01-08-2015 Approved MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
Olympia Hills Golf and Conference Center
12900 Mount Olympus, Universal City, TX 78148
Thursday, January 8, 2015 —11:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
Mayor Carpenter called the meeting to order at 11:45 A.M., and a quorum was
Mayor Mary Dennis had prepared a proxy for a designated representative for the
Northeast Partnership Meeting to Councilmember Ed Cimics; Mayor John Williams
had prepared a proxy for a designated representative for the Northeast Partnership
Meeting to Mayor Pro -Tem Dick Neville.
2. Welcome and Introductions
Mayor Carpenter had all attendees stand and introduce themselves.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Pro-Tern Knaus with the City of Garden Ridge
who stated that Mayor Dalton had been placed in hospice this week and to please keep
him and his family in your thoughts and prays.
3. Approval of Workshop Minutes for December 4, 2014.
Mayor Tom Daly made a motion seconded by Mayor Lisa Jackson to approve the
minutes of the workshop meeting of December 4, 2014. The vote was unanimous.
Motion Passed.
4. Approval of Minutes for December 11, 2014.
Mayor Pro-Tern Dick Neville made a motion seconded by Mayor Pro -Tem Nadine
Knaus to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 11, 2014. The vote was
unanimous. Motion Passed.
5. Approval of Treasurer's Report for December 2014.
Mayor Al Suarez made a motion seconded by Mayor Lisa Jackson to approve the
Treasurer's report for December 2014. The vote was unanimous. Motion Passed.
6. Information Items.
A. Report from Tri County Chamber of Commerce.
1 -8 -2015 Minutes
understands that some City Council's will be meeting that day. Mayor Carpenter
asked Mayor Williams if they should also go on the 3`d. Mayor Williams stated that
they could, that AACOG is made up of 26 cities which this group is also a part of.
Mayor Carpenter asked if we gained by jointing with AACOG or gained if going
separately; Mayor Williams stated that it would depend on the issues.
Mayor Carpenter asked if there were any other thoughts when we should go, or if we
should go with AACOG. Mayor Carpenter recognized City Manager Ken Roberts
with the City of Selma who stated that he believed if they went with AACOG then
they would be pushed back to the end of the bus. AACOG has a large group and has
their issues; our issue with Randolph needs their undivided attention.
Mayor Carpenter stated that the next Mayor's Workshop is February 5th and asked if
they should get together prior to that on where we would like to go? Members agreed
to get together two weeks from today, Thursday, January 22, 2015, at the City of
Schertz to have a special called meeting to talk about when we want to go to Austin
and what we would like to do, and get this scheduled. Mayor Carpenter stated that
Thursday, January 22, 2015, at 6:30 p.m., they will meet in a Special Workshop
meeting to talk about going to Austin; we will meet at the City of Schertz. Mayor
Carpenter stated that anyone wishing to come to this meeting may.
Mayor Carpenter recognized City Manager Scott Wayman, City of Live Oak who
stated that they have Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Attorney At Law in
the house and they always submit to the cities the white paper Resolutions as well as
a watch dog newsletter that they send out that has all the items that are detailed. He is
sure that if you request a copy that they would send them to the Mayors'. The
representative from Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP stated that he would
see if Carry Wells or Chris Young could attend the special meeting.
11. Adjournment.
Mayor Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 12:36 p.m. A motion was made by Mayor
Lisa Jackson to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Councilmember Ed Cimics.
Motion passed.
PASSED AND APPROVED on February 12, 2015.
Mayor Michael R. Carpenter, NEP Chair
1 -8 -2015 Minutes
Mayor Carpenter recognized Pat O'Brien who provided information on the
Chambers upcoming events.
- January 13, 2015 — Networking Lunch, Blue Bonnet Palace, 17630
Lookout Road, 11:30 —1:00 p.m.
- January 22, 2015 — Mixer, Armstrong Vaughan & Associates, 941 West
Byrd Street, Universal City, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
- January 24, 2015 — Fitness in the Parking — Veterans Memorial Park,
Cibolo 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m.
- February 10, 2015 — Luncheon, Blue Bonnet Palace, 17630 Lookout Road,
Selma, Please RSVP. 11:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m.
- February 17, 2015 — Mardi Gras Madness, Blue Bonnet Palace, 17630
Lookout Road, Selma, 6:30 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.
B. Report from Schertz Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Robin Thompson who provided information
on the Chambers upcoming events.
January 20, 2015- Chamber Luncheon "State of the Chamber Address,
Schertz Civic Center, 1400 Schertz Parkway, 11:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m.
January 31, 2015 - Health and Wholeness Fair, Schertz Civic Center, 1400
Schertz Parkway.
March 19, 2015 — Schertz Chamber The Taste, Schertz Civic Center, 1400
Schertz Parkway. Please contact the Chamber for your tickets.
C. Report from Randolph Air Power Community Council (RAPCO).
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Pat O'Brien who stated that there is nothing
new, they are still going. He stated that the new leadership with Randolph has
been wonderful.
D. Report on Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee.
Mr. O'Brien stated that a lot of laws are changing regarding cell phones, one
of the things the Bicycle group and all the people that are looking at road
safety are laws that make sense. A law that says you cannot hold your cell
phone does little or no good. From a cyclist's point of view and others that use
the street, the law needs to be for distracted driving. This covers those that are
putting on their make -up, kids throwing shoes out the window, the person
eating a happy meal while driving with their knee need to all be included in
that same law. These distractions are just as dangerous to the cyclists as a
person with a cell phone. The laws of distracted driving needs more focus not
just the use of your cell phone. Let's go after the whole problem and make
the roads safer.
E. Report from Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
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Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Daly who stated they did not meet since
their last meeting and at this time has nothing to report.
7. New Business
A. Presentation from Representative Roland Gutierrez, regarding the
upcoming 84th Legislative Session.
Mayor Carpenter stated that Representative Roland Gutierrez contacted his office
stating that he had been called out of town and sends his regrets that he was unable to
join us today. No presentation was provided.
D. Report on Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee.
Mayor Carpenter went back to discussion regarding cell phones and their use. He
stated that he is going to speak as a motorcyclist and not as a Mayor. He stated that
he is very scared to ride in cities that have passed an ordinance that says you can't use
your cell phone because as Mr. O'Brien indicated instead of seeing those using their
cell phones up high they are using their cell phone down lower, because they are
trying to hide it from the police and trying to get away with it. The driver is still
looking down and texting or using their phone, it is frightening. When you are on two
wheels you are always looking at what the other driver is doing in front and behind
you, we are constantly looking at folks. It becomes apparent when you are in a place
where the cell phones have been banned, because you see a lot more people holding
the cell phones lower. Mayor Carpenter indicated that he agreed with Mr. O'Brien
that he too would like to have it as a distracted driver ordinance, and personally he
likes the way the Germans do things that there is not a fine or penalty until you are
caught in an accident. Make it have some real teeth. For example, if you are caught
in an accident and you were distracted whether using your phone, reading a
newspaper, putting on make -up, or any of those things, there is a very hefty fine that
goes along with it because you were allowing yourself to be distracted. He is not sure
what state law will allow them but $5,000 is a good amount. Mayor Carpenter
indicated that this item will be coming before the Schertz Council and asked those
present to also provide their thoughts and opinions.
Mayor Carpenter recognized City Manager Scott Wayman, City of Live Oak, who
stated that one of the things that he has noticed in cities that have passed this
ordinance is that it seems the officers have that ominous look as they are passing you
on the street like they are hawking you down. They will park in a turning lane, and
every car that is coming by they are scouring the inhabitants of that vehicle for
violations. To him it seems that it sets an encroachment into people's personal lives,
it gives him a weird feeling that you have officers that give the appearance that they
are scouring the inside of individual's vehicles for violations. He stated that if you
have Police Chiefs you might talk to them that if you are going to do that, that you
make it look more discrete, that you are not just out to hound the citizen.
1 -8 -2015 Minutes
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Cantu with Waste Management who stated that the
laws for Commercial Vehicles are different, they are stricter. One of the things they
try to do is train the kids today to not answer the phone, not text or email while
driving. They are instructing if you get a call, pull over to answer. If it is that
important that you need to answer, find an exit and pull over. He stated that we all
are addicted to these things and it is hard to overcome, it's an education, just like the
saying "Just say no to drugs ", we should say "Just say no to answering your cell
phones." He stated that he has instructed his drivers that if you get caught it's your
fine to pay and it's $1000.00.
Mayor Carpenter stated that what he would like to do is introduce two guests today from
the 12th Flying Training Wing, Randolph, Col. Jodi Neff and Lt. Col Robin Baldwin. He
stated that he would like to give Col. Neff an opportunity to tell us what is going on as
well as ask us for our support for a Resolution for some legislation to be considered in
Austin in regards to the base and its mission.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Col. Jodi Neff, 12th Flying Training Wing, Randolph AFB
who came forward thanking the surrounding cities in support of Randolph and the ability
to come before you and address you and the ability to bolster a favorable
recommendation to General Rand about the viability of their mission and the community
She stated that Lt. Col. Baldwin has attended these meetings on a more regular basis and
he is the 12th Flying Wing Community Relations person and he has been ensuring that
our message is going out to the various City Councils and leadership so that we all are on
the same page ensuring that we can maintain our shared responsibilities for safety of our
personnel and citizens. Col. Neff stated that Col. Isler came out in August speaking
about issues they are having with development. This Resolution that you have a copy of
today was passed last week by Guadalupe County. This Resolution addresses future
expansion that may not be compatible with future development of property in the
Runway Clear Zones and requests that the Texas Legislature approve and submit for
passage legislation of two amendments to address greater property owner awareness and
future development compatibility in and around Joint Base San Antonio — Randolph.
Col. Neff thanked everyone for their support and for the opportunity.
8. Establish a Date and Time of the Next Mayor's Workshop — February 5, 2015 —
City of Cibolo to Host 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Jackson who stated that the City of Cibolo will
be happy to host the next Mayor's Workshop meeting on Thursday, February 5, 2015,
at 6:00 p.m.
9. Establish a Date and Time of Next Northeast Partnership For Economic
Development Meeting —February 12, 2015.
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January Door Prizes — City of Selma
Door Prizes today were provided by the City of Selma. Door Prizes were disbursed.
Mayor Carpenter stated that the next meeting of the Northeast Partnership For
Economic Development will be Thursday, February 12, 2015, at 11:30 a.m. and that
the City of Universal City has the door prizes.
10. Items of Interest by Members.
Mayor Carpenter stated that on the Resolution we have before us, normally when we
meet as Council's as governmental organizations we can't do anything with items that
are not listed on our agenda. He stated that we are not a government organization,
however he just read through the by -laws of NEP, which is one of his favorite things
to do. He stated that our by -laws reference that our activities and our regular meeting
will be governed by Roberts Rules. He doesn't know because he is not a
parliamentary and if Roberts Rules prohibits us from taking up anything that is not on
the agenda; however, in Roberts Rules there is an opportunity for us to set aside the
rules and then do anything we want to and then put the rules back.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Daly who moved to set aside the rules so that
they can take action on approving the Resolution of Support, and Mayor Carpenter
seconded the motion. All those present voted in favor, no one voted no. Motion
Mayor Carpenter stated that now the rules have been set aside for purposes of taking
action on the Resolution. Mayor Carpenter stated would anyone like to point out or
have comments about the Resolution other than the fact he sees Windcrest is not
listed, and he can't and he apologizes and he doesn't mean to offer a slight to
Windcrest, but he can't remember the last time that they were here. He stated that he
hasn't seen the Mayor in two (2) years. Comments were made that if they paid their
dues then they should get to sign the resolution if they wish.
Mayor Carpenter stated that if there were no more questions about the Resolution
itself he would call for a motion to approve and have the participating cities sign.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro -Tem Dick Neville, seconded by Mayor Daly.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Al Suarez who stated that if it requires his
signature he needs to take it to his Council for approval first. Mayor Carpenter stated
that he understands. The vote was unanimous. Motion passed
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Tom Daly, City of Selma who stated that
Saturday, January 17, 2015, the City of Selma and Schertz are hosting their 5th
Annual Operation Comfort — Salute to Service Members IOK & 5K run/walk — Blue
Bonnet Palace, 17630 Lookout Road, Selma 8:00 a.m.
1 -8 -2015 Minutes
Mayor Carpenter recognized Councilmember Ed Cimics, City of Live Oak who stated
that the Wreaths Across America campaign was a great success this year and he is
requesting volunteers come and assist with picking up the wreaths on Saturday,
January 17, 2015 8:00 a.m. at Fort Sam Cemetery.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Daron Lofton, Vice President Frost Bank who
invited everyone to a free Chuck Wagon Breakfast, Frost Location in Schertz,
Thursday, January 15, 2015 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Mayor Carpenter stated that he has a question for the membership; he stated that all
the newly elected in Austin have been sworn in or will be shortly and his question is
when are we heading up to Austin as we do every session of the legislature?
Councilmember Cimics stated that maybe we could get someone from TML to come
speak to the group at our next meeting and suggest a time and particular items of
interest TML could identify for us that we can go and address.
Mayor Carpenter recognized City Manager Ken Roberts with the City of Selma who
stated that if we do not get the Resolution up to Austin before February then it would
be too late, as they will already have their committees assigned.
Mayor Carpenter stated that for those who can sign the Resolution today, please do
so. Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Pat O'Brien who suggested that maybe a
Resolution could be prepared today and Mayor Carpenter as chair can sign it. Then
maybe the other cities can prepare a separate Resolution for their Council's and cities
to sign later. Mayor Carpenter concurred stating that he would be happy to do this.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. O'Brien who indicated that he would be happy to go
around and get the Mayors signatures on the Resolution.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Pro -Tem Knaus who stated that what we
approved here today is NEP, as an Organization, that approved and authorized the
Resolution, and having Mayor Carpenter sign it makes sense. Then if the individual
cities want to pass a similar resolution, that would be a resolution that is a separate
Mayor Carpenter stated that he would have Ms. Dennis prepare the resolution with a
signature line for him as the Chair of NEP to sign; members were all in concurrence.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Pro -Tem Dick Neville, City of Universal City
who stated that we need to move to reinstate the rules. Mayor Carpenter moved to re-
instate the rules, seconded by Mayor Jackson. The vote was unanimous. Motion
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Pro -Tem Dick Neville, City of Universal City
who stated AACOG's trip to Austin is going to be the 3rd of February and he
1 -8 -2015 Minutes