March 5, 2015 MinutesTransportation Safety Advisory Commission
ie Thursday, March 5, 2015 5:30 P.M.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a meeting on March 5,
2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, Building #4, 1400 Schertz
Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
Stephen Bish — Chairperson
Bill Bowers
Mark Davis
Richard Dziewit
Eric Haugen
Max Hernandez
Staff Present:
Brian James, Executive Director
Michael Hansen, Police Chief
Albert Arriaga, Traffic Safety Division
Cecilia Palomo, EIT
Doug Letbetter, Streets Superintendent
Jennifer Jones, Public Works Sr Admin
CALL TO ORDER AT 5:31 p.m., by Chairperson Stephen Bish
Mr. Robert Brockman asked how many Commissioners sat on the TSAC Board. Recording
Secretary answered with 10 Commissioners and 1 alternate Commissioner.
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the
February 5, 2015 Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Richard Dziewit to approve the minutes of the
February 5, 2015 Meeting. Second by Commissioner Bill Bowers. Motion passed. Vote
was unanimous.
2. Hands Free City Ordinance: Chief Hansen gave update stating that Schertz's verbiage
was very similar to existing state laws and similar to San Antonio but that we took a little
extra care in developing the final draft. Mr. James stated that Council is aware that TSAC
is addressing the ordinance in this evening's meeting, and will follow their lead.
Commissioner Bish asked if there would be a double fine in a school zone. Chief Hansen
answered no, and that school zone signs would be removed if ordinance passes with
A motion was made by Commissioner Richard Dziewit to accept Hands Free Ordinance
and present to Council as is. Second by Commissioner Mark Davis. Motion passed. Vote
was unanimous.
3 -5 -2015 Minutes
3. Pecan St /Schertz Parkway Crosswalk: Engineering gave verbal update and stated that
Streets will be restriping the crosswalks with a thermo product during Spring Break so that
the traffic and crosswalk use would be limited.
4. Elbel Dr/Westchester Intersection: Mr. James and Mr. Ledbetter gave update on how
situation works now and how the cars currently back up. The fear is that a student will
end up getting hot due to the constant stream and drivers frustrations to get across.
Engineering to do an analysis in order to get a better understanding of what is taking
place and possible options for correction of current issue. Commissioner Davis asked if it
was possible to put in a light at the intersection were the current flashing crosswalk
exists. Mr. James stated that this is an area that will more than likely be assigned a signal
light, it was just a matter of when. Need is to look at cost in the change and review.
5. Schwab Road: Commissioner Dziewit stated that he and other Commissioners had
reviewed the area of concern. He stated that the road is in desperate need of repairs and
also feels there should be truck restrictions put into place. Robert Martinez, Public Works
Streets Supervisor, gave update on recent repairs done by the Street Division and what
they experienced while out there. He continued to state that the lack of visibility should
be just one other reason to stop trucks from using the Schwab Road route.
6. Future agenda items requested by Commissioners: Commissioner Bish suggested right -
of -ways be discussed in the future at some point. He also stated that people need to be
informed that white dotted lines means both lanes turn left.
7. Staff Comments: Commissioner Hernandez asked that the flashing school light be
checked on 1518 (TxDOT light) for Allison Steele School. Max states he got a ticket by
Schertz Police due to lack of visibility from overgrown trees blocking the light, and in turn
the speed limit signs. City staff to check on visibility issue. Commission Davis brought up
the continued delay issue with the street light at Schertz Parkway and Woodland Oaks.
Again, City Staff to recheck the light function. Commissioner Bowers brought up his
concern with the speeders in the Lone Oak area. He states that people are driving 40 to 50
miles per hour at times and he even has a sign in his front yard. Commissioner Hernandez,
who lives across the street from Bowers, states that a car just wrecked into the yard,
climbing his tree 48" and destroying his planter. Suggestion was made to maybe do an
article in the Schertz Magazine regarding the 20 mile per hour neighborhood speed limit
throughout the City.
8. Adjournment: Motion made by Commissioner Mark Davis to adjourn the meeting.
Second by Commissioner Richard Dwiewit. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 6:21 pm.
Stephen Bish, Chairperson