2016 Budget Presentation Department SummariesProposed Budget FY 2015-16 Departments Department Budgets Departments with little or no change in operating costs will not be listed here To see summaries of those departments please view the Proposed Budget for FY 2015-16 located at www.Schertz.com 2FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget General Fund 13,452,710 15,858,069 15,056,043 16,658,937 17,734,300 19,588,076 20,887,412 23,078,351 24,312,894 25,297,719 26,568,977 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 Revenues Expenses 3FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget City Council Increase due to an additional election in May for Charter Amendments Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $87,240 2015-16 Budget $106,675 % Change 22.3% 4FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget General Services Have completely phased in the costs related to the maintenance of the emergency services buildings. This maintenance was originally paid for by the Economic Development Corporation but now will be solely located in General Services and Building Maintenance Divisions of the General Fund. Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $915,828 2015-16 Budget $973,747 % Change 6.3% 5FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Non-Departmental Funding related to the classification & compensation study proposed implementation is budgeted here. This amount also includes the expected amount of the Amazon.com tax abatement Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $2,495,334 2015-16 Budget $3,144,426 % Change 26.0% 6FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Police Includes full year funding of two positions hired midyear of FY 2014-15; Communications Shift Supervisor and the Crime Victim Liaison Both positions are partially offset by Interlocal agreements providing additional revenue Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $5,692,358 2015-16 Budget $5,815,955 % Change 2.2% 7FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Fire Rescue Includes 3 new firefighters for the Ramp Up Program to open Station 3 Includes the remaining SCBA purchases Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $3,457,712 2015-16 Budget $3,545,964 % Change 2.6% 8FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Inspections Full year funding of an Assistant Inspector position Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $584,145 2015-16 Budget $669,917 % Change 14.7% 9FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Marshal Services Replace vehicles as part of the Vehicle Replacement Program Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $641,693 2015-16 Budget $712,784 % Change 11.1% 10FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Public Works -Streets Electric Utility increase due to an audit finding additional street lights Purchase 2 vehicles through the Vehicle Replacement Program Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $1,076,821 2015-16 Budget $1,174,687 % Change 9.1% 11FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Swimming Pools Replace pool liner at Pickrell Park Pool Offset by postponing the hiring of the Parks Director position Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $253,078 2015-16 Budget $308,078 % Change 21.7% 12FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Library To increase the amount of library materials purchased to keep the material per capita goal Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $840,518 2015-16 Budget $877,288 % Change 4.4% 13FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Animal Services Purchase a replacement vehicle Partially offset by the Vehicle Replacement Fund Anticipating full staffing levels for FY 2015-16 Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $489,344 2015-16 Budget $576,018 % Change 17.7% 14FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Information Technology Includes upgrades to the internet access points and bandwidth, notably at the library The phone system lease will now be paid out of the IT Budget instead of the PEG fund as those expenditures are more suited to be paid by the General Fund Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $1,486,516 2015-16 Budget $1,574,210 % Change 5.9% 15FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Finance Increase due to full year funding of the Accountant I position approved for FY 2014-15 This increase will also include an Administrative Assistant which was previously located in the Purchasing & Asset Management Division Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $536,263 2015-16 Budget $620,122 % Change 15.6% 16FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Fleet Services Will purchase a new motor pool vehicle as part of the Vehicle Replacement Program Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $652,358 2015-16 Budget $691,351 % Change 6.0% 17FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Building Maintenance A/C Repairs were higher than expected in FY 2014- 15; this trend is not anticipated to continue into FY 2015-16 The FY 2014-15 Estimate also includes a new vehicle for their new Worker I position Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $295,449 2015-16 Budget $262,663 % Change -11.1% 18FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget City Assistance The increase is related to the new service contract for the Senior Center Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $81,018 2015-16 Budget $192,000 Change $110,982 19FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget PEG Fund Master Communication Plan will continue in FY 2015-16 and will partially be funded with reserves Also includes camera replacement and video streaming upgrades for the council chambers Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $101,204 $97,250 2015-16 Budget $252,500 $252,500 Change $151,296 $155,250 20FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Interest & Sinking Debt Fund The increase in expenses is due an additional tax note for a replacement Fire Apparatus and rescue equipment Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $5,744,063 $5,636,474 2015-16 Budget $6,091,375 $5,821,418 % Change 6.0%3.3% 21FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Water & Sewer Fund 10,091,773 17,565,917 15,461,527 14,048,903 15,335,321 15,572,580 17,165,534 17,511,676 17,951,376 19,214,487 $0 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 Revenues Expenses 22FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Water & Sewer Revenues This increase corresponds to an increase in service population and a transfer to fund capital improvement projects from reserves Revenues 2014-15 Estimate $17,951,376 2015-16 Budget $19,214,487 % Change 7.0% 23FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Water & Sewer Budget Includes 2 replacement vehicles for the Meter Technicians Includes cost of service increase related to Bexar Waste and CCMA These cost increases are offset by higher revenue Includes funding for Aviation Heights Waterline replacement phase 4 and engineering for a new ground water storage tank in the southeast Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $18,326,725 2015-16 Budget $19,180,482 % Change 4.7% 24FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Capital Recovery -Water Includes funding for the southern Schertz elevated water tank Includes a 12” waterline to the new CCMA treatment plant Includes design for a 3 million gallon booster tank Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $986,900 $634,540 2015-16 Budget $3,477,141 $3,477,141 25FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Capital Recovery -Sewer Projects to be funded in FY 2015-16 include the Woman Hollering Sewer Line and lift-station Includes an update to the Capital Recovery Study Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $599,763 $400,497 2015-16 Budget $3,643,712 $3,643,712 26FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Drainage Fund No change in fees but includes a transfer in from reserves and a reimbursement from the school disctrict to construct a bridge to the school parking lot Expense will increase to purchase a new vehicle and shredder for operations Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $1,041,700 $1,040,943 2015-16 Budget $1,380,620 $1,221,653 % Change 32.5%17.2% 27FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget EMS Fund 4,034,008 5,174,493 5,840,251 5,641,249 6,133,093 4,818,057 5,114,477 6,325,177 6,947,581 7,100,712 7,744,797 $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 Revenues Expenses 28FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget EMS Fund Increased expected transports and inter- jurisdictional contracts Revenues 2014-15 Estimate $7,100,712 2015-16 Budget $7,744,797 % Change 9.1% 29FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget EMS Fund Increase in expenses related to the increase in transports and general operations Significant purchases include a replacement vehicle and stretchers Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $7,098,050 2015-16 Budget $7,472,071 % Change 5.3% 30FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Schertz Economic Development Corporation Sales Taxes are projected to increase by 1% Reallocate unused funds for the David Lack Boulevard to complete the project Completed phase out of building maintenance of the emergency services buildings Completed repayment of the SR 2010 Tax Note Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $3,480,862 $2,632,035 2015-16 Budget $3,528,562 $2,659,502 % Change 1.9%1.0% 31FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Special Revenue Funds Parkland Dedication: Monument signs for Cypress Point and Rhine Valley parks, preliminary development of the Crossvine Park including granite trail and 2 park benches Parks & Recreation Foundation will also be managing the Jazz N Blues Event through an additional transfer from Hotel Motel Tax Revenues Expenses 2014-15 Estimate $1,208,492 $798,419 2015-16 Budget $1,100,146 $648,195 % Change -9.0%-18.8% 32FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget Budget Calendar FY 2015-16 July 31 File with City Secretary, Budget Workshop August 4 Budget Workshop, set the preliminary tax rate, and schedule public hearings August 5 First Community Budget Presentation –Sippel Elementary School August 6 Second Community Budget Presentation –Corbett Jr. High School August 11 Budget Workshop August 13 Third Community Budget Presentation –Schertz United Methodist Church August 18 First Public Hearing August 25 Second Public Hearing, First Vote September 1 Third Public Hearing, Second Vote October 1 Budget goes into effect 33FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget