07-02-2015 Approved MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
City of Live Oak
8001 Shin Oak Drive, Live Oak, Texas 78233
MINUTES OF WORKSHOP July 2,2015,6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Carpenter called the workshop to order at 6:32 PM. Mayor Carpenter welcomed
those present. A quorum was present.
Members present were:
Mayor Michael Carpenter, Schertz
Mayor Lisa Jackson, Cibolo
Mayor Mary Dennis, Live Oak
Mayor Tom Daly, Selma
Mayor Nadine Knaus, Garden Ridge
Mayor Pro -Tern John McCaw
Mayor Bill Seiler, Marion
Mayor Pro -Tern Nick Milanovich, City of New Berlin
Mayor John Williams, Universal City
Others Present:
Senator Jose Menendez, District 26
Debra Goza, City Secretary Live Oak
Marc Hoskins, Senior Legislative Aide
Pat O'Brien, RAPCO Representative
2. Introduction of members and guests present.
Mayor Carpenter welcomed everyone present and specially welcomed Senator Menendez
who was present. Mayor Carpenter stated that he believes that we felt like we really had
some connection and facts in the Legislative Session this year as a group for direct
discussion and communication. Mayor Carpenter stated that this year we decided not to
hire a lobbyist but rather show up as elected officials as a group and believes that we had
an impact. Mayor Carpenter stated that he would like to recognize Mr. Pat O'Brien who
is here to briefly speak on RAPCO and then he would like have the Senator address the
Mr. O'Brien stated that Randolph Air Power Community Council fell upon hard times
with joint basing and we and the Joint Base Commander didn't know what was going on
with the community. He stated there were some encroachment issues and he knows that
several Mayors' know that they now are interested in reengaging dialogue and
communications with the base. If you look at the economic impact an Air Force
installation has on communities it's beyond any other business for the real estate that it
takes up. The numbers are staggering in what Randolph contributes to our local economy.
RAPCO is re- engaged and one of the main purposes it was formed was for Heritage Park,
Heritage Park is dead, nothing is going to happen during his ten -year, and he has one year
left on the Council. What he is wants to do before he leaves and moves on to other things
is to leave RAPCO in a health way. He expressed concern on the individual who would
be preceding him. He stated there is the core group that has done most of the work. Mr.
O'Brien stated that the group didn't feel right with selling memberships because there
wasn't anything for them to do, but now that the base has reengaged them now is the
opportunity as we are getting plugged back in with the base and where the base is no
longer able to fund certain quality of life items, we as a group are able now take on special
projects, one of the areas is help with stripping. We are making the connections to assist
them with their quality of life issues. Mr. O'Brien also asked if the NEP Mayors could
reappoint the board ( RAPCO) that would include a few new individuals and he would like
to forward the names to the Mayor's for reappointment. He also stated that he would like
for the Mayor's at the next meeting to appoint Nigel Davies as Chairman of the RAPCO
Membership Committee. Mayor Williams stated that once we have appointed the new
RAPCO Board members they will be looking at the by -laws and will possibly be updating
them and bring back for approval. Mr. O'Brien also asked if each Mayor had been able to
get their pass for the base, he stated that that was one of the things he has been working on
and if they hadn't received their pass to please get with him.
Mayor Carpenter requested that this item be placed on the next regular NEP Agenda for
discussion and action.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Senator Jose Menendez who briefed the Mayor's regarding
the information that came out of the recent legislative session. Mayor's present discussed
other issues with the Senator that they could use his help with. Senator Menendez stated
that he will assist the NEP Mayor's in any way he can and appreciates the opportunity to
come address them this evening. Senator Menendez provided members with his email
District26 .Mendezgsenator.state.tx.us and his phone number (210) 733 -6604 as well as
provided an informational sheet for them to fill out if his office could assist in any way.
3. Old Business:
1. Alamo Area MPO Update /Issues.
No information was provided at this time.
2. Discussion regarding establishing guideline regarding City Membership
(additions /removals) of the Northeast Partnership For Economic Development.
Mayor's discussed coming up with boundary lines, possibly getting a map to
designate areas and sending this out to them and have this up for discussion at the
next Mayor's Workshop meeting.
4. New Business
1. Discussion regarding revising the NEP By -Laws to reflect that the records of NEP
Organization will be maintained by the staff of the current chair.
Mayor's briefly discussed this matter. Mayor Knaus and City Secretary Brenda
Dennis will reach out to the former Chairs and obtain copies of past records. Ms.
Dennis stated that once she obtains the records that she will get them scanned and
that she will work to provide and get this information on the NEP Website. She
stated that she will also work to see if we can get someone within NEP to assist in
getting the NEP Website up to date to allow her to place this information on the
website for retrieval purposes. Mayor Knaus and Brenda Dennis will work on this
project together and provide an update at a later date.
5. Items of Interest by the Member cities.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Pro -Tem John McCaw who provided information to
the members on "Stack Testing "; this is a result of the Asphalt Plant that is coming into
Schertz ETJ that will directly affect the residents of Garden Ridge. Mr. McCaw
addressed his concerns on having the State provide stricter rules and a better way of
testing emissions. Mayor Pro -Tem McCaw asked Senator Menendez if he would be able
to assist in asking for stricter regulations.
6. Establish a date, time, and location of the next meeting (Next up is the City of
Marion to host)
Mayor Carpenter confirmed with Mayor Seiler that the next workshop will be at the City
of Marion on August 6, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
7. Adjournment.
Mayor Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Mayor Michael Carpenter, NEP Chairman