07-14-2016 MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
Olympia Hills Golf and Conference Center
12900 Mount Olympus, Universal City, TX 78148
Thursday, July 14, 2016 —11:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum — A quorum was present.
Mayor Carpenter called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions
Mayor Carpenter welcomed everyone in attendance and those present stood and
introduced themselves.
3. Approval of minutes of the June 9, 2016 NEP regular meeting, and minutes of the
July 7, 2016 workshop meeting.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Seiler who made a motion seconded by
Councilmember Cimics to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2016 regular meeting
and minutes of the July 7, 2016 NEP Mayors Workshop. The vote was unanimous.
Motion Passed.
4. Approval of Treasurer's Report for June 2016
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Williams who made a motion seconded by Mayor
Seiler to approve the Treasurer's Report for June 2016. The vote was unanimous.
Motion Passed.
5. Discussion and action regarding payment for luncheons for meetings.
Mayor Carpenter stated that we actually have a list, but at this time he is not going to
share it with the group, but that if you would like to know to please see Mayor Knaus.
This list consists of those that have asked that they be billed for lunch meeting
attendance. Invoices were mailed but payment has not been received. The list has
gotten longer over time and is adding additional responsibilities to Mayor Knaus
volunteer workload. Two things, first please bring your check or your $12.00 to the
meetings. If we think as a group this is going to be problematic then we can probably
invest in a credit card machine reading if this is going to be important. The list of non-
payment hasn't gotten so long that this is something that we have to do to take the
workload off but it's growing. Mayor Carpenter asked for thoughts from the group.
One suggestion was to pay on -line. Mayor Carpenter stated that we would need to
look into this. After further discussion Mayor Carpenter asked if you would please and
if you think you have an outstanding amount, please see Mayor Knaus and make sure
you have this covered and then in our next workshop we will talk about whether we
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want to keep the status quo, add a simple IPad credit card scanner or possibly look at
an on -line option.
6. Discussion and action regarding the City of Windcrest's membership.
Mayor Carpenter stated that we will continue our discussion at our next Workshop
meeting as there are some things that have changed since we last discussed and will
take this up again at our next workshop.
7. Discussion, direction and /or action regarding the Northeast Partnership for
Economic Development Website.
Mayor Carpenter stated that we met last week in our last Workshop and talked about
again why do we have the website, what is its purpose, what is the highest and best
use, and what makes the most sense financially. Do we want to spend a lot of money
and have on -going and updated content? Do we want a static website that is updated
and a little more user friendly that points to all the cities? Or do we want to do
something else? In the discussion we held it was the consensus that we want to spend a
few dollars on updating the website, making sure that it is user friendly as it can be.
That it conveys what it is we stand for and what we are doing. Possibly an update now
and then, but basically in simplest terms a status website that points to all our cities
and that the cities can point back to it. Mayor Carpenter asked for comments and
recognized Mayor Williams who suggested that we solicit bids for the work. Those
members present concurred and no one objected from the voting membership to going
ahead and solicit bids for this work. Mayor Carpenter stated that we will move
forward as such. Mayor Carpenter stated that we will talk about this again at our next
8. Discussion and action regarding submitting Resolutions for the 2016 TML
Annual Conference — submittals due no later than 5:00 p.m. August 22, 2016.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Dennis, City of Live Oak who stated that if there
are cities that have resolutions, we talked a little about this mainly that we will be
having issues before us regarding revenues caps, annexations etc. If you have a
resolution that you want to put together to submit to TML work on these and either get
them to us or send this directly to TML. If anyone has questions, please let her know
and if nothing else, we will move forward. Mayor Carpenter stated that if you haven't
been at TML when these submittals are being discussed, debated and voted upon, he
would encourage you to be there for this. The conversations that go on there have an
influence on what happens in Austin, in the Legislature. There are things that are
proposed that you might hear and you might say "explain that to me more ", there was
at least one or two last time that the membership said "I don't think that is the
statement we want to make ", or "I'm not sure we want to take that position ". Had the
rest of the folks not been there, then those items may have gone through, a statement
that TML didn't want to make nor the membership didn't want TML to make. Please
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get involved in this and plan to be involved in both the TML Conference and the
upcoming sessions.
Mayor Carpenter recognized a member of the House and had him stand and introduce himself.
Mayor Carpenter recognized State Representative, District 118 John Lujan who stated that he is
one of the newest members. Those may know State Representative Joe Farias who resigned late
last year. State Rep. Lujan also asked those to keep him in your prayers as he just went through
a kidney transplant with his son, and has heard he is doing well. State Rep Lujan provided a brief
background of himself. State Rep Lujan stated that he is from the south east part and provided
information on his district. State Rep Lujan stated that he is getting involved and has had several
meetings to hear the issues those are experiencing. He stated that his doors are open, he has a
qualified staff and if there are any needs please reach out to them and they will work on them.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Suarez who stated that the one item they are working on is
the Fire Work stands that exist.
9. Information Items.
A. Report from Tri County Chamber of Commerce.
No report provided.
B. Report from The Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Ms. Maggie Titterington, Chamber President who
stated that the City of Cibolo and the City of Schertz to address some
business /citizen concerns about the traffic lights that go down FM 78 from FM
1103 all the way to FM 1518. The worse times are from 6:00 -8:00 a.m. and in the
evening from 4:00 -6:00 p.m. They want to know if they can time the traffic lights
so a more even flow of traffic can move up and down FM 78. They also want to
see what other timing can be arranged in connection with train crossings. TxDOT
is cooperating and currently doing a study to gather some local information. They
have already determined that there are actually about 32 trains going through
Schertz and Cibolo every day. If anyone has any comments or opinions they want
to make known, they can e -mail her at presidentgschertzchamber.org and she
will forward it on to them.
Ms. Titterington provided information on recent and upcoming chamber events
Tuesday, August, 16, 2016 — Chamber Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Schertz
Civic Center - San Antonio Manufacturing Association is our speaker who
will discuss manufacturing and the effects that it has on the surrounding
area of economy as well as large and small businesses.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 — The Chamber, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. -
Fair Labor Standard Act Seminar — regarding exemptions, overtime etc.
For more information go to chamber.info
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Go to their website, www.chamber.info for any other event information.
C. Report from Randolph Air Power Community Council (RAPCO).
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mr. Nigel Davies of First Command who stated that
yesterday several were able to meet the new commander of the 12th Flying
Training Wing, followed by an update from Colonel Bliss regarding events going
on at Randolph. The number one concern for us all is encroachment in the air
space of the safe zones. Negotiations with all the surrounding cities is proceeding
well; one down side that we heard of yesterday is there is a proposed landfill site,
nine miles away from Seguin Auxiliary Airfields. The issue is the landfill will
attract birds and they fly in a certain height and Randolph is concerned due to the
flight path. There are three different areas will be affected. Three areas that
would have to reroute their flight lines, this is not an easy task. They understand
that a landfill is a necessity but is it a necessity in that particular location.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Williams who asked would this be something
that NEP would support. Mayor Carpenter stated that not only does the proposed
landfill sit above the Carrizo Wilcox Aquifer and threaten the water source that's
primary to Schertz and Sequin and others that we share with SAWS but now the
mission at the auxiliary airfield could be impacted as well. The good news is that
while the case is before the Administrative Law Judges in Austin had already
been closed, but one of the Judges reopened the case to allow a letter from the
Airforce with their concerns to be put into evidence and then closed the case
again. The other thing is the Administrative Law Judges that allowed the letter,
the specific Judge on one of rare events was the Judge that recommended to the
TCEQ that another landfill be disallowed because of potential encroachment
because of potential interference with the mission of the Airforce Base. This is a
good and strong thing for all of us that are concerned about it.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Dennis who wanted to make a plug to all the
Mayors in the room that this is a reason we need support of the Greater Bexar
County Council of Governments. Next Wednesday this item is on the agenda for
discussion and they do need our support. Mayor Carpenter concurred those
wishing to discuss this item be at the GBCCC meeting. Mayor Schoolcraft will
be bringing up the resolution that GBCCC can make that would oppose the
landfill for the various reason that we have sited. If you can be there be join.
D. Report on Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee.
Mayor Williams stated that he would be checking with Councilmember Shelby to
try and workout in his schedule to attend every other month meetings to provide
E. Report from Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
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No report was provided.
10. New Business.
A. Presentation regarding Traffic Related Issues in the NEP Region.
(Muhammad Musa, Senior Traffic Division Manager, Gonzalez De
La Garza & Associates LLC.)
Mayor Carpenter recognized Muhammad Musa who provided information
regarding traffic related issues within the NEP region answering questions.
11. Establish a Date and Time of the Next NEP Mayor's Workshop —August 4, 2016.
Mayor Carpenter asked if the City of New Berlin would be ready, and they stated they
were ready to host it.
12. Establish a Date and Time for the next Northeast Partnership For Economic
Development Meeting — August 11, 2016.
July Door Prizes — City of Marion
August Door Prizes — City of New Berlin
The City of Marion provided the door prizes for this July Meeting. Mayor Carpenter
stated that the City of New Berlin has the door prizes for the August meeting.
13. Items of Interest by Members.
Mayor Carpenter recognized the following who spoke:
Mayor Daly (Selma) — provided comments on their recent 4th of July Event Retama Park
which was very successful. Harrison House will be officially opening August 10, 2016, at
9:00 a.m.
Kate Silvis (Converse) — provided information on their veteran owned businesses (about
15) will be honored tonight and everyone is welcome to come. It will be at 5:30 p.m. at
the GRASP Community Center,
Mayor Dunn (Cibolo) — they are doing a feasibility study for a toll road, which would be
an extension of the existing FM 1103. This is an idea they are looking at to get FM
1103down to IH 10. They are still in the process of.just getting more data. Cibolo is the
3rd fastest growing city in the nation according to some. They are looking for solutions to
address their traffic problems. They will also be having three public hearings in their
next few city council meetings; the second meeting dates of the months of July, August,
and September. They also plan on having an open house similar to what TxDOT did for
them in Schertz on the FM 1103 improvements that will begin in 2018.
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Scott Wayman, (Live Oak) stated recently a Dunkin Donuts open up on Pat Booker Road.
He stated that they had a budget meeting last night and a budget workshop last week and
it is going along nicely. He asked that you mark your calendars for a free event in front of
the City Hall on September 24, 2016, the Spazmatics will be performing and it will be
Liane Garrett (Randolph Metrocom) made mention about the Randolph Metrocom Rotary
Club Event Guide which was on each table.
She also mentioned the Randolph Metro Com Rotary Club —in two months they will be
having their annual golf outing/fundraiser for the local area school districts. It will be
held on Monday, September 19th at Olympia Hills Golf & Conference Center.
Ms. Barbara Bowie (Freedom Riders) provided an update on the upcoming event.
Mayor Seiler (Marion) spoke about the Marion Sausage Event parade
14. Adjournment.
As there was no further business, Mayor Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 1:13 p.m.
PASSED AND APPROVED on August 11, 2016.
Mayor Michael R. Carpenter, NEP —Chair
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