FY 2004-05 MidYear Budget CITY OF SCHERTZ Mid- Year Budget Fiscal Year October 2004 - September 2005 1400 SCHERTZ P ARKW A Y SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154-1634 (210) 658-7477 FAX (210) 659-3204 JOHN BIERSCHW ALE, CPM INTERIM CITY MANAGER April 7, 2005 To: Mayor and City Council From: John Bierschwale, Interim City Manager Subject: FY 2004-2005 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments Attached is the 2004-2005 Mid-Year Budget Adjustment Request for your review and consideration. Total tax revenues have increased by $ 336,476.00 ($181,000 of existing retail sales and $139,000 from Wal-Mart projections for a total of $336,476.00). This is due to the sales tax average exceeding monthly projections of existing retail sales before the increased projections based on Wal-Mart gross sales from April 1 to September 30, 2005. We were advised that sales projections should exceed $27,000,000.00; however being conservative, I elected to reduce the sales tax income to $139,000. This is based on the unknown impact of other retailers who may experience sales reductions due to Wal-Mart. Other major changes to revenue increases were from the Municipal Court. I project an increase of $127,000.00 due to increased police and warrant service activities. I have also added $45,000.00 of true found money (recovered safe) to begin the incentive pay program for the Police and Fire Departments. In aiding the Water Fund I have reduced the inter fund transfer to General Fund from $ 548,834.00 to $ 344,612.00, a net savings of $204,222.00. In addition to the initial $100,000.00 transfer from reserves, I have increased the transfer to $201,500.00. The additional $ 101,500.00 will be used for funding capital equipment: $20,000.00 for a skid steer loader; a commercial riding mower $7,500.00; a man-lift machine from 0 to 60-foot rise in height $45,000.00; and the final phase of the computer change out program $29,000.00. The Municipal Court will be transferring $ 29,000.00 from the Technology Fund for the purchase of electronic ticket writing machines, computer equipment for the warrant officer vehicle and a copy machine. A new warrant officer vehicle is projected to be purchased and will be funded from the increased revenues from the court warrant service fees. Total revenue income adjustments to General Fund are $ 9,390,014.00 instead of the original amount of $ 8,955,037.00. Total General Fund Expenditures are $8,989,794.00; a difference of +$400,220.00. I am requesting the $400,220.00 be applied to the Part "A" Market Salazy Adjustment increase of $ 297,965.00, leaving a positive balance of $103,355.00. I would suggest the remaining amount be applied at fiscal year end towards the Water Fund should the increased rainfall continue to decrease water sales, if not it would remain in reserves. Other Mid-Year highlights in the budget are the creation of the new 4-B budget and placing the $40,000.00 back into the budget to conduct a Strategic and Market Study Plan. The Parks Department budget was reduced by $60,000.00; the money was transferred back to the Park and Tree Fund Account # 317. This is the proper place for funding tree and park equipment programs, limiting inter- fund transfers. We have programmed from the Capital Recovery Fund to purchase a 1 or 1.5 million gallon water storage tank costing $ 1,500,000.00. Based on revised construction costs the project estimate has increased to $3,200,000.00. In consultation with the City Engineer Larry Dublin and Financial Consultant Mark McLiney, increased cost projections of $3,200,000.00 for the water tank construction and land should be funded by Certificates of Obligations, backed by a debt service payment from Capital Recovery to the Water Fund. The last major change to the budget program is the adjustment in the Planning and Zoning Department. This reflects the transfers of ED / Executive Director and Administrative Assistant to the 4-B Corp, and retains funding for a Planning Director. Upon discussion with City Council and Staff members, I am recommending you accept the Mid-Year adjustments as presented in the budget. I thank you for our time and consideration. CITY OF SCHERTZ 2004-2005 MID-YEAR BUDGET Index General Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary--------------------------------------------1-2 Revenues----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-5 C=it)r c=()uncil------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 <=it)r 1vfana~er----------------------------------------------------------------------- I' C=()urt Su pp()rt --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-9 1vf unici pal <=()urt ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-11 Infmma ti()n T echn()l()gy --------------------------------------------------------- 12-13 Plannin~ & Z()nin~ --------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Le~al Services-----------------------------------------------------------------------15 P () lice----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16-17 I'ire------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18-19 Inspecti ()ns-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-21 Streets---------------------------------------------------------------------------------22-23 Par ks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-25 I' acili ty 1vfain tenance-------------------------------------------------------------- 26- 21' Animal <=()n tr()l--------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-29 P()()l------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 <=i ty Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Li br ary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32-33 H uman Res()urces----------------------------------------------------------------- 34-35 N ()n - Departmen tal---------------------------------------------------------------- 36 I'inance------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31' Public Infmma ti ()n Officer ------------------------------------------------------ 38 I'leet Service------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-40 Pa tien t Assistance----------------------------------------------------------------- 41 Tax I&S SuIrU11ar)'----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Revenues & Expendi tures------------------------------------------------------- 43-44 Water & Sewer Summar)' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45-46 Business Office -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 I' Water / W astewa ter --------------------------------------------------------------- 48-50 Public Safety EMS Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------51 Rev en ues----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 Expendi tures ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53-55 I Drainage ~llIllIllClr)'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------:>Ei Rev en lles-----------------------------------------------------------------------------:> 7 Expendi tu.res ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :>8-:>9 Capital Recovery ~llIllIllClr)' ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- EiO Rev enlles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ei 1 Expendi tu.res ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ei2 Schertz Economi~ Development Corporation ~llIllIllClr)' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ei3 Rev en lles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ()4 Non - DepClrtmentClI ----------------------------------------------------------------Ei5-Ei6 Economic Dev elopmen t ---------------------------------------------------------- Ei 7 Development Foundation ~llIllIllClr)'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Ei8 Rev en lles----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ei9 Expendi tu.res ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Special Event Fund ~llIllIllClr)'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------71 Revenlle------------------------------------------------------------------------------72 Expendi tu.res------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73 Hotel Tax ~llIllIllClr)' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 Rev en lIes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 Expendi tu.res------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Ei Parks ~llIllIllClr)' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 Revenlles-----------------------------------------------------------------------------78 Expendi tu.res------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79 Recycling ~llIllIllClr)' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------80 Rev en 11 es----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 Expendi tu.res------------------------------------------------------------------------ 82 II 101 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 5,418,524 3,864,802 336,476 5,755,000 Franchises 670,220 215,506 9,998 680,218 Permits 522,750 167,883 8,450 531 ,200 Licenses 20,500 10,456 200 20,700 Fees 1,117,575 378,230 127,000 1 ,244,575 Fines 18,000 6,750 1,000 19,000 Inter-jurisdictional 250,309 4,054 575 250,884 Inter-Fund Transfers 709,159 10,175 (244,222) 464,937 Miscellaneous 228,000 70,602 195,500 423,500 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON DEPARTMENTAL 440,200 270,068 28,300 468,500 CITY COUNCIL 16,850 12,901 2,400 19,250 CITY MANAGER 338,575 114,616 (1,872) 336,703 COURT SUPPORT 264,014 73,488 (15,997) 248,017 MUNICIPAL COURT 1,927 65,572 65,572 PLANNING AND ZONING 278,772 92,982 (90,574) 188,198 LEGAL SERVICES 147,500 69,538 147,500 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 347,234 99,631 (792) 346,442 CITY SECRETARY 216,124 66,084 9,466 225,590 PUBLIC INFORMATION 71,205 14,635 71,205 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,120,474 815,872 (3,497) 2,116,977 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2,366,993 819,172 3,688 2,370,681 FIRE 1,515,628 448,763 4,084 1,519,712 INSPECTIONS 318,206 93,900 318,206 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 4,200,827 1,361,835 7,772 4,208,599 PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT STREETS 586,836 175,073 19,399 606,235 TOTAL PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT 586,836 175,073 19,399 606,235 1 101 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Req uest 2005 Mid Year Approved PARKS & RECREATION PARKS 446,259 124,363 (2,145) 444,114 SWIM POOL 130,789 11,221 130,789 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 577,048 135,585 (2,145) 574,903 CULTURAL LIBRARY 330,001 101,230 1,000 331,001 TOTAL CULTURAL 330,001 101,230 1,000 331,001 HEALTH ANIMAL CONTROL 214,142 63,874 214,142 TOTAL HEALTH 214,142 63,874 214,142 INTERNAL SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 334,618 92,327 42,535 377,153 HUMAN RESOURCES 142,681 34,841 142,681 FINANCE 217,883 66,298 217,883 FLEET SERVICE 190,580 55,033 (360) 190,220 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 885,762 248,499 42,175 927,937 MISCELLANEOUS PATIENT ASSISTANCE 11 ,000 (1,000) 10,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 11,000 (1,000) 10,000 2 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Taxes 000-411100 Advalorem Tax - Current 3,639,524 3,218,225 10,476 3,650,000 000-411200 Advalorem Tax - Delinquent 35,000 16,404 5,500 40,500 000-411300 Advalorem Tax - P&I 25,000 4,765 25,000 000-411400 Roll Back Property Tax 10,000 1 0,000 000-411500 Sales Tax Revenue - Gen. Fund 1,700,000 621,052 320,000 2,020,000 000-411600 Bingo Tax 4,500 1,241 4,500 000-411700 Mixed Beverage 4,500 3,115 500 5,000 Total Taxes 5,418,524 3,864,802 336,476 5,755,000 Franchises 000-421200 Center Point/Entex Energy 18,000 17,498 (502) 17,498 000-421220 City Public Service 90,000 32,813 10,000 100,000 000-421240 Guadalupe Valley Elec Co-op 250,000 81,907 250,000 000-421300 Time Warner/Paragon Cable 175,000 46,732 5,000 180,000 000-421440 Southwestern Bell Telephone 65,000 15,556 (2,000) 63,000 000-421460 AT&T Franchise Fee 4,500 2,532 500 5,000 000-421480 Other Telecom Franchise 17,000 3,480 (3,000) 14,000 000-421500 Solid Waste Franchise Fee 50,720 14,987 50,720 Total Franchises 670,220 215,506 9,998 680,218 Permits 000-4311 00 Home Occupation Permit 300 100 300 000-431200 Building Permit 380,000 107,412 380,000 000-431300 Mobile Home Permit 300 300 000-431400 Signs Permit 1,000 520 1,000 000-431500 Food Establishment Permit 15,000 8,725 7,000 22,000 000-431600 Garage Sale Permit 6,500 2,300 500 7,000 000-431700 Plumbing Permit 50,000 18,616 50,000 000-431750 Electrical Permit 40,000 18,987 40,000 000-431800 Mechanical Permit 20,000 7,122 20,000 000-431900 Solicitor/Peddler Permit 750 40 (150) 600 000-431950 Animal/Pet Permit 900 605 100 1,000 000-432000 Certificate of Occupancy Permit 1,000 210 1,000 000-445000 Security Alarm Permit 7,000 3,247 1,000 8,000 Total Permits 522,750 167,883 8,450 531,200 Licenses 000-441 000 Alcohol Beverage License 3,000 303 3,000 000-442000 Contractors License 15,000 9,425 200 15,200 000-444000 Pet License 2,500 728 2,500 Total Licenses 20,500 10,456 200 20,700 3 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-451000 Municipal Court Fines 475,000 179,074 87,000 562,000 000-451100 Arrest Fee 30,000 11,547 30,000 000-451200 Warrant Fees 60,000 24,419 30,000 90,000 000-451400 Traffic Fine Costs TTL 14,000 5,741 14,000 000-451500 Teen Court Admin Fee 500 100 500 000-451600 Technology Fund Fee 25,000 10,282 25,000 000-451700 Security Fee 19,000 7,771 19,000 000-451800 Time Payment Fee - City 2,000 1,052 2,000 000-451850 State Fines 10% Service Fee 30,000 18,787 30,000 000-451900 DPS Payment - Local 5,000 2,217 5,000 000-452000 Child Safety Fee 4,500 3,329 4,500 9,000 000-452100 Platting Fees 42,000 12,940 42,000 000-452200 Site Plan Fee 8,000 1,100 8,000 000-452300 Plan Check Fee 185,000 50,158 185,000 000-452400 BOA/Zoning Fees 1,800 75 1,800 000-452500 Food Handler Class 11 ,000 4,088 11 ,000 000-452600 Specific Use/Zone Chng Fee 3,000 1,000 3,000 000-453100 Reinspection Fees 85,000 31,520 85,000 000-45311 0 Swim Pool Inspection Fee 75 75 000-453200 Mowing Fees - Inspections 1,500 172 1,500 000-453300 Solicitor's Investigation 1,000 1,000 000-453500 SubContractor Registration Fee 8,200 8,200 000-454100 Swim Pool Reservation Fee 2,000 1,000 3,000 000-454200 Pool Gate Admission Fee 17,000 2,000 19,000 000-454300 Seasonal Pool Pass Fee 7,000 7,000 000-454400 Swimming Lessons Fee 15,000 15,000 000-458100 Sale of Merchandise 300 300 000-458300 Sale of Property/Auction 20,000 20,000 000-458400 Building Rental Fee 5,000 773 5,000 000-458500 Property Rental Fee 6,000 299 6,000 000-458600 Ball Field Use 250 65 250 000-458700 Vehicle Impoundment 500 360 500 000-459100 Credit Card/Check Fee 1,000 1,000 000-459200 NSF Check Fee 250 60 250 000-459300 Notary Fee 200 72 200 000-459400 Maps, Copies, UDC Mise F 2,000 420 2,000 000-459600 Animal Adoption Fee 13,000 5,159 2,000 15,000 000-459700 Pet Impoundment Fee 11 ,500 4,042 500 12,000 000-459800 Police Reports Fee 5,000 1,608 5,000 Total Fees 1,117,575 378,230 127,000 1,244,575 4 101 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fines 000-463000 Library Fines 18,000 6,750 1,000 19,000 Total Fines 18,000 6,750 1,000 19,000 Inter-Jurisdictional 000-473100 Bexar Co - Fire 14,000 3,431 (275) 13,725 000-473200 Guadalupe Co - Fire 37,000 37,000 000-473300 Guadalupe Co. Library 112,500 112,500 000-473400 Randoph AFB-Animal Control 371 850 850 000-474200 Library Services - Cibolo 2,500 2,500 000-474400 Dispatch Service - Cibolo 81,928 81,928 000-474500 Dispatch Service -SCUCISD 1,200 1,200 000-474600 School Crossing Guard-Bexar 1,181 252 1,181 Total Inter-Jurisdictional 250,309 4,054 575 250,884 Fund Transfers 000-480000 Indirect Costs -EMS 25,000 25,000 000-480200 Interfund Transfer-Parks 40,000 (40,000) 000-485000 Interfund Charges - Drainage 3% 9,300 2,300 9,300 000-486000 Interfund Charges - Water 548,834 (204,222) 344,612 000-487000 Interfund Charges-Fleet 54,025 375 54,025 000-488000 Interfund Charges-4B 30,000 7,500 30,000 000-48901 0 Indirect Costs -Hotel 2,000 500 2,000 Total Fund Transfers 707,159 10,175 (244,222) 464,937 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 5,000 1,738 5,000 000-491200 Investment Income 40,000 31,084 20,000 60,000 000-493400 Donation - Animal Control 2,500 1,609 2,500 000-493401 AlC Donation Microchip 642 000-494481 LawEnforcemtOfficersStnd&Ed 4,500 4,500 000-495014 Woodland Oaks Park-Match 10,000 10,000 000-497000 Misc Income-Gen Fund 25,000 21,418 25,000 000-497100 Misc Income- Police 5,000 4,399 45,000 50,000 000-497200 Misc Income - Library 6,000 1,362 6,000 000-497300 Misc Income - Animal Control 5,000 5,000 000-497400 Misc Income - Streets Dept 5,000 3,081 5,000 000-497500 Misc Income - TML Insurance 5,000 4,924 5,000 000-497600 Misc Income-ParksNending 345 000-498000 Reimbursement-Gen Fund 15,000 15,000 000-499000 Transfer from Reserves 100,000 101,500 201,500 000-499000 Transfer-Court Technology Reserve 29,000 29,000 Total Miscellaneous 228,000 70,602 195,500 423,500 5 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL EXPENDITURES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Supplies 150-521100 Office Supplies 200 200 Total Supplies 200 200 City Support Services 150-532600 City Elections 6,000 5,821 6,000 150-532800 Special Events 710 2,400 2,400 Total City Support Services 6,000 6,531 2,400 8,400 Staff Support 150-535200 Annual Awards 150 150 150-535300 Memberships Prof Orgs 5,500 3,956 5,500 150-535500 Training/Travel 5,000 2,414 5,000 Total Staff Support 10,650 6,370 10,650 Professional Services 1 50-541300 Other Consul/Prof Services Total Professional Services 6 101-General Fund General Government CITY MANAGER 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 151-511110 Regular 241 ,183 85,327 241 ,183 151-511120 Overtime 151-511180 LTD 676 137 676 151-511210 Longevity 9,084 7,212 (1,872) 7,212 151-511240 Vehicle Allowance 10,800 1,888 10,800 151-511310 FICA - Employer 19,145 8,553 19,145 151-511350 TMRS - Employer 21,168 5,202 21 ,168 151-51141 0 Health - Employer 15,388 3,022 15,388 151-511500 Workers Compensation 881 882 881 Total Personnel Services 318,325 112,224 (1,872) 316,453 Supplies 151-521100 Office Supplies 1,700 254 1,700 Total Supplies 1,700 254 1,700 Staff Support 151-535100 Uniforms 200 32 200 151-535200 Annual Awards 4,500 652 4,500 151-535300 Memberships 3,200 322 3,200 151-535400 Publications 400 400 151-535500 Training/Travel 10,000 928 10,000 151-535600 Professional Certification 250 205 250 Total Staff Support 18,550 2,139 18,550 7 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT COURT SUPPORT 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 152-511110 Regular 168,418 48,490 168,418 152-511120 Overtime 2,500 303 2,500 152-511180 LTD 466 129 466 152-511210 Longevity 1,680 1,680 1,680 152-511230 Certification Allowance 600 93 600 152-511240 Vehicle Allowance 2,400 748 2,400 152-511310 FICA - Employer 13,204 4,090 13,204 152-511350 TMRS - Employer 14,598 3,676 14,598 152-511410 Health - Employer 23,082 5,304 23,082 152-511500 Workers Compensation 1,791 1,740 1,791 Total Personnel Services 228,739 66,253 228,739 Supplies 152-521100 Office Supplies 2,000 4,066 200 2,200 152-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,000 (300) 700 Total Supplies 3,000 4,066 (100) 2,900 City Support Services 152-532800 Special Events 2,000 (2,000) Total City Support Services 2,000 (2,000) Utilitv Services 152-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1,800 350 (1,450) 350 Total Utility Services 1,800 350 (1,450) 350 Operations Support 152-534200 Printing & Binding 4,450 764 (1,500) 2,950 Total Operations Support 4,450 764 (1,500) 2,950 Staff Support 152-535100 Uniforms 250 ( 1 00) 150 152-535300 Memberships 450 (350) 100 152-535400 Publications 1,500 140 (1,000) 500 152-535500 Training/Travel 5,325 178 (3,147) 2,178 152-535600 Prof. Certs 100 50 (50) 50 Total Staff Support 7,625 368 (4,647) 2,978 8 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT COURT SUPPORT 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Court Support 152-536200 OMNI-Base-FTA 1,000 1,000 152-536400 Collection Expense 152-536500 Court/Jury Cost 1,600 72 1,600 Total Court Support 2,600 72 2,600 Professional Services 152-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 5,500 1,615 2,000 7,500 Total Professional Services 5,500 1,615 2,000 7,500 Maintenance Services 152-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement Total Maintenance Services Operatina Eauipment 152-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 152-571300 Computer & Peripherals 7,500 (7,500) Total Operating Equipment 7,500 (7,500) Capitalized Eauipment 152-581400 Communications Equipment 800 ( 800) Total Capitalized Equipment 800 (800) 9 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 169-51111 0 Regular 25,966 25,966 169-511120 Overtime 169-511180 LTD 42 42 169-511220 Clothing Allowance 1,200 1,200 169-511310 FICA - Employer 2,019 2,019 169-511350 TMRS - Employer 2,233 2,233 169-511410 Health - Employer 1,929 1,929 169-511500 Workers Compensation 1,115 1,115 Total Personnel Services 34,503 34,503 Supplies 169-521100 Office Supplies 800 800 169-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,860 2,860 Total Supplies 3,660 3,660 City Support Services 169-532800 Special Events 2,000 2,000 Total City Support Services 2,000 2,000 Utility Services 169-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,350 2,350 Total Utility Services 2,350 2,350 Operations Support 169-534200 Printing & Binding 1,500 1,500 Total Operations Support 1,500 1,500 Staff Support 169-5351 00 Uniforms 150 150 169-535300 Memberships 350 350 169-535400 Publications 1,000 1,000 169-535500 Training/Travel 2,984 2,984 169-535600 Prof. Certs Total Staff Support 4,484 4,484 Professional Services 169-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 500 500 Total Professional Services 500 500 10 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL COURT Operatina Eauipment 169-571300 Computer & Peripherals Total Operating Equipment Capitalized Eauipment 169-581400 Communications Equipment 169-581200 V eh icles Total Capitalized Equipment 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 1,927 1,927 2005 Mid Year Request 25,000 25,000 2,500 23,578 26,078 2005 Mid Year Approved 25,000 25,000 2,500 23,578 26,078 11 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE INFORMATION TECH 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 853-511110 Regular 100,812 30,743 100,812 853-511180 LTD 274 80 274 853-511210 Longevity 600 600 600 853-511310 FICA - Employer 7,758 2,634 7,758 853-511350 TMRS - Employer 8,577 2,253 8,577 853-511410 Health - Employer 7,694 1,993 7,694 853-511500 Workers Compensation 357 336 357 Total Personnel Services 126,072 38,639 126,072 Supplies 853-521100 Office Supplies 250 250 853-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 3,500 686 3,500 Total Supplies 3,750 686 3,750 City Support Services 853-532300 Computer Consulting 6,000 375 6,000 853-532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 82,782 7,934 82,782 Total City Support Services 88,782 8,309 88,782 Utility Services 853-533300 Telephone 50,000 16,522 13,135 63,135 Total Utility Services 50,000 16,522 13,135 63,135 Staff Support 853-535100 Uniforms 70 70 853-535300 Memberships 300 192 300 853-535400 Publications 250 250 853-535500 Training/Travel 5,256 5,256 Total Staff Support 5,876 192 5,876 Maintenance Services 853-551300 Computer Maint 7,288 5,575 400 7,688 853-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 4,200 1,990 4,200 Total Maintenance Services 11 ,488 7,565 400 11 ,888 12 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE INFORMATION TECH 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Operatina Eauipment 853-571300 Computer & Peripherals 43,850 20,415 29,000 72,850 Total Operating Equipment 43,850 20,415 29,000 72,850 Capitalized Eauipment 853-581401 Communication Equipment 4,800 4,800 Total Capitalized Equipment 4,800 4,800 13 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING & ZONING 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 154-511110 Regular 146,283 45,820 (61,225) 85,058 154-511120 Overtime 2,000 2,506 3,040 5,040 1 54-511180 LTD 404 126 ( 167) 237 154-511210 Longevity 1,392 1,392 (480) 912 1 54-51131 0 FICA - Employer 11 ,450 4,232 (4,721) 6,729 154-511350 TMRS - Employer 12,660 3,553 (5,220) 7,440 1 54-51141 0 Health - Employer 15,388 3,986 (5,765) 9,623 154-511500 Workers Compensation 520 494 (217) 303 Total Personnel Services 190,097 62,109 (74,755) 115,342 Supplies 154-521 000 Operating Supplies 900 ( 180) 720 154-521100 Office Supplies 3,000 1,056 (1,200) 1,800 154-521600 Equipment Supplies 200 200 Total Supplies 4,100 1,056 (1,380) 2,720 City Support Services 154-532400 Computer Fees & License 1,000 1,000 154-532800 Special Events 1,000 852 (1,000) Total City Support Services 2,000 852 (1,000) 1,000 Operations Support 154-534200 Printing & Binding 1,500 294 (1,500) Total Operations Support 1,500 294 (1,500) Staff Support 1 54-5351 00 Uniforms 200 30 (80) 120 154-535300 Memberships 2,200 713 (1,284) 916 154-535400 Publications 1,175 (575) 600 154-535500 Training/Travel 15,000 3,860 (10,000) 5,000 Total Staff Support 18,575 4,603 (11,939) 6,636 Professional Services 1 54-5411 00 Engineering Services 60,000 23,068 60,000 1 54-541300 Other Consl/Prof Service 1,000 1 54-541 500 State/County Admin Fees 2,500 2,500 Total Professional Service 62,500 24,068 62,500 14 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Operations Support 155-534100 Advertising 12,500 5,466 12,500 Total Operations Support 12,500 5,466 12,500 Professional Services 1 55-541200 Legal Services 135,000 64,073 135,000 Total Professional Services 135,000 64,073 135,000 15 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 256-511110 Regular 1,608,471 499,836 3,416 1,611,887 256-511120 Overtime 20,000 3,394 20,000 256-511180 L TD 4,467 1,319 4,467 256-511210 Longevity 46,620 46,380 (240) 46,380 256-511220 Clothing Allowance 48,430 17,552 48,430 256-511230 Certification Allowance 8,608 3,083 8,608 256-511310 FICA - Employer 128,145 46,552 261 128,406 256-511350 TMRS - Employer 139,918 39,264 139,918 256-511410 Health - Employer 192,348 48,479 192,348 256-511500 Workers Compensation 50,561 53,731 15 50,576 Total Personnel Services 2,247,568 759,591 3,453 2,251,021 Supplies 256-521000 Operating Supplies 13,100 1,623 13,100 256-521100 Office Supplies 5,000 1,221 (1,500) 3,500 256-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 500 323 500 256-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 500 464 500 Total Supplies 19,100 3,631 (1,500) 17,600 City-Support Services 256-532500 City-Insurance-Comm. 18,000 21,627 18,000 Total City Support Services 18,000 21,627 18,000 Utility Services 256-533500 Vehicle Fuel 40,000 13,388 40,000 Total Utility Services 40,000 13,388 40,000 Operations Support 256-534100 Advertising 200 200 256-534200 Printing & Binding 235 235 235 Total Operations Support 200 235 235 435 Staff Support 256-535200 Annual Awards 200 346 200 400 256-533530 Memberships 875 288 875 256-535400 Publications 1,500 20 1,500 256-535500 Training/Travel 12,000 2,072 12,000 256-535500 T -Class Training 4,500 4,500 Total Staff Support 19,075 2,726 200 19,275 16 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved City Assistance 256-537100 Medical Services 2,500 1,283 2,500 256-537500 Citizen's Police Academy 200 44 200 256-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 2,500 (1,200) 1,300 Total City Assistance 5,200 1,327 (1,200) 4,000 Professional Services 256-541300 Other Consult/Prof Servo 1,600 118 1,600 Total Professional Services 1,600 118 1,600 Maintenance Services 256-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint. 2,300 4,841 3,500 5,800 256-551800 Other Maintenance Agrmt 1 0,450 11 ,088 1,000 11 ,450 Total Maintenance Services 12,750 15,929 4,500 17,250 Rental-Lease 256-561200 Lease/Purchase Pmts. 500 500 Total Rental-Lease 500 500 Operatina Eauipment 256-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 600 1,000 Total Operating Equipment 1,000 600 1,000 Capitalized Eauipment 256-581800 Other Equipment 2,000 (2,000) Total Capitalized Equipment 2,000 (2,000) 17 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 257-511110 Regular 1,008,307 292,650 3,437 1,011,744 257-511120 Overtime 49,000 20,917 49,000 257-511180 LTD 2,904 822 59 2,963 257-511210 Longevity 1 7,184 17,328 17,184 257-511220 Clothing Allowance 9,372 2,404 9,372 257-511310 FICA - Employer 82,275 27,470 238 82,513 257-511350 TMRS - Employer 90,965 23,681 263 91,228 257-511410 Health - Employer 119,256 24,915 119,256 257-511500 Workers Compensation 26,809 21 ,743 88 26,897 Total Personnel Services 1,406,072 431,930 4,084 1,410,156 Supplies 257-521000 Operating Supplies 1,500 579 1,500 257-521100 Office Supplies 2,250 534 2,250 257-521200 Medical Supplies 9,365 1,687 9,365 257-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 500 500 257-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,000 573 2,000 Total Supplies 15,615 3,373 15,615 Utility Services 257-533100 Gas Utility Service 1,100 1,100 257 -533200 Electric Utility Service 7,800 245 7,800 257-533410 Water Utility Service 1,900 1,900 257 -533500 Vehicle Fuel 9,000 3,060 9,000 Total Utility Services 19,800 3,305 19,800 Operations Support 257-534200 Printing & Binding 400 135 400 257-534300 Copy Services Total Operations Support 400 135 400 Staff Support 257 -535000 Uniforms 25,184 4,228 25,184 257 -5335300 Memberships 2,040 100 2,040 257 -535400 Publications 1,565 705 1,565 257 -535500 Training/Travel 17,050 2,266 17,050 257 -535600 Prof. Certs 1 ,472 746 1 ,472 Total Staff Support 47,311 8,045 47,311 18 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved City Assistance 257 -537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 10,050 10,050 Total City Assistance 10,050 10,050 Maintenance Services 257-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 3,350 530 3,350 Total Maintenance Services 3,350 530 3,350 Rental-Lease 257-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 2,880 2,880 Total Rental-Lease 2,880 2,880 Operatina Eauipment 257-571000 Furniture/Fixture 2,100 2,100 Total Operating Equipment 2,100 2,100 Capitalized Eauipment 257-581300 Police/Fire/Medical Equip 2,500 2,500 257-581400 Communications Equipment 2,400 390 2,400 257-581700 Other Improvements 257-581800 Other Equipment 3,150 1,055 3,150 Total Capitalized Equipment 8,050 1 ,445 8,050 19 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 258-511110 Regular 173,528 53,353 173,528 258-511120 Overtime 1,500 296 1,500 258-511180 LTD 493 139 493 258-511210 Longevity 7,428 7,428 7,428 258-511310 FICA - Employer 13,958 4,716 13,958 258-511350 TMRS - Employer 15,432 4,338 15,432 258-511410 Health - Employer 23,082 5,992 23,082 258-511500 Workers Compensation 1,551 1 ,465 1,551 Total Personnel Services 236,972 77,727 236,972 Supplies 258-521000 Operating Supplies 4,350 970 4,350 258-521200 Medical Supplies 500 72 500 258-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,000 390 2,000 Total Supplies 6,850 1 ,432 6,850 Utility Services 258-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,400 659 2,400 Total Utility Services 2,400 659 2,400 Operations Support 258-534100 Advertising 500 166 500 258-534200 Printing & Binding 1,700 482 1,700 Total Operations Support 2,200 649 2,200 Staff Support 258-535100 Uniforms 2,120 326 2,120 258-535300 Memberships 525 644 100 625 258-535400 Publications 2,150 1,157 2,150 258-535500 Training/Travel 6,000 1,074 (100) 5,900 258-535600 Prof. Certs 250 250 Total Staff Support 11,045 3,201 11 ,045 City Assistance 258-537100 Medical Services 500 500 Total City Assistance 500 500 20 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Professional Services 258-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 35,689 10,219 35,689 Total Professional Services 35,689 10,219 35,689 Maintenance Services 258-551700 Lot Cleaning 2,500 14 2,500 258-551800 Other Maint. Agreement 100 100 Total Maintenance Services 2,600 14 2,600 Capital Outlav 258-581200 Motor Vehicles 19,950 19,950 Total Capital Outlay 19,950 19,950 21 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT STREETS 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 359-511110 Regular 242,409 62,828 242,409 359-511120 Overtime 5,000 937 5,000 359-511180 LTD 687 166 687 359-511210 Longevity 6,876 6,275 (601 ) 6,275 359-511310 FICA - Employer 19,453 5,689 19,453 359-511350 TMRS - Employer 21,507 4,980 21,507 359-511410 Health - Employer 42,317 8,980 42,317 359-511 500 Workers Compensation 26,883 26,655 26,883 Total Personnel Services 365,132 116,509 (601 ) 364,531 Supplies 359-521000 Operating Supplies 2,500 759 2,500 359-521100 Office Supplies 700 392 700 359-521200 Medical Supplies 1,500 82 1,500 359-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 700 40 700 Total Supplies 5,400 1,274 5,400 Utilitv Services 359-533200 Electricity 35,000 9,053 35,000 359-533410 Water Utility Service 900 183 900 359-533500 Vehicle Fuel 12,000 5,616 12,000 Total Utility Services 47,900 14,852 47,900 Operations Support 359-534300 Copy Services 250 250 Total Operations Support 250 250 Staff Support 359-535100 Uniforms 5,500 1,175 5,500 359-535300 Memberships 170 43 170 359-535500 Training/Travel 1,500 189 1,500 359-535600 Prof. Certs 300 300 Total Staff Support 7,470 1 ,407 7,470 Professional Services 359-5411 00 Engineering Services 6,600 7,819 8,000 14,600 Total Professional Services 6,600 7,819 8,000 14,600 22 101-GENERAL FUND PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT STREETS 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Maintenance Services 359-551100 Building Maintenance 1,000 10 1,000 359-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint. 1,000 448 1,000 359-551600 Street Maintenance 150,000 32,754 (8,000) 142,000 Total Maintenance Services 152,000 33,212 (8,000) 144,000 Rental-Lease 359-561100 Rental Equipment 2,000 2,000 359-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 84 84 Total Rental-Lease 2,084 2,084 Capitalized Eauipment 359-581800 Other Equipment 20,000 20,000 Total Capitalized Equipment 20,000 20,000 23 101-GENERAL FUND PARKS & RECREATION PARKS 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 460-511110 Regular 203,984 62,742 203,984 460-511120 Overtime 3,000 90 3,000 460-511180 LTD 578 164 578 460-511210 Longevity 6,936 6,816 (120) 6,816 460-511240 Vehicle Allowance 1,500 467 1,500 460-511310 FICA - Employer 16,365 5,836 16,365 460-511350 TMRS - Employer 18,093 4,992 18,093 460-51141 0 Health - Employer 26,929 6,976 26,929 460-511500 Workers Compensation 4,424 4,437 4,424 Total Personnel Services 281,809 92,520 (120) 281,689 Supplies 460-521000 Operating Supplies 10,000 1,747 10,000 460-521100 Office Supplies 500 59 500 460-521200 Medical Supplies 2,000 2,000 460-521400 Plumbing Supplies 5,000 34 5,000 Total Supplies 17,500 1,840 17,500 Utilitv Services 460-533200 Electricity 15,000 4,801 15,000 460-533410 Water Utility Service 15,000 4,660 15,000 460-533500 Vehicle Fuel 3,000 871 3,000 Total Utility Services 33,000 10,331 33,000 Operations Support 460-534200 Printing & Binding 200 200 Total Operations Support 200 200 Staff Support 460-535100 Uniforms 3,000 787 3,000 460-535300 Memberships 500 82 500 460-535500 Training/Travel 1,800 554 1,800 Total Staff Support 5,300 1 ,423 5,300 City Assistance 460-537200 Buff Val Youth Assoc Supr 10,000 1,534 10,000 Total City Assistance 10,000 1,534 10,000 24 1 01-GENERAL FUND PARKS & RECREATION PARKS 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Maintenance Services 460-551100 Building Maintenance 3,000 402 3,000 460-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint. 7,000 242 7,000 460-551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 500 500 460-551600 Street Maintenance Material 500 500 460-551702 Schertz Parkway Maint. 25,000 8,772 25,000 Total Maintenance Services 36,000 9,415 36,000 Rental-Lease 460-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 1,500 880 1,500 Total Rental-Lease 1,500 880 1,500 Capitalized Eauipment 460-581400 Communications Equipment 250 250 460-581600 Trees 40,000 245 (40,000) 460-581700 Matching Improvements 20,000 5,4 75 (14,525) 5,475 460-581800 Other Equipment 700 700 52,500 53,200 Total Capitalized Equipment 60,950 6,419 (2,025) 58,925 25 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND FACILITY MAINTENANCE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 161-511110 Regular 153,200 44,960 153,200 161-511120 Overtime 3,700 1,723 3,700 161-511180 LTD 443 121 443 161-511210 Longevity 7,020 6,228 (792) 6,228 161-511310 FICA - Employer 12,540 4,133 12,540 161-511350 TMRS - Employer 13,864 3,755 13,864 161-51141 0 Health - Employer 23,082 5,337 23,082 161-511500 Workers Compensation 7,767 7,4 79 7,767 Total Personnel Services 221,616 73,735 (792) 220,824 Supplies 161-521000 Operating Supplies 19,665 3,760 19,665 161-5211 00 Office Supplies 900 445 900 161-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 4,600 1,509 4,600 161-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 550 100 550 161-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 300 300 Total Supplies 26,015 5,814 26,015 Utilitv Services 161-533100 Gas Utility Service 67 161-533200 Electricity Utility Service 32,000 6,901 32,000 161-533410 Water Utility Service 3,700 1,146 3,700 161-533500 Vehicle Fuel 3,800 681 3,800 Total Utility Services 39,500 8,797 39,500 Operations Support 161-534200 Printing & Binding 100 100 Total Operations Support 100 100 Staff Support 161-535100 Uniforms 2,980 1,375 2,980 161-535300 Memberships 150 109 150 161-535400 Publications 275 275 161-535500 Training/Travel 2,198 797 2,198 Total Staff Support 5,603 2,281 5,603 26 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND FACILITY MAINTENANCE 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Maintenance Services 161-5511 00 Building Maintenance 40,000 6,987 40,000 161-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 550 141 550 161-551700 Ground Maintenance 2,600 2,600 161-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 7,500 877 7,500 Total Maintenance Services 50,650 8,005 50,650 Rental-Lease 161-561100-51 Rental Equipment 750 163 750 Total Rental-Lease 750 163 750 Operatina Eauipment 161-571500 Operating Equipment 3,000 837 3,000 Total Operating Equipment 3,000 837 3,000 27 101-GENERAL FUND HEALTH ANIMAL CONTROL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 762-511110 Regular 111 ,153 37,017 111 ,1 53 762-511120 Overtime 5,000 1,314 5,000 762-511180 LTD 315 102 315 762-511210 Longevity 360 600 360 762-511220 Clothing Allowance 3,000 972 3,000 762-511310 FICA - Employer 8,913 3,388 8,913 762-511350 TMRS-Employer 9,855 2,786 9,855 762-511410 Health-Employer 20,632 4,983 20,632 762-511500 Workers Compensation 2,614 2,582 2,614 Total Personnel Services 161,842 53,744 161,842 Supplies 762-521000 Operating Supplies 5,000 730 5,000 762-521100 Office Supplies 1,200 248 1,200 762-521200 Medical Supplies 6,000 1,323 6,000 762-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 400 19 400 Total Supplies 12,600 2,320 12,600 Utility Services 762-533200 Electricity 4,000 440 4,000 762-533410 Water Utility Service 2,500 739 2,500 762-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,000 469 2,000 Total Utility Services 8,500 1,649 8,500 Operations Support 762-534000 Postage 89 762-534100 Advertising 250 50 250 762-534200 Printing & Binding 2,000 2,000 Total Operations Support 2,250 139 2,250 Staff Support 762-535100 Uniforms 762-535300 Memberships 400 224 400 762-535500 Training/Travel 1,500 808 1,500 762-535600 Professional Certification 700 40 700 Total Staff Support 2,600 1,072 2,600 28 101-GENERAL FUND HEALTH ANIMAL CONTROL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved City Assistance 765-537100 Medical Services 15,000 2,690 15,000 Total City Assistance 15,000 2,690 15,000 Professional Services 762-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 750 105 750 762-541700 A/C Microchip Service Total Professional Services 750 105 750 Maintenance Services 762-551100 Building Maintenance 6,000 240 6,000 762-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 750 750 Total Maintenance Services 6,750 240 6,750 Operatina Eauipment 762-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 350 350 Total Operating Equipment 350 350 Capital Outlav 762-581400 Communications Equipment 762-581800 Other Equipment 3,500 1,916 3,500 Total Capital Outlay 3,500 1,916 3,500 29 101-GENERAL FUND PARKS & RECREATION POOL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 463-51111 0 Regular 86,000 86,000 463-511120 Overtime 463-511310 FICA - Employer 6,579 6,579 462-511500 Workers Compensation 3,110 2,295 3,110 Total Personnel Services 95,689 2,295 95,689 Supplies 463-521000 Operating Supplies 1,000 154 1,000 463-521100 Office Supplies 500 500 463-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 11,000 4,486 11,000 463-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,000 60 1,000 Total Supplies 13,500 4,700 13,500 Utilitv Services 463-533200 Electric Utility Service 6,000 2,391 6,000 463-533410 Water Utility Service 5,000 638 5,000 Total Utility Services 11,000 3,029 11 ,000 Staff Support 463-535100 Uniforms 600 600 463-535500 Training/Travel 2,500 632 2,500 Total Staff Support 3,100 632 3,100 Maintenance Services 463-5511 00 Building Maintenance 1,000 475 1,000 463-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 1,000 1,000 Total Maintenance Services 2,000 475 2,000 Rental-Lease 463-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 500 90 500 Total Rental-Lease 500 90 500 Capital Outlav 463-581800 Other Equipment 5,000 5,000 Total Capital Outlay 5,000 5,000 30 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY SECRETARY 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 164-51111 0 Regular 141 ,906 43,198 6,442 148,348 164-511180 LTD 367 112 35 402 164-51121 0 Longevity 6,540 6,540 6,540 164-511310 FICA - Employer 11,356 4,154 493 11,849 164-511350 TMRS - Employer 12,556 3,531 545 13,101 164-511410 Health - Employer 11,541 2,990 1,929 13,470 164-511500 Workers Compensation 523 476 23 546 Total Personnel Services 184,789 61,001 9,466 194,255 Supplies 164-521000 Operating Supplies 150 55 150 164-521100 Office Supplies 5,500 983 5,500 164-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 400 223 400 Total Supplies 6,050 1,261 6,050 City-SuPPort Services 164-532700 Records Management 12,000 12,000 Total City Support Services 12,000 12,000 Operations Support 164-534200 Printing & Binding 2,000 480 2,000 Total Operations Support 2,000 480 2,000 Staff Support 164-5351 00 Uniforms 160 160 164-535300 Memberships 600 72 600 164-535400 Publications 325 325 164-535500 Training/Travel 3,700 1,315 3,700 Total Staff Support 4,785 1,387 4,785 Professional Services 164-541300 Other Consl/Prof Services 1,955 Total Professional Services 1,955 Operatina Eauipment 164-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 6,500 6,500 Total Operatiing Equipment 6,500 6,500 31 101-GENERAL FUND CULTURAL LIBRARY 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 665-511110 Regular 183,888 54,919 183,888 665-511120 Overtime 1,000 56 1,000 665-511180 LTD 430 119 430 665-511210 Longevity 5,244 4,284 (960) 4,284 665-511310 FICA - Employer 14,545 4,475 14,545 665-511350 TMRS-Employer 16,081 3,579 16,081 665-511410 Health-Employer 23,082 5,947 23,082 665-511500 Workers Compensation 681 593 681 Total Personnel Services 244,951 73,973 (960) 243,991 Supplies 665-521000 Operating Supplies 6,000 1,4 71 960 6,960 665-5211 00 Office Supplies 2,000 666 2,000 Total Supplies 8,000 2,137 960 8,960 Utility Services 665-533200 Electric Utility Service 9,000 2,013 9,000 665-533410 Water Utility Service 1,200 362 1,200 Total Utility Services 10,200 2,375 10,200 Operations Support 665-534200 Printing & Binding 2,500 562 2,500 Total Operations Support 2,500 562 2,500 Staff Support 665-535100 Uniforms 500 500 665-535200 Annual Awards 300 65 300 665-535300 Memberships 350 428 350 665-535500 Training/Travel 800 56 800 Total Staff Support 1,950 549 1,950 Maintenance Services 665-551300 Computer Maint 5,500 5,500 665-551800 Other Maint Agreement 1,900 873 1,900 Total Maintenance Services 7,400 873 7,400 32 101-GENERAL FUND CUL TURAL LIBRARY 2005 Council Approved Operatina Eauipment 665-571300 Computer/Peripherals 665-571400 Library Materials Total Operating Equipment 5,000 50,000 55,000 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved 5,000 51,000 56,000 20,762 20,762 1,000 1,000 33 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCE . 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 866-51111 0 Regular 52,099 17,864 52,099 866-511120 Overtime 750 7 750 866-511180 LTD 145 47 145 866-511210 Longevity 840 840 840 866-511310 FICA - Employer 4,107 1 ,456 4,107 866-511350 TMRS - Employer 4,541 1,338 4,541 866-511410 Health - Employer 7,694 1,993 7,694 866-511500 Workers Compensation 186 226 38 224 866-511600 Unemployment Compensation 30,000 614 30,000 Total Personnel Services 100,362 24,385 38 100,400 Supplies 866-521000 Office Supplies 500 45 500 Total Supplies 500 45 500 Human Services 866-5311 00 Pre-Employment Check 250 440 250 500 866-531200 Medical Co-Pay 2,000 250 2,000 866-531300 Employee Assistance 7,500 2,244 7,500 866-531400 Tuition Reimbursement 8,000 3,075 8,000 Total Human Services 17,750 6,009 250 18,000 Operations Support 866-534100 Advertising 10,000 2,900 10,000 866-534200 Printing & Binding 525 525 Total Operations Support 10,525 2,900 10,525 Staff Support 866-535100 Uniforms 140 140 866-535300 Memberships 310 235 310 866-535400 Publications 369 (284) 85 866-535500 Training/Travel 2,725 318 779 3,504 Total Staff Support 3,544 553 495 4,039 City Assistance 866-537100 Medical Services 5,000 950 5,000 Total City Assistance 5,000 950 5,000 34 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCE 2005 Council Approved Professional Services 866-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service Total Professional Services 5,000 5,000 Maintenance Service 866-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint. Total Maintenance Service 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request (783) (783 ) 2005 Mid Year Approved 4,217 4,217 35 101-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved City Support Services 167 -532200 County Appraisal District 65,000 1 5,466 65,000 167 -532500 City Ins-Com 80,000 113,460 80,000 167 -532900 Contingencies 25,000 50 25,000 Total City Support Services 170,000 128,976 170,000 Operations Support 167-534000 Postage 16,700 16,809 15,000 31 ,700 167-534300 Copy Services 27,000 9,079 27,000 167 -534600 Annexation Costs 20,000 8,546 20,000 Total Operations Support 63,700 34,435 15,000 78,700 City Assistance 167 -537100 Medical Services-EMS Cntrct 171,500 85,750 13,300 184,800 Total City Assistance 171,500 85,750 13,300 184,800 Professional Services 167-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 20,000 11,000 20,000 167-541500 State/County & Admin Fees 2,500 2,534 2,500 167-541600 Miscellaneous Bank Charges 6,000 873 6,000 Total Professional Services 28,500 14,407 28,500 Fund CharaeslTransfers 167-548106 Transfer to Special Event Fd 6,500 6,500 6,500 Total Fund ChargeslTransfers 6,500 6,500 6,500 36 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FINANCE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 868-51111 0 Regular 156,371 48,820 156,371 868-511120 Overtime 1,000 1,000 868-511180 LTD 430 127 430 868-511210 Longevity 1,800 1,800 1,800 868-511310 FICA - Employer 12,177 4,211 12,177 868-511350 TMRS - Employer 13,463 3,626 13,463 868-511410 Health - Employer 19,235 4,983 19,235 868-511 500 Workers Compensation 557 445 557 Total Personnel Services 205,033 64,012 205,033 Supplies 868-521000 Operating Supplies 1,600 238 1,600 868-521100 Office Supplies 2,000 307 2,000 Total Supplies 3,600 545 3,600 Operations Support 868-534200 Printing & Binding 2,000 82 2,000 Total Operations Support 2,000 82 2,000 Staff Support 868-535100 Uniforms 175 175 868-535300 Memberships 300 300 868-535400 Publications 275 275 868-535500 Training/Travel 5,000 1,600 5,000 Total Staff Support 5,750 1,600 5,750 Operatina Eauipment 868-571000 F urn itu re/Fixtu res 1,425 1 ,425 868-571300 Computer & Peripherials 1,500 59 (1,425) 75 Total Operating Equipment 1,500 59 1,500 37 1 01-GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 170-511110 Regular 39,907 9,071 39,907 170-511180 L TD 108 18 108 170-511210 Longevity 170-511310 FICA- Employer 3,053 793 3,053 170-511350 TMRS - Employer 3,375 505 3,375 170-511410 Health - Employer 3,847 670 3,847 170-511500 Workers Compensation 140 119 140 Total Personnel Services 50,430 11 ,176 50,430 Supplies 170-521100 Office Supplies 851 138 851 Total Supplies 851 138 851 Operations Support 170-534100 Advertising 500 119 500 170-534200 Printing & Binding 14,000 3,085 14,000 Total Operations Support 14,500 3,204 14,500 Staff Support 170-535100 Uniforms 75 75 170-535300 Memberships 500 500 170-535400 Publications 300 300 170-535500 Training/Travel 2,500 118 2,500 170-535600 Prof Certification 500 500 Total Staff Support 3,875 118 3,875 Professional Services 170-541300 Other Consult/Prof Services 500 500 Total Professional Services 500 500 Eauipment 170-571500 Operating Equipment 1,049 1,049 Total Operating Equipment 1,049 1,049 38 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET SERVICE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 877-511110 Regular 75,192 18,544 75,192 877-511120 Overtime 1,000 91 1,000 877-511180 LTD 212 48 212 877-511210 Longevity 2,232 1,872 (360) 1,872 877-511310 FICA - Employer 5,999 1,700 5,999 877-511350 TMRS - Employer 6,633 1 ,482 6,633 877-511410 Health - Employer 11 ,541 2,315 11,541 877-511500 Workers Compensation 2,837 2,375 2,837 Total Personnel Services 105,646 28,427 (360) 105,286 Supplies 877-521000 Operating Supplies 2,500 274 2,500 877-521100 Office Supplies 400 196 400 877-521200 Medical Supplies 1,500 61 1,500 877-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 55,000 1 7,460 55,000 877 -521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,100 1,100 Total Supplies 60,500 17,992 60,500 Utilitv Services 877-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1,500 490 1,500 Total Utility Services 1,500 490 1,500 Operations Support 877-534200 Printing & Binding 300 115 300 Total Operations Support 300 115 300 Staff Support 877-535100 Uniforms 1,500 214 1,500 877-535200 Annual Awards 100 100 877-535500 Training/Travel 1,750 1,750 Total Staff Support 3,350 214 3,350 Maintenance Services 877-551100 Building Maintenance 500 500 877-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 4,000 302 4,000 877-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 12,500 7,493 12,500 Total Maintenance Services 17,000 7,795 17,000 39 101-GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FLEET SERVICE Rental-Lease 877-561100 Rental Equipment 877 -561200 Lease/Purchase Payments Total Rental-Lease Capital Outlav 877-581700 Other Improvements Total Capital Outlay 2005 Council Approved 200 84 284 2,000 2,000 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved 200 84 284 2,000 2,000 40 101-GENERAL FUND MISC. PATIENT ASSISTANCE City Assistance 901-537300 Patient Assistance 901-537400 Students of Christ 901-537500 Children's Advocacy Assist. Total City Assistance 2005 Council Approved 5,000 1,100 4,900 11 ,000 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved 5,000 5,000 10,000 (1,100) 100 (1,000) 41 505-TAX I&S SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 1 ,156,206 980,565 1,156,206 Fund Transfers 324,200 251,902 128,281 452,481 Miscellaneous 3,800 3,423 3,800 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Maintenance Service Professional Service 1,479,206 1,112,409 128,281 1,607,487 5,000 500 5,000 42 50S-TAX I&S REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Taxes 000-411900 Property Tax Revenue 1,121,206 975,824 1,121,206 000-411950 Public Improvement Dist-922 35,000 4,742 35,000 Total Taxes 1,156,206 980,566 1,156,206 Fund Transfers 000-486000 Transfer From Other Funds 25,450 25,450 000-486000.1 Tranfr from SED Corp. 35,000 35,000 35,000 000-486100 Transf from TI F 88,000 88,902 88,000 000-486203 Transf from EMS 65,750 18,000 65,750 000-486204 Transfer from Drainage 10,000 10,000 10,000 000-486314 Transfer from Hotel Tax 100,000 100,000 100,000 000-486411 Transfer from Capital Recovery 128,281 128,281 Total Fund Transfers 324,200 251,902 128,281 452,481 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 300 474 300 000-491000 Investment Income 3,500 2,948 3,500 Total Miscellaneous 3,800 3,422 3,800 43 50S-Tax I&S General Goyernment NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Debt Service 101-551610 Debt Service 1,479,206 1,112,409 128,281 1,607,487 Total Debt Service 1,479,206 1,112,409 128,281 1,607,487 Professional Services 101-541500 Paying Agent 5,000 500 5,000 Total Professional Services 5,000 500 5,000 44 202-WATER & SEWER SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 8,153,722 2,236,425 (555,052) 7,598,670 Fund Transfers 36,720 20,338 593,290 630,010 Miscellaneous 140,250 91,455 140,250 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE Personnel Services Supplies City Support Service Operating Support Staff Support Operatin Equipment 200,755 4,500 10 81 ,500 3,250 1,000 PUBLIC WORKS Personnel Services Supplies City Support Services Utility Services Operations Support Staff Support City Assistance Professional Services Fund Charges Maintenance Services Rental Lease 776,498 71,000 126,327 1,150,618 4,685 27,497 3,000 121,000 577,013 5,120,451 1,700 66,479 1,158 200,755 4,500 10 81 ,500 3,250 1,000 12,655 861 253,976 19,980 15,595 314,363 90 7,115 111 23,841 776,498 71,000 126,327 1,150,618 4,685 27,497 3,000 121,000 (204,222) 372,791 5,120,451 1,700 1,545,773 430 45 202-WATER & SEWER REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-455200 Garbage Collection Fee 1,700,000 544,621 1,700,000 000-455600 Fire Line Fees 10,000 8,815 10,000 000-455700 Recycle Fee Revenue 115,500 39,878 115,500 000-455800 W&S Line Constructn Reimb 31,000 6,680 31 ,000 000-457100 Sale of Water 4,300,000 1,116,090 (555,052) 3,744,948 000-457110 Edwards Water Lease 25,000 25,000 000-457200 Sale of Meters 23,000 9,736 23,000 000-457400 Sewer Charges 1,846,882 466,810 1,846,882 000-457500 Water Penalties 100,040 43,044 100,040 000-459100 Credit Card Fee 300 80 300 000-459200 NSF Check Fee-Water&Swr 2,000 670 2,000 Total Fees 8,153,722 2,236,425 (555,052) 7,598,670 Fund Transfers 000-486101 Transfer In-Gen Fund 11 ,1 58 000-486204 Interfnd Chrg-Drainage Billing 36,720 9,180 36,720 000-486411 Transfer In-Capital Recovery 593,290 593,290 Total Fund Transfers 36,720 20,338 593,290 630,010 Miscellaneous 000-490000 Misc Charges 20,000 (13) 20,000 000-491000 Interest Earned 1,000 1,000 000-491200 Investment Income 10,000 13,340 10,000 000-496000 Water Construction Reserve 65,000 61,964 65,000 000-497000 Miscellaneous Income W&S 7,000 6,626 7,000 000-498100 Reimbursement-EMS Loan 32,250 6,500 32,250 000-498200 W&S Project Reimbursement 5,000 3,038 5,000 Total Miscellaneous 140,250 91,455 140,250 46 202-WATER & SEWER GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Req uest Approved Personnel Services 176-511110 Regular 144,084 44,314 144,084 176-511120 Overtime 1,000 2 1,000 176-511180 LTD 411 115 411 176-511210 Longevity 7,128 7,920 7,128 176-511310 FICA - Employer 11,644 4,448 11,644 176-511350 TMRS-Employer 12,874 3,701 12,874 176-511410 Health-Employer 23,082 5,980 23,082 176-511500 Workers Compensation 532 532 Total Personnel Services 200,755 66,479 200,755 Supplies 176-521000 Operating Supplies 1,000 299 1,000 176-521100 Office Supplies 3,500 859 3,500 Total Supplies 4,500 1,158 4,500 City Support Services 176-532500 City Insurance - Commercia 10 10 Total City Support Services 10 10 Operations Support 176-534000 Postage 46,500 10,424 46,500 176-534200 Printing & Binding 35,000 2,231 35,000 Total Operations Support 81 ,500 12,655 81 ,500 Staff Support 176-535100 Uniforms 250 250 176-535500 Training/Travel 3,000 861 3,000 Total Staff Support 3,250 861 3,250 Operatina Eauipment 176-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 1,000 Total Operating Equipment 1,000 1,000 47 202-WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 575-51111 0 Regular 554,640 169,374 554,640 575-511120 Overtime 10,000 881 10,000 575-511180 LTD 1,572 444 1,572 575-511210 Longevity 17,640 16,848 17,640 575-511230 Certification Allowance 2,700 586 2,700 575-511310 FICA - Employer 44,544 15,351 44,544 575-511350 TMRS - Employer 49,249 13,380 49,249 575-511410 Health - Employer 76,939 19,941 76,939 575-511500 Workers Compensation 19,214 1 7,172 19,214 Total Personnel Services 776,498 253,976 776,498 Supplies 575-521000 Operating Supplies 9,500 1,770 9,500 575-521100 Office Supplies 6,000 672 6,000 575-521200 Medical Supplies 5,000 957 5,000 575-521400 Plumbing Supplies 50,000 16,452 50,000 575-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 500 130 500 Total Supplies 71,000 19,980 71,000 City Support Services 575-532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 28,327 1,680 28,327 575-532410 Computer Consulting 7,000 7,000 575-532500 City Insurance- / Comm 20,000 13,915 20,000 575-532700 Records Management Service 2,000 2,000 575-532900 Contingencies 69,000 69,000 Total City Support Services 126,327 15,595 126,327 Utility Services 575-533200 Electricity 110,000 22,934 110,000 575-533300 Telephone 10,000 2,275 10,000 575-533400 Water Purchase 1,003,918 283,182 1,003,918 575-533410 Water Utility Service 1,700 402 1,700 575-533500 Vehicle Fuel 25,000 5,569 25,000 Total Utility Services 1,150,618 314,363 1 ,1 50,618 Operations Support 575-534100 Advertising 1,740 1,740 575-534200 Printing & Binding 2,000 90 2,000 575-534300 Copy Services 945 945 Total Operations Support 4,685 90 4,685 48 202-WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Staff Support 575-535000 Rental-Building & Land 2,000 1,891 2,000 575-535100 Uniforms 14,000 1,973 14,000 575-535200 Annual Awards 450 516 450 575-535300 Memberships 3,025 1,770 3,025 575-535400 Publications 400 72 400 575-535500 Training/Travel 7,622 893 7,622 Total Staff Support 27,497 7,115 27,497 City Assistance 575-537100 Medical Services 3,000 111 3,000 Total City Assistance 3,000 111 3,000 Professional Services 575-541100 Engineering Services 63,000 4,968 63,000 575-541200 Legal Services 20,000 503 20,000 575-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 25,000 6,470 25,000 575-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service 13,000 11,900 13,000 Total Professional Services 121,000 23,841 121,000 Fund Charaes 575-548600 Inter Fund Charges 577,013 (204,222) 372,791 Total Fund Charges 577,013 (204,222) 372,791 Maintenance Services 575-551100 Building Maintenance 4,250 383 4,250 575-551300 Computer Maintenance 10,000 7,344 10,000 575-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 2,400 496 2,400 575-551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 25,000 1 ,430 25,000 575-551510 Payable to Wast Contractor 1,552,578 465,371 1,552,578 575-551520 Sewer Treatment - CCMA/MUD 1,243,915 367,954 1,243,915 575-551600 Street Maintenance Materials 5,500 471 5,500 575-551610 Debt Service 2,266,308 698,819 2,266,308 575-551720 Low Flow Rebate Program 3,000 900 3,000 575-551740 Rebate UB Customer 3,000 3,000 575-551800 Other Maintenance 4,500 2,605 4,500 Total Maintenance Services 5,120,451 1,545,773 5,120,451 49 202-WATER & SEWER PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Rental-Lease 575-561100 Rental - Equipment 575-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments Total Rental-Lease 1,500 200 1,700 392 38 430 1,500 200 1,700 50 203-EMS SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Req uest Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 2,650,000 233,849 2,650,000 Inter-Jurisdictional 629,328 252,960 13,300 642,628 Miscellaneous 60,000 29,932 60,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Services Supplies City Support Services Utility Services Operations Support Staff Support City Assistance Professional Services Fund Charges Maintenance Service Debt Service Rental Lease Operating Equipment Capitalized E ui ment 1,261,416 137,500 27,000 40,249 5,600 56,200 16,000 72,000 1,540,000 47,311 98,000 10,000 12,500 5,000 408,630 50,860 9,517 9,375 2,000 12,472 4,732 26,994 7,320 1,268,736 137,500 27,000 40,249 5,600 56,200 16,000 72,000 1,540,000 47,311 98,000 10,000 12,500 5,000 2,614 51 203-EMS REVENUES 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Fees 000-456100 Ambulance/Mileage Transport 2,650,000 000-459100 Credit Card Fee 2,650,000 Inter-Jurisdictional 000-473500 Seguin/Guad Co Support 176,990 58,997 - 176,990 000-473600 Comal Co Support 30,000 8,850 30,000 000-474300 Cibolo Support 35,700 19,600 35,700 000-475100 Garden Ridge Support 14,630 7,315 14,630 000-475200 Live Oak Support 64,092 16,023 64,092 000-475300 Universal City Support 105,000 26,250 105,000 000-475400 Selma Support 17,500 8,750 17,500 000-475500 Schertz Support 171,500 101,773 13,300 184,800 000-475600 Santa Clara Support 6,223 1,556 6,223 000-475800 Marion Support 7,693 3,847 7,693 Miscellaneous 000-493203 Donations- EMS 000-497000 Misc Income 000-497500 Misc Income-EMT Classes 20,000 40,000 2,531 20,220 7,182 20,000 40,000 52 53 203-EMS PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Staff Support 280-535100 Uniforms 12,000 4,779 12,000 280-535200 Annual Awards 1,000 1,000 280-535300 Memberships 1,800 1,102 1,800 280-535400 Publications 400 141 400 280-535500 Training/Travel 25,000 4,096 25,000 280-535600 Prof. Certs 16,000 2,354 16,000 Total Staff Support 56,200 12,472 56,200 City Assistance 280-537100 Medical Services 8,000 1,184 8,000 280-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 8,000 3,548 8,000 Total City Assistance 16,000 4,732 16,000 Professional Services 280-541200 Legal Services 3,000 3,000 280-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 42,000 24,044 42,000 280-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 2,000 2,000 280-541500 EMT Class Instructors 25,000 2,950 25,000 Total Professional Services 72,000 26,994 72,000 Fund Charaes 280-548500 Contractual Allowables 795,000 795,000 280-548600 Inter-Fund Charge - Admin 25,000 25,000 280-548700 Bad Debt Expense 720,000 720,000 Total Fund Charges 1,540,000 1,540,000 Maintenance Services 280-551100 Building Maintenance 7,500 132 7,500 280-551200 Motor Vehicle Fleet 24,311 24,311 280-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 15,500 2,483 15,500 Total Maintenance Services 47,311 2,614 47,311 Debt Service 280-555202 Repayment to W&S 26,000 6,500 26,000 280-555505 Repayment ot SR2003 - I&S 72,000 18,000 72,000 Total Debt Service 98,000 24,500 98,000 54 203-EMS PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Rental-Lease 280-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 10,000 2,771 1 0,000 Total Rental-Lease 10,000 2,771 10,000 Qperatina Eauipment 280-571300 Computer & Peripherals 12,500 426 12,500 Total Operating Equipment 12,500 426 12,500 Capitalized Eauipment 280-581400 Communications Equipment 5,000 1,308 5,000 Total Capitalized Equipment 5,000 1,308 5,000 55 204-DRAINAGE FUND SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 309,670 101,332 309,670 Miscellaneous 100 329 100 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personnel Services Supplies Utility Services Staff Support City Assistance Professional Services Fund Charges/Transfers Maintenance Services Rental Lease Ca italOutla 158,960 4,200 6,000 4,726 800 19,000 58,621 17,000 1,500 18,600 53,173 135 902 1,008 158,960 4,200 6,000 4,726 800 19,000 58,621 17,000 1,500 18,600 12,544 22,155 1,148 56 204-DRAINAGE FUND REVENUES 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Fees 000-457500 Water Penalties 000-457600 Drainage Fees 3,000 306,670 1 ,459 99,873 3,000 306,670 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 000-497000 Misc Income - Draina e 100 100 57 58 204-DRAINAGE General Government EXPENDITURES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fund Charaes/Transfers 579-548500 Inter-Fund Charge-I&S 21,901 10,000 21,901 579-548600 Inter-Fund Charge-Water 36,720 12,155 36,720 Total Fund Charges/Transfers 58,621 22,155 58,621 Maintenance Services 579-551300 Computer Maintenance 2,000 1,148 2,000 579-551610 Drainage Channel Maintenance 15,000 15,000 Total Maintenance Services 17,000 1,148 17,000 Rental-Lease 579-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 1,500 1,500 Total Rental-Lease 1,500 1,500 Capital Outlay 579-581800 Other Improvements 18,600 18,560 18,600 Total Capital Outlay 18,600 18,560 18,600 59 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 929,223 313,290 929,223 Fund Transfers 508,777 721,571 1,230,348 Miscellaneous 130,000 30,519 130,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Professional Services Fund Transfers Capitalized Equipment 150 14,850 721,571 (15,000) 15,000 721,571 1,553,000 1 ,568,000 60 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-455900 Capital Recovery-Water 565,020 140,810 565,020 000-455910 Capital Recovery-Waste Water 364,203 172,479 364,203 Total Fees 929,223 313,290 929,223 Fund Transfers 000-481000 Transfer from Reserve 508,777 721,571 1,230,348 Total Fund Transfers 508,777 721,571 1 ,230,348 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 2,736 000-491200 I nvestment Income 80,000 15,284 80,000 000-498100 Reimbursement-FM 78 Project 50,000 12,500 50,000 Total Miscellaneous 130,000 30,519 130,000 61 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY General Government NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Professional Services 944-534100 Engineering Services 150 14,850 15,000 Total Professional Services 150 14,850 15,000 Fund Transfers 1 01-548600 Interfund Transfers 721,571 721,571 Total Fund Transfers 721,571 721,571 Capital Outlay 944-581900 Elevated Storage Tank 1,568,000 (15,000) 1,553,000 Total Capital Outlay 1,568,000 (15,000) 1,553,000 62 620 SED CORPORATION SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 850,000 310,526 160,000 1,010,000 Miscellaneous 6,000 4,495 64,243 70,243 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY General Government Non-Departmental Economical Development 830,718 420,301 50,164 80,000 169,525 910,718 169,525 Transfer from Gen Fd 63 620 SED CORPORATION REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Taxes 000-411 500 Sales Tax Revenues (4B) 850,000 310,526 160,000 1,010,000 Total Taxes 850,000 310,526 160,000 1,010,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earnings 1,000 493 1,000 000-491200 Investment Earnings 5,000 4,001 5,000 000-499000 Transfer from Reserves 64,243 64,243 Total Miscellaneous 6,000 4,495 64,243 70,243 64 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Req uest Approved Supplies 101-521000 Operating Supplies 11435 2,000 11 ,435 101-521100 Office Supplies 100 100 101-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 2,300 50 2,300 Total Supplies 13,835 2,050 13,835 Utility Services 101-533100 Gas Utility Service 4,319 1,696 4,319 101-533200 Electrictity Utility Service 44,177 9,820 44,177 101-533410 Water Utility Service 7,165 1,688 7,165 101-533500 Fuel-Diesel 1,089 562 1,089 Total Utility Services 56,750 13,767 56,750 Operations Support 101-534100 Advertising 1,995 Total Operations Support 1,995 Professional Services 101-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service 800 800 101-541500 Paying Agent 1,775 1,769 1,775 Total Professional Services 2,575 1,769 2,575 Fund Charaes/Transfers 1 01-548600 Fund Transfers 65,000 42,500 65,000 Total Fund Charges/Transfers 65,000 42,500 65,000 Maintenance Services 1 01-5511 00 Building Maintenance 9,000 1,708 9,000 101-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint 375 151 375 101-551700 Ground Maintenance 600 600 101-551800 Other Maint. Agreement 6,399 921 6,399 Total Maintenance Services 16,374 2,780 16,374 Debt Service 1 01-555600 GO BondSR98-PubS Bldgs-Prin. 384,236 195,000 (189,236) 195,000 101-555600.1 GO BondSR98-PubS Bldgs-Intr 97,726 189,236 189,236 101-555700 Tax Note SR01-Fire Engine 166,748 5,874 166,748 Total Debt Service 550,984 298,599 550,984 65 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Rental-Lease 1 01-5611 00 Rental-Equipment 200 200 Total Rental-Lease 200 200 Capital Outlay 1 01-5811 00 E.D. Project Support 30,145 101-581200 Police Vehicles 125,000 26,696 125,000 991-581300 Four Oaks Rd 552 80,000 80,000 Total Capital Outlay 125,000 57,394 80,000 205,000 66 620-SED CORPORATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Personnel Services 966-51111 0 Regular 34,635 88,839 88,839 966-511120 Overtime 827 1 ,460 1 ,460 966-511180 LTD 92 241 241 966-511210 Longevity 480 480 480 966-511310 FICA - Employer 3,036 6,833 6,833 966-511350 TMRS - Employer 2,729 7,555 7,555 966-51141 0 Health - Employer 2,636 7,694 7,694 966-511500 Workers Compensation 298 314 314 Total Personnel Services 44,734 113,416 113,416 Supplies 966-521000 Operating Supplies 180 180 966-521100 Office Supplies 585 1,200 1,200 Total Supplies 585 1,380 1,380 City Support Services 966-532800 Special Events 889 1,000 1,000 Total City Support Services 889 1,000 1,000 Utility Services 966-533300 Telephone 290 290 Total Utility Services 290 290 Operations Support 966-534200 Printing & Binding 673 1,500 1,500 Total Operations Support 673 1,500 1,500 Staff Support 966-535100 Uniforms 12 80 80 966-535300 Memberships 448 1,284 1,284 966-535400 Publications 575 575 966-535500 Training/Travel 2,823 10,000 10,000 Total Staff Support 3,283 11,939 11,939 Professional Services 966-541400 Professional Services 40,000 40,000 Total Professional Services 40,000 40,000 67 612 DEV FOUNDATION SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fund Transfers 1,000 1,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 673 1,000 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Support Professional Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 68 69 612-DEV FOUNDATION General Government NONDEPARTMENTAL 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Staff Support 101-535300 Memberships Prof Organization Total Staff Support 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Professional Services 101-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service Total Professional Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 70 SPECIAL EVENTS SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 1,000 1,000 Fund Transfers 24,000 24,000 24,000 Miscellaneous 11 ,500 8,784 40,000 51,500 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Event expenditures 26,700 34,332 40,000 66,700 71 SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-458100 Sale of Merchandise 1,000 1,000 Total Fees 1,000 1,000 Fund Transfers 000-485000 Interfund Transfer In 24,000 24,000 24,000 Total Fund Transfers 24,000 24,000 24,000 Miscellaneous 000-493000 Donations-4th July 5,000 5,000 000-493100 Donations-Christmas 6,000 6,459 6,000 000-493200 Emergency Svc Day Proceeds 40,000 40,000 000-493300 Donations-Business Appr Din 500 2,325 500 Total Miscellaneous 11 ,500 8,784 40,000 51 ,500 72 106-SPECIAL EVENTS EXPENSES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Event Cost 601 Festival of Angels 5,000 12,125 5,000 602 Employee Christmas 1,000 3,576 1,000 603 Business Appreciation Dinner 13,400 15,715 13,400 604 4th July 6,500 48 6,500 605 Emergency Service Day 68 40,000 40,000 606 Fire Prevention Week 607 National Night Out 50 50 608 Relay for Life 200 200 609 Stride for Sight 610 Trail Riders to Stock Show 100 100 611 Employee Remembrance Day 150 150 612 Easter Egg Hunt 613 Doggie Dash 150 150 614 BVY A Opening Day 50 50 615 Blue Santa 100 2,800 100 Total Event Expenses 26,700 34,332 40,000 66,700 73 314-HOTEL TAX SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 38,000 9,692 38,000 Fund Transfers 100,000 5,080 105,080 Miscellaneous 2,420 1,566 2,420 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT Nondepartmental 130,500 119,042 15,000 145,500 74 314-HOTEL TAX REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Req uest Approved Taxes 000-411800 Hotel Occupancy Tax 38,000 9,692 38,000 Total Taxes 38,000 9,692 38,000 Fund Transfers 000-481000 Transfer From Reserves 100,000 5,080 105,080 Total Fund Transfers 100,000 5,080 105,080 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 200 164 200 000-491200 Investment Income 2,220 1 ,402 2,220 Total Miscellaneous 2,420 1,566 2,420 75 314-HOTEL TAX General Government EXPENDITURES 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Operations Support 101-534100 Advertising 5,000 1,042 5,000 1 01-534200 Printing & Binding 5,000 5,000 Total Operations Support 10,000 1,042 10,000 Professional Services 101-541400 Auditor/Accounting Services 1,000 1,000 Total Professional Services 1,000 1,000 Fund Charaes 1 01-548600 Interfund Charges-Admin 119,500 118,000 119,500 Total Fund Charges 119,500 118,000 119,500 Capital Outlay 101-581700 Improvmnt-Christmas decorations 15,000 15,000 Total Capital Outlay 15,000 15,000 76 317 PARK SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved REVENUE SUMMARY Fees 20,000 3,680 20,000 Miscellaneous 2,240 444 76,260 78,500 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT Nondepartmental 51,000 3,330 47,500 98,500 77 317 PARK REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-458800 Developers Fees 10,000 10,000 000-458900 Tree Mitigation 10,000 3,680 10,000 Total Fees 20,000 3,680 20,000 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 000-491200 Investment Interest 000-493400 Donations 000-499000 Transfer from Tree Mitigation 000-499100 Transfer from Reserves Total Miscellaneous 2,240 444 250 40,000 36,010 76,260 240 2,000 250 40,000 36,010 78,500 240 2,000 39 405 78 79 318 RECYCLING SUMMARY RECAP 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Revenue Summary Fees 18,000 6,439 18,000 Expenditure Summary GENERAL GOVERNMENT 80 318 RECYCLING REVENUES 2005 2005 2005 2005 Council Y-T-D Mid Year Mid Year Approved Actual Request Approved Fees 000-458200 Sale of Recycle Materials 18,000 6,439 18,000 Total Fees 18,000 6,439 18,000 81 318-RECYCLlNG General Government EXPENDITURES 2005 Council Approved 2005 Y-T-D Actual 2005 Mid Year Request 2005 Mid Year Approved Maintenance Services 101-551510 Payable to Waste Contractor Total Maintenance Services 18,000 18,000 9,867 9,867 18,000 18,000 82