FY 2003-04 Budget CITY OF SCHERTZ Operating Budget Fiscal Year October 2003 - September 2004 1400 SCHERTZ PARKWAY P.O. DRAWER I SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154-0890 (210) 658-7477 FAX (210) 659-3204 MARK MARQUEZ CITY MANAGER 19 September 2003 To: Mayor and City Council ~ From: Mark Marquez, City Manager Subject: FY 2003-2004 Operating Budget Recommendation Budget recommendations for FY 2003-2004 were filed with the City Secretary on 31 July 2003 in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter. The total budget expenditure for all funds is recommended to be $19,501,735. Projected revenues in each fund meet or exceed proposed expenditures. Four City Council Budget Workshops were conducted in August, 2003. A Public Hearing on the tax rate was conducted on 2 September 2003, and a Public hearing on the proposed budget was conducted on 16 September 2003. Last years budget was intended as a stand-fast budget while I evaluated the needs of the City; this year's budget is intended as a positioning budget. It seems the City of Schertz is poised for another growth spurt. We need to be in a position to be able to respond to this growth in a rational and reasoned way. We have made excellent progress in the employee pay plan, but additional staff is needed in order to maintain and improve City services. City Council has authorized a 20/0 COLA to be paid as part of each employee's annual evaluation, in addition to re-instituting the merit pay program. This year we will be adding six firemen for the new sub-station. Two additional police officers will be added in response to increased calls for service. The part-time position in Animal Control will be made full-time to maintain our weekend hours of operation. An additional deputy court clerk will also be hired because of workload. We continue to manage several large capital projects that are essential. Timing is never good on large infrastructure projects because of the inconvenience they often cause. The drainage channel funded by FEMA is a case in point. The timing of the closure of Elbel Road, while unfortunate, is unavoidable. A new fund was established this year to manage and monitor drainage structures throughout the City and to insure drainage ways are properly maintained. The tax rate has remained the same at .3825, but the components have changed. The maintenance and operations rate fell from .3091 to .2946, but the debt service rate rose from .0734 to .0879. This increase is based on the longer term funding needed for several essential projects. The main swimming pool has been completely refurbished and several additional improvements will be added over the winter. The plans for the Emergency Services Sub-Station, while delayed, are now moving ahead. The engineering design for critical improvements on FM-3009 and IH-35 have finally been completed. We are now in the process of land acquisition for the new roadways. Finally, the FEMA drainage project is in full operation. These critical projects are the main factors in the rise of our tax debt rates. We are continuing to work on a better-defined capital budget. There are several projects that will be acted upon very soon as well as a capital projects plan that will look into the future. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first full year as your City Manager. We are in sound condition financially. The continued support of the Mayor and City Council, as well as the support of the best staff around, contributed in no small part. I have also met many of the fine citizens of Schertz and hope to meet more of you in the future. I would like to publicly express my thanks and appreciation to each of our employees for their fine work throughout the year. I especially thank each department head for their diligent effort in producing a workable budget. Mr. Juan Santoya, Karen Garcia, and Erin Matlock were particularly helpful in crunching the numbers. Thank You. CITY OF SCHERTZ 2003-2004 BUDGET Index Ordinance- T ax Ra te ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- III Ordinance- Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV -V Tax Rate and Property E val ua ti on ----------------------------------------------------- VI Rate per Hundred V a1uation------------------------------------------------------------ VII T ax on $100,000 Val ua tion by Y ear----------------------------------------------------VIII Assessed Property Val ues---------------------------------------------------------------- IX Rev en u es - All F unds--------------------------------------------------------------------- X C=l1art - 1\11 Funds-----------------------------------------------------------------XI Expendi tures - All F unds---------------------------------------------------------------- XII C=l1art - 1\11 lFunds-----------------------------------------------------------------XIII 1\11 - Funds Budget by c=ategory-------------------------------------------------------XIV C=hart 1\11 - Funds Budget by c=ategory------------------------------------- XV General Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary -------------------------------------------- 1-6 Rev en u es----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-9 C=i ty c=ouncil------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11 C=i ty Manager----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-14 Municipal C=ourt ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-17 Information T ecl1no10gy --------------------------------------------------------- 18-20 C=omm uni ty Servic e--------------------------------------------------------------- 21-23 Le gal Services---------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-25 F acili ty Main tenanc e-------------------------------------------------------------- 26-28 City Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-31 P 0 lice---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32-35 F ire------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36-38 Inspections-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-41 Streets-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42-44 P ar ks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45-47 Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48-50 1\nimal C=on tro 1--------------------------------------------------------------------- 51-53 Human Resources----------------------------------------------------------------- 54-56 N on- Departmental---------------------------------------------------------------- 57-58 F inance------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59-61 Fleet Service------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62-64 Patient Assistance----------------------------------------------------------------- 65-66 Tax I&S Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 7 -68 Rev en ues-----------------------------------------------------------------------------69 Expendi tures------------------------------------------------------------------------70 T ax I & S Chart -------------------------------------------------------------------71 Water & Sewer Revenues & Expendi tures-----------------------------------------------------72 -75 Water / W astewa ter -------------------------------------------------------------76-80 Business Offic e ------------------------------------------------------------------81-83 Public Safety EMS Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------84-87 Rev en ues---------------------------------------------------------------------------88 Expenditures ---------------------------------------------------------------------89-91 Drainage Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------92 - 93 Rev en ues--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Expenditures --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 5-96 Capital Recovery Summary ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------97 - 98 Rev en u es--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 Expenditures ---------------------------------------------------------------------100 Schertz Economic Development Corporation Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------101-102 Rev en ues---------------------------------------------------------------------------103 Ee onomie Dev el opmen t --------------------------------------------------------104 Public Informa tion --------------------------------------------------------------105-107 Development Foundation Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------108-109 Rev en ues---------------------------------------------------------------------------110 Expenditures ---------------------------------------------------------------------111 Hotel Tax Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------112 -113 Rev en ues -------------------------------------------------------------------------114 Expendi tures---------------------------------------------------------------------115 Tax Increment Financing Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------116-117 Rev en ues -------------------------------------------------------------------------118 Expenditures --------------------------------------------------------------------119 Parks Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------120-121 Rev en ues--------------------------------------------------------------------------122 Expendi tures---------------------------------------------------------------------123 Recycling Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------12 4-125 Rev en ues--------------------------------------------------------------------------126 Expendi tures---------------------------------------------------------------------12 7 Working Capital Projects---------------------------------------------------------------128-129 Or ganiza tional Chart --------------------------------------------------------------------130 2003- 2004 P osi ti on Au th oriza ti on ----------------------------------------------------131-134 2003- 2004 Pay Tab 1 es--------------------------------------------------------------------135-141 Compensation Plan----------------------------------------------------------------------142-145 Debt Service Review ---------------------------------------------------------------------146 G 0 Bond, SR1992--------------------------------------------------------------147 G 0 Refunding Bond, SR1995 -----------------------------------------------148 C 0 Bond, SR2001---------------------------------------------------------------14 9 Tax Notes, SR2002 --------------------------------------------------------------150 Combination Tax & Ltd Pledge Revenue ---------------------------------151 G 0 Refunding Bond, SR1995------------------------------------------------152 Utility Systm Rev & Refnd Bond, SR2001---------------------------------153 Schertz/Seguin Local Govt Corp, SR99 & SR01-------------------------154 G 0 Refunding Bond, SR1999------------------------------------------------155 G 0 Bond, SR1998 --------------------------------------------------------------156 Tax Notes, SR2001 --------------------------------------------~-----------------157 ORDINANCE NO. D-3 - -r:.. .l.8 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 2003; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF 0.3825 ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 2, 2003, to receive public comment on the proposed tax rate; and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of 0.3825 on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 2003. SECTION 2. THAT such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, and such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For the current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various Departments $ 0.2946 (B) For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. TOTAL TAX RATE $ 0.0879 $ 0.3825 I SECTION 3. THAT the Tax Assessor and Collector for Guadalupe County, Texas is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas on the basis of one hundred percent (100%) of appraised values for the year 2003, such basis of assessment being required to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of 0.3825 assessed valuation as herein provided. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage, and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09 (e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the /6~ay of September 2003. ATTEST: ~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz, Texas (SEAL OF CITY) II The City Manager has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the fiscal year 2003-2004. Debt Principal Interest Total 1992 City of Schertz, Street Improvement General Obligation Bonds $ 50,000.00 $ 23,080.00 $ 73,080.00 1995 City of Schertz, General Obligation, Refunding Bonds 43,000.00 3,104.00 46,104.00 2001 City of Schertz, Certificate of Obligation, TIF Bond 140,000.00 230,970.00 343,970.00 2002 City of Schertz Tax Notes 135,000.00 6,345.00 141,345.00 2003 City of Schertz, Certificate of Obligation Bond 425.000.00 142.173.13 567 .173. 13 TOTAL ~793.000.00 ~378.672.13 $1.171.672.13 III ORDINANCE NO. 1)..3 -111 -.2.1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, .2003 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004, BY APPROVIN<; THE BUDGET FOR SAil) PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS FOR SAID YEAR .FOR THE MAINTENANCE . "'O _. . '''... .. ,. . .-....- '.. --.. -,... . . ._. '.. __...'O .. "" '" ..._... ...0,. _.... __.._..h_ ._. ..,. __ ...... AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. WHEREAS, as required by the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter, the budget has been prepared and submitted to the City Council with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all City Departments and activities for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2003 and Ending September 30, 2004. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legally published; and WHEREAS, said public hearing has been held and full and final consideration given said budget; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT for the purpose of providing the funds necessary and proposed to be expended in the budget for said City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2003 and ending September 3D, 2004, the budget was prepared and submitted to the City Council for its consideration and approval and that said budget in the total amount of ~19.5011735 and the same is hereby . appropriated for the maintenance as set forth in said budget. IV SECTION 2. THAT the said budget of the City of Schertz, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2003 and ending September 30, 2004, an exact copy of which is marked uExhibit A" and made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council for fiscal year 2003-2004. SECTION 3. THAT this Ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve-month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the General laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determined that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09 (e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the /~ay of - Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ ~<1e~ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) v c o .- ... ctI :J -- ctI > W ~ ... 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PATIENT ASSISTANCE 1 ,358 6,463 11 ,000 11 ,000 TOTAL MISC. 1 ,358 6,463 11 ,000 11 ,000 6 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-4111 00 Advalorem Tax - Current 2,274,868 2,605,782 3,113,123 3,190,892 000-411200 Advalorem Tax - Delinquent 36,229 40,662 35,000 35,000 000-4 11300 Advalorem Tax - P&I 23,376 27,696 22,000 25,000 000-4 11400 Roll Back Property Tax 10,000 1 0,000 000-411 500 Sales Tax Revenue-Gen Fund 1 ,378,017 1 ,432,187 1 ,450,000 1 ,550,000 000-4 11600 Bingo Tax 4,606 4,954 4,500 4,500 000-411700 Mixed Beverage 3,182 3,881 4,000 4,500 TOTAL Taxes 3,720,278 4,115,162 4,638,623 4,819,892 Franchises 000-421200 Center Point/Entex Energy 1 0,398 15,742 17,000 17,000 000-421220 City Public Service 57,171 63,518 60,000 65,000 000-421240 Guadalupe Valley Elec Co-op 220,546 210,894 225,000 225,000 000-421300 Time Warner/Paragon Cable 135,467 158,521 165,000 165,000 000-421440 Southwestern Bell Telephone 56, 1 36 57,583 60,000 60,000 000-421460 AT&T Franchise Fee 1 ,354 4,354 000-421480 Other Telecom Franchise 18,140 13, 185 12,500 17,000 000-421500 Solid Waste Franchise Fee 2,656 42,781 32,165 40,000 TOT AL Franchises 500,514 562,224 573,019 593,354 Permits 000-4311 00 Home Occupation Permit 130 221 300 300 000-431200 Building Permit 253,436 288, 118 325,000 350,000 000-431 300 Mobile Home Permit 200 505 500 300 000-431400 Signs Permit 39 107 1 ,000 1 ,000 000-431 500 Food Establishment Permit 5,470 15,709 10,500 15,000 000-431600 Garage Sale Permit 2,864 4,705 5,500 6,500 000-431700 Plumbing Permit 37,956 41,369 49,000 50,000 000-431750 Electrical Permit 53,559 29,445 40,000 40,000 000-431800 Mechanical Permit 13,249 17,816 15,500 18,000 000-431 850 Pet & Grooming Permit 50 50 50 000-431 900 Solicitor/Peddler Permit 550 850 1 ,000 1 ,000 000-431950 Animal Permit 40 600 650 650 000-432000 Cert. of Occupancy Permit 565 585 500 600 TOT AL Permits 368,058 400,080 449,500 483,400 REVENUES Licenses 000-44 1 000 Alcohol Beverage License 2,684 2,848 3,000 3,000 000-442000 Contractors License 15,218 15,225 12,000 15,000 000-443000 Electrical License 17,810 16,025 16,000 16,000 000-444000 Pet License 1 ,837 2,54 1 2,400 2,400 000-445000 Security Alarm Permit 11 ,500 5,000 000-449370 Donations-Citizens Police Academy 50 50 TOT AL Licenses 37,549 36,639 44,950 41 ,450 7 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Fees 000-451 000 Municipal Court Fines 306,844 349,418 375,000 375,000 000-4511 00 Arrest Fee 21 ,526 22,051 22,000 25,000 000-451200 Warrant Fees 34, 188 48,064 46,000 50,000 000-451400 Traffic Fine Costs TTL 1 0,493 10,417 12,000 14,000 000-451500 Teen Court Admin Fee 20 468 540 600 000-451600 Technology Fund Fee 17,635 18,276 19,000 22,000 000-451700 Security Fee 13,425 14,432 12,500 17,000 000-451 800 Time Payment Fee - City 1,116 1 ,403 1 ,500 1 ,500 000-451 850 State Fines 100/0 Service Fee 17,178 15,744 17,000 25,000 000-451900 DPS Payment - Local 3,195 4,560 4,000 5,000 000-451950 DPS Payment - Omnibase 318 2,156 000-452000 Child Safety Fee 1 ,452 9,118 6,000 9,000 000-452100 Platting Fees 1 2, 1 34 20,373 18,000 25,000 000-452200 Site Plan Fee 2,451 8,484 9,000 9,000 000-452300 Plan Check Fee 125, 1 04 130,365 150,000 150,000 000-452400 BOA/Zoning Fees 595 1 , 1 60 1 ,000 1 ,800 000-452500 Food Handler Class 7,250 11 ,299 10,000 10,000 000-452600 Specific Use/Zone Change Fee 1,020 554 500 500 000-4531 00 Reinsertion Fees 55,440 35,910 60,000 50,000 000-453200 Mowing Fees - Inspections 1 ,728 1 ,545 1 ,500 1 ,500 000-453300 Solicitor's Investigation 1 ,000 000-4541 00 Swim Pool Reservation Fee 2,261 1 ,838 1 ,000 1 ,000 000-454200 Pool Gate Admission Fee 18,158 17,313 15,000 15,000 000-454300 Seasonal Pool Pass Fee 5,910 4,835 7,000 7,000 000-454400 Swimming Lessons Fee 9,825 10,781 11 ,000 11 ,000 REVENUES 000-4581 00 Sale of Merchandise 249 1 300 300 000-458300 Sale of Property/Auction 18,730 (2,200) 20,000 20,000 000-458400 Building Rental Fee 5,116 7, 1 66 6,500 6,500 000-458500 Property Rental Fee 5,505 5,026 4,500 4,500 000-458600 Ball Field Use 240 (350) 250 250 000-458700 Vehicle Impoundment 540 500 000-459100 Credit Card/Check Fee 1 ,283 2,397 1 ,500 1 ,500 000-459200 NSF Check Fee 327 260 250 250 000-459300 Notary Fee 159 173 200 200 000-459400 Maps, Copies, UDC, & Misc Fee 1 ,257 1 ,254 1 ,250 2,000 000-459600 Animal Adoption Fee 2,516 9,673 9,800 10,000 000-459700 Pet Impoundment Fee 2,930 12,967 11 ,500 11 ,500 000-459800 Police Reports Fee 3,232 3,548 3,500 4,000 TOT AL Fees 710,810 781,019 859,090 888,400 8 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 1 01-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Fines 000-463000 Library Fines 10,099 12,902 12,000 18,000 TOT AL Fines 10,099 12,902 12,000 18,000 I nte r-J u risdictional 000-4731 00 Bexar Co - Fire 10,800 10,800 10,800 13,725 000-473200 Guadalupe Co - Fire 20,923 24,728 000-473300 Guad Co - Library 95,353 95,378 95,353 112,458 000-473800 Guadalupe Co Econo Developmt 25,000 000-474100 Cibolo Fire Contract 15,000 15,000 000-474200 Library Services - Cibolo 1 ,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 000-474400 Dispatch Service - Cibolo 14,553 15,281 26,300 56,402 000-474500 Dispatch Service - SCUCISD 1 ,200 1 ,200 2,500 2,500 TOT AL Inter-Jurisdictional 143,829 164,887 177,453 187,585 Fund Transfers 000-480000 Indirect Costs - EMS 11 ,806 18,328 25,000 25,000 000-480100 Indirect Costs - Hotel 2,500 2,500 3,000 50,000 000-486000 Interfund Charges - Admin W&S 372,914 553,729 548,834 548,834 TOT AL Fund Transfers 387,220 574,557 576,834 623,834 REVENUES Miscellaneous 000-491 000 I nterest Earned 33,097 17,100 15,000 15,000 000-491200 Investment Income 146,511 62,441 40,000 40,000 000-492000 Proceeds From Bonds 3,313,728 000-4931 00 Donations - Christmas Decorations 218 452 500 500 000-493200 Donations - Parade Float 50 50 000-493400 Donation - Animal Control 870 2,336 2,500 2,500 000-494481 Law E nfo rce mtOffice rsStnd&Ed uc 2,899 4,500 000-494482 DEA- P/D 9,613 000-494490 Lease -CMA (Debt Service) 4,297 000-495010 FEMA Grant Proceeds 000-497000 Misc Income-Gen Fund 44,863 62,364 45,000 25,000 000-497100 Misc Income - Police 564 1 ,931 750 750 000-497200 Misc Income - Library 2,313 2,376 6,000 6,000 000-497300 Misc Income - Animal Control 2,019 48 50 50 000-497400 Misc Income - Streets Dept 2,745 3,927 2,750 2,750 000-498000 Reimbursement-Gen Fund 2,987 20,844 15,000 15,000 TOT AL Miscellaneous 240,484 186,331 3,441 ,328 112,100 9 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT NO. #150 FUNCTION: The City of Schertz was incorporated in 1958. The City Council consists of five members and the Mayor who perform all governing and legislative duties for the City of Schertz. All Council members are elected at large for two-year terms. Terms of the Mayor and members of the Council are staggered. Mayor and Council members fill positions number one and two, elected in even numbered years, and positions three, four and five are elected during odd-numbered years. Elections are held in May. The council operates under a Home Rule charter. 10 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL ----------- ----------- Supplies 150-521100 Office Supplies 77 167 200 200 TOTAL Supplies 77 167 200 200 Operatinq Equipment 150-571200 Office Equipment 4,932 250 TOTAL Operating Equipment 4,932 250 City Support Services 150-532600 City Elections 2,283 7,000 6,000 150-532800 Special Events 8,627 8,209 5,500 6,500 TOTAL City Support Services 10,910 8,209 12,500 12,500 Utilitv Services 150-533300 Telephone TOT AL Utility Services Staff Support 150-535200 Annual Awards 189 150 150 150-535300 Memberships Prof Orgs 5,141 5,203 5,500 5,500 150-535500 TrainingfTravel 3,531 4,521 4,500 4,500 TOT AL Staff Support 8,861 9,724 1 0, 150 10,150 Professional Services 150-541300 Other Consul/Prof Services 12,923 920 400 150-541400 Audit Service 6,800 TOT AL Professional Services 12,923 6,800 920 400 150-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 500 466 TOT AL Rental-Lease 500 466 11 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT NO. #151 FUNCTION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is Chief Executive Officer of the City. The City Manager1s Department consists of the City Manager, Executive Services Coordinator, Assistant City Manager, and Administrative Assistant to the Assistant City Manager. Responsibility of this department includes personnel appointment and removal, preparation and execution of the City budget, as well as administration of City Ordinances and policy as adopted by the City Council. 12 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY MANAGER Personnel Services 151-511110 Regular 151-511120 Overtime 151-511180 L TD 151-511210 Longevity 151-511240 Vehicle Allowance 151-511310 FICA - Employer 151-511350 TMRS-Employer 151-511410 Health-Employer 151-511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 151-521100 Office Supplies 151-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 151-532800 Special Events TOTAL City Support Services Utilitv Services 151-533300 Telephone 151-533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Maintenance Service 151-551300 Compo Maintenance 151-551800 Other Maintenance TOTAL Maintenance Service Operations Support 151-534000 Postage 151-534100 Advertising 151-534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED 112,313 195 220 3,744 8,587 8,105 3,887 410 137,461 983 983 85 85 2,671 684 3,355 105 105 212 685 100 997 13 208,482 306 1 ,320 4,454 15,087 15,067 6,293 251,009 1 ,718 1 ,718 2,846 2,846 2,627 368 2,995 208 83 291 495 1 , 123 1,618 190, 126 460 5,568 8,000 14,100 1 3, 1 84 8,914 570 240,922 1 ,700 1 ,700 400 400 1 ,260 33 1 ,293 400 350 750 1 ,500 234,507 2,000 689 8,496 10,200 18,757 16,907 13,401 706 305,663 1 ,700 1 ,700 600 600 450 450 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY MANAGER ----------- ----------- Professional Services 151-541300 Other Consult/Prof 2,475 4,571 TOTAL Professional Services 2,475 4,571 Staff Support 151-535100 Uniforms 261 175 150 151-535200 Annual Awards 2,909 5, 122 4,000 5,000 151-535300 Memberships 650 1 ,801 1,750 3,200 151-535400 Publications 938 124 500 500 151-535500 Trainingffravel 4,421 8,157 7,000 10,000 151-535600 Professional Certification 225 TOT AL Staff Support 8,918 15,465 13,425 19,075 Rental-Lease 151-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 65 72 TOTAL Rental-Lease 65 72 Operatina Equipment 151-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 1 ,000 2,500 151-571300 Computer/Peripherals 611 512 TOTAL Operating Equipment 611 512 1 ,000 2,500 Capitalized Equipment 151-581200 Motor Vehicle 24,546 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 24,546 14 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:MUNICIPAL COURT DEPARTMENT NO. #152 FUNCTION: The ultimate purpose of the Schertz Municipal Court is to administer justice at the municipal level. The evolution of the Court has culminated in its present full-time staffing level: one municipal judge, one court clerk, two deputy court clerks, and one warrant officer/bailiff. Each of these employees in various degrees is responsible for processing allllClass C misdemeanorll complaints that occur within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Schertz. Such complaints are filed by a variety of internal and external agencies: private citizens, animal control, library, inspections, police department, Schertz, Cibolo, Universal City Independent School District, Department of Public Safety, and railroad police officer. The natures of such complaints allege public nuisance violations, truancy, traffic violations, public intoxication, and a host of other violations of municipal ordinances and state law. The methodology for complaint processing includes the acceptance of complaint for filing, the maintenance of accurate records as the court case progresses through judgment and climaxes with the completion of all ordered educational or community service requirements and/or the payment of assessed fines and court costs. The preparation of adult and juvenile cases for various types of hearings and trials to include both bench and jury, preparation of both financial and dispositional data for the City and the State and the issuance coupled with the execution of warrants for failure to appear and default in payments are also integral dimensions in the administration of justice. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The Municipal Court conducts a variety of hearings and trials. Truancy and Teen Court are held while school is in session. In addition to cases which appear on either the contested/uncontested dockets, the magistration function of the court is also quite active. Productivity measurements for the multitude of the Court1s function are included below. FY 2001-2002- Complaints filed:8,869, Warrants Issued:1 ,755, Warrants Served:980, Truancy hearings:177, Teen Court hearings:13, Ministration hearings: 92 15 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL COURT --------------- --------------- Personnel Services 152-51111 0 Regular 107,121 130,192 143,640 152,792 152-511120 Overtime 661 994 3,000 3,000 152-511180 LTD 219 267 364 432 152-511210 Longevity 3,444 4,080 4,488 1 ,440 152-511230 Certification Allowance 600 600 600 300 152-511240 Vehicle Allowance 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 152-51131 0 FICA - Employer 8,645 1 0,566 11 , 152 11,755 152-511350 TMRS-Employer 8,016 9,763 10,428 1 0,596 152-51141 0 Health-Employer 8,358 11 ,336 14,857 20,101 152-511500 Workers' Compensation 412 451 1 ,429 TOTAL Personnel Services 139,876 170,198 191,380 204,245 Supplies 152-521100 Office Supplies 445 1 ,278 1 ,324 1 ,500 152-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 35 2,550 2,000 TOT AL Supplies 480 1 ,278 3,874 3,500 City Support Services 152-532800 Special Events 250 1 ,000 TOTAL City Support Services 250 1 ,000 Utilitv Services 152-533300 Telephone 2,751 2,142 500 1 52-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1 ,036 1 ,086 1 ,800 1 ,800 TOTAL Utility Services 3,787 3,228 2,300 1,800 Operations Support 1 52-534000 Postage 843 898 1 ,500 2,000 152-534200 Printing & Binding 743 609 1 ,500 1,950 1 52-534300 Copy Services 1,113 973 1 ,400 1,500 TOT AL Operations Support 2,699 2,480 4,400 5,450 Staff Support 1 52-5351 00 Uniforms 250 367 250 300 152-535200 Annual Awards 152-535300 Memberships 124 195 450 450 1 52-535400 Publications 329 385 500 1 ,800 152-535500 Trainingrrravel 5,326 4, 122 4,000 5,000 152-535600 Prof. Certs 175 540 540 TOT AL Staff Support 6,029 5,244 5,740 8,090 16 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL COURT --------------- --------------- Court Support 152-536100 State Comp - FT A 5,000 1 ,750 1 ,500 152-536200 OMNI-Base-FTA 763 3,000 1 ,500 152-536300 St. Comp.-Time Pay 500 152-536400 Collection Expense 648 581 3,500 1,500 152-536500 Court/Jury Cost 252 606 1 ,600 1 ,600 TOTAL Court Support 6,663 1 , 187 10,350 6, 1 00 Professional Services 152-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 7,200 7,270 5,300 5,500 TOT AL Professional Services 7,200 7,270 5,300 5,500 Maintenance Services 152-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 124 181 520 152-551300 Camp. Maintenance 1 ,095 TOT AL Maintenance Services 124 1 ,276 520 Rental-Lease 152-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 115 115 156 TOT AL Rental-Lease 115 115 156 Operatinq Equipment 152-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 529 224 150 650 152-571300 Computer & Peripherals 43,511 1 ,711 7,300 7,500 TOTAL Operating Equipment 44,040 1 ,935 7,450 8, 150 Capitalized Eauipment 152-581400 Communications Equipment 554 750 8,000 TOT AL Capitalized Equipment 554 750 8,000 17 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT NO. #853 FUNCTION: The Information Technology Department is responsible for all voice and data communications within the city government. This includes but not limited to software, hardware, and network communication upgrades and/or replacement. Information Technology handles all day-to-day issues encountered by city employees in the operation of computers, peripherals, cell phones, pagers and telephones. PROGRAM INITIATIVES: Replacing or upgrading the PC's throughout the City Complex is an ongoing project. External network connections to and from the City.s network is in progress. A planned upgrade of the City.s computer and telephone network is in progress and should be completed by the end of the year. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Due to a change in the City.s Municipal Software there is an increase in annual costs in software. Equipment maintenance and replacement was kept to a minimum. As City staff increases so will our hardware and software costs. The IT staff has cut the outside consulting costs through our ability to perform most of the work with our in-house resources. Many key computers and servers were replaced during the past year. This will continue as funds and need require. 18 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES INFORMATION TECH ----------------- ----------------- Personnel Services 853-51111 0 Regular 60,504 91 ,925 96,581 853-511120 Overtime 853-511180 LTD 115 221 262 8531-511210 Longevity 120 360 853-511310 FICA - Employer 4,415 6,765 7,125 853-511350 TM RS-Employer 4, 189 6,326 6,422 853-511410 Health-Employer 3, 145 5,943 6,700 853-511 500 Workers' Compensation 274 268 TOTAL Personnel Services 72,368 111,574 117,718 Supplies 853-5211 00 Office Supplies 181 300 300 853-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 474 7,300 3,000 TOT AL Supplies 655 7,600 3,300 City Support Services 853-532300 Computer Fees & Licenses 18,279 33,000 47,432 853-532400 Computer Consulting 13,842 13,600 6,000 TOT AL City Support Services 32, 1 21 46,600 53,432 Utilitv Services 853-533300 Telephone 1 ,427 36, 120 64,800 TOT AL Utility Services 1 ,427 36,120 64,800 Operations Support 853-534000 Postage 66 200 150 853-534200 Printing and Binding 20 853-534300 Copy Services 214 TOT AL Operations Support 300 200 150 Staff Support 853-5351 00 Uniforms 65 70 70 853-535300 Memberships 150 150 853-535400 Publications 178 150 250 853-535500 Trainingrrravel 1,656 1 ,000 2,500 853-535600 Prof. Certs 300 TOT AL Staff Support 1,899 1 ,670 2,970 19 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES INFORMATION TECH ----------------- ----------------- Maintenance Services 853-551300 Computer Maint 853-551312 Communications Equip Maint 853-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement TOTAL Maintenance Services 1 ,087 3,790 1 ,500 1 ,500 4,877 1 ,500 2,000 3,500 Operatina Equipment 853-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 853-571300 Computer/ Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment 857 184,395 185,252 22,950 22,950 130 20,000 20,130 Capitalized Equipment 853-581400 Radio/Communication Equip 853-581401 Communication Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 2,607 2,607 3,500 3,890 7,390 26,000 26,000 20 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NO. #154 FUNCTION: The Community Development Director oversees three departments including, Inspections, Economic Development and Planning. Two of these, ED and Planning, are included in this budget. Specific areas of responsibility include: 1) Staff Support for the Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission in their administration of the Unified Development Code (UDC), Comprehensive Land Plan, Master Jogging, Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Master Parks and Recreation Plan, and Major Thoroughfare Plan, Zoning, ET J, AICUZ, Grants, and Historical Program for the City Coalition, and assist the City Manager with FEMA Hazard Mitigation. 2) Staff Support for the Schertz Development Foundation, Economic Development Commission, Christmas Committee, Tri County Economic Development Coalition. 3) Responsible for all Tax Abatement applications and processing, recruit new business and industry and assist with retention and expansion of local business. 21 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED a~W~nALaOV~RWM~WT EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------- ------------------------- Personnel Services 1 54-51111 0 Regular 78,688 107,761 71 ,578 140, 149 1 54-511120 Overtime 1 ,565 2,608 2,000 2,000 1 54-5111 80 LTD 156 195 185 386 154-51121 0 Longevity 360 2,976 600 840 1 54-51131 0 FICA - Employer 6,077 8,830 5,672 10,510 154-511350 TMRS-Employer 5,750 8,312 5,304 9,473 1 54-51141 0 Health-Employer 4,050 6,057 7,429 13,401 154-511500 Workers' Compensation 292 304 396 TOTAL Personnel Services 96,938 136,739 93,072 1 77, 155 Supplies 154-521 000 Operating Supplies 959 490 400 400 154-521100 Office Supplies 1 ,776 2,626 2,000 2,500 154-521600 Equipment Supplies 200 TOT AL Supplies 2,735 3, 116 2,400 3,100 City Support Services 154-532800 Special Events 5,283 2,455 700 3,000 1 54-532900 Contingencies 1 ,329 75 TOT AL City Support Services 6,612 2,530 700 3,000 Utilitv Services 154-533300 Telephone 1 ,843 2,251 400 154-533500 Vehicle Fuel 276 212 200 TOTAL Utility Services 2, 119 2,463 600 Operations Support 154-534000 Postage 447 725 550 1 ,900 154-534 1 00 Advertising 79 3,000 154-534200 Printing & Binding 172 1 ,597 750 2,500 154-534300 Copy Services 1 ,313 2,322 1 ,360 TOT AL Operations Support 2,011 4,644 2,660 7,400 Staff Support 154-5351 00 Uniforms 474 75 200 1 54-535300 Memberships 1 ,007 1 ,351 1 , 1 00 2,100 154-535400 Publications 45 281 300 675 154-535500 TrainingfTravel 5,343 8,296 10,500 15,000 TOT AL Staff Support 6,395 10,402 11 ,975 17,975 22 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ------------------------- ------------------------- Professional Services 154-541100 Engineering Services 67,094 88,397 63,500 60,000 154-541300 Other Consul/Professional 69,519 16,866 154-54 1500 State/County Admin Fees 1 , 126 750 1 ,000 TOT AL Professional Services 136,613 1 06,389 64,250 61 ,000 Maintenance Services 154-551200 Vehicle Maintenance 325 154-551300 Computer Maintenance 57 154-551400 Minor Equipment 54 154-551800 Other Maintenance 79 83 TOT AL Maintenance Services 458 140 Rental-Lease 154-561200 Lease/Purchase 156 TOT AL Rental-Lease 156 Operatina Eauipment 154-571200 Office Equipment 1 ,600 154-571300 Computer/Peripherals 5,568 TOTAL Operating Equipment 5,568 1 ,600 Capitalized Equipment 154-581200 Motor Vehicle 1,592 154-581400 Communicating Equipment 126 102 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 1,718 102 23 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT NO. #155 FUNCTION: The Legal Department is responsible for legal transactions of the City of Schertz. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and serves as the legal advisor to the City Council and City operations. It is the duty and responsibility of the City Attorney to examine and approve or disapprove, as to form and legality, all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City has an interest. The City Attorney, through his law firm, represents the City of Schertz in areas of litigation, contract dispute and other civil matters. 24 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES LEGAL SERVICES -------------- -------------- Operations Support 1 55-5341 00 Advertising 10,411 12,854 12,500 12,500 TOT AL Operations Support 1 0,411 12,854 12,500 12,500 Professional Services 155-541200 Legal Services 159,346 243,896 135,000 135,000 TOT AL Professional Services 159,346 243,896 135,000 135,000 25 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:FACILITY MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT NO. #161 FUNCTION: This department1s main functions include, the maintenance, repairs and upkeep of all City facilities, custodial services and function set up for meeting, special events and building rentals. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Responsibilities include, maintaining 8 facilities totaling 73,500 sq. ft. consisting of 23,406 sq. ft. carpet, 27,310 tile floors, 103 offices, 44 rest rooms, 10 meeting rooms, 125 sinks, fountains etc., 38 air condition units, 3,641 light bulbs and ballasts, average of 59 meetings/events monthly and numerous maintenance projects and repairs. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Continuation of the above mentioned items. Improving the care and maintenance of the 8 facilities as well as other related responsibilities. 26 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES FACILITY MAINTENANCE -------------------- -------------------- Personnel Services 1 61-51111 0 Regular 90,722 111 , 1 95 129,771 144,588 1 61-511120 Overtime 6,229 8,405 5,900 3,000 1 61 -5111 80 LTD 181 213 338 415 161-51121 0 Longevity 3,960 4,728 5,376 6,096 1 61 -51131 0 FICA - Employer 7,245 8,776 10,367 11 ,296 1 61 -511 350 TMRS-Employer 7,297 8,586 9,694 1 0, 182 1 61-5114 1 0 Health-Employer 7,770 10,964 16,343 20,101 161 -511 500 Workers' Compensation 1 , 143 6,011 6, 165 TOTAL Personnel Services 124,547 152,867 183,800 201 ,843 Supplies 161-521000 Operating Supplies 14,921 16,304 16,300 16,300 161-521100 Office Supplies 498 653 700 700 161-521200 Medical Supplies 2,569 3,326 3,500 3,500 161-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 150 215 365 365 161-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,607 3,850 1 ,450 TOT AL Supplies 18,138 23,105 24,715 22,315 Utilitv Services 161-533200 Electricity 25,438 25,151 24,000 24,000 161-533300 Telephone 2,818 3,820 4,403 161-533410 Water Utility Service 2,363 2,770 3,300 3,300 1 61 -533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,628 2,862 3,800 3,800 TOTAL Utility Services 33,247 34,603 35,503 31 , 1 00 Operations Support 1 61 -534000 Postage 71 61 150 150 161-534200 Printing & Binding 12 127 100 100 TOTAL Operations Support 83 188 250 250 Staff Support 161-535100 Uniforms 1 ,224 2,521 2,500 2,500 1 61 -535300 Memberships 97 99 90 105 1 61 -535400 Publications 275 275 1 61-535500 TrainingfTravel 716 800 970 TOTAL Staff Support 1 ,321 3,336 3,665 3,850 27 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES FACILITY MAINTENANCE ------------------- ------------------- Maintenance Services 161 -5511 00 Building Maintenance 9,864 24, 198 40,000 45,000 161-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 183 783 800 800 161-551700 Ground Maintenance 262 1 ,539 3,000 161-551720 Landscaping 2,000 161-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 2,865 3,919 1 0,030 1 0,500 TOT AL Maintenance Services 13,174 30,439 50,830 61,300 Rental-Lease 1 61 -5611 00 Rental-Equipment 253 149 300 500 161-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 351 335 350 TOT AL Rental-Lease 604 484 650 500 Operatina Eauipment 161-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 2,258 3,650 161-571200 Office Equipment 3,600 161-571300 Computer & Peripherals 1 ,500 161-571500 Operating Equipment 2,976 4,000 1 ,990 TOT AL Operating Equipment 5,234 12,750 1 ,990 Capitalized Equipment 161-581200 Motor Vehicles 16,672 1 8,900 161-581400 Communications Equipment 1 ,607 900 161-581700 Other Improvements 68,530 1 ,329 161-581800 Other Equipment 10,643 11 ,700 1 7,000 161-581801 Maintenance Workshop 11 ,577 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 90,750 31,308 36,800 28 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:CITY SECRETARY DEPARTMENT NO. #164 FUNCTION: Record and transcribe all minutes for regular and special City Council meetings. Prepare all City Council packets. Post all City meeting agendas. Conduct elections. Maintain all City records. Notarize documents. Pick up and distribute all mail. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Cooperation and good communication with other departments resulting in completion of all tasks assigned. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Must be organized. Must deal with public, either on phone or in person in a tactful and diplomatic manner. Must always keep the best interest of the City in mind. 29 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY SECRETARY --------------- --------------- Personnel Services 1 64-51111 0 Regular 52,649 69,647 75,864 78,772 164-511120 Overtime 172 1 ,210 100 164-511180 LTD 105 138 190 223 1 64-51121 0 Longevity 2,496 2,772 3,408 3,684 1 64-51131 0 FICA - Employer 4,208 5,573 5,834 6,061 164-511350 TMRS-Employer 3,990 5,239 5,455 5,463 1 64-5114 1 0 Health-Employer 3,881 4,781 5,943 6,700 164-511500 Workers' Compensation 198 236 228 TOTAL Personnel Services 67,699 89,360 97,030 101,131 Supplies 164-521100 Office Supplies 5,351 5,335 5,000 5,000 164-521300 Motor Vehicle Supplies 261 409 TOTAL Supplies 5,612 5,744 5,000 5,000 City Support Services 164-532500 City Insurance 945 105 1 64-532700 Records Management 815 30,000 TOTAL City Support Services 1 ,760 30,000 105 Utilitv Services 1 64-533300 Telephone 1 ,238 911 100 TOT AL Utility Services 1 ,238 911 100 Operations Support 164-534000 Postage 341 204 250 500 1 64-534 1 00 Advertising 202 164-534200 Printing & Binding 717 2,092 2,000 2,000 164-534300 Copy Services 500 600 700 TOT AL Operations Support 1 ,760 2,896 2,950 2,500 Staff Support 164-5351 00 Uniforms 116 75 75 1 64-535300 Memberships 295 215 300 445 164-535400 Publications 319 192 325 325 164-535500 TrainingfTravel 1 ,617 1 ,751 3,000 2,500 TOT AL Staff Support 2,231 2,274 3,700 3,345 30 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY SECRETARY --------------- --------------- Maintenance Services 164-551800 Other Maint Agreement TOTAL Maintenance Services 5,042 5,042 5,372 5,372 7,500 7,500 Operatina Equipment 164-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 164-571300 Computer/Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment 350 929 929 2,840 2,840 350 31 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT NO. #256 FUNCTION: The department provides community based law enforcement committed to the prevention of crime, protection of life and property while remaining sensitive and impartial to the citizens they serve. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The patrol division will answer approximately 23,500 calls for service in year 2003 with an average response time of 4.00 minutes. Officers will generate another 7800 field generated calls. In fiscal year 2003/2004 this activity will increase another 12 to 15 % depending on the growth of community, and demand for police services will increase accordingly. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Due to increase in population and call volume and overall demand for services, the department's goal is to reduce crime by 20/0 overall and or to remain stable. Due to economic conditions, crime trends will fluctuate higher. Traffic congestion will increase, and our goal is to reduce alcohol and injury accidents by 150/0, through implementation of traffic unit and increased participation in S.T.E.P programs. 32 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES POLICE ------ ------ Personnel Services 256-51111 0 Regular 1,048,766 1 ,234,881 1 ,452,379 1,419,254 256-511120 Overtime 7,212 14,169 34,000 20,000 256-511180 LTD 2,140 2,540 3,620 4,024 256-511210 Longevity 30,912 34,404 37,500 42,660 256-511220 Clothing Allowance 32,980 46,608 56,000 61 ,000 256-511230 Certification Allowance 4,893 6,393 6,001 8,401 256-511310 FICA - Employer 85,033 99,182 111 ,785 109,538 256-511350 TMRS-Employer 78,894 92,095 103,654 97,243 256-511410 Health-Employer 76,004 101,449 142,623 154,107 256-511500 Workers' Compensation 9,428 42,459 36,947 TOT AL Personnel Services 1 ,376,262 1 ,631 ,721 1,990,021 1,953,174 Supplies 256-521000 Operating Supplies 10,344 10,344 11 ,000 13,000 256-521100 Office Supplies 4,289 4, 165 4,000 5,000 256-521200 Medical Supplies 86 2,400 2,500 256-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 8,109 500 500 256-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,000 1 ,000 TOT AL Supplies 22,828 14,509 19,900 22,000 Citv Support Services 256-532500 City Insurance-Commercial TOT AL City Support Services Utilitv Services 256-5331 00 Gas 704 302 400 256-533200 Electricity 1 9, 1 32 18,801 18,000 18,000 256-533300 Telephone 6,685 13,782 16,000 256-53341 0 Water Utility Service 3,573 4,842 3,600 3,600 256-533500 Vehicle Fuel 32,046 26,287 38,000 38,000 TOT AL Utility Services 62,140 64,014 76,000 59,600 Operations Support 256-534000 Postage 692 790 450 600 256-5341 00 Advertising 1 , 1 35 74 200 200 256-534200 Printing & Binding 2,428 1 ,084 1 ,500 1 ,500 TOT AL Operations Support 4,255 1 ,948 2, 150 2,300 33 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES POLICE ------ ------ Staff Support 256-535200 Annual Awards 165 200 200 256-535300 Memberships 656 476 600 600 256-535400 Publications 393 365 600 650 256-535500 Training/Travel 10,073 8,918 10,000 11 ,000 256-535500. T-Class Training 4,264 4,000 TOT AL Staff Support 11 ,287 9,759 15,664 16,450 Citv Assistance 256-537100 Medical Services 2,417 950 1 ,500 1 ,500 256-537500 Citizen's Police Academy 32 1 ,200 1 ,000 256-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 961 946 1 ,500 1,500 TOT AL City Assistance 3,41 0 1 ,896 4,200 4,000 Professional Services 256-541300 Other Consult/Prof Services 6, 179 5,954 9,500 256-541500 State/County Admin. Fee 6 TOT AL Professional Services 6, 179 5,960 9,500 Maintenance Services 256-5511 00 Building Maintenance 1 ,644 3,232 256-551312 Communications Equipment Maint. 539 4,265 256-551400 Powered Equipment Maintenance 1 ,471 3,002 3,000 3,000 256-551 800 Other Maintenance Agreement 2,389 11 ,395 13,000 13,000 TOT AL Maintenance Services 6,043 21 ,894 16,000 16,000 Rental-Lease 256-5611 00 Rental - Equipment 3, 1 06 2,590 4,600 4,600 256-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 2,639 2,802 2,300 2,600 TOT AL Rental-Lease 5,745 5,392 6,900 7,200 Operatina Eauipment 256-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 3,869 3,384 2,000 2,000 256-571300 Computer/ Peripherals 5,989 TOTAL Operating Equipment 3,869 9,373 2,000 2,000 34 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES POLICE ------ ------ Capitalized Eauipment 256-581200 Motor Vehicles 256-581200 Motor Vehicles-SR2003 256-581400 Communications Equipment 256-581200 Motor Vehicles-Reappropriate 256-581800 Other Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 79,528 100,000 50,000 35,000 3,889 5,528 11 ,800 1,500 57,519 18,212 1,639 5,000 5,000 101,629 7,167 209,319 56,500 35 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:FIRE DEPARTMENT NO. #257 FUNCTION: SCHERTZ FIRE & RESCUE is a full-spectrum life safety agency protecting more than 22,000 people. Schertz Fire & Rescue uniformed personnel give emphasis to all aspects of life safety. This includes fire prevention, firefighting, emergency medical care, technical rescue, hazardous materials mitigation, disaster response, and public education and community service. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: During the physical year 2002-2003 we conducted 25 demos, 20 lectures, and contacted 2500 people to deliver various fire safety, life saving and public education lessons. We conducted 203 fire safety inspections. During calendar year of 2002, the department responded to 1134 calls for service. Developed and Automatic Aid Response program in the Tri-County area to reduce response time to area residents to assure that search and rescue can be improved and increase the reduction of property loss. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Fire emergencies are down by 24 % from 2001 , which is directly related to fire prevention, our vigilant citizens, and new construction. We had an increase in our emergency medical response that is a direct relationship to the growth of the community. We are planning for future expansion of the fire department to reduce response times and travel distances to the northern parts of the city. This includes the location, size apparatus, and manpower for additional fire station. 36 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES FIRE ---- Personnel Services 257 -51111 0 Regular 557,761 672,394 795,272 870,230 257-511120 Overtime 17, 129 30,491 27,000 50,000 257-511180 LTD 1,113 1 ,348 2,007 2,523 257-511210 Longevity 12,804 13,920 13,860 14,316 257-511220 Clothing Allowance 24,339 37,581 257-511310 FICA - Employer 42,980 52,721 61 ,456 68,689 257-511350 TM RS-Employer 42,324 51 ,016 57,463 61 ,914 257-511410 Health-Employer 39,017 50,054 71 ,312 90,454 257-511500 Workers' Compensation 3,097 17,849 18,618 TOT AL Personnel Services 740,564 871 ,944 1,083,800 1 , 1 76,744 Supplies 257-521000 Operating Supplies 3,453 4,738 4,000 3,700 257-521100 Office Supplies 893 1 ,960 2,000 2,000 257 -521200 Medical Supplies 5,696 5,717 7,300 9,000 257-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 635 777 900 1 ,000 257-521600 Equip Maint Supplies (Minor) 1 ,845 1 ,864 2,500 1 ,500 TOT AL Supplies 12,522 15,056 16,700 17,200 City Support Services 257-532400 Computer Fees 740 257 -532800 Special Events 500 TOT AL City Support Services 500 Utilitv Services 257-533100 Gas 1 ,904 1 ,726 2,200 3,050 257 -533200 Electricity 14,537 10,525 12,000 16,000 257-533300 Telephone 2,278 2,570 1,111 257-533410 Water Utility Service 1 ,434 2,367 2,650 3,638 257-533500 Vehicle Fuel 5,487 5,573 12,000 8,500 TOTAL Utility Services 25,640 22,761 29,961 31 , 1 88 Operations Support 257-534000 Postage 56 169 300 300 257 -5341 00 Advertising 207 257 -534200 Printing & Binding 146 208 250 400 257-534300 Copy Services 1 ,850 1 , 188 1 ,700 2,000 TOT AL Operations Support 2,259 1 ,565 2,250 2,700 37 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES FIRE Staff Support 257 -535000 Uniforms 6,390 32, 193 29,503 257 -535200 Annual Awards 200 257-535300 Memberships 1 ,345 1 ,205 1 ,845 2,040 257 -535400 Publications 1 ,364 1 ,087 1 ,550 1,475 257 -535500 Trainingrrravel 7,464 22,849 22,000 13,960 257 -535600 Prof. Certs 430 315 720 840 TOT AL Staff Support 16,993 57,649 26,315 47,818 Citv Assistance 257 -537100 Medical Services 322 148 257 -537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 4,881 7,528 1 ,500 7,925 TOT AL City Assistance 5,203 7,676 1 ,500 7,925 Maintenance Services 257-551100 Building Maintenance 1 ,211 6, 117 257-551312 Communications Equip. Maint 781 503 257 -551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 313 2,352 3,350 3,500 257 -551800 Other maintenance agreement TOT AL Maintenance Services 1 ,094 2,855 3,350 3,500 Rental-Lease 257 -561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 1 ,987 2, 119 2,100 2,876 TOT AL Rental-Lease 1 ,987 2,119 2, 1 00 2,876 Operatinq Equipment 257-571000 F urn itu re/Fixtu re 351 500 257 -571300 Computer/ Peripherals 1 ,930 TOT AL Operating Equipment 2,281 500 Capitalized Equipment 257 -581200 Motor Vehicles 16,672 257-581300 Police/Fire/Medical Equipment 17,346 19,783 26,075 257 -581400 Communications Equipment 881 3,555 5,000 2,250 257 -581700 Other Improvements 2, 149 257 -581800 Other Equipment 10,490 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 18,227 40,010 31,075 14,889 38 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEP ARTM ENT: INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT NO. #258 FUNCTION: Enforces the building, residential, electrical, energy, gas, mechanical, plumbing and backflow and cross-connection codes adopted by the City through permits and inspections. Provides support and enforcement of the City1s Unified Development Code in cooperation with Planning and Zoning. Investigates and resolves complaints received by the public concerning alleged code violations. Conducts plan review of all proposed construction within the city limits. Assists the Health Official by issuing food establishment permits, while providing information necessary for the maintenance of sanitation within food environments. Assists the Public Works Director in conducting customer service inspections and maintaining records concerning backflow device in compliance with TNRCC rules and regulations. 39 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 1 01-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES INSPECTIONS ----------- ----------- Personnel Services 258-51111 0 Regular 99,753 135,557 161,502 194,298 258-511120 Overtime 1 ,994 664 2,000 2,000 258-511180 LTD 198 269 407 549 258-511210 Longevity 3,336 3,564 6,204 6,996 258-511310 FICA - Employer 7,663 10,092 12,473 14,942 258-511350 TM RS-Employer 7,576 9,958 11 ,663 13,468 258-511410 Health-Employer 7,848 12,780 17,828 23,451 258-511500 Workers' Compensation 282 1 ,350 1 ,477 TOTAL Personnel Services 128,650 172,884 213,427 257,181 Supplies 258-521 000 Operating Supplies 1 , 1 82 1 ,762 3,825 4,350 258-521100 Office Supplies 1 , 1 83 1 ,936 258-521200 Medical Supplies 500 258-521 600 Equip Maint Supplies 153 300 825 825 TOT AL Supplies 1 ,336 2,236 4,650 5,675 Utilitv Services 258-533300 Telephone 2,202 2,680 1 ,789 258-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1 ,835 1 ,315 2,300 2,400 TOTAL Utility Services 4,037 3,995 4,089 2,400 Operations Support 258-534000 Postage 1 ,581 1 ,829 2,000 2,000 258-5341 00 Advertising 671 500 500 258-534200 Printing & Binding 2,496 2,273 2,000 1 ,700 258-534300 Copy Services 1 , 1 50 973 TOT AL Operations Support 5,898 5,075 4,500 4,200 Staff Support 258-5351 00 Uniforms 990 2, 118 2,125 2,090 258-535300 Memberships 245 255 375 480 258-535400 Publications 1,981 1 ,377 2,950 2,150 258-535500 TrainingfTravel 1 ,252 2,232 4,200 5,410 258-535600 Prof. Certs 200 230 250 250 TOT AL Staff Support 4,668 6,212 9,900 10,380 City Assistance 258-537100 Medical Services 70 92 500 500 TOT AL City Assistance 70 92 500 500 40 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES INSPECTIONS ----------- ----------- Professional Services 258-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service TOTAL Professional Services 34,800 34,800 Maintenance Services 258-551321 Communications Equipment Maint. 258-551700 Lot Cleaning 258-551800 Other Maintenance TOTAL Maintenance Services 2,500 2,500 100 2,500 2,600 1 ,430 1 ,430 Rental-Lease 258-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental-Lease Operatinq Equipment 258-571000 Furniture/Fixtures TOTAL Operating Equipment Capitalized Equipment 258-581300 Computer/Peripherals 258-581400 Communications Equipment 258-581500 Building TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 500 500 41 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: STREETS DEPARTMENT NO. #359 FUNCTION: To provide a means for transportation between the home, work place, recreational facilities and commercial establishments. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Establishing and maintaining sufficient traffic control devises to inform the general public on the conditions of the requirements for the use and control of vehicular movement through out the city. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The division program consist of repairing and maintaining 120 miles of paved roadways and 7 miles of gravel roads. Other measurements consist of weekly chipping service, a City Sponsored clean up approximately six weeks a year, full time street sweeping, Traffic Sign Repair. 42 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURES STREETS ------- ------- Personnel Services 359-511110 Regular 188,923 207,616 217,210 174,069 359-511120 Overtime 8,024 9,276 8,000 6,000 359-5111 80 LTD 376 414 573 450 359-511210 Longevity 12,768 14, 184 13,548 4,896 359-511310 FICA - Employer 15,797 17, 179 17,549 13,595 359-511350 TMRS-Employer 15,093 16,551 16,409 12,254 359-511410 Health-Employer 16,997 21 , 1 03 26,742 23,451 359-511500 Workers' Compensation 3,076 19,546 15,967 TOTAL Personnel Services 261,054 286,323 319,577 250,682 Supplies 359-521000 Operating Supplies 4,063 7,113 2,000 2,500 359-521100 Office Supplies 1 ,467 461 800 800 359-521200 Medical Supplies 3, 1 03 2,701 5,000 2,000 359-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 375 851 700 700 359-521600 Equipment Maintenance 1 ,085 343 TOT AL Supplies 10,093 11 ,469 8,500 6,000 City Support Services 359-532500 City Insurance-Commercial TOT AL City Support Services Utilitv Services 359-5331 00 Gas 1 ,005 699 359-533200 Electricity 1 ,946 20,279 30,000 35,000 359-533300 Telephone 309 1 ,049 1 , 149 359-53341 0 Water Utility Service 660 4,338 900 900 359-533500 Vehicle Fuel 14,220 11 , 1 33 12,000 1 0,000 TOTAL Utility Services 18, 140 37,498 44,049 45,900 Operations Support 359-534000 Postage 48 359-534200 Printing & Binding 110 72 100 359-534300 Copy Services 250 250 250 250 TOTAL Operations Support 408 322 350 250 43 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURES STREETS ------- ------- Staff Support 359-535200 Annual Awards 73 359-5351 00 Uniforms 2,629 3,737 5,315 5,315 359-535300 Memberships 95 136 170 170 359-535500 Training/Travel 84 200 2,000 1 ,488 359-535600 Prof. Certs 1 ,000 500 TOTAL Staff Support 2,881 4,073 8,485 7,473 City Assistance 359-537100 Medical Services 296 TOT AL City Assistance 296 Professional Services 359-54 11 00 Engineering Services 1 0, 173 58,496 6,600 6,600 TOT AL Professional Services 1 0, 173 58,496 6,600 6,600 Maintenance Services 359-5511 00 Building Maintenance 428 1 ,000 359-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint. 2,000 359-551312 Communications Equipment Maint. 726 252 359-551610 Drain Channel Maintenance 16,624 18,575 359-551300 Computer Maintenance 124 359-551600 Street Maintenance 165,906 94,074 99,048 150,000 TOT AL Maintenance Services 183,256 113,453 99,048 153,000 Rental-Lease 359-5611 00 Rental Equipment 955 1,685 6,000 359-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 473 274 491 84 TOT AL Rental-Lease 1 ,428 1 ,959 6,491 84 Capitalized Equipment 359-581400 Communications Equipment 750 359-581800 Other Equipment 20,450 4,000 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 20,450 750 4,000 44 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: PARKS DEPARTMENT NO. #460 FUNCTION: The purpose of this department is to advance the parks, recreation and environmental efforts that enhance the quality of life of the citizens of the City of Schertz. 45 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PARKS & RECREATION EXPENDITURES PARKS ----- Personnel Services 460-51111 0 Regular 52,454 71 , 151 113,949 270,106 460-511120 Overtime 3,733 2,282 2,500 3,000 460-511180 LTD 104 143 285 435 460-511210 Longevity 1 ,320 1,752 2,460 6,012 460-511240 Vehicle Allowance 3,600 1,500 460-511310 FICA - Employer 4,226 5,606 8,740 20,625 460-511350 TMRS-Employer 4, 144 5,405 8, 172 10,871 460-511410 Health-Employer 5,828 7,809 11 ,885 16,751 460-511500 Workers' Compensation 411 2,270 5,595 TOTAL Personnel Services 72,220 94,148 153,861 334,895 Supplies 460-521000 Operating Supplies 3,267 4,903 4,550 10,000 460-5211 00 Office Supplies 669 894 1 ,000 1 ,000 460-521200 Medical Supplies 1 ,953 1 ,082 1,750 13,000 460-521400 Plumbing Supplies 255 1,093 1 ,000 2,000 460-521600 Equip Maint Supplies (Minor) 219 4,425 700 1 ,000 TOT AL Supplies 6,363 12,397 9,000 27,000 Utilitv Services 460-533200 Electricity 6,240 5,032 4,800 13,500 460-533300 Telephone 309 624 1 ,41 0 460-53341 0 Water Utility Service 2,678 9,056 9,900 12,900 460-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,402 2,254 2,500 3,000 TOT AL Utility Services 11,629 16,966 18,610 29,400 Operations Support 460-534000 Postage 66 91 100 100 460-534200 Printing & Binding 500 500 TOT AL Operations Support 66 91 600 600 Staff Support 460-5351 00 Uniforms 827 1,877 2,500 3,400 460-535200 Annual Awards 160 460-535300 Memberships 15 175 250 460-535500 TrainingfTravel 1 ,000 1 ,000 TOT AL Staff Support 827 2,052 3,675 4,650 46 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PARKS & RECREATION EXPENDITURES PARKS ----- City Assistance 460-537100 Medical Services 99 300 460-537200 Buff Val Youth Assoc Supr 12,541 1 0, 120 7,500 8,000 460-532800 Special Events 333 111 TOT AL City Assistance 12,973 10,231 7,800 8,000 Professional Services 460-5411 00 Engineering Services 358 1 ,000 TOT AL Professional Services 358 1 ,000 Maintenance Services 460-5511 00 Building Maintenance 444 447 1 ,200 6,000 460-551312 Communications Equipment Maint. 105 91 460-551400 Minor & Other Equip Main 4,592 7,500 460-551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 500 460-551600 Street Maintenance Materials 950 500 TOTAL Maintenance Services 549 538 6,742 14,500 Rental-Lease 460-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 1 ,023 1 ,300 500 TOT AL Rental-Lease 1 ,023 1 ,300 500 Operatina Eauipment 460-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 4,000 460-571200 Office Equipment 1 ,000 460-571300 Computer/ Peripherals 2,702 TOTAL Operating Equipment 2,702 4,000 1 ,000 Capitalized Eauipment 460-581400 Communications Equipment 400 1 ,500 460-581500 Building 43,351 25,000 460-581 800 Other Equipment 200 1 ,810 20,000 22,000 TOT AL Capitalized Equipment 200 45, 161 45,400 23,500 47 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEP ARTMENT:LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NO. #665 FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Public Library is to serve the community as a center of reliable information and provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to educate themselves continually. The Library assembles, preserves and makes available to all patrons in the service area, printed and other materials that will assist them in fields of knowledge and recreation. The library service area includes all residents within the state, with the primary area being Guadalupe County and the citizens of Schertz. 48 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 1 01-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED CULTURAL EXPENDITURES LIBRARY ------- ------- Personnel Services 665-511110 Regular 123,501 171 ,568 201 ,864 164,297 665-511120 Overtime 417 1 , 191 1 ,000 1 ,000 665-511180 LTD 203 285 412 404 665-511210 Longevity 5,988 6,732 7,296 3,768 665-51131 0 FICA - Employer 9,826 13, 199 15,447 12,426 665-511350 TMRS-Employer 9,069 12,029 14,443 9,913 665-51141 0 Health-Employer 7,770 13,245 17,828 20,101 665-511500 Workers' Compensation 559 674 479 TOTAL Personnel Services 157,333 218,249 258,964 212,388 Supplies 665-521000 Operating Supplies 1 ,649 1,076 1,800 2,000 665-521100 Office Supplies 4,525 5,355 6,000 6,000 TOT AL Supplies 6, 174 6,431 7,800 8,000 City Support Services 665-532800 Special Events 284 617 750 TOT AL City Support Services 284 617 750 Utilitv Services 665-533200 Electricity 7,833 6,531 7,500 7,500 665-533300 Telephone 4,828 3,800 387 665-5334 1 0 Water Utility Service 827 708 1 ,200 1 ,200 TOT AL Utility Services 13,488 11 ,039 9,087 8,700 Operations Support 665-534000 Postage 755 832 900 900 665-534200 Printing & Binding 1 , 1 90 2,839 1 ,000 2,000 TOT AL Operations Support 1 ,945 3,671 1 ,900 2,900 Staff Support 665-5351 00 Uniforms 357 350 440 665-535200 Annual Awards 79 66 300 300 665-535300 Memberships 307 329 400 350 665-535500 Trainingrrravel 1 ,743 439 1 ,500 1 , 150 TOT AL Staff Support 2,129 1 , 191 2,550 2,240 49 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED CULTURAL EXPENDITURES LIBRARY ------- ------- Maintenance Services 665-5511 00 Building Maintenance 3,321 13,894 665-551300 Computer Maint 4,500 4,000 4,400 5,000 665-551700 Ground Maintenance 150 665-551 800 Other Maint Agreement 1 ,664 1 ,645 1 ,700 1 ,800 TOTAL Maintenance Services 9,635 19,539 6,100 6,800 Operatinq Equipment 665-571 000 F urn itu res& Fixtu res 981 536 12,392 1 ,000 665-571300 Computer/Peripherals 5,000 665-571400 Library Materials 41 ,444 44,592 45,000 50,000 TOT AL Operating Equipment 42,425 45, 128 57,392 56,000 50 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT NO. #762 FUNCTION: To provide for animal control related education, programs and services to the community. Maintain standards as set forth by the Texas Department of Health as a rabies control center. Provide animal control services within Guadalupe County according to contractual agreements. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Implementation of control measures to reduce the outbreak of rabies at any level, and reduction of other animal diseases by 25 percent. Implement additional training for pet owners and increase adoption rates by 10 percent within the next fiscal year. To meet and exceed State Standards regarding training and education of all staff. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The animal control center is responsible first and foremost as a rabies control center. Secondary considerations are to training and education of citizens towards responsible pet ownership. This includes adoption procedures as well as responsible neutering, euthanasia and other related programs. 51 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED HEALTH EXPENDITURES ANIMAL CONTROL --------------- --------------- Personnel Services 762-51111 0 Regular 88,868 63,045 75,583 1 06,284 762-511120 Overtime 8,849 6,230 5,500 5,000 762-511180 LTD 140 126 189 302 762-511210 Longevity 120 120 480 600 762-511230 Certification Allowance 762-511310 FICA - Employer 7,206 5,004 5,774 8,223 762-511350 TM RS-Employer 6,847 4,953 5,399 7,412 762-511410 Health-Employer 6,318 7,020 8,914 16,751 762-511500 Workers' Compensation 463 1 ,568 2,074 TOTAL Personnel Services 118,811 86,498 1 03,407 146,646 Supplies 762-521000 Operating Supplies 7,385 4,817 8,000 8,000 762-521100 Office Supplies 1 ,795 1 ,265 1 ,927 1 ,500 762-521200 Medical Supplies 4,822 3,444 5,000 6,000 762-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 239 350 400 TOT AL Supplies 14,241 9,526 15,277 15,900 Utilitv Services 762-533200 Electricity 8,778 6,706 8,300 7,000 762-533300 Telephone 2,458 1,918 400 762-533410 Water Utility Service 777 1,872 2,000 2,500 762-533500 Vehicle Fuel 4,438 793 2,000 2,500 TOT AL Utility Services 16,451 11 ,289 12,700 12,000 Operations Support 762-534000 Postage 68 78 150 225 762-5341 00 Advertising 556 200 200 762-534200 Printing & Binding 1,524 730 1 ,900 2,000 762-534300 Copy Services 527 500 TOT AL Operations Support 2, 148 808 2,777 2,925 Staff Support 762-5351 00 Uniforms 1,835 1 ,64 1 2,000 2,000 762-535300 Memberships 102 164 370 400 762-535500 Trainingrrravel 1 ,898 1 ,083 1 ,500 1,750 762-535600 Professional Certification 450 TOT AL Staff Support 3,835 2,888 3,870 4,600 City Assistance 762-537100 Medical Services 5,710 5,984 11 ,320 12,000 TOT AL City Assistance 5,710 5,984 11 ,320 12,000 52 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED HEALTH EXPENDITURES ANIMAL CONTROL --------------- --------------- Professional Services 762-541300 Other Consl/Prof Service TOTAL Professional Services Maintenance Services 762-551100 Building Maintenance 762-551300 Computer Maintenance 762-551312 Communications Equipment Maint. 762-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint TOTAL Maintenance Services Rental-Lease 762-561100 Rental - Equipment 762-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental-Lease 271 271 44 44 100 100 150 150 Operatina Equipment 762-571000 Furniture & Fixtures TOTAL Operating Equipment 700 700 Capitalized Eauipment 762-581400 Communications Equipment 762-581800 Other Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 800 1 ,000 1 ,800 53 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT NO. #866 FUNCTION: Provides Recruiting, Hiring Process Management, Employee Orientation, Training, Employee/Labor Relations Facilitation and Personnel Policy development, Workers Compensation Administration, Benefits Administration, Organizational Departure and COBRA/HIPAA services for the entire city staff. Provides recommendations to City Manager on personnel issues. Provides assistance along with other city departments for city functions and projects as needed. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The Fire Trax Employee ID Card and tracking system will be a benefit for all employees as well as to our emergency services and inspections departments. With the increase in recruiting, the addition of medical PPO briefings, and files system revamping requirements, temporary help is needed this year. In addition new COBRA notification requirements and forms are on the horizon. 54 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES ------------------ ------------------ Personnel Services 866-511110 Regular 25,283 48,403 53,510 866-511120 Overtime 1 ,556 750 750 866-511180 LTD 48 119 148 866-511210 Longevity 120 360 600 866-51131 0 FICA - Employer 1 ,764 3,639 4,032 866-511350 TMRS-Employer 1 ,858 3,403 3,635 866-511410 Health-Employer 2,317 5,943 6,700 866-511500 Workers' Compensation 178,728 147 152 866-511 600 Unemployment Compensation 9,349 5,000 15,000 TOTAL Personnel Services 221 ,023 67,764 84,527 Supplies 866-521100 Office Supplies 709 600 800 TOT AL Supplies 709 600 800 Human Services 866-5311 00 Pre-employment Check 64 250 275 866-531200 Medical co-pay 275 1 ,500 2,500 866-531300 Employee Assistance 6, 190 6,732 7,271 866-531400 Tuition Reimbursement 3,552 15,000 1 0,000 TOTAL Human Services 1 0,081 23,482 20,046 Utilitv Services 866-533300 Telephone Services 875 TOT AL Utility Service 875 Operations Support 866-534000 Postage 322 600 600 866-5341 00 Advertising 14, 115 10,000 12,000 866-534200 Printing & Binding 380 600 2,300 866-534300 Copy Services 973 1 ,000 TOT AL Operations Support 15,790 12,200 14,900 Staff Support 866-5351 00 Uniforms 70 70 866-535300 Memberships 415 360 310 866-535500 Training/Travel 1 ,727 2,600 1 ,500 TOTAL Staff Support 2,142 3,030 1 ,880 City Assistance 866-537100 Medical Services 5,538 6,000 6,000 TOT AL City Assistance 5,538 6,000 6,000 55 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES ------------------ ------------------ Professional Services 866-541200 Management Recruit 866-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service TOTAL Professional Services 4,310 4,538 8,848 7,700 7,700 5,000 5,000 Maintenance Services 866-551400 Minor&Othr Equip Maintenance TOTAL Maintenance Services 87 87 Operatina Eauipment 866-571200 Office Equipment 866-571300 Computer/Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment 83 400 483 56 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEP ARTMENT:NONDEP ARTMENT AL DEPARTMENT NO. #167 FUNCTION: This account includes a number of expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function/department. Items in this account include audit cost, City insurance, appraisal district contract, and Medical services. Additionally this account contains provisions for contingency funds. 57 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL --------------- --------------- Supplies 167-521000 Operating Supplies 207 656 TOT AL Operating Supplies 207 656 City Support Services 167 -532200 County Appraisal District 63,450 65,000 167 -532500 City Ins-Com 1 ,014 38,717 71 ,000 75,000 1 67-532900 Contingencies 2,158 26, 123 25,000 25,000 TOT AL City Support Services 3,172 64,840 159,450 165,000 Utilitv Services 167 -533300 Telephone Service 5,603 4,260 TOT AL Utility Service 5,603 4,260 Operations Support 167 -534000 Postage (2,516) 1 ,970 167 -534 1 00 Advertising 695 167-534200 Printing and Binding 3,952 1 ,243 167 -534300 Copy Services 250 25,000 TOT AL Operations Support 2,131 3,463 25,000 Staff Support 167 -535500 Training & Travel 4,219 TOT AL Staff Support 4,219 City Assistance 167 -537100 Medical Services 88,040 112, 1 64 141 ,900 151,800 167 -537 400 Tax Increment Financing 10,000 10,000 TOT AL City Assistance 98,040 11 2, 1 64 151,900 151,800 Professional Services 167-541300 Other Consult/Prof 4,800 16,312 167-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 6,921 5,850 8,400 15,000 1 67-541 500 State/County & Admin Fees 6,000 6,000 167 -54 1600 Miscellaneous Bank Charges 1 ,960 2,000 TOT AL Professional Services 11 ,721 22,162 16,360 23,000 Capitalized Eauipment 167 -571300 Computer/Peripherals 20,365 10,000 TOT AL Capitalized Equipment 20,365 10,000 58 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT NO. #868 FUNCTION: The purpose of the Finance Department is to provide financial management assistance to the City Manager. To provide assistance to all departments with the budget, purchasing, accounts assistance to the payable and payroll, and ensure that year end transactions are completed for the annual audit. The department consists of the Director of Finance, Accounts Supervisor, and three Finance Clerks. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Exhibits the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively with all department heads, employees and vendors on all aspects of Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting. Provides timely and thorough reports and studies as required. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Weare currently working through changes in software and operating procedures. (New world System1s software to Incode), we are also operating under a IIpooled cash concept.1I Our Utility Department is now accepting Bank Drafting and will soon implement credit card processing. With the addition of two new employees and the re-assignment of responsibilities, training continues to be a high priority. 59 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FINANCE ------- ------- Personnel Services 868-51111 0 Regular 109,886 124,221 140,549 145,272 868-511120 Overtime 376 585 2,750 1 ,000 868-5111 80 LTD 219 247 342 398 868-511210 Longevity 240 720 1 ,200 1,320 868-511310 FICA - Employer 8,419 9,501 10,474 10,848 868-511350 TMRS-Employer 7,987 8,945 9,793 9,778 868-511410 Health-Employer 7,770 9,534 13,371 16,751 868-511500 Workers' Compensation 412 423 408 TOTAL Personnel Services 135,309 153,753 178,902 185,775 Supplies 868-521000 Operating Supplies 1 ,600 868-521100 Office Supplies 1 ,969 1 ,796 1 ,500 2,200 TOTAL Supplies 1,969 1 ,796 1 ,500 3,800 Utilitv Services 868-533300 Telephone 1,214 1 ,498 397 TOT AL Utility Service 1,214 1 ,498 397 Operations Support 868-534000 Postage 227 465 500 500 868-534200 Printing & Binding 96 588 1,750 1 ,500 868-534300 Copy Services 1 , 1 50 1 , 1 63 1 ,350 TOT AL Operations Support 1 ,473 2,216 3,600 2,000 Staff Support 868-5351 00 Uniforms 258 130 175 868-535300 Memberships 205 295 500 500 868-535400 Publications 149 100 100 868-535500 TrainingfTravel 3,748 3,862 4,500 5,000 868-535600 Prof. Certs 100 100 TOT AL Staff Support 4, 1 02 4,515 5,330 5,775 Professional Services 868-541300 Other Consl/Prof Services 470 500 TOTAL Professional Services 470 500 Maintenance Services 868-551 300 Computer Maintenance 3,582 2, 150 868-551 800 Other Maintenance Agreement 126 506 1 ,500 TOT AL Maintenance Services 126 4,088 3,650 60 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FINANCE ------- ------- Operatina Eauipment 868-571000 Furniture/Fixtures 868-571300 Computer/Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment Rental-Lease 868-561200 Lease/Purchase TOTAL Rental-Lease Operatina Equipment 868-571200 Office Equipment TOTAL Operating Equipment 61 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: FLEET SERVICE DEPARTMENT NO. #877 FUNCTION: The Primary function of the Fleet Service Division is to perform preventive maintenance and repair on all city owned vehicles and equipment. Before subcontracting any repair work to local auto repair facilities or dealerships, Fleet Service reviews each repair order and examines the vehicles and equipment to determine if necessary repairs can be completed in house. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This program of each department paying a percentage of the fixed cost has been a success. Adjustments under this new program to individual departments must consider part/contractual expenses in addition to the fixed cost. The addition to the full time mechanic has corrected the problem of delays and back log work to be completed. A true percentage rate has been accessed each department using the fleet service. 62 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 101-GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FLEET SERVICE ------------- ------------- Personnel Services 877-511110 Regular 47,400 52,744 53,889 877-511120 Overtime 623 1 ,000 1 ,000 877-511180 LTD 140 133 154 877-511210 Longevity 1 ,320 1 ,704 1 ,968 877-511310 FICA - Employer 3,857 4,075 4, 179 877-511350 TMRS-Employer 3,627 3,811 3,767 877-511410 Health-Employer 4,781 5,943 6,700 877-511500 Workers' Compensation 1 ,901 1 ,722 TOTAL Personnel Services 61 ,748 71 ,311 73,379 Supplies 877-521000 Operating Supplies 2,623 3,500 3,500 877-521100 Office Supplies 275 500 500 877 -521200 Medical Supplies 1 ,630 3,000 3,000 877-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 40,750 51,250 51 ,250 877-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 885 1 , 1 00 1 , 1 00 TOTAL Supplies 46,163 59,350 59,350 City Support Services 877 -532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 450 450 TOT AL City Support Services 450 450 Utilitv Services 877 -533300 Telephone 38 450 877 -53341 0 Water Utility Service 625 877 -533500 Vehicle Fuel 558 600 1 ,000 TOTAL Utility Services 596 1 ,675 1 ,000 Operations Support 877-534000 Postage 25 125 877-534200 Printing & Binding 305 300 TOT AL Operations Support 25 430 300 Staff Support 877 -5351 00 Uniforms 1 ,101 1 ,000 1 ,000 877 -535200 Annual Awards 100 877 -535300 Memberships 100 877 -535500 Training/Travel 552 TOT AL Staff Support 1 ,101 1 , 1 00 1,652 63 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FLEET SERVICE ------------- ------------- Maintenance Services 877 -551100 Building Maintenance 877 -551300 Computer Maintenance 877-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 877 -551800 Other Maint Agreement TOTAL Maintenance Services 6,434 4,056 10,490 750 500 320 400 12,500 12,500 12,820 14, 150 200 200 491 78 691 278 Rental-Lease 877 -561100 Rental-Equipment 877-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental-Lease (62) (62) Capitalized Equipment 877-581800 Other Equipment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 64 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:PATIENT ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT NO. #949 FUNCTION: The Patient Assistance program is an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Schertz and Guadalupe Valley Hospital. The hospital agrees to provide prescription medication free of charge or at a low cost to citizens of Schertz who qualify for assistance under established guidelines. The Hospital agrees to maintain a part-time intake and information office in Schertz. Prescriptions will be filled and otherwise administered at the Hospital1s Seguin facility. The City agrees to pay the hospital an agreed upon amount on final execution of this Agreement. The Hospital agrees to provide written reports to the City and to provide the City with the complete budget for the Hospital1s drug program. 65 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 101-GENERAL FUND 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED MISC. EXPENDITURES PATIENT ASSISTANCE ------------------- ------------------- City Assistance 949-537300 Patient Assistance TOTAL City Assistance 1,358 1 ,358 6,463 6,463 11 ,000 11 ,000 11 ,000 11 ,000 *** END OF REPORT*** 66 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY TAX I & S FUND #505 FUNCTION: This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for and the payment of principal, interest and related costs on general long-term debt of the City. The I & S portion of the property taxes are directly deposited by the County Assessor1s Office into this fund. 67 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 CURRENT CITY COUNCIL 50S-TAX 1& S ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 190,890 578,106 738,227 971 ,501 Fund Transfers 7,569 10,000 200,000 Miscellaneous 7,569 10,000 3,800 TOTAL REVENUES 190,890 593,244 758,227 1 ,175,301 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 65,761 765,953 741,225 1,174,672 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 65,761 765,953 741,225 1,174,672 68 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2003-2004 CITY COUNCIL 505-TAX 1& S ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-411900 Property Tax Revenue 190,890 578,106 738,227 971 ,501 TOTAL Taxes 190,890 578,106 738,227 971 ,501 Fund Transfers 000-486000 Transfer From Fund Balance 551,720 200,000 TOT AL Fund Transfers 551,720 200,000 Miscellaneous 000-490010 Transfer In From F/Balance 000-491000 Interest Earned 300 000-491200 Investment Earnings 7,569 3,500 000-496000 T.I.F. Payment 10,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 7,569 10,000 3,800 69 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 505-TAX 1& S ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL ----------------- ----------------- Professional Services 101-541500 Paying Agent 2,313 3,713 3,000 3,000 TOT AL Professional Services 2,313 3,713 3,000 3,000 Maintenance Service 101-225600 Schertz G 0 SR92 53,730 52,380 75,980 73,080 101-225602 Schertz G 0 RefndBnd SR95 9,718 74,834 48,199 46,104 101-225612 Schertz C 0 SR2001 345,020 347,220 343,970 101-225618 Mud #2 Rev RefndBnd SR99 126, 131 125,487 101-225620 Tax Notes SR2001 163,875 141,339 141,345 1 01-225622 Schertz C 0 SR 2003 567,173 TOT AL Maintenance Service 63,448 762,240 738,225 1,171,672 *** END OF REPORT *** 70 LU o s ffi CI) ~ ffi Q -J ~ e ~ - - - -.--- _. - - - I---- I 1---. f----- - I I I---- I - I I-- I c----- I f--- - - - - - - - - - I - [ f--- c-- f----- I-- : ! 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CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 3,698,421 5,203,588 7,058,432 7,777,282 Fund Transfers 1 ,569,514 Miscellaneous 131,064 172,667 135,300 124,800 TOTAL REVENUES 3,829,485 5,376,255 8,763,246 7,902,082 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 1,197,329 BUSINESS OFFICE 223,080 281,832 343,620 352,944 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 223,080 281,832 1 ,540,949 352,944 PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2,491 ,571 4,504,151 8,921,330 7,503,210 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 2,491 ,571 4,504,151 8,921,330 7,503,210 74 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-455200 Garbage Collection Fee 112,642 1 ,293,470 1 ,436,737 1 ,650,307 000-455210 Drainage Fee 000-455300 Reconnection Fee 1 ,235 6,803 7,200 7,200 000-455500 Water & Sewer Transfer Fee 900 1 ,000 000-455700 Recycle Fee Revenue 53,723 105,000 000-455800 W&S Line Constructn Reimburse 33,544 18,075 25,750 25,750 000-457100 Sale of Water 2,237,708 2,610,325 3,848,846 4,389,710 000-457110 Edwards Water Lease 112,540 85,000 000-457200 Sale of Meters 13,991 13,942 20,600 23,000 000-457300 Service Charges 45 25 3,990 3,990 000-457400 Sewer Charges 1 ,222,889 1,163,764 1,419,512 1 ,380,382 000-457500 Water Penalties 76,367 97,184 1 01 , 145 80,943 000-486204 Drainage Billing 120/0 25,000 000-457600 Utility Drain Fee 27,489 TOT AL Fees 3,698,421 5,203,588 7,058,432 7,777,282 Fund Transfers 000-483000 Fund Transfers-Water&Sewer 1,569,514 TOTAL Fund Transfers 1 ,569,514 REVENUES Miscellaneous 000-490000 Misc Charges 5,445 6,399 20,800 20,800 000-491000 Interest Earned 31,303 5,527 10,000 5,000 000-491200 Investment Income 85,053 155,364 80,000 80,000 000-497000 Miscellaneous Income-W &S 7,000 7,000 000-498200 W&S Project Reimbursement 9,263 5,377 1 7,500 12,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 131,064 172,667 135,300 124,800 75 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT:WATERANASTEWATER DEPARTMENT NO. #575 FUNCTION: The W ater/W astewater Division is responsible for providing the City of Schertz customers safe, potable drinking water to include adequate fire protection as well as maintain a safe sanitary sewer collection system. It is also bound by state and federal laws, local ordinances, and the city charter to keep the public water and wastewater systems maintained in a satisfactory condition. The division plans, designs and coordinates all future water/wastewater mains and services, sewer lift stations, water production facilities, and storage plants. Produces and maintains reports to document activities as required by the State Health Department, TCEQ and the City of Schertz. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Gallons Pumped: 1 ,092,426,000 Gallons available for Distribution: 964,968,900. Avg Active wastewater: 7,370. Service Calls: 505 Blanket Work Orders:56 Meters: 340 new Service Taps: 15 PROGRAM COMMENTS: Two additional personnel were added maintain the same level of service without creating more overtime hours. 76 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 202-WATER & SEWER GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED NONDEPARTMENTAL ----------------- ----------------- Operations Support 101-534100 Advertising TOTAL Operations Support Professional Services 101-541100 Engineering TOTAL Professional Services 13,487 13,487 Maintenance Services 101-551900 Construction TOTAL Maintenance Services Capitalized Eauipment 101-581600 Mains&Valves TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 1,183,842 1,183,842 77 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES W & S ADMINISTRATION ------------------- ------------------- Personnel Services 575-51111 0 Regular 512,864 577,964 626,346 506,526 575-511120 Overtime 9,197 8,474 12,000 1 0,000 575-511180 LTD 1 ,013 1 ,579 1 ,587 1 ,444 575-511210 Longevity 19,752 21,924 20,952 1 5,648 575-511230 Certification Allowance 2,089 2,631 1 ,906 2,700 575-511240 Vehicle Allowance 3,900 4,500 575-511310 FICA - Employer 40,655 45,274 48,534 39,313 575-511350 TMRS-Employer 38,716 43,227 45,381 35,435 575-511410 Health-Employer 42,499 54,719 69,131 63,653 575-511500 Workers' Compensation 4,006 17,281 21,230 14,800 575-511600 Unemployment Compensation 5,000 TOTAL Personnel Services 670,791 776,973 856,567 689,519 Supplies 575-521000 Operating Supplies 8,122 8,855 9,904 9,500 575-521100 Office Supplies 6,695 7,124 6,200 6,000 575-521200 Medical Supplies 7,979 7,434 7,300 5,000 575-521400 Plumbing Supplies 31,689 51 ,245 51,860 50,000 575-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 5,074 3,659 1 ,000 500 TOTAL Supplies 59,559 78,317 76,264 71 ,000 Citv Support Services 575-532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 38,000 15,000 575-532410 Computer Consulting 13,600 7,000 575-532500 City Insurance - Comm. 14,721 11 ,891 16,700 20,000 575-532700 Records Managemnt Service 2,000 575-532900 Contingencies (749,781) 12 79,570 80,000 TOTAL City Support Services (735,060) 11 ,903 147,870 124,000 Utilitv Services 575-533200 Electricity 135,699 127,808 139,000 139,000 575-533300 Telephone 10,867 10,564 12,769 12,769 575-533400 Water Purchase 344,824 192,559 820,534 1 ,009,275 575-53341 0 Water Utility Service 794 953 1 ,700 1,700 575-533500 Vehicle Fuel 15,762 11 ,082 17,400 25,000 TOTAL Utility Services 507,946 342,966 991,403 1 , 1 87,744 78 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES Operations Support 575-534000 Postage 5,016 7,220 6,500 6,500 575-534100 Advertising 2,917 494 1 ,740 1 ,740 575-534200 Printing & Binding 2,375 2,333 2,750 2,000 575-534300 Copy Services 952 977 945 945 TOT AL Operations Support 11 ,260 11 ,024 11 ,935 11 , 1 85 Staff Support 575-535000 Rental-Building & Land 285 1 ,669 2,800 16,000 575-535100 Uniforms 5,026 8,460 9,455 1 0,000 575-535200 Annual Awards 427 317 450 450 575-535300 Memberships 2,969 3,244 3,021 3,021 575-535400 Publications 177 292 490 400 575-535500 TrainingfTravel 5,696 5,261 6,541 6,000 575-535600 Prof. Certs 1 ,500 TOT AL Staff Support 14,580 19,243 24,257 35,871 City Assistance 575-537100 Medical Services 614 166 2,775 3,000 TOT AL City Assistance 614 166 2,775 3,000 Professional Services 575-541100 Engineering Services 13,799 14,007 48,000 48,000 575-541100 Engineering Svc-Water Tnk Res 575-541200 Legal Services 39,351 39,964 31 ,000 20,000 575-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 23,783 29,158 24,564 24,564 575-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service 7,211 5,350 8,000 12,000 TOTAL Professional Services 84,144 88,479 111 ,564 104,564 Fund Charaes 575-548600 Inter Fund Charges -Admin 372,914 553,729 548,834 548,834 TOTAL Fund Charges 372,914 553,729 548,834 548,834 79 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 202-WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Maintenance Services 575-5511 00 Building Maintenance 2,508 7,497 4,250 4,250 575-551300 Computer Maint 4,640 4,039 1 0,000 1 0,000 575-551312 Communications Equip. Maintenanl 1 , 150 63 575-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 247 5,355 2,400 2,400 575-551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 5,484 21,344 22,000 25,000 575-551510 Payable to Waste Contractor 1 ,264,509 1,288,950 1,402,761 575-551520 Sewer Treatment - CCMA/MUD 1,281,454 937,598 972,206 1,000,000 575-551600 Street Maint Materials 2,009 3,773 5,500 5,500 575-551610 Debt Service 200,253 286, 142 2,238,581 2,265,382 575-551720 Low Flow Rebate Program 3,550 3, 1 00 3,000 3,000 575-551721 Software Charge 660 575-551722 Mud 1 Water Treatment 83,332 575-551740 Rebate UB Customer 3,000 575-551800 Other Maint Agreement 4,500 4,500 TOT AL Maintenance Services 1 ,501 ,295 2,617,412 4,551 ,387 4,725,793 Rental-Lease 575-561100 Rental - Equipment 1 ,357 414 1 ,500 1 ,500 575-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 2,171 3,525 2,680 200 TOT AL Rental -Lease 3,528 3,939 4, 180 1 ,700 Capitalized Equipment 575-581200 Motor Vehicles 84,375 575-581400 Communications Equipment 59, 115 575-581500 Building 675,000 575-581600 Water Tank Restoration 276,654 575-581700 Other Improvements 443,000 575-581800 Other Equipment 56, 150 TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 1,594,294 *** END OF REPORT*** 80 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: BUSINESS OFFICE DEPARTMENT NO. #176 FUNCTION: The department includes an office manager, utility billing clerk, senior cash collection clerk, utility cash collection clerk receptionist/cash collection clerk and a solid waste coordinator. Our activities have grown to include customer service and problem resolution, utility payment posting, permit issuance, payment collections, various payment postings for several departments, on going dissemination of information and directions, new water account setup, turnoffs, and transfers. Prepares & mails water bills. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Office Personnel provide friendly and efficient service for all customers, and to solve complaints in a timely manner. Receive payments from customers and other departments that are posted within the same day. Utility Billing has been added to the Business Office this year and the billing goes out approximately 13 days prior to the due date. PROGRAM COMMENTS: We have added 4 scanners for payment posting which is faster and more accurate. Bank Drafting is available for customer convenience. New water bill format which provides a consumption graph and privacy to customer account information. Continuing with staff training on software applications to remain current with program. 81 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BUSINESS OFFICE --------------- --------------- Personnel Services 176-51111 0 Regular 122,320 145,640 200,898 208,640 176-511120 Overtime 2,831 3,531 3,000 4,000 176-511180 LTD 243 286 513 604 176-511210 Longevity 4,824 5,364 9,960 11 ,232 176-511230 Certification Allowance 176-511310 FICA - Employer 9,542 11 ,538 15,719 16,455 176-511350 TMRS-Employer 9,338 10,937 14,697 14,832 176-5114 1 0 Health-Employer 10,623 14,373 23,771 26,801 176-511500 Workers' Compensation 466 636 619 TOTAL Personnel Services 160,187 191 ,669 269,194 283, 184 Supplies 176-521000 Operating Supplies 33 336 1 ,500 1 ,000 176-521100 Office Supplies 2,499 3,288 4,700 3,500 TOT AL Supplies 2,532 3,624 6,200 4,500 Citv Support Services 176-532200 County Appraisal 52,408 38,792 176-532500 City Insurance - Commercial 10 TOT AL City Support Services 52,408 38,792 10 Utilitv Services 176-533300 Telephone 1 ,719 1 , 144 383 TOT AL Utility Services 1 ,719 1 , 1 44 383 Operations Support 176-534000 Postage 17, 1 93 24,447 40,000 40,000 176-5341 00 Advertising 109 176-534200 Printing & Binding 2,438 13, 161 1 ,465 20,000 176-534300 Copy Services 150 650 1 ,000 TOT AL Operations Support 2,697 38,258 42,465 60,000 Staff Support 176-535100 Uniforms 464 288 250 176-535500 TrainingfTravel 896 2,076 1,750 5,000 TOT AL Staff Support 896 2,540 2,038 5,250 82 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES BUSINESS OFFICE --------------- --------------- Professional Services 176-541500 State/County Admin. Fee 1,874 2,205 2,500 TOT AL Professional Services 1,874 2,205 2,500 Maintenance Services 176-551800 Other Maintenance Agreements 79 2,100 2,850 TOT AL Maintenance Services 79 2, 1 00 2,850 Rental-Lease 176-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 688 17,340 TOT AL Rental-Lease 688 17,340 Qperatina Eauipment 176-571300 Computer & Peripherals 128 650 176-581400 Communications Equipment 289 TOT AL Operating Equipment 417 650 Capitalized Eauipment 176-571000 F urn itu re/Fixtu res 13 176-571200 Office Equipment 1 ,070 TOT AL Capital Outlay 1 ,083 83 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:EMS DEPARTMENT NO. #280 FUNCTION: Schertz EMS has provided Emergency Medical Services to Schertz and the surrounding area for over 29 years. This includes responding to 911 calls and taking the sick and injured to local hospitals as well as providing much needed professional and community education to provide early recognition, activation, and treatment and transport of the ill and injured and to enable our community, to be safer and to prevent serious injury and illness. In addition to these duties, the nature of the times in which we live have also added additional responsibilities to plan, prepare, and respond to terroristic activity, always being ready to handle all types of incidents including those involving public health threats through the use of weapons of mass destruction. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Measurement of our EMS activities is a multi-pronged effort. First, and most important to our survival is our ability to collect the monies owed to us for services rendered. This has always been a difficult measure to make but with better internal controls and operating procedures, we should further improve these efforts. After contractual write-offs, our goal is to obtain collections in excess of 650/0. The second piece is how our customers measure us, response times. How quickly we respond when summoned is vital to the perception our customers have of our efforts. As we look to next year, we will again make efforts to reduce this by geographically distributing our third unit closer to our customers. The third measurement we will use is the actual number of transports. We anticipate an approximate 80/0 increase in these numbers due to local growth and expansion. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Revenue collection continues to be our number one challenge. Although we provide a high level of customer service, we also desire to be compensated for the services we provide. This is where our primary focus will lie in this budget year. In addition continued efforts to improve clinical care will continue to be a top focus throughout this fiscal year. 84 JJ CD < oooo\] ::J s: " (1) m :D ~ CD CD r-+ CD <. ~ >< CD en CD CD en ~ ("') C I en ('") 0 C- < CD ::J C (1) en :::s CD ~. CD CD en -I Qo ::J -I Q.. ::J tn 0 s: C. 0 ('") c: .... .... d-. Q) p.) Q) 0 Qo -- CD ::J fIII+ :J ,...... Ol tn CD C :::J m ~ ., . . :::J CD >< (") 00 CD UJ -C In . . CD ~ C. -- .-I- -0- -0- c:: ...... ...... b1 c" -t ...... 01 CD ~ ~ c" '-- 0 01 01 ...... (J1 ~ I m 3: en CJ) :E w fn CD ~ c: CD > G) a::: CJ)~ <D 0 <DO> u..LO ro c o I .- ~ '-00 <D .- LO C~('I) .C :J J (J) :J OC~ CJ)~<o ~ (J) 0:: U) CD L.. ~ ... -- -C c:: CD >< W Q) C 0 Cd' 00) ~CO (J) a.. Q) ~ (.) C en (tJ ~ Q) C 0 UQ)<X> -2: C -r- Q) .- U)~ CJ) Q) .- 0 a.~ c. (0 ::J (f) CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 203-EMS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 952,104 1,624,749 1 ,019,557 979,200 I nter-J u risdictional 399,638 501 ,660 568,500 575,314 Miscellaneous 3,779 4,212 43,900 100,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1 ,355,521 2,130,621 1,631,957 1 ,654,514 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PUBLIC SAFETY SCHERTZ EMS 984,458 1,261,000 1 ,825,001 1 ,514,655 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 984,458 1,261,000 1,825,001 1,514,655 87 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 203-EMS 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-4561 00 Ambulance/Mileage Trnsprt Fee 831,412 1 ,480,521 1,019,517 979,200 000-4561 00 Mileage Fee 120,692 144,228 000-459200 NSF Check Fee 40 TOT AL Fees 952,104 1,624,749 1,019,557 979,200 I nter-J u risdictional 000-473500 Seguin/Guadalupe Co Support 117,992 175,800 185,500 162,550 000-473600 Comal Co Support 8,000 17,592 28,800 33,700 000-474300 Cibolo Support 1 5,336 18,21 0 20,031 27,720 000-475100 Garden Ridge Support 11 ,928 11 ,292 12,421 13,794 000-475200 Live Oak Support 56,931 54,936 60,430 60,430 000-475300 Universal City Support 82,360 89,094 98,003 99,000 000-475400 Selma Support 3,238 4,728 5,201 13,200 000-475500 Schertz Support 88,040 11 2, 1 64 14 1 ,900 151,800 000-475600 Santa Clara Support 5,867 5,867 000-475700 St. Hedwig Support 10,224 11 ,250 3,094 000-475800 Marion Support 5,589 6,594 7,253 7,253 TOTAL Inter-Jurisdictional 399,638 501,660 568,500 575,314 Fund Transfers 000-48301 0 Fund Transfer-Software 25,000 000-483012 Fund Transfer-Heart AED 25,000 000-483014 Fund Transfers-Radios 3,000 000-483016 Fund Transfers-Ambulance 260,000 TOTAL Fund Transfers 313,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 I nterest Earned 2,421 575 735 000-491200 Investment Earnings 85 000-493203 Donations-EMS 165 000-497000 Misc Income 1,358 3,552 43,000 100,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 3,779 4,212 43,900 100,000 88 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 203-EMS 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES SCHERTZ EMS ----------- ----------- Personnel Services 280-51111 0 Regular 536,777 541,098 701,721 751,938 280-511120 Overtime 48,098 188,019 105,000 20,000 280-511180 LTD 1 ,022 1 ,300 2,014 2,022 280-511210 Longevity 3,840 5,736 7,788 9,900 280-511220 Clothing Allowance 5,676 22,852 26,000 280-511230 Certification Allowance 30,154 33,727 29,701 42,000 280-511310 FICA - Employer 46,461 56,734 61 ,682 60,552 280-511350 TM RS-Employer 40,193 52,267 47,623 50,936 280-51141 0 Health-Employer 37,561 49,474 62,398 73,704 280-511500 Workers' Compensation 5,444 24,937 25,103 27, 1 93 280-511600 Unemployment Compensation 2,500 TOTAL Personnel Services 755,226 976, 144 1,071,530 1 ,038,245 Suoolies 280-521000 Operating Supplies 3,824 6,527 6,000 6,500 280-521100 Office Supplies 2,961 3,469 4,000 4,000 280-521200 Medical Supplies 58,759 59,871 104,000 81 ,000 280-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 704 893 1 ,500 1,500 280-521400 Plumbing Supplies 280-521500 Cleaning Supplies 280-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 382 445 2,000 2,000 TOTAL Supplies 66,630 71 ,205 117,500 95,000 City Suooort Services 280-532500 City-I nsu rance-Com m 18,049 15,959 22,850 25,000 TOT AL City Support Services 18,049 15,959 22,850 25,000 Utilitv Services 280-5331 00 Gas 2,547 1 ,412 2,300 2,300 280-533200 Electricity 14,661 9,188 9,000 9, 1 00 280-533300 Telephone 7,677 7,759 9,200 7,000 280-5334 1 0 Water Utility Service 1 ,519 1 ,344 2,200 2,310 280-533500 Vehicle Fuel 14,707 10,744 14,000 16,000 TOT AL Utility Services 41,111 30,447 36,700 36,710 89 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 203-EMS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES Operations Support 280-534000 Postage 276 549 2,313 2,000 280-5341 00 Advertising 1 ,050 1 ,213 1 ,500 1 ,200 280-534200 Printing & Binding 594 2,801 3,200 1 ,500 TOT AL Operations Support 1 ,920 4,563 7,013 4,700 Staff Support 280-5351 00 Uniforms 1 5,000 280-535200 Annual Awards 1 ,000 1 ,000 280-535300 Memberships 50 1 ,253 1 ,800 1 ,800 280-535400 Publications 170 200 400 400 280-535500 Trainingrrravel 857 23,945 28,000 25,000 280-535600 Prof. Certs 650 4,406 1 6,000 16,000 TOT AL Staff Support 1 ,727 29,804 47,200 59,200 City Assistance 280-537100 Medical Services 1 ,289 4,000 8,000 280-537200 Medicine 12,000 18,000 280-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 90 4, 144 7,000 7,000 TOT AL City Assistance 13,379 22,144 11 ,000 15,000 Professional Services 280-541200 Legal Services 9,775 1,699 2,000 2,000 280-541300 Other Consl/Prof Service 30,448 55,025 43,000 42,000 280-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 1,680 1,800 2,000 TOT AL Professional Services 40,223 58,404 46,800 46,000 Fund Charaes 280-548600 Inter-Fund Charge - Admin 11,806 18,328 25,000 25,000 TOTAL Fund Charges 11 ,806 18,328 25,000 25,000 Maintenance Services 280-5511 00 Building Maintenance 1 ,808 5,753 4,800 5,500 280-551200 Motor Vehicle Fleet 11 ,483 9,939 9,200 9,200 280-551312 Communicatns Equipment Maint. 5,624 3,226 280-551 800 Other Maintenance Agreement 9,312 7,370 7,000 15,500 TOT AL Maintenance Services 28,227 26,288 21 ,000 30,200 90 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 203-EMS 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES Rental-Lease 280-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments TOTAL Rental Lease 6,034 6,034 7,714 8,000 12,000 7,714 8,000 12,000 11 ,000 24,600 11 ,000 24,600 106,408 26,000 260,000 65,000 25,000 6,250 5,000 5,000 3,000 750 399,408 103,000 Operatina Eauipment 280-571300 Computer & Peripherals TOTAL Operating Equipment Capitalized Eauipment 280-581000 Other Equipment 280-581200 Motor Vehicles 280-581300 PD/Fire/Med Equip 280-581400 Communications Equipment 280-581400 Communicatns Equip TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 126 126 ***END OF REPORT*** 91 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT NO. #579 FUNCTION: Provide a system for storm water drainage and removal. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Insure water quality by providing safe, potable drinking water. Inspects all new utilities to ensure that all construction meets all State, Federal, and Local Ordinances. This division oversees that all Flood Management measures are taken to ensure the safety of the citizens of Schertz. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The division program consists of repairing, maintaining and mowing 255 acres of drainage ditches, 15 acres of alleys, and 175 acres of Right of Ways and taking 300 water samples a year. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Priority will be identifying and quantifying the different watersheds in Schertz. Purchase GIS Software and initiating foot print for implementing procedures to conform to federal Regulations. 92 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 204-DRAINAGE 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 214,000 TOTAL REVENUES 214,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT DRAINAGE TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 212,117 212,117 93 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 204-DRAINAGE REVENUES 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Fees 000-457600 Drainage Fee (LUES) TOTAL Fees 214,000 214,000 94 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 204-DRAINAGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Personnel Services 579-51111 0 Regular 579-511120 Overtime 579-511180 L TD 579-51121 0 Longevity 579-511310 FICA - Employer 579-511350 TMRS-Employer 579-511410 Health-Employer 579-511500 Workers' Compensation 579-511600 Unemployment Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services 109,500 4,000 316 3,516 8,601 7,752 13,401 4,920 152,006 Supplies 579-521000 Operating Supplies 579-521100 Office Supplies 579-521200 Medical Supplies 579-521300 Motor Vehicle Supplies 579-521600 Equip Maint Supplies TOTAL Supplies 1 ,000 200 2,500 500 400 4,600 Uti I itv Se rvices 579-533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services 5,000 5,000 Staff Support 579-535100 Uniforms 579-535300 Memberships 579-535500 TrainingfTravel 579-535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Support 1 ,600 170 1 ,000 200 2,970 City Assistance 579-537100 Medical Services TOTAL City Assistance Professional Services 579-5411 00 Engineering Services 579-541200 Legal Services 579-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv TOTAL Professional Services 1 5,000 500 15,500 95 204-DRAINAGE C~N~~ALCOV~n~M~~T EXPENDITURES Fund CharQes 579-548600 Inter-Fund Charge - Admin TOTAL Fund Charges Maintenance Services 579-551300 Computer Maintenance TOTAL Maintenance Services Rental-Lease 579-561100 Rental Equipment TOTAL Rental Lease CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED 28,541 28,541 2,000 2,000 1 ,500 1 ,500 ***END OF REPORT*** 96 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT: CAPITAL RECOVERY DEPARTMENT NO. #411 FUNCTION: The Capital Recovery program is designed to support future growth of population and commercial water and wastewater demands without an impact on existing customers, while keeping bond supported programs to a minimum. Capital recovery projects are based on the number of connections sold to increase pumping, storage and transmission water line, and wastewater programs. In accordance with House Bill 336 impact funds (capital Recovery) must be used within five (5) years of collection date. All water and wastewater improvements are constructed to meet State Board of Insurance and TCEQ rules and regulations. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Measurements include the availability of provided service connections, excess storage capacity, pumping production, transmission and collection main capacity. A pre-Calculated fee is collected at the time of sale of the meter. 97 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 411-CAPIT AL RECOVERY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 319,176 512,550 298,200 929,223 Fund Transfers 1 ,865,600 341,000 Miscellaneous 47,974 31,644 50,000 90,000 TOTAL REVENUES 367,150 544,194 2,213,800 1 ,360,223 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 17,429 2, 110,000 150,581 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 17,429 2,110,000 150,581 98 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-455900 Capital Recovery - Water 212,444 361,553 210,000 565,020 000-455910 Capital Recovery - Waste Water 106,732 150,997 88,200 364,203 000-455910.901 Cap Recvry - Wste Wtr Zone 1 000-455910.902 Cap Recvry - Wste Wtr Zone 2 000-455910.903 Cap Recvry - Wste Wtr Zone 3 TOT AL Fees 319,176 512,550 298,200 929,223 Fund Transfers 000-481 000 Transfer From Reserves 265,600 000-482000 Schertz/Seg Corp (loan) 341,000 000-483000 Fund Transfer - Cap. Recovery 1,600,000 TOTAL Fund Transfers 1,865,600 341 ,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 000-491200 Investment Income 47,974 31,644 40,000 000-4981 00 Reimbursement - FM 78 Project 50,000 50,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 47,974 31,644 50,000 90,000 99 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL ------------------ ------------------ Maintenance Service 101-225600 G.O. Refund MUD 2 SR99 TOTAL Maintenance Service Utilitv Services 1 01-533500 Water Utility Service TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 101-534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Professional Services 101-541100 Engineering Services 1 01-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service TOTAL Professional Service Capitalized Equipment 101-581600 Mains & Valves TOTAL Capitalized Equipment *** END OF REPORT *** 100 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:SED CORPORATION FUND #620 FUNCTION: State law allows 1/2 of 1-cent additional tax to be imposed, after voter approval, for economic development activities. By voter referendum in 1997, the tax was increased and the Schertz Economic Development Corporation was established to administer the fund and all activities. A number of proposals for initial use of this sales tax revenue were submitted for voter approval. It was determined that with no history of revenue, city obligation could be issued at a lower rate than the corporation could issue the debt for projects approved by the Board Of Directors. An inter-local agreement was made to allow the corporation to reimburse the city for this bonded debt. The Public Information Department is currently being funded by the Corporation. 101 ~ "'_, '" l-T I V I ,-rvc... CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 620-SED CORPORATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 000-4 11500 Sales Tax Revenue (48) 688,983 716,061 725,000 775,000 TOTAL Taxes 688,983 716,061 725,000 775,000 Fund Transfers 000-48601 0 Transfer In-Reserves 142,984 000-4861 01 Transfer In-General Fund 3,000 000-486314 Transfer In-Hotel Motel 4,048 TOTAL Fund Transfers 150,032 Miscellaneous 000-490010 Transfer In/Out 71 ,912 000-491000 Interest Earned 9,340 1,117 1 ,000 1 ,000 000-491200 Investment Earnings 17,431 15,000 1 0,000 TOT AL Miscellaneous 9,340 18,548 87,912 11 ,000 103 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 ACTUAL 2001-2002 ACTUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---------------------- ---------------------- Personnel Services 966-51111 0 Regular 966-511180 L TD 966-51121 0 Longevity 966-51131 0 FICA - Employer 966-511350 TMRS-Employer 966-51141 0 Health-Employer 966-511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services 54,289 106 4,018 3,787 2,474 279 64,953 Supplies 966-521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies 204 204 City Support Services 966-532800 Special Events 966-532810 Special Events-Christmas TOTAL City Support Services 5,318 5,318 Utility Services 966-533300 Telephone 966-533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services 2,623 49 2,672 Operations Support 966-534000 Postage 966-534200 Printing & Binding 966-534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support 159 347 159 665 Staff Support 966-535100 Uniforms 966-535300 Memberships 966-535400 Publications-Subscriptions 966-535500 Trainingffravel TOTAL Staff Support 714 205 8,250 9,169 2002-2003 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED 58,272 133 120 4,071 3,807 2,971 165 69,539 400 400 8,786 3,262 12,048 1 ,700 100 1 ,800 500 1 , 1 00 500 2, 1 00 100 600 325 7,500 8,525 104 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER DEPARTMENT NO. #163 FUNCTION: The Public Information Office provides services and support for the City Council and City departments. The Public Information Officer (PIO), through media liaison, helps inform the public of the City.s actions and activities, and is a direct conduit for the City.s accountability. This is achieved through news releases and direct media contact. This function may also include creating strategies to respond to unfavorable media coverage. The Pia is also responsible for the writing, editing, and production of the city newsletter, Schertz Tales, under the direct supervision of the City Manager. The Office provides support to city departments in the form of media relations, producing print materials, and involvement with special events including the Schertz Business Appreciation Dinner, the Christmas Festival, the Spring and Fall Clean-Ups, and National Night Out, and with events in conjunction with external organizations, including the Schertz Business Association for the 4th of July Jubilee and the American Cancer Society with the Randolph Area Relay for Life. The PIO is responsible for some advertising requirements for the City, including Metrocom Chamber publications and the Newcomers supplement in the Herald. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: While the Public Information Office1s (PIO) cannot be measured statistically, the departmenfs effectiveness be reflected in media coverage and response to media interest; by the response of the public to special events, and by the response by the Pia to the needs of other City departments. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The PIO is essentially a one-man shop and requires a good deal of self-sufficiency and initiative in its operation. The past year has seen the PIO establish regular publication of Schertz Tales, increase the general media coverage of City events and news, and provide support for City departments through coverage in Schertz Tales, via media relations, and with technical support when requested. 105 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC INFORMATION Personnel Services 163-511110 Regular 163-511180 L TO 1 63-51121 0 Longevity 163-511310 FICA - Employer 163-511350 TMRS-Employer 163-511410 Health-Employer 163-511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 163-521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 163-532800 Special Events TOTAL City Support Services Utilitv Services 163-533300 Telephone TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 163-534000 Postage 163-534100 Advertising 163-534200 Printing & Binding 163-534300 Copy Services TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 163-535100 Uniforms 163-535300 Memberships 163-535400 Publications 163-535500 Training/Travel 163-535600 Prof. Certs TOTAL Staff Support CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 ACTUAL 106 2001-2002 ACTUAL 2002-2003 BUDGET 20,463 37,354 39 90 1 ,502 2,746 1 ,400 2,567 1 ,244 2,971 165 111 24,813 45,839 1,051 750 1 ,051 750 3,183 3,500 3,183 3,500 322 500 322 500 3,34 1 25,000 1 ,770 3,500 2,708 1 0,000 600 7,819 39,100 113 75 160 900 72 1 , 1 00 1 ,461 1 ,500 500 1 ,806 4,075 CITY COUNCIL APPROVED 37,544 102 120 2,768 2,495 3,350 104 46,483 750 750 1 ,500 1,500 13,500 2,000 13,500 29,000 40 400 200 1 , 1 00 500 2,240 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 2001-2002 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2002-2003 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED PUBLIC INFORMATION ------------------ ------------------ Professional Services 163-541300 Other Consult/Prof Services TOTAL Professional Services 1 ,000 1 ,000 107 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY DEPARTMENT:DEV FOUNDATION DEPARTMENT NO. #612 FUNCTION: The Foundation was incorporated under the Texas Non-profit Corporation Act to assist the City in developing and implementing plans for economic viability for the City. The Board of Directors is appointed by the City Council and the executive director is employed by the City. 108 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 612-DEV FOUNDATION 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fund Transfers Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES 20,000 2,000 22,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1 ,789 1 ,789 893 893 22,000 22,000 109 612-DEV FOUNDATION CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET REVENUES CITY COUNCIL APPROVED Fund Transfers 000-481000 Transfer From Reserves TOTAL Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 000-491200 Investment Income TOTAL Miscellaneous 20,000 20,000 500 1 ,500 2,000 110 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 612-DEV FOUNDATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL -------------------- -------------------- City Support Services 101-532800 Special Events TOT AL City Support Services Staff Support 101-532300 Property Taxes 589 101-553550 Meeting Expense 157 101-535300 Memberships Prof Organization 1 ,000 TOT AL Staff Support 589 157 1 ,000 Professional Services 101-541300 Other Consl/Prof Services 20,000 101-541400 Auditorl Accounting Service 1 ,200 736 1 ,000 TOT AL Professional Services 1 ,200 736 21 ,000 *** END OF REPORT *** III CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY HOTEL TAX FUND #314 FUNCTION: Revenues for Hotel/Motel Fund are derived from a 7 % tax on rooms rented at local hotel/motels. State law limits expenditures from this fund to those kinds of programs that promote the tourism industry. We have projected limited spending in the form of advertising and the printing of brochures and promotion of specific community events. 112 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 314-HOTEL TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 41 ,282 40,41 0 35,000 35,000 Fund Transfers 31,500 40,000 Miscellaneous 7,974 4,566 3,500 3,200 TOTAL REVENUES 49,256 44,976 70,000 78,200 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 3,700 3,034 36,600 78,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 3,700 3,034 36,600 78,000 113 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 314-HOTEL TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-411800 Hotel Occupancy Tax 41 ,282 40,410 35,000 35,000 TOTAL Taxes 41 ,282 40,41 0 35,000 35,000 Fund Transfers 000-481 000 Transfer From Reserves 31 ,500 40,000 TOTAL Fund Transfers 31,500 40,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 I nterest Earned 143 669 500 200 000-491200 Investment Interest 7,831 3,897 3,000 3,000 TOTAL Miscellaneous 7,974 4,566 3,500 3,200 114 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 314-HOTEL TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES -------------- -------------- City Support Services 101-532800 Special Events 12,000 10,000 101-532810 Special Events-Christmas 1 5,000 TOT AL City Support Services 12,000 25,000 Operations Support 101-534100 Advertising 450 34 5,000 5,000 101-534200 Printing & Binding 5,000 5,000 TOT AL Operations Support 450 34 1 0,000 1 0,000 City Assistance 101-537200 Buffalo Val Youth Assoc Support 1,500 TOT AL City Assistance 1 ,500 Professional Services 101-541300 Other Consult/Prof Services 10,000 40,000 101-541400 Auditor/Accounting Services 750 500 600 1 ,000 TOTAL Professional Services 750 500 10,600 4 1 ,000 Fund Charqes 101-548600 Interfund Charges - Admin 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 TOTAL Fund Charges 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 ***END OF REPORT*** 115 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUND #315 FUNCTION: This special revenue fund accounts for the proceeds of designated property taxes to be used for the widening of Schertz Parkway. PROGRAM COMMENT: The Tax Increment Financing Board is scheduled to be dissolved in year 2003. 116 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 315-TIF 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes Miscellaneous 10,000 5,452 15,452 10,000 2,406 12,406 10,000 250 1 0,250 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 325 325 449 449 10,500 10,500 117 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 315- TIF REVENUES 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED Taxes 000-4 111 00 Advalorem Tax - Current 10,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL Taxes 1 0,000 10,000 10,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 776 210 250 000-491200 Investment Earnings 4,676 2, 196 TOTAL Miscellaneous 5,452 2,406 250 118 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 315- TIF GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED NONDEPARTMENTAL ----------------- ----------------- Professional Services 101-541200 Legal Services 101-541300 Other Consult/Professional 1 01-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv TOTAL Professional Services 10,828 25 300 325 329 120 449 500 500 Capitalized Equipment 101-581710 Schertz Parkway Payment TOTAL Capitalized Equipment 10,000 1 0,000 *** END OF REPORT*** 119 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY PARK FUND FUND #317 FUNCTION: The Parks Fund is a special fund designed to monitor and manage funds for improvement of the City of Schertz Park System. Revenues are derived from developer fees (in lieu of parkland dedication), grants, and donations. 120 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 317-PARK ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 7,907 15,898 15,000 70,000 Miscellaneous 119,029 Interest 1 0,283 2,897 3,000 500 TOTAL REVENUES 18, 190 137,824 1 8,000 70,500 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 29,266 ( 119) 3,000 10,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 29,266 ( 119) 3,000 10,000 121 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 317-PARK ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-458800 Developers Fees 10,575 5,738 6,000 20,000 000-458900 Tree Mitigation (2,668) 10, 160 9,000 50,000 TOT AL Fees 7,907 15,898 1 5,000 70,000 Miscellaneous 000-493700 Donations-Playscape 119,029 TOTAL Miscellaneous 119,029 Interest Revenues 000-491 000 I nterest Earned 315 285 300 100 000-491200 I nvestment Interest 9,968 2,612 2,700 400 TOTAL Interest Revenues 10,283 2,897 3,000 500 122 CITY OF SCHERTZ OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 317-PARK ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL ----------------- ----------------- Professional Services 101-541100 Engineering Services 240 250 TOT AL Professional Services 240 250 Maintenance Services 1 01 -55111 0 Trees 3,500 1 ,375 1 ,500 5,000 101-551300 Other Improvements 26,788 1 01 -55171 0 Landscaping 2,238 ( 119) 1 ,250 5,000 TOT AL Maintenance Services 29,026 (119) 2,750 1 0,000 *** END OF REPORT *** 123 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENT ARY RECYCLING FUND FUND #318 FUNCTION: The Recycling Fund is designed to monitor and manage revenues received from the sale of recyclable materials. These funds are used to fund the Fall and Spring City wide clean up 124 CITY OF SCHERT Z OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 318-RECYCLING ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 21,298 11 ,354 9,000 1 8,000 TOTAL REVENUES 21 ,298 11 ,354 9,000 18,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 31 ,156 9,000 18,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 31,156 9,000 1 8,000 125 318-RECYCLING REVENUES Fees 000-458200 Sale of Recycle Material TOTAL Fees CITY OF SCHERT Z OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 ACTUAL 21 ,298 21 ,298 2001-2002 ACTUAL 11 ,354 11 ,354 2002-2003 BUDGET 9,000 9,000 CITY COUNCIL APPROVED 18,000 18,000 126 CITY OF SCHERT Z OPERATING BUDGET FOR YEAR 2003-2004 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 CITY COUNCIL 318-RECYCLING ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL ----------------- ----------------- Maintenance Services 101-551510 Payable to Waste Contractor 9,915 21 ,979 9,000 18,000 101-553302 Transfer to Water & Sewer 31,156 TOTAL Maintenance Services 31 , 1 56 9,000 1 8,000 *** END OF REPORT *** 127 ....J 0<( l::::l 1-;1- >-0 <( ('1)1- 8w "1(9 NO O::::l ~co en .... o w .., o It: n. ..J <C !::: 0.. <C o C) z ~ It: o 3= W I- ~ 0:: a.. o ~ a.. a.. <( 1 W ~ 00 00 00 00 (0(0 NN 00 00 00 00 (0(0 NN (") wO ~~ . 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Q) ~Q o M ~ ~ " = Q) (J ~e =0 .d ~ ~ =E-t t-4 As of 1 Oct, 2003 FY 2003-2004 POSITION AUTHORIZATION POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE AUTH MANAGEMENT (51) City Manager Asst City Manager Executive Services Executive Assistant Council discretion 44 24 21 1 1 1 1 MUNICIPAL COURT (52) Municipal Court Judgel Adstr Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk Warrant Officer I Baliff Council Discretion 15 12 23 1 1 3 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (53) Information Technology Coordinator 35 Asst Information Technology Coordinator 30 1 1 COMMUNI1Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (54) Director Planner Administrative Assistant 40 20 15 1 2 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT (56) Chief Lieutenant Sergeant Corporal Patrolmen Office Manager Secretary Dispatcher Supervisor Dispatcher Crossing Guards (PIT) 42 31 27 24 20 15 15 23 13 N/A 1 2 7 3 23 1 1 1 9 5 131 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE FIRE DEPARTMENT (57) Chief Fire Marshal Captain Lieutenant Inspector Firefighter 41 30 29 25 21 19 INSPECTION DEPARrMENT (58) Building Official Inspector Asst Inspector Code Enforcement Officer Secretary Inspections Clerk 30 21 15 15 12 10 STREET DEPARTMENT (59) Supervisor Foreman Street Worker II Street Sweeper Operator Street Worker I Street Worker I/Part Time 30 15 12 12 10 10 COMMUNITI SERVICES (60) Director Administrative Assistant Park Foreman Park Worker I Pool Manager - P.T. Assistant Pool Manager P.T. Water Safety Instructor P.T. Lifeguards - P.T. Pool Cashier P.T. 38 19 18 10 8 8 8 7 5 FACILITI MAINTENANCE (61) Facility Maintenance Supervisor Custodian II Custodian I 25 13 10 132 AUTH 1 1 3 3 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 22 2 1 2 3 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE ANIMAL SHELTER MANAGEMENT (62) Supervisor Animal Control Officer Shelter Operator 21 14 10 PUBLIC INFORMATION (63) Public Information Officer 25 CI1Y SECRETARY (64) City Secretary Deputy City Secretary Council Discretion 24 LIBRARY (65) Library Manager Children's Librarian Clerk Clerk - P.T. 25 20 10 10 HUMAN RESOURCES (66) Human Resources Director Human Resources Clerk 21 12 FINANCE (68) Finance Director Accounts Supervisor Finance Clerk 36 25 10 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (75) Director Asst. Director Administrative Assistant PW Inspector Records and Purchasing PW Clerk/Dispatcher 40 35 20 21 12 10 133 AUTH 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE WATER/WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT (75) Supervisor Foreman Serviceman II Serviceman I Meter Tech II Meter Tech I 30 16 12 10 13 11 BUSINESS OFFICE (76) City Records Manager Utility Billing Supervisor Collections Clerk II Solid Waste Coordinator Utility Billing Rte Mgmt Billing Clerk Collections Clerk I Collections Clerk Receptionist 28 20 12 12 12 11 10 10 FLEET SERVICES (77) Mechanic/Foreman Mechanic 17 15 DRAINAGE AND RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE (79) Environmental/QC Supervisor Foreman Worker 1 30 16 10 EMS DEPARTMENT (80) (Please see the note at the end of the Pay Tables) Director EMS Training Manager EMS Billing Supervisor Captain EMT Attendant Billing Clerk P /T EMT Attendant 40 30 26 27 19 10 Depending on Cert AUTH 1 1 3 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 14 1 13 Summary: Total Full Time Employees: 205; Total Part Time Employees: 52 134 UJ (1) .c CUM I-g ~~ CO CI) c.."8 ~O 00 o Cl) ~ .~ ('1)0 O~ OW N > LL L{) O~N~ <ONL{)t---- . . . 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N NOCO<o -r-C;~N r- N COf'-OO C0Ct')COLO . . . f'- NOLOLO r-~:!N N ~LONLO -r-(J)I'..q . . . N NOC0LO -r-~~N N Or-I'O (J)(J)~LO . . . f'- r-r-N"o:::t -r-~~N N I'-LOC0"o:::t CONOCO . . . N r-C0N"o:::t r-~~N N ..qLO(J)(J) "o:::tO)C0CO . . '1'- -r-..qNCt) -r-~~N r- -r--r-NN NOlO N . . . C0 -r-1'Ct')Ct) -r-~~N (J)Nr-LO (J)"o:::t..q<O . . . CO OO)LON r-~gN -r- COCOLOI'- I'-r-O-r- " . . "o:::t ONCON r-~~N I'I'NI' LON~f'- dui,....:~ -r-~~N <.OOr-CO C0I'-LO"o:::t . . . LO OCOLO-r- -r-~~N ~ - "o:::t Q) ..c CO r- L- Q) ..... ::::J (9~~25~ (f.):r:m~<( r- CO 0 I'- N r- 0) <0 . . "lO "o:::tf'-C0(J) r-~~N -r-N ..q(J)(J)1' 0) CO LO CO . . . 0) \')~l.()CX) -r-~~N -r-N COCt)N(J) <.OON-r- . . . "o:::t C')C0COCO -r-~~N r-N 0) (J) (J) r- Ct')LOI'<.O . . . CO C0r-r-1'- r-t;~N r-N Ct)CO<OL{) r-LONr- " . . C0 C00 CO I' -r-~~N r- N f'-COC00 CO(J)<'oCO . . . f'- N(J)r-CO -r-~K1N r- N NO)I'-"o:::t <OI'COLO . . . 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" '1'- N(J)..qL{) -r-~~N N Ct')O-r-LO r- N r- N . " . N NONL{) -r-t;;~N N 0) CO 0) r- CO-r-COC0 . . "f'- r-r-O"o:::t r-~~N N co C0 CO CO <OLO..q..q . . "N r-NO"o:::t r-~~N N Ct)..q <0 0 "'d"N CO I' . " "I'- r-"o:::t0C0 -r-o;~N r- ONN~ NC000 . . . C0 -r-<.ONC0 r-~~N -r- ~ <0 Q) ..c ({i r- L- Q) ..... ::::J ::::J :s: C C ~~m~~ I'-COlOo) Ct) 0) 0) I'- . " "0) LOO)"o:::tr- r-gJ~C') r- N I'<OON OCOI'-LO " . . C') LOLON,.... -r-Q~Ct) -r- N CONI'CO f'-N..qCt') . . '1'- "o:::tNr-O -r-~~Ct') -r-N (J)"o:::tLOLO ..qONCt') ~cri""':5 r-~U;C0 r-N O-r--r-..q NC00..q . . . LO "o:::tCON(J) -r-~~N r- N C0 C0 C0 LO (J)Of'-<.O . . . (J) C0"o:::tCt')CO r-;:~C\J r- N LOO)OI'- <O-r-..q(J) . . . C0 C0NCOCO r-~~C\J r- N COI'OO Ct')f'-O~ . . . CO C0OOI'- r-t;~C\J r- N \.C CT: NCOr-"o:::t r-1'-l!)0) . " "C\J C0O)"o:::t1'- r-~~N r- N <O(J)-r-(J) COr-O)LO . " "I'- N(J)O)(C -r-~~C\J r- N -r-r-(J)..q <OOr-C') " . "N C\J(J)<'o<o -r-8~N r-N I'-C0NO C0NCt')C\J " . . f'- N(J)C0LO r-~~N C\J NC')O<O -r-COCt')-r- . . . C\J NO)r-lO r-~~N C\J (J)-r-O-r- COCOr-C\J . . "I'- r-OO"o:::t -r-~~C\J N LOf'-O<O <.Or-I'-C0 . . . C\J r-No)..q r-~C;N C\J ~ I'- Q) ..c ({i r- L- Q) ..... ::::J (9~~25~ (f.):r:m~<( o CI) .c mM I-g ~~ m (1) c.."8 ~o 00 0(1) ~ .~ ('1)0 O~ Ow C\I > LL L{) Q)OOLOQ) (j) or- L{) L{) . . . N LO(j)or-C') r-~r::(1) or- N Q. Q) (jj ~ 0.. Q) Ci5 co 0 or- <0 <Or-NO o 0 0 <0 ~~t::~ Nf'.. r-N (1) 0.. Q) (jj J"o..r-C')J"o.. CtJLOO><O o 0 0 (j) ~~~c;) C\I<O r- C\I N 0.. Q) (jj J"o..OOO O~J"o..~ LOLO~CtJ r-~(Oc;) r-N r- or- J"o..<OQ)<O J"o..J"o..~C\1 o 0 . I'--- ~r-Oo r-~~C'J r- C\I 0.. Q) (jj o 0.. Q) (jj OOO>COC'J "Q"LOC\JC\J ~crior- r-~~g r-C\J Q) Cl. Q) (jj Ol'---<OC'J C\JCOOC'J o 0 0 LO "Q"L{)r-(j) r-~~C\J r-C\J co Cl. Q) (jj NOO~ Q)<OOOLO o 0 0 (j) C'JC'JC\Jco r-:;:~N r- C\J I'--- 0.. Q) (jj L{)I'-Q)<O <0 I'--- "Q" CO o 0 0 C'J CtJr-L{)oo r-~~C\J r- C\J <0 0.. Q) (jj CO<Or-O> C'J C'J r- C\I . 0 . CO C'J0Q)f'.. r-~C;;C\J r-C\J LO Cl. Q) (jj NI'-~~ r-CtJ<OOO o 0 0 C\I C'J(j)C'J1'- r-~~N r-C\J ~ Cl. Q) (jj <00<00> ooooo~ o 0 0 I'- C\JCOQ)<o r-~gjN or- C\J C'J 0.. Q) (jj r-NLO~ <0 <0 Ct') C\J o 0 0 C\J NOOLO<o r-g~C\J r- C\J N Cl. Q) (jj <OLOOO CtJCOL{)r- o 0 0 I'- C\ICOC\JL{) r-~::!N C\J Cl. Q) (jj C\J<O(j)<O r-~~O o 0 0 C\J C\J(j)OLO r-~~N C\J ~ CO Q) ..c C\1 r- ~ Q) +-' ::J (96~5E c/)I(()~<( CtJLOr-Q) (0 Ct') -.;::t co . . . LO <OOC\J~ r-~~(1) or- C\J O<OOr- Ct')NQ)r- o 0 0 0> ~V"LO("f) -r-~~C0 r-N OOQ)Q)<O Q)<O~~ o 0 0 C\J L{)COOC'J r-~~(1) r- C\J I'-r-<O~ <O<Or-Q) o . 0 L{) L{)Ct')<ON r-~r::.CtJ r-N <O(1)r-LO C'JOQ)LO . . . 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(j) I'---C'JI'---LO r-~~(1) or- C\J <OCt')C'J1'--- Q)~Q)<O o 0 0 C\I ~~~~ Ct')Q) r-N NCt')r-<O <OCOCtJI'- . 0 0 LO <O(j)or-"Q" r-~~Ct') r- C\J O<Or-OO CtJI'-COO> o 0 0 CO <OCtJ"Q"(1) r-g~CtJ r-N OOQ)NCt') Q)r-~C'J o . 0 C\J L{)CO(j)CtJ r-~~CtJ or- C\I <OCt')C\Jr- <0 r- r- CO o 0 0 LO LOCt')LON r-~;:::.CtJ r- C\J <0 <0 CO Ct') CtJLOCO~ LOcri~~ r-gj~CtJ r-N <OI'-Q)<O O~<Or- 00 oCt') ~3~C;; N<O r- C\J <OLONN I'--- CO LO 0 o 0 0 I'- ~OOOO r-~tgC'J r-C\J I'-OLOO "Q"1'---Ct')0 ~~crior- r-~~g r-N Q)01'-0 r-Or-r- o 0 0 LO "Q"L{)(j)(j) r-~~N r- C\J r- LO L{) r- Q)1'-Q)Ct') o 0 0 (j) Ct')NOOO r-;:~N r- C\J ~Ct')I'-~ (0 (j) <0 (0 o . 0 C'J Ct')0Ct')00 r-~~C\J or- C\J I'---"Q"CtJCO CtJLOCtJO o 0 0 CO CtJ(j)I'---J"o.. r-~C;;N r- C\J or-<OO>C'J r- LO CO <0 o 0 0 C\J Ct')COor-l'- r-~~C\J r- C\J ~ o Q) ..c C\1 N ~ Q) +-' ::J (96~5E u)I(()~<( Q)ONr- (j) (j) (0 or- . . .-.;::t I'---COI'---f'.. r-~~(1) or- Ct') Ct') (j) (j) CO <O<O~f'.. o 0 0 <0 "'0\0(0 -r-~C3C0 r-(1) Q)Ct')<OQ) NOLOLO o 0 0 (j) I'---C'J<OL{) r-gs~(1) r- C\J LOr-O~ Q) 0> CO LO . 0 0 C\J <OLOI'-LO r-~~CtJ r-N NNON <OCtJN<O o 0 0 LO <O(j)O~ r-~~C'J r- C\J (j)<OC\JLO C\JC\lI'-CO o 0 0 00 <OCt')Ct')Ct') r-g~CtJ r- C\J 1'-0<00 Q)I'-CtJN o 0 0 N L{)I'---COC'J r-~~CtJ r-N <OLOOOQ) <0<00<0 o 0 0 L{) LOC\J"Q"C\J r-~t::Ct') or- C\J LOQ)<OO Ct') 0 CO Ct') o 0 0 (j) ~~~~ C\J <0 r- C\I LOr-OO"Q" 00<00 o 0 . 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CD (O..q-L{)I'-- -.::t~~0) Ct") ex:> N CD CD Ct") 0"10,- 00 of'.. co,-coL{) ~~b;Q) C")f'.. ,-a:>COCO ,- 0 (0 Ct") o 0 0 co L{)(J)(J)C") ..q-~o;Q) (1')f'o.. C"),-~(O NC")C")(J) . 0 0 (J) ~~~o; L.()(O Ct")f'.. CD Ct") N N C") Q) 0 Q) e0cO<D'- ..q-~u;g Cf)f'.. ,-,-..q-..q- LO(J)CON ooo..q- NOa:>CO ~~~co C")f'.. .Y. o 0) ..c co L.() ~ 0) -- :J (95~52 U)I(1)~<( .! e o +:; co U) e (1) a. E o U (1) E .. .... (1) > o "0 C co U) (1) co .... ~ "i: ~ o ::I: .... o C o .';; co 'S . o.~ E :J o 0 o::I: .... ui.!! .. :J ::0) .t:. (1) en .... co.= ~g Nlt) me c::: 0 ~:u o (1) ::~ -~ (1) 0 C 0 0.0 ~-g (1) co D.J: en U) ::"0 w .... co 0"0 .. e ~S a. en a..... co 0 ...0 o co C-J ~ .~ OLL. "'C (1) (1).c::: ~..... co ~ ;.0 :c-g ..... C CD CD .. > o 0 Zen ~ ~ ~ 2003/2004 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. Salary Schedule The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general salary schedule consists of an entrance rate, and through a series of steps to a maximum rate. The salaries prescribed in the schedule are fixed on the basis of regular service for 40 hours of work per week. 2. Application of Plan to Position The service grade assigned refers to the service grade established for each of the positions. Each employee shall be paid within the range established for his position, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this plan. The City Manager will determine the rate on the basis of his evaluation of the experience, ability and length of service of the employee. SECTION II 1. Starting Rate on Initial Employment On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in successive steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate service grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Manager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. 2. Starting Rate on Return to Duty Employee.s returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve months, when separation was without prejudice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Manager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary. 142 2003/2004 COMPENSATION PLAN 3. Starting Rate in New Position Whenever an employee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held, and such change is not a promotion, the employee shall receive the entrance rate in the salary schedule or such other rate within the applicable schedule as may be reasonable for prior service, meeting the following conditions: a. Duties of new position similar to those from old position; b. Service in former position provided experience valuable to performance of duties in new position. 4. Rate of Pay on Promotion When an employee is promoted to a position with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule. The lowest step is considered to be the lowest step that will provide an increase over the salary received immediately prior to promotion. 5. Advancement of Salary Within a Salary Schedule Advancement in the salary of an employee within a salary schedule shall be based on the achievement of minimum periods of service and satisfactory performance. a. The minimum period of service for the first salary advance after hire or promotion shall be six (6) months. For each succeeding advance, uninterrupted service of twelve month periods shall be required. In both instances, the individual supervisor must make a recommendation based on performance as noted in Section IV. b. To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement; but such advancement cannot exceed two steps in any twelve (12) month period. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other provisions for step advancement within grade. 6. Recommendations for Salary Advancement within Grade Department Heads may recommend in writing to the City Manager the advancement in salary rate of employees in his department who have completed special training, or who have accepted additional duties and responsibilities within the department beyond those normally required. 143 2003/2004 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION III 1. Compensation of Part-Time Employees A part-time employee is an employee who works less than 35 hours per week and/or whose total hours worked in a twelve consecutive month period does not exceed 1,040 hours. A part-time employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule for the classification. 2. Advancement in Salary for Part-Time Employees A part-time employee may be advanced in pay in the same manner as other employee1s, provided that only actual hours of work shall be considered in determining such advancement. When the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, advancement to the next higher step rate may be effected in accordance with Section II above. 3. Compensation for Temporary Employee.s A temporary employee is an employee who is employed for a known period of time not to exceed four consecutive calendar months, to perform a specific function. All such employment must be specified as to length of time anticipated to complete the temporary assignment in the salary schedule. SECTION IV 1. Periodic Performance Evaluation The Periodic Performance Evaluation is a management method, which puts in actual operation the philosophy that human assets of organizations are just as important to organizational development as material resources. The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee1s weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to discover old and new talent with a view to further development and improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and employee1s; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. 144 2003/2004 COMPENSATION PLAN 2. Planning and Scheduling Evaluations It is important that each employee understand the organization.s periodic Performance Evaluation procedures and knows who will review his or her performance. The Department Head or his/her appointed representative will perform the evaluation based upon the job performance of the employee on a regular basis, within six months of initial hire or promotion, and at least annually thereafter. After discussion with the employee, the department head will forward the Performance Evaluation to the City Manager for his review and action. 3. Conclusion This program will furnish management with a reliable overall inventory of its human assets in terms of skills and aptitudes, present and potential. On an individual basis, it provides the necessary data for appraising potential ability of all employee's. Moreover, it promotes better understanding and communication between supervisors and employee's. Finally, experience with the program has shown that sound personnel evaluation is almost invariable reflected in improved organizational functioning. 145 DEBT SERVICE REVIEW General Fund Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1992 $ 73,080 $ 70,130 $ 117,080 $ 110,830 $ 74,480 $ 1995 46,104 42,025 2001 343,970 345,270 345,970 346,070 346,470 348,075 - to 2021 2002 141 ,345 137, 126 2003 567,173 317,608 337,588 282,858 243,089 243,270 - to 2018 Total $1,171,672 $ 457,425 $ 463,050 $ 456,900 $ 420,950 $ 348,075 Water and Waste Water Debt Service Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1995 $ 66,719 $ 65,600 $ - $ - $ - $ 2001 591 ,795 593,290 488,660 482,350 470550 468,381 - to 2021 Total $ 658,514 $ 658,890 $ 488,660 $ 482,350 $ 470,550 $ 468,381 Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation Debt - Schertz Portion Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1999 $ 376,196 $ 375,290 $ 376,632 $ 377,662 $ 378,307 $ 381,004 - to 2025 2001 1 ,172,272 1,173,009 1,170,960 1 ,171 ,159 1 , 1 71 ,033 1,168,125 - to 2041 Total $1,548,468 $1,548,299 $1,547,592 $1,548,821 $1,549,340 $1,549,129 G 0 Refnd MUD2 SR1999 - Capital Recovery Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 1999 $ 124,581 $ 128,281 $ - $ Total $ 124,581 $ 128,281 $ $ 2008 2009 - $ - $ $ $ Schertz Economic Development Corporation 48 Debt Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1998 $ 381 , 189 $ 384,236 $ 381 ,486 $ 378,098 $ 378,914 $ 373,933 - to 2018 2001 161,460 166,748 166,400 Total $ 542,649 $ 550,984 $ 547,886 $ 378,098 $ 378,914 $ 373,933 146 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Bonds, Series 1992 Street Improvements 5.800/0 For 2003, 5.90010 For 2004, 6.100/0 For 2005, 6.250/0 For 2006, 6.35% For 2007, 6.040/0 For 2008. Amount issued: $620,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 12/1/2003 $11,540.00 $11,540.00 6/1/2004 $50,000.00 11,540.00 61,540.00 $73,080.00 12/1/2004 10,065.00 10,065.00 6/1/2005 50,000.00 10,065.00 60,065.00 $70,130.00 12/1/2005 8,540.00 8,540.00 6/1/2006 100,000.00 8,540.00 108,540.00 $117,080.00 12/1/2006 5,415.00 5,415.00 6/1/2007 100,000.00 5,415.00 105,415.00 $110,830.00 12/1/2007 2,240.00 2,240.00 6/1/2008 70,000.00 2,240.00 72,240.00 $74,480.00 $370,000.00 $75,600.00 $445,600.00 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 147 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1995 General Fund's Portion 4.850/0 For 2003, 4.900/0 For 2004, 5.000~ For 2005. Amount issued: $1,700,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 $43,000.00 $2,078.50 $45,078.50 8/1/2004 1,025.00 1,025.00 $46,103.50 2/1/2005 41,000.00 1,025.00 42,025.00 8/1/2005 $42,025.00 $84,000.00 $4,128.50 $88,128.50 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 148 CITY OF SCHERTZ Certificate of Obligation (TIF) Bonds, Series 2001 Schertz Parkway Project Amount issued: $4,500,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 $ 140,000.00 $ 104,085.00 $ 244,085.00 8/1/2004 99,885.00 99,885.00 $343,970.00 2/1/2005 150,000.00 99,885.00 249,885.00 8/1/2005 95,385.00 95,385.00 $345,270.00 2/1/2006 160,000.00 95,385.00 255,385.00 8/1/2006 90,585.00 90,585.00 $345,970.00 2/1/2007 170,000.00 90,585.00 260,585.00 8/1/2007 85,485.00 85,485.00 $346,070.00 2/1/2008 180,000.00 85,485.00 265,485.00 8/1/2008 80,985.00 80,985.00 $346,470.00 2/1/2009 190,000.00 80,985.00 270,985.00 8/1/2009 77,090.00 77,090.00 $348,075.00 2/1/2010 200,000.00 77,090.00 277,090.00 8/1/2010 72,890.00 72,890.00 $349,980.00 2/1/2011 210,000.00 72,890.00 282,890.00 8/1/2011 68,427.50 68,427.50 $351,317.50 2/1/2012 225,000.00 68,427.50 293,427.50 8/1/2012 63,477.50 63,477.50 $356,905.00 2/1/2013 235,000.00 63,477.50 298,477.50 8/1/2013 58,190.00 58,190.00 $356,667.50 2/1/2014 250,000.00 58,190.00 308,190.00 8/1/2014 52,440.00 52,440.00 $360,630.00 2/1/2015 260,000.00 52,440.00 312,440.00 8/1/2015 46,330.00 46,330.00 $358,770.00 2/1/2016 275,000.00 46,330.00 321,330.00 8/1/2016 39,730.00 39,730.00 $361,060.00 2/1/2017 290,000.00 39,730.00 329,730.00 8/1/2017 32,625.00 32,625.00 $362,355.00 2/1/2018 300,000.00 32,625.00 332,625.00 8/1/2018 25,125.00 25,125.00 $357,750.00 2/1/2019 320,000.00 25,125.00 345,125.00 8/1/2019 17,125.00 17,125.00 $362,250.00 2/1/2020 335,000.00 17,125.00 352,125.00 8/1/2020 8,750.00 8,750.00 $360,875.00 2/1/2021 350,000.00 8,750.00 358,750.00 8/1/2021 0.00 $358,750.00 $ 4,240,000.00 $ 2,133,135.00 $ 6,373,135.00 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 149 CITY OF SCHERTZ Tax Notes, Series 2002 Technology Upgrade & Equipment Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 135,000.00 4,218.75 139,218.75 8/1/2004 2,126.25 2,126.25 $141,345.00 2/1/2005 135,000.00 2,126.25 137,126.25 8/1/2005 $137,126.25 $ 270,000.00 $ 8,471.25 $ 278,471.25 Paying Agent: The Bank Of New York 150 CITY OF SCHERTZ Combination Tax and Ltd Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2003 Amount of Issue: $3,360,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 $ 425,000.00 $ 94,744.38 $ 519,744.38 8/1/2004 47,428.75 47,428.75 $567,173.13 2/1/2005 225,000.00 47,428.75 272,428.75 8/1/2005 45,178.75 45,178.75 $317,607.50 2/1/2006 250,000.00 45,178.75 295,178.75 8/1/2006 42,678.75 42,678.75 $337,857.50 2/1/2007 200,000.00 42,678.75 242,678.75 8/1/2007 40,178.75 40,178.75 $282,857.50 2/1/2008 165,000.00 40,178.75 205,178.75 8/1/2008 37,910.00 37,910.00 $243,088.75 2/1/2009 170,000.00 37,910.00 207,910.00 8/1/2009 35,360.00 35,360.00 $243,270.00 2/1/2010 180,000.00 35,360.00 215,360.00 8/1/2010 32,120.00 32,120.00 $247,480.00 2/1/2011 190,000.00 32,120.00 222,120.00 8/1/2011 28,700.00 28,700.00 $250,820.00 2/1/2012 200,000.00 28,700.00 228,700.00 8/1/2012 25,100.00 25,100.00 $253,800.00 2/1/2013 210,000.00 25,100.00 235,100.00 8/1/2013 21,267.50 21,267.50 $256,367.50 2/1/2014 220,000.00 21,267.50 241 ,267.50 8/1/2014 17,362.50 17,362.50 $258,630.00 2/1/2015 225,000.00 17,362.50 242,362.50 8/1/2015 13,312.50 13,312.50 $255,675.00 2/1/2016 225,000.00 13,312.50 238,312.50 8/1/2016 9,150.00 9,150.00 $247,462.50 2/1/2017 225,000.00 9,150.00 234,150.00 8/1/2017 4,875.00 4,875.00 $239,025.00 2/1/2018 250,000.00 4,875.00 254,875.00 8/1/2018 $254,875.00 $ 3,360,000.00 $ 895,989.38 $ 4,255,989.38 Paying Agent: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank 151 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1995 Utility Fund Portion 4.85010 For 2003, 4.900/0 For 2004, 5.000/0 For 2005. Amount issued: $1,700,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 $ 62,000.00 $ 3,119.00 $ 65,119.00 8/1/2004 1,600.00 1 ,600.00 $66,719.00 2/1/2005 64,000.00 1,600.00 65,600.00 8/1/2005 $65,600.00 $ 126,000.00 $ 6,319.00 $ 132,319.00 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 152 CITY OF SCHERTZ Utility System Revenue & Refunding Bonds, Series 2001 Amount Issued: $5,500,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 3/1/2004 113,397.50 113,397.50 9/1/2004 365,000.00 113,397.50 478,397.50 $ 591,795.00 3/1/2005 106,645.00 106,645.00 9/1/2005 380,000.00 106,645.00 486,645.00 $ 593,290.00 3/1/2006 99,330.00 99,330.00 9/1/2006 290,000.00 99,330.00 389,330.00 $ 488,660.00 3/1/2007 93,675.00 93,675.00 9/1/2007 295,000.00 93,675.00 388,675.00 $ 482,350.00 3/1/2008 87,775.00 87,775.00 9/1/2008 295,000.00 87,775.00 382,775.00 $ 470,550.00 3/1/2009 81,690.63 81 ,690.63 9/1/2009 305,000.00 81 ,690.63 386,690.63 $ 468,381.26 3/1/2010 74,065.63 74,065.63 9/1/2010 220,000.00 74,065.63 294,065.63 $ 368,131.26 3/1/2011 69,335.63 69,335.63 9/1/2011 230,000.00 69,335.63 299,335.63 $ 368,671.26 3/1/2012 64,275.63 64,275.63 9/1/2012 240,000.00 64,275.63 304,275.63 $ 368,551.26 3/1/2013 58,815.63 58,815.63 9/1/2013 250,000.00 58,815.63 308,815.63 $ 367,631.26 3/1/2014 53,003.13 53,003.13 9/1/2014 265,000.00 53,003.13 318,003.13 $ 371 ,006.26 3/1/2015 46,709.38 46,709.38 9/1/2015 280,000.00 46,709.38 326,709.38 $ 373,418.76 3/1/2016 39,919.38 39,919.38 9/1/2016 290,000.00 39,919.38 329,919.38 $ 369,838.76 3/1/2017 32,669.38 32,669.38 9/1/2017 295,000.00 32,669.38 327,669.38 $ 360,338.76 3/1/2018 25,294.38 25,294.38 9/1/2018 230,000.00 25,294.38 255,294.38 $ 280,588.76 3/1/2019 19,544.38 19,544.38 9/1/2019 240,000.00 19,544.38 259,544.38 $ 279,088.76 3/1/2020 13,424.38 13,424.38 9/1/2020 255,000.00 13,424.38 268,424.38 $ 281,848.76 3/1/2021 6,890.00 6,890.00 9/1/2021 265,000.00 6,890.00 271 ,890.00 $ 278,780.00 $ 4,990,000.00 $ 2,172,920.12 $ 7,162,920.12 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 153 SCHERTZ/SEGUIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION S/S/Local Govt Corp Contract Revenue Bond SR 1999 Paid 1/2 Schertz, 1/2 Seguin Fiscal Year Series 1999 Series 2001 T ata I Schertz's Share 2004 $752,391 $2,344,544 $3,096,935 $1,548,468 2005 750,579 2,346,018 3,096,597 $1,548,299 2006 753,263 2,341 ,920 3,095,183 $1,547,592 2007 755,323 2,342,318 3,097,641 $1,548,821 2008 756,613 2,342,065 3,098,678 $1,549,339 2009 762,007 2,336,249 3,098,256 $1,549,128 2010 761,504 2,334,818 3,096,322 $1,548,161 2011 765,104 2,332,681 3,097,785 $1,548,893 2012 767,460 2,329,926 3,097,386 $1,548,693 2013 768,468 2,331,348 3,099,816 $1,549,908 2014 773,096 2,322,010 3,095,106 $1,547,553 2015 776,085 2,321,925 3,098,010 $1,549,005 2016 777,291 2,320,625 3,097,916 $1,548,958 2017 781,643 2,313,375 3,095,018 $1,547,509 2018 779,218 2,320,250 3,099,468 $1,549,734 2019 779,855 2,315,881 3,095,736 $1,547,868 2020 783,091 2,315,381 3,098,472 $1,549,236 2021 784,015 2,308,453 3,092,468 $1,546,234 2022 782,733 2,309,938 3,092,671 $1,546,336 2023 783,750 2,310,078 3,093,828 $1,546,914 2024 782,050 2,308,875 3,090,925 $1,545,463 2025 782,800 2 , 311 , 1 94 3,093,994 $1,546,997 2026 3,095,266 3,095,266 $1,547,633 2027 3,094,881 3,094,881 $1,547,441 2028 3,095,331 3,095,331 $1,547,666 2029 3,096,347 3,096,347 $1,548,174 2030 3,092,794 3,092,794 $1,546,397 2031 3,105,705 3,105,705 $1,552,853 2032 3,109,765 3,109,765 $1,554,883 2033 3,018,625 3,018,625 $1,509,313 2034 3,107,155 3,107,155 $1,553,578 2035 3,109,965 3,109,965 $1,554,983 2036 3,096,475 3,096,475 $1,548,238 2037 3,096,394 3,096,394 $1,548,197 2038 3,099,488 3,099,488 $1,549,744 2039 3,100,363 3,100,363 $1,550,182 2040 3,098,756 3,098,756 $1,549,378 2041 3,099,275 3,099,275 $1,549,638 $16,958,339 $100,676,457 $117,634,796 $58,817,398 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 154 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1999 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 3/1/2004 115,000.00 6,300.00 121,300.00 9/1/2004 3,281.25 3,281.25 $124,581.25 3/1/2005 125,000.00 3,281.25 128,281.25 9/1/2005 $128,281.25 $ 240,000.00 $12,862.50 $ 252,862.50 Paying agent: JP Morgan Chase Bank 155 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Bonds, 4B Series 1998 Sales Tax Supported, Public Safety Complex Construction Bond Amount of issue: $4,930,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 2/1/2004 $ 180,000.00 $ 103,463.13 $ 283,463.13 8/1/2004 97,725.63 97,725.63 $381,188.76 2/1/2005 195,000.00 97,725.63 292,725.63 8/1/2005 91,510.00 91,510.00 $384,235.63 2/1/2006 205,000.00 91 ,510.00 296,510.00 8/1/2006 84,975.63 84,975.63 $381,485.63 2/1/2007 215,000.00 84,975.63 299,975.63 8/1/2007 78,122.50 78,122.50 $378,098.13 2/1/2008 230,000.00 78,122.50 308,122.50 8/1/2008 70,791.25 70,791.25 $378,913.75 2/1/2009 240,000.00 70,791.25 310,791.25 8/1/2009 63,141.25 63,141.25 $373,932.50 2/1/2010 255,000.00 63,141.25 318,141.25 8/1/2010 57,531.25 57,531.25 $375,672.50 2/1/2011 270,000.00 57,531.25 327,531.25 8/1/2011 51 ,625.00 51,625.00 $379,156.25 2/1/2012 285,000.00 51 ,625.00 336,625.00 8/1/2012 45,390.63 45,390.63 $382,015.63 2/1/2013 300,000.00 45,390.63 345,390.63 8/1/2013 38,828.13 38,828.13 $384,218.76 2/1/2014 315,000.00 38,828.13 353,828.13 8/1/2014 31,937.50 31,937.50 $385,765.63 2/1/2015 335,000.00 31,937.50 366,937.50 8/1/2015 24,609.38 24,609.38 $391 ,546.88 2/1/2016 355,000.00 24,609.38 379,609.38 8/1/2016 16,843.75 16,843.75 $396,453.13 2/1/2017 375,000.00 16,843.75 391,843.75 8/1/2017 8,640.63 8,640.63 $400,484.38 2/1/2018 395,000.00 8,640.63 403,640.63 8/1/2018 $403,640.63 $ 4,150,000.00 $ 1 ,626,808.19 $ 5,776,808.19 Paying Agent: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank 156 CITY OF SCHERTZ Tax Notes, Series 2001 Sales Tax Supported, Fire Truck & Equipment Amount of issue: $750,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 11/1/2003 $ 8,230.00 $ 8,230.00 5/1/2004 145,000.00 8,230.00 153,230.00 $161,460.00 11/1/2004 5,873.75 5,873.75 5/1/2005 155,000.00 5,873.75 160,873.75 $166,747.50 11/1/2005 3,200.00 3,200.00 5/1/2006 160,000.00 3,200.00 163,200.00 $166,400.00 $ 460,000.00 $ 34,607.50 $ 494,607.50 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 157