FINAL 2015 New Volunteer Publication1Boards & Commissions
Joining one of Schertz Boards or Commissions is a
great way to influence the future of Schertz. Come be a
part of our growing community.
Council Seeks Volunteers
The Schertz City Council encourages all citizens to consider becoming actively involved in City Government by serving on a Ci ty
Board or Commission. Applications for those interested in being considered for appointment this year to serve on a Board or Com-
mission must be received by April 15th of each year. Interviews of applicants by a Sub -Committee will be conducted in April/May
Appointments will be made in May of each year with terms beginning May 31st of each year.
Applicants must:
►Be residents of the City of Schertz, Texas, unless the authorized ordinance or law creating the Board or Commission specific ally
states otherwise.
►Be willing to attend the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board or Commission.
Animal Service Facility Advisory Committee
Purpose: To encourage responsible pet ownership by providing
an animal registration program, field enforcement services,
educational services, and life safety services. The humane care
and successful adoption and placement of stray and unwanted
animals and the eradication of rabies from the community’s
animal population.
►6 Regular members; two-year staggered terms—Committee
meets 3 times a year.
Economic Development Corporation Board
Purpose: The Schertz Economic Development Corporation
(SEDC) is to foster and promote responsibility, economic de-
velopment activities that result in capital investment, job crea-
tion, business retention, an increased tax base and improved
and sustainable quality of life for the citizens of Schertz and
community at large. The SEDC Board of Directors serves an
advisory board for all activities, programs and projects that
further these objectives.
►Meets 4th Thursday each month at 6:30 p.m., City Council
►7 Regular members; two-year staggered terms.
In addition to monthly meetings, volunteers are encouraged to
contribute additional time to business openings, visits to inter-
ested businesses, meetings with staff and prospective clients,
and activities that may involve several additional times each
month during the day and evening hours.
Purpose: Assist in the preservation of historic Schertz through
programs and projects that increase public awareness of the
value of historic, cultural,, and architechtural preservation.
Collect, authenticate, assemble, display and archive artifacts,
documents, photographs, structures, and places of historic
Board of Adjustments
Purpose: Serves as an appeal board for individuals seeking
variences to the Zoning Ordinance regulations and construction
violations or to a decision made by an administrative official
enforcing the ordinance.
►5 Regular members; two-year staggered terms
►Meets 4th Monday each month at 6:00 p.m., City Council
Historical Preservation Committee
Historical Preservation Committee cont….
Purpose: To advise City Council on continued development and
improvements of the Schertz Public Library and services.
►12 Regular members; two-year staggered terms.
►Meets 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., Schertz Library.
Library Advisory Board
Planning and Zoning Commission
Purpose: To ensure planned and purposeful development in the
City of Schertz and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, to protect the
integrity of our natural resources and neighborhoods, and to
enforce State and Local statutes and ordinances.
►7 Regular members; two-year staggered terms.
►Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m., City
Council Chambers.
Transportation Safety Advisory Commission
Purpose: Makes recommendations to help identify and resolve
transportation-related safety concerns; including local roadway
problems, parking, traffic calming, roadway bicycle use, creating
pedestrian-friendly areas, and neighborhood traffic calming.
►9 Regular members; two-year staggered terms.
►Meets 1st Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m., City Council
Chambers Conference Room.
►14 Regular members; two-year staggered terms.
►Meets quarterly on the 4th Thursday of the month (January/April/July/
October) at 6:30 p.m., Building #1, Bob Andrews Conference Room.
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Purpose: Provide a forum to communicate between the citizens and City
Officials in the stewardship and conservation of Schertz’s natural and
recreational resources, while promoting the well being of the community
and improvement of the quality of life for all residents.
►9 Regular members; two-year staggered terms
►Meets 4th Monday each month at 5:30 p.m. Building #1, Bob Andrews
Conference Room.
Please type or print clearly
Please return with your resume and cover letter to the City Secretary, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz Texas 78154
Home phone: (Include area code)________________Work phone: (Include area code)_______________________
Mobile number: (Include area code)____________________________________________________________
Physical address: _________________________________________________________________________
(Street, City, State, Zip)
Mailing address: (If different from above)_________________________________________________________
(Street, City, State, Zip)
Email address (es): ________________________________________________________________________
Do you live in the corporate limits of the City of Schertz? □ yes □ no
Are you 18 years or older? □ yes □ no
Are you registered to vote? □ yes □ no Which County?____________________Registration No:____________
Please indicate which Board or Commission you are interested in serving on:
□ Planning and Zoning □ Board of Adjustment □ Economic Development –4B □ Library Advisory Board
□ Transportation Safety Advisory Commission □ Parks & Recreation Advisory Board □ Historical Preservation Committee
Do you consent to the City conducting a background check on you? □ yes □ no
Current/past occupations or areas of expertise:
Professional and/or community activities:
Additional pertinent information/references:
The information on this Application is true and correct.
________________ ______________
Signature Date