FY 2002-03 MidYear BudgetCITY OF SCHERTZ Mid -Year Budget Adjustment el4tv 04 FJAV U� 5=2 tp 1� I -1 Fiscal Year October 2002 — September 2003 5 June 2003 To: Mayor and City Council From: Mark Marquez, City Manager Subject: Mid -Year Budget Adjustments The adjustments to the City of Schertz FY 2002 -2003 budget are enclosed. The adjustments have been to recognize several items that I believe the City Council and the general public should be made aware of. The first is recognition of active bond revenues and expenditures. These items reflect major capital expenditures. The revenues are in the General and Water Funds. The expenditures are in the department affected and identified by a unique three -digit extension of the account number. I found it necessary to request additional staffing in three departments. One person was added to the Finance Department. They have been affected by the sheer increase in the size of our overall budget as well as the anticipated increase in workload caused by GASB 34. One person was added in our Community and Economic Development department that experienced a shortfall in administrative staff, again because of increased workload and the sensitivity of processes for which that department has responsibility. Our Facility Maintenance department was simply not able to keep up with requirements. One maintenance person was added. We also recognized increases in revenues in ad valorem taxes as well as decreases in revenue from investments as major adjustments. In addition, adjustment was made for the reduced expenditures in legal services. Several other adjustments were made within individual departmental budgets, most noticeably for the unexpected increase in fuel costs. We also made adjustments in several areas where re- appropriation of funds was necessary to complete projects from last fiscal year. The adjustment in the Schertz Economic Development Corporation includes several items that should have been included in the original construction, some unprogrammed maintenance requirements, and additional parking. CITY OF SCHERTZ 2002-2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET Index ------- - ----- --------------------------------------------—i General Fund Revenues 1 Non - Departmental----------------- _____M___ City Council----- 6 City Manager--- --7 Municipal Court— Planning & Zoning Legal Services – ------ – – -- --13 Facility Maintenance— —14 City Secretary------ 16 Police----------------------___ _____________________w 18 Fire---- —21 Inspections---------- —23 Streets— ---25 Parks-------------------------------------------- - - - - -- —27 Swimming Pool-- --29 Library— 31 Animal Control------------------- ---- -- --------- ______ 33 Information Technology— – ------ —35 Human Resources------------ Finance------------ —39 Fleet Service--------- ---- -- - ____________------- "1 Patient Assistance----------------- ---- -- ----- -------------------- ---.43 Revenue & Expenditure Summary-- Capital Revenues 45 Capital Recovery Non-Departmental -------46 Development Foundation Revenues 4-8 Non - Departmental ------------ - ----- --------- 9 Summary- 1j 0 r- Hotel Tax Revenues___________ ____ 51 Non - Departmental--------------------------- - - - - -- ---52 Summary- --- - - - -53 Park Revenues— ________— ___________— _ —54 Non-Departmental — — - — ------------- ----- — ---- ----55 Summary 56 Recycling Revenues —57 Non-Departmental ------------ --- ---- — --- — --------- — ----58 Summary-------------------------------------------- ---- -- 59 Public Safety EMS Revenues----------------- 6-0 SchertzEMS------------------------------------------------- ---- -- 61 Summary------------------------------------ - - - - -- Schertz Economic Development Corp. Revenues----------- - - - - -- ------ _---------- - - - - -- --- - - - -65 Non-Departmental— --------66 Public Information - — ---- — -- — - — ---------- — --- — - — --- — ---- --------67 Economic Development---- _______— __ ------ - 68 Summary- 07 Z n TAX I&S TrF Revenues --- — - — ------- — - — — ----- — ------ — -------- 70 Non - Departmental---- --- --- Summary---- ---- - - - -72 Revenues---- — --- — ---- — - — ---------- — ----- — --------- — ----- — -- — ------ —73 Non-Departmental — ----------------- — ---- — ------- -----74 Summary---- — --- — ----- — -- — ----- — --------- — -- — --------- — ------ —75 Water & Sewer Revenues----------------------------------------- - - - - -- ----- - - 76 Non-Deparbnental---------- — ------ — ------------- — -- — -- — —77 Business Office-------------- ---- -- ---------------- -- - - -- ----78 Public Works W&S Administration------------------------------------- - ---80 Summary----------------------------------- - - - - -- --83 ii 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Taxes 000 - 411100 Advaloren Tax - Current 3,045,536 3,070,178 67,596 3,113,132 000 - 411200 Advalorem Tax - Delinquent 35,000 17,147 - 35,000 000 - 411300 Advalorem Tax - P &I 22,000 12,723 - 22,000 000 - 411400 Roll Back Property Tax 10,000 - - 10,000 000 - 411500 Sales Tax Revenue - Gen Fund 1,450,000 718,616 - 1,450,000 000 - 411600 Bingo Tax 4,500 2,314 - 4,500 000 - 411700 Mixed Beverage 4,000 2,352 - 4,000 TOTAL TAXES 4,571,036 3,823,331 67,596 4,638, 632 Franchises 500 240 - 500 000 - 421200 Center Point/Entex Energy 16,000 12,774 1,000 17,000 000 - 421220 City Public Service 60,000 33,623 - 60,000 000 - 421240 Guadalupe Valley Elec Co -op 220,000 114,602 5,000 225,000 000 - 421300 Time Warner /Paragon Cable 165,000 76,395 - 165,000 000 - 421440 Southwestern Bell Telephone 60,000 29,417 - 60,000 000 - 421460 AT &T Franchise Fee - 1,354 1,354 1,354 000 - 421480 Other Telecom Franchise 12,500 8,479 - 12,500 000 - 421500 Solid Waste Franchise Fee 42,165 15,164 (10,000) 32,165 TOTAL Franchises 575,665 291,808 (2,646) 573,019 Permits 80 000 - 431100 Home Occupation Permit 000 - 431200 Building Permit 000 - 431300 Mobile Home Permit 000 - 431400 Signs Permit 000 - 431500 Food Establishment Permit 000 - 431600 Garage Sale Permit 000 - 431700 Plumbing Permit 000 - 431750 Electrical Permit 000 - 431800 Mechanical Permit 000 - 431850 Pet & Grooming Permit 000 - 431900 Solicitor /Peddler Permit 000 - 431950 Animal Permit 000 - 432000 Certificate of Occupancy Prmt TOTAL Permits 300 80 - 300 280,000 159,779 45,000 325,000 600 120 (100) 500 1,500 254 (500) 1,000 5,500 9,575 5,000 10,500 3,600 3,213 1,900 5,500 37,500 24,356 11,500 49,000 40,000 14,353 - 40,000 15,500 8,739 - 15,500 50 10 - 50 1,000 185 - 1,000 650 710 - 650 500 240 - 500 386,700 1 221,614 62,800 449,500 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Licenses 000 - 441000 Alcohol Beverage License 3,000 579 - 3,000 000 - 442000 Contractors License 18,000 9,925 (6,000) 12,000 000 - 443000 Electrical License 16,000 11,060 - 16,000 000 - 444000 Pet License 2,400 1,244 - 2,400 000 - 445000 Security Alarm Permit 21,500 2,155 (10,000) 11,500 000 - 449370 Donatns - Citizns Police Acad 50 - - 50 TOTAL Licenses 60,950 24,963 (16,000) 44,950 Fees 000- 451000 Municipal Court Fines 350,000 219,658 25,000 375,000 000- 451100 Arrest Fee 22,000 14,828 - 22,000 000 - 451200 Warrant Fees 45,000 31,845 1,000 46,000 000 - 451300 Seatbelt & Child Safety - - - - 000- 451350 Optional (Child) Fee - - - - 000- 451400 Traffic Fine Costs TTL 10,000 7,230 2,000 12,000 000- 451500 Teen Court Admin Fee 300 540 240 540 300- 451600 Technology Fund Fee 17,500 12,734 1,500 19,000 300- 451700 Security Fee 14,000 9,827 (1,500) 12,500 000- 451800 Time Payment Fee - City 1,500 650 - 1,500 000 - 451850 State Fines 10% Service Fee 15,000 11,435 2,000 17,000 000 - 451900 DPS Payment - Local 4,000 2,800 - 4,000 000- 451950 DPS Paymnet - Omnibase - 408 - - J00- 452000 Child Safety Fee 9,000 4,146 (3,000) 6,000 )00- 452100 Platting Fees 18,000 25,515 - 18,000 X00- 452200 Site Plan Fee 9,000 1,200 - 9,000 000- 452300 Plan Check Fee 130,000 73,123 20,000 150,000 000 - 452400 BOA/Zoning Fees 1,000 1,325 - 1,000 000 - 452500 Food Handier Class 10,000 5,012 - 10,000 J00- 452600 Specific Use /Zone Chng Fee 500 500 - 500 )00- 453100 Reinspection Fees 50,000 26,525 10,000 60,000 )00- 453200 Mowing Fees - I nspections 1,500 1,267 - 1,500 100- 453300 Solictor's Investigation - 400 - - 000- 454100 Swim Pool Reservation Fee 1,000 - - 1,000 000 - 454200 Pool Gate Admission Fee 15,000 - - 15,000 X300- 454300 Seasonal Pool Pass Fee 7,000 - - 7,000 J00- 454400 Swimming Lessons Fee 11,000 - - 11,000 )00- 458100 Sale of Merchandise 300 16 - 300 2 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 000 - 458300 Sale of Property /Auction 000- 458400 Building Rental Fee 000- 458500 Property Rental Fee 000 - 458600 Ball Field Use 000 - 458700 Vehicle Impoundment 000 - 459100 Credit Card /Check Fee 000 - 459200 NSF Check Fee 000 - 459300 Notary Fee 000 - 459400 Maps, Copies, UDC Misc F 000 - 459600 Animal Adoption Fee 000 - 459700 Pet Impoundment Fee 000 - 459800 Police Reports Fee TOTAL Fees Fines 000463000 Library Fines TOTAL Fines Inter - Jurisdictional 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 20,000 - - 20,000 6,500 4,041 - 6,500 4,500 1,786 - 4,500 250 - - 250 - 200 - - 1,500 522 - 1,500 250 50 - 250 200 105 - 200 1,250 960 - 1,250 9,800 7,717 - A800 11,500 6,603 - 11,500 3,500 2,163 - 3,500 801,850 475,133 57,240 859,090 10,000 8,476 2,000 12,000 10,000 8,476 2,000 12,000 000473100 Bexar Co - Fire 10,800 5,888 - 10,800 000473200 Guadalupe Co - Fire 22,825 - (22,825) - 000- 473300 Guad Co. Library 95,353 47,676 - 95,353 000473400 Guad Co - Animal Control 66,000 46,684 - 66,000 000473700 Guadalupe Co Anml Cntri Vet 45,000 - - 45,000 000 - 473800 Guadalupe Co Econo Developrr - 25,000 25,000 25,000 000 - 474100 Cibolo Fire Contract - 15,000 15,000 15,000 000 - 474200 Library Services - Cibolo 2,500 - - 2,500 000 - 474400 Dispatch Service - Cibolo 26,300 26,300 - 26,300 0000 -47450 Dispatch Service - SCUCISD 2,500 1,200 - 2,500 TOTAL Inter - Jurisdictional 271,278 167,748 17,175 288,453 Fund Transfers 000 - 480000 Indirect Costs -EMS 25,000 - - 25,000 000 - 4890100 Indirect Costs -Hotel 3,000 - - 3,000 000 -48600 Interfund Charges - Admin 548,834 - - 548,834 TOTAL Fund Transfers 576,834 - - 576,834 3 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Miscellaneous 000 - 490010 Transfer In /Out 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 20,000 4,539 (5,000.00) 15,000.00 000 - 491200 Investment Income 80,000 21,744 (40,000.00) 40,000.00 000 - 492000 Proceeds From Bond- SR2003 - 3,313,728 3,313,728.00 3,313,728.00 000 - 493100 Donations - Christmas Decor 500 - - 500.00 000 - 493200 Donations - Parade Float 50 - - 50.00 000 - 493400 Donation - Animal Control 2,500 560 - 2,500.00 000 - 494481 LawEnforcemtOfficersStnd&Ed 0 4,264 - - 000- 497000 Misc Income -Gen Fund 45,000 15,553 - 45,000.00 000 - 497100 Misc Income- Police 750 2,171 - 750.00 000 - 497200 Misc Income - Library 6,000 2,774 - 6,000.00 000 - 497300 Misc Income - Animal Control 50 17 - 50.00 000 - 497400 Misc Income - Streets Dept 2,750 1,375 - 2,750.00 000 - 498000 Reimbursement - Gen Fund 15,000 -1,276 - 15,000.00 TOTAL Miscellaneous 157,600 3,366,725 3,268,728.00 3,426,328.00 TOTAL REVENUES $7,411,913 $8,379,799 $ 3,456,893 $ 10,868,806 4 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL City Support Services 101 - 532200 County Appraisal District 101 - 532500 City Ins -Com 101 - 532900 Contingencies TOTAL City Support Services Operations Support 101- 534000 Postage TOTAL Operations Support Citv Assistance 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 63,450 54,799 - 63,450 52,000 70,971 19,000 71,000 25,000 - 25,000 140,450 125,770 19,000 159,450 883 883 101- 537100 Medical Services 141,900 71,944 - 141,900 101- 537700 -240 FEMA Matching Grant- SR2003 - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 101537400 Tax Increment 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 TOTAL City Assistance 151,900 81,944 1,000,000 1,151, 900 Professional Services 101 - 541400 Auditor /Accounting Sery 8,400 7,031 - 8,400 101 - 541500 State /County & Admin Fees 3,000 5,389 3,000 6,000 101 - 541600 Miscellaneous Bank Charges - 1,960 1,960 1,960 TOTAL Professional Services 11,400 14,380 4,960 16,360 Capitalized Eauipment 10 1 -xxxxxx-220 Fire Sub Station- SR2003 - - 750,000 750,000 101- xxxxxx -230 Swimming Pool- SR2003 - - 250,000 250,000 10 1 -xxxxxx-250 PID /IH -35 /FM 3009- SR2003 - - 750,000 750,000 101-581200-201 Transfrto EMS (Ambulance) - - 260,000 260,000 101-581200-202 Transfr to EMS (Equipment) - - 28,000 28,000 101 - 281200 -201 Transfr to Drain (Slope Mower) - - 50,950 50,950 TOTALCapitalized Equipment - - 2,088,950 2,088,950 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL $303,750 $222,977 $ 3,112,910 $3,416,660 5 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES Supplies 150 - 521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 150 - 532600 City Elections 150 - 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 150 - 533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Staff Support 150 - 535200 Annual Awards 150 - 535300 Memberships Prof Orgs 150 - 535500 Training/Travel Total Staff Support Professional Services 150 - 541300 Other Consul /Prof Services TOTAL Professional Services Rental -Lease 150 - 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 200 139 - 200 200 139 - 200 7,000 2,381 - 7, 000 5,500 742 - 5,500 12,500 3,123 - 12,500 148 148 150 - - 150 5,500 3,956 - 5,500 4,500 2,740 - 4,500 10,150 6,696 - 10,150 920 - 920 - - 193 193 920 920 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL $ 23,770 $ 10,298 $ - $ 23,770 C. 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER Personnel Services 151- 511110 Regular 151- 511180 LTD 151- 511210 Longevity 151-5111240 Vehicle Allowance 151 - 511310 FICA - Employer 151- 511350 TMRS - Employer 151- 511410 Health - Employer 151- 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 151 - 521100 Office Supplies 151 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 151- 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Suppport Services Utility Services 151- 533300 Telephone 151- 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 151- 534000 Postage 151- 534100 Advertising 151- 534300 Copy Service TOTAL Operations Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year proved Actual Requested Approved 190,126 91,079 - 190,126 460 214 - 460 1,704 5,568 3,864 5,568 - 4,177 8,000 8,000 14,100 7,667 - 14,100 13,184 6,829 - 13,184 8,914 5,009 - 8,914 570 532 - 570 229,058 121,075 11,864 240,922 1,500 1,554 200 1,700 50 - (50) - 1,550 1,554 150 1,700 300 354 300 354 100 400 100 400 1,260 657 - 1,260 750 33 (717) 33 2,010 690 (717) 1,293 400 123 - 350 750 500 1,150 973 400 350 350 - 750 350 1,500 Staff Support 151 - 535100 Uniforms 100 166 75 175 151- 535200 Annual Awards 4,000 796 - 4,000- 151- 535300 Memberships 1,750 586 - 1,750 7 101- GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 151- 535400 Publications 500 230 - 500 151 - 535500 Training/Travel 7,000 3,653 - 7,000 TOTAL Staff Suppport 13,350 5,431 75 13,425 Rental -Lease 151- 561200Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease - Operating Equipment 151 -57100 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 - - 1,000 TOTAL Operating Equipment 1,000 - - 1,000 TOTAL CITY MANAGER $248,418 $130,076 $ 11,822 $260,240 A 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT Personnel Services 152-511110 Regular 152- 511120 Overtime 152-511180 LTD 152-511210 Longevity 152 - 511230 Certification Allowance 152 - 511240 Vehicle Allowance 152-511310 FICA - Employer 152 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 152- 511410 Health - Employer 152 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 152 - 521100 Office Supplies 152 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 152 - 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Suppport Services Utility Services 152 - 533300 Telephone 152 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 152 - 534000 Postage 152 - 534200 Printing & Binding 152 - 534300 Copy Service TOTAL Operations Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 143,640 71,927 - 143,640 3,000 1,033 - 3,000 364 161 - 364 4,488 4,488 - 4,488 600 312 - 600 2,400 1,200 - 2,400 11,152 6,016 - 11,152 10,428 5,416 - 10,428 14,857 8,622 - 14,857 451 427 - 451 191,380 99,602 - 191,380 1,500 149 (176) 1,324 300 25 2,250 2,550 1,800 175 2,074 3,874 250 - 250 250 250 500 214 - 500 1,800 804 - 1,800 2,300 1,017 - 2,300 1,500 613 - 1,500 1,500 36 - 1,500 1,400 527 - 1,400 4,400 1,177 - 4,400 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT Staff Support 27 152 - 535100 Uniforms 152 - 535300 Memberships 152 - 535400 Publications 152 - 535500 Training/Travel 152- 535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Suppport Court Support 152 - 536100 State Comp- FTA 152 - 536200 OMNI- Base -FTA 152 - 536000 St. Comp. -Time Pay 152 - 536400 Collection Expense 152 - 536500 Court/Jury Cost TOTAL Court Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 250 27 - 250 450 149 - 450 500 281 - 500 5,000 65 (1,000)- 4,000 540 150 - 540 6,740 672 (1,000) 5,740 3,000 - (1,250) 1,750 3,000 - - 3,000 500 43 - 500 3,500 - - 3,500 1,600 1 - 1,600 11,600 44 (1,250) 10,350 Professional Services 152 - 541300 Other Consul /Prof Service 5,300 2,700 - 5,300 TOTAL Professional Service 5,300 2,700 - 5,300 Maintenance Services 152 - 551800 Other Maintnance Agreement 400 87 120 520 TOTAL Maintenance Services 400 87 120 520 Rental -Lease 152 - 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments 100 79 56 156 TOTAL Rental -Lease 100 79 56 156 Operating Equipment 152 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 150 - - 150 152 - 571300 Computer & Peripherals 7,300 940 - 7,300 TOTAL Operating Equipment 7,450 940 - 7,450 Capitalized Equipment 152- 581400 Communications Equipment 750 - - 750 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 750 - - 750 I OTAL MUNICIPAL COURT $232,470 $106,492 $ - $232,470 10 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING AND ZONING Personnel Services 154-511110 Regular 154-511120 Overtime 154-511180 LTD 154-511210 Longevity 154-511310 FICA - Employer 154 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 154 - 511410 Health - Employer 154-511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 154 - 521000 Operating Supplies 154-521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 154 - 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Suppport Services Utility Services 154 - 533300 Telephone 154 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 154- 534000 Postage 154 - 534200 Printing & Binding 154 - 534300 Copy Service TOTAL Operations Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 63,374 34,987 2,000 660 158 56 600 600 4,849 2,765 4,534 1,943 5,943 2,961 196 185 81,654 44,157 8,204 71,578 - 2,000 27 185 - 600 823 5,672 770 5,304 1,486 7,429 108 304 11,418 93,072 600 137 (200) 400 2,000 1,193 - 2,000 2,600 1,330 (200) 2,400 1,000 439 (300) 700 1,000 439 (300) 700 400 609 - 400 200 68 - 200 600 677 - 600 550 318 - 550 1,500 - (750) 750 1,360 813 - 1,360 3,410 1,130 (750) 2,660 11 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING AND ZONING 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Staff Support 154 - 535100 Uniforms 75 64 - 75 154- 535300 Memberships 1,600 460 (500) 1,100 154- 535400 Publications 300 209 - 300 154 - 535500 Training/Travel 7,000 8,630 3,500 10,500 TOTAL Staff Suppport 8,975 9,363 3,000 11,975 Professional Services 154 - 541300 Engineering Services 65,000 16,868 1,500 63,500 154 - 541500 State /County Admin Fees 1,000 224 (250) 750 TOTAL Professional Service 66,000 17,092 (1,750) 64,250 Operatinq Equipment 154 -57100 Office Equipment 100 1,595 1,500 1,600 TOTAL Operating Equipment 100 1,595 1,500 1,600 TOTAL PLANNING AND ZONING $164,339 $ 75,784 $ 12,918 $177,257 12 101- GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES Operations Support 155 - 534100 Advertising Total Staff Support Professional Services 155- 541200 Legal Services TOTAL Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 12,500 4,913 - 12,500 12,500 4,913 - 12,500 160,000 43,133 (25,000) 135,000 160,000 43,133 (25, 000) 135,000 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES $172,500 $ 48,046 $ (25,000) $147,500 13 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND FACILITY MAINTENANCE Personnel Services 161 - 511110 161 - 511120 161 - 511180 161- 511210 161 - 511310 161- 511350 161 - 511410 161 - 511500 TOTAL Pe Supplies Regular Overtime LTD Longevity FICA - Employer TMRS - Employer Health - Employer Workers Compensation rsonnel Services 1 61 - 521 000 Operating Supplies 161-521100 Office Supplies 161 - 521200 Medical Supplies 161 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 161 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies TOTAL Supplies 338 Utility Services 61,334 161 - 533200 Electricity 161- 533300 Telephone 161 - 533410 Water Utility Service 161 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 161 - 534000 Postage 161 - 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support 14 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 120,562 61,334 9,209 129,771 5,900 6,914 - 5,900 316 147 22 338 5,376 5,376 - 5,376 9,690 5,346 677 10,367 9,061 5,131 633 9,694 14,857 8,634 1,486 16,343 5,984 5,661 27 6,011 171,746 98,543 12,054 183,800 16,300 8,697 - 16,300 700 356 - 700 3,500 2,969 - 3,500 365 365 - 365 3,850 514 - 3,850 24,715 12,902 - 24,715 24,000 11,795 - 24,000 4,403 1,526 - 4,403 3,300 839 - 3,300 3,800 2,034 - 3,800 35,503 16,194 - 35,503 150 27 100 - 250 27 150 100 250 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND FACILITY MAINTENANCE Staff Support 161- 535100 Uniforms 161 - 535300 Memberships 161 - 535400 Publications 161 - 535500 Training/Travel TOTAL Staff Suppport Maintenance Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 2,500 1,953 - 2,500 90 119 - 90 275 253 - 275 800 38 - 800 3,665 2,363 - 3,665 161-551100 Building Maintenance 40,000 22,055 - 40,000 161- 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 800 33 - 800 161 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreemei 10,030 5,244 - 10,030 TOTAL Maintenance Services 50,830 27,332 - 50,830 Rental -Lease 161 - 561100 Rental Equipment 161- 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease Operatina Equipment 161 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 161 - 571200 Office Equipment 161- 571300 Computer & Peripherals 161 - 571500 Operating Equipment TOTAL Operating Equipment Capitalized Eauipment 161 - 581400 Communications Equipment 161 - 581800 Other Equipment 161 - 581200 -201 Motor Vehicles- SR2003 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 300 350 650 479 - 300 181 - 350 661 - 650 3,650 692 - 3,650 3,600 3,600 - 3,600 1,500 - - 1,500 4,000 - - 4,000 12,750 4,292 - 12,750 900 - - 900 17,000 - - 17,000 - - 18,900 18,900 17,900 - 18,900 36,800 TOTAL FACILITY MAINTENANCE $318,009 $162,313 $ 30,954 $348,963 15 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY SECRETARY Personnel Services 164-511110 Regular 164- 511120 Overtime 164 - 511180 LTD 164-511210 Longevity 164- 511310 FICA - Employer 164 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 164 - 511410 Health - Employer 164 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 164- 521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City - Support Services 164 - 532700 Records Management TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 164 - 533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 164 - 534000 Postage 164 - 534200 Printing & Binding 164 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 38,483 - 164 - 535100 Uniforms 164 - 535300 Memberships 164 - 535400 Publications 164 - 535500 Training/Travel TOTAL Staff Suppport 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 75,864 38,483 - 75,864_ 100 98 - 100 190 83 - 190 3,408 3,408 - 3,408 5,834 3,180 - 5,834 5,455 2,927 - 5,455 5,943 3,444 - 5,943 236 223 - 236 97,030 51,846 - 97,030 5,000 21807 - 5,000 5,000 2,807 - 5,000 15,000 - 15,000 30,000 15,000 - 15,000 30,000 100 38 - 100 100 38 - 100 250 322 - 250 2,000 429 - 2,000 700 - 700 2,950 751 - 2,950 75 - - 75 300 170 - 300 325 - - 325 3,000 2,578 - 3,000 3,700 2,748 - 3,700 16 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY SECRETARY 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Maintenance Services 164- 551800 Other Maintenance Agreemeni 7,500 2,769 - 7,500 TOTAL Maintenance Services 7,500 2,769 - 7,500 Operating Equipment 164 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL Operating Equipment 350 350 350 350 TOTAL CITY SECRETARY $131,630 $ 60,959 $ 15,000 $146,630 17 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Personnel Services 256- 511110 Regular 1,452,379 696,823 - 1,452,379 256 - 511120 Overtime 25,000 20,075 9,000 34,000 256-511180 LTD 3,620 1,590 - 3,620 256-511210 Longevity 37,500 37,380 - 37,500 256 - 511220 Clothing Allowance 56,000 23,204 - 56,000 256 - 511230 Certification Allowance 6,001 4,177 - 61001 256-511310 FICA - Employer 111,785 58,773 - 111 ,785 256- 511350 TMRS - Employer 103,654 53,001 - 103,654 256- 511410 Health - Employer 142,623 75,899 - 142,623 256 - 511500 Workers Compensation 42,459 40,475 - 42,459 TOTAL Personnel Services 1,981,021 1,011,397 9,000 1,990,021 Supplies 256- 521000 Operating Supplies 11,000 5,319 - 11,000 256- 521100 Office Supplies 4,000 2,875 - 4,000 256 - 521200 Medical Supplies 2,400 - - 2,400 256- 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 500 414 - 500 256- 521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,000 1,153 - 2,000 TOTAL Supplies 19,900 9,760 - 19,900 City- Support Services 256- 532500 City- Insurance -Comm TOTAL City Support Services Jtility Services 1,000 156- 533100 Gas 256- 533200 Electricity 256 - 533300 Telephone 256 - 533410 Water Utility Service 256- 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 256- 534000 Postage 256- 534100 Advertising :56- 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support - 1,000 - - - 1,000 - - 400 256 - 400 18,000 8,546 - 18,000 16,000 5,836 - 16,000 3,600 1,095 - 3,600 35,000 21,231 3,000 38,000 73,000 36,965 3,000 76,000 450 494 - 450 200 - - 200 1,500 1,327 - 1,500 2,150 1,821 - 2,150 18 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE Staff Support 256 - 535200 256- 5335300 256- 535400 256- 535500 256- 535500 Annual Awards Memberships Publications Training/Travel T -Class Training TOTAL Staff Support City Assistance 256 - 537100 Medical Services 256 - 537500 Citizen's Police Academy 256 - 537800 Crime /Fire Prevention TOTAL City Ass Assistance Professional Services 256 - 541300 Other Consl /Prof Services TOTAL Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 200 - - 200 600 361 - 600 600 18 - 600 10,000 4,636 - 10,000 - - 4,264 4,264 11,400 5,015 4,264 15,664 1,500 685 - 1,500 1,200 162 - 1,200 11500 76 - 1,500 4,200 922 - 4,200 5,000 6,846 4,500 9,500 5,000 6,846 4,500 9,500 Maintenance Services 256 - 551400 Powered Equipment Maintenar 3,000 756 - 3,000 256 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 13,000 4,852 - 13,000 TOTAL Maintenance Services 16,000 5,608 - 16,000 Rental -Lease 256 - 561100 Rental- Equipment 256- 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease Operating Equipment 256 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL Operating Equipment Capitalized Equipment 256- 581200 Motor Vehicles 256 - 581200 -201 Motor Vehicles - SR2003 256- 581200- Motor Vehicles - Reappropriate 4,600 1,910 - 4,600 2,300 _ 1,537 - 2,300 6,900 3,447 - 6,900 2,000 102 - 2,000 2,000 102 - 2,000 100,000 192,519 - 100,000 - - 35,000 35,000 - - 57,519 57,519 19 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved TOTAL POLICE $2,238,371 $1,282,674 $ 113,283 $2,351,654 20 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE Personnel Services 257 - 511110 Regular 257 - 511120 Overtime 257-511180 LTD 257 - 511210 Longevity 257 - 5111220 Clothing Allowance 257 - 511310 FICA - Employer 257 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 257 - 511410 Health - Employer 257 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 257 - 521000 257 - 521100 257 - 521200 257- 521300 257- 521600 TOTAL Su Operating Supplies Office Supplies Medical Supplies Motor Veh. Supplies Equip Maint Supplies pplies City- Support Services 257 - 532500 Special Events TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 387,799 257 - 533100 Gas 257 - 533200 Electricity 257 - 533300 Telephone 257 - 533410 Water Utility Service 257 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 257 - 534000 Postage 257 - 534200 Printing & Binding 257 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 795,272 387,799 - 795,272 27,000 11,107 - 27,000 2,007 867 - 2,007 13,860 13,860 - 13,860 37,581 6,122 - 37,581 61,456 31,011 - 61,456 57,463 28,727 - 57,463 71,312 38,943 - 71,312 17,849 16,821 - 17,849 1,083,800 535,257 - 1,083,800 4,000 2,008 - 4,000 2,000 747 - 2,000 7,300 - - 7,300 900 905 - 900 2,500 447 - 2,500 16,700 4,107 - 16,700 500 232 - 500 232 500 500 2,200 1,226 - 2,200 12,000 4,630 - 12,000 1,111 440 - 1,111 2,650 797 - 21650 7,000 4,287 5,000 12,000 24,961 11,380 5,000 29,961 300 37 - 300 250 64 - 250 1,700 760 - 1,700 2,250 861 - 2,250 21 101- GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE Staff Support 257 - 535200 257- 5335300 257 - 535400 257 - 535500 257 - 535600 TOTAL Staf Annual Awards Memberships Publications Training/Travel Prof. Certs fSupport City Assistance 257 - 537800 Crime /Fire Prevention TOTAL City Assistance Maintenance Services 257 - 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 257 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreemei TOTAL Maintenance Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 200 - - 200 1,845 203 - 1,845 1,550 807 - 1,550 22,000 4,035 - 22,000 _ 720 (183) - 720 26,315 4,862 - 26,315 1,500 - - 1,500 1,500 - - 1,500 3,350 3,350 1,925 - 3,350 39 - - 1,964 - 3,350 Rental -Lease 257 - 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments 2,100 1,149 - 2,100 TOTAL Rental -Lease 2,100 1,149 - 2,100 Operating Equipment 257 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL Operating Equipment Capitalized Equipment 257 - 581200 Motor Vehicles 257 - 581300 Police /Fire /Medical Equip 257 - 581300 -202 PD /Fire /Med Equip- SR2003 257 - 581300 -202 PD /Fire /Med Equip- SR2003 257- 581400 Communications Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 26,075 23,784 - 26,075 3,000 26,000 5,000 16 - 5,000 31,075 23,800 29,000 31,075 TOTAL FIRE $1,193,051 $583,611 $ 34,000 $1,198,051 99 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS Personnel Services 258 - 511110 Regular 258-511120 Overtime 258 - 511180 LTD 258 - 511210 Longevity 258- 511310 FICA - Employer 258 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 258- 511410 Health - Employer 258 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 258 - 521000 Operating Supplies 258 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies TOTAL Supplies Utility Services 258 - 533300 Telephone 258 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 258 - 534000 Postage 258 - 534100 Advertising 258 - 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 258 - 535100 258 - 535300 258 - 535400 258 - 535500 258 - 535600 TOTAL Staf Uniforms Memberships Publications Training/Travel Prof. Certs fSupport City Assistance 258 - 537100 Medical Services TOTAL CITY ASSISTANCE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 161,502 80,339 - 161,502 2,000 539 - 2, 000 407 175 - 407 6,204 6,204 - 6,204 12,473 6,381 - 12, 473 11,663 6,097 - 11,663 17,828 10,390 - 17,828 1,350 1,292 - 1,350 213,427 11 1,416 - 213,427 2,825 2,783 1,000 3,825 325 10 500 825 3,150 2,793 1,500 4,650 1,789 1,046 - 1,789 1,800 1,138 500 2,300 3,589 2,184 500 4,089 2,000 628 - 2,000 500 - - 500 3,000 973 (1, 000) 2,000 5,500 1,601 (1,000) 4,500 2,125 592 - 2,125 375 280 - 375 3,450 1,160 (500). 2,950 5,200 1,044 1,0001 4,200 250 100 - 250 11,400 3,176 (1,500) 9,900 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 23 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS 2003 Council Approved Professional Services 258 - 541300 Other Consl /Prof Service 34,800 TOTAL Professional Services 34,800 2003 2003 Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Actual Requested Approved 15,260 - 34,800 15,260 - 34,800 Maintenance Services 258 - 551700 Lot Cleaning 2,000 987 500 2,500 TOTAL Maintenance Services 2,000 987 500 2,500 Rental -Lease - - - 258- 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments 1,430 500 - 1,430 TOTAL Rental -Lease 1,430 500 - 1,430 Capitalized Equipment 258 - 581200 -201 Motor Vehicle -SR 2003 258 - 581400 Communications Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment - - 18,900 18,900 500 - - 500 500 - 18,900 19,400 TOTAL INSPECTIONS $276,296 $137,919 $ 18,900 $295,196 24 101 - GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FINANCE Personnel Services 868- 511110 Regular 868- 511120 Overtime 868- 511180 LTD 868 - 511210 Longevity 868 - 511310 FICA - Employer 868 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 868 - 511410 Health - Employer 868- 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 868 - 521000 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies Utility Services 868- 533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 868- 534000 Postage 868- 534200 Printing & Binding 868- 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 81,101 868 - 535100 Uniforms 868- 535300 Memberships 868- 535400 Publications 868- 535500 Training/Travel 868 - 535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Support Professional Services 868- 541300 Other Consul /Prof Service TOTAL Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 131,340 81,101 9,209 140,549 750 2,450 2,000 2,750 320 150 22 342 _ 1,200 1,200 - 1,200 _ 9,797 6,451 677 10,474 9,160 4,940 633 9,793 -' 11,885 6,652 1,486 13,371 ' 396 377 27 423 -- 164,848 103,322 14,054 178,902 -- 1,500 891 -- 1,500 1,500 891 - 1,500 397 146 - 397 397 146 - 397 500 16 - 500 1,750 158 - 1,750 1,350 500 - 1,350 3,600 674 - 3,600 130 64 - 130 500 240 - 500 100 - - 100 4,500 1,801 - 4,500 100 - - 100 5,330 2,105 - 5,330 500 - - 500 500 - - 500 Maintenance Services 868 - 551300 Computer Maintenance 868 - 551800 Other Maintenance TOTAL Maintenance Services Operating Equipment 868 - 571200 Office Equipment TOTAL Operating Equipment I UTAL FINANCE 2,150 1,500 87 3,650 87 - 2,150 1,500 3,650 250 - - 250 250 - - 250 $180,075 $107,224 $ 14,054 $194,129 HI 101 - GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET SERVICE Personnel Services 877-511110 Regular 877 - 511120 Overtime 877- 511180 LTD 877 - 511210 Longevity 877-511310 FICA - Employer 877 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 877 - 511410 Health - Employer 877 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 27,104 877 - 521000 Operating Supplies 877 - 521100 Office Supplies 877 - 521200 Medical Supplies 877 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 877 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 877 - 532400 Computer Fees & Licenses TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 877 - 533300 Telephone 877 - 533410 Water Utility Service 877 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Service Operations Support 877 - 534000 Postage 877 - 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 877 - 535100 Uniforms 877 - 535300 Memberships 877- 535500 Training/Travel TOTAL Staff Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 52,744 27,104 - 52,744 1,000 212 - 1,000 133 53 - 133 1,704 1,704 - 1,704 4,075 2,003 - 4,075 3,811 1,826 - 3,811 5,943 2,936 - 5,943 1,901 1,715 - 1,901 71,311 37,553 - 71,311 3,500 172 - 3,500 500 - - 500 3,000 576 - 3,000 51,250 37,414 - 51,250 1,100 31 - 1,100 59,350 38,192 - 59,350 450 - - 450 450 - - 450 450 - - 450 625 - - 625 600 354 - 600 1,675 354 - 1,675 125 - - 125 305 - - 305 430 - - 430 1,000 532 - 1,000 100 - - 100 - 675 - - 1,100 1,206 - 1,100 41 101 - GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET SERVICE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Maintenance Services 877- 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 320 119 - 320 877 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreemei 12,500 35 - 12,500 TOTAL Maintenance Services 12,820 154 - 12,820 Rental -Lease 877- 561100 Rental Equipment 877- 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease 200 - - 200 491 205 - 491 691 205 - 691 TOTAL Fleet Service $147,827 $ 77,665 $ - $147,827 42 101 - GENERAL FUND MISC. PATIENT ASSISTANCE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved City Assistance 949 - 537300 Patient Assistance 11,000 - - 11,000 TOTAL City Assistance 11,000 - - 11,000 TOTAL PATIENT ASSISTANCE $ 11,000 $ - $ - $ 11,000 43 101 - GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year REVENUE SUMMARY Approved Actual Requested Approved Total Revenue 7,411,913 8,379,799 3,456,893 10, 868, 806 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 7,411,348 3,727,737 3,478,192 10, 814, 581 — REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURE 565 4,652,062 (21,299) 54,225 44 411 - CAPITAL REVENUES REVENUES 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Fees 000 - 455900 Capital Recovery-Water 210,000 528,038 - 210,000 000455910 Capital Recovery-Waste Water 88,200 407,189 - 88,200 000 - 455910.901 Cap Recovery-Wste Wtr Zone 1 - - - - 000455910.902 Cap Recovery-taste Wtr Zone 2 - - - - 000- 455910.903 Cap Recovery-Wste Wtr Zone 3 - - - Total Fees 298,200 935,227 - 298,200 Fund Transfers 000 - 481000 Transfer from Reserves 265,600 - - 265,600 000 - 483000 Fund Transfer -Cap Recovery 1,600,000 - - 1,600,000 Total Fund Transfers 1,865,600 - - 1,865,600 Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 000 - 491200 Investment Income 000 - 498100 Reimbursement -FM78 project Total Miscellaneous 1,645 - 12,438 - 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 14,083 - 50,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,213,800 $ 949,310 $ - $ 2,213,800 45 411 - CAPITAL RECOVERY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL Utility Service 101 - 533500 Water Utility Service TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 101 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Professional Services 101-541100 Engineering Services 101- 541100.441 Engineering -Lower Seg 8" WL 101 -541100.442 Engineering- FM1518/IH10 12" WL 101-541100.443 Engineering -Ripps Sewer Line 101- 541200.441 Legal Services -Lower Segn 8" WL 101 - 541200.442 Legal Srvices- FM1518/IH1012" W 101 - 541200.443 Legal Services Ripps Sewer Line 101- 541400 Auditor /Accounting Service TOTAL Professional Services Zental -Lease 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 1,600, 000 - - 1,600,000 1,600, 000 - - 1,600, 000 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 - - 1,000 15,000 15,000 - 1,711 - _ - 11,868 - _ - 91016 - _ - 277 - _ L - 8,736 - _ - 11,124 - _ 5,000 - - 5,000 20,000 42,732 - 20,000 101 - 561300.442 ROW&Easemnts-I H-1 0 12" WL - 4,637 _ 101- 561300.443 ROW &Easemnts -Ripps - 15,000 TOTAL Rental -Lease - 19,637 _ capitalized Equipment ;01- 581600 PumpsMotorsStorageMains &Valve: 489,000 30,251 - 489,000 01- 581600.441 Mains &Valves -Lower Seg 8" WL - 3,245 - 1 01- 581600.442 Mains &Valves- 1518/IH 10 -12" Line - 497 _ 101 - 581600.443 Mains &Valves -Ripps - 90 ,889 _ - TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 489,000 124,882 - 489,000 .'OTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL $2,110,000 $ 187,250 $ - $2,110,000 46 411 - CAPITAL RECOVERY FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y. Mid Year Mid Year Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 2,213,800 949,310 - 2,213,800 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 2,110,000 187,250 - 2,110,000 47 612 -DEV FOUNDATION REVENUES 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Miscellaneous 000 - 490004 Donations 000 - 491000 Interest Earned - 152 - 000- 491200 Investment Income _ 698 _ Total Miscellaneous - 850 IN�VVIIuca $ - $ 850 $ - $ 48 612 -DEV FOUNDATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved City Support Services 101- 532800 Special Events - - - - TOTAL City Support Services - - - Staff Support 101- 535300 Memberships Prof Organization - - - - TOTAL Staff Support - - - - Professional Services 101 -541 300 Other Consl /Prof Service 101- 541400 Auditor /Accounting Services 101- 541600 Misc Bank Charges Total Professional Services TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 10 - - - 10 $ - $ 10 $ i • 612 -DEV FOUNDATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year REVENUE SUMMARY Approved Actual Requested Approved Total Revenue - 850 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 10 _ 50 314- HOTEL TAX REVENUES FEES 000-411800 Total Taxes Fund Transfers 000- 481000 Total Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 000 - 491200 Total Miscellaneous Total Revenues 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y. Mid Year Mid Year Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved Hotel Occupancy Tax 35,000 15,956 35,000 35,000 15,956 - 35,000 Transfer From Reserve 31,500 - - 31,500 31,500 - - 31,500 Interest Earned 500 142 500 Investment Interest 3,000 1,465 3,000 3,500 1,606 - 3,500 51 70,000 17,562 - 70,000 314 -HOTEL TAX GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL City Support Services 101- 532800 Special Events Total City Support Service Operations Support 101- 534100 Advertising 101 534200 Printing & Binding Total Supplies 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 12,000 2,223 12,000 12,000 2,223 - 12,000 5,000 448 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 10,000 448 - 10,000 City /Assistance 101- 537200 Buffalo Val Youth Assoc Sup 1,500 - 1,500 Total City Assistance 1,500 - - 1,500 Professional Services 101- 541300 Other Consl /Prof Services 101 - 541400 Auditor /Accounting Services Total Professional Services Fund Charges 101 - 548600 Interfund Charges -Admin Total Fund Charges 40,000 - 600 500 40,600 500 10,000 600 10,600 21500 - 2,500 2,500 - - 2,500 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL $ 66,600 $ 3,171 $ - $ 36,600 52 314 -HOTEL TAX FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y• Mid Year Mid Year Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 70,000 17,562 - 70,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 66,600 3,171 - 36,600 53 317 PARK REVENUES 2003 Council Approved 2003 Y Mid Year T -D Actual Requested 2003 Mid Year Approved FEES 000 - 458800 Developers Fees 6,000 27,653 6,000 000 - 458900 Tree Mitigation 9,000 - 9,000 Total Fees 15,000 27,653 - 15,000 Miscellaneous 000- 491000 Interest Earned 300 77 300 000 - 491200 Investment Interest 2,700 909 2,700 000 - 493700 Donation - Playscape - 332 - Total Miscellaneous 3,000 1,319 - 3,000 Total Revenues $ 18,000 $ 28,972 $ - $ 18,000 54 317 -PARK GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL TOTAL NON DEPARTMENTAL $3,000.00 $3,165.54 $ 55 $3,000.00 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Supplies 101 - 521000 Operating Supplies - - - - 101- 521100 Office Supplies - 55 - - TOTAL Supplies - 55 - - Operations Support 101- 534000 Postage - 2,000 - - TOTAL Operations Support - 2,000 - - Professional Services 101-541100 Engineering Services 250 - - 250 TOTAL Professional Services 250 - - 250.00 Maintenance Services 101- 551110 Trees 1,500 660 - 1,500 101- 551710 Landscaping 1,250 - - 1,250 101 - 551900 Construction- Playscape - 451 - - TOTAL Maintenance Services 2,750 1,111 - 2,750 TOTAL NON DEPARTMENTAL $3,000.00 $3,165.54 $ 55 $3,000.00 317 -PARK FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y Mid Year Mid Year REVENUE SUMMARY Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved Total Revenue 18,000 28,972 - 18,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 3,000 3,166 3,000 56 318 - RECYCLING REVENUES FEES 000 - 458200 Sale of Recycle Material Total Fees Miscellaneous Total 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y. Mid Year Mid Year Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved 9,000 8,222 91000 9,000 8,222 - 9,000 Total Revenues $ 9,000 $ 8,222 $ - $ 9,000 F1Fl 318 - RECYCLING GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Maintenance Services 101 - 551510 Payable to Waste Contractoi 9,000 9,000 Total Maintenance Services 9,000 - - 9,000 U i HL rvvrvutrAM I MtN 1 AL $ 9,000 $ 58 - $ - $ 9,000 318 - RECYCLING FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y• Mid Year Mid Year REVENUE SUMMARY Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved Total Revenue 9,000 8,222 - 9,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 9,000 - - 91000 59 203 -EMS PUBLIC SAFETY REVENUES Fees 000 - 456100 Ambulance /Mileage Transprt 000 - 459200 NSF Check Fee TOTAL Fees Inter - Jurisdictional 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 1,019,517 1,019,517 361,786 - 1,019,517 40 40 40 361,826 40 1,019,557 000 - 473500 Seguin /Guadalupe Co Support 185,500 181,291 - 185,500 000 - 473600 Comal Co Support 28,800 11,200 - 28,800 000 - 474300 Cibolo Support 20,031 10,391 - 20,031 000 - 475100 Garden Ridge Support 12,421 6,211 - 12,421 000 - 475200 Live Oak Support 60,430 30,215 - 60,430 000 - 475300 Universal City Support 98,003 49,002 - 98,003 000- 475400 Selma Support 5,201 2,600 - 5,201 000 - 475500 Schertz Support 141,900 70,950 - 141,900 000 - 475600 Santa Clara Support 5,867 2,934 - 51867 000 - 475700 St. Hedwig Support 12,375 _ 3,094 9,281 3,094 000 - 475800 Marion Support 7,253 3,627 - 7,253 TOTAL Inter - Jurisdictional 577,781 371,514 (9,281) 568,500 Fund Transfers Fund Transfer - Soiftware 000- 483xxx -202 Fund Transfers -Heart AED 000- 483xxx -202 Fund Transfers - Radios 000- 483xxx -203 Fund Transfers - Ambulance TOTAL Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 000 - 491200 000 - 493203 000 - 497000 TOTAL Misc Interest Earned Investment Earnings Donations- EMS Misc Income ellaneous - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 25,000 - - 3,000 3,000 260,000 260,000 313,000 313,000 - 735 735 735 - 165 165 165 3,000 28,169 40,000 43,000 3,000 29,069 40,900 43,900 v i nL- rxC V GIN V CJ $ 1,600,298 $ 762,410 $ 344,659 $1,944,957 •1 203 -EMS PUBLIC SAFETY SCHERTZ EMS 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Personnel Services 280 - 511110 Regular 696,721 315,863 5,000 701,721 280-511120 Overtime 105,000 90,437 - 105,000 280-511180 LTD 2,014 813 - 2,014 280 - 511210 Longevity 7,788 7,548 - 7,788 280 - 511220 Clothing Allowance 26,000 11,597 - 26,000 280 - 511230 Certification Allowance 29,701 17,773 - 29,701 280-511310 FICA - Employer 61,682 32,176 - 61,682 280 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 47,623 27,593 - 47,623 280 - 511410 Health - Employer 62,398 36,680 - 62,398 280 - 511500 Workers Compensation 25,103 23,961 - 25,103 280 - 511600 Unemployment Compensation 2,500 - 2,500 TOTAL Personnel Services 1,066,530 564,441 5,000 1,071,530 Supplies 280 - 521000 Operating Supplies 6,000 1,391 - 6,000 280 - 521100 Office Supplies 4,000 3,913 - 4,000 280 - 521200 Medical Supplies 104,000 51,816 - 104,000 280 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 1,500 346 - 1,500 280 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,000 560 - 2,000 TOTAL Supplies 117,500 58,026 - 117,500 City Support Services 280 - 532500 City - Insurance -Comm TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 22,763 280 - 533100 Gas 280 - 533200 Electricity 280 - 533300 Telephone 280 - 533410 Water Utility Service 280 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 280 - 534000 Postage 280 - 534100 Advertising 280 - 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support 19,850 22,763 3,000 22,850 19,850 22,763 3,000 22,850 2,300 1,053 - 2,300 9,000 4,127 - 9,000 9,200 1,602 - 9,200 2,200 540 - 2,200 14,000 8,217 - 14,000 36,700 15,539 - 36,700 2,313 209 - 2,313 1,500 - - 1,500 3,200 436 - 3,200 7,013 645 - 7,013 61 203 -EMS PUBLIC SAFETY SCHERTZ EMS Staff Support 280 - 535200 280- 535300 280 - 535400 280 - 535500 280- 535600 TOTAL Stai Annual Award Memberships Publications Training/Travel Prof. Certs fSupport City Assistance 280- 537100 Medical Services 280- 537800 Crime /Fire Prevention TOTAL City Assistance Professional Services 280 - 541200 Legal Services 280 - 541300 Other Consl /Prof Service 280 - 541400 Auditor /Accounting Sery TOTAL Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 1,000 - - 1,000 1,800 1,000 - 1,800 400 - - 400 28,000 15,502 - 28,000 16,000 325 - 16,000 47,200 16,827 - 47,200 4,000 755 - 4,000 7,000 3,767 - 7,000 11,000 4,522 - 11,000 2,000 2,993 - 2,000 21,000 42,422 22,000 -43,000 1,800 1,800 - 1,800 24,800 47,214 22,000 46,800 Fund Charges 280 - 548600 Inter -Fund Charge - Admin 25,000 - - 25,000 TOTAL Fund Charges 25,000 - - 25,000 Maintenance Sery ices 280- 551100 Building Maintenance 4,800 2,846 - 4,800 280- 551200 Motor Vehicle Fleet 9,200 - - 9,200 280- 551800 Other Maintenance Agreemen 7,000 7,690 - 7,000 TOTAL Maintenance Services 21,000 10,536 - 21,000 Rental -Lease 280- 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease Operating Equipment 280- 571300 Computer & Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment 62 8,000 4,112 - 8,000 8,000 4,112 - 8,000 20,000 6,799 (9,000) 11,000 20,000 6,799 (9,000) 11,000 203 -EMS PUBLIC SAFETY SCHERTZ EMS Capitalized Equipment 106,408 54,408 280 - 581800 Other Equipment 280 - 581200 Motor Vehicles 280 - 581200 -203 Motor Vehicles- SR2003 280- xxxxxK -202 Med Equip (AED's)- SR2003 280- xxxxxx -202 Communi Equip- SR2003 280 - 581400 Communications Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 52,000 106,408 54,408 106,408 125,000 - (125,000) - - - 260,000 260,000 - - 25,000 25,000 - - 3,000 3,000 5,000 11652 - 5,000 182,000 108,060 2171408 399,408 TOTAL SCHERTZ EMS $1,586,593 $ 859,483 $ 238,408 $1,825,001 203 EMS FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y• Mid Year Mid Year REVENUE SUMMARY Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved Total Revenue 1,600,298 762,410 344,659 1,944,957 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 1,586,593 859,483 238,408 1,825,001 13,705 (97,073) 106,251 119,956 64 620 -SED CORPORATION REVENUES Taxes 000 - 411500 Sales Tax Revenue (46) TOTAL Taxes Fund Transfers 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Approved Actual 2003 Mid Year Mid Year Requested Approved 725,000 359,308 - 725,000 725,000 359,308 - 725,000 000 - 486010 Transfer In- Reserves - - 142,984 142,984 000 - 486101 Transfer In- General Fund - - 3,000 3,000 000 - 486314 Transfer In -Hotel /Motel - - 4,048 4,048 TOTAL Fund Transfers - - 150,032 150,032 Miscellaneous 000 - 490010 Transfer In /Out -Brush Truck 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 000 - 491200 Investment Earnings 000 - 493000 Donations TOTAL Miscellaneous - - 71,912 71,912 1,000 1,004 - 1,000 15,000 4,866 - 15,000 16,000 5,871 71,912 87,912 TOTAL REVENUES $741,000 $365,179 $221,944 $ 962,944 620 -SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL Maintenance Services 101- 551600 Debt Service 101- 551601 Fire Engine Payment 101 - 551602 Brush Fire Truck Payment TOTAL Maintenance Services Capitalized Equipment 387,504 284,511 - 387,504 160,870 - - 160,8 0 - - 71,912 71,912 548,374 284,511 71,912 620,286 101-581700-601 Improvemnts- Parking Area - 2003 2003 2003 - 7,500 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year 11,000 Approved Actual Requested Approved Supplies - 153,057 153,057 101- 521100 Office Supplies 110 - - 110 TOTAL Supplies 110 - - 110 Professional Services 101- 541400 Auditor /Accounting Service 800 800 - 800 1 01- 541 600 Misc Bank Charges 515 - - 515 TOTAL Professional Services 1,315 800 - 1,315 Maintenance Services 101- 551600 Debt Service 101- 551601 Fire Engine Payment 101 - 551602 Brush Fire Truck Payment TOTAL Maintenance Services Capitalized Equipment 387,504 284,511 - 387,504 160,870 - - 160,8 0 - - 71,912 71,912 548,374 284,511 71,912 620,286 101-581700-601 Improvemnts- Parking Area - - 114,557 114,557 101 - 581700 -602 Improvemnts -Fume Vent - - 7,500 7,500 101- 581800 -603 Othr Equip- Security Cameras - - 11,000 11,000 101 - 581800 -604 Othr Equip -PD Employee Gym - - 20,000 20,000 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment - - 153,057 153,057 U I AL NUNUtIJAK I MENTAL $549,799 $285,311 $224,969 $774,768 M. SED -620 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION Personnel Services 119 - 511110 Regular 119 - 511180 LTD 119 - 511210 Longevity 119-511310 FICA - Employer 119 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 119- 511410 Health - Employer 119 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 119-521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City - Support Services 119 - 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Support Servies Utility Services 119 - 533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 119 - 534000 Postage 119 - 534100 Advertising 119 - 534200 Printing & Binding 119 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 1119 - 535100 Uniforms 119 - 535300 Memberships 119 - 535400 Publications 119 - 535500 Training/Travel 119 - 535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Suppport 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 37,354 18,628 - 37,354 90 40 - 90 2,746 1,578 - 2, 746 2,567 1,296 - 2,567 2,971 1,722 - 2,971 111 105 - 111 45,839 23,368 - 45,839 750 625 - 750 750 625 - 750 3,500 525 - 3,500_ 3,500 525 - 3,500 500 205 - 500 500 205 - 500 25,000 11,406 - 25,000 5,000 503 (1,500) 3,500 10,000 3,715 - 10,000 600 - - 600 40,600 15,624 (1,500) 39,100 75 30 - 75 300 25 600 900 200 900 900 1,100 1,500 459 - 1,500 500 - - 500 2,575 1,414 1,500 4,075 TOTAL PUBLIC INFORMATION $ 93,764 $ 41,762 $ - $ 93,764 67 620 -SED CORPORATION MISC. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Personnel Services 966-511110 Regular 966-511180 LTD 966- 511210 Longevity 966 - 511310 FICA - Employer 966- 511350 TMRS - Employer 966-511410 Health - Employer 966 - 511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 966- 521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 55,272 27,562 133 59 120 120 4,071 1,957 3,807 1,926 2,971 1,722 165 156 66,539 400 33,503 157 400 157 3,000 58,272 - 133 120 3,807 2,971 165 3,000 69,539 400 400 City Support Services 966- 532800 Special Events 5,000 8,786 3,786 8,786 966- 532810 Special Event - Christmas - 3,262 3,262 3,262 TOTAL City Support Services 5,000 12,048 7,048 12,048 Utility Services 966 - 533300 Telephone 966- 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 966- 534000 Postage 966- 534200 Printing & Binding 966 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 950 966 - 535100 Uniforms 966 - 535300 Memberships 966- 535400 Publications 966- 535500 Training/Travel TOTAL Staff Suppport 1,200 950 500 1,700 100 - - 100 1,300 950 500 1,800 300 246 200 500 1,300 20 (200) 1,100 500 - - 500 2,100 265 - 2,100 - 60 100 100 600 481 - 600 425 - 100 325 8,000 2,184 (500) 500) 507 0 7,500- 9,025 2,725 (500) 8,525 U I HL LUUNUMIL; DEVELOPMENT $ 84,364 $ 49,647 $ 10,048 $ 94,412 .: 620 -SED CORPORATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 741,000 365,179 221,944 962,944 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 727,927 376,720 224,969 962,944 • • 505 -TAX I&S REVENUES 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved TAXES 000 - 411900 Property Tax Revenue 738,227 736,968 - 738,227 TOTAL Fees 738,227 736,968 - 738,227 Fund Tranfers 000 - 486000.620 Tmsfr Frm SED for Debt Srvce - 284,041 - - TOTAL Fund Transfers - 284,041 Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 Interest Earned - 205 000- 491200 Investment Earnings - 1,968 000 - 492000 Proceeds From Bond - _ 000 - 496000 T.I.F. Payment 10,000 - - 10,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 10,000 2,173-7 10,000 Total Revenues $ 748,227 $1,023,183 $ - $ 748,227 70 505 -Tax I &S General Government NONDEPARTMENTAL Professional Services 101- 541500 Agent Fees TOTAL Professional Services Maintenance Service 101- 5516xx Schertz G 0 SR92- Principal 101- 5516xx Schertz G 0 SR92- Interest 101- 5516xx Schertz G 0 RefndBnd SR95 -Princ 101- 5516xx Schertz G 0 RefndBnd SR95 - Intrst 101- 5516xx G 0 Bond '98- Principal 101- 5516xx G 0 Bond '98- Interst 101- 5516xx Schertz C 0 SR2001- Principal 101- 5516xx Schertz C 0 SR2001- Interest 101- 5516xx MUD #2 Rev RefndBnd SR99 -Princ 101- 5516xx MUD #2 Rev RefndBnd SR99 - Intrst 101- 5516xx Tax Notes SR2001- Principal 101- 5516xx Tax Notes SR2001- Interest 101- 5516xx Tax Notes SR2002- Principal 101- 5516xx Tax Notes SR2002- Interest TOTAL Maintenance Service 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3,000 50,000 25,980 43,000 5,199 135,000 212,220 110,000 15,487 130,000 11,339 12,990 43,044 3,078 175,000 109,041 135,000 108,135 110,000 9,188 130,000 - 7,121 - 738,225 842,596 - 50,000 25,980 43,000 5,199 135,000 212,220 110,000 15,487 130,000 11,339 738,225 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL $ 741,225 $ 845,596 $ - $ 741,225 71 505 -TAX 18S FINANCIAL SUMMARY 72 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 748,227 1,023,183 - 748,227 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 741,225 845,596 741,225 72 315 -TIF REVENUES Taxes 000 - 411100 Advalorem Tax Total Taxes Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 000 - 491200 Investment Interest Total Miscellaneous 2003 2003 Council 2003 Y. Mid Year Mid Year Approved T -D Actual Requested Approved 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 10,000 250 24 250 - 622 - 250 646 - 250 Total Revenues $ 10,250 $ 10,646 $ - $ 10,250 73 315 -TIF GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL Professional Services 101- 541400 Auditor /Accounting Sery Total Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Mid Council Y -T -D Mid Year Year Approved Actual Requested Approved M 500 500 500 Capitalized Equipment 101 - 581710 Schertz Parkway Payment 10,000 - 10,000 Total Capitalized Equipment 10,000 - - 10,000 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL $ 10,500 $ - $ - $ 10,500 74 315 -TIF FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 10,250 10,646 - 10,250 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 10,500 - - 10,500 75 202 -WATER & SEWER REVENUES Fees 000 -49000 000 - 455200 Garbage Collection Fee 000 - 455300 Reconnection Fee 000 - 455500 Water & Sewer Transfer Fee 000 - 455700 Recycle Fee Revenue 000 - 455800 W &S Line Constructn Reimbur 000 - 457100 Sale of Water 000 - 457110 Edwards Water Lease 000 - 457200 Sale of Meters 000 - 457300 Service Charges 000 - 457400 Sewer Charges 000 - 457500 Water Penalties 000 - 457600 Utility Drain Fee TOTAL Fees Fund Transfers 000 - 483000 Fund Transfers -Water &Sewer 000 - 483202 Fund Transfer - Equipment Repl 000- 483xxx Fund Transfer -Fiber Optics TOTAL Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 000 -49000 Misc Charges 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 000 - 491200 Investment Income 000 - 497000 Miscellaneous Income W &S 000 - 498200 W &S Project Reimbursement 900 Bond Proceeds TOTAL Miscellaneous 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 1,436,737 745,738 - 1,436,737 7,200 525 - 7,200 900 - - 900 - 53,723 53,723 53,723 25,750 16,042 - 25,750 3,848,846 1,307,278 - 3,848,846 112,540 9,813 - 112,540 14,600 17,041 6,000 20,600 3,990 - - 3,990 1,419,512 595,507 - 1,419, 512 101,145 37,081 - 101,145 207,489 - (180,000) 27,489 7,178,709 2,782,748 (120,277) 7,058,432 1,569,514 - - 1,569,514 145,525 - - 145,525 - - 57,000 57,000 1,715,039 - 57,000 1,772,039 16,800 20,665 - 4,000 20,800 10,000 658 - 10,000 120,000 46,281 (40, 000) 80,000 - 6,923 7,000 7,000 9,500 8, 070 8, 000 17,500 - - 5,100, 000 5,100, 000 156,300 82,597 5,079,000 5,235,300 I U I HL KtVtNUtS $ 9,050,048 $ 2,865,345 $5,015,723 $14,065,771 76 202 WATER & SEWER GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL Operations Support 101- 534100 -470 Advertising -12 MGD Pump Statn 101 - 534100-471 Advertising -L OR 16" Wtr Line 101 - 534100 -472 Advertising -1.5 MG Elev Wtr Tnk 101- 534100 -473 Advertising -16" W L Weiderstn Rd 101- 534100 -474 Advertising -Hope Lane Paving TOTAL Operations Support Professional Services 101 -541100 -470 Engineering -12 MGD Pump Statn 101 - 541100 -471 Engineering -L OR 16" Wtr Line 101- 541100 -472 Engineering -1.5 MG Elev Wtr Tnk 101 - 541100 -473 Engineering -16" W L Weiderstn Rd 101- 541100 -474 Engineering -Hope Lane Paving 101 - 541100 -479 Engineering -PW Bldg & Renovatn 101 - 541200 -470 Legal Srvices -12 MGD Pump Stan 101- 541200 -471 Legal Srvices -L 0 R 16" Wtr Line 101- 541200 -472 Legal Srvces-1.5 MG Elev Wtr Tnk 101 - 541200 -473 Legal Srvces-16" W L Weiderstn Rd 101- 541200 -474 Legal Srvces -Hope Lane Paving TOTAL Professional Services MAINTENANCE SERVICES 101 - 551900 -470 Construction -12 MGD Pump Statn 101 - 551900 -471 Construction -L OR 16" Wtr Line 101 - 551900 -472 Construction -1.5 MG Elev Wtr Tnk 101 - 551900,473 Construction -16" W L Weiderstn Rd 101- 551900,474 Construction -Hope Lane Paving TOTAL Maintenance Services Capitalized Equipment 101 - 581600 -470 Mains &Valves -12 MGD Pump Statn 101 - 581600 -471 Mains &Valves -L OR 16" Wtr Line 101- 581600 -472 Mains &Valves -1.5 MG Elev Wtr Tnk 101- 581600 -473 Mains &Valves -16" W L Weiderstn R 101 - 581600 -474 Mains &Valves -Hope Lane Paving TOTALCapitalized Equipment 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved - 13,487 13,487 13,487 - 4,018 4,018 4,018 - 8,313 8,313 8,313 - 32,826 32,826 32,826 - 10,859 10,859 10,859 - 14,385 14,385 14,385 - 277 277 277 - 46,119 46,119 46,119 130,284 130,284 130,284 - 43,299 - 43,299 - 567,633 7257888 1,293,521 - 200 761,939 762,139 2,098,959 - 611,132 1,487,827 - 649,549 534,293 1,183,842 - 1,240 347,524 347,524 - 614,999 - - 1,531,366 - 1,265, 788 881,817 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 77 - $2,007,203 $2,499,928 $3,760,609 202 -WATER & SEWER GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE Personnel Services 176-511110 Regular 176 - 511120 Overtime 176-511180 LTD 176- 511210 Longevity 176 - 511310 FICA - Employer 176 - 511350 TMRS - Employer 176 - 511410 Health- Employer 176-511500 Workers Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 176 - 521000 Operating Supplies 176-521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 176 - 533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 176- 534000 Postage 176- 534200 Printing & Binding 176 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 176 - 535100 Uniforms 176 - 535500 Training/Travel TOTAL Staff Support 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 200,898 99,121 - 200,898 3,000 1,871 - 3,000 513 217 - 513 9,960 9,960 - 9,960 15,719 8,407 - 15,719 14,697 7,735 - 14,697 23,771 13,305 - 23,771 636 595 - 636 269,194 141,211 - 269,194 3,000 840 1,500 1,500 3,200 2,087 1,500 4,700 6,200 2,927 - 6,200 383 151 - 383 383 151 - 383 40,000 18,392 - 40,000 1,465 896 - 1,465 1,000 - - 1,000 42,465 19,288 - 42,465 288 216 - 288 1, 750 208 - 1,750 2,038 424 - 2,038 Professional Services 176 - 541500 State /County Admin Fees 2,500 - - 2,500 TOTAL Professional Services 27500 - - 2,500 78 202 -WATER & SEWER GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Maintenance Services 176 - 551800 Other Maint Agreement 1,350 (513) 1,500 2,850 TOTAL Maintenance Services 1,350 (513) 1,500 2,850 Rental -Lease 176 - 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments 17,340 4,914 - 17,340 TOTAL Rental -Lease 17,340 4,914 - 17,340 Operating Equipment 176- 571300 Computer & Peripherals 650 - - 650 TOTAL Operating Equipment 650 - - 650 TOTAL BUSINESS OFFICE $342,120 $168,401 $ 1,500 $ 343,620 79 202 WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Personnel Services 575 - 511110 Regular 615,481 295,940 10,865 626,346 575-511120 Overtime 12,000 4,597 - 12,000 575 - 511180 LTD 1,561 594 26 1,587 575 - 511210 Longevity 20,952 20,544 - 20,952 575- 511230 Certification Allowance 1,800 1,477 106 1,906 575 - 511240 Vehicle Allowance 4,500 819 - 4,500 575 - 511310 FICA - Employer 47,792 24,258 742 48,534 575- 511350 TMRS - Employer 44,687 22,585 694 45,381 575 - 511410 Health - Employer 68,340 39,196 791 69,131 575 - 511500 Workers Compensation 20,773 19,710 457 21,230 575- 511600 Unemployment Compensation 5,000 59 - 5,000 TOTAL Personnel Services 842,886 429,780 13,681 856,567 Supplies 575- 521000 Operating Supplies 9,904 3,783 - 9,904 575 - 521100 Office Supplies 6,200 1,898 - 6,200 575- 521200 Medical Supplies 7,300 1,805 - 7,300 575 - 521400 Plumbing Supplies 51,860 15,327 - 51,860 575 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,000 - - 1,000 TOTAL Supplies 76,264 22,814 - 76,264 City Support Services 575 - 532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 38,000 7,523 - 38,000 575 - 532410 Computer Consulting 13,600 2,000 - 13,600 575 - 532500 City Insurance - Commercial 14,700 16,116 2,000 16,700 575 - 532700 Records Management ServicE 2,000 - (2,000) - 575- 532900 Contingencies 85,570 96 (6,000) 79,570 TOTAL City Support Services 153,870 25,735 (6,000) 147,870 Utility Services 575 - 533200 Electricity 139,000 73,917 - 139,000 575 - 533300 Telephone 12,769 2,300 - 12,769 575 - 533400 Water Purchase 1,001,534 398,736 (181, 000) 820,534 575 - 533410 Water Utility Service 1,700 309 - 1,700 575 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel 14,400 12,657 3,000 17,400 TOTAL Utility Services 1,169,403 487,920 (178,000) 991,403 :E 202 -WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION Operations Support 575 - 534000 Postage 575 - 534100 Advertising 575- 534200 Printing & Binding 575 - 534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 3,297 575 - 535000 Rental- Building & Land 575 - 535100 Uniforms 575 - 535200 Annual Awards 575 - 535300 Memberships 575 - 535400 Publications 575 - 535500 Training/Travel 575 - 535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Support City Assistance 575 - 537100 Medical Services TOTAL City Assistance Professional Services 575 - 541100 Engineering Services 575 - 541200 Legal Services 575 - 541300 Other Consul /Prof Service 575 - 541400 Auditor /Accounting Service TOTAL Professional Services 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved 6,500 3,297 - 6,500 1,740 - - 1,740 2,750 264 - 2,750 945 - - 945 11,935 3,562 - 11,935 1,800 1,782 1,000 2,800 8,155 5,101 1,300 9,455 450 - - 450 3,021 2,463 - 3,021 490 72 - 490 7,841 11370 (1,300) 6,541 1,500 - - 1,500 23,257 10,789 1,000 24,257 1,275 - 1,500 2,775 1,275 - 1,500 2,775 28,000 32,763 20,000 48,000 52,000 10,959 (21,000) 31,000 24,564 13,582 - 24,564 7,000 7,994 1,000 8,000 111,564 65,298 - 111,564 Fund Charges 575 - 548600 Inter Fund Charges -Admin 548,834 - - 548,834 TOTAL Fund Charges 548,834 - - 548,834 81 202 -WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2003 2003 2003 Council Y -T -D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Requested Approved Maintenance Services 575 - 551100 Building Maintenance 4,250 448 - 4,250 575 - 551300 Computer Maintenance 10,000 1,198 - 10,000 575 - 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 2,400 453 - 2,400 575- 551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 22,000 8,127 - 22,000 575 - 551510 Payable to Waste Contractor 1,288,950 595,761 - 1,288,950 575 - 551520 Sewer Treatment- CCMA/MUD 972,206 366,199 - 972,206 575- 551600 Street Main Materials 5,500 2,068 - 51500 575 - 551610 Debt Service 2,238,581 1,049,826 - 2,238,581 575 - 551720 Low Flow Rebate Program 3,000 1,150 - 3,000 575 - 551800 Other Maintenance 4,500 3,916 - 4,500 575- xxxxxxxx Rebate-1.113 Customer 3,000 2,350 - 3,000 TOTAL Maintenance Services 4,554,387 2,031,496 - 4,554,387 Rental -Lease 575 - 561100 Rental -Equipment 575 - 561200 Lease /Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental -Lease Capitalized Equipment 1,074 575- 581200 Motor Vehicles 575 - 581400 Communications Equipment 575- 581500 Building 575 - 581600 Water Tank Restoration 575- 581700 Other Improvements 575 - 581810 Other Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 1,500 1,074 - 1,500 2,680 110 - 2, 680 4,180 1,184 - 4,180 84,375 71,474 - 84,375 2,115 48,970 57,000 59,115 675,000 - - 675,000 - 249,460 27,194 276,654 350,000 2, 257 93, 000 443,000 61,150 - (5,000) 56,150 1,172, 640 372,161 172,194 1,594,294 U I HL vv & s AUMINIS I RATION $8,670,495 $3,450,738 $ 0 4,375 $8,924,-33(i 202 WATER & SEWER FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2003 2003 2003 Mid Council Y -T -D Mid Year Year Approved Actual Requested Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Total Revenue 9,050,048 2,865,345 5,015,723 14,065,771 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Total Expenditures 9,012,615 5,626,343 2,505,803 13,028,558 ""REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 37,433 (2,760,998) 2,509,920 1,037,213 83