FY 2006-07 Budget DON E. TAYLOR CITY MANAGER September 28, 2006 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council Members FROM: Don E. Taylor, City Manager SUBJECT: Proposed Budget for 2006-2007 Fiscal Year The proposed budget recommendations for year 2006-2007 were filed with the City Secretary on July 31, 2006, in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter. The revenues in each fund meet or exceed our proposed expenditures. The Guadalupe County Appraisal District certified tax roll for 2006-07 is $1.423,205,878. This is an increase of $25,908,149 or a 2% increase over last year. A tax rate of 0.4517 of valuation was recommended. During the budget hearings with City Council, the budget was reduced and the resulting tax rate approved will be 0.4317 or 43.17 cents of $100.00 of valuation. The tax components are as follows: 0.2805 for Maintenance & Operations (two cents lower than last year) and 0.1512 for Interest & Sinking (debt service). The increase of 0.054 to I&S is the result of the sale of bonds in August 2006. This was a ballot issue voted on and approved by the Citizens of Schertz. This bond is for the building of a new library and the repair and maintenance of streets and drainage. Trends through the first 7 months of 2006 indicate the City of Schertz's economy continues to thrive. The strength of the City's economy is reflected in the continued number of housing starts being experienced. Projections of major developments such as Sedona, Laura Heights, Riata, Mesa Oaks II, and Ackermann Ridge suggest that this high number of housing starts will continue. Another indicator of economic strength is the continued increase in sales tax revenue. This past year we have seen Wal-Mart, Chili's, Starbuck, and other business open in our City. The new Hampton Inn increased our Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues by more than three times. Schertz continues to attract more and more viable businesses. The budget proposes the following additional personnel in various operating departments. The addition of an assistant city manager, a public information officer assistant, a sanitarian, an inspections clerk, a city engineer, an events planner, a parks and recreations supervisor, a facilities maintenance helper, and three police officers. In addition, two new departments will be created, an engineering department and a purchasing department. We are continuing to improve our employee benefits package by increasing the employee contribution to retirement from 5% to 6%. A 2% increase in the pay table and a continuation of the merit program. We are also increasing the starting salary of Emergency services personnel. This will aid in our recruitment and retention of employees. We are anticipating an increase in employee health insurance to be about 10%. The Council Chambers building is complete as well as the Civic Center. The Ball Fields are well on their way to being finished and the bids for the new Facility Maintenance building are being studied. Plans for the City Hall annex are being revised and soon after will begin construction. A number of capital purchases that are both new equipment and replacements for aging equipment are included. These are being purchased from our equipment replacement reserves. · Facilities Maintenance-One new truck ($16,574 ) and an eight- passenger cart ($10,7000). The cart will be used by the Civic Center and the cost will paid by the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. · Fire Department-A new fire truck ($450,000). General Fund paid a $130,000 down payment in 2005-06 and Schertz Economic Corporation will pay the remaining balance. · Inspections-Truck for new inspector ($19,000). · Parks Department-One new truck ($15,500), a utility vehicle to use at new recreation facility ($8,000), and additional lawn mower ($8,000). · Pool Department-New slide ($25,000). · Animal Control Department-A new truck ($23,000). and a chassis mount box unit [$8,020). · I. T. Department-Computer & peripherals [$37,500), and communication equipment [$29,450). · Fleet Department-Four post lift [$25,600), 112 ton transmission jack ($950), and "All Data 1500" ($1,500). · Police Department-Three replacement patrol cars and one new car [$28,034 each) and a paddy wagon ($27,000). These items will be funded by Schertz Economic Development Corporation. Overall, the City of Schertz is in sound condition financially with adequate reserves. Our economy is strong and continues to grow. I would like to thank the Department heads for their assistance in the development of this document. In particular, members of the Finance Department that played critical roles in the completion of this budget. Sincerely, c- L~~ Don E. Taylor City Manager /~- Schert~ -y- ]g .'X ~ .~.S- Corridor to the Future CITY OF SCHERTZ 2006-2007 BUDGET Index Ordinance-Tax Ra te ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I-III Ordinance- Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV - V Tax Rate and Property Evaluation----------------------------------------------------- VI Rate per Hundred V aluation------------------------------------------------------------- VII Tax on $100,000 Valuation by Y ear-------------------------------------------------- VIII Assessed Property V alues------------------------------------------------------------ IX Revenues - All Funds------------------------------------------------------------------- X Chart - All Funds---------------------------------------------------------------- XI Expenditures - All Funds---------------------------------------------------------------- XII Chart - All Funds---------------------------------------------------------------- XIII General Fund Expenditures by function--------------------------------------------- XIV Chart - General Fund Expenditures by function------------------------- XV General Fund Revenue & Expenditure Summary------------------------------------------1-6 Revenues------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-10 Ci ty Council----------------------------------------------------------------------11-12 City Manager----------------------------------------------------------------- 13-14 Court Su pport -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-17 M unici pal C ourt ------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-20 Planning & Zoning ---------------------------------------------------------------- 21-23 Legal Services----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-25 F acili ty Main tenan ce---------------------------------------------------------- 26-28 City Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------------ 29-30 N on-Departmental---------------------------------------------------------------- 31-32 Public Information Officer-------------------------------------------------- 33-34 Records Management ---------------------------------------------------------- 35-36 Engineering ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37-38 P olice---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39-42 F ire--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43-45 Inspecti 005-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46-48 Streets----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49-51 P ar ks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52- 54 P 001---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55-5 7 Li br ary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58-60 A nimal Con trol------------------------------------------------------------------ 61-63 lnforma tion T echnol ogy --------------------------------------------------------- 64-66 Human Resources----------------------------------------------------------------- 67-69 FinaIlce------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70-71 Purchasing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72-73 Fleet Service----------------------------------------------------------------------- 74-76 Ci ty Assis tance--------------------------------------------------------------------- 77-78 Tax I&S Summary --------------------------------------------------------------------------79-81 Revenues & Expenditures----------------------------------------------------- 82-83 Water & Sewer Revenues & Expenses------------------------------------------------------------ 84-89 B usiness Office------------------------------------------------------------------- 90-91 Water / Wastewater --------------------------------------------------------------- 92-95 Public Safety EMS Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96-101 Rev en u es---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 02 Expenses--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103-105 Drainage Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------106-111 Rev en u es------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 Expenses---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113-114 Capital Recovery Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------115-116 Rev enu es--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 Expenditures ------------------------------------------------------------------ 118 Schertz Economic Development Corporation Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119-120 Revenues--------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 Expendi tures----------------------------------------------------------------------- 122-124 Special Event Fund Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------125 Rev en u e-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 Expendi tures------------------------------------------------------------------------ 127 Hotel Tax Summarv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128-129 J Rev en u es -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 Expendi tures---------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 Parks Summarv---------------------------------------------------------------------- 132-133 , Rev en u es-----------------------------------------------------------------------------134 Expend i tures------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135 Recycling Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------136-13 7 Reven u es-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 Expendi tures----------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 Working Capital Projects----------------------------------------------------------------- 140-141 Organiza tional Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 2005-2006 Position Authorization---------------------------------------------------- 143-149 2005-2006 Pay T ables---------------------------------------------------------------------150-159 Com pensa tion Plan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 160-163 Travel, Training, & Conference Procedures----------------------------------------- 164-165 De bt Serv i ce Revi ew --------------------------------------------------------------------- 166 G 0 Bond, SR1992--------------------------------------------------------------- 167 C 0 Bond, SR2001---------------------------------------------------------------- 168 Combination Tax & Ltd Pledge Revenue -2003---------------------------169 Combination Tax & Ltd Pledge Revenue -2004----------------------------170 GO Bond, SR1998 --------------------------------------------------------------171 UtiliMr Svstem Rev & Refund Bond SR200l--------------------------------172 'J J ' Schertz/Seguin Local Govt Corp, SR99 & SROl--------------------------- 173 GMA C Commercial Mortgage---------------------------------------------- 174 C 0 Bond, SR2005---------------------------------------------------------------- 175 C 0 Bond, SR2006----------------------------------------------------------------- 176 ORDINANCE NO. 06-T-46 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 2007; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF 0.4317 ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 5,2006 and September 12, 2006, to receive public comment on the proposed tax rate; and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of 0.4317 on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 2006. SECTION 2. THAT such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, and such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For the current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various Departments $ 0.2805 (B) For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. TOTAL TAX RATE $0.1512 $ 0.4317 The City Manager has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the fiscal year 2006-2007. Debt Principal Interest Total 1992 City of Schertz, Street Improvement General Obligation Bonds $ 100,000.00 $ 10,830.00 $ 110,830.00 2001 City of Schertz, Certificate of Obligation Bond 170,000.00 176,070.00 346,070.00 2003 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and L TO Pledge Revenue Bond 200,000.00 82,857.50 282,857.50 2004 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and L TO Pledge Revenue Bond 225,000.00 316,636.26 541,636.26 2006 City of Schertz, General Obligation Bond 475,000.00 691 ,281.26 TOTAL $1,170,000.00 $1,277.675.02 $2,447,675.02 SECTION 3. THAT the Tax Assessor and Collector for Guadalupe County, Texas is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas on the basis of one hundred percent (100%) of appraised values for the year 2006, such basis of assessment being required to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of 0.4317 assessed valuation as herein provided. II SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determined that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09 (e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. SECTION 5. THE recorded vote on this Ordinance was as follows: Place One Council Member Jim Fowler AYES AYES Place Two Council Member David Scagliola Council Member Reginna Agee Council Member Tony Wilenchik Council Member Michael Carpenter Mayor Hal Baldwin AYES Place Three Place Four AYES Place Five AYES SECTION 6. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict be and same are hereby repealed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 19th day of Se tember 2006. ~ ~4?~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~ ry, City of Schertz, Texas III ORDINANCE NO. 06- T-45 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2006 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2007, BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, as required by the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter, the budget has been prepared and submitted to the City Council with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all City Departments and activities for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2006 and Ending September 30, 2007. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legally published; and WHEREAS, said public hearing has been held and full and final consideration given said budget; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT for the purpose of providing the funds necessary and proposed to be expended in the budget for said City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007, the budget was prepared and submitted to the City Council for its consideration and approval and that said budget in the total amount of $ 32.247.295 and the same is hereby appropriated for the maintenance as set forth in said budget. IV SECTION 2. THAT the said budget of the City of Schertz, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007, an exact copy of which is marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council for fiscal year 2006-2007. SECTION 3. THAT this Ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve-month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the General laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter. SECTION 4. THAT the Council hereby determined that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, and this Ordinance is hereby passed as an emergency measure to be effective immediately upon its passage and the enactment of this Ordinance as an emergency measure in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.09 (e) of the City's Home Rule Charter will contribute to the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 19th day of September 2006. ATTEST: ~lJ etary, City of Schertz v Tax Year Rates and Property Evaluation Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Rate 0.4072 0.3554 0.3544 0.3455 0.3405 0.3825 0.3825 0.3825 0.3760 0.3977 0.4317 Total Valuation $ 334,122,763 $ 378,784,051 $ 450,199,212 $ 534,039,183 $ 716,795,968 $ 822,745,104 $ 1,005,399,711 $ 1,105,234,626 $ 1,285,941,678 $ 1,397,297,729 $ 1,423,205,878 VI 0.4317 0.450 0.4072 0.3977 I ~ ~I 0.3825 0.3825 0.3825 ~ 0.400 0.3760 ~.;!- 0.3554 0.3544 I 0.3455 0.3405 0.350 .~. - i <:.....- 0.300 I ~; ~. ~ <, ~ I h> .~ J: , " ~ ~ roo ,. ~ e 'B , 0.250 " ~ :< ".~ . ~ \ ~ '" ~ i l! ,. ~ s .2l '. :~ ( ,f " ,. 11l ! ~ 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 L Rate per Hundred Valuation ~ - - 1996 1999 2004 2006 2000 2001 VII 2003 2005 2002 1997 1998 $407.20 $355.40 $354.40 r,{ ~ :~ ~ ~. ~ ,"'- ~- Tax on $100,000 Valuation by Year $415.59 $397.70 $382.50 $382.50 $382.50 $376.00 $345.50 $340.50 , I ~ ~~ it " t f!; ~, " 7 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2006 2004 2005 2002 VIII 1600000000 1400000000 1200000000 1000000000 Assessed Property Values (J) ::::l 800000000 I rn > 600000000 400000000 200000000 - o Series 1 o Series2 o ;1.' """ ".'I!' 2 3 4 5 6 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ~~-- -- - $334,122,7 $378,784.0 $450.199,2 $534,039.1 $716,795,9 $822,745,1 IX 789 2002 2003 2004 $1,005,399 $1,105,234 $1,285,941 10 11 2005 2006 $1,397,297 $1,423.205 Revenues - All Funds General Revenue Debt Services Water & Sewer Drainage Schertz EMS Capital Recovery Park/Recycle/Hotel SED Corporation TOTAL $ 12,485,925 $ 2,453,394 $ 10,478,810 $ 351,704 $ 4,925,393 $ 1,068,223 $ 363,125 $ 1,513,821 $ 33,640,395 x Revenues - All Funds Park/Recycle/Hotel 1% Schertz EMS 15% Drainage 1% Capital Recovery 3% SED Corp / 5% General Revenue 37% Water & Sewer 31% Debt Services 7% XI Expenditures - All Funds Debt Service Personnel Supplies Professional & City Svcs Utility & Maint. Services .Operation Support & Svc Capital Expense TOTAL $ 5,352,331 $ 12,624,663 $ 621,991 $ 1,429,017 $ 6,880,341 $ 3,924,821 $ 1,414,131 $ 32,247,295 XII Expenditures - All Funds Opr Support & Asst 12% Capital Expense 4% Debt Service 17% Utility & Maint. Svc 21% Prof & City Svc 4% Personnel 40% Supplies 2% XIII General Fund Expenditures - by Function Public Safety General Govt. Health Parks & Culture Public Environment Internal Services Misc. TOTAL $ 5,648,381 $ 3,250,306 $ 288,814 $ 1,248,875 $ 640,136 $ 1,366,968 $ 15,200 $ 12,458,680 XIV Gen. Govt. 26.1% General Fund Expenditures - By Function Health 2.3% l Parks & Culture 10.0% Public Environment 5.1% Internal Services 11.0% Misc 0.1% xv Pub. Safety 45.3% General Fund - Revenues Taxes Sales Tax Franchises Permits/License/Fees Muni. Court In ter-J urisdictio nal Inter-Fund Admin Miscellaneous TOTAL $ 4,115,093 $ 3,300,000 $ 911,650 $ 1,422,550 $ 969,490 $ 337,018 $ 625,655 $ 804,469 $ 12,485,925 1 Revenues - General Fund Permits/License/F ee 11% Muni. Court 8% Inter-Jurisdictional 3% Inter-Fund Admin 5% Sales Tax 26% Miscellaneous 6% Franchises 7% Taxes 34% 2 General Fund - Expenditures Personnel Supplies Professional & City Svc Utility & Maint. Services Operation Support & Svc Capital Expense TOTAL $ 9,407,424 $ 247,621 $ 966,895 $ 827,619 $ 635,582 $ 373,539 $ 12,458,680 3 Expenditures - General Fund Utility & Maint. Svc 7% Opr Support & Asst. 5% Prof & City Svc 8% Capital 3% Supplies 2% Personnel 75% 4 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE SUMMARY Taxes 5,060,476 6,015,134 6,926,025 7,415,093 Franchises 659,847 786,299 869,000 911,650 Permits 490,563 675,960 627,650 671,500 Licenses 34,261 21,913 21,000 26,600 Fees 1,132,083 1,459,579 1,620,958 1,667,940 Fines 20,339 22,992 24,000 26,000 Inter-jurisdictional 185,145 256,385 279,456 337,018 Inter-Fund Transfers 483,736 464,837 407,419 625,655 Miscellaneous 118,620 282,823 1,695,530 804,469 TOTAL REVENUES 8,185,070 9,985,922 12,471,038 12,485,925 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 21,421 23,050 56,200 31,600 CITY MANAGER 325,328 322,120 323,456 451,471 COURT SUPPORT 207,694 232,282 154,063 154,887 MUNICIPAL COURT 53,934 247,814 314,693 PLANNING & ZONING 262,054 225,4 78 269,805 270,613 LEGAL SERVICES 182,915 299,205 187,500 189,000 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 320,997 328,262 469,191 613,847 CITY SECRETARY 118,283 210,468 113,216 131,314 NON DEPARTMENTAL 442,216 511,130 639,768 663,247 PUBLIC INFORMATION 59,021 60,466 83,202 163,596 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 105,853 100,820 ENGINEER 165,218 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,939,929 2,266,395 2,650,068 3,250,306 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 2,270,789 2,564,307 3,061,360 3,277,121 FIRE 1,232,851 1,570,861 1,916,078 1,964,074 INSPECTIONS 273,609 308,704 350,438 407,186 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 3,777,249 4,443,872 5,327,876 5,648,381 5 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT STREETS 450,037 527,540 654,965 640,136 TOTAL PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT 450,037 527,540 654,965 640,136 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS 465,594 377,439 452,281 621,877 POOLS 130,707 140,185 185,703 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 465,594 508,146 592,466 807,580 CULTURAL LIBRARY 296,201 325,499 388,152 441,295 TOTAL CULTURAL 296,201 325,499 388,152 441,295 HEALTH ANIMAL CONTROL 178,713 206,586 232,888 288,814 TOTAL HEALTH 178,713 206,586 232,888 288,814 INTERNAL SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 281,500 349,121 447,831 586,521 HUMAN RESOURCES 111,075 115,602 150,549 179,210 FINANCE 186,633 223,287 260,442 306,291 PURCHASING 57,986 FLEET SERVICE 179,493 194,854 217,864 236,960 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 758,701 882,864 1,076,686 1,366,968 MISCELLANEOUS CITIZENS ASSISTANCE 10,000 10,000 11,000 15,200 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 10,000 10,000 11 ,000 15,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,876,424 9,170,902 10,934,101 12,458,680 6 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-411100 Advalorem Tax - Current 3,252,597 3,685,396 4,042,325 3,992,093 000-411200 Advalorem Tax - Delinquent 40,147 56,674 45,000 60,000 000-411300 Advalorem Tax - P&I 25,876 34,397 25,000 38,000 000-411400 Roll Back Property Tax 28,048 000-411500 Sales Tax Revenue - Gen. Fund 1,703,995 2,227,283 2,800,000 3,300,000 000-411600 Bingo Tax 4,749 4,946 4,700 5,000 000-411700 Mixed Beverage 5,064 6,438 9,000 20,000 Total Taxes 5,060,476 6,015,134 6,926,025 7,415,093 Franchises 000-421200 Center Point/Entex Energy 14,934 17,498 22,000 24,250 000-421220 City Public Service 89,693 139,169 150,000 160,000 000-421240 Guadalupe Valley Elec Co-op 257,640 286,420 350,000 350,000 000-421250 New Braunfels Utilities 9,000 000-421300 Time Warner/Paragon Cable 182,615 218,526 220,000 230,000 000-421440 Southwestern Bell Telephone 61,906 63,540 62,000 000-421460 AT&T Franchise Fee 5,268 4,101 4,000 66,400 000-421480 Other Telecom Franchise 7,803 6,239 10,000 13,000 000-421500 Solid Waste Franchise Fee 39,988 50,806 51,000 59,000 Total Franchises 659,847 786,299 869,000 911,650 Permits 000-4311 00 Home Occupation Permit 130 160 800 800 000-431200 Building Permit 334,928 480,103 450,000 460,000 000-431300 Mobile Home Permit 200 100 100 000-431400 Signs Permit 925 2,220 2,500 3,000 000-431500 Food Establishment Permit 22,900 27,750 13,000 23,000 000-431600 Garage Sale Permit 8,361 7,840 6,000 7,000 000-431700 Plumbing Permit 51,276 61,400 55,000 60,000 000-431750 Electrical Permit 36,554 49,487 45,000 49,000 000-431800 Mechanical Permit 21,839 25,124 25,000 30,000 000-431900 Solicitor/Peddler Permit 550 360 500 400 000-431950 Animal/Pet Permit 1,000 845 1,000 850 000-432000 Certificate of Occupancy Permit 570 660 750 750 000-432100 Security Alarm Permit 11,330 16,591 21,000 28,000 000-432200 Floodplain Permit 100 000-435000 Fire Permit 3,420 7,000 8,500 Total Permits 490,563 675,960 627,650 671,500 7 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Licenses 000-441000 Alcohol Beverage License 2,795 2,488 3,500 3,900 000-442000 Contractors License 16,505 16,900 15,000 20,000 000-443000 Electrical License 12,580 000-444000 Pet License 2,381 2,525 2,500 2,700 Total Licenses 34,261 21,913 21,000 26,600 Fees 000-451000 Municipal Court Fines 514,465 567,076 745,000 655,000 000-4511 00 Arrest Fee 30,724 36,520 40,000 45,000 000-451110 Expunction Fee 120 90 000-451200 Warrant Fees 58,115 82,955 85,000 95,000 000-451340 Judicial Fee - City 2,675 3,600 000-451400 Traffic Fine Costs TTL 15,198 18,048 18,000 23,000 000-451500 Teen Court Admin Fee 574 533 700 800 000-451510 Juvenile Court Fee 19,000 30,000 000-451600 Technology Fund Fee 27,422 32,325 30,000 35,000 000-451700 Security Fee 20,741 24,421 24,000 26,000 000-451800 Time Payment Fee - City 2,417 3,601 3,500 5,000 000-451850 State Fines 10% Service Fee 33,051 41,074 40,000 42,500 000-451900 DPS Payment - Local 5,290 7,586 7,000 8,500 000-452000 Child Safety Fee 6,498 6,872 6,000 7,000 000-452100 Platting Fees 39,449 68,550 100,000 110,000 000-452200 Site Plan Fee 2,950 6,949 35,000 35,000 000-452300 Plan Check Fee 157,260 230,463 200,000 210,000 000-452320 Tree Mitigation Admin Fee 5,000 7,000 000-452400 BONZoning Fees 1,350 1,750 2,500 4,000 000-452410 BONVariance Fee 750 500 000-452500 Food Handler Class 12,984 14,686 10,000 14,000 000-452600 Specific Use/Zone Chng Fee 3,000 56,047 30,000 43,000 000-452610 Plat Recording Fee 561 1,500 1,500 000-452710 Zoning Ltr&Dev Rights 150 1,500 1,500 000-452800 P&Z Public Hearing Fee 215 1,200 1,000 000-453100 Reinspection Fees 99,218 99,025 85,000 95,000 000-453110 Swim Pool Inspection Fee 600 675 500 900 000-453200 Mowing Fees - Inspections 807 1,390 1,000 500 000-453300 Solicitor's Investigation 220 10 100 000-453500 SubContractor Registration Fee 10,560 8,000 20,000 000-454100 Swim Pool Reservation Fee 4,425 5,482 4,000 4,000 000-454200 Pool Gate Admission Fee 21,583 25,674 25,000 28,000 000-454300 Seasonal Pool Pass Fee 6,050 7,425 7,500 8,000 000-454400 Swimming Lessons Fee 15,718 20,919 18,000 18,000 000-456500 Hazard Material Fee 2,743 6,000 10,100 8 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Fees continued 000-456600 Fire Re-inspection Fee 363 13 100 000-458100 Sale of Merchandise 30 14 000-458300 Sale of Property/Auction 29,341 10,000 10,000 000-458400 Building Rental Fee 4,886 8,273 8,500 25,000 000-458500 Property Rental Fee 6,253 5,123 4,000 5,500 000-458600 Ball Field Use 200 80 100 100 000-458700 Vehicle Impoundment 990 2,450 1,500 2,500 000-459100 Credit Card/Check Fee 500 500 000-459200 NSF Check Fee 170 280 150 100 000-459300 Notary Fee 333 189 150 150 000-459400 Maps, Copies, UDC Misc 1,507 1,671 1,500 1,500 000-459600 Animal Adoption Fee 18,593 17,615 13,000 15,000 000-459700 Pet Impoundment Fee 14,011 14,809 13,000 14,000 000-459800 Police Reports Fee 5,001 5,086 5,000 5,000 Total Fees 1,132,083 1,459,579 1,620,958 1,667,940 Fines 000-463000 Library Fines 20,339 22,992 24,000 26,000 Total Fines 20,339 22,992 24,000 26,000 Inter-Jurisdictional 000-473100 Bexar Co - Fire 13,725 13,725 13,725 13,725 000-473200 City of Seguin-Fire Contract 36,996 37,000 37,000 000-473300 Guad Co. Library 112,458 115,778 115,000 154,812 000-473400 Randolph AFB-Animal Control 864 3,063 2,750 3,000 000-474200 Library Services - Cibolo 2,500 2,500 20,000 000-474400 Dispatch Service - Cibolo 56,402 81,928 106,081 106,081 000-474500 Dispatch Service -SCUCISD 1,200 1,200 1 ,400 1 ,400 000-474600 School Crossing Guard-Bexar 496 1,195 1,000 1,000 Total Inter-Jurisdictional 185,145 256,385 279,456 337,018 Fund Transfers 000-480000 Indirect Costs -EMS 20,833 25,000 50,000 58,700 000-480100 Indirect Costs -Hotel 2,000 2,000 2,000 41,000 000-485000 Interfund Charge-Drainage-3% 9,200 10,750 9,585 000-486000 Interfund Charges - Water 457,362 344,612 253,153 360,000 000-487000 Interfund Charges-Fleet 3,541 54,025 59,516 62,370 000-488000 Interfund Charges-4B 30,000 32,000 94,000 Total Fund Transfers 483,736 464,837 407,419 625,655 9 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 4,029 6,688 9,000 18,000 000-491200 Investment Income 60,286 150,996 200,000 250,000 000-493120 Donation-Library 1,000,000 000-493400 Donations - Animal Control 2,573 4,664 3,000 4,000 000-493401 Donations-AlC Microchip 4,360 1,000 4,000 000-494481 LawEnforcemtOfficersStnd&Ed 3,121 3,075 3,000 3,100 000-497000 Misc Income-Gen Fund 17,207 50,236 25,000 25,000 000-497020 Misc Income-Fleet Recycled Oil 320 000-497100 Misc Income- Police 4.517 8,831 44,000 6,000 000-497200 Misc Income - Library 4,560 5,059 4,000 5,000 000-497300 Misc Income - Animal Control 55 100 20 25 000-497400 Misc Income - Streets Dept 9,605 11,154 6,000 9,000 000-497500 Misc Income - TML Insurance 12,667 37,660 50,000 25,000 000-498000 Transfer from Reserves-Vehicles 135,800 74,074 000-499000 Transfer from Reserves-AlC 24,500 000-499050 Transfer from Equip Res (IT) 71,000 66,950 000-499100 Transfer-Court Tech. Reserve 12,045 14,500 000-499150 Transfer-Court Security Reserve 28,093 44,500 000-499200 Transfer-Gen Fund Reserves 79,072 255,000 Total Miscellaneous 118,620 282,823 1,695,530 804,469 TOTAL REVENUES 8,185,070 9,985,922 12,471,038 12,485,925 10 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL FUNCTION: The City Council consists of five members and the Mayor and is the governing and legislative body of the City of Schertz. The Mayor and City Council are responsible for policy, leadership and general direction of City Government. The Mayor and all Council members are elected from the City at large, with each Council member occupying a numbered position. Terms of the Mayor and members of the Council are staggered with the Mayor and Council members filling positions number one and two, elected in even numbered years, and positions three, four and five elected during odd-numbered years. Elections to the positions are held in May of each year for a new two-year term. The Council operates under a Home Rule Charter. 11 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY COUNCIL Supplies 1 50-521 000 Operating Supplies 121 3,200 Total Supplies 121 3,200 Operations Support 150-534200 Printing & Binding 1,500 3,200 Total Operations Support 1,500 3,200 City Support Services 150-532600 City Elections 2,048 7,973 38,600 6,000 150-532800 Special Events 9,329 4,997 2,950 3,500 Total City Support Services 11 ,377 12,970 41,550 9,500 Staff Support 150-535100 Uniforms 500 1,800 150-535200 Annual Awards 26 150 400 150-535300 Memberships 5,390 4,740 5,500 5,500 150-535500 TrainingfTravel 4,654 5,193 7,000 8,000 Total Staff Support 10,044 9,959 13,150 15,700 TOTAL CITY COUNCIL 21,421 23,050 56,200 31,600 12 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER FUNCTION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is Chief Executive Officer of the City. The City Manager's Department consists of the City Manager, Executive Services Coordinator/Risk Manager, and two Assistant City Managers. Responsibility of this department includes personnel appointment and removal, preparation and execution of the City budget, as well as administration of City Ordinances and policy as adopted by the City Council. 13 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY MANAGER Personnel Services 151-511110 Regular 237,123 236,063 231,804 333,832 151-511120 Overtime 151-511180 LTD 659 423 639 1,051 151-511210 Longevity 8,496 7,212 4,848 5,256 151-511240 Vehicle Allowance 10,874 8,142 14,400 14,400 151-511310 FICA - Employer 18,556 19,691 18,104 25,940 151-511350 TMRS - Employer 17,914 18,661 21,637 35,714 151-511410 Health - Employer 14,896 10,800 12,325 17,718 151-511500 Workers Compensation 621 964 549 755 Total Personnel Services 309,139 301,956 304,306 434,666 Supplies 151-521100 Office Supplies 1 ,494 619 300 Total Supplies 1 ,494 619 300 Staff Support 151-535100 Uniforms 218 125 500 280 151-535200 Annual Awards 3,078 4,464 4,500 3,000 151-535300 Memberships 1,346 2,342 3,200 3,200 151-535400 Publications 347 142 400 120 151-535500 Training/Travel 9,706 12,267 10,000 10,000 151-535600 Professional Certification 205 250 205 Total Staff Support 14,695 19,545 18,850 16,805 TOTAL CITY MANAGER 325,328 322,120 323,456 451,471 14 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: COURT SUPPORT FUNCTION: The purpose of the Court Support Department is to function in an administrative capacity and provide courtroom assistance. This department is responsible for accepting and processing all "Class C Misdemeanor" complaints filed by a variety of internal and external sources. It is the responsibility of this department to maintain accurate records as the court case progresses through judgment and the satisfaction of that judgment including the collection of court costs and fines. 15 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES COURT SUPPORT Personnel Services 152-511110 Regular 151,657 167,155 98,417 97,400 152-511120 Overtime 1,360 881 2,500 2,000 152-511180 LTD 412 426 270 305 152-511210 Longevity 1,080 1,680 600 960 152-511230 Certification Allowance 310 203 600 152-511310 FICA - Employer 11,357 12,412 7,659 7,525 152-511350 TMRS - Employer 10,730 13,910 9,153 10,360 152-511410 Health - Employer 19,458 19,554 16,432 17,718 152-511500 Workers Compensation 904 2,097 232 219 Total Personnel Services 197,268 218,318 135,863 136,487 Supplies 152-521100 Office Supplies 892 2,019 1,500 500 152-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 211 1,000 500 Total Supplies 1,103 2,019 2,500 1,000 Operations Support 152-534200 Printing & Binding 1,803 3,693 6,000 6,000 Total Operations Support 1,803 3,693 6,000 6,000 Staff Support 152-535100 Uniforms 597 250 250 152-535300 Memberships 124 250 250 152-535400 Publications 631 204 152-535500 TrainingfTravel 1,164 178 2,000 2,000 152-535600 Professional Certifications 100 50 100 100 Total Staff Support 2,616 432 2,600 2,600 16 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Court Support 152-536400 Collection Expense 104 1,013 152-536500 Court/Jury Cost 198 1,600 1,600 Total Court Support 104 1,211 1,600 1,600 Professional Services 152-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 4,800 6,609 5,500 7,200 Total Professional Services 4,800 6,609 5,500 7,200 TOTAL COURT SUPPORT 207,694 232,282 154,063 154,887 17 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: MUNICIPAL COURT FUNCTION: The ultimate purpose of the Schertz Municipal Court is to administer justice at the municipal level. This department is responsible for adjudicating all "Class C Misdemeanor" complaints filed by a variety of internal and external sources that occur within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Schertz. In addition, this department is also responsible for maintaining court security as well as the execution of warrants for failure to appear, capias pro fines and court summons. 18 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES MUNICIPAL COURT Personnel Services 169-511110 Regular 14,981 153,275 201,039 169-511120 Overtime 61 2,000 2,000 169-511180 LTD 29 417 633 169-511210 Longevity 1,152 1,884 169-511220 Clothing Allowance 1,271 1,540 169-511230 Cerfication Allowance 390 1 ,430 169-511240 Vehicle Allowance 2,400 2,400 169-511310 FICA - Employer 990 11,814 15,553 169-511350 TMRS - Employer 1,575 14,118 21,523 169-511410 Health - Employer 1,101 12,324 22,148 169-511500 Workers Compensation 2,754 3,048 Total Personnel Services 18,737 201,915 273,198 Supplies 169-521100 Office Supplies 587 1,000 1,500 169-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,822 3,105 2,000 Total Supplies 2,409 4,105 3,500 City Support Services 169-532800 Special Events 2,000 3,000 3,000 Total City Support Services 2,000 3,000 3,000 Utility Services 169-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1,176 3,000 3,000 Total Utility Services 1,176 3,000 3,000 Operations Support 169-534200 Printing & Binding 1,065 750 1,000 Total Operations Support 1,065 750 1,000 19 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 169-535100 Uniforms 169-535300 Memberships 169-535400 Publications 169-535500 Trainingrrravel Total Staff Support Professional Services 169-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service Total Professional Services OperatinQ EQuipment 169-571300 Computer & Peripherals 169-571400 Communications Equipment Total Operating Equipment Capitalized EQuipment 169-581200 Vehicles 169-581400 Communications Equipment Total Capitalized Equipment 295 488 513 1,296 2,269 750 1,500 4,375 8,894 1,500 1,100 2,000 4,395 8,995 500 500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 2,805 12,045 14,500 500 15,000 2,805 21,759 2,187 23,946 12,045 7,105 7,105 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 314,693 NEW DEPART 53,934 20 247,814 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: PLANNING AND ZONING FUNCTION: Administer the Unified Development Code (UDC), Comprehensive Land Plan, Overlay Districts, Annexation, urban planning policy programs, prepare and implement planning- related policy and assist with FEMA Hazard Mitigation. Assist the public and the development customer as well as internal customer with land use process and policy. To provide professional staff analysis, recommendation, and support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment, ad hoc ordinance review committees, the City Manager's Office, the City Secretary's Office, and the City Council. 21 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES PLANNING AND ZONING Personnel Services 154-511110 Regular 129,888 89,438 132,513 176,839 154-511120 Overtime 3,278 5,651 3,153 1,000 154-511180 LTD 356 233 372 571 154-511210 Longevity 840 912 1,164 7,284 154-511310 FICA - Employer 10,074 7,046 10,528 14,087 154-511350 TMRS - Employer 9,240 7,784 11,640 19,395 154-511410 Health - Employer 13,221 8,807 12,325 17,718 154-511500 Workers Compensation 344 229 298 410 Total Personnel Services 167,241 120,100 171,993 237,304 Supplies 154-521 000 Operating Supplies 405 734 2,600 1,500 154-521100 Office Supplies 2,321 1,626 2,350 2,100 154-521600 Equipment Supplies 200 1,300 900 Total Supplies 2,726 2,560 6,250 4,500 City Support Services 154-532800 Special Events 794 40 800 1,500 Total City Support Services 794 40 800 1,500 Operations Support 154-534200 Printing & Binding 240 30 1,000 1,500 Total Operations Support 240 30 1,000 1,500 Staff Support 154-5351 00 Uniforms 102 18 210 300 154-535300 Memberships 2,707 734 3,119 3,015 154-535400 Publications 674 157 1,825 1,825 154-535500 TrainingfTravel 14,396 5,082 16,140 19,000 Total Staff Support 17,879 5,991 21,294 24,140 22 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Professional Services 154-541300 Engineering Services 71,033 96,757 62,000 154-541500 State/County Admin Fees 2,141 3,000 Total Professional Services 73,174 96,757 65,000 Rental-Lease 154-461200 Lease/purchase agmts 601 3,468 1,669 Total Rental-Lease 601 3,468 1,669 TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING 262,054 226,079 269,805 270,613 23 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: LEGAL SERVICES FUNCTION: The Legal Department is responsible for legal transactions of the City of Schertz. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and serves as the legal advisor to the City Council and City operations. It is the duty and responsibility of the City Attorney to examine and approve or disapprove, as to form and legality, all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City has an interest. The City Attorney, through his law firm, represents the City of Schertz in areas of litigation, contract dispute and other civil matters. 24 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES LEGAL SERVICES Operations Support 155-5341 00 Advertising 16,262 13,701 12,500 14,000 Total Operations Support 16,262 13,701 12,500 14,000 Professional Services 155-541200 Legal Services 166,653 285,504 175,000 175,000 Total Professional Services 166,653 285,504 175,000 175,000 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 182,915 299,205 187,500 189,000 25 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: FACILITY MAINTENANCE FUNCTION: This department's main functions include, but are not limited to, facilities maintenance repairs and upkeep of all City facilities, building access and security, custodial services, set up for meetings, special events and building rentals. Preventive maintenance and energy management programs. Responsibilities include, maintaining 14 facilities totaling 122,683 sq. ft. with a value of $11,362,300. Consisting of carpet, tile floors, other flooring, roofing systems, office/storage areas, restrooms, cells, meeting/training rooms, sinks and water fountains, air condition units, light bulbs and ballasts, emergency generators, average of 98 meetings/events monthly along with numerous maintenance projects and repairs. This fiscal year's budget includes maintaining our new Council Chambers, Civic Center, Public Works Center and Schertz Community Center North. This department is looking forward to the completion of our new facility/shop which will be located towards the back of the Municipal Buildings Complex. 26 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES FACILITY MAINTENANCE Personnel Services 161-511110 Regular 147,479 151,919 186,971 240,496 161-511120 Overtime 4,020 4,742 6,277 6,500 161-511180 LTD 404 391 465 765 161-511210 Longevity 6,096 6,228 6,900 7,692 161-511310 FICA - Employer 10,842 11 ,655 13,129 18,986 161-511350 TMRS - Employer 10,429 13,250 15,716 26,140 161-511410 Health - Employer 22,345 20,893 25,676 39,867 161-511500 Workers Compensation 5,678 8,296 5,250 6,973 Total Personnel Services 207,293 217,374 260,384 347,419 Supplies 161-521000 Operating Supplies 15,471 19,229 25,665 37,000 161-521100 Office Supplies 677 565 24,900 600 161-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 3,223 3,942 4,600 11 ,730 161-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 200 360 550 772 161-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 294 300 585 Total Supplies 19,865 24,096 56,015 50,687 Utility Services 161-533100 Gas Utility Service 122 183 500 7,550 161-533200 Electric Utility Service 34,621 32,667 32,000 87,997 161-533410 Water Utility Service 3,820 3,937 3,700 12,000 161-533500 Vehicle Fuel 3,551 3,053 3,800 4,800 Total Utility Services 42,114 39,840 40,000 112,347 Operations Support 161-534200 Printing & Binding 85 60 100 Total Operations Support 85 60 100 27 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 161-535100 Uniforms 2,434 2,912 3,451 4,500 161-535210 Employee Recognition 500 550 161-535300 Memberships 131 139 150 483 161-535400 Publications 253 253 275 285 161-535500 TraininglTravel 346 1,062 2,198 2,500 Total Staff Support 3,164 4,366 6,574 8,318 Maintenance Services 161-551100 Building Maintenance 37,327 29,788 95,220 57,035 161-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 663 287 550 550 161-551700 Ground Maintenance 1,344 3,700 1,000 2,800 161-551800 Other Maint. Agreement 8,709 5,823 7,500 8,590 Total Maintenance Services 48,043 39,598 104,270 68,975 Rental-Lease 161-561100 Rental Equipment 433 213 750 750 Total Rental-Lease 433 213 750 750 OperatinQ EQuipment 161-571100 Furniture and Fixtures 375 161-571500 Operating Equipment 2,715 1,098 3,202 Total Operating Equipment 2,715 1,098 3,577 Capitalized EQuipment 161-581200 Vehicles 16,574 161-581300 Removable Dance Floor 5,200 Total Capitalized Equipment 21,774 TOTAL FACILITY MAINTENANCE 320,997 328,262 469,191 613,847 28 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: CITY SECRETARY FUNCTION: To maintain all City records such as ordinances, resolutions, minutes, agendas, council packets, projects, policies, warranty deeds, easements, rights-of-way, litigation, election records. budgets, audits, the Code of Ordinances, vehicle titles, beer and wine permits and other miscellaneous correspondence. To attend Council meetings and workshops, take and transcribe minutes from such meetings and post agendas for all Council meetings. workshops and meetings held by other boards and commissions. The department works closely with Mayor and City Council for training and responsible for managing city elections. Responsible for document imaging of ordinances and working toward imaging resolutions, minutes, etc. The department works closely with the Departmental Records liaison for records retention and destruction. Attend annual Election Law Seminars to stay current with the Election Laws and related seminars for continuing education. 29 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY SECRETARY Personnel Services 164-511110 Regular 81,338 142,745 79,134 92,921 164-511120 Overtime 16 164-511180 LTD 217 353 217 292 164-511210 Longevity 3,756 7,140 1,056 1,308 164-511310 FICA - Employer 6,237 11,230 6,135 7,209 164-511350 TMRS - Employer 5,961 12,018 7,332 9,925 164-511410 Health - Employer 7,738 12,054 8,216 8,859 164-511500 Workers Compensation 244 507 186 210 Total Personnel Services 105,491 186,063 102,276 120,724 Supplies 164-521 000 Operating Supplies 121 164-521100 Office Supplies 3,678 3,584 1,500 1,500 164-521200 Medical/Chem Supplies 553 Total Supplies 3,678 4,258 1,500 1,500 City Support Services 164-532700 Records Management 5,600 14,725 3,400 3,000 Total City Support Services 5,600 14,725 3,400 3,000 Operations Support 164-534200 Printing & Binding 462 1,905 200 200 Total Operations Support 462 1,905 200 200 Staff Support 164-535100 Uniforms 140 140 164-535300 Memberships 445 591 500 500 164-535400 Publications 120 754 200 250 164-535500 TraininglTravel 2,487 2,172 5,000 5,000 Total Staff Support 3,052 3,517 5,840 5,890 TOTAL CITY SECRETARY 118,283 210,468 113,216 131,314 30 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: NON DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTION: This department accounts for expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function/department. Items in this department include Audit cost, City Insurance, Appraisal District contract, and Medical Services. 31 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES NONDEPARTMENTAL City Support Services 167-532200 County Appraisal District 55,804 57,823 65,000 72,136 167-532500 City Ins-Commercial 101,938 113,211 142,155 125,000 167-532900 Contingencies 13,218 23,483 25,000 25,000 Total City Support Services 170,960 194,517 232,155 222,136 Operations Support 167-534000 Postage 30,512 31,000 45,000 167-534300 Equip. Maintenance 23,811 34,016 30,968 40,000 167-534600 Annexation Costs 47,157 12,072 Total Operations Support 70,968 76,600 61,968 85,000 Staff Support 167-535500 TravelfTraining 2,850 2,900 Total Staff Support 2,850 2,900 City Assistance 167-537100 Medical Services 151,800 180,499 280,000 298,700 Total City Assistance 151,800 180,499 280,000 298,700 Professional Services 167-541300 Other Prof Services 2,250 15,633 7,270 2,300 167-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 37,750 23,810 35,925 35,000 167-541500 State/County & Admin Fees 2,483 2,534 2,600 3,211 167-541600 Miscellaneous Bank Charges 6,005 7,673 6,000 7,500 Total Professional Services 48,488 49,650 51,795 48,011 Fund ChargesfTransfers 167-548106 Transfer to Special Event Fd 9,864 11,000 6,500 Total Transfers 9,864 11,000 6,500 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 442,216 511,130 639,768 663,247 32 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER FUNCTION: The City of Schertz Public Information Office develops and implements strategic communication plans tied to City goals and priorities in the areas of media relations, city advocacy, public education, public information, and crisis communications. Additionally, the Public Information Office provides professional communication services including, designing print materials, web design, content management of website, taking photos, and creating media statements to support all City departments and City Council. 33 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC INFORMATION Personnel Services 170-511110 Regular 34,446 35,449 39,255 76,630 170-511180 L TD 92 83 106 244 170-511210 Longevity 120 120 170-511240 Vehicle Allowance 3,000 170-511310 FICA - Employer 2,620 2,695 3,003 6,024 170-511350 TMRS - Employer 2,356 2,869 3,589 8,294 170-511410 Health - Employer 3,409 3,263 4,108 8,859 170-511500 Workers Compensation 94 156 91 175 Total Personnel Services 43,137 44,515 50,152 103,346 Supplies 170-521100 Office Supplies 820 615 2,000 2,000 Total Supplies 820 615 2,000 2,000 Operations Support 170-534100 Advertising 1,152 569 10,600 32,000 170-534200 Printing & Binding 12,065 12,848 9,000 5,000 Total Operations Support 13,217 13,417 19,600 37,000 Staff Support 170-535100 Uniforms 34 400 200 170-535300 Memberships 478 87 500 250 170-535400 Publications 151 300 500 170-535500 TrainingfTravel 1,184 709 3,500 5,000 170-535600 Professional Certification 80 500 Total Staff Support 1,847 876 4,700 6,450 OperatinQ Equipment 170-571500 Operating Equipment 1,043 6,750 12,800 Total Operating Equipment 1,043 6,750 12,800 TOTAL PUBLIC INFORMA nON 59,021 60,466 83,202 161,596 34 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: RECORDS MANAGEMENT FUNCTION: This department is responsible for maintaining the City's Record Management Program in accordance with our City Ordinance and State mandates. Maintain the docum1ent imaging program and is responsible for the maintenance of the records control schedulJ. This area works closely with the Departmental Records Liaison for records destruction and provides correct documentation to all departments. This office is also responsible for the Public Information Act. We work closely with the City Attorney and must have a legal understanding of information that is public and information that is confidential. The Customer Care program is part of this office. We work with the citizens to resolve problems, provide information, and accept complaints. 35 101 GENERAL FUND C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES RECORDS MANAGEMENT Personnel Services 171-511110 Regular 171-511120 Overtime 171-511180 LTD 171-511210 Longevity 171-511310 FICA- Employer 171-511350 TMRS - Employer 171-511410 Health - Employer 171-511500 Workers Compensation Total Personnel Services Supplies 171-521000 Operating Supplies Total Supplies Staff Support 171-535100 Uniforms 171-535300 Memberships 171-535500 TrainingfTravel Total Staff Support Professional Services 171-541300 Other Consul/Prof Svcs Total Professional Services OperatinQ Equipment 171-571400 Computer Equipment Total Operating Equipment 74,914 71,999 212 233 3,444 3,048 5,994 5,741 7,164 7,904 8,216 8,859 182 167 100,126 97,951 675 675 304 304 140 400 1,530 2,070 140 225 1,000 1,365 1,700 1,700 1,282 1,282 1,200 1,200 TOTAL RECORD MANAGEMENT NEW DEPARTMENT 100,820 105,853 36 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING FUNCTION: Performs engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, bridges, channels, pipelines, power plants, water and sewage systems, and waste disposal units. Provides professional technical services in connection with planning and executing a wide variety of public works improvement programs. 37 101 GENERAL FUND C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES ENGINEERING Personnel Services 173-511110 Regular 173-511120 Overtime 173-511180 LTD 173-511210 Longevity 173-511310 FICA - Employer 173-511350 TMRS - Employer 173-511410 Health - Employer 173-511500 Workers Compensation Total Personnel Services Supplies 173-521000 Operating Supplies Total Supplies Staff Support 173-535100 Uniforms 173-535500 TraininglTravel Total Staff Support Professional Services 173-541100 Engineering Services 173-541400 other Prof Services 173-541500 Surveying Service Total Professional Services OperatinQ Equipment 173-571400 Computer Equipment Total Operating Equipment 61,756 192 4,726 6,507 4,429 138 77,748 100 100 70 1,000 1,070 50,000 15,000 20,000 85,000 1,300 1,300 TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPT. NEW DEPARTMENT 165,218 38 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: POLICE FUNCTION: The Department provides community based law enforcement committed to the prevention of crime, protection of life and property while remaining sensitive and impartial to the citizens they serve. 39 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES POLICE Personnel Services 256-511110 Regular 1,521,246 1,752,890 2,003,374 2,231,252 256-511120 Overtime 21,041 12,825 58,308 23,800 256-511180 LTD 4,262 4,342 5,520 7,213 256-511210 Longevity 41,580 46,380 49,152 52,368 256-511220 Clothing Allowance 45,419 46,713 48,940 46,250 256-511230 Certification Allowance 9,264 12,078 21,369 23,219 256-511310 FICA - Employer 123,355 139,360 158,683 176,474 256-511350 TMRS - Employer 109,788 150,785 186,933 245,069 256-511410 Health - Employer 174,958 176,392 209,518 239,196 256-511500 Workers Compensation 42,582 60,482 42,720 46,081 Total Personnel Services 2,093,495 2,402,247 2,784,517 3,090,922 Supplies 256-521 000 Operating Supplies 13,121 5,871 18,000 20,837 256-5211 00 Office Supplies 3,637 2,937 1,000 2,000 256-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 465 517 650 700 256-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 488 550 550 Total Supplies 17,223 9,813 20,200 24,087 Citv-Support Services 256-532500 City-Insurance-Comm. 17,590 21 ,627 23,000 23,000 Total City Support Services 17,590 21,627 23,000 23,000 Utilitv Services 256-533100 Gas Utility Service 941 256-533200 Electricity Utility Service 25,380 256-533410 Water Utility Service 2,004 256-533500 Vehicle Fuel 47,859 60,700 58,400 80,000 Total Utility Services 76,184 60,700 58,400 80,000 40 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Operations Support 256-534100 Advertising 105 200 200 256-534200 Printing & Binding 1,787 1,362 1,200 1,300 Total Operations Support 1,787 1 ,467 1 ,400 1,500 Staff Support 256-535200 Annual Awards 200 471 500 500 256-535300 Memberships 502 833 930 930 256-535400 Publications 967 137 1,500 1,000 256-535500 Trainingrrravel 6,833 12,475 13,000 13,000 256-535500 T-Class Training 3,211 1,517 3,000 3,000 Total Staff Support 11,713 15,433 18,930 18,430 City Assistance 256-537100 Medical Services 2,300 3,996 2,300 3,000 256-537500 Citizen's Police Academy 89 199 1,000 2,000 256-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 1,316 784 9,258 8,400 Total City Assistance 3.705 4,979 12,558 13,400 Professional Services 256-541300 Other Consult/Prof Servo 2,300 538 2,100 2,100 Total Professional Services 2,300 538 2,100 2,100 Maintenance Services 256-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint 3,285 7,339 6,500 6,000 256-551800 Other Maintenance Agrmt 7,653 7,927 11,500 15,182 Total Maintenance Services 10,938 15,266 18,000 21,182 Operatina EQuipment 256-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,808 663 1,000 2,500 256-571400 Communications Equip 1,707 256-571800 Other Equipment 4,081 675 39,355 Total Operating Equipment 7,596 1,338 40,355 2,500 41 101 GENERAL FUND C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Capitalized Eauipment 256-581200 Motor Vehicles Total Capitalized Equipment 45,848 45,848 30,899 30,899 81,600 81,600 TOTAL POLICE 3,277,121 2,288,379 2.564,307 3,061,060 42 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: FIRE FUNCTION: Established in 1956 as a volunteer fire department. Today, the department has 27 full-time firefighters and 5 staff employees to provide fire protection, fire prevention, rescue, hazardous materials response, weapons of mass destruction response, and emergency medical first response (advance life support level of care) services to the community. The department also, provides fire prevention education, code enforcement, emergency management and arson investigation. Fire personnel are on duty 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to provide immediate response to emergency situations and public assistance. Fire Emergencies call volume is up by 20% over the last three years which is directly related to the growth in the area. However, value of the property loss is less serious, and we have not had any life loss in the last six years, due to good fire prevention efforts by the Schertz Fire & Rescue, our vigilant citizens and new construction. The following is a list of programs that will assist the fire services in building a better community to live in: Automatic Aid: Enhance the Automatic Aid Response program in the Tri-County area to reduce response time to area residents to assure that search and rescue can be improved. Fire Prevention Activities: Conduct demos of our fire safety house, fire equipment and station, fire safety lectures, fire extinguisher classes, and teaching fire safety and fire prevention skills. Additional programs include Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention Program, Fire Safety House Education, Pre-Planning Target Hazards, and developing evacuation programs for industrial & assembly occupancy. 43 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES FIRE Personnel Services 257-511110 Regular 836,271 1,065,447 1,194,531 1,285,998 257-511120 Overtime 30,109 63,966 49,000 76,420 257-511180 LTD 2,330 2,703 3,313 4,132 257-511210 Longevity 14,460 17,328 20,616 23,820 257-511220 Clothing Allowance 7,712 8,884 9,360 9,672 257-511230 Certification Allowance 5,910 21,380 20,560 257-511310 FICA - Employer 65,986 86,449 93,864 101,265 257-511350 TMRS - Employer 60,465 95,383 112,182 140,375 257-511410 Health - Employer 89,025 105,225 131,462 141,746 257-511500 Workers Compensation 16,542 25,060 22,221 24,399 Total Personnel Services 1,122,900 1,476,355 1,657,929 1,828,387 Supplies 257-521000 Operating Supplies 3,742 1,878 2,000 2,250 257 -521100 Office Supplies 2,030 2,119 250 500 257-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 8,044 8,934 6,734 8,793 257-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 346 303 500 600 257-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,856 5,534 2,000 2,250 Total Supplies 16,018 18,768 11 ,484 14,393 Utility Services 257-533100 Gas 1,645 1,100 2,200 257-533200 Electricity 15,031 880 7,800 7,800 257-533410 Water Utility Service 2,007 1,900 1,900 257-533500 Vehicle Fuel 9,500 15,378 10,450 16,000 Total Utility Services 28,183 16,258 21,250 27,900 Operations Support 257-534200 Printing & Binding 347 325 400 550 Total Operations Support 347 325 400 550 44 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 257-535000 Uniforms 20,176 20,481 25,310 21,966 257-535300 Memberships 1,930 1 ,439 2,035 2,105 257-535400 Publications 1,203 936 6,635 5,200 257-535500 TrainingfTravel 13,922 13,597 22,400 22,700 257-535600 Professional Certifications 1,087 1,644 2,060 2,170 Total Staff Support 38,318 38,097 58,440 54,141 City Assistance 257-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 7,041 9,462 10,000 10,000 Total City Assistance 7,041 9,462 10,000 10,000 Maintenance Services 257-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 3,037 2,995 3,500 3,500 Total Maintenance Services 3.037 2,995 3,500 3,500 Rental-Lease 257 -561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 2,999 2,880 Total Rental-Lease 2,999 2,880 Operatina Eauipment 257-571000 F u rn itu re/Fixtu re 2,545 300 2,500 257-571300 Police/Fire/Medical Equip. 7,550 15,918 257-571400 Communications Equipment 2,185 2,517 6,185 257-571800 Other Equipment 9,674 3,539 2,345 600 Total Operating Equipment 11,859 8,601 10,195 25,203 Capitalized Eauipment 257-581200 Motor Vehicle 140,000 257-581800 Large Equipment 2,149 Total Capitalized Equipment 2,149 140,000 TOTAL FIRE 1,232,851 1,570,861 1,916,078 1,964,074 45 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: INSPECTIONS FUNCTION: Enforces the building, residential, electrical, energy, gas, mechanical, plumbing and backflow and cross-connection codes adopted by the City through permits and inspections. Provides support and enforcement of the City's Unified Development Code in cooperation with Planning and Zoning. Investigates and resolves complaints received by the public concerning alleged code violations. Conducts plan review of all proposed construction within the city limits. Assists the Health Official by issuing food establishment permits, while providing information necessary for the maintenance of sanitation within food environments. Assists Public Works Director in conducting customer service inspections and maintaining records concerning backflow devices in compliance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations. 46 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES INSPECTIONS Personnel Services 258-511110 Regular 167,435 188,931 211,058 260,283 258-511120 Overtime 690 3,331 1,500 3,500 258-511180 LTD 451 479 593 828 258-511210 Longevity 6,636 7,428 8,736 6,684 258-511310 FICA - Employer 12,567 13,975 16,814 20,423 258-511350 TMRS - Employer 12,049 16,353 20,096 28,118 258-511410 Health - Employer 22,362 21,585 24,649 35,436 258-511500 Workers Compensation 1,205 1,641 1,578 1,294 Total Personnel Services 223,395 253,723 285,024 356,566 Supplies 258-521000 Operating Supplies 4,037 2,926 4,350 2,350 258-521100 Office Supplies 2,000 258-521200 Medical Supplies 384 338 50 100 258-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 2,358 390 900 900 Total Supplies 6,779 3,654 5,300 5,350 Utility Services 258-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,957 4,129 3,240 5,500 Total Utility Services 2,957 4,129 3,240 5,500 Operations Support 258-5341 00 Advertising 183 106 500 500 258-534200 Printing & Binding 1,313 2,565 1,700 3,000 Total Operations Support 1 ,496 2,671 2,200 3,500 Staff Support 258-535100 Uniforms 1,635 1,295 2,120 3,050 258-535300 Memberships 370 730 750 750 258-535400 Publications 626 1,504 1 ,400 2,400 258-535500 Trainingrrravel 3,782 5,269 4,215 5,370 258-535600 Professional Certifications 251 509 700 1,400 Total Staff Support 6,664 9,307 9,185 12,970 47 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED City Assistance 258-537100 Medical Services Total City Assistance 500 500 500 500 Professional Services 258-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service Total Professional Services 30,936 30,936 32,241 32,241 40,489 40,489 Maintenance Services 258-551700 Lot Cleaning Total Maintenance Services 1,382 1,382 799 799 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Operatina EQuipment 258-571000 Furniture & Fixtures Total Operating Equipment 2,180 2,180 2,000 2,000 1,300 1,300 Capital Outlay 258-581200 Motor Vehicles Total Capital Outlay 19,000 19,000 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 273,609 308,704 350,438 407,186 48 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: STREETS FUNCTION: To provide a means for transportation between the home, work place, recreational facilities and commercial establishments. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Establishing and maintaining sufficient traffic control devises to inform the general public on the conditions of the requirements for the use and control of vehicular movement through out the city. The Streets Department repairs and maintains 120 miles of paved roadways and 7 miles of gravel roads. Other work duties consist of a weekly chipping service, a City sponsored clean up approximately six weeks a year, full time street sweeping, traffic sign repair. 49 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURES STREETS Personnel Services 359-511110 Regular 192,422 222,614 282,914 293,175 359-511120 Overtime 2,717 3,166 5,000 5,000 359-511180 LTD 519 561 784 926 359-511210 Longevity 6,024 6,276 7,068 7,824 359-511230 Certification Allowance 300 300 359-511310 FICA - Employer 14,500 16,656 22,207 23,049 359-511350 TMRS - Employer 13,819 18,986 26,540 31,734 359-511410 Health - Employer 32,914 32,920 45,190 48,725 359-511500 Workers Compensation 24,909 29,910 19,722 18,829 Total Personnel Services 287,824 331,089 409,725 429,562 Supplies 359-521000 Operating Supplies 2,283 2,484 2,500 2,500 359-521100 Office Supplies 773 766 100 150 359-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 1,107 430 1,500 1,500 359-521300 Motor Vehicle Supplies 752 619 700 800 Total Supplies 4,915 4,299 4,800 4,950 Utilitv Services 359-533200 Electricity Utility Service 38,269 34,182 35,000 45,000 359-53341 0 Water Utility Service 1,349 727 900 900 359-533500 Vehicle Fuel 18,602 24,951 18,000 21,000 Total Utility Services 58,220 59,860 53,900 66,900 Operations Support 359-534300 Copy Services 1,960 1,960 Total Operations Support 1,960 1,960 50 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 359-5351 00 Uniforms 4,693 4,142 5,500 5,500 359-535200 Annual Awards 100 200 359-535300 Memberships 14 43 180 180 359-535500 TraininglTravel 1,418 911 1,500 1,500 359-535600 Professional Certifications 300 300 Total Staff Support 6,125 5,096 7,580 7,680 Professional Services 359-5411 00 Engineering Services 4,285 64,530 18,000 Total Professional Services 4,285 64,530 18,000 Maintenance Services 359-5511 00 Building Maintenance 545 116 1,000 359-551400 Minor & Other Equip. Maint. 558 878 1,000 2,000 359-551600 Street Maintenance 85,181 60,856 150,000 125,000 Total Maintenance Services 86,284 61,850 152,000 127,000 Rental-Lease 359-561100 Rental Equipment 2,232 816 2,000 1,000 359-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 152 84 Total Rental-Lease 2,384 816 2,000 1,084 OperatinQ EQuipment 359-581800 Other Equipment 5,000 1,000 Total Operating Equipment 5,000 1,000 TOTAL STREETS 450,037 527,540 654,965 640,136 51 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: PARKS FUNCTION: The purpose of the Parks Department is to advance the parks, recreation and environmental efforts that enhance the quality of life of the citizens of the City of Schertz. The City maintains over 200 acres of park land and equipment, including a new ball field complex. The parks department is responsible for the use and maintenance of the new facility as well as coordination with recreational organizations, such as Buffalo Valley Youth Association. 52 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PARKS & RECREATION EXPENDITURES PARKS Personnel Services 460-511110 Regular 260,792 209,691 241,319 326,596 460-511120 Overtime 9,440 1,195 3,500 3,500 460-511180 LTD 537 527 626 1,031 460-511210 Longevity 6,012 6,816 7,752 8,688 460-511240 Vehicle Allowance 1,552 1,506 1,500 3,000 460-511310 FICA - Employer 20,629 16,326 17,728 25,649 460-511350 TMRS - Employer 14,494 17,872 21,188 35,314 460-511410 Health - Employer 25,371 24,482 28,757 39,866 460-511500 Workers Compensation 5,034 4,941 3,311 4,387 Total Personnel Services 343,861 283,356 325,681 448,031 Supplies 460-521 000 Operating Supplies 9,007 8,739 10,000 15,000 460-521100 Office Supplies 579 467 500 1,000 460-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 12,897 180 2,200 1,000 460-521400 Plumbing Supplies 1,699 3,727 3,000 2,000 460-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 980 Total Supplies 25,162 13,113 15,700 19,000 Utility Services 460-533200 Electric Utility Service 25,792 14,541 26,000 26,000 460-53341 0 Water Utility Service 21,904 17,141 24,000 25,000 460-533500 Vehicle Fuel 3,367 5,126 4,500 5,000 Total Utility Services 51,063 36,808 54,500 56,000 Operations Support 460-534200 Printing & Binding 91 3 500 1,500 Total Operations Support 91 3 500 1,500 53 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 460-535100 Uniforms 3,315 2,513 3,000 3,000 460-535300 Memberships 81 427 500 500 460-535500 TrainingfTravel 3,753 1,658 3,000 2,530 Total Staff Support 7,149 4,598 6,500 6,030 City Assistance 460-537200 Buff Val Youth Assoc 9,765 5,498 10,000 1,000 Total City Assistance 9,765 5,498 10,000 1,000 Maintenance Services 460-5511 00 Building Maintenance 3,637 2,927 3,000 3,000 460-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint. 7,869 3,028 5,000 5,000 460-551500 Water & Sewer Maint. 226 500 500 460-551600 Street Maint. Material 364 5,000 5,000 460-551702 Parkway Maintenance 13,158 26,316 25,000 34,316 Total Maintenance Services 24,890 32,635 38,500 47,816 Rental-Lease 460-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 2,228 1 ,428 500 500 Total Rental-Lease 2,228 1 ,428 500 500 Capital Outlay 460-581800 Other Equipment 1,385 400 33,000 Total Capital Outlay 1,385 400 33,000 TOTAL PARKS 465,594 377,439 452,281 612,877 54 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: POOL FUNCTION: To provide and maintain a well-managed and safe environment for aquatic pleasures for the citizens of our community. Providing for a system of instruction in aquatic safety, recreational swimming and physical fitness. Swimming lessons offered have been a great success. 55 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PARKS & RECREATION EXPENDITURES POOLS Personnel Services 463-51111 0 Regular 80,909 50 107,760 463-511120 Overtime 471 463-511310 FICA - Employer 6,252 8,244 463-511350 TMRS - Employer 526 463-511500 Workers Compensation 2,618 2,155 2,373 Total Personnel Services 90,250 2,205 118,903 Supplies 463-521000 Operating Supplies 737 1,500 1,500 463-521100 Office Supplies 278 300 300 463-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 15,433 3,000 15,000 463-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 769 1,000 1,000 Total Supplies 17,217 5,800 17,800 Utility Services 463-533200 Electric Utility Service 15,370 11,000 15,000 463-53341 0 Water Utility Service 3,841 5,000 4,000 Total Utility Services 19,211 16,000 19,000 Staff Support 463-5351 00 Uniforms 502 500 463-535500 Trainingrrravel 2,725 200 2,000 Total Staff Support 3,227 200 2,500 Maintenance Services 463-5511 00 Building Maintenance 487 2,000 1,000 463-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint. 1,000 1,000 463-551700 Contract Maintenance 112,480 Total Maintenance Services 487 115,480 2,000 56 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Rental-Lease 463-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments Total Rental-Lease 315 315 500 500 500 500 CapitalOutlav 463-581800 Other Equipment Total Capital Outlay 25,000 25,000 TOTAL POOLS With Parks 130,707 140,185 185,703 57 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Public Library is to serve the community as a center of reliable information and provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to engage in life-long learning. The Library assembles, preserves and makes available to all patrons in the service area, materials in a variety of formats that will assist them in fields of knowledge and recreation. The library service area includes the State of Texas, with the primary area being the City of Schertz and Guadalupe County. 58 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED CULTURAL EXPENDITURES LIBRARY Personnel Services 665-511110 Regular 165,160 185,458 216,364 255,050 665-511120 Overtime 383 896 1,000 1,000 665-511180 LTD 357 387 455 604 665-511210 Longevity 3,648 4,284 5,352 6,132 665-511310 FICA - Employer 11,907 13,032 16,961 19,980 665-511350 TMRS-Employer 9,576 13,080 20,271 27,509 665-511410 Health-Employer 20,575 21,504 24,649 26,577 665-511500 Workers Compensation 424 667 525 593 Total Personnel Services 212,030 239,308 285,577 337,445 Supplies 665-521000 Operating Supplies 1,981 6,353 6,000 6,000 665-521100 Office Supplies 5,823 1,528 1,000 1,000 Total Supplies 7,804 7,881 7,000 7,000 Utility Services 665-533200 Electric Utility Service 10,283 10,216 10,000 10,000 665-53341 0 Water Utility Service 1,275 1,223 1,200 2,000 Total Utility Services 11,558 11 ,439 11 ,200 12,000 Operations Support 665-534200 Printing & Binding 1,944 2,515 3,500 3,500 Total Operations Support 1,944 2,515 3,500 3,500 Staff Support 665-5351 00 Uniforms 246 400 400 665-535200 Annual Awards 7 65 300 300 665-535300 Memberships 181 428 550 450 665-535500 TrainingfTravel 1,049 571 1,000 1,850 Total Staff Support 1,483 1,064 2,250 3,000 Professional Services 665-541300 Other ConsllProf Svcs 1,525 Total Professional Services 1,525 59 101 GENERAL FUND C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Maintenance Services 665-551300 Computer Maint 665-551800 Other Maint Agreement Total Maintenance Services OperatinQ Equipment 665-571300 Computer/Peripherals 665-571400 Library Materials Total Operating Equipment 5,000 1 ,425 6,425 4,994 49,963 54,957 5,500 1,925 7,425 4,682 51,185 55,867 5,500 2,125 7,625 5,500 1,850 7,350 5,000 64,475 69,475 5,000 66,000 71,000 TOTAL LIBRARY 296,201 60 325,499 388,152 441,295 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: ANIMAL CONTROL FUNCTION: To promote educational programs and services for our community, provide care, licensing, control, and public safety. Serve as a disaster relief center for pets during natural disasters in our region. To provide an enriched adoption facility that is both educational and customer oriented, while maintaining comfort and concern for all pets during their stay. To provide a Texas Department of Health approved quarantine facility for Rabies control. 61 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED HEALTH EXPENDITURES ANIMAL CONTROL Personnel Services 762-511110 Regular 104,344 120,545 130,304 138,522 762-511120 Overtime 5,131 4,755 9,660 9,780 762-511180 LTD 294 320 347 432 762-511210 Longevity 600 960 1,200 762-511220 Clothing Allowance 2,548 3,132 3,120 3,200 762-511310 FICA - Employer 8,324 9,797 9,834 10,689 762-511350 TMRS-Employer 7,519 10,280 11,753 14,935 762-511410 Health-Employer 16,666 17,847 20,541 22,148 762-511500 Workers Compensation 2,159 2.877 1,995 2,123 Total Personnel Services 146,985 170,153 188,514 203,029 Supplies 762-521000 Operating Supplies 3,241 2,929 5,000 6,000 762-521100 Office Supplies 740 927 1,000 762-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 3,357 6,250 4,000 8,200 762-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 49 108 200 Total Supplies 7,387 10,214 9,200 15,200 Utility Services 762-533200 Electric Utility Service 1,096 1,542 4,000 3,000 762-533410 Water Utility Service 2,107 2,050 2,500 2,400 762-533500 Vehicle Fuel 1,853 2,481 3,000 3,000 Total Utility Services 5,056 6,073 9,500 8,400 Operations Support 762-534100 Advertising 184 250 250 762-534200 Printing & Binding 125 321 1,000 800 Total Operations Support 125 505 1,250 1,050 62 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 762-535300 Memberships 330 374 500 500 762-535500 TrainingfTravel 1,177 1,613 1,774 1,800 762-535600 Professional Certification 190 500 300 Total Staff Support 1,507 2,177 2,774 2,600 City Assistance 762-537100 Medical Services 11 ,767 9,901 13,000 13,000 Total City Assistance 11,767 9,901 13,000 13,000 Professional Services 762-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 305 322 900 700 762-541310 Contractual Srvc-Blue Bonnet 3,400 762-541700 Microchip Service 1,663 3,000 Total Professional Services 305 1,985 900 7,100 Maintenance Services 762-551100 Building Maintenance 4,738 3,734 1,375 762-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 60 55 750 1,050 Total Maintenance Services 4,798 3,789 2,125 1,050 OperatinQ EQuipment 762-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 526 10 100 200 762-571500 Operating Equipment 4,625 3,165 762-571700 Other Improvements 526 1,779 900 3,000 Total Operating Equipment 1,052 1,789 5,625 6,365 Capital Outlav 762-581800 Other Equipment 31,020 Total Capital Outlay 31,020 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 178,982 206,586 232,888 288,814 63 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUNCTION: The Information Technology Department is responsible for all voice and data communications within the City government. This includes, but not limited to software, hardware, and network communication upgrades and/or replacement. Information Technology handles all day-to-day issues encountered by City employees in the operation of their computers, peripherals, cell phones, pagers and telephones. 64 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Personnel Services 853-511110 Regular 97,282 100,985 134,372 143,585 853-511180 L TO 259 252 365 448 853-51121 0 Longevity 360 600 840 1,080 853-511310 FICA - Employer 7,279 7,663 10,344 11,067 853-511350 TMRS - Employer 6,685 8,319 12,362 15,237 853-511410 Health - Employer 7,448 7,179 12,324 13,289 853-511500 Workers Compensation 552 375 313 322 Total Personnel Services 119,865 125,373 170,920 185,028 Supplies 853-521100 Office Supplies 242 209 150 150 853-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 3,005 3,357 3,000 3,500 Total Supplies 3,247 3,566 3,150 3,650 City Support Services 853-532300 Computer Consulting 3,221 6,000 6,000 853-532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 51,178 62,335 128,162 188,391 Total City Support Services 51,178 65,556 134,162 194,391 Utilitv Services 853-533300 Telephone 53,343 66,315 88,300 100,838 853-533500 Vehicle Fuel 750 750 Total Utility Services 53,343 66,315 89,050 101,588 Staff Support 853-535100 Uniforms 56 140 140 853-535300 Memberships 50 247 302 300 853-535400 Publications 171 89 150 150 853-535500 TraininglTravel 2,040 4,740 3,310 6,500 Total Staff Support 2,317 5,076 3,902 7,090 65 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Maintenance Services 853-551300 Computer Maint 1,443 6,950 12,942 21,824 853-551800 Other Maint. Agreement 1,730 1,990 4,505 5,500 Total Maintenance Services 3,173 8,940 17,447 27,324 OperatinQ Equipment 853-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 130 500 853-571300 Computer & Peripherals 24,578 71,075 11,350 37,500 Total Operating Equipment 24,708 71,075 11,350 38,000 Capitalized Equipment 853-581401 Communication Equipment 23,669 3,220 17,850 29,450 Total Capitalized Equipment 23,669 3,220 17,850 29,450 TOTAL INFORMATION TECH 281,500 349,121 447,831 586,521 66 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION: Provides recruiting, hiring process management, employee orientation, job description development facilitation, performance evaluation processing and wage and benefits payroll coordination. Liaison with insurance broker 125 Plan Administrator. Coordinates annual open enrollment scheduling and payroll changes. Provides workers compensation administration. Provides organizational departures processing. Conducts research in the form of salary surveys, salary reviews, and staffing studies. Provides Unemployment Compensation Administration. Provides personnel budget projections to City Manager. Provides City Personnel Policy guidance to city staff. Responds to employment verification and background investigation requests. Confers with City Attorney for policy development guidance. Coordinates with City Attorney, as needed. and with Records Management in responding to Open Records requests and other personnel information requests. Provides recommendations to City Manager on personnel issues. Provides guidance and assistance with Family Medical Leave and Military Leave requests. Maintains personnel files and Human Resources Department information systems. Manages Human Resources Budget and billing for all personnel services. Coordinates and provides Employee Assistance Program information. Supports and provides information for the City of Schertz Fit City Program. 67 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES HUMAN RESOURCES Personnel Services 866-511110 Regular 52,948 64,116 67,942 87,566 866-511120 Overtime 142 486 750 750 866-511180 L TD 141 154 186 276 866-511210 Longevity 600 840 1,080 1,392 866-511310 FICA - Employer 3,722 4,556 5,280 6,805 866-511350 TMRS - Employer 3,672 5,206 6,311 9,369 866-511410 Health - Employer 7,565 7,179 8,216 8,859 866-511500 Workers Compensation 121 250 160 198 866-511600 Unemployment Compensation 10,794 1,343 10,000 10,000 Total Personnel Services 79,705 84,130 99,925 125,215 Supplies 866-521000 Office Supplies 600 491 383 150 Total Supplies 600 491 383 150 Human Services 866-531100 Pre-Employment Check 190 498 580 6,000 866-531200 Medical Co-Pay 900 400 1,000 1,000 866-531300 Employee Assistance 6,732 6,732 7,500 7,500 866-531400 Tuition Reimbursement 6,603 4,770 8,000 8,000 866-531500 Fit City Program 2,000 2,000 Total Human Services 14,425 12,400 19,080 24,500 Operations Support 866-534100 Advertising 6,897 9,560 10,000 7,000 866-534200 Printing & Binding 968 654 1,252 1,045 Total Operations Support 7,865 10,214 11,252 8,045 Staff Support 866-535100 Uniforms 42 210 150 866-535210 Employee Recognition 5,000 5,000 866-535300 Memberships 310 235 250 250 866-535400 Publications 449 900 866-535500 TraininglTravel 2,175 2,588 5,000 5,000 Total Staff Support 2,527 2,823 10,909 11,300 68 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED City Assistance 866-537100 Medical Services Total City Assistance 5,953 5,953 5,544 5,544 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Professional Services 866-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service Total Professional Services 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 111,075 115,602 150,549 179,210 69 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: FINANCE FUNCTION: The Finance Department's function is to provide financial management assistance to the City Manager. To provide assistance to all departments with purchasing, payroll, payables, and cash collections. To facilitate the preparation of the annual budget and the comprehensive annual financial report. Specific duties include investments, budget, debt management, purchasing, financial reporting, accounts payable and payroll. 70 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FINANCE Personnel Services 868-51111 0 Regular 138,374 167,493 189,944 222,779 868-511120 Overtime 132 1,000 1,000 868-511180 LTD 370 417 505 700 868-511210 Longevity 1,320 1,800 2,544 3,000 868-511310 FICA - Employer 10,447 12,681 14,303 17,272 868-511350 TMRS - Employer 9,592 13,916 17,095 23,780 868-511410 Health - Employer 17,765 17,947 20,541 22,148 868-511500 Workers Compensation 402 541 433 502 Total Personnel Services 178,402 214,795 246,365 291,181 Supplies 868-521000 Operating Supplies 1,296 1,833 1,500 1,500 868-521100 Office Supplies 1,363 940 1,600 1,500 Total Supplies 2,659 2,773 3,100 3,000 Operations Support 868-534200 Printing & Binding 645 82 2,000 1,000 Total Operations Support 645 82 2,000 1,000 Staff Support 868-535100 Uniforms 134 350 350 868-535300 Memberships 465 430 355 995 868-535400 Publications 90 306 272 265 868-535500 TraininglTravel 5,534 4,901 8,000 9,500 Total Staff Support 6,223 5,637 8,977 11,110 TOTAL FINANCE 187,929 223,287 260,442 306,291 71 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING FUNCTION: To procure supplies, equipment and services for all departments within the City organization. To prepare recommendations for purchases over $25,000. To review purchasing procedures and solicit ideas for improved efficiency. Responsible for disposing of surplus items. 72 101 GENERAL FUND C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES PURCHASING Personnel Services 872-511110 Regular 872-511120 Overtime 872-511180 LTD 872 -51121 0 Longevity 872-511310 FICA - Employer 872-511350 TM RS - Employer 872-511410 Health - Employer 872-511500 Workers Compensation Total Personnel Services Supplies 872-521000 Operating Supplies 872-521100 Office Supplies Total Supplies Operations Support 872-534200 Printing & Binding Total Operations Support Staff Support 872-535100 Uniforms 872-535300 Memberships 872-535400 Publications 872-535500 TraininglTravel Total Staff Support Operatina Eauipment 872-571000 Furniture and Fixtures Total Operating Equipment 32,560 104 924 2,561 3,527 4,430 230 44,336 500 250 750 150 150 275 275 200 5,000 5,750 7,000 7,000 TOTAL PURCHASING 73 57,986 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: FLEET FUNCTION: The Primary function of the Fleet Service Department is to perform preventive maintenance and repair on all city owned vehicles and equipment extending their useful life. Before subcontracting any repair work to local auto repair facilities or dealerships, Fleet Service reviews each repair order and examines the vehicles and equipment to determine if necessary repairs can be completed in house. 74 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES FLEET SERVICE Personnel Services 877-511110 Regular 61,334 70,657 80,054 83,446 877-511120 Overtime 892 572 1,000 1,000 877-511180 LTD 165 177 222 266 877-511210 Longevity 1,968 1,872 2,256 2,520 877-511310 FICA - Employer 4,868 5,483 6,297 6,576 877-511350 TMRS - Employer 4,365 6,072 7,526 9,054 877-511410 Health - Employer 8,607 10,093 12,325 13,289 877-511500 Workers Compensation 1,694 2,649 1,900 1,825 Total Personnel Services 83,893 97,575 111,580 117,976 Supplies 877-521000 Operating Supplies 3,559 1,476 2,500 2,500 877-521100 Office Supplies 434 392 100 400 877 -521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 598 1,510 1,500 1,500 877 -521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 69,034 68,705 60,000 60,000 877-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 633 594 1,100 1,100 Total Supplies 74,258 72,677 65,200 65,500 Utility Services 877-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,089 3,082 4,000 2,000 Total Utility Services 2,089 3,082 4,000 2,000 Operations Support 877-534200 Printing & Binding 275 315 300 300 Total Operations Support 275 315 300 300 75 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 101 GENERAL FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Staff Support 877-535100 Uniforms 1,082 1 ,440 1,500 1,500 877-535200 Annual Awards 100 877-535500 TrainingfTravel 133 562 1,000 1,750 Total Staff Support 1,215 2,002 2,500 3,350 Maintenance Services 877-551100 Building Maintenance 200 500 500 877-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 4,024 3,527 4,000 4,000 877-551800 Other Maint Agreement 13,467 15,676 29,500 15,000 Total Maintenance Services 17,691 19,203 34,000 19,500 Rental-Lease 877-561100 Rental Equipment 200 200 877-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 72 84 84 Total Rental-Lease 72 284 284 Capital Outlav 877-581700 Other Improvements 28,050 Total Capital Outlay 28,050 TOTAL FLEET SERVICE 179,493 194,854 217,864 236,960 76 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: CITY ASSISTANCE FUNCTION: The Patient Assistance program is an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Schertz and Guadalupe Valley Hospital. The Hospital agrees to provide prescription medication free of charge or at a low cost to citizens of Schertz who qualify for assistance under established guidelines. The Hospital agrees to maintain a part-time intake and information office in Schertz. Prescriptions will be filled and other wise administered at the Hospital's Seguin facility. The City agrees to pay the hospital an agreed upon amount on final execution of this Agreement. The Hospital agrees to provide written reports to the City and to provide the City with the complete budget for the Hospital's drug program. The City of Schertz also provides assistance to the Guadalupe Children's Advocacy Center. The Center provides a warm, homelike environment for children who visit to be interviewed about physical or sexual abuse. The Children's Advocacy Center's primary emphasis is placed on the well-being of the child to prevent further trauma. The City of Schertz provides assistance to the Senior Citizens Hot Meals program. This program provides hot meals for seniors twice a week at the Schertz Community Center. 77 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 101 GENERAL FUND 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES CITY ASSISTANCE Citv Assistance 901-537300 Patient Assistance 901-537500 Children's Advocacy Asst. 901-537700 Senior Citizen Hot Meals Total City Assistance 11,000 11,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,200 15,200 10,000 TOTAL CITY ASSISTANCE 11 ,000 78 5,000 10,000 15,200 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY INTEREST & SINKING FUND FUNCTION: This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest on city debt. The 1&8 portion of the property taxes are directly deposited by the County Assessor's Office into this fund. 79 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE - - ~ ~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Till I -I ~ 1- T l~-I I I I I I I 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 80 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 505 TAXI & S ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED FINANCIAL SUMMARY Revenue Summary Taxes 1,022,068 1,139,039 1,247,644 2,151,894 Fund Transfers 739,230 985,167 160,750 277,500 Miscellaneous 4,951 12,310 10,800 24,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,766,249 2,136,516 1,419,194 2,453,394 Expenditure Summary Maintenance Service Professional Service 1,838,902 3,220 1,732,834 3,000 1,407,644 5,000 2,447,675 5,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,842,122 1,735,834 1,412,644 2,452,675 81 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 505 TAX I & S ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-411900 Property Tax Revenue 988,757 1 ,134,297 1,212,644 2,151,894 000-411950 Public Improvement Dist-922 33,311 4.742 35,000 Total Taxes 1,022,068 1,139,039 1,247,644 2,151,894 Fund Transfers 000-486000 Transfer From Other Funds 667,230 913,167 95,000 205,500 000-498100 Reimbursement-EMS SR2003 pymt 72,000 72,000 65,750 72,000 Total Fund Transfers 739,230 985,167 160,750 277,500 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 796 1,663 1,800 4,000 000-492000 Investment Income 4,155 10,647 9,000 20,000 Total Miscellaneous 4,951 12,310 10,800 24,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,766,249 2,136,516 1,419,194 2,453,394 82 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 505 TAXI & S ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES Professional Services 101-541500 Paying Agent 3,200 3,000 5,000 5,000 Total Professional Services 3,200 3,000 5,000 5,000 Maintenance Service 101-551610 Debt Service 1,838,902 1,732,834 1,407,644 2,447,675 Total Maintenance Service 1,838,902 1,732,834 1,407,644 2,447,675 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 1,842,102 1,735,834 1,412,644 2,452,675 83 Water & Sewer Revenues Sale of Water Garbage Collection Sewer Charges Other Fees & Charges Misc Income TOTAL $ 4,665,000 $ 2,290,000 $ 2,360,000 $ 884,660 $ 279,150 $ 10,478,810 84 Sewer Charges 23% Water & Sewer Fund - Revenue Other Fees & Charges 8% Misc Income 3% Sale of Water 44% Gargage Collection 22% 85 Water & Sewer Expenditures TOTAL $ 1,242,758 $ 179,300 $ 101,190 $ 5,651,958 $ 623,061 $ 315,807 $ 2,305,474 $ 10,419,548 Personnel Supplies Prof & City Svc Utility & Maint Srvc Opr Support & Asst Capital Expense Debt Service 86 Water & Sewer Expenditures Debt Service 22% Personnel 12% Supplies 2% 1-- Opr Support & Asst 6% Prof & City Svc 1% Capital Expense 3% Utility & Maint. Svc 54% 87 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Revenue Summary Fees 6,483,303 7,637,721 8,624,190 10,029,860 Fund Transfers 32,959 630,010 177,000 169,800 Miscellaneous 410,537 67,095 145,250 279,150 TOTAL REVENUES 6,926,799 8,334,826 8,946,440 10,478,810 Expenditure Summary GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE 373,612 295,254 373,356 365,656 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 373,612 295,254 373,356 365,656 PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 5,248,682 5,248,682 7,480,617 7,480,617 8,361,232 8,361,232 10,053,892 10,053,892 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,622,294 7,775,871 8,734,588 10,419,548 88 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Fees 000-455200 Garbage Collection Fee 1,420,606 1,844,349 1,871,685 2,290,000 000-455600 Fire Line Fees 9,136 8,815 10,000 11,000 000-455700 Recycle Fee Revenue 114,795 123,197 127,700 134,000 000-455800 W&S Line Constructn Reimb 28,319 57,235 15,000 59,000 000-457100 Sale of Water 3,461,747 3,968,807 4,494,805 4,665,000 000-457110 Edwards Water Lease 20,092 13,845 217,500 179,000 000-457120 Transfer Charge-Selma 39,000 000-457130 Transfer Charge-UC 39,000 000-457200 Sale of Meters 20,744 63,716 23,000 121,260 000-457400 Sewer Charges 1,304,762 1,430,796 1,742,000 2,360,000 000-457500 Water Penalties 100,475 124,661 120,000 130,000 000-459100 Credit Card Fee 287 620 500 600 000-459200 NSF Check Fee-Water&Swr 2,340 1,680 2,000 2,000 Total Fees 6,483,303 7,637,721 8,624,190 10,029,860 Fund Transfers 000-4861 01 Transfer from Equip Reserves 132,000 132,000 000-486204 Interfnd Chrg-Drainage Billing 32,959 36,720 45,000 37,800 000-486411 Transfer in-Capital Recovery 593,290 Total Fund Transfers 32,959 630,010 177,000 169,800 Miscellaneous 000-490000 Misc Charges 921 900 000-491000 Interest Earned 1,524 8,580 1,000 4,000 000-491200 Investment Income 26,102 45,369 30,000 60,000 000-496000 Water Construction Reserve 364,500 65,000 65,000 000-497000 Miscellaneous Income W&S 15,346 5,984 12,000 12,000 000-498100 Loan Repayment-EMS 32,250 32,250 000-498200 W&S Project Reimbursement 3,065 6,241 5,000 5,000 000-499000 Transfer from Reserves 100,000 Total Miscellaneous 410,537 67,095 145,250 279,150 TOTAL REVENUES 6,926,799 8,334,826 8,946,440 10,478,810 89 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: BUSINESS OFFICE FUNCTION: This department is responsible for maintaining all Water Utility Customer Accounts. Prepares Water Utility Bills for mailing. Collects utility payments and posts these payments to the customer's account. Sets up new water utility accounts, executes water turn offs/on and transfers. Is responsible for sewer averaging every year. The department also bills and collects for garbage pickup for residential, commercial and construction, Office personnel provide friendly and efficient service for all customers and solves complaints in a timely manner. This department also collects various payments made to other departments, 90 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OFFICE Personnel Services 176-511110 Regular 216,051 155,439 196,897 187,464 176-511120 Overtime 105 292 1,000 1,000 176-511180 LTD 573 389 564 618 176-511210 Longevity 11,592 7,920 11,856 11,988 176-511310 FICA - Employer 16,947 12,014 15,970 15,258 176-511350 TMRS-Employer 15,482 13,382 19,086 21,007 176-511410 Health-Employer 29,571 22,521 29,199 26,577 176-511500 Workers Compensation 2,897 430 484 444 Total Personnel Services 293,218 212,387 275,056 264,356 Supplies 176-521 000 Operating Supplies 814 903 1,000 1,000 176-521100 Office Supplies 1,985 1,598 3,500 3,500 176-521200 Medical/Chem Supplies 800 800 Total Supplies 2,799 2,501 5,300 5,300 City Support Services 176-532500 City Insurance-Commercial 10 10 Total City Support Services 10 10 Operations Support 176-534000 Postage 39,512 46,313 46,500 46,500 176-534200 Printing & Binding 32,932 31,297 42,000 45,000 Total Operations Support 72,444 77,610 88,500 91,500 Staff Support 176-5351 00 Uniforms 269 490 490 176-535500 Trainingrrravel 3,382 2,157 3,000 3,000 Total Staff Support 3,651 2,157 3,490 3,490 OperatinQ EQuipment 176-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 1,500 599 1,000 1,000 Total Operating Equipment 1,500 599 1,000 1,000 TOTAL BUSINESS OFFICE 373,612 295,254 373,356 365,656 91 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT: WATER I WASTEWATER FUNCTION: The WaterMlastewater Department is responsible for providing the City of Schertz customers safe, potable drinking water to include adequate fire protection as well as maintain a safe sanitary sewer collection system. It is also bound by state and federal law, local ordinance, and the city charter to keep the public water and wastewater systems maintained in a satisfactory condition. The Department plans, designs and coordinates all future water/wastewater mains and services, sewer lift stations, water production facilities, and storage plants. Includes maintenance and updating of Geographical Information System and utility and street maps, Produces and maintains reports to document activities as required by the State Health Department, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the City of Schertz. 92 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 202-WATER & SEWER ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC WORKS W & S ADMINISTRATION Personnel Services 575-511110 Regular 539,402 547,835 615,831 700,042 575-511120 Overtime 9,147 8,778 10,000 10,000 575-511180 LTD 1,428 1,392 1,817 2,231 575-511210 Longevity 15,528 16,848 18,588 19,392 575-511230 Certification Allowance 2,841 2,248 3,600 3,600 575-511310 FICA - Employer 40,254 42,211 48,671 55,245 575-511350 TMRS - Employer 37,787 47,094 58,170 76,062 575-511410 Health - Employer 71,495 67,398 83,427 97,450 575-511500 Workers Compensation 11,059 18,876 13,848 14,380 Total Personnel Services 728,941 752,680 853,952 978,402 Supplies 575-521000 Operating Supplies 6,724 7,754 9,500 9,500 575-521100 Office Supplies 5,423 3,005 6,000 6,000 575-521200 Medical Supplies 3,785 4,374 5,000 5,000 575-521400 Plumbing Supplies 31,651 128,978 72,783 65,000 575-521405 Water Meters-New 88,000 575-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 514 255 500 500 Total Supplies 48,097 144,366 93,783 174,000 City Support Services 575-532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 17,528 24,287 28,327 28,500 575-532410 Computer Consulting 3,814 7,000 7,000 575-532500 City Insurance-Commercial 8,815 13,965 20,000 20,000 575-532700 Records Management Service 2,000 2,000 575-532900 Contingencies 11,315 69,000 70,000 Total City Support Services 30,157 49,567 126,327 127,500 Utility Services 575-533100 Gas Utility 1,500 575-533200 Electricity 98,802 112,939 110,000 113,000 575-533300 Telephone 7,154 6,763 10,000 10,000 575-533400 Water Purchase 1,092,734 1,104,625 1,127,654 1,448,698 575-533410 Water Utility Service 643 941 1,700 1,700 575-533500 Vehicle Fuel 23,112 30,671 25,000 30,000 Total Utility Services 1,222,445 1,255,939 1,274,354 1,604,898 93 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 202-WA TER & SEWER 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Operations Support 575-534100 Advertising 1,740 1,740 575-534200 Printing & Binding 1,658 2,175 2,500 3,500 575-534300 Copy Services 274 3,420 3,420 Total Operations Support 1,932 2,175 7,660 8,660 Staff Support 575-535000 Rental-Building & Land 1,836 1,891 2,000 2,000 575-535100 Uniforms 10,350 7,307 14,000 15,000 575-535200 Annual Awards 382 516 500 600 575-535300 Memberships 1,720 2,934 3,500 4,000 575-535400 Publications 263 300 400 400 575-535500 TraininglTravel 3,911 5,802 11,901 11,000 575-535600 Prof. Certifications 300 300 Total Staff Support 18,462 18,750 32,601 33,300 City Assistance 575-537100 Medical Services 1,016 691 3,000 3,000 Total City Assistance 1,016 691 3,000 3,000 Professional Services 575-541100 Engineering Services 35,378 39,589 50,000 575-541200 Legal Services 19,428 21,912 20,000 20,000 575-541300 Other Consul/Prof Service 16,802 19,118 20,000 25,000 575-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service 12,000 13,000 13,000 15,000 575-541500 Paying Agent 1,400 1,400 Total Professional Services 83,608 93,619 104,400 61,400 Fund CharQes 575-548600 Inter Fund Charges-Admin 457,362 371,625 288,422 395,391 Total Fund Charges 457,362 371,625 288,422 395,391 94 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 202-WATER & SEWER 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Maintenance Services 575-551100 Building Maintenance 2,121 573 4,250 4,250 575-551300 Computer Maintenance 7,602 8,358 10,000 12,000 575-551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 1,622 2,491 2,400 2,500 575-551500 Water & Sewer Maintenance 3,917 21,528 25,000 25,000 575-551510 Payable to Wast Contractor 1,402,567 1,709,892 1,648,826 2,218,880 575-551520 Sewer Treatment-CCMAlMUD 998,188 1,173,740 1,420,000 1,765,230 575-551600 Street Maintenance Materials 2,574 6,866 5,500 6,000 575-551610 Debt Service 232,864 1,862,602 2,350,257 2,305,474 575-551720 Low Flow Rebate Program 2,350 2,550 3,000 3,000 575-551740 Rebate UB Customer 3,000 3,000 575-551800 Other Maintenance 2,857 2,605 4,500 4,500 Total Maintenance Services 2,656,662 4,791,205 5,476,733 6,349,834 Rental-Lease 575-561100 Rental - Equipment 2,500 575-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 200 Total Rental-Lease 2,700 OperatinQ Equipment 575-571500 Minor Equipment 3,307 Total Operating Equipment 3,307 Capitalized Equipment 575-581600 Large Equipment 11,500 575-581700 Other Improvements 100,000 300,000 Total Capitalized Equipment 100,000 311,500 TOTAL W & S ADMINISTRATION 5,248,682 7,480,617 8,361,232 10,053,892 95 Schertz EMS - Revenues Inter-Jurisdictional Contracts TOTAL $ 3,823,572 $ 78,000 $ 1,023,821 $ 4,925,393 Ambulance/Mileage Fees Misc. Revenue 96 Schertz EMS - Revenue Inter-Jurisdictional Contracts 21% Misc. Rev 2% 97 Schertz EMS - Expenditures Personnel $ 1,522,147 Supplies $ 189,465 Prof & City Svc $ 188,468 Utility & Maint. Svc $ 120,740 Opr Support & Asst $ 2,520,547 Capital Expense $ 28,600 Debt Service $ 104,250 TOTAL $ 4,674,217 98 Schertz EMS - Expenditures Opr Support & Asst 53% Utility & Maint. Svc 3% Capital Expense 1% Debt Service 2% r/// Prof & City Services 4% Supplies 4% Personnel 33% 99 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY EMS FUND FUNCTION: The EMS department is a third service municipal EMS agency that provides emergency medical care and transport to the sick and injured throughout Schertz, eight surrounding cities, and parts of three unincorporated counties. With 45 full-time, part-time, and volunteer Paramedics and EMT's we respond to over 5,200 requests for service annually with 3 full- time paramedic ambulances in our response district. We are the primary transport agency for not only Schertz, but also Universal City, Live Oak, Selma, Garden Ridge, Cibolo, Santa Clara, and Marion, Additionally we also provide service for large portions of unincorporated Comal and Guadalupe Counties. This is a service area of almost 220 square miles where over 95,000 people currently reside. We strive to provide high quality patient focused pre- hospital health care at a reasonable price and to work through prevention and education to lessen the need for EMS services throughout our response area. 100 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 203 - EMS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Fees 1,151,467 2,790,835 3,029,311 3,823,572 Inter -J urisdictional 572,164 652,594 937,560 1,023,821 Miscellaneous 71,976 105,325 197,500 78,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,795,607 3,548,754 4,164,371 4,925,393 Expenditure Summary Personnel Services 1,133,625 1,311,182 1,341,879 1,522,147 Supplies 107,729 143,140 169,300 189,465 City Support Services 6,000 9,748 27,000 27,000 Utility Services 41,171 42,729 37,000 50,900 Operations Support 7,408 8,166 7,050 8,850 Staff Support 27,666 51,848 72,003 75,468 City Assistance 12,989 27,552 6,000 6,300 Professional Services 55,809 61,626 96,600 106,700 Fund Charges 953,920 1,927,988 1,943,219 2,484,697 Maintenance Service 14,766 38,096 41,339 44,840 Debt Service 72,000 72,000 104,250 104,250 Rental Lease 10,692 10,774 10,000 25,000 Operating Equipment 13,801 10,063 32,000 28,600 Capitalized Equipment 135,000 TOTAL EMS EXPENDITURES 2,457,576 3,714,912 4,022,640 4,674,217 101 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 203 - EMS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-456100 Ambulance/Mileage Transport 1,151,447 2,790,835 3,029,311 3,823,572 000-459100 Credit Card Fee 000-459200 NSF Check Fee 20 Total Fees 1,151,467 2,790,835 3,029,311 3,823,572 Inter-Jurisdictional 000-473500 Seguin/Guad Co Support 162,550 193,657 210,310 215,394 000-473600 Comal Co Support 30,550 24,100 30,000 56,650 000-474300 Cibolo Support 27,720 39,200 80,000 103,000 000-475100 Garden Ridge Support 13,794 14,630 20,900 000-475200 Live Oak Support 60,430 64,092 100,780 113,300 000-475300 Universal City Support 99,000 105,000 165,690 175,100 000-475400 Selma Support 13,200 17,500 30,000 41,200 000-475500 Schertz Support 151,800 180,499 280,000 298,700 000-475600 Santa Clara Support 5,867 6,223 8,890 9,157 000-475800 Marion Support 7,253 7,693 10,990 11,320 T otallnter-Jurisdictional 572,164 652,594 937,560 1,023,821 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 000-493203 Donations- EMS 2,245 3,751 2,000 2,000 000-497000 Misc Income 37,096 68,709 155,000 20,000 000-497500 Misc Income-EMT Classes 32,635 32,865 40,500 56,000 Total Miscellaneous 71,976 105,325 197,500 78,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,795,607 3,548,754 4,164,371 4,925,393 102 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 203 - EMS ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES Personnel Services 280-511110 Regular 667,753 714,774 744,208 890,272 280-511120 Overtime 193,505 291,344 273,995 262,029 280-511180 L TD 2,100 2,236 2,368 3,180 280-511210 Longevity 8,364 8,784 11,004 12,912 280-511220 Clothing Allowance 5,286 5,298 6,240 5,304 280-511230 Certification Allowance 33,206 22,588 9,140 7,216 280-511310 FICA - Employer 66,651 76,388 79,433 89,691 280-511350 TMRS - Employer 54,757 75,558 83,225 114,501 280-511410 Health - Employer 75,225 73,446 91,770 106,320 280-511500 Workers Compensation 26,778 40,766 40,496 30,722 Total Personnel Services 1,133,625 1,311,182 1,341,879 1,522,147 Supplies 280-521000 Operating Supplies 4,779 8,119 8,000 7,000 280-521010 Operating Supplies-EMT Class 11,000 9,487 11,300 14,465 280-521100 Office Supplies 5,149 4,520 6,000 4,000 280-521200 Medical Supplies 83,960 121,014 140,000 160,000 280-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 1,056 1,500 1,500 280-521600 Equip Maint Supplies 1,785 2,500 2,500 Total Supplies 107,729 143,140 169,300 189,465 Citv Support Services 280-532500 City-Insurance-Commercial 6,000 9,748 27,000 27,000 Total City Support Services 6,000 9,748 27,000 27,000 Utilitv Services 280-533100 Gas 1,417 280-533200 Electricity 12,287 3,936 3,900 280-533300 Telephone 6,072 9,879 8,000 14,000 280-533410 Water Utility Service 2,660 112 280-533500 Vehicle Fuel 18,735 28,802 29,000 33,000 Total Utility Services 41,171 42,729 37,000 50,900 103 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 203 - EMS 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Operations Support 280-534000 Postage 4,065 5,308 4,250 4,250 280-534100 Advertising 1 ,455 972 1,200 2,400 280-534200 Printing & Binding 1,888 1,886 1,600 2,200 Total Operations Support 7,408 8,166 7,050 8,850 Staff Support 280-535100 Uniforms 9,616 12,549 22,000 22,000 280-535200 Annual Awards 294 53 1,000 1,200 280-535210 Employee Recognition/Morale 5,000 5,000 280-535300 Memberships 820 1,172 2,300 2,500 280-535400 Publications 527 422 550 1,500 280-535500 TraininglTravel 14,445 16,936 25,153 27,268 280-535600 Prof. Certs 1,964 20,716 16,000 16,000 Total Staff Support 27,666 51,848 72,003 75,468 City Assistance 280-537100 Medical Services 2,724 18,093 3,000 3,000 280-537800 Crime/Fire Prevention 10,265 9,459 3,000 3,300 Total City Assistance 12,989 27,552 6,000 6,300 Professional Services 280-541200 Legal Services 4,145 474 3,000 2,000 280-541300 Other Consult/Prof Service 35,414 50,102 75,000 82,000 280-541400 Auditor/Accounting Serv 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 280-541500 EMT Class Instructors 14,250 9,050 16,600 20,700 Total Professional Services 55,809 61,626 96,600 106,700 Fund CharQes 280-548500 Contractual Allowables 857,243 1,147,071 280-548600 Inter-Fund Charge - Admin 20,833 25,000 50,000 58,700 280-548700 Bad Debt Expense 933,087 1,902,988 1,036,076 1,278,926 Total Fund Charges 953,920 1,927,988 1,943,319 2,484,697 Maintenance Services 280-551100 Building Maintenance 5,180 7,000 7,500 7,500 280-551200 Motor Vehicle Fleet 2,416 24,311 19,839 20,340 280-551800 Other Maintenance Agreement 7,170 6,785 14,000 17,000 Total Maintenance Services 14,766 38,096 41,339 44,840 104 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 203-EMS 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Debt Service 280-555202 Loan from Water 32,250 32,250 280-555505 Payment to I & S-SR 2003 72,000 72,000 72,000 72,000 Total Debt Service 72,000 72,000 104,250 104,250 Rental-Lease 280-561200 Lease/Purchase Payments 10,692 10,774 10,000 25,000 Total Rental-Lease 10,692 10,774 10,000 25,000 OperatinQ Equipment 280-571000 Furniture & Fixtures 490 3,600 3,600 280-571300 Computer & Peripherals 13,801 10,063 32,000 20,000 280-571400 Communications Equipment 3,237 2,875 5,000 5,000 Total Operating Equipment 17,038 13,428 40,600 28,600 Capitalized Equipment 280-581200 Vehicles 135,000 Total Capitalized Equipment 135,000 TOTAL SCHERTZ EMS 2,460,813 3,718,277 4,031,340 4,674,217 105 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY DRAINAGE FUND FUNCTION: Provides a system for storm water drainage. Insures the drainage system is properly maintained through mowing, silt and debris removal and erosion control and prevention. Includes maintenance of rural city Right of Ways. This Department makes sure that all Flood Management measures are followed to ensure the safety of the Citizens of Schertz. 106 Drainage - Revenue Drainage Fees Misc Income TOTAL $ 348,704 $ 3,000 $ 351,704 107 Drainage - Revenue Misc Income 1% Drainage Fees 99% 108 Drainage - Expenditures Personnel $ 257,263 Supplies $ 4,225 Prof & City Svc $ 2,800 Utility & Maint. Svc $ 22,500 Opr Support & Asst $ 64,898 Capital Expense $ - TOTAL $ 351,686 109 Drainage - Expenditures Opr Support & Asst 18% Capital 0% Utility & Maint. Svc 6% ~ Prof & City Services ~ Supplies 1% 1% 110 Personnel 74% C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 204-DRAINAGE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Fees 305,315 303,055 357,330 348,704 Miscellaneous 357 2,481 1,000 3,000 TOTAL REVENUES 305,672 305,536 358,330 351,704 Expenditure Summary Personnel Services 143,082 162,232 206,086 257,263 Supplies 3,402 1,778 4,200 4,225 Utility Services 4,959 5,520 6,000 6,000 Operations Support 820 820 Staff Support 2,626 3,005 5,475 5,475 City Assistance 800 800 Professional Services 7,164 27,766 28,000 2,000 Fund ChargeslTransfers 36,500 62,664 58,039 58,603 Maintenance Services 8,149 1,375 17,000 16,000 Rental Lease 1,114 288 500 500 Capitalized Equipment 26,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 206,996 264,628 353,520 351,686 111 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 204-DRAINAGE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-457500 Water Penalties 3,962 3,564 3,900 3,200 000-457600 Drainage Fees 301,353 299,491 353,430 345,504 Total Fees 305,315 303,055 357,330 348,704 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 340 1,938 1,000 1,000 000-491200 Investment Income 277 2,000 000-497000 Misc Income-Drainage 18 266 Total Miscellaneous 358 2,481 1,000 3,000 TOTAL REVENUES 305,673 305,536 358,330 351,704 112 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 204-DRAINAGE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government Expenditures Personnel Services 579-511110 Regu~r 107,097 118,523 147,795 182,524 579-511120 Overtime 1,328 1,124 2,000 2,000 579-511180 L TD 257 294 412 582 579-511210 Longevity 3,396 3,864 4,392 5,352 579-511310 FICA - Employer 7,176 8,544 11,720 14,372 579-511350 TMRS - Employer 7,035 9,928 14,008 19,788 579-511410 Health - Employer 12,384 14,332 20,856 27,114 579-511500 Workers Compensation 4,409 5,624 4,903 5,531 Total Personnel Services 143,082 162,233 206,086 257,263 Supplies 579-521000 Operating Supplies 995 509 1,000 1,000 579-521100 Office Supplies 92 147 100 125 579-521200 Medical/Chem Supplies 1,845 1,122 2,500 2,500 579-521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 370 300 300 579-521600 Equipment Maint. Supplies 100 300 300 Total Supplies 3,402 1,778 4,200 4,225 Utilitv Services 579-533300 Telephone 69 1,000 1,000 579-533500 Vehicle Fuel 4,959 5,451 5,000 5,000 Total Utility Services 4,959 5,520 6,000 6,000 Operations Support 579-53430C Copy Services 820 820 Total Operations Support 820 820 Staff Support 579-535100 Uniforms 2,027 1,875 3,100 3,100 579-535300 Memberships 30 109 100 100 579-535500 TraininglTravel 519 1,021 2,025 2,025 579-535600 Professional Certification 50 250 250 Total Staff Support 2,626 3,005 5,475 5,475 113 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 204-DRAINAGE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED City Assistance 579-537100 Medical Services 800 800 Total City Assistance 800 800 Professional Services 579-541100 Engineering Services 6,313 26,120 26,000 579-541200 Legal Service 351 646 1,000 1,000 579-541400 Auditor/Accounting Service 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Professional Services 7,164 27,766 28,000 2,000 Fund CharaeslTransfers 579-548500 Inter-Fund (Fleet/Admin) 21,901 15,159 16,221 579-548600 Inter-Fund Chgs - Water 36,500 36,720 42,880 38,340 579-548700 Bad Debt Expense 801 800 579-548800 Depreciation Expense 3,242 3,242 Total Fund ChargeslTransfers 36,500 62,664 58,039 58,603 Maintenance Services 579-551300 Computer Maintenance 1,148 2,000 2,000 579-551610 Drainage Channel Maintenance 8,149 228 15,000 14,000 Total Maintenance Services 8,149 1,376 17,000 16,000 Rental-Lease 579-561100 Rental Equipment 1,114 288 500 500 Total Rental-Lease 1,114 288 500 500 Capitalized Eauipment 579-581800 Other Equipment 26,600 Total Capitalized Equipment 26,600 TOTAL DRAINAGE 206,996 264,630 353,520 351,686 114 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND FUNCTION: The Capital Recovery program is designed to support future growth of population and commercial water and wastewater demands without an impact on existing customers, while keeping bond supported programs to a minimum. Capital Recovery projects are based on the number of connections sold to increase pumping, storage and transmission water lines, and wastewater programs. In accordance with House Bill 336 impact funds (Capital Recovery) must be used within five years of collection date. All water and wastewater improvements are constructed to meet State Board of Insurance and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules and regulations. 115 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Fees 771,032 1,425,626 929,223 929,223 Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 71,714 132,753 139,000 139,000 TOTAL REVENUES 842,746 1,558,379 1,068,223 1,068,223 Expenditure Summary Professional Services 3,209 21,872 2,000 28,000 Fund Transfers 721,571 Projects 115,808 512,350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,209 743,443 117,808 540,350 116 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 411-CAPITAL RECOVERY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-455900 Capital Recovery-Water 394,904 755,798 565,020 565,020 000-455910 Capital Recovery-Waste Water 376,128 669,828 364,203 364,203 Total Fees 771,032 1,425,626 929,223 929,223 Fund Transfers 000-481000 Transfer from Reserves Total Fund Transfers Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 11,345 10,498 9,000 9,000 000-491200 Investment Income 21,714 72,255 80,000 80,000 000-498100 Reimbursement-FM 78 Project 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Total Miscellaneous 83,059 132,753 139,000 139,000 TOTAL REVENUES 854,091 1,558,379 1,068,223 1,068,223 117 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 411-CAPIT AL RECOVERY 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government EXPENDITURES Professional Services 101-534100 Advertising 101-541100 Engineering Services 101-541400 Auditor Services Total Professional Services 2,000 1,000 25,000 2,000 28,000 2,209 1,000 3,209 21,872 21,872 2,000 Fund CharQeslTransfers 101-548600 Interfund Transfer Total Fund ChargeslTransfers 721,571 721,571 Capital Expenditures 937-581900 60008" Waterline-Lower Seguir 938-581900 12" Wtrline-FM 1103 (Chelsea) 939-581900 Upgrade Waterline-Schaeffer 940-581900 Aviation Heights Waterline Total Capital Expenditures 115,808 41 ,228 157,036 112,350 400,000 512,350 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,209 743,443 159,036 540,350 118 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY S. E. D. CORPORATION FUND FUNCTION: State law allows local municipalities to impose up to 1/2 cent additional sales tax for economic development activities. In 1997 Schertz citizens voted to increase the sales tax and the Schertz City Council formed the Schertz Economic Development Corporation, a 7- member citizen board, to administer the fund and all its activities. In 2006, the corporation developed a Comprehensive Economic Development Plan and established the following vision statement: Schertz strives to develop as a premier Texas community that promotes a family atmosphere, is sustained by foresight and innovation, and continues a long-standing commitment to economic prosperity and workforce opportunities. 119 620-SED CORPORATION C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Taxes Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES Expenditure Summary General Government Non-Departmental Economic Development TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 850,863 7,017 857,880 620,168 620,168 120 1,113,193 18,679 1,131,872 86,184 811,800 897,984 1,150,000 17,000 1,167,000 91 ,798 917,656 1,009,454 1,475,821 38,000 1,513,821 134,420 988,019 1 ,122,439 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 620-SED CORPORATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Taxes 000-411500 Sales Tax Revenues (4B) 850,863 1,113,193 1,150,000 1,475,821 Total Taxes 850,863 1 ,113,193 1,150,000 1,475,821 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 910 2,425 2,000 3,000 000-491200 Investment Earnings 6,107 16,254 15,000 35,000 000-499000 Transfer from Reserves Total Miscellaneous 7,017 18,679 17,000 38,000 TOTAL REVENUES 857,880 1,131,872 1,167,000 1,513,821 121 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 620-SED CORPORATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT NONDEPARTMENTAL Supplies 101-521000 Operating Supplies 6,585 11 ,435 13,698 101-521100 Office Supplies 100 101-521200 Medical/Chemical Supplies 1,645 2,300 3,760 Total Supplies 8,230 13,835 17,458 Utilities 1 01-533200 Gas Utility Service 4,159 4,500 8,000 101-533300 Electricity Utility Service 50,426 45,000 54,250 101-533410 Water Utility Service 6,279 8,000 13,486 101-533500 Fuel Supply (Diesel) 1,892 2,089 3,194 Total Utilities 62,756 59,589 78,930 Operations Support 101-534200 Printing and Binding 2,000 Total Operations Support 2,000 Maintenance Services 101-551100 Building Maintenance 10,242 9,000 23,848 101-551400 Minor & other Equip Maint 357 375 3,084 101-551700 Ground Maintenance 600 2,300 101-551800 Other Maint Agreement 4,599 6,399 8,800 Total Maintenance Services 15,198 16,374 38,032 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 86,184 89,798 134,420 122 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 620-SED CORPORATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES Personnel Services 966-511110 Regular 91,304 131,310 149,810 966-511120 Overtime 1,793 2,100 2,100 966-511180 LTD 219 358 469 966-511210 Longevity 480 720 1,320 966-511310 FICA - Employer 6,768 10,117 11,561 966-511350 TMRS - Employer 7,440 12,114 15,918 966-511410 Health - Employer 6,536 12,514 13,557 966-511500 Workers Compensation 336 468 336 Total Personnel Services 114,876 169,701 195,071 Supplies 966-521000 Operating Supplies 157 180 180 966-521100 Office Supplies 1,134 1,200 1,200 Total Supplies 1,291 1,380 1,380 City Support Services 966-532800 Special Events 924 1,200 18,500 Total City Support Services 924 1,200 18,500 Utility Services 966-533300 Telephone 152 1,260 3,000 966-533500 Vehicle Fuel 2,062 966-533550 Vehicle Maintenance 500 Total Utility Services 152 1,260 5,562 Operations Support 966-534000 Postage 250 1,250 966-534200 Printing & Binding 491 1,500 5,000 Total Operations Support 491 1,750 6,250 Staff Support 966-535100 Uniforms 12 120 180 966-535300 Memberships 1,924 3,284 3,400 966-535400 Publications 800 800 966-535500 TrainingfTravel 9,743 13,500 14,534 Total Staff Support 11,679 17,704 18,914 123 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 620-SED CORPORATION 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED Professional Services 966-541100 Engineering 7,262 7,000 7,000 966-541200 Legal Services 1,816 2,000 966-541300 Professional Services 25,070 82,000 45,500 966-541400 Auditor/Acct. Services 750 800 1,000 2,000 966-541500 Paying Agent 1,769 1,769 1,775 1,775 Total Professional Services 2,519 36,717 93,775 56,275 Fund CharQeslTransfers 966-548600 Interfund Charges-Admin 102,000 48,000 44,000 Total ChargeslTransfers 102,000 48,000 44,000 Debt Service 966-555600 GO Bond SR98-Pub Safety 381,189 381,205 381 ,486 378,098 966-555700 Tax Note SR01-Fire Engine 161,460 162,465 166,400 966-558000 New Fire Engine 111,834 Total Debt Service 542,649 543,670 547,886 489,932 OperatinQ Equipment 966-571100 Furniture and Fixtures 5,000 8,000 966-571300 Computer & Peripherals 1,000 966-571800 Field Equipment 4,000 Total Operating Equipment 5,000 13,000 Capital Outlav 966-581200 Vehicles 75,000 30,000 139,135 Total Capital Outlay 75,000 30,000 139,135 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 620,168 811,800 917,656 988,019 124 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY SPECIAL EVENTS FUND FUNCTION: The Events Fund is designated to monitor and manage funds appropriated to pay for all events sponsored by the City of Schertz. Events such as Festival of Angels, 4th of July Jubilee, and Service awards dinner. 125 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 106 - SPECIAL EVENTS BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Miscellaneous 000-4581 00 Sale of Merchandise 1,000 000-4931 00 July 4th Jubilee 5,000 000-493200 Festival of Angles 000-493400 Emergency Svc Day 40,000 000-453400 Christmas Activites 3,000 700 500 000-493450 Holiday Lock-Up 3,000 2,000 2,000 000-493500 Community Svc Award Dinner 500 1 ,400 1,500 Total Miscellaneous 52,500 4,100 4,000 Fund Transfers 000-480100 Interfund Transfer In 24,000 42,000 26,000 Total Fund Transfers 24,000 42,000 26,000 TOTAL REVENUES 76,500 46,100 30,000 126 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 106 - SPECIAL EVENTS BUDGET BUDGET APPROVED Expenditures 601-532800 Festival of Angels 12,825 12,000 12,000 602-532800 Employee Christmas Party 3,851 4,500 5,000 603-532800 Business Appreciation Dinner 15,715 16,000 604-532800 4th of July Jubilee 6,778 8,000 8,000 605-532800 Emergency Service Day 40,000 607-532800 National Night Out 50 50 608-532800 Relay for Life 200 200 610-532800 Community Svc Award Dinner 1,600 611-532800 Employee Remembrance Day 150 150 615-532800 Blue Santa 2,800 3.000 3,000 Total Miscellaneous 81,969 43,900 30,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 81,969 43,900 30,000 127 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY HOTELlMOTELFUND FUNCTION: Revenues for Hotel/Motel Fund are derived from a seven percent tax on rooms rented at local hotel/motels. Currently there are two hotels in Schertz, The Atrium Inn and the Hampton Inn, 128 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 314-HOTEL TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Taxes 37,688 42,982 123,000 150,000 Fund Transfers 9,150 Miscellaneous 2,713 5,437 8,600 8,900 TOTAL REVENUES 40,401 48,419 140,750 158,900 Expenditure Summary Operations Support 1,110 6,289 Professional Services 1,000 13,500 36,000 1,000 Fund Charges 2,000 119,500 21,500 70,000 Capital Outlay 29,750 10,700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,110 139,289 87,250 81,700 129 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL 314-HOTEL TAX ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government REVENUES Taxes 000-411800 Hotel Occupancy Tax 37,688 42,982 123,000 150,000 Total Taxes 37,688 42,982 123,000 150,000 Fund Transfers 000-481000 Transfer From Reserves 9,150 Total Fund Transfers 9,150 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 367 363 100 900 000-491200 Investment Income 2,346 5,074 8,500 8,000 Total Miscellaneous 2,713 5,437 8,600 8,900 TOTAL REVENUES 40,401 48,419 140,750 158,900 130 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 314-HOTEL TAX 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government EXPENDITURES Operations Support 101-534100 Advertising 6,289 101-534200 Printing & Binding 1,110 Total Operations Support 1,110 6,289 Professional Services 101-541300 Other Consult/Prof Services 12,500 35,000 101-541400 Auditor/Accounting Services 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Professional Services 1,000 13,500 36,000 1,000 Fund CharQes 101-548600 Interfund Transfers 2,000 119,500 21,500 70,000 Total Fund Charges 2,000 119,500 21,500 70,000 Capital Outlav 101-581201 Motor Vehicle Refurbish 29,750 10,700 101-581700 Other Improvements 4,040 Total Capital Outlay 4,040 29,750 10,700 TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 4,110 139,289 87,250 81,700 131 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY PARK FUND FUNCTION: The Parks Fund is a special fund designed to monitor and manage funds for improvement of the City of Schertz Park System. Revenues are derived from developer fees (in lieu of parkland dedication), grants, and donations. 132 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 317 PARK 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES 7,875 2,554 10,429 230,731 7,496 238,227 147,000 15,000 162,000 142,225 17,000 159,225 Expenditure Summary Other Professional Services Maintenance Services Operating Equipment Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,403 1,153 100,000 7,000 51,000 158,000 30,000 50,000 7,980 12,383 64,754 65,907 21,000 101,000 133 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 317 PARK 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CITY COUNCIL APPROVED General Government REVENUES Fees 000-458800 Developers Fees 000-458900 Tree Mitigation Total Fees 7,875 70,375 160,356 230,731 117,000 30,000 147,000 72,225 70,000 142,225 7,875 Miscellaneous 000-491000 Interest Earned 262 1 ,468 1,500 1,500 000-491200 Investment Interest 2,292 6,027 13,500 15,500 000-499100 Transfer In 3,700 Total Miscellaneous 2,554 7,495 15,000 17,000 TOTAL REVENUES 10,429 238,226 162,000 159,225 134 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 317-PARK 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED General Government EXPENDITURES Professional Services 101-541300 Other Prof Services 30,000 Total Professional Services 30,000 Maintenance Services 101-551110 Trees 1,083 1,153 100,000 50,000 101-551710 Landscaping 3,320 Total Maintenance Services 4,403 1,153 100,000 50,000 OperatinQ EQuipment 101-571700 Minor Improvements 7,000 Total Operating Equipment 7,000 Capital Outlav 101-581700 Other Improvements 7,980 64,754 51,000 21,000 Total Capital Outlay 7,980 64,754 51,000 21,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,383 65,907 158,000 101,000 135 CITY OF SCHERTZ COMMENTARY RECYCLING FUND FUNCTION: The Recycling Fund is designed to monitor and manage revenues received from the sale of recyclable materials. These funds are used to fund city wide clean ups. 136 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 318-RECYLlNG 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED SUMMARY RECAP Revenue Summary Fees TOTAL REVENUES 22,079 22,079 22,996 22,996 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 Expenditure Summary Maintenance Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,562 16,562 19,761 19,761 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 137 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 318-RECYLlNG 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED REVENUES Fees 000-458200 Sale of Recycle Materials Total Fees 22,079 22,079 22,996 22,996 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL REVENUES 22,079 22,996 20,000 15,000 138 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 318-RECYLI NG 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 CITY COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET APPROVED EXPENDITURES Maintenance Services 101-551510 Payable to Waste Contractor Total Maintenance Services 16,562 16,562 19,761 19,761 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,562 19,761 20,000 15,000 139 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF WORKING CAPITAL PROJECTS ORIGINAL STATUS SR 2004 COMMUNITY PROJECT BOND LAND PURCHASE $ 621,839 COMPLETE DRAINAGE PROJECTS 945-551900 AVIATION HEIGHTS $ 365,572 COMPLETE 946-551900 BORGFELD RD 1,167,897 COMPLETE 947-551900 ELBEL IMPROVEMENTS 5,956 COMPLETE 948-551900 UPPER WEST DIETZ CREEK 1,089,023 COMPLETE 949-551900 WOODLAND OAKS 3,280 COMPLETE TOTAL Drainage Projects $ 2,631,728 BUILDING RENOVATIONS 951-551900 COUNCIL CHAMBERS $ 857,522 COMPLETE 952-551900 COMMUNITY CENTER 2,770,222 COMPLETE 953-551900 CITY HALL REMODEL PENDING PENDING 954-551900 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE BLDG PENDING PENDING 955-551900 OFFICE SPACES PENDING PENDING TOTAL Building Projects $ 3,627,744 Ball Field 957-551900 CONSTRUCTION 1,386,729 ON GOING TOTAL PROJECTS COST YTO $ 8,268,040 140 C I T Y OF S C HER T Z OPERATING BUDGET 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF WORKING CAPITAL PROJECTS ORIGINAL STATUS 2005 BOND - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ($3.200.000) Elevated Storage Tank for Lower Zone 944-551900 CONSTRUCTION 285,205 ON GOING TOTAL PROJECT COST YTD 2006 BOND - $15.000.000 956-551900 960-551900 965-551900 Library Building Streets Drainage TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECTS 141 $ 285,205 - $ 6,000,000 7,000,000 2,000,000 $ 15,000,000 - PENDING PENDING PENDING Organizational Chart I MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL I As of 20 Sep 2006 I I I CITY ATTORNEY I PROSECUTING CITY MANAGER (CM) CITY SECRETARY I ATTORNEY ASSISTANT ASSISTANT I MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE I CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER - WARRANT - RISK SERVICES OFFICER HUMAN I- MANAGER RESOURCES PUBLIC RECORDS ---I BAILIFF I INFORMATION - MANAGEMENT FINANCE - OFFICER INFORMATION - I l TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS OFFICE I I POLICE EMS II FIRE I PUBLIC COMMUNITY Schertz WORKS SERVICES Economic Dev I ENGINEERING I I Corp ANIMAL (4-B CONTROL -i DRAINAGE --I PARKS I CORP) PLANNING I I & ZONING COURT SUPPORT I WATERISWR -I LIBRARY I I PURCHASING ---i INSPECTIONS! GENERAL STREETS CODE SERVICES ENFORCEMENT FLEET SVS I 142 FY 2006-2007 POSITIONS AUTHORIZATION POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE AUTHORIZED MANAGEMENT (151) City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant City Manager Executive Services Coordinator/Risk Manager COURT SUPPORT (152) Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk MUNICIPAL COURT (169) Municipal Court Judge/Adstr Administrative Assistant Warrant Officer Warrant Officer/Baliff Baliff PLANNING AND ZONING (154) Planning Director/Building Official Planner III Planner II Planner I FACILITY MAINTENANCE (161) General Services Director Assistant Facility Manager Facility Worker Facility Worker Helper Custodian I 143 Council Discretion 46 44 35 16 13 Council Discretion 20 28 26 24 40 28 25 23 35 23 14 12 11 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 SERVICE POSITION TITLE GRADE AUTHORIZED CITY SECRETARY (164) Council City Secretary Discretion/28 1 Deputy City Secretary 24 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION (170) Public Information Officer 35 1 Public Information Assistant 20 1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT (171) Records Manager Records Management Clerk 28 13 1 1 ENGINEERING (173) Engineer 40 POLICE DEPARTMENT (256) Chief Assistant Police Chief Lieutenant Sergeant Corporal Police Officer Temporary Police Officer Office Manager Senior Records Clerk Records Clerk Administrative Assistant Communications Supervisor Communications Officer Fire Department Law Enforcement Court Warrant Officer Bailiff Crossing Guards (PfT) 43 40 34 31 28 26 26 21 14 12 20 25 17 o o o N/A 1 1 2 5 7 24 2 1 1 1 1 1 9 4 2 1 6 144 SERVICE POSITION TITLE GRADE AUTHORIZED FIRE DEPARTMENT (257) Chief 42 1 Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal 38 1 Deputy Fire Marshal 31 1 Captain 33 3 Training Officer 30 1 Lieutenant 28 6 Fire Engineer 24 6 Firefighter 22 12 Clerk 20 1 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT (258) Chief Inspector 28 1 Sanitarian 28 1 Assistant Inspector 20 2 Code Enforcement Officer 20 1 Administrative Assistant 20 1 Inspections Clerk 13 2 STREET DEPARTMENT (359) Foreman 20 1 Street Worker II 17 2 Street Sweeper Operator 17 1 Street Worker I 14 7 Director Events Manager/Recreation Program Coordinator Parks and Recreation Superintendent Administrative Assistant Park Foreman Park Worker II Park Worker I COMMUNITY SERVICES PARKS (460) 42 30 32 20 20 17 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES POOLS (463) Assistant Pool ManagerlWSI PT Lifeguards - P.T. 8 7 5 20 145 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE AUTHORIZED Library Manager Children's Librarian Clerk Clerk - P.T. COMMUNITY SERVICES LIBRARY (665) 35 28 12 12 1 1 4 7 Supervisor Animal Control Officer Sheller Operator ANIMAL SHELTER MANAGEMENT (762) 25 17 11 1 2 2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (853) Information Techonology Coordinator Information Technology Technician Information Technology Technician 35 30 22 1 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES (866) Human Resources Director Senior HR Generalist 35 27 1 1 FINANCE (868) Finance Director Finance Office Manager Staff Accountant Finance Clerk 42 35 28 18 1 1 1 2 PURCHASING (872) Buyer Journey Level 21 1 FLEET SERVICES (877) Mechanic/Foreman 18 1 Mechanic 16 1 Mechanic Helper 14 1 146 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE AUTHORIZED Business Office Manager Business Office Supervisor Utility Billing Clerk Solid Waste Coordinator Collections Clerk Receptionist Meter Tech II Meter Tech I Director Asst. Director Administrative Assistant PW Inspector Records and Purchasing PW Clerk/Dispatcher BUSINESS OFFICE (176) 33 21 14 14 12 12 15 13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (575) 42 38 20 21 14 12 WA TERfWASTEWA TER DEPARTMENT (575) Schertz Seguin Local Government Corp Gen Mgr Supervisor Foreman Serviceman II Serviceman I N/A 30 20 17 14 DRAINAGE AND RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE (579) Public Works Superintendent Foreman Drainage Worker II Drainage Worker 1 33 20 17 14 147 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 7 1 1 1 2 POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE AUTHORIZED Director Clinical Manager Operations Manager EMS Office Manager Paramedic Supervisors Paramedic Administrative Assistant PfT EMT Attendant Part Time Clerk Executive Director Administrative Assistant ED Marketing Research EMS DEPARTMENT (280) (Please see the note at the end of the Pay Tables) 42 37 38 33 33 23 20 18 12 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (966) 41 20 25 148 1 1 1 1 3 15 1 20 1 1 1 1 FY 2006-2007 POSITION AUTHORIZATION TOTAL FULL TIME TOTAL PART TIME TOTAL 231 59 290 Note: The above totals include these added positions for the FY: Position Authorization 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Assistant City Manager II Public Information Assistant Municipal Court Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Superintendent Planner III Engineer Sanitarian Assistant Inspector Inspections Clerk Events Manager/Recreation Program Coordinator Buyer Journey Level Facility Worker Helper Serviceman I Corporals Police Officer Temporary Police Officers Part Time EMS Clerk EMS Operations Manager The above total reflect the following upgraded positions Bailif upgraded to Full Time Fire Fighter upgraded to Fire Engineer Custodian I upgraded to Full Time HR Clerk upgraded to Senior HR Generalist Finance Clerk upgraded to Accountant Fire Clerk upgrade to Administrative Assistant Drainage Worker I to Drainage Worker II EMS Training Manager to Clinical Manager 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 The above totals reflect the followino downoraded positions Park Foreman to Park Worker II 1 The above totals reflect the following eliminated positions Cash Collections Clerk 1 Note: Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation General Manager not included in totals above. 149 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 5 Hour 7.42 7.57 7.72 7.88 8.04 8.20 8.36 8.53 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 BiWeek 593.88 605.76 617.88 630.24 642.84 655.70 668.81 682.19 695.83 709.75 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 Month 1286.75 1312.49 1338.73 1365.51 1392.82 1420.68 1449.09 1478.07 1507.63 1537.79 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 Annual 15441 15750 16065 16386 16714 17048 17389 17737 18092 18453 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 SG6 Hour 7.72 7.88 8.04 8.20 8.36 8.53 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 BiWeek 617.88 630.24 642.84 655.70 668.81 682.19 695.83 709.75 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 Month 1338.73 1365.51 1392.82 1420.68 1449.09 1478.07 1507.63 1537.79 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 Annual 16065 16386 16714 17048 17389 17737 18092 18453 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 SG7 Hour 8.04 8.20 8.36 8.53 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 BiWeek 642.84 655.70 668.81 682.19 695.83 709.75 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 Month 1392.82 1420.68 1449.09 1478.07 1507.63 1537.79 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 Annual 16714 17048 17389 17737 18092 18453 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 SG8 Hour 8.36 8.53 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 BiWeek 668.81 682.19 695.83 709.75 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 Month 1449.09 1478.07 1507.63 1537.79 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 Annual 17389 17737 18092 18453 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 SG9 Hour 8.70 8.87 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 BiWeek 695.83 709.75 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 Month 1507.63 1537.79 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 Annual 18092 18453 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 150 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 10 Hour 9.05 9.23 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 BiWeek 723.94 738.42 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 Month 1568.54 1599.91 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 Annual 18822 19199 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 SG 11 Hour 9.41 9.60 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 BiWeek 753.19 768.25 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 Month 1631.91 1664.55 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 Annual 19583 19975 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 SG 12 Hour 9.80 9.99 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 BiWeek 783.62 799.29 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 Month 1697.84 1731.80 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 Annual 20374 20782 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 SG 13 Hour 10.19 10.39 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 BiWeek 815.28 831.58 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 Month 1766.43 1801.76 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 Annual 21197 21621 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 SG 14 Hour 10.60 10.81 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 BiWeek 848.21 865.18 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 Month 1837.80 1874.55 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 Annual 22054 22495 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 SG 15 Hour 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 BiWeek 882.48 900.13 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 Month 1912.04 1950.28 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 Annual 22945 23403 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 151 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 16 Hour 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 BiWeek 918.13 936.50 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 Month 1989.29 2029.08 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 Annual 23871 24349 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 SG17 Hour 11.94 12.18 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 BiWeek 955.23 974.33 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 Month 2069.66 2111.05 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377. 38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 Annual 24836 25333 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 SG 18 Hour 12.42 12.67 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 BiWeek 993.82 1013.69 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 Month 2153.27 2196.34 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 Annual 25839 26356 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 SG 19 Hour 12.92 13.18 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 BiWeek 1033.97 1054.65 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 Month 2240.26 2285.07 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 Annual 26883 27421 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 SG20 Hour 13.45 13.72 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 BiWeek 1075.74 1097.25 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 Month 2330.77 2377.38 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 Annual 27969 28529 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 SG21 Hour 13.99 14.27 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 BiWeek 1119.20 1141.58 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 Month 2424.93 2473.43 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.f3li Annual 29099 29681 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 152 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 22 Hour 14.56 14.85 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 BiWeek 1164.42 1187.70 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 Month 2522.90 2573.36 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 Annual 30275 30880 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 SG23 Hour 15.14 15.45 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 BiWeek 1211.46 1235.69 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 Month 2624.83 2677.32 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 Annual 31498 32128 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 SG 24 Hour 15.76 16.07 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 BiWeek 1260.40 1285.61 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 Month 2730.87 2785.49 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 Annual 32770 33426 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 SG25 Hour 16.39 16.72 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 BiWeek 1311.32 1337.55 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 Month 2841.20 2898.02 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 Annual 34094 34776 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 SG26 Hour 17.05 17.39 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 BiWeek 1364.30 1391.58 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 Month 2955.98 3015.10 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 Annual 35472 36181 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 SG27 Hour 17.74 18.10 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 BiWeek 1419.42 1447.80 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 Month 3075.40 3136.91 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 Annual 36905 37643 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 153 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG28 Hour 18.46 18.83 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 BiWeek 1476.76 1506.30 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 Month 3199.65 3263.64 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 Annual 38396 39164 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 SG29 Hour 19.21 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 BiWeek 1536.42 1567.15 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 Month 3328.91 3395.49 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 Annual 39947 40746 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 SG 30 Hour 19.98 20.38 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 BiWeek 1598.49 1630.46 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 Month 3463.40 3532.67 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 Annual 41561 42392 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 SG31 Hour 20.79 21.20 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 BiWeek 1663.07 1696.33 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 Month 3603.32 3675.39 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 Annual 43240 44105 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 SG 32 Hour 21.63 22.06 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 BiWeek 1730.26 1764.87 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 Month 3748.90 3823.87 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 Annual 44987 45886 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 SG 33 Hour 22.50 22.95 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 BiWeek 1800.16 1836.17 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 Month 3900.35 3978.36 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 Annual 46804 47740 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 154 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Slep 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 34 Hour 23.41 23.88 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 BiWeek 1872.89 1910.35 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 Month 4057.93 4139.08 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 Annual 48695 49669 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 SG 35 Hour 24.36 24.84 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 BiWeek 1948.55 1987.52 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 Month 4221.87 4306.30 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 Annual 50662 51676 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 SG 36 Hour 25.34 25.85 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 BiWeek 2027.28 2067.82 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 Month 4392.43 4480.28 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 Annual 52709 53763 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 SG 37 Hour 26.36 26.89 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 BiWeek 2109.18 2151.36 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 Month 4569.88 4661.28 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 Annual 54839 55935 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 SG 38 Hour 27.43 27.98 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 BiWeek 2194.39 2238.28 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 Month 4754.51 4849.60 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461 .43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 Annual 57054 58195 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 SG 39 Hour 28.54 29.11 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 BiWeek 2283.04 2328.70 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 Month 4946.59 5045.52 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 Annual 59359 60546 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 155 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 40 Hour 29.69 30.28 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 BiWeek 2375.28 2422.78 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 Month 5146.43 5249.36 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 Annual 61757 62992 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 SG41 Hour 30.89 31.51 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 BiWeek 2471.24 2520.66 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 Month 5354.35 5461.43 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 Annual 64252 65537 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 SG42 Hour 32.14 32.78 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 BiWeek 2571.08 2622.50 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 Month 5570.66 5682.08 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 Annual 66848 68185 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 SG43 Hour 33.44 34.11 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 BiWeek 2674.95 2728.45 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 Month 5795.72 5911.63 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 Annual 69549 70940 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 SG44 Hour 34.79 35.48 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 BiWeek 2783.01 2838.67 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672. 13 Month 6029.86 6150.46 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 Annual 72358 73806 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 SG45 Hour 36.19 36.92 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 BiWeek 2895.45 2953.36 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672. 13 3745.57 3820.48 Month 6273.47 6398.94 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 Annual 75282 76787 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 156 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG46 Hour 37.66 38.41 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 BiWeek 3012.42 3072.67 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 Month 6526.92 6657.46 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277. 71 8443.27 8612.13 Annual 78323 79889 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 SG 47 Hour 39.18 39.96 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 BiWeek 3134.13 3196.81 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 Month 6790.61 6926.42 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 Annual 81487 83117 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 SG48 Hour 40.76 41.57 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 BiWeek 3260.75 3325.96 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 Month 7064.95 7206.25 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 Annual 84779 86475 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 SG49 Hour 42.41 43.25 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 BiWeek 3392.48 3460.33 3529.54 3600.13 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 Month 7350.37 7497.38 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 Annual 88204 89969 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 SG 50 Hour 44.12 45.00 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 BiWeek 3529.54 3600.13 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 Month 7647.33 7800.27 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 Annual 91768 93603 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 SG 51 Hour 45.90 46.82 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 BiWeek 3672.13 3745.57 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 Month 7956.28 8115.40 8277.71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 Annual 95475 97385 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 157 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Slep 1 Slep2 Slep 3 Slep4 Slep 5 Step 6 Slep 7 Slep 8 Slep 9 Slep 10 Slep 11 Slep 12 Slep 13 Slep 14 Slep 15 SG 52 Hour 47.76 48.71 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 BiWeek 3820.48 3896.89 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 Month 8277. 71 8443.27 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 Annual 99333 101319 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 SG 53 Hour 49.69 50.68 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 BiWeek 3974.83 4054.33 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 Month 8612.13 8784.37 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 Annual 103346 105412 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 SG 54 Hour 51.69 52.73 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 BiWeek 4135.41 4218.12 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 Month 8960.06 9139.26 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 Annual 107521 109671 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 SG 55 Hour 53.78 54.86 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 BiWeek 4302.48 4388.53 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677.04 Month 9322.05 9508.49 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 Annual 111865 114102 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 SG 56 Hour 55.95 57.07 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 72.38 73.83 BiWeek 4476.30 4565.83 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677.04 5790.58 5906.39 Month 9698.66 9892.63 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 12546.25 12797.17 Annual 116384 118712 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 150555 153566 SG 57 Hour 58.21 59.38 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 72.38 73.83 75.31 76.81 BiWeek 4657.15 4750.29 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677.04 5790.58 5906.39 6024.52 6145.01 Month 10090.48 10292.29 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 12546.25 12797.17 13053.12 13314.18 Annual 121086 123508 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 150555 153566 156637 159770 158 FY 2006/2007 Pay Tables Effective 1 October 2006 (2% COLA added to 2005 and rounding fixed) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 SG 58 Hour 60.57 61.78 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 72.38 73.83 75.31 76.81 78.35 79.92 BiWeek 4845.30 4942.20 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677. 04 5790.58 5906.39 6024.52 6145.01 6267.91 6393.26 Month 10498.14 10708.10 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 12546.25 12797.17 13053.12 13314.18 13580.46 13852.07 Annual 125978 128497 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 150555 153566 156637 159770 162966 166225 SG 59 Hour 63.01 64.27 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 72.38 73.83 75.31 76.81 78.35 79.92 81.51 83.14 BiWeek 5041.05 5141.87 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677.04 5790.58 5906.39 6024.52 6145.01 6267.91 6393.26 6521.13 6651.55 Month 10922.27 11140.71 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 12546.25 12797.17 13053.12 13314.18 13580.46 13852.07 14129.12 14411.70 Annual 131067 133689 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 150555 153566 156637 159770 162966 166225 169549 172940 SG60 Hour 65.56 66.87 68.21 69.57 70.96 72.38 73.83 75.31 76.81 78.35 79.92 81.51 83.14 84.81 86.50 BiWeek 5244.70 5349.60 5456.59 5565.72 5677. 04 5790.58 5906.39 6024.52 6145.01 6267.91 6393.26 6521.13 6651.55 6784.58 6920.28 Month 11363.52 11590.80 11822.61 12059.06 12300.24 12546.25 12797.17 13053.12 13314.18 13580.46 13852.07 14129.12 14411.70 14699.93 14993.93 Annual 136362 139090 141871 144709 147603 150555 153566 156637 159770 162966 166225 169549 172940 176399 179927 Note: This table does not apply to EMS Personel Working 24/48 Shifts. Computation of Hourly rates and Overtime Compensation is governed by The Fair Labor Standards Handbook, Section 520, Irregular Hours. 159 2006/2007 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. Salary Schedule The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general salary schedule consists of an entrance rate, and through a series of steps to a maximum rate. The salaries prescribed in the schedule are fixed on the basis of regular service for 40 hours of work per week. 2. Application of Plan to Position The service grade assigned refers to the service grade established for each of the positions. Each employee shall be paid within the range established for his/her position, subject to the provisions of Section 2 of this plan. The City Manager will determine the rate on the basis of his/her evaluation of the experience, ability and length of service of the employee. SECTION II 1. Starting Rate on Initial Employment On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in successive steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate service grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Manager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action, 2. Starting Rate on Return to Duty Employee's returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve months, when separation was without prejudice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Manager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary, 3. Starting Rate in New Position Whenever an employee is assigned to duty in a position of a different class not previously held, and such change is not a promotion, the employee shall receive 160 2006/2007 COMPENSATION PLAN the entrance rate in the salary schedule or such other rate within the applicable schedule as may be reasonable for prior service, meeting the following conditions: a. Duties of new position similar to those from old position; b. Service in former position provided experience valuable to performance of duties in new position. 4. Rate of Pay on Promotion When an employee is promoted to a position with a higher salary schedule, the entrance salary rate shall be at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule. The lowest step is considered to be the lowest step that will provide an increase over the salary received immediately prior to promotion. 5. Advancement of Salary Within a Salary Schedule Advancement in the salary of an employee within a salary schedule shall be based on the achievement of minimum periods of service and satisfactory performance. a. The minimum period of service for the first salary advance after hire or promotion shall be one (1) year. For each succeeding advance, uninterrupted service of twelve month periods shall be required. In both instances, the individual supervisor must make a recommendation based on performance as noted in Section IV. b. To recognize exceptional performance or current labor market conditions, the City Manager may approve advancement; but such advancement cannot exceed two steps in any twelve (12) month period, The provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other provisions for step advancement within grade. 6. Recommendations for Salary Advancement within Grade Department Heads may recommend in writing to the City Manager the advancement in salary rate of employees in his/her department who have completed special training, or who have accepted additional duties and responsibilities within the department beyond those normally required. 161 2006/2007 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION III 1. Compensation of Part-Time Employees A part-time employee is an employee who works less than 30 hours per week and/or whose total hours worked in a twelve consecutive month period does not exceed 1,040 hours. A part-time employee shall be paid on an hourly rate basis equivalent to the appropriate monthly rate in the salary schedule for the classification. 2. Advancement in Salary for Part-Time Employees A part-time employee may be advanced in pay in the same manner as other employees, provided that only actual hours of work shall be considered in determining such advancement. When the hourly equivalent of required periods of service has been attained, advancement to the next higher step rate may be effected in accordance with Section II above. The preceding paragraph does not apply to Part Time EMS personnel. Part Time EMS personnel are considered for wage scale increases based on certifications. The City Manager may approve a wage scale increase if and when appropriate. 3. Compensation for Temporary Employees A temporary employee is an employee who is employed for a known period of time not to exceed four consecutive calendar months, or for a season, to perform a specific function. All such employment must be specified as to length of time anticipated to complete the temporary assignment in the salary schedule. SECTION IV 1. Periodic Performance Evaluation The Periodic Performance Evaluation is a management method, which puts in actual operation, the philosophy that human assets of organizations are just as important to organizational development as material resources. The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee's weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to discover old and new talent with a view to further development and improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to 162 2006/2007 COMPENSATION PLAN stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and employees; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. 2. Planning and Scheduling Evaluations It is important that each employee understands the organization's periodic Performance Evaluation procedures and knows who will review his or her performance. The Department Head or his/her appointed representative will perform the evaluation based upon the job performance of the employee on a regular basis, within twelve months of initial hire or promotion, and at least annually thereafter. After discussion with the employee, the department head will forward the Performance Evaluation to the City Manager for his review and action. 3. Conclusion This program will furnish management with a reliable overall inventory of its human assets in terms of skills and aptitudes, present and potential. On an individual basis, it provides the necessary data for appraising potential ability of all employees. Moreover, it promotes better understanding and communication between supervisors and employees. Finally, experience with the program has shown that sound personnel evaluation is almost invariably reflected in improved organizational functioning. 163 2006/2007 TRAVEL, TRAINING, AND CONFERENCE PROCEDURES 1. Travel Advances If travel expense advances are to be obtained, requests should be made on forms required by the Finance Department, and the employee's Department head must forward the employee's request to the City Manager for consideration. If approved, the City Manager will forward the request to the Finance Department for processing. 2. Per Diem Allowance The per diem allowance shall cover actual expenses for lodging, meals, tips, and transportation between the place(s) where business is conducted and where lodging and/or meals are provided, but not to exceed the amounts approved from time to time by the City Council. In instances where actual expenses exceed the maximum per diem allowable, written approval must be obtained from the City Manager before such payment can be made. In computing per diem expenses for travel continuing over a 24-hour period, the calendar day (midnight to midnight) will be the unit. For travel of less than 24 hours or if lodging is not required, the per diem rate should be adjusted downward to only reflect costs for meals and other incidentals. 3. Air Travel If possible, employees will travel in "coach class" flight status. First-class or business class flight passage is allowed only in instances where the first-class or business-class travel serves the best interest of the City, as approved by the City Manager. Round trip tickets should be purchased if possible and if it is financially advantageous to the City to do so. Unused transportation tickets must be returned to the City's Finance Department. 4. City Vehicles When automobile is the chosen mode of transportation for travel, City-owned vehicles are to be used if available, If feasible and convenient to do so, employees should pool their vehicle transportation, particularly on short trips involving several employees. 5. Personal Vehicles City employees may use private automobiles for travel only in cases where a City-owned vehicle is not available. In such cases, the employee will be reimbursed at the reimbursable expense rate per mile allowable by Internal Revenue Service regulations, as in effect from time to time. Mileage should be computed from the latest official map published by the Texas Highway 164 Department for trips made inside the State, Mileage driven outside of the State will be computed from the latest official maps published by the American Automobile Association. When personal automobiles are used, total mileage to be considered for reimbursement shall in no case exceed the cost of first-class air passage if such service is available. The payment of such mileage will be based on the most direct route from the point of departure to the point of destination, 6. Official Long Distance Calls Charges for long distance telephone calls on official business will be allowed provided that the call is charged to the appropriate Department's telephone number used for long distance calls. 7. Registration Fees Conference and/or training registration fees approved by the City Manager will be paid in full by the City in addition to per diem allowance. 8. Car Rental If a car is rented while an employee is traveling, it must be the most practical means of transportation available. 9. Accompaniment by Spouses When the City Manager determines that it is appropriate in order to properly represent the City, spouses may accompany the employee on official City business. The spouse's expenses will be reimbursed on the same basis as the employee's expenses. 10. Procedures for Reimbursement In order to receive reimbursement for incurred expenses, the employee should submit the forms required by the Finance Department with all required receipts or vouchers to verify all expenses for which the employee seeks reimbursement. All forms shall be routed from the employee to his or her Department head who will route the forms to the City Manager. Department heads and other individuals not responsible to a Department head will route their forms directly to the City Manager. In all cases, the City Manager's authorization and approval is required before any travel expenses are reimbursed by the Finance Department. 165 DEBT SERVICE REVIEW General Fund Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1992 $ 110,830 $ 74,480 $ - $ 2001 346,070 346,470 348,075 349,980 351,318 356,905 - to 2021 2003 282,858 243,089 243,270 247,480 250,820 253,800 - to 2018 2004 541,636 615,936 628,036 604,227 590,008 566,008 - to 2024 2006 1,166,281 1,240,381 756,981 752,981 650,981 748,981 - to 2031 Total $2,447,676 $2,520,357 $1,976,363 $1,954,668 $1,843,127 $1,925,694 Water and Waste Water Debt Service Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1974 $ 8,400 $ 8,050 $ 7,700 $ 7,350 $ - $ 2001 482,350 470,550 468,381 368,131 368,671 368,551 - to 2021 2005 236,519 237,994 234,169 234,956 235,331 235,363 - to 2025 Total $ 727,269 $ 716,594 $ 710,250 $ 610,437 $ 604,002 $ 603,914 Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation Debt - Schertz Portion Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1999 $ 155,881 $ 156,526 $ 159,224 $ 158,972 $ - $ 2001 1,171,159 1,171,033 1,168,124 1,167,409 1,166,341 1,164,963 - to 2041 2005 201,165 200,228 201,691 200,574 361,302 363,709 -to 2025 Total $1,528,205 $1,527,787 $1,529,039 $1,526,955 $1,527,643 $1,528,672 Schertz Economic Development Corporation 48 Debt Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1998 $ 378,098 $ 378,914 $ 373,933 $ 375,673 $ 379,156 $ 382,016 - to 2018 2006 $ 111 ,834 $ 111,834 $ 111,834 Total $ 489,932 $ 490,748 $ 485,767 $ 375,673 $ 379,156 $ 382,016 166 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Bonds, Series 1992 Street Improvements 6.25% For 2006, 6.35% For 2007, 6.04% For 2008. Amount issued: $620,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 12/01/2006 5,415.00 5,415.00 06/01/2007 100,000.00 5,415.00 105,415.00 $110,830.00 12/01/2007 2,240.00 2,240.00 06/01/2008 70,000.00 2,240.00 72,240.00 $ 74,480.00 $170,000.00 $15,310.00 $185,310.00 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 167 CITY OF SCHERTZ Certificate of Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 Schertz Parkway Project Amount issued: $4,500,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 170,000.00 90,585.00 260,585.00 08/01/2007 85,485.00 85,485.00 $346,070.00 02/01/2008 180,000.00 85,485.00 265,485.00 08/01/2008 80,985.00 80,985.00 $346,470.00 02/01/2009 190,000.00 80,985.00 270,985.00 08/01/2009 77,090.00 77,090.00 $348,075.00 02/01/2010 200,000.00 77,090.00 277,090.00 08/01/2010 72,890.00 72,890.00 $349,980.00 02/01/2011 210,000.00 72,890.00 282,890.00 08/01/2011 68,427.50 68,427.50 $351,317.50 02/01/2012 225,000.00 68,427.50 293,427.50 08/01/2012 63,477.50 63,477.50 $356,905.00 02/01/2013 235,000.00 63,477.50 298,477.50 08/01/2013 58,190.00 58,190.00 $356,667.50 02/01/2014 250,000.00 58,190.00 308,190.00 08/01/2014 52,440.00 52,440.00 $360,630.00 02/01/2015 260,000.00 52,440.00 312,440.00 08/01/2015 46,330.00 46,330.00 $358,770.00 02/01/2016 275,000.00 46,330.00 321,330.00 08/01/2016 39,730.00 39,730.00 $361,060.00 02/01/2017 290,000.00 39,730.00 329,730.00 08/01/2017 32,625.00 32,625.00 $362,355.00 02/01/2018 300,000.00 32,625.00 332,625.00 08/01/2018 25,125.00 25,125.00 $357,750.00 02/01/2019 320,000.00 25,125.00 345,125.00 08/01/2019 17,125.00 17,125.00 $362,250.00 02/01/2020 335,000.00 17,125.00 352,125.00 08/01/2020 8,750.00 8,750.00 $360,875.00 02/01/2021 350,000.00 8,750.00 358,750.00 08/01/2021 0.00 $358,750.00 $ 3,790,000.00 $ 1,547,925.00 $ 5,337,925.00 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 168 CITY OF SCHERTZ Combination Tax and Ltd Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2003 Amount of Issue: $3,360,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 200,000.00 42,678.75 242,678,75 08/01/2007 40,178.75 40,178.75 $282,857.50 02/01/2008 165,000.00 40,178.75 205,178.75 08/01/2008 37,910.00 37,910.00 $243,088.75 02/01/2009 170,000.00 37,910.00 207,910.00 08/01/2009 35,360.00 35,360.00 $243,270,00 02/01/2010 180,000.00 35,360,00 215,360.00 08/01/2010 32,120.00 32,120.00 $247,480.00 02/01/2011 190,000.00 32,120,00 222,120.00 08/01/2011 28,700.00 28,700.00 $250,820.00 02/01/2012 200,000.00 28,700,00 228,700.00 08/01/2012 25,100.00 25,100.00 $253,800.00 02/01/2013 210,000.00 25,100,00 235,100.00 08/01/2013 21,267.50 21,267.50 $256,367.50 02/01/2014 220,000,00 21,267.50 241,267.50 08/01/2014 17,362.50 17,362.50 $258,630.00 02/01/2015 225,000,00 17,362.50 242,362.50 08/01/2015 13,312.50 13,312.50 $255,675.00 02/01/2016 225,000.00 13,312,50 238,312.50 08/01/2016 9,150.00 9,150.00 $247,462.50 02/01/2017 225,000.00 9,150.00 234,150.00 08/01/2017 4,875.00 4,875.00 $239,025.00 02/01/2018 250,000.00 4,875.00 254,875.00 08/01/2018 $254,875.00 $ 2,460,000.00 $ 573,351.25 $ 3,033,351.25 Paying Agent: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank 169 CITY OF SCHERTZ Combination Tax and Ltd Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2004 Amount of Issue: $ 7,750,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 225,000.00 160,568.13 385,568.13 08/01/2007 156,068.13 156,068.13 $541,636.26 02/01/2008 310,000.00 156,068.13 466,068.13 08/01/2008 149,868.13 149,868.13 $615,936.26 02/01/2009 335,000.00 149,868.13 484,868.13 08/01/2009 143,168,13 143,168.13 $628,036.26 02/01/2010 325,000.00 143,168.13 468,168.13 08/01/2010 136,058.75 136,058.75 $604,226.88 02/01/2011 325,000.00 136,058.75 461,058.75 08/01/2011 128,949.38 128,949.38 $590,008.13 02/01/2012 315,000.00 128,949.38 443,949.38 08/01/2012 122,058.75 122,058.75 $566,008.13 02101/2013 325,000.00 122,058.75 447,058.75 08/01/2013 115,152.50 115,152.50 $562,211.25 02/01/2014 325,000.00 115,152.50 440,152.50 08/01/2014 108,652.50 108,652.50 $548,805.00 02101/2015 325,000.00 108,652.50 433,652.50 08/01/2015 101,990.00 101,990.00 $535,642,50 02/01/2016 325,000.00 101,990.00 426,990.00 08/01/2016 95,165.00 95,165.00 $522,155.00 02101/2017 350,000.00 95,165.00 445,165.00 08/01/2017 87,640.00 87,640.00 $532,805,00 02/01/2018 350,000.00 87,640.00 437,640.00 08/01/2018 79,983.75 79,983.75 $517,623.75 02101/2019 460,000.00 79,983.75 539,983.75 08/01/2019 69,863.75 69,863.75 $609,847.50 02101/2020 460,000.00 69,863.75 529,863.75 08/01/2020 59,513.75 59,513.75 $589,377.50 02/01/2021 480,000.00 59,513.75 539,513.75 08/01/2021 48,593.75 48,593.75 $588,107.50 02/01/2022 675,000.00 48,593.75 723,593.75 08/01/2022 32,900.00 32,900.00 $756,493.75 02101/2023 700,000.00 32,900.00 732,900.00 08/01/2023 16,450.00 16,450.00 $749,350.00 02/01/2024 700,000.00 16,450.00 716,450.00 09/30/2024 $716,450.00 $7,310,000.00 $ 3,464,720.67 $ 10,774,720.67 170 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Obligation Bonds, 4B Series 1998 Sales Tax Supported, Public Safety Complex Construction Bond Amount of issue: $4,930,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 215,000.00 84,975.63 299,975.63 08/01/2007 78,122.50 78,122.50 $378,098.13 02/01/2008 230,000.00 78,122.50 308,122.50 08/01/2008 70,791.25 70,791.25 $378,913.75 02/01/2009 240,000.00 70,791.25 310,791.25 08/01/2009 63,141.25 63,141.25 $373,932.50 02/01/2010 255,000.00 63,141.25 318,141.25 08/01/2010 57,531.25 57,531,25 $375,672.50 02/01/2011 270,000.00 57,531.25 327,531.25 08/01/2011 51,625.00 51,625.00 $379,156.25 02/01/2012 285,000,00 51,625.00 336,625.00 08/01/2012 45,390.63 45,390.63 $382,015.63 02/01/2013 300,000.00 45,390.63 345,390.63 08/01/2013 38,828.13 38,828.13 $384,218.76 02/01/2014 315,000.00 38,828.13 353,828.13 08/01/2014 31,937.50 31,937,50 $385,765.63 02/01/2015 335,000.00 31,937.50 366,937.50 08/01/2015 24,609.38 24,609.38 $391,546.88 02/01/2016 355,000.00 24,609.38 379,609.38 08/01/2016 16,843.75 16,843.75 $396,453.13 02/01/2017 375,000.00 16,843.75 391,843.75 08/01/2017 8,640.63 8,640.63 $400,484.38 02/01/2018 395,000.00 8,640.63 403,640.63 08/01/2018 $403,640.63 $ 3,570,000.00 $1,059,898.17 $4,629,898.17 Paying Agent: J.P. Morgan Chase Bank 171 CITY OF SCHERTZ Utility System Revenue & Refunding Bonds, Series 2001 Amount Issued: $5,500,000 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 03/01/2007 93,675.00 93,675.00 09/01/2007 295,000.00 93,675.00 388,675.00 $ 482,350.00 03/01/2008 87,775.00 87,775.00 09/01/2008 295,000.00 87,775.00 382,775.00 $ 470,550.00 03/01/2009 81,690.63 81,690,63 09/01/2009 305,000.00 81,690.63 386,690,63 $ 468,381.26 03/01/2010 74,065.63 74,065.63 09/01/2010 220,000.00 74,065.63 294,065.63 $ 368,131.26 03/01/2011 69,335.63 69,335,63 09/01/2011 230,000.00 69,335.63 299,335.63 $ 368,671.26 03/01/2012 64,275.63 64,275.63 09/01/2012 240,000.00 64,275.63 304,275.63 $ 368,551.26 03/01/2013 58,815.63 58,815.63 09/01/2013 250,000.00 58,815.63 308,815.63 $ 367,631.26 03/01/2014 53,003.13 53,003.13 09/01/2014 265,000.00 53,003.13 318,003.13 $ 371,006.26 03/01/2015 46,709.38 46,709.38 09/01/2015 280,000,00 46,709.38 326,709.38 $ 373,418.76 03/01/2016 39,919.38 39,919.38 09/01/2016 290,000.00 39,919.38 329,919,38 $ 369,838.76 03/01/2017 32,669.38 32,669.38 09/01/2017 295,000.00 32,669.38 327,669,38 $ 360,338.76 03/01/2018 25,294.38 25,294,38 09/01/2018 230,000.00 25,294.38 255,294.38 $ 280,588.76 03/01/2019 19,544.38 19,544.38 09/01/2019 240,000.00 19,544.38 259,544.38 $ 279,088.76 03/01/2020 13,424.38 13,424.38 09/01/2020 255,000.00 13,424.38 268,424.38 $281,848.76 03/01/2021 6,890.00 6,890.00 09/01/2021 265,000.00 6,890.00 271,890.00 $ 278,780.00 $ 3,955,000.00 $1,534,175,12 $ 5,489,175.12 Paying Agent: The Bank of New York 172 The Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation Contract Revenue Bonds Paid 1/2 Schertz, 1/2 Seguin Fiscal Year Refunding Schertz Debt Ending 9/30 Series 1999 Series 2001 Series 2005 Total Payment 2007 311,763 2,342,318 402,330 3,056,410 $1,528,205 .2008 313,053 2,342,065 400,455 3,055,573 $1,527,787 2009 318,447 2,336,249 403,383 3,058,079 $1,529,039 2010 317,944 2,334,818 401,149 3,053,910 $1,526,955 2011 2,332,681 722,605 3,055,286 $1,527,643 2012 2,329,926 727,418 3,057,344 $1,528,672 2013 2,331,348 726,036 3,057,384 $1,528,692 2014 2,322,010 728,436 3,050,446 $1,525,223 2015 2,321,925 734,936 3,056,861 $1,528,431 2016 2,320,625 735,536 3,056,161 $1,528,081 2017 2,313,375 740,236 3,053,611 $1,526,806 2018 2,320,250 739,036 3,059,286 $1,529,643 2019 2,315,881 737,036 3,052,918 $1,526,459 2020 2,315,381 738,844 3,054,225 $1,527,113 2021 2,308,453 739,194 3,047,647 $1,523,823 2022 2,309,938 738,201 3,048,139 $1,524,069 2023 2,310,078 740,735 3,050,813 $1,525,407 2024 2,308,875 741,661 3,050,536 $1,525,268 2025 2,311,194 740,859 3,052,053 $1,526,027 2026 3,095,266 3,095,266 $1,547,633 2027 3,094,881 3,094,881 $1,547,441 2028 3,095,331 3,095,331 $1,547,666 2029 3,096,347 3,096,347 $1,548,173 2030 3,092,794 3,092,794 $1,546,397 2031 3,105,705 3,105,705 $1,552,853 2032 3,109,765 3,109,765 $1,554,883 2033 3,108,625 3,108,625 $1,554,313 2034 3,107,155 3,107,155 $1,553,578 2035 3,109,965 3,109,965 $1,554,983 2036 3,096,475 3,096,475 $1,548,238 2037 3,096,394 3,096,394 $1,548,197 2038 3,099,488 3,099,488 $1,549,744 2039 3,100,363 3,100,363 $1,550,181 2040 3,098,756 3,098,756 $1,549,378 2041 3,099,275 3,099,275 $1,549,638 $1,261,206 $93,733,973 $12,638,088 $107,633,267 173 CITY OF SCHERTZ GMAC Commercial Mortgage Schaefer Road Rural Water 5% Interest Rate Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 7,000,00 1,400.00 8,400,00 $ 8,400.00 02/01/2008 7,000.00 1,050.00 8,050.00 $ 8,050.00 02/01 /2009 7,000.00 700.00 7,700.00 $ 7,700,00 02/01/2010 7,000.00 350.00 7,350.00 $ 7,350.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 31,500.00 174 CITY OF SCHERTZ Certifcates of Obligation- Series 2005 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 115,000.00 61,621.88 176,621.88 08/01/2007 59,896.88 59,896.88 $ 236,518,76 02/01/2008 120,000.00 59,896,88 179,896.88 08/01/2008 58,096.88 58,096.88 $ 237,993.76 02/01/2009 120,000.00 58,096.88 178,096.88 08/01/2009 56,071.88 56,071.88 $ 234,168.76 02/01/2010 125,000.00 56,071.88 181,071.88 08/01/2010 53,884,38 53,884,38 $ 234,956.26 02/01/2011 130,000.00 53,884.38 183,884.38 08/01/2011 51,446.88 51,446.88 $ 235,331.26 02/01/2012 135,000.00 51,446.88 186,446.88 08/01/2012 48,915.63 48,915,63 $ 235,362,51 02/01/2013 140,000.00 48,915.63 188,915.63 08/01/2013 46,115.63 46,115.63 $ 235,031.26 02/01/2014 145,000.00 46,115.63 191,115.63 08/01/2014 43,215.63 43,215,63 $ 234,331.26 02/01/2015 155,000.00 43,215.63 198,215.63 08/01/2015 40,115,63 40,115,63 $ 238,331,26 02/01/2016 160,000.00 40,115.63 200,115.63 08/01/2016 36,915.63 36,915.63 $ 237,031.26 02/01/2017 165,000.00 36,915.63 201,915.63 08/01/2017 33,615.63 33,615.63 $ 235,531.26 02/01/2018 170,000.00 33,615.63 203,615.63 08/01/2018 30,215.63 30,215.63 $ 233,831.26 02/01/2019 180,000.00 30,215.63 210,215.63 08/01/2019 26,615.63 26,615.63 $ 236,831,26 02/01/2020 185,000.00 26,615.63 211,615.63 08/01/2020 22,800,00 22,800,00 $ 234,415,63 02/01/2021 195,000.00 22,800.00 217,800.00 08/01/2021 18,705.00 18,705.00 $ 236,505.00 02/01/2022 205,000.00 18,705.00 223,705.00 08/01/2022 14,246.25 14,246.25 $ 237,951.25 02/01/2023 210,000.00 14,246,25 224,246,25 08/01/2023 9,678.75 9,678.75 $ 233,925.00 02/01/2024 220,000.00 9,678.75 229,678.75 08/01/2024 4,893.75 4,893.75 $ 234,572.50 02/01/2025 225,000.00 4,893.75 229,893.75 09/30/2005 $ 229,893.75 3,100,000,00 1,372,513,26 4,472,513.26 175 CITY OF SCHERTZ $15,000,000 Certifcates of Obligation Bonds, Series 2006 Date Principal Interest Period Total Fiscal Total 02/01/2007 475,000.00 350,390.63 825,390.63 08/01/2007 340,890.63 340,890.63 $1,166,281.26 02/01/2008 570,000.00 340,890.63 910,890.63 08/01/2008 329,490.63 329,490.63 $1,240,381.26 02/01/2009 100,000.00 329,490.63 429,490.63 08/01/2009 327,490.63 327,490.63 $ 756,981.26 02/01/2010 100,000.00 327,490.63 427,490.63 08/01/2010 325,490.63 325,490.63 $ 752,981.26 02/01/2011 325,490.63 325,490.63 08/01/2011 325,490.63 325,490.63 $ 650,981.26 02/01/2012 100,000.00 325,490.63 425,490.63 08/01/2012 323,490.63 323,490.63 $ 748,981.26 02/01/2013 200,000.00 323,490.63 523,490.63 08/01/2013 319,490.63 319,490.63 $ 842,981.26 02/01/2014 200,000.00 319,490.63 519,490.63 08/01/2014 315,490.63 315,490.63 $ 834,981.26 02/01/2015 350,000.00 315,490.63 665,490.63 08/01/2015 308,490.63 308,490.63 $ 973,981.26 02/01/2016 400,000.00 308,490.63 708,490.63 08/01/2016 300,490.63 300,490.63 $1,008,981.26 02/01/2017 425,000.00 300,490.63 725,490.63 08/01/2017 291,725.00 291,725.00 $1,017,215.63 02/01/2018 475,000.00 291,725.00 766,725.00 08/01/2018 281,750.00 281,750.00 $1,048,475.00 02/01/2019 655,000.00 281,750.00 936,750.00 08/01/2019 267,667.50 267,667.50 $1,204,417.50 02/01/2020 685,000.00 267,667.50 952,667.50 08/01/2020 252,683.13 252,683.13 $1,205,350.63 02/01/2021 715,000.00 252,683.13 967,683.13 08/01/2021 236,953.13 236,953.13 $1,204,636.26 02/01/2022 750,000.00 236,953.13 986,953.13 08/01/2022 217,265.63 217,265.63 $1,204,218.76 02/01/2023 790,000.00 217,265.63 1,007,265.63 08/01/2023 196,528.13 196,528.13 $1,203,793.76 02/01/2024 835,000.00 196,528.13 1,031,528.13 08/01/2024 174,609.38 174,609.38 $1,206,137.51 02/01/2025 880,000.00 174,609.38 1,054,609.38 09/30/2005 151,509.38 151,509.38 $1,206,118.76 02/01/2026 925,000.00 151,509.38 1,076,509.38 08/01/2026 127,228.13 127,228.13 $1,203,737.51 02/01/2027 975,000.00 127,228.13 1,102,228.13 08/01/2027 101,634.38 101,634.38 $1,203,862.51 02/01/2028 1,025,000.00 101,634.38 1,126,634.38 08/01/2028 77,931.25 77,931.25 $1,204,565.63 02/01/2029 1,070,000.00 77,931.25 1,147,931.25 08/01/2029 53,187.50 53,187.50 $1,201,118.75 02/01/2030 1,125,000.00 53,187.50 1,178,187.50 08/01/2030 27,171.88 27,171.88 $1,205,359.38 02/01/2031 1,175,000.00 27,171.88 1,202,171.88 09/30/2031 $1,202,171.88 15,000,000.00 11,698,692.07 26,698,692.07 26,698,692.07 176