -- 135,709 FLEET SERV TOTAL . . . . . 117,016 139,404 139,404 135,709 Page 75 CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND ( #11) FUNCTION: The Capital Recovery Program is designed to support future growth of population and commercial water and wastewater demands without impacting the existing customers while keeping bond supported programs to a minimum. Capital Recovery Projects are based on the number of connections sold, to increase pumping, storage, and transmission water lines, and wastewater programs. In accordance with House Bill 336 Impact Funds (Capital Recovery) must be used within five (5) years of collection date. All water and wastewater improvements are constructed to Meet State Board of Insurance, TRNCC rules and regulations. Page 76 DATE 9108100 Page 77 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityManager ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Recomended Fund 11 - CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND 640 FEES 430.20 C RCVR-WTR 180,000 300,000 300,000 337,500 430.21 C RCVR-W/S ----------- 75,600 126,000 126,000 141,750 FEES TOTAL . . . . . . . . 255,600 ----------- 426,000 ----------- 426,000 -- --- - - - - -- 479,250 670 MISC REV 120.23 DueFrmMUDI 0 0 0 29,502 430.33 REIMB-FM78 ----------- 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . . ----------- 0 ----------- 50,000 50,000 ----------- 79,502 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 20,000 15,000 15,000 9,000 470.20 LISP-INTER ----------- 0 0 0 21,000 INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . ----------- 20,000 ----------- 15,000 15,000 ----------- 30,000 ----------- REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . ----------- 275,600 ----------- 491,000 491,000 ----- - - - - -- 588,752 CAP RECOVR TOTAL . . . . . 275,600 491,000 491,000 588,752 Page 77 DATE 9/08/00 Page 78 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityManager ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Recomended Fund 11 - CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND --------------------------- ----------------------- 101 SUPPLIES 110 OFF SUPP 50 ----- 150 150 150 SUPPLIES TOTAL . . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 50 - - - - -- ----- 150 - - - - -- 150 ----- - - - - -- 150 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR SER 10,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 218 ADVRTISING 0 ----- - - - - -- 1,000 1,000 1,000 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- 10,000 - - - - -- ----- 26,000 - - - --- 26,000 ----- - - - - -- 26,000 401 CAP OUTLAY 426 COMMUNI EQ 0 0 0 73,002 428 PUMPS &STOR 0 0 0 26,030 432 MAINS &VALV 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 0 36,502 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . . ----- 0 - - - - -- ----- 0 - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 135,534 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 10,050 - - - - -- ----- 26,150 - - - - -- 26,150 ----- - - - - -- 161,684 CAP RECOVR TOTAL . . . . . 10,050 26,150 26,150 161,684 Page 78 HOTEUMOTEL ( #14) FUNCTION: Revenues for Hotel/Motel Fund are derived from a 7% tax on rooms rented at local hotels /motels. State law limits expenditures from this fund to those kinds of programs that promote the tourism industry. We have projected limited spending in the form of advertising and the printing of brochures and promotion of specific community events. Page 79 DATE 8/23/00 Page 80 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended CityManager CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomended Approved Fund 14 - HOTEL TAX OCCUPANCY FUND 670 MISC REV ---- - - - - -- 470.11 TAX INCOME 50,000 26,000 27,500 489.96 XFER -RESRV 90,000 106,240 0 ----- MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . . - - - - -- 140,000 ----- - - - - -- 132,240 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 27,500 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 2,600 4,100 6,000 470.23 LOGIC -INTR 0 0 0 ----- INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 2,600 - - - - -- 4,100 ----- - - - - -- ------------ 6,000 ----- REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . . . - - - - -- ----- 142,600 - - - - -- 136,340 ----- - - - - -- ------------ 33,500 HOTEL TAX TOTAL . . . . . . 142,600 136,340 33,500 Page 80 DATE 8/23/00 Page 81 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended CityManager CityCouncil ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomended Approved Fund 14 - HOTEL TAX OCCUPANCY FUND --------------- 201 SERVICES - 217 AUDIT SERV 1,000 1,000 1,000 218 ADVRTISING 5,000 5,000 5,000 221 PRT & BIND 5,000 5,000 5,000 256 FUND CHRGS 4,500 4,500 4,500 264 SPECL EVNT 7,000 7,000 7,000 328 BVYA SUPRT ----- 1,500 - - 1,500 1,500 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . . - - -- ----- 24,000 - - - - -- 24,000 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 24,000 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . . 24,000 ---- - - - - -- 24,000 ----- - - - - -- ----------- 24,000 HOTEL TAX TOTAL . . . . . 24,000 24,000 24,000 - Page 81 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ( #15) Function: This special revenue fund accounts for the proceeds of designated property taxes to be used for the widening of Schertz Parkway. Page 82 PARK FUND ( #17) FUNCTION: The Parks Fund is a special fund designed to monitor and manage funds for improvement of the City of Schertz Park System. Revenues are derived from developer fees (in lieu of parkland dedication), grants, and donations. Page 83 DATE 9109100 Page 84 1999 2000 2000 2001 Adopted Adopted Amended CityManager ACCOUNT Budget Budget Budget Recomended Fund 17 - PARK FUND ------------------------------------------------ 201 SERVICES 211 ENGINR SER 5,000 4,200 4,200 4,200 437 TREES 0 ----- - - - - -- 3,000 3,000 8,000 SERVICES TOTAL . . . . . . ----- 5,000 - - - - -- ----- 7,200 - - - - -- 7,200 ----- - - - - -- 12,200 301 MAINT 431 LANDSCAPNG 0 ----- - - - - -- ----- 2,000 2,000 2,000 MAINT TOTAL . . . . . . . 0 - - - - -- ----- 2,000 - - - - -- 2,000 ----- - - - - -- 2,000 401 CAP OUTLAY 433 OthrImprov 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 436 ASHELY IMP 45,000 ----- - - - - -- 15,000 15,000 15,000 CAP OUTLAY TOTAL . . . . . ----- 45,000 - - - - -- ----- 40,000 - - - - -- 40,000 ----- - -- - -- 40,000 EXPENSE TOTAL . . . . . . ----- - - - - -- ----- 50,000 - - - - -- ----- 49,200 - - - - -- 49,200 ----- - - - - -- 54,200 PARK FUND TOTAL . . . . . - ----- 50,000 - - - - -- ----- 49,200 - ----- 49,200 ----------- 54,200 Page 84 DATE 9/09/00 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 470.22 MBIA -INTER INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . . REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . PARK FUND TOTAL . . . . . . 1,500 4,000 1999 2000 2000 2001 ACCOUNT 4,000 Adopted Adopted Amended CityManager 131,100 ----- - - - - -- 169,022 Budget Budget Budget Recomended Fund 17 - PARK FUND --------------------- ____________________________ 670 MISC REV 470.35 470.36 DEVEL FEES TREE MITIG 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 489.98 XFER -PARK 0 5,000 5,000 51000 489.99 XFER -TREES 109,600 129,022 129,022 129,022 0 ----- - - - 6,000 6,000 6,000 MISC REV TOTAL - -- ----- 129,600 - - - - -- 165,022 165,022 _ 165,022 680 INTRST REV 470.10 INTR EARN 470.22 MBIA -INTER INTRST REV TOTAL . . . . . . REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . PARK FUND TOTAL . . . . . . 1,500 4,000 4,000 750 0 0 0 4,000 1,500 4,000 4,000 4,750 131,100 ----- - - - - -- 169,022 ----- - - - - -- 169,022 ----- - - - - -- 169,772 131,100 169,022 169,022 169,772 Page 85 RECYCLING FUND (# 18) FUNCTION: The Recycling Fund is designed to monitor and manager revenues received from the Recycling Fee on all residential water bills, and the sale of recyclable material. These funds are currently being used to "buy down" solid waste collection costs. Face 86 DATE 8/23/00 RECYCLING TOTAL . . . . : 16,000 7,500 25,000 Page 87 1999 2000 2001 2001 ACCOUNT Adopted Amended CityManager CityCouncil Budget Budget Recomended Approved Fund 18 - RECYCLING FUND 670 MISC REV 481.11 SALE-RECYC 16,000 7,500 25,000 MISC REV TOTAL . . . . . ------ - ----- 16,000 - - - - -- 7,500 ------ ------ 25,000 REVENUE TOTAL . . . . . ----------- ----------- 16,000 7,500 ----------- ----------- 25,000 RECYCLING TOTAL . . . . : 16,000 7,500 25,000 Page 87 DATE 8/23/00 Page 88 1999 2000 2001 2001 ACCOUNT Adopted Amended CityManager CityCouncil Budget Budget Recomended Approved Fund 18 - RECYCLING FUND ----------------- 201 SERVICES - 204 PAY /CONTRC 13,800 6,000 20,000 249 XFER WS /GF 1,700 1,100 4,000 251 FRANC -WSTE 500 ---- 400 1,000 SERVICES TOTAL - - - - -- ----- 16,000 - - - - -- 7,500 ----------- ----- - - - - -- 25,000 EXPENSE TOTAL 16,000 7,500 ----- - - - - -- 25,000 RECYCLING TOTAL . . . 16,000 7,500 25,000 Page 88 POLICE FORFEITURES ( #21) Function: The fund accounts for revenue received from sale of assets under federal drug seizure provisions. Such revenues are often shared among several cooperating law enforcement agencies. The use of these funds is restricted to law enforcement activities that supplement, rather than supplant the regularly appropriated budget. Specifically earmarked funding received from the State Comptroller under LEOSE (law enforcement officers state enforcement) grant are also segregated in this fund. Page 89 BUDGET LISTING 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 21 - POLICE FORFEITURES EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 254 SEMINARS/TRABITING 1,047 2,800 2,800 EXPENDITURE TOTAL 1999 2000 2001 2001 POLICE FORFEITURES TOTAL Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 21 - POLICE FORFEITURES FUND REVENUE 670 MISC REVENUE 481.20 LEOSE 10,329 2,800 2,800 REVENUE TOTAL 10,329 2,800 2,800 POLICE FORFEITURES TOTAL 10,329 2,800 2,800 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 21 - POLICE FORFEITURES EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 254 SEMINARS/TRABITING 1,047 2,800 2,800 EXPENDITURE TOTAL 1,047 2,800 2,800 POLICE FORFEITURES TOTAL 1,047 2,800 2,800 Page 90 LIBRARY GRANTS FUND ( #22) Function: The fund accounts for revenue received specifically to improve the services provided by the library. Past and current grants received have been from the State's Technology Infrastructure Fund (TIF) to enhance the Internet access for the library patrons. A similar grant from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will expand the availability of computers and Microsoft programs at the library during the 2000 -01 budget year. Page 91 BUDGET LISTING 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 22 - LIBRARY GRANT FUND EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 269 COMPUTER CONSULTING 18,545 19,269 80,691 423 Computer & Peripherals 18,358 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 18,545 19,269 99,049 LIBRARY TOTALS 18,545 19,269 99,049 Wage 92 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 22 - LIBRARY GRANT FUND REVENUE 492.10 Gates Grant 18,358 492.11 Technology Infra. Fund 19,397 19,269 80,691 REVENUE TOTAL 19,397 19,269 99,049 LIBRARY FUND 19,397 19,269 99,049 1999 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Amended City Mgr City Council ACCOUNT Budget Budget Recomnded Approved Fund 22 - LIBRARY GRANT FUND EXPENSE 501 EXPENDITURES 269 COMPUTER CONSULTING 18,545 19,269 80,691 423 Computer & Peripherals 18,358 EXPENDITURES TOTAL 18,545 19,269 99,049 LIBRARY TOTALS 18,545 19,269 99,049 Wage 92 ro OP m w CD N r b •? N r-+ r-• cn — �l r Cj Cn 0 O 0 -- ` r0r p n+ d v CD . y "Cy M b 0 O cl CD OQ C' NNE-+ rj N�N�cTv��� V] w �Lj 60 r+ CD O 00 O O cu �i ° "d d d o mr O O M b p O d C .y IN � C Hy o Q! cat CD P � O p. ilk O 0 b tii • `C7 .i ti 'O n ~ N ~ ~ w i- n r- h ° H � � °+ a' °coo 0, ,, p CD ` " En CD CD d Cp' W � ° �' n CD " b i r pp i r yd� Fdp"d.d�nrnt!pn., C� 8 � � CD Pt `° "O rr COD O 'C3 p d Cl. t7 O O b+ 0 c J N O O O IC CD CAD `1�C� 14. CD cry CA r d d UG O Pt P� CD C) CD a--r i r pp i r yd� Fdp"d.d�nrnt!pn., C� 8 � � CD Pt `° "O rr COD O 'C3 p d Cl. t7 O O b+ 0 c J N O O O IC CD CAD As of 1 October 2000 FY 2000 -2001 POSITION AUTHORIZATION POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE MANAGEMENT City Manager Council discretion Administrative Sec/Deputy City Sec. 15 FINANCE Comptroller 34 Senior Accountant 15 Payroll Clerk 9 Finance Clerk 7 MANAGEMENT SERVICES/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Director 33 Deputy Personnel Officer 10 CITY SECRETARY City Secretary 27 Clerk 7 PLANNING Asst. City Mgr/Planning Coord. 36 Secretary 9 Administrator Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk Warrant OfficerBaliff Office Manager Receptionist Collections Clerk II Collections Clerk I MUNICIPAL COURT BUSINESS OFFICE Page 94 21 13 9 17 27 7 9 7 FY 2000 -2001 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Building Official 21 Inspector 16 Asst Inspector 12 Inspections Clerk 7 FACILITY MAINTENANCE Facility Maintenance Supervisor 21 Custodian II 11 Custodian I 7 POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief 36 Lieutenant 29 Sergeant 21 Patrolmen 17 Office Manager 13 Secretary 9 Dispatcher Supervisor 15 Dispatcher 9 FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief 33 Fire Marshall 25 Captain 21 Lieutenant 17 Training Officer 16 Inspector 16 Firefighter 15 SAFES Administrator 33 Asst. Administrator 25 EMT Attendant 15 Billing Clerk 9 Page 95 FY 2000 -2001 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE LIBRARY Librarian 29 Library Assistant 10 Clerk 7 Clerk - P.T. 7 Children Reading — P.T. 18 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director 36 Asst. Director 29 PW Inspector 12 PW Secretary 11 Records and Purchasing 9 PW Clerk/Dispatcher 7 Utility Billing Supervisor 11 Utility Billing Route Manager 9 Utility Billing Clerk 7 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT Supervisor Animal Control Officer Shelter Operator Supervisor Foreman Street Worker II Street Sweeper Operator Street Worker I Pool Manager - P.T. Lifeguards - P.T. STREET DEPARTMENT POOL DEPARTMENT Page 96 21 10 7 26 12 9 9 7 6 5 FY 2000 -2001 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE Park Foreman Park Worker I Supervisor Foreman Serviceman II Serviceman I Meter Tech II Meter Tech I SERVICE GRADE PARK DEPARTMENT 10 7 WATER/WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT Mechanic/Foreman Mechanic FLEET SERVICES Page 97 26 12 9 7 9 8 17 15 ro A) oa fD 00 on IV rn p O C CD p i 0 p C) -% 0 6 m CD N O N >Kwxw = O j O O C O = Gi O C O O� O G) � O CO G) (D CD G DO =r G 7C 7C X CD CD X ...ate M' -aNco .� W 0) pvV-4 OD w V A. K) CA 8 ?-x 0-4 �-+C7� A 00 0) �-i(n � cON- -a t7 A W Cn V:0, W W N Cn OD V a v N0obD No -4 0) -� Cb W N O V O N CO OD cNO W O N V -& N Cn � N C7t � & Cn (A) V1 -a W W CD co p�pI VA CAD V �C) r�yaa A V ,OWD 7.1 -4 N W coo J � N 0) O W V N W N ? CA COJI CNn co V O �N �NCn aOC9 CD N W 1100 OA V OD Ow 0) N0) co W � w W� i V - N 5 O � a co CACn0 -�00W W 000CnN V CDA NOD ON NO - V CD 0-N O MOCDW W O W .4, 0) V C) W W O W n W 0) -4 OV n N N O. CO CD OC . WON-+ ODOOO . -&0 V n -P6 ill) -f>00 & W A V O N Ul CD O O D Cn ► V V W OD co N CO V O O OCD c N s W m -' N�Cn O W V NNOO c001 WA t 4 W�tnCnaD q V b O -• W A (0 co CA O -► -► Cn O CA) 0) O 00 W V OD CT1 O CD N N V V W G) OCO Cn V N W O V A Cn . a 0O O 9D co ' v�V V On00 �W W - , (A) �O O O"' W 000 N 'Cpp ooVP DO CA -4 W -I N N V CGi,J A -4 OD NOCO bo Ol cnn0O N0O0) 0) OD ONO00 O 0 -4 00 ON O W (D 00 co -4 �CWD A �w� 00tDOD-! .aN��Cppn CD CD OD CC]�C)1DD 00 W DDOOOD P N NQD � P �l O: N V Cn CA O 00O CD CD M a W WOVO -3 0 00 o W0CnA V N -a V W W W Cn V WO W VCnW V .a O (0 .� V W O 00 ..� ��V CO 000 OD J P con W C4 .� 0) PD O 0 0 W N -4 j O W N V OV � 0 (0 -ph N 0 N 0N 0 CD00 00 W n - � W -O � W O CO NO co � -4 W CO o :4 c O C 0 W W OD 0p00�1 a +' O O W E O V O 00 0 0) Cn 00 OD t0 1> - OD W N N W- L p V V W V CO W 0) 00 O p W CO V W CO 0) ��iJCOD00 -A 000 VC0 -400 00 ��COnOD W�OV N0)OWON COnN -N V W CCOO- LA, N00 W (nOl C> CO000O W OOD O O WN � N A 00 C) CA O a � A WCN �CD Cl) W in co CD co co 0 W V W CO V C W CO OD W CO �V W 00 m V- -� co W OD OAA� 00 CO W - COn0 O V 00 0 O0pp:1 V O .P O 0)W 0 VWN NJ A -' C) CD CO OD CO CD co CODW Cn W O '' V 000 -aN0 -4 CD CO W �I _ a CO 00 CD W V fD 00 V 00 N 00 .� 00 0 pp W CO O O W O O O O 00 O CO W -a N N W Cn W OD OD V 00 O V 0) 4b. F N O N -4 00 O V �O V OD i ODCn V ...1 ,�CnO ..i Cl) CD CD P AO C��W(O CD (0 N000 W CO 00000 „�A �OCO00 VA CO W CO Cn OD CnCnOV CD V W co V WCOA. O N N -� 00CntoO 00 V O m CDN -��1 0 A --� O ONWW W W W A V W 00000 OOOCD � W p0a0 cyl �O t W CO 50p CD � yV CGN W � c0 V W V 00 O Cn O CD O O co OD 0) CD CD 0) --4 -4 O .W O t W O co - W OD Cn N V Cn 1a W W p N00 NV 0000 NOV Cn0 V �Cn V �CnO Cl) CD NOCWn�1O jCOlt AO O�WtD W -W► W CO BCD CD �Owrnao ° N V N Cn O N Cn CC) 00 -• 0) -a -j -� V OD N W -I V N w co W ��pp N A W A O N W -+ N O O OD P Cn C)0 W V ( N 00 O 0 on IV rn p O C CD p i 0 p C) -% 0 6 m CD N O N rd w Do (D 0 � m0 G) o w0 A0 � m W rn � * o C � o w o � �o o C .o -« (D P . n B CD W N (D N (D fiA0 CD 0) CD O C -�i ID N CO X, 7C 7C �0 -x-' N O N(WOOV0 N (O VJt ,.o _o � 0 0 Cl) .» OD -� co J -� co � A N CO � P I� 00 W 1 7-4 OO Z7 (O NP P W N N V P N V O A V co VcCppNO CD A OD W /1 0 O OD 0) OD00W W c0 O (n -i CVO N -a "'CnCbO V V Q)pC7�CC) O V cn - 4 WCA -4 in -4. �O�cfl �Q)Q)co POOW -1 O 'v -4 COnN W co ccow0) N) C) COCA W-N� co CCAACWDCA O WM N OD �W +�-' -� Cn 0 �0�"' -• N O NCOOVo W ''NCVA '�9N. -'O�0 fMD '0 Cp -� cp W N OD . cD y Cn N'co OO Vt P 00 -4 -b, 00 0 c0 V W O V" N N 00 0 - &Ncn-4 CO CO N V W".A W co 0 0 cD OD cnO V 0 W t,J V0) Cn W co W NNpOj N V N� � cDO NNE -�wy co a0 v V ACA V �NO0NO �! 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W 000_ W D 0 (O P V W 6 0 Cn co W 0) CO V-► 0 0 N to CD WO W N Cn OD -� co U1Cn PN t0 to W O 0110000 11 O A ANN W W W ON V v --N V - W -'� '0 -� wCOnD7 -� CD pp (— D" V V O W .A W O O4000D -• O O Co V Cn-� W O O cn Co V CO O0 CO -A W N 4 W� co co cn --•C7 O .p p — 0 J"n rn N O C7 0 .a Q 0 0 O o cr CD IV O Qi cr ro w Da tD O O 0 0 o Wo G) = oho G) = o ao 9220 Dgo2A G S fD O a1 ? CD O 0) (D 0 � CD N. O N CD Cn 27 X X X CO �NN-� � �p OOD 90 N N��� O NOD�� v N0-4 N0 co NA 000 O V A W � W0N_�COO 0 ODNN CO�IO 09 P-4 CPA W Cn W COO N (D0)OD COCA V CA ~ OD W CO N ON N O N NO W- � ACO co V �? � W CCACD �O OD 0) OD N � N O ~O V n(0Cil 0-4 O Q OV� V N A OO W O N_,O� V CO W N p NNjN� V OCpN N AOD� N N�O� NCO CO -'OA co OD NOWO0) co W 0 V NODN 0) V OpOpp-� -► AFO COJt�I -�to � W CWOCNn �COnOV NCnAC00 �COIVA -I W �l N O CO N -% 0) N O N p p OD W 50 W NN JOD N N O N A r Nsp W -� � 0) -4 Cn W AjN" NO CO O C10(JI � W0" Cn0 AOW nn A WCl w O NOD A _ �_ �j NO NO � O CO '+ OD W �OOCO W �CNOONDN (n W C00N -ch., CA) �� -gyp NOyO CO ONO V V -' CAD N� �OWOCNn V j w00 O CO 000)0)A O 'J N W CA W N C-O N � NODO� NN-'O Cn COCA W W W CO N N O _►N N � -co�m 63 CA) (D p V P A CDO gq �m-C•) WCOe 0) C3) 0) ww -W rn �� DOUi -+ i OD rQ N -x'4 N-� NNN-� N Nip OD N N � CD 0 V A 'J O -� W W co CO O w V CO CO N V A. 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W rn0A co OD O rn O -SCDNw N V co O 0 I 0) -1 -1 W 00 Cl-4000 W rn CD -4 ANCn A -4 -4 CD CbCACOtO W Cn -� A "' Cn mn N1V m p O cD O pO 0 O cr CD oO O cr cn ro w oQ (D F-+ O DKTX n >mm =(n >Kw =w >Kw =(n >KWX n >KT =w 0 *c° 0 *0 G) 0 o 0 G) m o �0 o D G) 3 0 0 G) Co .. CD -, N at cD O C .-' CD N � CD CA C .�-« -, N D) � A C- (D N il) ? co C (D -1 N 0 � N C�p flu N x x x CO x (D X, x ONO W W -'O-' � N W Oclt� � N (')00 N -� WW N � NO (A) N- W.�� fA co0o00) �CDO(n -� -+ P -& --% co V O V co 0) O V W W �jChNfJt 0) v 0) C) W A (n W ppO[Ji Q) N CD Cn co CO O Ol N O CD A OD CD Cn W N yN-i N W ~Q�� • -► W CA Wcn N Cfl N 0) co -� D CO W C1i ! -1 CD oO V W -1 � V A O CD V O V V W OD A Cn O W 0) (A 0o W N A OD 0 0) m A N W co W co W C4 co W --4 co 0) (_Tl �_ NNW Q) �CD�CA CA : "r, t N9) W. cn �. W A co (D '�D co N( CD V WAN WAtVN CO CnCDV WONQ� 0V-�O VA NOWCD W N co co A -BOO Sao -' co co N -* N --' -4 N 1NV� N -+ N -� cn -4 to rnn �W- � P) A )OO'o P A co w P., CD O 0) -a pppp W Cn OJ N N CD 0 00 -� (,� -4 0) b V CO N -• O A -� cD W W 0) cn V OD V P co 00 m CD co CD 0o WOA WmW ONoW 'NVN_ 1-- O)N (N71 -'► �j O00D V N W W P) (^)WOpop�CC) —CA N "cn -4w Oon $-4 V A O0 co C) O��N �j W ASV � 0)ACVDV Vice CA P coCC"co J � A (4 C4 co W WCOOO -*VN OD W -� � N �)O V-i O N WCnN -� cn WtnOO -� C,� CD W~- 9) V �NOV W G7 -q � sd)9). �CD�iCn 74 A 'D A -1—CO OOCDN Nc0 WO W V co -�000W cD0)4�I 0) 0 V 0 P W W O WalN O 0 010) CDOCTSal -►O W O wA OA_ C(ND�(�con co N W NV N QNipNp_ cn 0 W 00 -A OOoV N P 1�p ENO) WN(n wOpD;Ptlt co (�pptD W W (p 0) Z. 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U) -� CD W P O A to y C) W OD OD W -� W 00 ,-4 N CD W A Cn V 01i W � -A Dn CD '0 ONOW .PO -�() V N-�O� cn -- coto W CO -�WO O (n O(.0 OD O0c� Ul N V Pcn O �1 COW WO co Oo W V W V K) W V 00 p W V W O Cn rn W V W W W J V V W W O N 00V-A CA W WW O W ~Cn O CnNW (3) N VW co 0 W CD CO 90 co 7" Q00-AO -4 co �jW P V OD NO W O WOW r coo WO)W N W -N OO W CO W W O C.0 W °A � o� p � ' CA) o ° in �� -4 (D 50 P) 000 NNW co U) O OW W Co CO O1 OD Cn0000V CO CO -4 N 00 N W CI W W C N CA) 4O V OD 00 UCT) CJ) (C) ��W 0) Ch W SO j N V W N O C W O W W Cn � Cn W W� O.4 Q� - O�co ) CiI S-4 " N W U n U) N V V O CA A 07 0' CO " CJ) CO V CO O O -& " co 00 W W -d CO OD OO O N C �( -(4� ,pp 00N00 _) CVi i -W ,�0,0, N co N.OWO. (fiC,nn N WO W O -Do �.UW):P W coNO. N� -4 �') P500p N -49).OWD N V CO c0 co 00 V P V 0o Cn " AOU)W co 0) A p000D0 CO O -� � NV O W COnt .P V ACO V N O W Cn A-& -&W V W W NOD co O V V W (o CA N. V W to O�ii,p N- V W(� W Ap N V W ON CA W W O W cn OOD 4� O t� W -4 P _x ppW-► V W NCCOO -4CDD NN W CD NNW 000W �- W 000 WN .P O3O co cn M W WNW 0�co� P co CC) WCV�i A V 00 M ON p W Cn -� tJI co Ny.p N p W W gjCA)w4 CJi CO -• WUO) -N� La -• O CD W OD P CA V W W CO .P O V O N W " 00 Cp -� O V O 00 O da W V W N Z. U) O P �i CO " O C) V O 4 O 00 C.0 cow Vfp�ppJ V W V V W cn W Atop cli W pp �UVi p WO N OD �0)CVnO 0) O V CO CO CJI Cn " OOCWi�1y N 0) cn OD 00 co O 'CO Op W p IV CA -► N Cn CTi W N (� O 0 -i O W Cn Co co OD cn P V CO OD N V W CO O s N P �00ZA X00 W w VW V W Nc�,W�0 cn � W O CAO p O PCVn A ON-+ A ON VA $)W.P A m -C CAvOD. -4N. . N. W. Wv A W WODO -► V d� Cn W -► V -A 00 OO O W Co Z, 00 W -► W V W .A cn N V �l V W O" co N co al P W 0) V V 00 W V CO V Cn W co A 'yCWO Wcco Wo000 co VW co �w W 1� CD --4 00 C-) CO . co 8 AWE COCnP9 �O~0pppp� 00 W W':OJN � CD �COn(DK) W WN� ONAO 00 N (J1-4 f� coo 01 (con 0 -AN "'�OWO4 -'.P �� W �NONDN -4 CWO co OVo UViA W (3)p50OPO �,ccnnCCO0) 0-W,A4 WO0 A N V 00 O O -+ O — OD O 00 Co -• V W Cn Co O CO N V OD V A -� W Co N V -� CO 07 co V W O N 00 O CA .A OD W O to C') s c(�0 .A ,� co A �j W co W -I CO N5P -xCn 004cn OE00.A COoW 4 V OOo004 OOD�1 A 03 � Cn W co � CA V -� 8 O V CO 8' V W Do V CA � A A N CO cn O1 OD N W O W Oo N -► to Oo 00 W 00 OD Cn Co V Cn Co O .A. Co V CO W CA Cn O O N W " to V N U1 OD N W W ', N -Vp D V CO W N COO O N ''OODO O -'W - O V Wo W W CD co W Cn O cO0 00 V W 00 W W Cn N CY) 00 -� .0000 Co N --A CA W W V O a7 C�)1 -x (D VI OD 0) U7 Co O W CO OD O W Cn -- W OD Co O O cn Co O -� O m N 0 0 CD 0 0 0 O cr CD O O Ai Cr N 2000/2001 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. Salary Schedule The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general salary schedule consists of an entrance rate, and through a series of steps to a maximum rate. The salaries prescribed in the schedule are fixed on the basis of regular service for 40 hours of work per week. 2. Application of Plan to Position The service grade assigned refers to the service grade established for each of the positions. Each employee shall be paid within the range established for his position, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this plan. The City Manager will determine the rate on the basis of his evaluation of the experience, ability and length of service of the employee. SECTION II 1. Starting Rate on Initial Employment On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in successive steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate service grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Manager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. 2. Starting Rate on Return to Duty Employees returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve months, when separation was without prejudice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Manager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary. Page 106 3. Starting Rate in New Position Whenever an employee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held, and such change is not a promotion, the employee shall receive the entrance rate in the salary schedule or such other rate within the applicable schedule as may be reasonable for prior service, meeting the following conditions: a. duties of new position similar to those from old position; b. service in former position provided experience valuable to performance of duties in new position. 4. Rate of Pay on Promotion When an employee is promoted to a position with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule. The lowest step is considered to be the lowest step that will provide an increase over the salary received immediately prior to promotion. 5. Advancement of Salary Within a Salary Schedule Advancement in the salary of an employee within a salary schedule shall be based on the achievement of minimum periods of service and satisfactory performance. a. The minimum period of service for the first salary advance after hire or promotion shall be six (6) months. For each succeeding advance, uninterrupted service of twelve month periods shall be required. In both instances, the individual supervisor must make a recommendation based on performance as noted in Section IV. b. To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement; but such advancement cannot exceed two steps in any twelve (12) month period. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other provisions for step advancement within grade. 6. Recommendations for Salary Advancement within Grade Department Heads may recommend in writing to the City Manager the advancement in salary rate of employees in his department who have completed special training, or who have accepted additional duties and responsibilities within the department beyond those normally required. Page 107 SECTION III 1. Compensation of Part-Time Employees A part -time employee is an employee who works less than 35 hours per week and /or whose total hours worked in a twelve consecutive month period does not exceed 1040 hours. A part-time employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule for the classification. 2. Advancement in Salary for Part-Time Employees A part -time employee may be advanced in pay in the same manner as other employees, provided that only actual hours of work shall be considered in determining such advancement. When the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, advancement to the next higher step rate may be effected in accordance with Section II above. 3. Compensation for Temporary Employees A temporary employee is an employee who is employed for a known period of time not to exceed four consecutive calendar months, to perform a specific function. All such employment must be specified as to length of time anticipated to complete the temporary assignment in the salary schedule. SECTION IV 1. Periodic Performance Evaluation The Periodic Performance Evaluation is a management method, which puts in actual operation the philosophy that human assets of organizations are just as important to organizational development as material resources. The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee's weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to discover old and new talent with a view to further development and improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and employees; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. Page 108 2. Planning and Scheduling Evaluations It . is important that each employee understands the organization's periodic Performance Evaluation procedures and knows who will review his or her performance. The Department Head or his/her appointed representative will perform the evaluation based upon the job performance of the employee on a regular basis, within six months of initial hire or promotion, and at least annually thereafter. After discussion with the employee, the department head will forward the Performance Evaluation to the City Manager for his review and action. 3. Conclusion This program will furnish management with a reliable overall inventory of its human assets in terms of skills and aptitudes, present and potential. On an individual basis, it provides the necessary data for appraising potential ability of all employees. Moreover, it promotes better understanding and communication between supervisors and employees. Finally, experience with the program has shown that sound personnel evaluation is almost invariably reflected in improved organizational functioning. Page 109 CITY OF SCHERTZ DEBT PAYENT SCHEDULE - 2000/2001 Type of Debt Obligation ITotal 2000/01 Gen. Bonded Debt Series 1962, Bond #288 - 297 (W. & S.) Series 1992, St. Imp. Gen. Oblig. Series 1995, Gen. Oblig. Refund. Bonds Series 1998, Gen. Oblig. (4b) Bonds Schertz/Seguin Corporate Bond (1999) *" Comb. Tax & Limited Pledge Rev. (1990) Series 1992, Comb. Tax & Jr. Lien (1992) Util. System Revenue Bonds (1987) TOTAL $ 10,362.50 Pay -Off in '01 $ 53,730.00 Pay -Off in '08 $ 91,265.00 Pay -Off in 005 $ 388,541.88 Pay -Off in '18 $ 279,705.00 Pay -Off in '25 $ 73,518.75 Pay -Off in '02 $ 17,380.00 Pay -Off in '03 $ 90,750.00 Pay -Off in '07 1,005,253.13 * Also, $271,207.50 from Water & Sewer Fund on 211/01 ** From Water & Sewer Fund *** Includes $176,058.75 from Water & Sewer Fund Revised:9 /18/00 Page 110 2000 -01 Obligation Balance $ 573,960.00 $ 446,258.75 $ 6,548,634.45 $ 9,228,026.90 $ 88,081.25 $ 130,320.00 $ 931,000.00 $17,946,281.35 Revised:9 /18/00 Page 110 2000 -01 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 2001 THRU 2008 FISCAL YEAR ENDING PRINCIPAL 9/30/01 $ 115,000.00 $ 9/30/02 $ 92,000.00 $ 9/30/03 $ 93,000.00 $ 9/30/04 $ 93,000.00 $ 9/30/05 $ 91,000.00 $ 9/30/06 $ 100,000.00 $ 9/30/07 $ 100,000.00 $ 9/30/08 $ 70,000.00 $ 110,830.00 $ 754,000 $ AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT CASH REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING INTEREST TOTAL PRINCIPAL $ 754,000.00 40,357.50 $ 155,357.50 $ 639,000.00 35,213.75 $ 127,213.75 $ 547,000.00 31,179.75 $ 124,179.75 $ 454,000.00 26,183.50 $ 119,183.50 $ 361,000.00 21,155.00 $ 112,155.00 $ 270,000.00 17,080.00 $ 117,080.00 $ 170,000.00 10,830.00 $ 110,830.00 $ 70,000.00 4,480.00 $ 74,480.00 $ - 186,479.50 $ 940,479.50 $ 117,559.94 Page 111 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER SYSTEM BONDS SERIES 1962, DATED DECEMBER1,1962 INTEREST AT 3 -5/8% ON BONDS 1 -3, 3 -3/8% ON BONDS 4 -27, AND 3 -5/8% ON BONDS 38 -301 PAYABLE DECEMBER 1ST AND JUNE 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 DUE OUTSTANDING DATES BALANCE 12/1/00 $ 10,000.00 6/1/01 PAYING AGENT: Bank of New York BOND NUMBERS $ 301,000.00 $ 291,000.00 $ 10,000.00 FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL $ 181.20 288-297 $ 10,000.00 $ 181.30 $ 10,362.50 $ 10,000.00 $ 362.50 $ 10,362.50 Page 112 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS $620,000 NEW MONEY ISSUE STREET IMPROVEMENT GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1992. INTEREST AT 7.25% FOR 1994 -1998, 6.875% FOR 1999, 5.25% FOR 2000, 5.40% FOR 2001, 5.60% FOR 2002, 5.80% FOR 2003, 5.90% FOR 2004, 6.10% FOR 2005, 6.25% FOR 2006, 6.35% FOR 2007, 6.40% FOR 2008. AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST $ 620,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 470,000.00 TOTAL 12/1/00 $ 470,000.00 $ 14,365.00 6/1/01 $ 25,000.00 $ 14,365.00 $ 53,730.00 12/1/01 $ 445,000.00 $ 13,690.00 6/1/02 $ 25,000.00 $ 13,690.00 $ 52,380.00 12/1/02 $ 420,000.00 $ 12,990.00 611/03 $ 50,000.00 $ 12,990.00 $ 75,980.00 12/1103 $ 370,000.00 $ 11,540.00 6/1/04 $ 50,000.00 $ 11,540.00 $ 73,080.00 12/1/04 $ 320,000.00 $ 10,065.00 6/1/05 $ 50,000.00 $ 10,065.00 $ 70,130.00 12/1/05 $ 270,000.00 $ 8,540.00 6/1/06 $ 100,000.00 $ 8,540.00 $ 117,080.00 12/1 /06 $ 170,000.00 $ 5,415.00 6/1/07 $ 100,000.00 $ 5,415.00 $ 110,830.00 12/1/07 $ 70,000.00 $ 2,240.00 6/1/08 $ 70,000.00 $ 2,240.00 $ 74,480.00 TOTAL ---------------------- $ - - - - -- 470,000.00 ------------------ $ - - - - -- 157,690.00 --------------- $ - - - - -- 627,690.00 PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK Page 113 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1995 INTEREST AT 3.75% IN 1996, 4.05% IN 1997, 4.15% IN 1998, 4.30% IN 1999, 4.45% IN 2000, 4.60% IN 2001, 4.75% IN 2002 4.85% IN 2003, 4.90% IN 2004, 5.00% IN 2005 AMOUNT ISSUED $ 1,700,000.00 PAID $ 960,000.00 OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 $ 740,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT AMMOUNT PAID DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL BY WATER FUND* 2/1/01 $ 740,000.00 $ 335,000.00 $ 17,588.75 8/1/01 2/1/02 $ 405,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ $ 9,883.75 9,883.75 $ 362,472.50 271,207.50* 8/1/02 2/1/03 $ 320,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ $ 7,865.00 7,865.00 $ 102,748.75 27,915.00* 8/1/03 2/1/04 $ 210,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ $ 5,197.50 5,197.50 $ 123,062.50 74,864.75* 8/1/04 2/1/05 $ 105,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ $ 2,625.00 2,625.00 $ 112,822.50 66,719.00* 8/1/05 $ 107,625.00 65,600.00* TOTAL $ 740,000.00 $ 68,731.25 $ 808,731.25 PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK 'THIS AMOUNT IS THE WATER FUND SHARE OF THE REFUNDING AND IS PAID BY THE WATER FUND Page 114 City of Schertz, Texas $4930000.00General Obligation Bonds (4b) Series 1998, Dated 1 December 1997 Interest at 6.375 %, for years 1998 -2009 Interest at 4.40% for year 2010 Interest at 4.375% for years 2011 -2018 Amount Issued $ 4,930,000.00 Amount Paid $ 285,000.00 Outstanding on 30 September, 2000 $ 4,645,000.00 Date Principal Interest Total Fiscal Year 2/1/01 $ 155,000.00 $ 119,241.25 8/1/01 $ 114,300.63 $ 388,541.88 2/1/02 $ 165,000.00 $ 114,300.63 8/1/02 $ 109,041.25 $ 388,341.88 2/1/03 $ 175,000.00 $ 109,041.25 8/1/03 $ 103,463.13 $ 387,504.38 2/1/04 $ 180,000.00 $ 103,463.13 8/1/04 $ 97,725.63 $ 381,188.76 2/1/05 $ 195,000.00 $ 97,725.63 8/1/05 $ 91,510.00 $ 384,235.63 2/1/06 $ 205,000.00 $ 91,510.00 8/1/06 $ 84,975.63 $ 381,485.63 2/1/07 $ 215,000.00 $ 84,975.63 8/1/07 $ 76,122.50 $ 376,098.13 2/1/08 $ 230,000.00 $ 76,122.50 8/1/08 $ 70,791.25 $ 376,913.75 2/1/09 $ 240,000.00 $ 70,791.25 8/1/09 $ 63,141.25 $ 373,932.50 2/1/10 $ 255,000.00 $ 63,141.25 8/1/10 $ 57,531.25 $ 375,672.50 2/1/11 $ 270,000.00 $ 57,531.25 8/1/11 $ 51,625.00 $ 379,156.25 2/1/12 $ 285,000.00 $ .51,625.00 8/1/12 $ 45,380.63 $ 382,005.63 2/1/13 $ 300,000.00 $ 45,380.63 8/1/13 $ 38,828.13 $ 384,208.76 2/1/14 $ 315,000.00 $ 38,828.13 - 8/1/14 $ 31,937.50 $ 385,765.63 2/1/15 $ 335,000.00 $ 31,937.50 8/1/15 $ 24,609.38 $ 391,546.88 2/1/16 $ 355,000.00 $ 24,609.38 8/1/16 $ 16,843.75 $ 396,453.13 2/1/17 $ 375,000.00 $ 16,843.75 8/1/17 $ 8,640.63 $ 400,484.38 2/1/18 $ 395,000.00 $ 8,640.63 8/1/18 $ 403,640.63 Total $ 4,645,000.00 $ 2,292,176.33 $ 6,937,176.33 Paying Agent: Chase Bank of Texas NA Page 115 SCHERTZ/SEGUIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 1999 - Schertz Debt Retirement Schedule o �� c� )ate Pnnn;n l n Schertb Pro-ration av io ) or Total 2/1/01 95,901.34 198,901.34 198,901.34 8/1/01 139,852.50 139,852.50 211/02 97,500 5.375 139,852.50 237,352.50 279,705.00 8/1/02 211/03 102,500 5.25 137,232.19 137,232.19 374,584.69 8/1/03 137,232.19 239,732.19 2/1/04 110,000 5.25 134,541.57 134,541.57 134,541.57 244,541 374,273.76 811/04 2/1/05 115,000 5.25 .57 131,654.07 131,654.07 131,654.07 376,195.63 8/1105 246,654.07 2/1/06 122,500 5.125 128,635.32 128,635.32 128,635.32 251,135.32 375,289.38 8/1/06 2/1/07 130,000 5.125 125,496.25 125,496.25 125,496.25 376,631.57 8/1/07 255,496.25 211/08 137,500 5.125 122,165.00 122,165.00 122,165.00 259,665.00 377,661.25 811/08 211/09 147,500 5.125 118,641.57 118,641.57 118,641.57 378,306.57 8/1/09 266,141.57 2/1/10 155,000 5.125 114,861.88 114,861.88 114,861.88 269,861.88 381,003.44 8/1110 2/1/11 165,000 5.125 110,890.00 110,890.00 110,890.00 380,751.88 8/1/11 275,890.00 2/1/12 175,000 5.25 106,661.88 106,661.88 106,661.88 281,661.88 382,551.88 8/1/12 2/1/13 185,000 5.3 102,068.13 102,068.13 102,068.13 383,730.00 8/1/13 287,068.13 2/1/14 197,500 5.35 97,165.63 97,165.63 97,165.63 294,665.63 384,233.75 8/1/14 2/1/15 210,000 5.45 91,882.50 91,882.50 91,882.50 386,548.13 8/1/15 301,882.50 2/1/16 222,500 5.55 86,160.00 86,160.00 86,160.00 308,660.00 388,042.50 8/1/16 2/1/17 237,500 5.6 79,985.63 79,985.63 388,645.63 8/1/17 79,985.63 317,485.63 2/1/18 250,000 5.65 73,335.63 73,335.63 73,335.63 323,335.63 390,821.25 8/1118 2/1/19 265,000 5.75 66,273.13 66,273.13 66,273.13 389,608.75 8/1/19 331,273.13 2/1/20 282,500 5.85 58,654.38 58,654.38 58,654.38 341,154.38 389,927.50 8/1/20 2/1/21 300,000 5.85 50,391.25 50,391.25 50,391.25 350,391.25 391,545.63 8/1/21 2/1/22 317,500 5.9 41,616.25 41,616.25 392,007 50 8/1/22 41,616.25 359,116.25 2/1/23 337,500 6 32,250.00 32,250.00 391,366.25 8/1/23 32,250.00 369,750.00 2/1/24 357,500 6 22,125.00 22,125.00 391,875.00 8/1/24 22,125.00 379,625.00 211/25 380,000 6 11,400.00 11,400.00 391,025.00 8/1/25 11,400.00 391,400.00 - 391,400.00 Page 116 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 2001 - 2005 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS YEAR OUTSTANDING ENDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PRINCIPAL 9/30/01 $ 75,000.00 $ 15,898.75 $ 9130/02 $ 145,000.00 $ 9,921.25 $ 9/30/03 $ 60,000.00 $ 3,480.00 $ TOTALS $ 280,000.00 $ 29,300.00 $ AVERAGEANNUALREQUIREMENTS: $ 103,100.00 Page 117 $ 280,000.00 90,898.75 $ 205,000.00 154,921.25 $ 60,000.00 63,480.00 $ - 309,300.00 AVERAGEANNUALREQUIREMENTS: $ 103,100.00 Page 117 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND LIMITED PLEDGE REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1990. INTEREST AT 9.0% FOR 1993 -1997, 7.0% FOR 1998, 7.10% FOR 1999, AND 7.25% FOR 2000 -2005. AMOUNTISSUED $ 850,000.00 PAID $ 700,000.00 OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 $ 150,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING DATE BALANCE 2/1/01 $ 150,000.00 $ 8/l/01 2/1/02 $ 85,000.00 $ 8/1/02 FISCALYEARREQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 65,000.00 $ 5,437.50 $ 3,081.25 $ 73,518.75 85,000.00 $ 3,081.25 $ - $ 88,081.25 - - - - -- ----------------- TAL $ 150,000.00 $ 11,600.00 $ 161,600.00 PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK Page 118 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS $200,000 NEW MONEY ISSUE COMBINATION TAX & JR. LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OBLIGATION, SERIES 1992. INTEREST AT 7.00% FOR1994 -1997, 5.70% FOR1998, 5.00% FOR 1999, 5.00% FOR 2000, 5.40% FOR 2001, 5.60% FOR 2002, AND 5.80% FOR 2003. AMOUNT ISSUED $ 200,000.00 PAID $ 70,000.00 OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 $ 130,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 3/1/01 $ 130,000.00 $ 3,690.00 9/1/01 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,690.00 $ 17,380.00 3/1/02 $ 120,000.00 $ 3,420.00 9/1/02 $ 60,000.00 $ 3,420.00 $ 66,840.00 3/1/03 $ 60,000.00 $ 1,740.00 9/1/03 $ 60,000.00 $ 1,740.00 $ 63,480.00 TOTAL $ 130,000.00 $ 17,700.00 $ 147,700.00 PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK Page 119 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 2001 - 2007 FISCAL CASH REQUIREMENTS YEAR OUTSTANDING ENDING PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL BALANCE $ 785,000.00 9/30/01 $ 35,000.00 $ 55,750.00 $ 90,750.00 $ 750,000.00 9/30/02 $ 125,000.00 $ 53,125.00 $ 178,125.00 $ 625,000.00 9/30/03 $ 125,000.00 $ 42,500.00 $ 167,500.00 $ 500,000.00 9/30/04 $ 125,000.00 $ 34,062.50 $ 159,062.50 $ 375,000.00 9/30/05 $ 125,000.00 $ 25,625.00 $ 150,625.00 $ 250,000.00 9/30/06 $ 125,000.00 $ 17,125.00 $ 142,125.00 $ 125,000.00 9/30/07 $ 125,000.00 $ 8,562.50 $ 133,562.50 $ - $ 785,000.00 $ 236,750.00 $ 1,021,750.00 AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT $ 145,964.29 Page 120 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK Page 121 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1987 -FINAL DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE INTEREST AT 7.50% FOR 1993 -2101, 8.50% FOR 2102, 6.75% FOR 2103 -2104, 6.80% FOR 2105, 6.85% FOR 2106 -2107. AMOUNT ISSUED $ 1,020,000.00 PAID $ 235,000.00 OUTSTANDING: 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 $ 785,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 3/1/01 $ 785,000.00 $ 27,875.00 9/1/01 $ 35,000.00 $ 27,875.00 $ 90,750.00 3/1/02 $ 750,000.00 $ 26,562.50 9/1/02 $ 125,000.00 $ 26,562.50 $ 178,125.00 3/1/03 $ 625,000.00 $ 21,250.00 9/1/03 $ 125,000.00 $ 21,250.00 $ 167,500.00 3/1/04 $ 500,000.00 $ 17,031.25 9/1/04 $ 125,000.00 $ 17,031.25 $ 159,062.50 3/1/05 $ 375,000.00 $ 12,812.50 9/1/05 $ 125,000.00 $ 12,812.50 $ 150,625.00 3/1/06 $ 250,000.00 $ 8,562.50 9/1/06 $ 125,000.00 $ 8,562.50 $ 142,125.00 3/1/07 $ 125,000.00 $ 4,281.25 9/1/07 $ 125,000.00 $ 4,281.25 $ 133,562.50 TOTAL -- --------------- - - - - -- ----------------- $ 785,000.00 $ - - - - -- 236,750.00 - - - $ --------- ---- ------ 1,021,750.00 PAYING AGENT: BANK OF NEW YORK Page 121