07-07-2016 MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
Olympia Hills Golf and Conference Center
12900 Mount Olympus
Universal City, Texas 78148
I. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Carpenter called the workshop to order at 6:35 PM.
Members present were:
Mayor Michael Carpenter, Schertz
Mayor Mary Dennis, Live Oak
Mayor Tom Daly, Selma
Mayor Nadine Knaus, Garden Ridge
Mayor Bill Seiler, Marion
Mayor Nick Milanovich, New Berlin
Others Present:
Mayor Pro -Tem John McCaw, Garden Ridge
Randy Schwenn, Marion Public Works Director
David Goerke, Marion Business Owner (Caterer)
Deputy City Secretary Donna Schmoekel, Schertz
II. Introduction
Mayor Carpenter welcomed those present.
III. Old Business:
1. Discussion and direction and update regarding the Northeast Partnership for
Economic Development Website.
The mayors present discussed what the possible cost would be to maintain/update
the NEP website. They came to a consensus that the best route would be to keep
the website simple, with contact names and possibly a few TML downloads /links.
It does not need to include the monthly agendas or minutes because it is a non-
profit (501c3) organization as opposed to being a governmental entity. Also, this
would entail additional monthly maintenance. Mayor Knaus said she feels the
most important information is when our meetings are held and who our members
are in the event someone wanted to make contact with us. They decided to
continue this discussion at the regular meeting next week on July 14 with the rest
of the membership present for the purpose of gathering additional
ideas /suggestions before making a final decision and soliciting project work bids.
IV. New Business
1. Discussion regarding payment of luncheons for meetings.
Mayor Knaus stated we are experiencing an increasing number of folks coming in
without payment and then she has to prepare an ivoice. She currently has 12
outstanding invoices for unpaid lunches. The dilemma is that they don't want
anyone to be turned away but there are some councilmembers (and others) that
show up and simply instruct the ladies collecting the lunch money to have their
city `billed' for the cost of their lunch. They also discussed whether or not to bill
a city if members have RSVP'd and then don't show up. After more discussion it
was decided to bring this topic up at the regular meeting next week, highlight this
issue, and ask for diligent membership cooperation in ensuring everyone brings
sufficient payment with them for their lunches.
2. Discussion regarding the City of Windcrest's membership.
Mayor Knaus said Windcrest was billed last December and still has not remitted
their membership dues for this year. She brought it to Mayor Baxter's attention
again and he told her he just wasn't getting much out of the NEP meetings.
Subsequently, Mayor Daly made a motion to remove Windcrest from the
organization membership. No one seconded the motion and discussion continued.
Mayor Dennis stated she also had previously approached Mayor Baxter on the
subject with no results but she wants to be fair and suggested that maybe Mayor
Knaus should ask him one more time before we make a decision. Mayor Knaus
said she will contact him and ask him one last time for a decision.
It was also brought up that the organization bylaws do not address any specific
procedures for removing a member city. It was ultimately decided that at next
week's regular meeting, someone should make a motion to place the City of
Windcrest on suspension, formally notify them of the suspension, and if they do
not respond by paying their (late) annual dues within 60 days they will be
automatically removed as a member at that time. Then, if they ever wish to re-
join they can approach the organization at that time. All present agreed.
3. Discussion regarding the RBFCU CD.
The $5,000 CD matured on July 6, 2016 and is now due for renewal. The interest
paid on it is minimal but she recommended they renew it anyway as no other bank
or organization appears to pay more. Everyone agreed to let it automatically
renew at RBFCU.
4. Discussion regarding submitting Resolutions for the 2016 TML Annual
Conference — submittals due no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2016.
The mayors discussed some topics of high interest with cities such as revenue
caps and annexations. How can the NEP provide their best support to TML
regarding these issues of concern to our cities? TML's position on these two
topics is `Let the `local' elected officials have the control to make the decisions
their community elected them to make. After sharing some experiences each of
them has had with a few elected officials already, it was decided to try to reach
out to as many other legislators and elected officials as possible in our areas to
gain as much support as possible for our stands on these topics.
Mayor Knaus suggested they try to come up with a different approach to gaining
support for the cities. Mayor Carpenter offered to make a few phone calls and see
if some organization or business would like to take on a project for NEP to do
some research and craft a resolution and /or letter that NEP could submit to our
state representatives and senators which would clearly express our stand and the
reasons for them to support our position. If we could find around 50 mayors to
support our position and sign a letter of support, this could make a big difference.
Mayor Knaus said while this would be a costly expenditure, the NEP currently
has around $80,000 available and if we do not spend it on something related to the
organization's mission, the IRS is going to start questioning our status as a
legitimate 501 (c) 3 organization. This is important enough to justify our
expenditure. More comments and discussion continued.
V. Items of Interest by the Member Cities.
Mayor Dennis asked if the membership would entertain the idea of not having a July
2017 meeting - - -the summer always being a busy time for everyone and people on
vacation, etc. It was determined this could always be decided each year as a discussion
topic under Item VI.
Mayor Seiler reminded everyone of the 80'h Annual Marion Sausage Supper next month
on Saturday, August 6. There will be a parade, foodibeverages, and more. He invited all
the mayors to participate by coming out and watching the parade, enter a city float, or
donate items for the auction.
Mayor Knaus asked if the other mayors were aware of the mobile towers popping up
around the general San Antonio area. The City of Garden Ridge was approached and she
just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. Mayor Dennis said she is familiar with
them; they are new companies who want to put their 135 foot poles on city property.
Mayor Knaus said they apparently found a loophole in the franchise fee legislation where
they can put a pole in your right of way. Because they don't have an `end' customer they
don't have to pay a franchise fee; so they would be using your right of way for free. She
just wanted to make everyone aware of this.
VI. Establish a Date, Time, & Location of the Next Meeting. (Next up is the City of New
Berlin to host).
[Mayor Carpenter indicated that next up would be the City of New Berlin. Next meeting
will be hosted by the City of New Berlin in August 2016.
May 7(sr Michael R. Carpenter, NEP Chairman