Take Care of Texas - Yard Care FlyerTEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GI-28 (Rev. 10/14)
The “Take Care of Texas” Guide to Yard Care
D o your part for the environ-
ment, starting in your own
yard. The “Take Care of Texas”
Guide to Yard Care will help
you maintain a healthy yard, save
money, and take care of our state’s
varied landscapes.
Why Take Care of Texas?
Texas is a beautiful state rich in diverse
resources. As Texans, it is our job to make
sure our state remains a beautiful and
healthy place to live. To accomplish this
goal, all Texans need to do their part. The
Take Care of Texas campaign is designed
to involve all Texans in simple changes
that will help keep our air and water
clean, conserve water and energy, reduce
waste, and save individuals a little money
in the process. For more information,
please visit <TakeCareOfTexas.org>.
Water Conservation
Lawn and garden watering make up
nearly 40 percent of total household
water use during the summer. Finding
ways to use less water will not only
help conserve this precious resource,
it will also save you money on your
water bill.*
Irrigate Efficiently
Much of the water applied to lawns
and gardens is never absorbed by
plants. The greatest waste of water
results from applying it too rapidly or
too often. Water applied too rapidly is
lost as runoff, which may carry polluting
fertilizers and pesticides to streams and
lakes. Some water evaporates when
it’s applied to bare, unmulched soil,
or in the hot afternoon.
Sprinkler systems offer an effective
method for irrigation, if used properly.
Make sure that sprinkler heads are
adjusted to avoid watering sidewalks
and driveways. Also, a properly adjusted
sprinkler head sprays large drops of
water instead of a fine mist, which is
more susceptible to evaporation and
wind drift.
Drip irrigation and soaker hoses
offer an efficient method for watering
vegetables, ornamental and fruit trees,
shrubs, vines, and container-grown
plants. Drip irrigation slowly applies
water to the soil by flowing, under low
pressure, through emitters, bubblers, or
spray heads placed at each plant. Water
applied by drip irrigation is not likely to
evaporate or run off.
Soaker hoses require less equip-
ment and are easier and less expensive
to install than drip irrigation. A soaker
hose is a porous hose that can be con-
nected to an outside faucet, a garden
hose, or a rain barrel and laid out along
the base of the plants. The hose allows
water to seep out along its length.
For more information on irrigation
practices, see Landscape Irrigation: A
“Take Care of Texas” Guide (GI-409)
at <TakeCareOfTexas.org/publications/
Avoid Overwatering
Watering too heavily or too often weak-
ens your lawn and causes erosion and
runoff pollution. Excess irrigation can
also leach nutrients deep into the soil
away from the plant roots, increasing
the chances of polluting the ground-
water. Similarly, runoff caused by excess
irrigation can carry polluting fertilizers
and pesticides to streams and lakes.
Most lawns receive twice as much
water as they require for a healthy
appearance. Water should be applied
to lawns infrequently, yet thoroughly. To
know when it’s time to water your lawn,
simply observe your grass. Wilting and
discoloration are signs of water stress.
At the first sign of wilting, you have
24 to 48 hours before damage to
your lawn occurs. A general rule is to
*Always comply with your water system’s water-use restrictions.
water one inch, once a week.* An easy
method for watering one inch is to place
an empty 6-ounce tuna can on your lawn
and stop watering when it is full.
Watering infrequently but thoroughly
also strengthens root systems, helping
your lawn to efficiently use the water
that’s stored in the soil.
Water in the Morning
Watering in the morning will save water
from being evaporated by the midday
heat. Watering in the morning will also
help your plants stay healthy, since
watering late in the evening or at night
keeps leaves wet for an extended period
of time, which increases the chances of
disease and some pests.*
Practice Grasscycling
Grasscycling refers to the practice of
leaving grass clippings on the lawn to
decompose into soil. Grasscycling will
not only cut down on your watering
needs, it will make your turf greener
and tougher by preventing common
turf diseases and reducing the need for
lawn fertilizer. The key to grasscycling
is to mow at the proper height and dis-
perse the grass clippings evenly, so that
they can work their way down to the
soil. Mowing grass too short causes
stress, discourages deep root growth,
and results in rapid loss of soil moisture.
Mow often enough so that each
mowing removes no more than one-
third of the grass blade. For example, if
you set your cutting height at 2 inches,
you should cut your grass before it’s
more than 3 inches tall.
When the mowed grass clippings
remain on the yard, they can act as a
slow-release lawn fertilizer, while also
helping to retain soil moisture. This
reduces the need for watering and can
eliminate the need for fertilizer. This,
in turn, helps to keep fertilizers out of
storm drains and, as a result, out of
rivers, lakes, and bays.
Try Composting and Mulching
Yard trimmings make up 20 percent of
the waste generated by Texans each
year. Instead of throwing them out with
the garbage, recycle these materials by
composting or mulching them.
Mulch can consist of wood chips or
shavings, leaves, or grass clippings, and
serves to retain soil moisture, prevent
erosion, suppress weeds, and protect
plants from temperature changes. Com-
posting is the controlled, accelerated
decomposition of organic material such
as yard trimmings, kitchen scraps, wood
shavings, cardboard, and paper. Com-
post provides valuable nutrients when
mixed into the soil, and can also make
good mulch.
By using mulch and compost on
lawns and gardens, Texans could reduce
the need for outdoor watering by 30 to
60 percent.
For more information, see Mulching
and Composting: A “Take Care of Texas”
Guide (GI-36) at <TakeCareOfTexas.org/
Keep Our Water Clean
The quality of water is improving state-
wide, thanks to efforts by cities, industries,
and individuals. However, we all need
to do our part to help keep our lakes,
rivers, and streams clean for their
intended uses—whether it’s for
swimming, fishing, or drinking.
Reduce Runoff
Rainfall runoff pollutes water by carrying
soil, fertilizers, and pesticides to nearby
streams. Composting and grasscycling
are both great ways to help reduce
runoff pollution, because they prevent
erosion, increase your soil’s ability to
absorb and retain water, and reduce the
need for fertilizers.
Use Fewer and Better
Pesticides and Fertilizers
Perhaps assuming that more is better,
residential users apply more pounds per
acre of synthetic pesticides and fertil-
izers than farmers do. However, more
is not better, since overwatering (or a
rainstorm) can wash fertilizer away—
wasting your money and contaminating
nearby waterways with pollution. There
are less toxic, even natural, substitutes
that are just as effective.
If you do choose to use pesticides
and fertilizers, however, it is very impor-
tant to your health and the environment
to always apply the product according
to the label’s directions, use only the
recommended amount, and adjust your
watering accordingly.
*Always comply with your water system’s water-use restrictions.
Collect and Use Rainwater
By collecting rainwater and using it on
your lawn, plants, flowers, trees, and
shrubs, you can save water and money.
In fact, by collecting rainwater from just
10 percent of the residential roof area in
Texas, we could conserve over 30 billion
gallons of water annually. Using collected
rainwater has three major advantages:
it reduces runoff pollution, it can reduce
your utility bills (the water is free!), and it
is healthier for plants than treated water.
Systems for harvesting rainwater can be as simple as placing a barrel beneath
a gutter downspout to collect a small amount of water for use on gardens and
plants. Rain barrels are simple to install and can be made easily at home. For in-
structions on how to make your own rain barrel, see Rainwater Harvesting with
Rain Barrels: A “Take Care of Texas” Guide (GI-383) at <TakeCareOfTexas.org/
To collect more rainwater, consider installing a large system using cisterns,
which can collect thousands of gallons of water. For information on constructing
a larger rainwater-harvesting system, see Rainwater Harvesting (GI-404, reprinted
courtesy of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service) at <TakeCareOfTexas.org/
Keep Our Air Clean
Despite having the fastest growing
population of any state in the coun-
try, Texas has seen significant im-
provement in air quality over the last
ten years. We all need to continue
to do our part to keep our air clean,
and a great place to start is in your
own yard.
Many people who use power
lawn equipment contribute to air
pollution unintentionally, by handling
fuel carelessly and by maintaining
their equipment improperly. By
adopting simple, common-sense
practices, consumers can help
reduce emissions and keep our
air clean.
Avoid Spilling Gasoline
To prevent spills and overfills, try the
following tips:
Use a gasoline container you
can handle easily and hold
securely. When you pour, do
it slowly and smoothly.
Use a funnel or spout with an
automatic stop device to prevent
overfilling. Keep the cap or spout
and the vent hole on gasoline
containers closed tightly.
Transport and store gasoline and
power equipment out of direct
sunlight, in a cool, dry space.
At the gas station, use caution
when pumping gasoline into a
Maintain Your Equipment
Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance
guidelines, including the following
Change the oil and clean or
replace the air filters regularly.
Make sure you recycle your
used oil at a collection center.
To locate a center near you,
go to <www.tceq.texas.gov/
Use the proper mixture of fuel
and oil in equipment with two-
stroke engines.
Get periodic tune-ups, maintain
the mower’s blades, and keep
the underside of the mower’s
deck clean.
Protect your equipment from
the elements when not in use.
Consider Cleaner Options
Some types of lawn and landscape
equipment are more environmentally
friendly than others. When selecting
equipment, compare the air emissions,
noise level, and energy consumption
of different products. Emissions from
gas-powered garden tools account for
an estimated five percent of the nation’s
air pollution, while newer mowers with
electric or battery- powered engines are
both quieter and less polluting.
Use Manual Tools
Tools without motors—electric or
gasoline—are especially handy for
small yards or small jobs. Hand tools—
like shears, edgers, and push reel
mowers—are lightweight, quiet, easy
to use, and do not generate emissions.
Landscape Design
Creating a healthy, low-maintenance
landscape starts with a well-planned
design that offers many benefits to
you and the environment. Sketch your
yard with locations of existing struc-
tures, trees, shrubs, and grass areas.
Then consider your landscaping re-
quirements, limitations, and consider-
ations regarding budget, appearance,
function, maintenance, and irrigation.
Take note of slopes, and consider
including buffer zones of turf grass
or other thick vegetation to absorb
runoff from buildings and patios, and
to reduce runoff into driveways and
streams. Including lawn edging and
hard surfaces between turf and other
landscape features also discourages
weeds and reduces the need for
trimming and herbicides.
Group together plants that have
similar watering needs, to prevent over-
watering and excessive plant growth.
For more information on landscape
design, visit <earthkind.tamu.edu>.
Plant Selection and Care
Using native and well-adapted plants
is one of the easiest ways to create a
low-maintenance and environmentally
sound yard. Plants that are native or well
adapted to your area will:
use less water,
reduce the need for soil
require little or no fertilizer,
be less susceptible to pest
problems, and
be more tolerant of stressful
environmental conditions, such
as drought.
Incorporate a variety of plants to
provide food and cover for a variety of
living things. Diversity also minimizes
damage from pests, because many of
them attack only one plant species.
Dense plantings can provide
that keeps
out invading
frequent or
deep cultivation,
which can damage plant
roots, dry out the soil, disturb
healthy soil organisms, and bring
weed seeds to the surface where
they can germinate. Cover all bare soil
between plants with a solid mulch layer.
Reduce Mowing Time
Use low-maintenance turf grasses or grass-
and-flower seed mixtures that grow slowly and
require less mowing. Check with your local
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office
or retail lawn and garden center about what is
appropriate for your region.
Consider replacing turf-grass with native
and adapted trees, shrubs, and flowers. Doing
so reduces the energy needed to heat and cool
your house, and provides habitat for wildlife.
Native wildflowers and plants require little or
no maintenance after planting.
Consider planting deciduous trees on the south and west sides of your house
and around your air conditioner. Because deciduous trees lose their leaves in the
winter, they can save you energy by keeping your home shady and cool in the sum-
mer, yet allow the sun to shine through windows to warm your home in the winter.
Grass Selection and Care
Turf grasses require more frequent watering and maintenance than most other land-
scape plants. Select grass carefully according to its intended use, planting location,
and maintenance requirements, and make sure to choose turf that is compatible
with your region and environment.
St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses are most often used for lawns in Texas.
Zoysia, buffalo, and centipede grasses are used less often but are also good options.
In most landscape areas, turf grasses have the highest water demand and
the highest maintenance requirements of all plants. Planting the lowest-water-use
turf grass adapted to your region is an effective way to reduce the need for land-
scape irrigation. Also, mow grass at the proper height to both conserve water and
strengthen grass roots.
Avoid narrow strips or odd shapes of turf grass that will be difficult to irrigate
without wasting time and water. Other forms of ground cover or alternative plant
areas can also reduce your ongoing expenditures of time, energy, water, and money.
Additional Resources
General Information
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Texas Water Development Board
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Yard Care Resources
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, EarthKind
For more information, contact:
Take Care of Texas, MC 109
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
PO Box 13087
Austin TX 78711-3087
The “Take Care of Texas” Guide to Yard Care is meant to be a general overview of ways you can
help to Take Care of Texas in your own yard. For more detailed information, see the following
other TCEQ “Take Care of Texas” guides at <TakeCareOfTexas.org/publications>:
Mulching and Composting (GI-36)
Rainwater Harvesting with Rain Barrels (GI-383)
Managing 10 Common Texas Yard Pests (GI-405)
Managing Lawn Problems in Texas (GI-407)
Landscape Irrigation (GI-409)
How is our customer service? www.tceq.texas.gov/customersurvey
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document may be requested in alternate formats by contacting the TCEQ at 512-239-0028, Fax 512-239-4488, or 800-RELAY-TX
(TDD), or by writing P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087. Printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based ink.