Change Memo 1 2015-16Change Memo For the 2015-16 Budget Proposed Budget 7/31/2015 Changes Revised Proposed Budget 8/18/2015 Reason For Change General Fund 101 REVENUES Taxes 17,329,590 0 17,329,590 Franchises 2,221,153 0 2,221,153 Permits 1,249,839 0 1,249,839 Licenses 84,160 0 84,160 Fees 2,486,122 0 2,486,122 Fines 31,000 0 31,000 Inter-Jurisdictional 783,847 0 783,847 Inter-Fund Transfers 1,921,266 0 1,921,266 Miscellaneous 462,000 0 462,000 TOTAL Revenue 26,568,977 0 26,568,977 EXPENSES City Council 105,175 0 105,175 City Manager 890,763 0 890,763 Municipal Court 367,789 0 367,789 Customer Relations-311 117,120 0 117,120 Planning 169,107 0 169,107 Legal Services 285,000 0 285,000 General Services 973,747 28,165 1,001,912 C&C Action City Secretary 191,013 0 191,013 Non Departmental 3,144,426 (680,000) 2,464,426 Removed C&C Contengency, reduced Regular Contengency Community & Media Relations 301,661 8,455 310,116 C&C Action Records Management 64,190 0 64,190 Schertz Magazine 400,215 0 400,215 Engineering 309,004 0 309,004 GIS Department 153,277 0 153,277 Police 5,815,955 395,420 6,211,375 C&C Action, Crossing Guards Fire Rescue 3,545,964 174,344 3,720,308 C&C Action Inspections 669,917 23,443 693,360 C&C Action Marshal Service 712,784 5,010 717,794 C&C Action Public Works-Streets 1,174,687 6,710 1,181,397 C&C Action Parks 889,493 52,662 942,155 C&C Action, Full year funding of Parks Director Pools 308,078 (50,000) 258,078 Removed Pool Liner Replacement- will do in current year Event Facilities 150,643 (83) 150,560 Corrected Personnel Budget Senior Center - - Library 877,288 0 877,288 Animal Control 576,018 (604) 575,414 Corrected Personnel Budget Information Technology 1,574,210 25,296 1,599,506 C&C Action, Cable Connections Human Resources 397,798 10,405 408,203 C&C Action Finance 620,122 0 620,122 Purchasing 205,753 0 205,753 Fleet Maintenance 691,351 0 691,351 Building Maintenance 262,663 7,423 270,086 C&C Action City Assistance 192,000 0 192,000 Court Restricted Funds 36,660 0 36,660 TOTAL EXPENSES 26,173,871 6,646 26,180,517 Revenue over/(under) EXPENSES 395,106 (6,646)388,460 8/18/2015 1 of 2 Change Memo For the 2015-16 Budget Proposed Budget 7/31/2015 Changes Revised Proposed Budget 8/18/2015 Reason For Change Water Fund 202 REVENUES Franchises 220,285 0 220,285 Permits 65,000 0 65,000 Fees 17,659,700 0 17,659,700 Fund Transfers 1,125,644 (312,372) 813,272 Miscellaneous 143,858 0 143,858 TOTAL Revenue 19,214,487 (312,372) 18,902,115 EXPENSES Non Departmental - - Business Office 761,190 (9,999) 751,191 Removed Contingency for C&C Action W & S Administration 17,606,920 (2,240) 17,604,680 Removed Contingency for C&C Action Projects 812,372 (312,372) 500,000 Removed Engineering for water storage tank TOTAL EXPENSES 19,180,482 (324,611) 18,855,871 Revenue over/(under) EXPENSES 34,005 12,239 46,244 Drainage Fund 204 REVENUES Permits 3,000 0 3,000 Fees 1,083,000 0 1,083,000 Fund Transfer 213,920 0 213,920 Miscellaneous 80,700 0 80,700 TOTAL Revenue 1,380,620 0 1,380,620 EXPENSES Drainage 1,007,733 (702) 1,007,031 C&C Action Projects 213,920 0 213,920 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,221,653 (702) 1,220,951 Revenue over/(under) EXPENSES 158,967 702 159,669 ALL FUND REVENUES (312,372)Total Revenue Decrease ALL FUND EXPENSES (318,667)Total Expense Decrease ALL FUND OVER/(UNDER)6,295 Total Change to All Fund Fund Balance 8/18/2015 2 of 2