Change Memo 3 2015-16September 1, 2015 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: John C. Kessel, City Manager SUBJECT: Budget Change Memo 3 In light of new information, it is necessary to adjust the proposed FY 2015 -16 Budget. The changes reflected here were made in a manner to have zero impact on the projected amount returning to fund balance. There were three main factors contributing to this adjustment: 1) Due to a change in state regulations we will no longer be able to collect fees on an online food handler permit class. Previously this fee was collected by the online class provider and then distributed to the cities in which they would perform the work. This will be a loss of $20,000 in budgeted revenue 2) The City received an updated recommendation from Evergreen Solutions regarding our marshals. Previously the recommendation was to hold them constant at their current salaries. However, after review of the job duties and hazards, Evergreen Solutions now recommends these positions be adjusted in the same manner as our Police Officers. This will increase expenses $37,189. 3) Proposed Planning & Zoning certification pay of $2,500. Offsetting these changes: 1) After reviewing the latest month of revenue collections, it was determined the projected revenue for Mix Beverage Taxes and Community Center Rental could be increased by $6,000 and $4,500 respectively. 2) Due to recent changes in personnel incentives, the personnel budget in the City Manager's office could be reduced $13,500. The additional health insurance in the City Manager's contract and for the Executive Director Services will not be taken and the Vehicle Allowance for the Executive Director Operations will not be awarded since they were assigned a city vehicle as a cost savings instead. 3) Based on historic trends, the following budget reductions are proposed: a. Non - Departmental: State /County Administrative Fees and Audit Consulting services will be reduced by $10,965. b. Engineering: Outside Engineering services will be reduced $3,000. c. Streets: Street Maintenance Materials will be reduced $10,000 leaving a total of $160,000 for maintenance and repair. d. Animal Services: Reduced Electricity budget by $7,000 based on operational expenses. Previous estimates included higher charges that were incurred due to ongoing construction on the facility. Will also reduce the promotional material budget by $224. e. Finance: Training & Travel will be reduced by $5,000 to match historic trends. Staff recommends approval of the FY2015 -16 with these changes. 1400 Schertz Parkway 3A Schertz, Texas 78154 210. 19.1000 S `i 0 Z, ..3. Y) Change Memo For the 2015 -16 Budget Taxes 17,329,590 6,000 17,335,590 Franchises 2,221,153 0 2,221,153 Permits 1,249,839 0 1,249,839 Licenses 84,160 0 84,160 Fees 2,486,122 (15,500) 2,470,622 State Regulation Fines 31,000 0 31,000 Inter - Jurisdictional 783,847 0 783,847 Inter -Fund Transfers 1,921,266 0 1,921,266 Miscellaneous 462,000 0 462,000 TOTAL Revenue 26,568,977 (9,500) 26,559,477 EXPENSES City Council 105,175 0 105,175 City Manager 890,763 (13,500) 877,263 Insurance and Allowance Removed Municipal Court 367,789 0 367,789 Customer Relations -311 117,120 0 117,120 Planning 169,107 2,500 171,607 New Certification Pay Legal Services 285,000 0 285,000 General Services 1,001,912 0 1,001,912 City Secretary 191,013 0 191,013 Non Departmental 2,464,426 (10,965) 2,453,461 Community & Media Relations 310,116 0 310,116 Records Management 64,190 0 64,190 Schertz Magazine 400,215 0 400,215 Engineering 309,004 (3,000) 306,004 Reduce outsourced Eng. Services GIS Department 153,277 0 153,277 Police 6,211,375 0 6,211,375 Fire Rescue 3,720,308 0 3,720,308 Inspections 693,360 0 693,360 Marshal Service 717,794 37,689 755,483 C &C Implementation Public Works- Streets 1,181,397 (10,000) 1,171,397 Reduce Materials to match trended use Parks 942,155 0 942,155 Pools 258,078 0 258,078 Event Facilities 150,560 0 150,560 Library 877,288 0 877,288 Animal Control 575,414 (7,224) 568,190 Updated Electricity estimate Information Technology 1,599,506 0 1,599,506 Human Resources 408,203 0 408,203 Finance 620,122 (5,000) 615,122 Reduce Training to match trended use Purchasing 205,753 0 205,753 Fleet Maintenance 691,351 0 691,351 Building Maintenance 270,086 0 270,086 City Assistance 192,000 0 192,000 Court Restricted Funds 36,660 0 36,660 TOTAL EXPENSES 26,180,517 (9,500) 26,171,017 Revenue overl(under) EXPENSES 388,460 0 388,460 9/1/2015 1 of 1 Executive Summary General Fund Revenue The revenue for FY 2015 -16 will increase 5.0% from the FY 2014 -15 year end estimates. Revenues from property taxes and sales taxes increase 8.8% and 1.0% respectively. Maintenance & Operations property taxes are based on a rate of $0.3159 per $100 of valuation which is a slight decrease from FY 2014 -15. The overall property tax rate will decrease to $0.4911 due to a decrease of the Interest & Sinking property tax rate to $0.1752. $241,088 of the overall revenue increase is from a transfer in from reserves as part of the Vehicle Replacement Program. Starting in 2011 the City has been saving fund every year in order to replace vehicles when we need to without affecting annual operating budgets. This is the first year of making purchases using this fund and the City was able to purchase 8 new vehicles. Fees are expected to decrease following a trend of lower Court revenue that has been seen over the past few fiscal years. Expenses The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 6.1 % from the FY 2014 -15 year end estimates. This increase includes continuation of the merit program for employees and adds funds to act on the Classification & Compensation Study which is a main priority for this budget. New positions for this budget include 3 new firefighters in preparation of opening a third fire station within the next few years. This "ramp -up" program hires and trainings those firefighters each year leading up to the station's opening. City Council The FY 2015 -16 Budget increased 20.2% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The increase is to provide additional supplies for new committees being create as well as for higher election costs to support the charter amendments and the bond election. City Manager The FY 2015 -16 Budget increased 1.2% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The increase is related to personnel related changes. The Deputy City Manager will be replaced with the Executive Director of Operations position while one of the Executive Assistants was promoted to be the Assistant to the City Manager. Municipal Court The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases 2.2% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. There are no new programs nor significant or irregular purchases planned. 311 Customer Service The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases 2.8% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs or significant /irregular purchases planned. Planning & Zoning The FY 2015 -16 Budget increased 8.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase for additional training opportunities and new certification pay. Legal Services There will be no change in the current level of legal services. General Services The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 29.6% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The majority of the increase is due to implementation of the classification and compensation study recommendation to increase wages in this division. While this division will have no new programs, there will be an increase in this division as they absorb costs related to the maintenance of the emergency services buildings. That maintenance was originally funded through the Economic Development Corporation. Those expenditures were being phased out over the past few years and in FY 2015 -16 will be fully taken on by the General Services and Building Maintenance divisions of Public Works. City Secretary The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 1.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs nor significant or irregular purchases are planned. Non - Departmental The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 1.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This department had a placeholder to act on the classification and compensation study which was removed upon implementation of the recommendation in FY 2015 -16. Partially offsetting this decrease is the expectation of the full tax abatement for the Amazon.com building and property being realized. Public Affairs The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 4.8% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs nor significant or irregular purchases are planned. The increase is due to the implementation of the classification and compensation study recommendation which found individuals in this division to be paid below market. Records Management The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 2.4% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs nor significant or irregular purchases planned. Schertz Magazine The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 2.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs nor significant or irregular purchases are planned. Engineering The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 8.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This decrease is due to the estimated time it will take to find a qualified applicant to fill the vacant Engineer position. Based on that projection the personnel budget will be reduced until that position is filled. GIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases by 0.6% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs nor significant or irregular purchases are planned. Police When compared to the FY 2014 -15 Estimate, the Police Departments overall FY 2015- 16 Budget increased 9.1 %. Personnel increased with the implementation of the classification and compensation study recommendation to increase the wages of positions found to be below the market. There was also an increase within the Personnel Budget lines due to two new positions approved in the 2014 -2015 budget year, along with standard annual personnel increases due to merit pay, longevity, FICA, TMRS, healthcare and workers compensation. An additional 3 crossing guards will be hired for FY 2015 -16. These positions are paid by a restricted revenue source which cannot be spent on general municipal items. While individual budget lines for non - personnel items have increased, others have equally decreased, which is in line with the departments goals and objectives for the FY 2015 -16 budget year. Fire Rescue The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 7.6% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The personnel lines will increase with the hiring of 3 additional firefighters in anticipation of a third firestation opening within 5 years. These firefighters will have to be hired now so that they can be fully trained and ready for the opening of that new station. By being able to staff those additional firefighter positions now the department predicts a savings in overtime to partially offset that increase. Due to the classification and compensation study recommendation, wages in this division will increase for those employees found to be below market. Also in FY 2015 -16 the second phase of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) purchase will be carried out. Originally these replacement purchases were to be carried out over 3 years but the City will be able to get a reduced price if we buy them all at once. This allowed the City to make a stragetic decision and accelerate that purchasing plan. Inspections The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 18.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is for full year funding of an Assistant Inspector position to help with the growing number of inspections and re- inspections. With the additional position the total number of inspections the division will be able to perform is expected to increase over 33% as seen in the Effectiveness Performance Indicators. This increase is also due to the implementation of the classification and compensation study recommendation to increase wages of positions found to be below market. Marshal Services The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 17.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase stems from the planned replacement of their vehicles which will be paid with funds accumulated in the prior fiscal years for this purpose. Wages will also increase for positions found to be below market in the classification and compensation study. Streets The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 8.8% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. In FY 2014- 15 during an audit on street light utility costs it was determined the City were not being charged the correct amount for all the lights in our jurisdiction. The expected increase monthly is about $4,000. Since this increase occurred midway through the 2014 -15 fiscal year, the City will budget for a full year of corrected electric bills in FY 2015 -16. Streets will also have two vehicles replaced as part of the Vehicle Replacement Program started in 2011. Wages have also increased for positions found to be below market as identified by the classification and compensation study recommendation. Parks The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases by 5.3% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase represents full year funding of the Parks Director position which has been vacant for the past year as well as a wage increase for positions found to be below market in the classification and compensation study. Pools There is no change in expenses expected for FY 2015 -16. Event Facilities The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 2.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Half of the decrease is due to filling a vacant position. This division will also purchase less operating equipment than in FY 2014 -15 which make up the other half of the decrease. Library The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 4.4% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is not to initiate a new program or service but is to purchase additional library materials. This will keep material per capita, a leading indicator of service, from decreasing. Animal Services The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 16.1 % from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. For FY 2015- 16 Animal Services will purchase a replacement vehicle that will also be able to pull the new Animal Adoption Trailer. Now that the division is fully hired they are able to hold more events and handle a wider variety of service requests which will be reflected in the new budget. Information Technology The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 7.6% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. IT continues to focus on improving overall efficiency, responsiveness and reliability. Current budget request directly addresses critical needs in long- delayed network improvements, bandwidth upgrades and server replacements. Cost Increases for the upcoming FY include increases in annual software support, costs associated with upgrades to our internet access, etc. Based on further review of our phone system lease it was determined those costs moving forward should be assigned to the IT Department in the General Fund instead of the PEG Fund. That change also contributes to the increase for the FY 2015- 16 Budget. Wages for positions found to be below market in the classification and compensation study were adjusted based on the study's recommendation. Human Resources The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 4.0% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs. The increase in Human Services- which include medical co -pay, tuition reimbursements and employee wellness programs- is offset by lowering training levels to match averages prior to FY 2014 -15 and moving half of the expenses for drug screenings to the Risk Management function located in the Purchasing & Asset Management division of Finance. Personnel will decrease while the City fills the vacant Director position. Finance The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 14.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is due to the full year staffing of the Accountant I position approved and hired in FY 2014- 15 and the addition of an administrative assistant which moved to Finance from Purchasing & Asset Management. Purchasing & Asset Management The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 23.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate due to the transfer of the Administrative Assistant position to the Accounting Division of Finance. Fleet The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 6.0% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is to replace a motor pool vehicle with the Vehicle Replacement Program which began in 2011. Building Maintenance The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 8.6% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The decrease is due to the one -time purchase of a vehicle in FY 2014 -15 to support the new Worker I position and no additional capital will be purchased in FY 2015 -16. For ongoing operational costs the only increase is in Professional Services as this division takes on expenditures for the public safety buildings which were paid for by the Economic Development Corporation. Beginning in FY 2015 -16 all expenditures used to maintain those buildings will be fully funded by the General Fund General Services and Building Maintenance divisions. City Assistance The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 137% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate to provide adequate care to the Senior Center Program through the use of contracted services. Court Restricted Funds The FY 2015 -16 Budget for the Court Restricted Funds will decrease 57.3% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No additional projects are planned for FY 2015 -16 which is the cause of the decrease. Special Events Fund Revenue: Revenues will increase by 20.1% from FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Interfund Transfers increased to match expenditures. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases 8.6% from FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The City hopes to raise more funds through the Walk for Life and Hal Baldwin Scholarship programs which offsets the savings from moving the Jazz N Blues in the Park to the Parks & Recreation Foundation. Public, Educational, and Governmental Access (PEG) Fund Revenue: Revenues increase for FY 2015 -16 with a transfer from reserves to fund the next phase of the Master Communication Plan. Expenses: Expenses increase for FY 2015 -16 to fund the next phase of the Master Communication Plan along with camera replacement in the Council Chambers and video streaming upgrades. Interest & Sinking Fund Revenues: The FY 2015 -16 revenue is expected to increase 6.0% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate due to an increase in property values and population in the City. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 3.3% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase represents a new tax note being issued to replace an aging Fire Apparatus and rescue equipment. Water & Sewer Fund Revenue: Revenues for FY 2015 -16 are expected to increase 5.3% from the FY 2014- 15 Estimate. Revenue reflects both rate increases and increase in service population much of the increase is due to a transfer from reserves to fund new projects. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases by 2.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This is not indicative of an operational change but funds the next phase of the Northcliffe waterline replacement project. Business Office The FY 2015 -16 Budget increases 8.0% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. The automated kiosk program was implemented in FY 2014 -15, however this new program will not cost the Business Office anything. A significant purchase planned in FY 2015 -16 are 2 replacement vehicles for the Meter Techs. This is a one -time purchase to replace aging vehicles and will not cause a new recurring expense. Wages in this division were increased based on the results of the classification and compensation study for positions found to be below market. Administration The FY 2015 -16 Budget increased 5.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. No new programs or services are planned so this increase is due to higher expenses on the waste disposal service and the sewer treatment service. Both expense increases will be offset by revenue increases. Wages in this division were increased based on the results of the classification and compensation study for positions found to be below market. Capital Recovery Fund - Water Revenues: Impact fee revenues for FY 2015 -16 are expected at levels estimated for FY 2014 -15. In order to fund new projects additional funds will be transferred in from reserves which are the cause of the overall increase shown for FY 2015 -16. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase $2.8 million from the FY 2014 -15 year end estimates with the 2016 Water /Wastewater Capital Recovery Study, the construction phase of the Southern Schertz 1 million gallon elevated tank, and the design of the Southern Schertz 3 million gallon Ground Storage Booster Station. Projects to be completed FY 2015 -16 • 2016 Water /Wastewater Capital Recovery Study • Southern Schertz 1 million gallon elevated tank Capital Recovery Fund - Sewer Revenues Revenues: Impact fee collections for FY 2015 -16 are expected to remain at levels estimated for FY 2014 -15. Additional funds will be transferred in from reserves to fund upcoming projects. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase with the addition of the Woman Hollering Sewer Line and lift- station project and the Capital Recovery Study update. Projects to be completed FY 2015 -16 • Water/Wastewater Capital Recovery Study • Woman Hollering Sewer Line Drainage Fund Revenue: Revenue for the FY 2015 -16 Budget is expected to increase 32.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is due to the transfer from reserves to fund the construction of a bridge to the school parking lot next to City Hall. VA Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 17.3% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Significant purchases for FY 2015 -16 include a replacement work truck and a 12ft Flexwing Shredder for operations. A new project proposed for FY 2015 -16 is the construction of a bridge over the drainage channel to connect City Hall to the school parking lot. Project expenditures could be reimbursed by the School District up to $80,000. Wages in this division were increased based on the results of the classification and compensation study for positions found to be below market. EMS Fund Revenue: Revenues for FY 2015 -16 are expected to increase 9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is in anticipation of the continuation of the upward trend in the total number of transports as seen in the indicators above. Inter - Jurisdictional contracts are also increasing for inflation and population growths. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 6.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Starting in FY 2015 -16 the EMS department will employ a Training Coordinator to oversee and schedule training classes. Currently this function is accomplished by the EMS Supervisors but due to increased workload it was felt the training program could use its own supervisor. Significant purchases for FY 2015 -16 include to replacement vehicles and stretchers. Schertz Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) Revenues: The revenue for FY 2015 -16 is projected to increase by 1.9% from the FY 2014 -15 year end estimate. The increase reflects a general increase in the economy while realizing the retail expansions in our neighboring cities. Expenses: The proposed FY 2015 -16 Economic Development Budget will decrease by 13.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Major decreases to the budget included the elimination of the Non - Departmental expenses which was completed in partnership with the City Manager's office as part of a four year phase -out plan; and the repayment of the SR 2010 Tax Note. The SEDC will maintain $500,000 fund balances for the Development Incentive and the Impact Fee Matching Funds; the funds will be used for qualified economic development projects. In the Project Budget, the SEDC has reallocated the remaining $191,775 to complete the extension of David Lack Boulevard which was approved by the Resolution No. 14 -R -14. In addition, The SEDC has maintained a $250,000 fund balance for the Land Purchase fund; these funds have been set aside for future SEDC property purchases. Hotel Motel Tax Fund Revenue: Revenue for FY 2015 -16 is expected to increase 3.0% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase is based on historical trends and does not include any new hotels. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 10.4% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimates. Restructuring of this Special Revenue fund will continue into FY 2015 -16 as we evaluate a new strategy for these funds to add valued service to our citizens. Park Fund Revenue: Current revenue estimates based upon known, active development fees scheduled for payment before September 30, 2015. Next year's estimate is a conservative one based upon development projects already "on the books" and expected to come on line during FY 2015 -16. Next year's revenue projection is 11 % greater than this year's revenue projection. Expenses: Project the purchase /installation of stone monument signs for Cypress Point Park and Rhine Valley. In addition, we will need to carry over the funding for the preliminary development of Sedona (Crossvine) Park including a decomposed granite trail and two (2) park benches. Overall this is a 51.9% decrease in expenditures from FY 2014 -15 estimates. Tree Mitigation Revenue: Revenue remains high (in FY 2014 -15) because of several developments that alone generated over $84,000 in revenue. A conservative budget is forecast for FY 2015- 16 in anticipation of lower revenues not skewed by large, unanticipated events. Expenses: The projected expenses anticipated in FY 2015 -16 are carry-overs from projects originally scheduled for FY 2014 -15 that were not completed in time to meet the tree transplanting season in this region (November — March). Therefore, those expenditures are removed from FY 2014 -15 projections and moved to FY 2015 -16 projections (i.e. shade trees for the Schertz Ball Complex and E. Live Oak Road). Library Fund Revenues: Revenues will remain at levels consistent with current and past years. In order to make one time purchases of additional materials, funds will be withdrawn from fund balance. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 11.9% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. For FY 2015 -16 the board will use reserve funds to purchase additional library materials. 9 Historical Committee Revenues: The interfund transfer will be equal to offset expenditures. Book sales are expected to remain constant with current levels. Expenses: A large portion of the expenses for the FY 2014 -15 year and the FY 2015 -16 budget is dedicated for training for the committee. Other operations are expected to continue at their budgeted levels. Parks & Recreation Foundation Revenues: The FY 2015 -16 revenue is expected to increase 8.4% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate with the anticipation of higher event attendance and additional funding from the Hotel Tax Fund to grow the Jazz N Blues Event. Expenses: The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 2.4% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. Budgets are set in line with historical averages but are still accounting for increased event attendance. The budget for the Jazz N Blues Event will increase to allow for growth in this event. M 9 -01 -2015 08:39 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 FINANCIAL SUMMARY ( - - -- - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU REVENUE SUMMARY 5,374,637 5,435,872 5,776,594 3,883,557 5,692,358 6,211,375 Taxes 14,005,746 15,057,989 16,700,082 14,499,660 16,427,405 17,335,590 Franchises 1,589,229 1,978,422 1,986,159 1,496,720 2,163,980 2,221,153 Permits 1,320,631 1,283,673 1,175,803 1,036,701 1,186,958 1,249,839 Licenses 78,151 61,952 91,229 61,735 73,904 84,160 Fees 2,917,302 2,830,673 2,814,366 1,954,169 2,564,251 2,470,622 Fines 30,257 31,648 31,000 22,780 30,000 31,000 Inter - Jurisdictional 941,251 673,620 720,892 551,677 746,300 783,847 Fund Transfers 1,663,426 1,751,606 1,835,754 1,274,379 1,692,505 1,921,266 Miscellaneous 532,360 623,311 462,650 329,452 412,416 462,000 TOTAL REVENUES 23,078,351 24,312,894 25,817,935 21,227,273 25,297,719 26,559,477 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL 84,546 81,048 87,675 56,712 87,475 105,175 CITY MANAGER 984,926 939,236 866,125 618,408 867,227 877,263 MUNICIPAL COURT 326,625 350,878 390,441 231,665 359,814 367,789 CUSTOMER RELATIONS -311 105,075 112,771 114,691 73,944 114,011 117,120 PLANNING & ZONING 161,738 140,107 157,827 102,104 157,843 171,607 LEGAL SERVICES 511,331 305,524 360,000 133,413 274,000 285,000 GENERAL SERVICES 801,978 752,778 792,803 547,293 773,343 1,001,912 BUILDING 6 -8 MAINTENANCE 164,037 169,378 201,185 101,725 201,185 0 CITY SECRETARY 161,039 179,657 187,617 124,956 187,474 191,013 NONDEPARTMENTAL 1,422,472 1,960,353 2,980,521 1,402,685 2,495,334 2,453,461 PUBLIC AFFAIRS 274,729 220,717 308,220 189,067 295,961 310,116 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 60,879 57,365 63,256 44,213 62,691 64,190 SCHERTZ TALES MAGAZINE 417,930 363,659 404,608 255,712 388,878 400,215 ENGINEERING 204,717 175,445 241,268 135,716 334,360 306,004 GIS 132,157 137,752 154,795 103,535 152,320 153,277 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5,814,179 5,946,667 7,311,032 4,121,149 6,751,916 6,804,142 POLICE 5,374,637 5,435,872 5,776,594 3,883,557 5,692,358 6,211,375 FIRE RESCUE 2,920,922 3,036,331 3,472,877 2,262,187 3,457,712 3,720,308 INSPECTIONS 445,789 460,344 584,812 362,529 584,145 693,360 MARSHAL'S OFFICE 581,675 638,765 658,671 434,941 641,693 755,483 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 9,323,023 9,571,312 10,492,954 6,943,214 10,375,908 11,380,526 1s 9 -01 -2015 08:39 AM 101- GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL SUMMARY C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PAGE ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT STREETS 951,528 1,076,136 1,010,210 674,397 1,076,821 1,171,397 TOTAL, PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT 951,528 1,076,136 1,010,210 674,397 1,076,821 1,171,397 PARKS & RECREATION PARKS 796,899 873,978 921,131 563,564 894,495 942,155 SWIM POOL 226,370 216,967 253,078 25,316 253,078 258,078 EVENT FACILITIES 136,160 126,693 155,801 95,405 155,070 150,560 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 0 50,392 46,390 16,502 39,340 0 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 1,159,429 1,268,029 1,376,400 700,787 1,341,983 1,350,793 CULTURAL LIBRARY 830,149 794,434 842,473 545,487 840,518 877,288 TOTAL CULTURAL 830,149 794,434 842,473 545,487 840,518 877,288 HEALTH ANIMAL SERVICES 341,961 394,918 503,260 265,326 489,344 568,190 TOTAL HEALTH 341,961 394,918 503,260 265,326 489,344 568,190 INTERNAL SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 907,835 1,521,215 1,625,529 914,534 1,486,516 1,599,506 HUMAN RESOURCES 365,935 400,035 423,683 264,130 425,272 408,203 FINANCE 456,025 466,138 536,120 358,215 536,263 615,122 PURCHASING & ASSET MGT 255,325 249,651 273,468 150,522 268,900 205,753 FLEET SERVICE 463,328 531,903 648,702 431,161 652,358 691,351 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 148,680 224,414 292,599 163,060 295,449 270,086 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 2,597,128 3,393,355 3,800,101 2,281,622 3,664,758 3,790,021 MISC & PROJECTS CITY'S ASSISTANCE 52,000 87,648 86,678 36,678 41,678 192,000 COURT- RESTRICTED FUNDS 21,082 94,487 85,872 0 85,872 36,660 TOTAL MISC & PROJECTS 73,082 182,135 172,550 36,678 127,550 228,660 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,090,479 22,626,985 25,508,980 15,568,659 24,668,799 26,171,017 REVENUE OVER /(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1,987,872 1,685,908 308,955 5,658,613 628,920 388,460 --- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- -- - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - -- ----------- ----- - - - - -- --- -- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - -- --- Ida 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101 - GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 REVENUES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Taxes 000 - 411100 Advalorem Tax - Current 7,462,371 7,910,302 9,222,912 9,304,863 9,342,654 10,162,766 000 - 411200 Advalorem Tax - Delinquent 49,257 30,757 50,000 33,459 41,591 45,000 000 - 411300 Advalorem Tax -P &I 42,219 44,938 50,000 34,707 41,519 45,000 000 - 411500 Sales Tax Revenue -Gen Fund 6,421,478 7,032,044 7,346,170 5,094,568 6,961,724 7,036,724 000 - 411600 Bingo Tax 0 31 0 0 0 100 000 - 411700 Mixed Beverage Tax 30,421 39,917 31,000 32,062 39,917 46,000 TOTAL Taxes 14,005,746 15,057,989 16,700,082 14,499,660 16,427,405 17,335,590 Franchises 000 - 421200 Center Point /Entex Energy 62,054 76,099 87,202 66,213 106,658 109,857 000 - 421220 City Public Service 426,016 693,372 649,940 533,442 792,188 815,953 000 - 421240 Guadalupe Valley Elec Co -op 404,843 435,494 443,320 315,709 440,258 453,465 000 - 421250 New Braunfels Utilities 52,573 62,614 60,697 44,645 55,084 56,736 000 - 421300 Time Warner -State Franchise 303,334 261,133 275,000 205,209 267,178 275,193 000 - 421460 AT &T Franchise Fee 225,257 212,577 250,000 204,459 244,526 251,861 000 - 421480 Other Telecom Franchise 8,953 117,966 100,000 50,630 125,000 125,000 000 - 421500 Solid Waste Franchise Fee 106,199 119,167 120,000 76,413 133,088 133,088 TOTAL Franchises 1,589,229 1,978,422 1,986,159 1,496,720 2,163,980 2,221,153 Permits 000 - 431100 Home Occupation Permit 490 560 420 385 420 420 000 - 431205 Bldg Permit - Residential 451,914 374,433 356,476 438,898 499,262 567,624 000 - 431210 Bldg Permit - Commercial 352,983 231,127 125,521 100,950 125,210 182,270 000 - 431215 Bldg Permit - General 136,837 341,735 350,000 179,144 200,000 150,000 000 - 431300 Mobile Home Permit 575 750 525 350 525 525 000 - 431400 Signs Permit 6,139 8,202 11,920 6,707 10,000 3,500 000 - 431500 Food Establishmnt Permit 43,165 32,330 48,000 56,580 60,000 56,000 000 - 431600 Garage Sale Permit 12,070 12,909 10,840 7,772 10,840 8,000 000 - 431700 Plumbing Permit 125,024 97,331 100,851 93,061 105,541 105,000 000 - 431750 Electrical Permit 59,720 50,965 50,000 46,460 50,976 51,000 000 - 431800 Mechanical Permit 56,520 52,240 50,000 48,560 52,752 53,000 000 - 431900 Solicitor /Peddler Permit 1,670 1,280 1,000 1,410 1,500 1,200 000 - 431950 Animal /Pet Permit 1,895 1,615 2,000 1,160 1,800 1,800 000 - 432000 Cert of Occupancy Prmt 5,700 8,200 5,250 6,000 8,880 6,000 000 - 432100 Security Alarm Permit 46,071 38,956 45,000 29,571 36,252 40,000 000 - 432300 Grading /Clearing Permit 2,483 4,989 3,000 3,835 5,000 3,500 000 - 435000 Fire Permit 17,375 26,052 15,000 15,838 18,000 20,000 TOTAL Permits 1,320,631 1,283,673 1,175,803 1,036,701 1,186,958 1,249,839 Licenses 000 - 441000 Alcohol Beverage License 6,360 7,203 7,000 4,415 7,000 7,000 000 - 441300 Mobile Home License 160 160 160 160 160 160 000 - 442000 Contractors License 67,070 70,870 79,569 54,555 63,744 74,000 000 - 444000 Pet License 4,561 3,719 4,500 2,605 3,000 3,000 TOTAL Licenses 78,151 81,952 91,229 61,735 73,904 84,160 Fees 13 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 REVENUES ( -- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PAGE ---------- )( -- - - - - -- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 000 - 451000 Municipal Court Fines 1,328,401 1,257,735 1,300,000 817,655 1,098,182 1,027,516 000 - 451100 Arrest Fee 63,287 52,257 56,534 34,193 46,756 34,750 000 - 451110 Expunction Fee 30 0 120 60 30 60 000 - 451200 Warrant Fees 160,737 137,607 150,000 93,515 120,000 150,000 000 - 451210 Court - Claims & Judgements ( 388) 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 451320 Civil Justice Fee -Court 98 18 34 0 447 0 000 - 451321 Civil Justice Fee -State 887 166 288 0 894 0 000 - 451340 Judicial Fee -City 8,445 6,970 7,567 4,565 6,194 5,250 000- 451400 Traffic Fine Costs TTL 32,352 26,070 28,060 17,404 23,860 20,000 000 - 451500 Teen Court Admin Fee 220 40 200 0 0 0 000 - 451510 Juvenile Case Mgmt Fee 70,435 58,106 63,062 38,055 51,652 45,650 000 - 451520 Truancy Fees 0 6,250 4,586 6,658 8,946 7,225 000 - 451600 Technology Fund Fee 56,488 46,749 50,872 29,137 41,660 36,660 000 - 451700 Security Fee 42,366 35,069 38,160 23,017 31,238 28,250 000 - 451800 Time Payment Fee -City 6,329 6,353 8,122 4,568 6,020 5,690 000 - 451850 State Fines 10% Service Fee 88,443 68,504 90,736 46,359 61,431 64,500 000 - 451900 DPS Payment -Local 12,696 10,667 12,053 7,049 9,000 7,500 000 - 452000 Child Safety Fee 19,319 18,572 23,570 21,608 31,752 30,000 000 - 452050 Indigent Defense Fee 0 5,099 8,852 0 2,041 1,741 000 - 452100 Platting Fees 49,811 61,750 47,500 42,500 57,000 57,000 000 - 452200 Site Plan Fee 25,500 31,000 30,000 14,000 25,000 25,000 000 - 452300 Plan Check Fee 456,943 470,259 400,000 359,321 432,202 455,979 000 - 452310 Misc Review Fee 600 3,000 1,200 300 600 600 000 - 452320 Tree Mitigation Admin Fee 3,278 42,578 10,000 33,548 40,000 10,000 000 - 452400 BOA /Variance Fees 4,000 5,500 5,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 000 - 452500 Food Handlers Permit 18,094 18,110 20,000 8,840 15,000 0 000 - 452520 Fire Training Classes 0 0 500 0 0 500 000 - 452600 Specific Use /Zone Chng Fee 22,500 14,100 25,800 0 8,000 18,000 000 - 452710 Zoning Ltr & Dev Rights 1,800 750 1,050 1,350 2,400 2,400 000 - 453100 Reinspection Fees 34,650 33,651 26,900 27,636 36,468 35,000 000 - 453110 Swim Pool Inspection Fee 1,725 2,310 1,800 2,530 2,000 2,000 000 - 453200 Lot Abatement 9,756 7,439 7,000 1,210 7,000 10,000 000 - 453211 Admin Fee - Inspections 5,300 8,393 6,600 5,200 6,720 6,600 000 - 453310 Misc Inspection Fees 0 3,050 3,750 150 50 0 000 - 453710 Foster Care 1,150 1,000 900 900 1,000 1,000 000 - 454200 Pool Gate Admission Fee 23,164 26,907 23,200 8,297 24,600 24,750 000 - 454300 Seasonal Pool Pass Fee 5,665 5,933 4,900 5,266 4,900 4,900 000 - 456110 Senior Center Memberships 0 2,869 2,000 10,948 18,000 0 000 - 456120 Senior Center Meal Fee 0 12,383 16,000 5,906 9,340 0 000 - 456500 HAZ MAT Fees 1,250 2,381 12,000 0 3,000 12,000 000 - 456600 Fire Re- inspection Fee 1,100 1,000 750 850 750 1,000 000 - 458100 Sale of Merchandise 0 210 0 0 0 0 000 - 458110 Sale of Mdse - GovDeals 5,074 17,888 5,000 4,438 5,000 5,000 000 - 458300 Sale of Property /Auction 2,668 1,217 2,000 1,969 4,000 4,000 000 - 458400 Civic Center Rental Fees 192,735 167,945 142,000 136,764 144,000 159,000 000 - 458401 Capital Recovery Fee -Civic C 4,825 8,265 5,500 9,205 7,000 6,500 000 - 458450 North Center Rental Fees 21,997 22,697 21,000 16,416 21,500 18,500 000 - 458460 Senior Center Rental 0 12,389 7,000 19,852 24,000 8,400 000 - 458500 Community Center Rental Fees 29,465 21,761 26,000 22,688 25,000 24,500 000 - 458550 Pavilion Rental Fees 19,054 17,125 17,500 12,545 11,000 17,370 14 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND REVENUES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PAGE ( -- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 000 - 458560 Chamber of Comm Rent 7,800 7,800 7,800 5,850 7,800 7,800 000 - 458570 Non - Resident SYSA League 7,845 0 8,000 0 500 3,000 000 - 458650 NonResident User Fee -BVYA 9,550 10,140 9,500 2,740 11,060 13,825 000 - 458660 BVYA Utility Reimbursement 2,953 8,587 12,500 5,101 8,340 8,340 000 - 458670 SYSA Utility Reimbursement 2,999 0 1,500 0 492 1,968 000 - 458675 Lions Futbol Utility Reimbrsm 9,288 5,044 14,000 12,180 14,148 14,148 000 - 458680 Tournament Fees 600 0 500 0 0 0 000 - 458700 Vehicle Impoundment 6,440 7,680 8,000 7,330 8,940 9,000 000 - 459200 NSF Check Fee 517 220 500 50 250 250 000 - 459300 Notary Fee 234 246 300 132 250 250 000 - 459400 Maps,Copies,UDC & Misc Fees 115 100 100 75 100 250 000 - 459600 Animal Adoption Fee 16,565 12,171 16,000 8,283 14,000 14,000 000 - 459700 Pet Impoundment Fee 13,729 13,224 14,000 7,687 12,000 12,000 000 - 459800 Police Reports Fee 6,421 5,368 6,000 4,273 5,738 6,000 TOTAL Fees 2,917,302 2,830,673 2,814,366 1,954,169 2,564,251 2,470,622 Fines 000 - 463000 Library Fines 30,257 31,648 31,000 22,780 30,000 31,000 TOTAL Fines 30,257 31,648 31,000 22,780 30,000 31,000 Inter - Jurisdictional 000 - 473100 Bexar Co - Fire 21,078 21,078 21,072 7,026 21,072 21,072 000 - 473200 City of Seguin -Fire Contract 40,263 29,231 30,000 21,923 29,230 29,231 000 - 473300 Guadalupe Co- Library 208,343 208,343 208,000 158,965 211,954 212,000 000 - 473400 Randolph AFB - Animal Control 1,400 1,700 1,500 500 1,500 1,500 000 - 474200 Library Services - Cibolo 20,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 000 - 474210 Library Services -Selma 26,560 28,220 28,220 30,544 30,544 30,544 000 - 474400 Dispatch Service - Cibolo 133,305 133,305 160,000 80,000 160,000 160,000 000 - 474600 School Crossing Guard - Bexar C 37,139 37,212 40,000 28,587 40,000 40,000 000 - 474610 School Cross Guard - Guadalupe 37,445 37,976 38,000 27,589 38,000 38,000 000 - 474620 School Crossing Guards - Coma 1,388 1,457 1,500 1,544 1,500 1,500 000 - 474700 School Officer Funding 150,000 155,100 155,100 165,000 170,000 170,000 000 - 474750 Crime Victim Liaison Agreemen 0 0 12,500 0 12,500 50,000 000 - 474800 CPS CIED Funding 264,330 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Inter - Jurisdictional 941,251 673,620 720,892 551,677 746,300 783,847 Fund Transfers 000 - 480000 Indirect Costs -EMS 87,840 137,038 136,087 107,065 136,087 150,308 000 - 480100 Indirect Costs -Hotel /Motel 157,517 145,385 66,405 49,804 66,405 66,405 000 - 482150 Transfer In -Court Security 0 0 27,249 0 0 0 000 - 482200 Transfer In- Vehicle Replace 0 0 0 0 0 241,088 000 - 485000 Interfund Charges- Drainage -5% 49,708 51,800 57,130 42,847 57,130 54,150 000 - 486000 Interfund Chrges -Admin W &S 1,060,963 1,152,350 1,152,350 864,263 1,152,350 1,152,350 000 - 487000 Interfund Charges -Fleet 112,761 130,344 180,237 135,178 180,237 206,965 000 - 488000 Interfund Charges -4B 194,637 134,689 100,296 75,222 100,296 50,000 000 - 489000 Transfer In 0 0 116,000 0 0 0 TOTAL Fund Transfers 1,663,426 1,751,606 1,835,754 1,274,379 1,692,505 1,921,266 Miscellaneous 000 - 491000 Interest Earned 458 511 550 442 550 600 15 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 REVENUES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 ----------- - - - -)( 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 000 - 491200 Investment Income 41,975 26,215 26,000 20,535 26,000 26,000 000 - 491800 Gain /Loss ( 16,606) ( 17,231) 0 ( 4,400) 0 0 000 - 491900 Unrealized Gain /Loss - Capone ( 15,650) 4,138 ( 20,000) 498 ( 20,000) ( 15,000) 000 - 492100 Proceeds -Sale of Land 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 000 - 493120 Donations - Public Library 7,500 7,416 5,000 1,635 1,600 2,500 000 - 493130 Donations - Writing Next Chapte 325 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 493400 Donations - Animal Control 2,220 1,357 1,000 413 500 1,000 000 - 493401 Donations -A /C Microchip 1,585 1,395 1,400 905 1,000 1,000 000 - 493402 Donations- Spay &Neuter 13,158 10,816 10,000 7,782 10,000 10,000 000 - 493403 Donation -A.S Adoption Trailer 0 2,395 9,000 9,146 9,146 0 000 - 493460 Donations- Parks 0 0 0 500 500 0 000 - 493465 Donations - Senior Center 0 40,840 12,000 4,519 12,000 0 000 - 493502 Donations -PD 0 2,400 0 500 0 0 000 - 493503 Donation -Fire Rescue 2,250 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 493618 Donation - Veteran's Memorial 0 0 0 2,250 1,350 0 000 - 494481 LawEnforcemtOfficersStnd &Educ 0 3,931 0 3,878 3,878 3,900 000 - 494482 Grants - Police, Fire, Gen Fund 0 5,500 0 11,292 11,292 15,000 000 - 494500 Lease Proceeds 0 133,715 0 0 0 0 000 - 495040 Friends of N. Schertz Park Pr 885 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 495060 Grant - Wellmed /Senior Center 0 0 3,500 0 0 0 000 - 495100 Mobile Stage Rental Fees 1,550 1,550 2,000 0 0 0 000 - 497000 Misc Income -Gen Fund 13,620 43,441 20,000 ( 17,352) 0 36,000 000 - 497005 Schertz Magazine Advertising 230,248 228,600 220,000 201,465 230,000 240,000 000 - 497006 Misc Income -Kept Deposits 200 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 497007 Misc Income - Schertz Artz 50 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 497100 Misc Income - Police 23,823 815 15,000 5,499 6,890 7,000 000 - 497150 Misc Income -Fire Department 292 0 0 0 0 0 000 - 497200 Misc Income- Library 4,370 4,791 4,000 4,437 4,500 5,000 000 - 497210 Misc Income - Library Copier 14,572 14,504 14,000 14,455 16,000 18,000 000- 497300 Misc Income - Animal Control 300 0 0 10 10 0 000 - 497400 Misc Income - Streets Dept 19,584 39,515 18,000 14,733 18,000 20,000 000 - 497500 Misc Income -TML Ins. Claims 17,116 4,843 20,000 0 10,000 20,000 000 - 497550 Misc Income -TML WC Reimbursmn 19,793 23,051 20,000 3,504 10,000 20,000 000 - 497600 Misc Income- Vending Mach 2,433 2,430 2,000 1,724 2,200 2,500 000- 498000 Reimbursmnt -Gen Fund 134,321 19,688 60,000 17,085 32,000 32,000 000 - 498100 Reimburmnt Fire- Training 0 4,399 1,000 0 0 1,000 000 - 498105 Reimbursmt Police OT -DEA 6,076 4,655 6,200 6,999 8,000 6,000 000 - 498107 Reimbrsmnt- Police OT- Events 0 3,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 000 - 498110 Reimburmnt Fire -Emg Acti -OT 5,739 4,132 5,000 0 0 2,500 000 - 498300 Reimburmnt -City Property 172 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Miscellaneous 532,360 623,311 462,650 329,452 412,416 462,000 TOTAL REVENUES 23,078,351 24,312,894 25,817,935 21,227,273 25,297,719 26,559,477 •�• v Fil • VISION STATMENT Provide the needed leadership to ensure fiscal responsibility throughout the organization, plan for future needs, and continue to deliver on the communities expectations of service and opportunity today and in the future. MISSION STATEMENT To effectively lead, manage, and coordinate City staff and resources to meet the goals and needs of the City Council and public in a timely manner while delivering first -class municipal services for a thriving residential and business community. • Develop strategic plans and systems to meet the many diverse needs of the community. • Respond effectively and timely to City Council requests. • Develop effective programs to enhance business development and growth. • Develop management systems for efficient and effective use of resources • Recruit, retain and develop talented staff. • Evaluate, integrate, and utilize prudent technology to efficiently deliver municipal services to the community. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The City Manager and his department advise the Council on policy and operational planning issues. The department assures that policies adopted by the Council are carried out efficiently, fairly, and effectively. It oversees and manages the daily affairs of the City, assesses the long -term capital and service delivery needs of the City, and prepares and administers the annual operating and capital budget. He serves as a focal point for the management of City staff. `A ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY MANAGER 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 City Manager 1 1 1 Deputy City Manager 1 1 0 Executive Director 1 1 3 Assistant to the City Manager 0 1 1 Chief of Staff 1 1 0 Executive Assistant 2 1 1 TOTAL POSITIONS 61 61 Personnel 2013-14 � 2014-15 2015-16 Budget Actual � Estimate � Budget Personnel $911,875 $832,027 $837,718 Supplies 2,920 3,000 3,000 City Support Services 1,804 3,500 2,770 Staff Support 21,436 27,975 33,775 Operating Equipment 0 725 0 Total $939,236 $867,227 $877,263 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015-16 Budget increased 1.2% from the FY 2014-15 Estimate. The increase is related to personnel related changes. The Deputy City Manager will be replaced with the Executive Director of Operations position while one of the Executive Assistants was promoted to be the Assistant to the City Manager. PWA 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES CITY MANAGER Personnel Services 151- 511110 Regular 151 - 511120 Overtime 151- 511180 LTD 151 - 511210 Longevity 151 - 511230 Certification Allowance 151 - 511240 Allowances 151 - 511310 FICA - Employer 151- 511350 TMRS- Employer 151 - 511355 ICMA Contributions - Employer 151- 511410 Health- Employer 151 - 511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies- 151- 521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 151- 532800 Special Events TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services Operations Support Staff Support 151 - 535100 Uniforms 151 - 535200 Employee Recognition 151- 535300 Memberships 151 - 535400 Publications 151 - 535500 Training /Travel 151 - 535510 Meeting Expenses 151 - 535600 Professional Certification TOTAL Staff Support Professional Services 151- 541300 Other Consl /Prof Services TOTAL Professional Services C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 - 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PAGE ------ - - - -)( 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 686,087 657,422 594,452 422,538 594,452 606,829 985 1,468 500 2,125 500 500 2,201 2,175 1,843 1,478 1,843 1,881 11,943 9,147 8,673 8,663 8,663 10,477 877 900 1,800 658 1,800 0 34,800 31,431 27,600 21,046 27,600 21,600 49,379 46,575 46,315 30,102 46,315 47,262 116,025 112,004 102,756 77,969 102,756 104,378 7,333 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 41,230 40,489 37,352 24,312 37,352 33,667 891 265 1,089 746 746 1,124 951,751 911,875 832,380 599,636 832,027 837,718 1,082 2,920 3,000 2,199 3,000 3,000 1,082 2,920 3,000 2,199 3,000 3,000 0 1,804 2,770 2,535 3,500 2,770 0 1,804 2,770 2,535 3,500 2,770 133 0 1,500 858 1,500 500 2,369 1,130 5,000 2,856 5,000 5,000 5,585 5,072 3,235 973 3,235 10,025 260 829 1,010 810 1,010 1,020 23,651 14,405 12,000 3,814 12,000 12,000 0 0 5,230 3,277 5,230 5,230 95 0 0 0 0 0 32,093 21,436 27,975 12,588 27,975 33,775 0 1,200 0 1,200 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101 - GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- -------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Rental /Leasing Operating Equipment 151- 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 0 1,450 725 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 0 0 0 1,450 725 0 Capital Outlay TOTAL CITY MANAGER 984,926 939,236 866,125 618,408 867,227 877,263 24 DEPARTMENT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION: 154 PLANNING & ZONING FUND: 101 GENERAL FUND VISION STATEMENT To positively impact the quality of life for residents and assist in the safe, balanced, efficient, visually appealing and economically sustainable development within Schertz' planning area. Schertz is raising the bar for success and is the best place to live in south Texas. MISSION STATEMENT Guide the growth of the city to improve the quality of life for residents and maintain a strong sense of community. We strive to provide a level of personal service that is unmatched. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • Update Comprehensive Land Plan for the City that promotes all aspects of our vision to ensure that Schertz is the best place to live. • Implement the Joint Land Use Study Strategies to ensure the compatibility of land uses and development surrounding Randolph AFB. • Ensure the vision of the Comprehensive Land Plan and Master Thoroughfare Plan throughout the community by encouraging multi -modal transportation including pedestrian and bicycle routes and public transit. • Advance the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2014: Live and Play! by providing a diverse blend of welcoming parks, trails, open space and recreational facilities. • Implement the Schertz Sector Plan to support the future vision of the community through Unified Development Code amendments, zoning and long range plan development. • Update Planning website and development manual to provide improved customer service. • Continue to review and revise the Unified Development Code. 35 PLANNING & ZONING • Promote continuous staff development. /_T0007►yi1 :2 01 &101 IT, i:4 1, 11 • Received the Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence by the American Planning Association — Texas Chapter which recognizes a commitment to professional planning by City Administration, Elected and Appointed Officials and exemplary professional standards demonstrated by the Planning Staff. • Building a stronger partnership with Randolph AFB to help guide growth and development in support of Randolph AFB's mission. • Worked with Joint Base San Antonio — Randolph and surrounding local governments to update the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) to ensure the compatibility of land uses surrounding Randolph AFB. • Completed revisions to the Unified Development Code related to zoning and definitions. • Annexed approximately 70 acres in preparation for development of a new wastewater treatment facility. • Attended additional continuing education including National APA and advanced training in floodplain management. • Codified the Unified Development Code in MuniCode. • Created a Development Process Review Team to improve customer service and operations by creating and revising current development processes, practices and applications. • Maintained partnerships with developers and land owners to create and update Planned Development Districts that contain a mix of residential and commercial land uses. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The primary purpose of the Planning Division is to ensure planned and purposeful development within the City limits and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The division provides guidance to help citizens, businesses and developers achieve successful development. Division responsibilities include review and processing of annexations, zone changes, specific use permits, development plans and plats for 36 PLANNING & ZONING consistency with the Comprehensive Land Plan and Code compliance. Staff works with outside agencies to coordinate development projects and promote regional planning. The division also provides staff support and recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, Board of Adjustment and City Council. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART PLANNING AND ZONING 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Senior Planner 1 1 1 Planner 1 1 1 1 Planner Technician 1* 1* 1* TOTAL POSITIONS 1 31 3 1 * Position is unfunded. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Plats 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Workload/Output � Actual � Estimate � Budget Plats 39 36 36 Site Plans and Master Plan 23 20 20 Variances 11 6 6 Zone Changes and Specific Use Permits 9 4 4 UDC/ Comp. Plan Revisions 2 6 4 Annexation 0 2 0 37 PLANNING & ZONING All Plats $61,750 $57,000 $57,000 Site Plan, Master Plan $29,000 $25,000 $25,000 Variance $5,500 $5,000 $5,000 Zone Change, Specific Use Permit $14,100 $8,000 $8,000 Other (Zoning Letters and Additional Admin fees) $3,750 $2,400 $2,400 Total Revenue $114,100 $95,000 $95,000 Personnel 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Budget Actual Estimate Budget Personnel $129,240 $133,685 $144,435 Supplies 1,840 2,672 2,772 Operations Support 0 750 750 Staff Support 8,996 19,950 23,350 Professional Services 30 300 300 Operating Equipment 0 486 0 Total $140,106 $157,843 $171,607 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget increased 8.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase for additional training opportunities and new certification pay. 38 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PAGE (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- s 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU PLANNING & ZONING 0 0 0 0 50 50 Personnel Services 200 0 99 31 700 700 154- 511110 Regular 75,452 91,314 92,490 65,142 92,490 96,246 154- 511120 Overtime 1,736 2,225 4,000 846 4,000 6,000 154- 511180 LTD 232 282 287 213 287 298 154 - 511210 Longevity 3,532 900 1,152 1,152 1,152 1,404 154 - 511230 Certification Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 154 - 511310 FICA - Employer 6,138 7,119 7,470 5,194 7,470 7,929 154 - 511350 TMRS- Employer 12,642 14,853 15,850 11,297 15,850 16,732 154 - 511410 Health - Employer 8,788 12,401 12,287 8,918 12,287 13,147 154 - 511500 Workers' Compensation 178 145 169 149 149 179 TOTAL Personnel Services 108,699 129,240 133,705 92,911 133,685 144,435 Supplies 154 - 521000 Operating Supplies 106 2 121 0 200 300 154 - 521100 Office Supplies 1,646 1,838 3,340 1,290 2,322 2,322 154 - 521600 Equip Maint Supplies 0 0 114 0 150 150 TOTAL Supplies 1,753 1,840 3,575 1,290 2,672 2,772 City Support Services Utility Services Operations Support 154- 534100 Advertising 0 0 0 0 50 50 154- 534200 Printing & Binding 200 0 99 31 700 700 TOTAL Operations Support 200 0 99 31 750 750 Staff Support 154- 535100 Uniforms 187 445 421 0 570 650 154 - 535300 Memberships 520 555 1,000 394 1,000 1,000 154 - 535400 Publications 712 532 1,200 126 1,200 1,200 154 - 535500 Training /Travel Staff 2,397 4,791 8,680 6,621 8,680 11,600 154- 535500.Training /Travel Commission 6,314 2,673 8,400 0 8,400 8,400 154 - 535510 Meeting Expenses 355 0 179 178 100 500 TOTAL Staff Support 10,483 8,996 19,880 7,320 19,950 23,350 Professional Services 154 - 541400 Consulting 4,306 0 0 0 154- 541410 Consulting Svcs -N Charrette 36,178 0 0 0 154- 541500 State /County Admin Fees 119 30 82 66 TOTAL Professional Services 40,603 30 82 66 0 0 0 0 0 300 300 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Rental /Leasing Operating Equipment 154 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 0 486 486 486 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 0 0 486 486 486 0 Capital Outlay TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING 161,738 140,107 157,827 102,104 157,843 171,607 40 'A' TMENT: 167 NON-DEPARTMENTAL This department accounts for expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function /department. Items in this department include audit cost, city insurance, appraisal district contracts, and emergency medical services. City Support Services 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Budget Actual Estimate Budget City Support Services $313,049 $809,892 $444,000 Operations Support 151,908 144,988 134,500 Staff Support 441 150 150 City Assistance 899,821 1,187,439 1,746,326 Professional Services 44,074 114,865 63,285 Fund Charges /Transfers 549,104 203,000 65,200 Operating Equipment 1,955 35,000 0 Total $1,960,352 $2,495,334 $2,453,461 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 1.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This department had a placeholder to act on the classification and compensation study which was removed upon implementation of the recommendation in FY 2015 -16. Partially offsetting this decrease is the expectation of the full tax abatement for the Amazon.com building and property being realized. Im 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL NONDEPARTMENTAL -------- - - - - - -- --------------- 210,000 Supplies 177,000 City Support Services 0 167 - 532200 County Appraisal District 175,605 167 - 532210 Tax Assessor /Collector - Sevice 0 167- 532350 Software Maintenance 0 167 - 532500 City Insurance - Commercial 129,411 167 - 532900 Contingencies 47,616 167- 532901 Contingencies -Act on Study 0 TOTAL City Support Services 352,632 Utility Services 300,000 Operations Support 300,000 167- 534000 Postage 13,938 167- 534300 Equipment Maint - Copiers 121,075 167- 534500 Memberships - Organizations 0 TOTAL Operations Support 135,013 Staff Support 0 167 - 535500 Training /Travel 13 167 - 535510 Meeting Expenses 0 TOTAL Staff Support 13 City Assistance 3,500 167- 537100 Medical Services -EMS Contract 395,830 167 - 537450 Tax Reimbursements /Abatements 275,324 TOTAL City Assistance 671,154 Professional Services 36,000 167- 541300 Other Consl /Prof Services 48,802 167- 541400 Auditor /Accounting Service 10,700 167- 541500 State /County Admin Fees 3,266 167- 541502 Cost of Bond Issuance 0 167 - 541600 Misc Bank Charges 553 167- 541650 Investment Management Fee 3,331 167- 541800 Credit Card Service Fee 27,544 TOTAL Professional Services 94,196 PAGE - -- )(-- - - - - -- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 152,345 210,000 122,193 177,000 0 0 8,202 16,000 0 0 9,695 10,000 153,860 170,000 142,426 147,000 6,844 134,892 34,232 159,892 0 300,000 0 300,000 313,049 814,892 316,748 809,892 177,000 15,000 0 152,000 100,000 0 444,000 3,373 12,000 5,571 12,000 12,000 148,536 122,000 61,906 122,000 115,000 0 7,500 10,988 10,988 7,500 151,908 141,500 78,465 144,988 134,500 241 150 80 200 0 0 441 150 80 150 150 0 0 150 150 420,915 433,542 349,266 465,688 494,024 478,906 810,237 571,751 721,751 1,252,302 899,821 1,243,779 921,018 1,187,439 1,746,326 5,006 150,000 41,090 62,500 8,000 6,225 30,000 8,300 6,300 15,000 596 4,000 50 4,000 35 0 150 0 0 0 377 750 210 750 750 3,350 3,500 2,522 3,500 3,500 28,521 34,000 29,301 35,815 36,000 44,074 222,400 81,472 114,865 63,285 56 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- -------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Fund Charges /Transfers 167- 548000 Transfer Out 165,000 545,000 454,800 0 150,000 0 167- 548106 Transfer To Special Event Fd 0 0 53,000 0 53,000 65,200 167- 548700 Bad Debt Expense 4,196 4,104 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Fund Charges /Transfers 169,196 549,104 507,800 0 203,000 65,200 Maintenance Services Operating Equipment 167 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 269 0 50,000 4,902 35,000 0 167 - 571500 Operating Equipment 0 1,955 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 269 1,955 50,000 4,902 35,000 0 Capital Outlay TOTAL NONDEPARTMENTAL 1,422,472 1,960,353 2,980,521 1,402,685 2,495,334 2,453,461 57 ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O "d A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 58 01 Igo 111KC] Q 0 11:4 :?-,IN 111110 1 VISION STATEMENT The Department of Engineering, in cooperation with other City departments, and with the input and participation of the community, will allow the City of Schertz to develop to its full potential supported by a strong backbone of well designed, well - constructed, sustainable infrastructure. The mission of the Department of Engineering is to facilitate responsible stewardship of the community's natural resources and physical assets by providing support wherever needed. Engineering collaborates with Public Works, Development Services, other City departments, citizens, developers, and other governmental agencies in order to effectively plan and implement infrastructure improvement and development for the organized growth of the City. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Engineering Department serves as technical advisor to the City Manager, City Council, Executive Staff, and other City departments. Engineering is responsible for the development and implementation of the Capital Improvement Program. That responsibility includes the development and maintenance of infrastructure master plans; the prioritization of projects; the identification and procurement of project funding; and the management of the design and construction of necessary infrastructure. The Engineering Department reviews applications for public and private land development for conformance with adopted engineering standards, policies, codes, and infrastructure master plans. The Engineering Department maintains standard construction details, technical specifications, and design guidelines. The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) is staffed by the Engineering Department. TSAC is a Commission that hears citizen input and makes recommendations to City Council regarding traffic issues throughout the City. rf ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ENGINEERING 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 City Engineer 1 1 1 Engineer 0 1 1 Graduate Engineer 2 1 1 TOTAL POSITIONS 1 31 3 3 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS FY 2014 -2015 Accomplishments • Along with Public Works Department, successfully managed the following Capital Improvement Projects (in various stages of completion): • Borgfeld Drainage Remediation (Drainage Fund) • Pickrell Park Sidewalk (CDBG /Parks) • David Lack Boulevard Extension (Economic Development) • Town Creek Wastewater Phase 3 (Bond) • Southern Schertz Elevated Storage Tank • Woman Hollering Creek Wastewater Trunk Line • SCUCISD Vehicle /Pedestrian Bridge — Drainage Improvement • Supported the Parks and Recreation Department by preparing design plans for the City Dog Park. • Worked on update of City's Master Thoroughfare Plan and establishment of Roadway Impact Fee Program • Supported TXDoT with plan to construct sidewalks on FM 3009 • Along with Information Technology Department, developed and maintained user - friendly, helpful Engineering Department web page r &a ENGINEERING • Completed engineering review and development support of numerous residential and commercial subdivision and site development projects FY 2015 -2016 Goals • Continue improvement and update of standard construction details, technical specifications, and design guidelines. • Maintain comprehensive 10 -year Capital Improvement Program including water, wastewater, drainage, roadway, and facilities projects. • Finalize and promote adoption of updated Thoroughfare Plan and Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance. • Provide efficient, clear review of construction plans and other development submittals. • Continue promotion of efficacy of TSAC activities and actions. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 73 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Workload /Output Measures Actual Estimate Budget Capital Improvement Projects (number) 8 18 14 Capital Improvement Project Construction 1.6M 2.7M 6M Expenditures Grading and Clearing Permits Issued 31 30 30 Grading and Clearing Permits Active 26 29 26 (Average Monthly Concurrent Maximum) Grading and Clearing Permits Active 28 39 30 (Concurrent Maximum) Grading and Clearing Permits Issued — 345 325 325 acreage Number of Non - Construction Plan Reviews (includes master plans, plats, site plans, 71 62 60 etc. Residential Subdivision Construction — 9 9 8 number of projects Residential Subdivision Construction — $5,789,863 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 dollar value of public improvements Commercial Subdivision Construction — 5 7 6 number of projects Commercial Subdivision Construction — $608,041 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 dollar value of public improvements 73 ENGINEERING Personnel Supplies City Support Services Utility Services Staff Support Professional Services Operating Equipment Total $152,147 $282,558 $258,764 854 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Budget Actual Estimate Budget Personnel Supplies City Support Services Utility Services Staff Support Professional Services Operating Equipment Total $152,147 $282,558 $258,764 854 1,030 1,030 263 1,500 0 660 750 700 2,405 9,322 9,310 13,260 38,800 35,800 5,856 400 400 $175,445 $334, 360 $306,004 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget will decrease 8.5% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This decrease is due to the estimated time it will take to find a qualified applicant to fill the vacant Engineer position. Based on that projection the personnel budget will be reduced until that position is filled. 74 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PAGE (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO SIR ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU - ENGINEERING 195 0 0 0 0 0 Personnel Services 195 0 0 0 0 0 173- 511110 Regular 88,487 113,674 116,340 98,659 211,840 194,467 173 - 511120 Overtime 205 0 0 0 0 0 173- 511180 LTD 263 315 657 295 657 603 173 - 511210 Longevity 4,871 250 530 110 530 890 173- 511310 FICA - Employer 7,152 8,084 16,246 7,017 16,246 14,945 173 - 511350 TMRS- Employer 14,843 17,708 34,473 16,387 34,473 31,536 173 - 511410 Health - Employer 6,082 11,873 18,430 7,901 18,430 15,964 173 - 511500 Workers' Compensation 297 243 382 249 382 359 TOTAL Personnel Services 122,200 152,147 187,058 130,617 282,558 258,764 Supplies 524 0 13,800 2,500 13,800 10,800 173 - 521100 Office Supplies 643 840 1,200 567 1,000 1,000 173 - 521300 Motor Vehicle Supplies 0 14 100 0 30 30 TOTAL Supplies 643 854 1,300 567 1,030 1,030 City Support Services 173 - 532400 Computer Fees & Licenses 0 263 1,500 263 1,500 0 TOTAL City Support Services 0 263 1,500 263 1,500 0 Utility Services 173 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel 788 660 1,498 241 750 700 TOTAL Utility Services 788 660 1,498 241 750 700 Operations Support 173 - 534100 Advertising 195 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Operations Support 195 0 0 0 0 0 Staff Support 173- 535100 Uniforms 0 584 1,015 0 790 615 173 - 535300 Memberships 616 1,030 2,040 0 1,310 1,310 173- 535400 Publications 571 0 500 0 500 500 173 - 535500 Training /Travel 411 509 6,072 366 6,072 6,000 173- 535600 Professional Certification 0 283 885 90 650 885 TOTAL Staff Support 1,598 2,405 10,512 456 9,322 9,310 Professional Services 173- 541100 Engineering Services 78,476 13,260 25,000 910 25,000 25,000 173 - 541300 Other Professional Services 524 0 13,800 2,500 13,800 10,800 TOTAL Professional Services 79,000 13,260 38,800 3,410 38,800 35,800 75 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- -------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Maintenance Services Rental /Leasing Operating Equipment 173 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 5,264 600 161 400 400 173- 571300 Computer & Periphe. < $5000 292 592 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 292 5,856 600 161 400 400 Capital Outlay TOTAL ENGINEERING 204,717 175,445 241,268 135,716 334,360 306,004 76 •�• • �• ► 1 _l 114 : l Miff • ► ►t ► 1 Creating a safe, healthy community where people chose to work and live, now and in the future. I►yiTF1� us] LI&Ir_ 114iyi14Z The Marshal's Office comprised of the Warrant Division, the Code Enforcement Division, the Environmental Health Division, and the Animal Services Division takes pride in: ➢ Providing information ➢ Treating people fairly ➢ Effective communication with customers ➢ Providing quality service by knowing our jobs GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • To provide effective security for the Judiciary, Court personnel, and visitors to the court. • To compel compliance in the neighborhoods through effective environmental, health, and code enforcement. • To train deputies to perform their tasks /duties entrusted to them in a safe and effective manner. • To be effective through communication and cooperation with other City departments, and with Local, State, and National agencies. • To promote the integrity of the Marshal's Office and its personnel. 101 MARSHAL'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Marshal's Office was created October 1, 2008. Through this act, the Marshal's Office has the authority to arrest violators of the city and state laws, and to enforce city ordinances and court orders. The deputies and code enforcement officers can issue citations for violations. The department's sworn personnel are recognized as Law Enforcement Officers by the State of Texas and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. The Marshal's Office is comprised of the Warrants, Sanitarian and Code Enforcement Division. The Marshal's Office is staffed by a City Marshal, three deputies assigned to warrants and court security, two code enforcement officers, a department clerk, and one Sanitarian. The Warrant division diligently provides for the safety and security of the Court, Judges and staff; executes warrants of arrest, subpoenas, summons and other legal process. The Deputies will relentlessly pursue and bring to justice those persons with outstanding warrants in order to ensure compliance and accountability. The City Code Enforcement and Sanitarian divisions will enforce laws that fall under the Texas Litter Abatement Act, Texas Water Code, Texas Health and Safety Code, and local City Ordinances. [01 :Ze3_1 LI I 1OW_101*] Ll T1we3 G1_1 A 102 MARSHAL'S OFFICE MARSHAL'S OFFICE 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Marshal 1 1 1 Deputy Marshal Lieutenant 1 1 1 Sanitarian 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer 2 2 2 Deputy Marshal Corporal 1 1 1 Deputy Marshal 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 1 1 1 Total Personnel 8 8 8 COMMISSIONS 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Marshal's Office 4 4 4 TOTAL COMMISSIONS 6 6 6 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Warrants Issued 2013 -14 2014 -15 1 2015 -16 Workload Actual Estimate I Budget Warrants Issued 2,354 3,058 2,500 Citizen Complaints 598 600 600 Food Establishment Inspections 82 218 250 Warrants Cleared 3,781 3,210 3,500 Code Violations Resolved 305 800 825 Bandit Signs Removed 1,382 1,300 1,300 Food Handler Permits 915 450 480 Personnel 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Budget Actual Estimate Budget Personnel $572,403 $566,743 $618,483 Supplies 1,669 5,300 6,250 Utility Services 11,070 15,000 16,000 Operations Support 995 3,000 3,500 Staff Support 6,272 12,050 14,300 City Assistance 0 1,000 2,500 Maintenance Services 7,091 14,200 16,500 Operating Equipment 10,699 16,400 5,000 Capital Outlay 28,566 8,000 72,950 Total $638,765 $641,693 $755,483 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 17.7% from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. This increase stems from the planned replacement of their vehicles which will be paid with funds accumulated in the prior fiscal years for this purpose. Wages will also increase for positions found to be below market in the classification and compensation study. 103 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL FUND PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES 2012 -2013 ACTUAL C I T Y O PROPOSED AS OF: (-------- 2013 -2014 ACTUAL F S C H E R T Z BUDGET WORKSHEET JUNE 30TH, 2015 - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- CURRENT Y -T -D BUDGET ACTUAL )(-------- PROJECTED YEAR END PAGE 2015 -2016 -- CITY ADMIN. ADO RECOMMENDED BU MARSHAL'S OFFICE ---------------- ---------------- Personnel Services 259 - 511110 Regular 375,723 397,012 388,644 271,999 388,644 428,139 259 - 511120 Overtime 846 1,506 4,000 1,083 1,000 4,000 259 - 511180 LTD 1,189 1,238 1,205 920 1,205 1,327 259- 511210 Longevity 10,449 13,760 13,826 14,457 14,457 10,626 259 - 511220 Clothing Allowance 5,845 6,005 5,845 4,206 5,845 5,845 259- 511230 Certification Allowance 2,801 3,500 3,770 2,515 3,770 3,380 259 - 511310 FICA - Employer 30,020 31,608 31,801 22,360 31,B01 34,577 259 - 511350 TMRS- Employer 60,902 65,382 67,478 48,692 67,478 72,962 259 - 511410 Health - Employer 46,594 49,075 49,147 35,809 49,147 52,588 259 - 511500 Worker' Compensation 4,059 3,316 4,355 3,396 3,396 5,039 TOTAL Personnel Services 538,428 572,403 570,071 405,438 566,743 618,483 Supplies 259 - 521000 Operating Supplies 600 25 2,500 287 2,000 2,000 259- 521100 Office Supplies 345 1,029 2,000 797 1,500 2,000 259 - 521300 Motor Vehicle Supplies 0 615 1,600 839 1,500 2,000 259- 521600 Equip Maint Supplies 80 0 300 0 300 250 TOTAL Supplies 1,024 1,669 6,400 1,923 5,300 6,250 Utility Services 259- 533500 Vehicle Fuel 15,448 11,070 16,000 4,834 15,000 16,000 TOTAL Utility Services 15,448 11,070 16,000 4,834 15,000 16,000 Operations Support 259- 534200 Printing & Binding 707 995 3,500 656 3,000 3,500 TOTAL Operations Support 707 995 3,500 656 3,000 3,500 Staff Support 259- 535100 Uniforms 0 0 3,000 1,696 2,500 2,500 259 - 535200 AWARDS 0 0 300 90 200 300 259- 535300 Memberships 0 310 900 665 750 900 259 - 535400 Publications 0 0 300 0 300 300 259- 535500 Training /Travel 5,403 5,808 10,000 3,363 8,000 10,000 259 - 535510 Meeting Expenses 0 155 300 82 300 300 TOTAL Staff Support 5,403 6,272 14,800 5,896 12,050 14,300 City Assistance 259 - 537100 Medical Services 30 0 0 0 0 0 259 - 537800 Crime /Fire Prevention 0 0 2,500 980 1,000 2,500 TOTAL City Assistance 30 0 2,500 980 1,000 2,500 104 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL, FUND PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PAGE (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Professional Services Maintenance Services 259 - 551700 Abatement /Lot Cleaning 6,378 4,296 10,000 1,862 8,000 10,000 259 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreements 1,645 395 3,500 156 2,000 2,500 259 - 551810 Maintenance Agr. - Radios 2,160 2,400 4,200 1,400 4,200 4,000 TOTAL Maintenance Services 10,183 7,091 17,700 3,418 14,200 16,500 Operating Equipment 259 - 571000 Furniture & Fuxtures < $5,000 0 1,141 1,375 0 900 1,000 259- 571200 Vehicles & Access. LESS $5,00 0 3,555 0 0 0 0 259 - 571300 Computer & Periphe. < $5,000 1,258 1,197 8,000 5,320 7,000 0 259- 571800 Equipment Less $5,000 9,194 4,807 10,325 6,477 8,500 4,000 TOTAL Operating Equipment 10,452 10,699 19,700 11,797 16,400 5,000 Capital Outlay 259- 581200 Vehicles & Access. Over $5,00 0 28,566 0 0 0 65,750 259 - 581300 Computer & Periphe. Over $500 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 259 - 581400 Communication Equip. > $5,000 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 259 - 581800 Equipment Over $5,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,200 TOTAL Capital Outlay 0 28,566 8,000 0 8,000 72,950 TOTAL MARSHAL'S OFFICE 581,675 638,765 658,671 434,941 641,693 755,483 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 9,323,023 9,571,312 10,492,954 6,943,214 10,375,908 11,380,526 105 ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O "d A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 106 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 359 STREETS FUND: 101 GENERAL FUND VISION STATEMENT Provide superior customer service, safe roadways and sidewalks, and traffic experiences for our residents and visitors. MISSION STATEMENT Ensure a safe and inviting community by maintaining and improving our infrastructure through an empowered, engaged, and skilled workforce. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • Apply preventative maintenance strategies to extend the life of City streets and reduce unscheduled maintenance. • Plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain traffic functions, traffic control devices, street resurfacing and rehabilitation, street lights, street signs, street sweeping, and crosswalk signals. • Emphasize safety to our employees to reduce preventable accidents. • Provide traffic counts and speed information on specific streets as requested. • Design and prepare street maintenance plans, pothole patching, and sidewalk construction. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Street Department provides high quality service in design, construction, and renovation of streets and continues to perform services in a customer service first manner to meet the needs of the citizens. Provides safe and efficient movement of the people and goods through a well- designed, operated, and maintained transportation network. Evaluates affordability and efficiency options for providing street maintenance services. Chipping service is provided as requested by the residents. The Street Division assists other departments as needed. 107 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART STREETS 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Superintendent of Streets, Bldg Maint, & Gen Svcs 1 1 1 Street Supervisor 1 1 1 Foreman 1 1 1 Street Worker II 3 3 3 Street Worker II /Sweeper Operator 1 1 1 Street Sweeper Operator 1 1 1 Street Worker 1 6 6 6 TOTAL POSITIONS 141 14 14 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Street Sweeping hours Number of signs produced Quantity of asphalt purchased (tons) Special projects (Hours) Street centerline miles 738.5 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Workload /Output Actual Estimate Budget Street Sweeping hours Number of signs produced Quantity of asphalt purchased (tons) Special projects (Hours) Street centerline miles 738.5 1,477 1,600 375 750 800 948 5,000 1,500 1,629 2,000 2,200 135 140 145 Annual cost to operate street sweepers (operators and fuel) Cost per ton of asphalt Approved daily budget expenditures for operation 108 104,160 109,368 65 65 3,893 4,031 114,400 70 3,124 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Efficiency Actual Estimate Budget Annual cost to operate street sweepers (operators and fuel) Cost per ton of asphalt Approved daily budget expenditures for operation 108 104,160 109,368 65 65 3,893 4,031 114,400 70 3,124 Hours spent on roadway maintenance Hours spent on traffic control device maintenance and repair 1,585 3,170 3,200 362.5 725 800 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Effectiveness Actual � Estimate � Budget Hours spent on roadway maintenance Hours spent on traffic control device maintenance and repair 1,585 3,170 3,200 362.5 725 800 Personnel 2013-14 � 2014-15 2015-16 Budget Actual Estimate � Budget Personnel $672,855 $693,380 $713,763 Supplies 5,961 7,100 7,100 Utility Services 145,191 162,529 196,604 Staff Support 7,877 9,912 10,030 Professional Services 2,350 40,000 40,000 Maintenance Services 127,567 135,400 125,400 Rental/Leasing 415 200 200 Operating Equipment 50,392 300 300 Capital Outlay 63,529 28,000 78,000 Total $1,076,137 $1,076,821 $1,171,397 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015-16 Budget will increase 8.8% from the FY 2014-15 Estimate. In FY 2014-15 during an audit on street light utility costs it was determined the City were not being charged the correct amount for all the lights in our jurisdiction. The expected increase monthly is about $4,000. Since this increase occurred midway through the 2014-15 fiscal year, the City will budget for a full year of corrected electric bills in FY 2015-16. Streets will also have two vehicles replaced as part of the Vehicle Replacement Program started in 2011. Wages have also increased for positions found to be below market as identified by the classification and compensation study recommendation. 109 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101 - GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL STREETS 454,321 314,914 Personnel Services 465,191 359 - 511110 Regular 441,215 359 - 511120 Overtime 3,529 359 - 511180 LTD 1,287 359 - 511210 Longevity 9,165 359 - 511230 Certification Allowance 2,862 359 - 511310 FICA - Employer 33,726 359 - 511350 TMRS- Employer 71,353 359 - 511410 Health - Employer 76,216 359 - 511500 Workers' Compensation 17,078 TOTAL Personnel Services 656,431 Supplies 78,922 83,857 359- 521000 Operating Supplies 3,480 359 - 521100 Office Supplies 296 359- 521200 Medical /Chem Supplies 668 359 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies 819 TOTAL Supplies 5,263 City Support Services 2,151 Utility Services 3,500 359 - 533200 Electric Utility Service 83,316 359- 533410 Water Utility Service 1,240 359 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel 58,674 TOTAL Utility Services 143,229 Operations Support 1,800 Staff Support 5,961 359 - 535100 Uniforms 5,345 359 - 535200 Awards 39 359 - 535300 Memberships 141 359 - 535500 Training /Travel 463 359 - 535510 Meeting Expenses 422 359 - 535600 Professional Certification 265 TOTAL Staff Support 6,675 City Assistance 359 - 537100 Medical Services 0 TOTAL City Assistance 0 PAGE ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 450,285 454,321 314,914 454,321 465,191 6,455 4,900 4,473 6,500 4,900 1,374 1,408 997 1,408 1,442 9,853 11,458 11,386 11,458 13,293 3,382 2,700 2,207 2,700 2,700 34,631 35,919 25,582 35,919 36,887 73,998 76,764 55,957 76,764 78,373 78,922 83,857 59,231 83,857 89,497 13,954 20,453 14,289 20,453 21,480 672,855 691,780 489,036 693,380 713,763 3,123 2,900 2,151 3,500 3,500 358 300 292 300 300 948 1,500 1,566 1,500 1,500 1,531 1,000 949 1,800 1,800 5,961 5,700 4,959 7,100 7,100 95,305 85,000 47,412 111,329 145,404 892 1,200 546 1,200 1,200 48,993 50,000 22,279 50,000 50,000 145,191 136,200 70,238 162,529 196,604 6,450 7,150 6,422 7,150 7,150 0 200 82 82 200 0 180 0 180 180 904 2,900 1,369 1,500 1,500 342 600 582 600 600 181 400 204 400 400 7,877 11,430 8,659 9,912 10,030 Bus 0 500 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 PAGE (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 ----- - - - -)( 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU Professional Services 359 - 541310 Contractual Services 0 2,350 33,600 24,650 40,000 40,000 TOTAL Professional Services 0 2,350 33,600 24,650 40,000 40,000 Maintenance Services 359 - 551100 Building Maintenance 2,137 75 2,100 515 3,900 3,900 359 - 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 1,412 561 3,300 374 1,500 1,500 359 - 551600 Street Maintenance Materials 130,936 126,931 97,100 49,568 130,000 120,000 TOTAL Maintenance Services 134,485 127,567 102,500 50,457 135,400 125,400 Debt Service Rental /Leasing 359- 561100 Rental - Equipment 0 415 200 175 200 200 TOTAL Rental /Leasing 0 415 200 175 200 200 Operating Equipment 359 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 310 300 238 300 300 359- 571200 Vehicles & Access under $5,00 0 12,220 0 0 0 0 359 - 571750 Street Crossing Minor Imprvmn 0 33,392 0 0 0 0 359 - 571800 Equipment under $5,000 5,444 4,470 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 5,444 50,392 300 238 300 300 Capital Outlay 359- 581200 Vehicles & Access. Over $5,00 0 57,629 28,000 25,985 28,000 78,000 359 - 581800 Equipment Over $5,000 0 5,900 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Capital Outlay 0 63,529 28,000 25,985 28,000 78,000 TOTAL STREETS 951,528 1,076,136 1,010,210 674,397 1,076,821 1,171,397 TOTAL PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT 951,528 1,076,136 1,010,210 674,397 1,076,821 1,171,397 Iffl ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O "d A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 112 DEPARTMENT: MARSHAL'S OFFICE DIVISION: 762 ANIMAL SERVICES FUND: 101 GENERAL FUND VISION STATEMENT Envision a community that embraces the mutual benefit of the human - animal bond by providing superior service to the public. Encourage positive communication to the public by promoting education, safety, health, and recreation for animals. Advocate humane, compassionate treatment of animals to reduce homelessness by having employees who take pride of their role in the community. MISSION STATEMENT Our goal is to promote responsible pet ownership and to prevent the spread of animal borne diseases. In addition, we will provide services, care, registration, animal control and public safety for our community, as well as serve as a disaster relief center during times of emergency. We strive to promote adoptions of healthy, non - aggressive animals to the public and to work with approved rescue organizations, while providing temporary shelter for stray, unwanted or homeless animals. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • To educate the community in public safety and humane issues regarding animals. • To enforce the City ordinances and State statues pertaining to animals. • To assist the public in resolving animal issues. • To rp otect the safety and welfare of the citizens and animals of this community. • To rp event the spread of animal illnesses and other zoonotic diseases. • To improve the co- existence of animals humans. • To strengthen the relationship with volunteers. • To rp ovide a Texas Department of State Health Services approved quarantine facility for control and eradication of rabies. 139 ANIMAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Animal Services Officers respond to calls for service in an area of approximately 35 square miles, with a population of over 50,500 including Joint Base San Antonio - Randolph AFB. They are responsible for the enforcement of State laws and City ordinances regarding care and treatment of animals. Animal Services Officers ensure public health and safety through disease and population control, while meeting the community's expectations for both. Provide daily care for animals housed at the animal facility, daily cleaning and disinfection of all animal cages, bedding, and feeding areas used by the animals. Hire qualified, caring employees and provide training to maintain certifications, ensure a competent workforce and retain employees. Promote humane treatment of animals by enforcing laws and educating the public. Promote responsible pet ownership through community outreach programs and animal placement programs. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ANIMAL SERVICES 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 1 1 1 -Manager Officer 4 4 4 Kennel Technician 4 4 3 TOTAL POSITIONS 91 9 8 140 ANIMAL SERVICES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Animals brought in by staff Animals brought in by public Calls for service per year Animals saved via adoption, redemption, or transfer 1,402 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Workload /Output Actual Estimate Budget Animals brought in by staff Animals brought in by public Calls for service per year Animals saved via adoption, redemption, or transfer 1,402 1,160 1,280 268 250 255 1,402 1,165 1,280 1,108 1,100 1,100 Training cost per staff member $300 $700 $700 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Efficient Actual Estimate Budget Training cost per staff member $300 $700 $700 Animals licensed 457 450 500 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Effectiveness Actual Estimate Budget Animals licensed 457 450 500 Personnel 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Budget Actual Estimate Budget Personnel $273,937 $306,397 $324,954 Supplies 28,683 35,147 41,380 City Support Services 0 0 3,776 Utility Services 23,443 46,840 43,000 Operations Support 798 1,000 1,000 Staff Support 5,367 10,390 10,750 City Assistance 11,979 17,550 17,550 Professional Services 31,864 27,320 32,500 Maintenance Services 9,608 23,200 28,280 Operating Equipment 9,239 11,500 10,000 Capital Outlay 0 10,000 55,000 Total $394,918 $489,344 $568,190 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015 -16 Budget will increase 16.1 % from the FY 2014 -15 Estimate. For FY 2015 -16 Animal Services will purchase an aging service vehicle that will also be able to pull the newly purchased Animal Adoption Trailer. Now that the division is fully hired they are able to hold more events and handle a wider variety of service requests which will be reflected in the new budget. 141 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND HEALTH EXPENDITURES ANIMAL SERVICES -------- - - - - - -- --------------- Personnel Services 762- 511110 Regular 762 - 511120 Overtime 762 - 511180 LTD 762 - 511210 Longevity 762- 511220 Clothing Allowance 762- 511230 Certification Allowance 762 - 511310 FICA - Employer 762- 511350 TMRS- Employer 762 - 511410 Health - Employer 762 - 511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 762 - 521000 Operating Supplies 762- 521100 Office Supplies 762 - 521200 Medical /Chem Supplies 762 - 521300 Motor Veh. Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 762 - 532800 Promotional Events TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services 762 - 533100 Gas Utility Service 762 - 533200 Electric Utility Service 762 - 533300 Telephone 762 - 533310 Telephone /Cell Phones 762 - 533410 Water Utility Service 762 - 533500 Vehicle Fuel TOTAL Utility Services Operations Support 762- 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 762 - 535100 Uniforms 762 - 535300 Memberships 762 - 535500 Training /Travel 762- 535510 Meeting Expenses 762 - 535600 Professional Certification TOTAL Staff Support C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 - 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PAGE ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 174,880 184,728 200,112 134,722 200,112 212,030 7,142 12,082 8,500 2,269 8,500 10,000 533 489 529 412 529 530 2,338 3,136 2,240 2,240 2,240 2,792 0 0 5,200 944 5,200 5,057 1,750 1,625 3,250 950 3,250 3,169 14,058 15,248 16,777 10,758 16,777 17,806 28,889 31,597 35,598 23,638 35,598 37,669 27,881 22,571 30,717 19,021 30,717 32,046 3,011 2,460 3,474 2,519 3,474 3,855 260,481 273,937 306,397 197,472 306,397 324,954 12,765 14,807 18,047 11,127 21,147 21,000 1,204 940 2,000 491 2,000 2,000 9,824 12,937 14,736 2,630 12,000 14,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,380 23,792 28,683 34,763 14,249 35,147 41,380 0 0 0 0 0 3,776 0 0 0 0 0 3,776 308 246 0 0 0 0 3,042 12,137 27,000 14,591 27,000 20,000 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 359 0 0 0 0 2,860 3,105 13,440 4,616 13,440 13,000 6,161 7,518 6,400 3,169 6,400 10,000 12,372 23,443 46,840 22,376 46,840 43,000 347 798 1,000 516 1,000 1,000 347 798 1,000 516 1,000 1,000 2,110 2,689 3,840 1,493 3,840 2,500 150 0 500 314 500 500 5,722 2,679 6,000 507 5,000 6,000 70 0 300 133 300 1,000 0 0 750 0 750 750 8,052 5,367 11,390 2,448 10,390 10,750 100, 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101- GENERAL FUND HEALTH EXPENDITURES C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 ( - - - -- 2014 -2015 - 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PAGE ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU City Assistance 762 - 537100 Medical Services 13,328 11,979 17,550 7,527 17,550 17,550 TOTAL City Assistance 13,328 11,979 17,550 7,527 17,550 17,550 Professional Services 762 - 541300 Other Consl /Prof Services 1,397 15,610 0 1,820 1,820 6,000 762 - 541310 Contrct Svc- B1ueBonnet- Cremat 1,643 1,035 3,500 803 2,500 3,500 762 - 541700 Microchip Service 0 4,555 5,000 3,514 5,000 5,000 762 - 541702 Spay & Neuter 10,520 10,665 18,000 7,764 18,000 18,000 TOTAL Professional Services 13,560 31,864 26,500 13,900 27,320 32,500 Maintenance Services 762 - 551100 Building Maintenance 14 7,090 14,520 2,210 14,520 14,520 762 - 551400 Minor & Other Equip Maint 323 258 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 762 - 551700 Abatement 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 762 - 551800 Other Maintenance Agreements 2,340 520 4,800 2,960 4,800 4,880 762- 551810 Maintenance Agr. - Radios 1,440 1,740 2,880 1,260 2,880 2,880 TOTAL Maintenance Services 4,117 9,608 23,200 6,430 23,200 28,280 Rental /Leasing Operating Equipment 762 - 571000 Furniture & Fixtures 0 1,692 3,000 122 3,000 0 762 - 571300 Computer & Periphe. < $5000 1,945 0 2,500 0 2,500 0 762 - 571500 Equipment 3,967 4,632 6,000 287 6,000 10,000 762 - 571800 Equipment Under $5,000 0 2,914 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Operating Equipment 5,912 9,239 11,500 409 11,500 10,000 Capital Outlay 762 - 581200 Vehicles & Access. Over $5,00 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 762 - 581800 Equipment Over $5,000 0 0 24,100 0 10,000 0 TOTAL Capital Outlay 0 0 24,100 0 10,000 55,000 TOTAL ANIMAL SERVICES 341,961 394,918 503,260 265,326 489,344 568,190 TOTAL HEALTH 341,961 394,918 503,260 265,326 489,344 568,190 143 ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O e A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 1011 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE DIVISION: 868 ACCOUNTING FUND: 101 GENERAL FUND VISION STATEMENT The Finance Department strives to be the standard of excellence in financial integrity and customer service. MISSION STATEMENT We strive to develop and implement new programs and processes which will ensure a financially strong City government while providing first class customer service with a professional, courteous, knowledgeable, and respectful department staff. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • Hire, train, and retain competent and caring employees. • Maintain financial systems to provide timely and accurate financial information and reports to the City Manager, City Council, other City departments, citizens, and other agencies. • Receive the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award for the first time. • Receive the Government Finance Officers Association Certification of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 30th consecutive year. • Receive a Platinum Scorecard from the State Comptroller's Office for leadership in financial transparency. • Improve the 5 year budgeting and forecasting plan. • Update long term debt service plan. M ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Prepare monthly financial reports for the City Manager, City Council and City departments. Process all accounts payable and receivable in a timely manner, post vendor payable check registers online, prepare 1099s, and prepare monthly bank reconciliations and investments report. Maintain and process payroll for all city employees and prepare W2s. Finance handles unclaimed property and their subsequent disbursements to the individuals or the State. Maintain and safeguard the City's investment portfolio. Manage debt service and fixed assets. Complete the annual budget and facilitate annual audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Finance Director also oversees the Purchasing & Asset Management Division. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ACCOUNTING 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Finance Director 1 1 1 Assistant Director 1 1 1 Staff Accountant 1 1 1 Senior Budget Analyst 1 1 1 Accountant 1 0 1 1 Senior Payroll Specialist 1 1 1 Senior AP Specialist 1 1 1 Administrative Assistant 0 0 1 TOTAL POSITIONS 1 61 71 8 •1 ACCOUNTING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Accounts payable checks Number of Purchase Orders Processed Payroll checks Payroll Requests 4,•43 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Workload/Output � Actual � Estimate � Budget Accounts payable checks Number of Purchase Orders Processed Payroll checks Payroll Requests 4,•43 4,600 4,700 7,656 7,716 7,800 9,394 9,000 9,100 N/A 1,018 1,100 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Accumulative Monthly Financials completed within 30 days 28 29 30 2 6 8 2013-14 � 2014-15 1 2015-16 Effectiveness Actual � Estimate I Budget Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Accumulative Monthly Financials completed within 30 days 28 29 30 2 6 8 Personnel 2013-14 2014-15 1 2015-16 Budget � Actual � Estimate I Budget Personnel $454,828 $516,504 $597,537 Supplies 2,451 3,940 3,500 Operations Support 834 2,000 3,000 Staff Support 8,017 12,915 11,085 Maintenance Services 8 8 0 Operating Equipment 0 896 0 Total $466,138 $536,263 $615,122 PROGRAM JUSTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS The FY 2015-16 Budget will increase 14.7% from the FY 2014-15 Estimate. This increase is due to the full year staffing of the Accountant I position approved and hired in FY 2014-15 and the addition of an administrative assistant which moved to Finance from Purchasing & Asset Management. 161 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101- GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL FINANCE Personnel Services 868- 511110 Regular 868 - 511120 Overtime 868- 511180 LTD 868 - 511210 Longevity 868- 511230 Certification Allowance 868- 511310 FICA - Employer 868 - 511350 TMRS- Employer 868- 511410 Health - Employer 868 - 511500 Workers' Compensation TOTAL Personnel Services Supplies 868 - 521000 Operating Supplies 868 - 521100 Office Supplies TOTAL Supplies City Support Services 868- 532350 Software Maintenance TOTAL City Support Services Utility Services Operations Support 868 - 534200 Printing & Binding TOTAL Operations Support Staff Support 868 - 535100 Uniforms 868 - 535300 Memberships 868- 535400 Publications 868 - 535500 Training /Travel 868 - 535600 Professional Certification TOTAL Staff Support Professional Services Maintenance Services 868- 551800 Other Maintenance Agreements TOTAL Maintenance Services PAGE I ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 - PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU j i 326,800 334,486 372,120 247,384 372,120 424,286 210 297 250 349 250 250 1,005 1,026 1,154 827 1,154 1,315 6,476 7,456 8,460 8,460 8,460 11,763 842 958 900 658 900 2,200 24,878 25,138 29,202 19,193 29,202 33,545 52,269 53,875 61,964 43,153 61,964 70,785 30,480 31,130 41,980 25,644 41,980 52,588 566 462 685 474 474 805 443,526 454,828 516,715 346,140 516,504 597,537 1,090 429 700 1,429 1,200 1,000 1,671 2,022 2,100 2,877 2,740 2,500 2,762 2,451 2,800 4,305 3,940 3,500 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 987 834 1,000 3,888 2,000 3,000 987 834 1,000 3,888 2,000 3,000 0 0 210 0 210 280 2,641 2,509 1,890 574 2,500 2,600 55 55 2,355 55 1,055 2,055 4,261 4,948 11,050 2,356 9,050 6,050 0 505 100 0 100 100 6,956 8,017 15,605 2,985 12,915 11,085 0 8 0 8 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM 101 - GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE EXPENDITURES Rental /Leasing Operating Equipment 868- 571200 Office Equipment 868 - 571300 Computer & Periphe. < $5000 TOTAL Operating Equipment TOTAL FINANCE C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL, 1,795 0 0 0 1,795 0 456,025 466,138 163 PAGE ---------- )(-------- 2015 -2016 -- PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU 0 0 0 0 0 896 896 0 0 896 896 0 536,120 358,215 536,263 615,122 ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O "d A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 164 9 -01 -2015 08:35 AM C I T Y O F S C H E R T Z PAGE PROPOSED BUDGET WORKSHEET 101 - GENERAL FUND AS OF: JUNE 30TH, 2015 MISC & PROJECTS ' EXPENDITURES (-------- - - - - -- 2014 -2015 --------------- -------- 2015 -2016 -- 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 CURRENT Y -T -D PROJECTED CITY ADMIN. ADO ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL YEAR END RECOMMENDED BU LIBRARY CAMPAIGN PROJECT Supplies Professional Services I i TOTAL MISC & PROJECTS 73,082 182,135 172,550 36,678 127,550 228,660 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,090,479 22,626,985 25,508,980 15,568,659 24,668,799 26,171,017 ° 187 ". .. „6.H I A.Ci E N_„ E N..r I'�1 O "d A L L Y L. E F F #�, � L.A X V .K.. 188