February 5, 2015 MinutesTransportation Safety Advisory Commission
Thursday, February 5, 2015 5:30 P.M.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a meeting on February
5, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, Building #4, 1400 Schertz
Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
Stephen Bish — Chairperson
Bill Bowers
John Cook
Richard Dziewit
Larry Franklin
Eric Haugen
Phillip Rowland
Terry Welch
Staff Present:
Brian James, Executive Director
Michael Hansen, Police Chief
Albert Arriaga, Traffic Safety Division
Kathy Woodlee, City Engineer
Cecilia Palomo, EIT
Doug Letbetter, Streets Superintendent
Jennifer Jones, Public Works Sr Admin
CALL TO ORDER AT 5:34 p.m., by Chairperson Stephen Bish
Mr. Bob Rolik addressed the turn lane(s) at Schertz Parkway and FM78. He suggests we think
about making two lanes that can turn right. He states that there are times when there is 30 cars
backed up to turn and it seems dangerous at times.
Ms. Michele Tereletsky addressed her concern regarding the crosswalk at Schertz Parkway and
Pecan Ave. In November, she was at the intersection and witnessed a young boy get "bumped"
by a car during school hours. Though she tried to check on him, he was already gone. She is
suggesting some type of light system for the pedestrians.
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the
October 2, 2014 Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner John Cook to approve the minutes of the October
2, 2014 Meeting. Second by Commissioner Phillip Rowland. Motion passed. Vote was
2 -5 -2015 Minutes
2. School Zone Extension: Sippel Elementary — Engineering proposed extending the
current school zone 160 ft. through the other side of the intersection in question.
A motion was made by Commissioner Larry Franklin to extend school zone boundaries.
Second by Commissioner Richard Dziewit. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
3. School Zone: Engineering discussed school zone issues at Schertz Elementary.
Discussing possibility of No Parking signs as suggested by Commissioner Dziewit at last
meeting, and also reiterated how parent pick -up times and habits may be the main issue.
Will make contact with the school district to get their feedback and suggestions. Also
discussed the issue of emergency vehicles and how they will get through if needed.
Suggestion made that these types of concerns need to be addressed at the beginning of all
future build plans. Going forward, Mr. James stated that the new designs have a
substantial amount of stacking on -site for this exact issue. City to begin monitoring the
flow to pin point the exact issue at hand with this particular school.
4. Crossvine Island — Module 1, Unit 4: Engineering suggested the approval of the new
islands. Meets appropriate geometric requirements and the Fire Department agrees.
A motion was made by Commissioner Richard Dziewit to approve the plans to install
islands. Second by Commissioner Larry Franklin. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
5. Northcliffe Speed Hump Request: Resident requested. A study was done by Public
Works and it does not meet the requirements in order to call for vote.
6. Schwab Road: Engineering gave overview with Google Earth. Schwab Road is in
despair and is within the City is in The City of Schertz's jurisdiction. FM482 is within
TxDot's boundary. Staff is going to speak with Sysco and surrounding companies and
identify their travel patterns. The Looking to stop haul trucks passing through, as they
seem to be the main culprit in the destruction of the road. To be discussed again at next
meeting after further investigation.
7. Carolina Crossing South: The HOA of this private gated community has come forward
with a petition requesting the City of Schertz Police Department enforce traffic laws
within their community. They will still be responsible to care for their streets, roadways,
etc. Petition has enough resident's signatures to meet required percentages.
8. Kensington Ranch on Savannah: The turn in question has been evaluated. The design
engineer says an easement will be put into place regarding the sight issue to Savannah
9. Hands Free Ordinance: Copies of the new proposed Hands Free Ordinance was given
out to each Commissioner for their review. Chief Hansen stated that there are currently 6
to 8 different Bills out right now Statewide. We were asked by Council to create a
comprehensive ordinance for our City regardless of what the State does as a whole. We
will reconvene with this discussion at the next meeting to hear the Commissioners
suggestions and thoughts.
10. Future agenda items requested by Commissioners: None.
11. Staff Comments: None
12. Adjournment: Motion made by Commissioner John Cook to adjourn the meeting. Second
by Commissioner Eric Haugen. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjowned
at 6.•28 pm.
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Stephen bish, Chairperson