03-05-2015 Approved MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
City of Garden Ridge City Council Chambers
9400 Municipal Parkway, Garden Ridge TX 78266
Thursday, March 5, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Jackson called the workshop to order at 6:45 PM. Mayor Jackson welcomed those
present. A quorum was present.
Members present were:
Mayor Lisa Jackson, Cibolo
Mayor Mary Dennis, Live Oak
Mayor John Williams, Universal City
Mayor Tom Daly, Selma
Mayor Nadine Knaus, Garden Ridge
City Manager Nancy Cain, Garden Ridge
Mayor Pro -Tern Jay Hogue, Cibolo
Mayor Pro -Tern John McCaw, City of Garden Ridge
Members present were - Guadalupe Regional Mayor's Association:
Nick Milanovich, Mayor Pro -Tem, New Berlin
Others Present:
Lt. Col Robin Baldwin, 12th Flying Wing Randolph Air Force Base
Dwayne Robinson, Office of County Judge Nelson Wolff
Commissioner Tommy Calvert
Brenda Dennis, Schertz
2. Introduction of members and guests present.
Mayor Jackson had all those present introduce themselves. Mayor Daly expressed his
thanks for those who attended the last meeting.
3. Business:
1. Discussion regarding 2015 Legislative Bill Proposals
a. Discussion and/or preparation for white papers for presentation to Legislative
Mayor Williams stated that one of the key things while in the room, and one of the
Reps or Senators comes into the room you take over and introduce yourself and
those in the group. Mayor Daly continued stated that he would ask that each
provide him a sheet of the strongest and highest items we need to be focusing on.
Mayor Williams stated that each of the Mayor's should have a packet of our white
papers or a list of our points of discussion with them going to Austin. Mayor Daly
indicated that there are at least five and lets work on at least two that we should
address so not to inundate each person that walks in the door.
Members present discussed having their white papers prepared for the trip and also
have them at our next NEP meeting March 12, 2015. It also was discussed to
share those with each Mayor so that we are not duplicating our efforts. They
discussed focusing on three possibly four areas to bring to the attention of our
Legislatures. Mayor Dennis stated that they do not have any white papers and her
main focus will be the Revenue Cap issue.
Mayor Jackson recognized Commissioner Tommy Calvert who stated that they
had talked to Lt. Col. Robin Baldwin regarding Lyle Larson's suggestion regarding
the state funding to save military installations and asked if we have added that to
the list of legislative items. Mayor Daly stated that they have been dealing with a
lobbyist through AACOG that is pushing this. Lt. Col. Baldwin stated that he had
provided some of the technical date on this and he has been advised to not dabble
in this area. Commissioner Calvert stated that he could prepare the information as
this is a solid issue that is very important to bring before the Legislators.
Commissioner Calvert stated that if there is anything else that is needed he can
have his staff assist.
Mayor Jackson recognized Lt. Col. Robin Baldwin who stated that State
Representative Joe Farias is sponsoring two bills, he is sponsoring the airport
disclosure bill, which by the way seems to be moving forward, and 1640 which is
the coordination of between the installations and the cities. He stated that
Representative Kuempel just filed the bill for expansion of 397A, which is the
military sustainment commission, and it expands it to Guadalupe County and all
the cities in this area. It only affects the ETJ's to insure that someone is watching
over those areas in lieu of zoning. Commissioner Calvert again stated that he they
receive funding that is already allocated from the State for preservation of military
installations, we can buy out these properties and then a lot of the disclosure
information is irrelevant.
Mayor Williams asked if we could reach out and have her come because she
knows everyone and knows where to go and knows exactly which buttons to push.
Brenda Dennis stated that she would contact her and let them know. Mayor
Williams indicated that the key issues are the Revenue Caps, Randolph and the one
he brought up a few weeks ago regarding the bill relating to the Firefighters
Association. He stated that the more we speak on SB 182 the better that is the one
that is not going away.
Commissioner Calvert stated that Judge Wolff did a great job on this issue at the
last meeting.
b. Finalize travel itinerary for Legislative Session Trip, March 17, 2105, Members
Lounge 11:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. and proposed lunch menu.
Mayor Jackson recognized Brenda Dennis who provided a current listing of those
that have RSVP'd to attend March 17, 2015. She stated that to date 20 have
RSVP'd and asked those present to spread the word. She stated that she would
provide another email blast with a date to RSVP no later than, Tuesday, March 10,
2015. Ms. Dennis stated that with the help of City Administrator Nancy Cain, they
have secured a 55 passenger bus that will be at the Living Way Christian Church,
in Live Oak at 8:00 a.m., in the parking lot. The bus will leave promptly at 9:00
a.m. to Austin and will depart Austin at 2:30 p.m., back to the church. She stated
that as a result of a phone call by Mayor Mary Dennis, the church has given their
permission for us to park in the back of the parking lot. Mayor Dennis stated that
there will be cones placed in the area for which we can park.
Ms. Dennis continued stating that we need a firm head count so that we are able to
order the correct amount of food, and stated that she had spoken to State
Representative Joe Farias office and there is a Jason's Deli just up the street that
could deliver, she provided the telephone number to City Administrator Nancy
Cain. Mayor Williams indicated that State Representative Joe Farias office could
also assist. Members discussed adding an additional 10 to the final count for
ordering food.
At the recommendation of Mayor Williams, Ms. Dennis stated that she will contact
State Representative Joe Farias office and have someone come out and escort us
into the building once we arrive. Ms. Dennis stated that she would get the contact
number and have it with her. Ms. Dennis also stated that the bus will drop us off at
12th and Brazos Street. Mayor Williams indicated that this is the normal drop off
area and the bus can go about three blocks away at the bus staging area, and also
have the bus drivers telephone number so that we can contact them once we are on
our way back at the drop off location to be picked up. Brenda Dennis and /or Nancy
Cain will secure the telephone number.
Mayor Jackson opened it up for discussion to include invitations to their
Councilmembers. Members present will reach out to their respective
Councilmembers and invite them to attend. Each will have them RSVP their
Mayor Nadine Knaus stated that there is an issue that is specific to Garden Ridge
and Comal County, which is the Comal County Groundwater Conservation District
and she state that they will be including that in their white papers.
c. General discussion for trip to Austin.
Mayor Daly stated that Mayor Carpenter called him last night and stated that he
will not be able to go on March 17, 2014 due to work commitments. Mayor Daly
stated that Mayor Carpenter requested that he be the voice of the group. Mayor
Daly stated that he does not play political games. He is straight forward and cuts
to the chase. He stated that Mayor Lisa Jackson is next in charge if she would like
to take the lead. Mayor Jackson and Mayor Daly agreed to work together to be the
voice of the group. Mayor Williams stated that they will be there to help facilitate
the group.
2. Alamo Area MPO Update /Issues.
Mayor Daly stated that he did not attend as he did not receive his package. He stated
that last week he spoke with Sid Martinez and Mayor Rylie that they are going to
move forward with Lookout Road without the MPO. It was because the MPO three
years in a tow push them aside. He stated that they were going to get anything until
2031. Mayor Daly stated that he expressed his disappointment on how the MPO was
not taking care of the Northeast Partnership streets and the cities. Mayor Daly stated
that at their last Council meeting they came out to finance a bond for 9 Million tax free
to the residents that will be voted on. Commissioner Calvert stated that he believes the
next meeting is March 23, 2015.
Mayor Williams asked if anyone went to the meeting at Morgan's Wonderland.
Commissioner Calvert stated that his staff attended. He stated the good thing for the
Northeast is according to TxDOT there are two (2) top priorities for the state are the
35 corridor from AT &T Parkway to 1103, and then IH -10 adding additional capacity
on both sides of I11-10. Mayor Daly stated that that is an embarrassment for the
Northeast Partnership that they are not addressing our roads. He stated we have a
concern from 1103 all the way down as well as other roads around the area.
Commissioner Calvert stated that he would get with the MPO and express these
concerns, however he did bring up some arteries that lead into 35, and he needs to get
up to date on those that NEP is fighting for. Mayor Jackson stated that their city is
moving forward to address the concern of 1103.
Mayor Knaus asked if anyone attended the 1604 meeting last night. Members
discussed the expansion project.
4. Items of Interest by the Member cities.
Mayor Jackson recognized Mayor Dennis who expressed concern regarding approval of
paying the expense of us going to Austin. She stated that she thought about this a little
more and had more time to process it and stated that cities already pay for these types of
trips because she is going on behalf of her city. She stated that if she goes to Austin, her
city will reimburse or pay for her to attend. She asked that this be placed back on the next
agenda for reconsideration and to look at rescinding this. She doesn't believe that NEP
should pay for any Mayor to go when their cities would be responsible. Members
concurred to place this item back on the agenda for further discussion.
Mayor Jackson recognized Commissioner Calvert who thanked everyone for their
support on the proposed 51 acre Bexar County Annex project. Commissioner Calvert
stated there was business discussed in executive session which he is not privy to speak
about, but again thanked everyone for their support. Mayor Williams stated that he had
brought this up at their council meeting the other night and they agreed the Annex would
be a great asset to the area. Commissioner Calvert stated that the county will end up
saving a half a million dollars a year by them making this move. Commissioner Calvert
went over the project for those that were not at the last meeting.
Mayor Jackson recognized Lt. Col. Robin Baldwin who stated that he has been
participating more in the Northeast Partnership meetings and apologized that they hadn't
in the past. He stated that they have a part to play and pay in this organization as well.
He wanted to know if there is information in the bylaws where Randolph could become a
member of the Northeast Partnership For Economic group. Mayor Jackson and Mayor
Williams indicated that they believed that an Associate Member would be available to
them. They stated than anyone interested in the area of Economic Development and
certainly Randolph is would qualify. Lt. Col. Baldwin also indicated that he would be
going on the March 17, 2015 trip to Austin.
5. Establish a date, time, and location of the next meeting (Next up is the City of
Converse to host)
Members present discussed and decided to not continue meeting twice a month and that
the next meeting would be April 2, 2015 and that the City of Converse is next to host.
Brenda Dennis stated that she would contact the City of Converse and see if they would
be willing to hosting the next NEP Mayor's Workshop meeting. Mayor Jackson asked if
we had a speaker lined up for the March 12, 2015 meeting and Brenda Dennis indicated
not for this meeting. Members discussed that the focus of the next meeting is to get ready
for the March 17, 2015 legislative trip making sure each has complete packets of the
associated white papers. Mayor Williams indicated that the County information should
also be included in the packets we take up to Austin.
6. Adjournment.
Mayor Jackson recognized Mayor Daly who moved, seconded by Mayor Dennis to
adjourn the meeting. Mayor Jackson adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m.
Mayor Lisa Jac n, NEP Vice Chairman