08-17-2016 MinutesMINUTES
August 17, 2016
A Regular Meeting was held by the Committee of Committees Advisory Board of the City of Schertz,
Texas, on August 17, 2016, at 3:00 p.m., at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council Chambers
Conference Room located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members present
to -wit:
Chair Richard Dziewit
Board Member David Reynolds
Board Member Floy `Fae' Simmons
Members absent:
Board Member Shonale Burke
Board Member Michael Dahle
Staff Present:
Executive Director Brian James
Executive Director Kyle Kinateder
Deputy City Secretary Donna Schmoekel
Public Works Manager Doug Letbetter
Board Member Tim Brown
Board Member Barbara Hall
City Manager John Kessel
Executive Director Dudley Wait
Assistant to the City Manager Sarah Gonzalez
Assistant Public Works Director Jim Hooks
Guests Present: Robert Brockman
Ruth Tienor (Library Advisory Board Member)
Call to Order
Chair Richard Dziewit called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. Those present introduced themselves.
Discussion and /or Action Items
1. Minutes. Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the regular
meeting of July 20, 2016.
Chair Dziewit recognized Board Member Simmons who moved, seconded by Board Member
Brown to approve the July 20, 2016 minutes. Board Members Burke and Dahle were absent.
The vote was 5 -0 -0. Motion passed.
Reports/Updates/Discussion and /or Action
2. Boards, Committees, Commission reports /updates.
Chair Dziewit asked each board member to give a brief report on the recent activity of their
respective boards.
Board Member Hall stated they are currently working with the school district for their
upcoming Essay & Art Contest this fall. The' judge' date is November 1 and 2 and the
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`awards' night is December 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. This year's theme is
`Animals of Texas'. This is for grades Kindergarten – Grade 12.
On behalf of her committee she attended the Harrison House Opening in Selma last week.
This is a complete restoration of a beautiful historical home. It was a good example of
preservation, restoration, conservation and repurpose. It will be used as a community center
for receptions, parties, etc. There will be hike and bike trails established in the second part of
the restoration —also a community garden.
Executive Director Brian James interjected stating staff has been thinking about how to better
assist the CCAB members in creating their summaries /updates to share with their individual
boards after each monthly CCAB meeting. He passed out a handout as an example
(Attachment - A). Their board's city staff liaison can create a short summary after each
board meeting and e -mail it to you. Mr. James will also review it for any supplemental input
or corrections. If everyone likes this idea they will continue with it and also include EDC's
information each month. Once the CCAB meeting is held that activity can also be added to the
document so when each member takes it to their next board meeting they will have a synopsis
of what is going on with all the boards /commissions /committees. The board members agreed
this was a good idea.
Board Member Reynolds stated they did not have a BOA meeting since the last CCAB
meeting so there was nothing new to report.
Guest Ruth Tienor (sitting in for Board Member Burke) stated the Library Board experienced
great success with all the people who signed up for their adult and /or children workshop
programs and book sales.
Board Member Brown stated that Major Wire has moved into one of the warehouses on
Lookout Road. He thanked EDC Director Kyle Kinateder who furnished each member with a
handout of Schertz EDC information (Attachment – B). Mr. Kessel added that he and Sarah
Gonzalez had joined a few other individuals visited GE this morning and it was amazing to
see their operation. They have 800 employees, state of the art equipment, and true
manufacturing and massive exporting activity. It is really an immense operation.
Board Member Simmons stated they are redoing their trail plans and hiking trails and they are
deciding on the street trails and what connectivity they need and what priorities are regarding
repairs, etc. They will also need some new construction as they move forward. Additionally,
they are looking at the business uses of the parks and how to manage that.
Chair Dziewit stated the Traffic Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) has been looking at
stop signs, street markings, speed bumps, and what the thoroughfare plan will be like that is
coming up. He has looked at the report (Attachment – A) and likes the idea of having this in
the future —and adding some EDC info as well. He also suggested at some point for everyone
to go over to one of the other meetings for any one of those areas to see the level of detailed
discussions that take place as compared to here at CCAB. He thanked staff for putting the
exhibit together.
Board Member Simmons suggested adding a brief synopsis of the most recent CCAB meeting
to it as well. Another suggestion was to also add the board's normal meeting dates /times.
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Chair Dziewit reminded the group of the current community budget meetings that are going
on this evening and tomorrow night. He attended the previous one at Corbett Jr. High School
and commended staff on their excellent presentations. It was really good information.
City Manager report/updates.
Chair Dziewit recognized City Manager John Kessel who stated staff could e -mail the
PowerPoint presentation of the community budget presentations to the members of this
committee if they wanted to see it.
He stated at this time there are 11 candidate filers for city council seats in the upcoming
election on November 8. Each place has two filers except the mayor's position which remains
unopposed at this time. This will be the largest number of candidates we have had in years in
one election. The deadline for filing is Monday, August 22 at 5:00 p.m. for all seats except
Place 3, which closes on Thursday, August 25 at 5:00 p.m.
The aquatic facility is starting to look like an actual building now and the city has also now
engaged the services of an architect for the future Fire Station No. 3.
The Schertz- Seguin Local Government Corporation ( SSLGC) is considering a major
expansion (Guadalupe well field expansion). Most of the current facility is in Gonzalez
County – wells, treatment plant, pipelines. This would take a second well field and put it in
Gonzalez County and a second treatment plant and a parallel pipe to Schertz. We need this
additional water capacity due to our growth. It takes about 4 -5 years to build. We are currently
trying to get this approved at the water board level and then with each of the two cities. It is,
in the long term, in the best interest of Schertz to go forward with this opportunity. In fact we
have an opportunity to get state funding - a grant that did not exist before. It allows us to take
the cost of the project and do two (2) 20 -year loans. We don't have to pay interest on the
second half where we stack them end to end. The state will give us the interest on the first
loan, basically for free; they will carry that cost for us. So we are only paying that interest
while we make the debt payments. We will wind up paying a lot less interest this way
(estimated 9 or 10 million dollars interest savings).
Chair Dziewit asked about the proposed landfill situation. Mr. Kessel stated that everyone is
still waiting for permitting decisions by a state judge — possibly early this fall. Our concern is
that the way the design is planned for the landfill, it will not sit above the aquifer, it would
actually sit in it. The liner is not very good and we are concerned about possible water
contamination. We are continuing to fight it. Chair Dziewit asked for continuous updates.
Overview of the Public Works Department. (D. Wait/J. Hooks/D. Letbetter) (D. Wait/B.
James/ K. Woodlee /J. Hooks)
Water /Wastewater Manager Jim Hooks provided an overview of the Public Works
Department which included some reorganization changes earlier this year. It now consists of
the Water /Wastewater Division and Streets and Drainage Division. SSLGC provides most of
our water which comes out of the Carrizo Aquifer. He provided some history of this
agreement and statistics on our water storage and capacity. His division has 15 employees. He
provided additional information on their current and future projects.
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Streets/Drainage Manager Doug Letbetter spoke regarding his group's duties and provided
statistics on their drainage channels and future projects. He has six employees. He also
described the units chipping service that is offered (every Friday) to the citizens of Schertz.
Mr. Letbetter answered questions from various board members. He stated he has 14 street
worker staff members which include the sign shop —they do all the city signs. He described
some improvements they will be working on in the school zones as well as adding some new
yellow flashing turn signals on Schertz Parkway. They are working closely with the
engineering department in regard to repairs /maintenance of the city roads (pavement condition
index ratings). Mr. Letbetter continued answering various questions from the board members.
5. City Council Retreat Strategy review and discussion results. (J. Kessel/B. James)
City Manager John Kessel stated they worked on the Road Stewardship Philosophy using
information from this group and interacting further with council at their recent retreat. They
developed a resolution (a sample was provided— Attachment - Q. He explained in more
detail various parts of the resolution and answered a variety of questions from board members.
6. Future Agenda Items Requested – This is an opportunity for the Board members to
request that items be placed on a future agenda. No discussion of the merits of the item
may be taken at this time.
Board Member Hall stated she would like to see some information on city ordinances, maybe
just focus on certain more prominent ones. Mr. Kessel stated for clarification, maybe pick a
few to focus on such as code enforcement, cell phone usage, animal control, etc. Members
agreed this would be a good beginning approach.
Board Member Simmons stated she would like to hear presentations from some more city
City Manager John Kessel challenged the members to think about taking advantage of
opportunities to move to another board—similar to the concept of cross training. After more
discussion, other board members stated that while there is merit to having information and
experience on other boards, to go there for just three months or so does not help that much.
To do this would have to be `voluntary' on the member's end. More discussion continued.
The key is to be open to embracing new things and not to keep doing something simply
because it's always been that way.
For next month (September) it was decided to ask the Marshal's Department to do a
presentation as well as the Economic Development Commission (EDC).
Executive Director Brian James stated he would like to see this board, the Committee of
Committees Advisory Board (CCAB) establish consistent meeting dates /times and that we
should agree on that so it can be put on the city website and members of the public can see it
and depend on it. Everyone agreed to have all future meetings on the third Wednesday of
each month from 3:00 -5:00 p.m.
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As there was no further business, Chair Dziewit adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.
Richard Dziewit, Chair
Donna Schmoekel, Deputy City Secretary
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Arl�r -HA E ,vT - A
August CCAB reports from boards and commissions
Last CCAB meeting July 20, 2016
The Board of Adjustment meets on the 4th Monday of the month, but only if we have a variance request
to hear. We thought we were going to have a meeting in July, but the applicant withdrew their variance
request. Its not a bad thing for us not to meet, in fact if we find we meet too often and hear a_.lot of
variance requests it could be a sign that we need to consider updating our codes.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Since our last meeting we met on July 27th and August 101h and approved a few plat, including one that is
intended to be developed as a couple of single family homes on about 6 acres each that requested a
waiver to allow them to use septic systems because there is no sewer line in the area. It was approved,
but our practice is to not allow septic for residential lots less than about 5 acres. We have approved
some commercial projects to use septic until a sewer line is extended and then tie in at that time.
We also recommended some amendments to the UDC for design standards for schools base on some
unique design issues on schools, grades served, security and safety, etc.
Reviewing Stop Sign warrants (criteria for installation) and discussing if we ever go back after they are
put in with new subdivisions to see they are appropriate where installed. Continuing to evaluate a few
locations for possible speed humps due to speeding residential areas. Along with P &Z and EDC waiting
for the next update of the thoroughfare plan.
Historic Preservation
We have not met since the last meeting, but Dean Weirtz is working with the City to install banners as
part of the Aviation Heights Heritage Neighborhood program.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
At our July meeting reviewed the draft hike and bike trail plan that is part of the update of the
thoroughfare plan that is occurring. The plan calls for both on street trails (like Schertz parkway), off
street (like by Dietz Creek by the municipal complex) and bike lanes. We also discussed our priorities for
new trail construction.
Next month we are going to discuss a policy on businesses using our park facilities, without renting
them. We have had some crossfit companies using the parks for their sessions. This limits the use of
those areas by the public.
Library Board
Met on August 1. We reviewed the library statistics as we do each meeting and also went over the
bookstore report. The bookstore is run by the Library Board to raise money for the library. We had a
booksale a few weeks before as well. We discussed purchasing a sign post to decorate the courtyard and
discussed the Library Advisory Board budget for next yea "r.
1400 Schertz Parkway, Building 2, Schertz, Texas 78154 ( 210.619.1070 1 www.SchertzEDC.com
About the SEDC
In 1997, Schertz residents
voted to establish the City of
Schertz Economic Development
Corporation ("SEDC"). The
SEDC was created under the
Development Corporation Act of
1979 which gives cities the ability
to finance new and expanding
business enterprises for the
purpose of stimulating new and
expanding business activity within
the City of Schertz. The SEDC
collects a half cent of sales tax
to be used for eligible projects
under Chapters 501, 502 and 505
of the Local Government Code.
Each project must be found by
the SEDC to promote economic
Since its inception, the SEDC has
been influential in achieving its
purpose of attracting and retaining primary jobs and bringing new money into the City. Significant SEDC projects have
included the strategic investment of infrastructure within our industrial parks, loans to expand our medical industry, and
grants to both small and large companies to promote new or expanded business enterprises within Schertz.
The SEDC works in unity with the City of Schertz to develop our city into a premier Texas community that is business
friendly, promotes a family atmosphere sustained byforesight and innovation, and continues a long- standing commitment
to economic prosperity.
The SEDC will continue to seek out opportunities to further our economic development by investing into our local
economy. In effort to spur continued investment into the City of Schertz that directly supports community, opportunity,
and continued service for the City's future. For more information visit our website: www,SchertzEDC.com
FortuneO 100 Companies with Major Operations
About Schertz
constructed over three million square feet of space.
Develop in ' er z
Rea! Estate -The City of Schertz has seen a tremendous amount
of development activity in the past couple of years. Since the
construction of Amazon in 2014 we have added an additional 1.3
million square feet of commercial space.
Workforce - Within the San Antonio -New Braunfels MSA there
is a workforce of over 1.1 million; locally there are over 335,000
workers within a 15 mile radius that are trained, dedicated and
available for new and growing businesses.
Schertz area schools offer exceptional access to a wealth of
regional assets including top -rated public and private K -12
schools, community colleges and universities.
Access - Located near the crossroads of Interstate 35 and 10,
Schertz has premier highway access between Mexico and Canada,
Florida and California. Schertz is located 20 minutes from the
San Antonio International Airport and 1 hour from the Austin -
Bergstrom international Airport.
Infrastructure - Schertz is serviced by multiple electricity providers
that vary depending on the location. CPS Energy, New Braunfels
Electric, and GVEC each have available capacity for new projects.
Water and Wastewater are primary provided through the City of
Schertz in partnership with the Schertz- Seguin Local Government
Corporation and the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority and can
provide the needed infrastructure for your project.
DatA Souse: ESRI I Updated: 07/2016
Fortune Rank
cle-neral, E, lectric
Aniamixo m
About Schertz
constructed over three million square feet of space.
Develop in ' er z
Rea! Estate -The City of Schertz has seen a tremendous amount
of development activity in the past couple of years. Since the
construction of Amazon in 2014 we have added an additional 1.3
million square feet of commercial space.
Workforce - Within the San Antonio -New Braunfels MSA there
is a workforce of over 1.1 million; locally there are over 335,000
workers within a 15 mile radius that are trained, dedicated and
available for new and growing businesses.
Schertz area schools offer exceptional access to a wealth of
regional assets including top -rated public and private K -12
schools, community colleges and universities.
Access - Located near the crossroads of Interstate 35 and 10,
Schertz has premier highway access between Mexico and Canada,
Florida and California. Schertz is located 20 minutes from the
San Antonio International Airport and 1 hour from the Austin -
Bergstrom international Airport.
Infrastructure - Schertz is serviced by multiple electricity providers
that vary depending on the location. CPS Energy, New Braunfels
Electric, and GVEC each have available capacity for new projects.
Water and Wastewater are primary provided through the City of
Schertz in partnership with the Schertz- Seguin Local Government
Corporation and the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority and can
provide the needed infrastructure for your project.
DatA Souse: ESRI I Updated: 07/2016
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz (the "City ") wishes to adopt
Philosophy and Policy Statements as it relates to Roadway Stewardship and a Balanced City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that implementing a philosophy on Roadway
Stewardship can help in effectively spending scarce roadway funds in order to maximize the
benefits to the entire City; and
WHEREAS, having a Roadway Stewardship philosophy assists City Council in
answering the questions of which road, which repair, who to do it, and when to do it; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes there are many important factors affecting our
City that need to be kept in mind when prioritizing roadway: funding; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to both perform well in difficult times and to hold back in
good times, to achieve long -term consistency, to maintain control in; uncertain times, and to build
capacity for unexpected.events. and
WHEREAS, the, City Council has determined that it is'in the best interest of the City to
be transparent and adopt the Roadway Stewardship philosophy and policy statements to achieve
a Balanced City. ,
Section 1,. The City Council hereby authorizes the following philosophy statement be
adopted regarding the City's Roadway Stewardship model:
• The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) should be the major driver of the City's
maintenance priorities, including which roads to work on first and what type of
repairs to do in order to foster the best results for every dollar spent.
Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes the following policy statements be
adopted regarding a Balanced City approach:
The City needs to continue to invest in its full range of city services, from core
services to quality of life to economic engine. An over emphasis in one area will
inherently be at the expense of another.
The City will agree upon the right balance of cost, time and quality in order to
achieve a thoughtful and appropriate solution.
• The City will make consistent progress on a variety of projects every year, not
just one project each year, thereby striving toward a balanced approach.
• There will be a distribution of work to many City departments, not to just one
department, thereby striving toward a balanced approach.
• The City will recognize limitations in skills or resources prior to committing to
larger projects or more aggressive timetables.
• The City will perform phased or scaled jobs that allow success, learning, and
agility when possible, while not over - committing resources. This promotes
greater calibration and prepares us for addressing unexpected needs.
The City will recognize and address the resources that are needed to maintain
current responsibilities when considering taking on additional responsibilities.
Section 3. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true,
and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Resolution for all purposes and are adopted as a
part of the judgment and findings of the City Council.
Section 4. All resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with
any provision of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the
provisions of this Resolution shall be and remain controlling as to the matters resolved herein.
Section 5. This Resolution shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the
laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America.
Section 6. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person
or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Resolution and the application
of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City
Council hereby declares that this Resolution would have been enacted without such invalid
Section 7. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which
this Resolution is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject
matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Resolution, was
given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended.
Section 8. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its final
passage, and it is so resolved.
PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 23rd day of August, 2016.
Mayor, Michael R. Carpenter