05-17-2017 MinutesMINUTES
May 17, 2017
A Regular Meeting was held by the Committee of Committees Advisory Board of the City of
Schertz, Texas, on May 17, 2017, at 3:00 p.m., at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council
Chambers Conference Room located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following
members present to -wit:
Chair Richard Dziewit
Board Member Floy `Fae' Simmons
Earl Hartzog
Staff Present:
Executive Director Brian James
Assistant to City Manager Sarah Gonzalez
City Secretary Brenda Dennis
Guests Present: None
Members Absent: Michael Dahle, Barbara Hall
Call to Order
Board Member Shonale Burke
Board Member Tim Brown
City Manager John Kessel
Executive Director Dudley Wait
EDC Director Kyle Kinateder
Deputy City Secretary Donna Schmoekel
Chair Richard Dziewit called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Discussion and /or Action Items
1. Minutes. Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the
regular meeting of April 19, 2017.
Chair Dziewit recognized Board Member Hartzog who pointed out that the minutes of last
month were not seconded by himself. However, with that correction being made, he made
the motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Board Member Brown. The vote was 5 -0 -0.
Motion passed. Board members Dahle and Hall were absent.
Chair Dziewit complimented city staff on the great Police Memorial Ceremony held this
morning at the Schertz Civic Center.
Reports/Updates/Discussion and /or Action
2. Boards, Committee, Commission report/updates.
Chair Dziewit asked each board member to look at the boards /commissions monthly update
document that Executive Director Brian James had passed out which listed the recent
activities of the various city boards. He asked if anybody had anything else to add to it.
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Boardmember Hartzog stated the BOA had two variances they looked at back in March
and appro-ftd them.
Boardmember Brown said EDC held a recent joint meeting with city council and they
approved their incentive plan and they voted to provide a $200,000 incentive to an
existing medical corporation who is moving to a location in Schertz. This was mentioned
in the San Antonio Business Journal yesterday morning.
Boardmember Simmons (Parks Board) stated they had a briefing on the Hotel Occupancy
Tax which was enlightening as to what the funds can be used for. She mentioned the
upcoming Parks Tour which will be conducted this coming Friday and Saturday and she
encouraged everyone to attend if they can.
3. City Manager report/updates.
City Manager John Kessel stated that the Parks Tour was a really good idea. They are
also considering putting together a tour of the CCMA and SSLGC facilities. They are
seeing that it is a good idea to get folks out to see some of the conditions in the field.
Some of the newer council members have gone on tours, ride - alongs, or training events
along with staff members from the Police Department, Fire Department, etc. This helps
people better understand the different functions of the city.
There are a few things in the works that will come back to this body for some discussion.
One of these is a Contract Philosophy. We are starting to utilize this body as a critiquing
mechanism for things like this and which we already did with the Roadway Philosophy
and the Strategic Plan. Another one we are working on is the Reserves Philosophy —how
do you spend the money above the 25% reserve? They will also be sharing the Facilities
Planning information and making sure we are current with that.
Two other things to share. Now, there is a strong emphasis on maintenance, i.e. parks
and streets. We learned a lot last year with the PCI Index Study. We want to make sure
we are doing a good job with prioritizing both staffing and resources overall.
Another exciting thing is that Parks has received word they are in competition for a $1.1
million grant. However, there is no guarantee on it until the MPO takes action on it.
4. Citizen Survey discussion.
Boardmember Brown spoke about how last time they looked at the satisfaction levels of
the citizens survey results and where they could see improvement. Schertz Magazine had
83 %. This is good. The City Website had 47 %. Members discussed how the content of
the magazine cycles through different city departments, or features different
events /people, and other topics of interest. However, this is not a `breaking news' source.
There are still other avenues for that active on social media that take care of this —
information sharing.
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Chair Dziewit said the idea was to take a look at this and see what items or what areas we
should start with — working on more communication ideas.
5. Overview of the Public Affairs Department (S. Gonzalez/L. Klepper/M. Geedman)
Assistant to the City Manager Sarah Gonzalez provided an overview of the Public Affairs
Department. They serve an internal /external audience of approximately 38,000 people.
Their job is to enhance communication understanding, perception and image of the city.
This is channeled through avenues such as advertising, city videos, press releases, e -mail
blasts, social media, other marketing materials and logos /graphics.
Public Affairs is comprised of five different divisions:.Civic /Community Centers, Events,
311 Customer Care, Records Management, and Communications. They also have eleven
employees. The staff is looking for more ways to increase their daytime facility rentals
(training, business meetings, etc.) There will also be some changes with city events and
those that were previously operated by the Parks Foundation.
The 311 Customer Care division is also trying to engage more in public outreach
information availability. Records Management is working to go more digital and they
also do scanning for the city with site plans and other large documents. The
Communications division is where the magazine is produced and this involves a lot of
inhouse coordination.
They have a media policy to guide staff in procedures to deal with the public or even
internally with other departments. They are also currently working on a social media
policy. Working closely with other city departments is another way they assist with
getting the necessary communication out for their individual events. A new website is
being built with Civic Plus, which should be more user friendly —IT is taking the lead on
this project and one of the goals is to keep it more updated more frequently.
Members discussed more communication outreach ideas /options /preferences. Executive
Director Brian James pointed out that there is no one - size - fits -all answer and most cities
who do well in communicating with their residents utilize a wide variety of
communication options. Our 311 Customer Care Department does an excellent job of
taking citizen calls and directing them to the right department /staff member.
City Manager John Kessel stated he feels the City of Schertz has done a great job of
building.a reputation within this region, which is why we are a city open to two -way
communication. In fact, others in the area are saying this for us.
Members continued discussing different avenues for better communication and how to
increase public participation. Chair Dziewit stated that the expansion of the city's
communication process is probably one of the biggest things we need to work on,
especially as we continue to grow in size.
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6. Future Agenda Items Requested — This is an opportunity for the Board members to request that
items be placed on a future agenda. No discussion of the merits of the item may be taken at this
Chair Dziewit asked members to continue to review the Citizen Survey results again
before the next meeting so we can pick certain items out and talk about how to make
them better. What can we do? Or maybe just neighborhood information.
Boardmember Simmons stated she would like to see an item on a future agenda about
exactly what this committee's long -range goal is. Where are we going and what are we
accomplishing as a group?
Mr. James said from his perspective, this group has learned about the Roadway
Stewardship Philosophy, the proposed Communication Plan, and the proposed Reserve
Philosophy. This membership has a broad overview of the city and are able to weigh -in
on things in a meaningful way. You can give management good input.
Mr. Kessel said having a group of individuals who are experts in one area but serve to see
other areas is invaluable. You help management see something differently because you
represent both the city and as citizens. It helps them understand the community better.
Members continued discussing their individual roles, gaining broad based and /or specific
information on city projects, plans and proposals, broadening their base knowledge of
departments and executive decision making, and understanding prioritization processes
and communication techniques with each other as well as with their fellow citizens in
general. They also revisited the citizen survey and those results in relation to citizen
satisfaction with current city operations.
Next month: board members will continue to look at the Citizen Survey Results.
Chair Dziewit confirmed that the next meeting will be June 21, 2017.
Boardmember Hartzog inquired if our committee bylaws provided any provision for
allowing guests and /or residents attending the meeting to be able to speak or ask
questions. Mr. Kessel said we are not obligated by state law to do so. However, we have
always extended the courtesy if the guests at board meetings wish to say something.
However, we could certainly put a citizen's comments item at the beginning to make it
available to them. All the members concurred that citizens feel better when they are
simply heard by city representatives regarding their concerns. City Secretary Brenda
Dennis asked if an item should be added to future agendas for this and the answer was no.
Members decided that if citizens are present and they wish to make comments or ask a
question, they will simply allow them to do so.
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Chair Dziewit recognized Board Member Burke who moved, seconded by Board
Member Simmons to adjourn the meeting. The vote was 5 -0 -0. Motion passed. Board
members Dahle and Hall were absent.
As there was no further business, Chair Dziewit adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.
% Richard Dzi wit, Chair
(� Donna Schmoekel, Deputy City Secretary
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May 17, 2017 CCAB reports from boards and commissions (Last CCAB meeting April 19, 2017)
BOA — April 24, 2017 (scheduled)
There were no items to be considered so no meeting was held in April.
Planning and Zoning Commission - -April 26 and May 10, 2017
At their April 26 meeting, the Commission considered two plats related to the development of the northwest corner of
Old Wiederstein Road and FM 1103.
There were no items to be considered so the May 10 meeting was cancelled.
TSAC — May 4, 2017
Prompted by a request from resident to remove a speed hump, the Commission discussed the process for applying for a
speed hump and ideas about standards for removal of speed humps. Staff provided an update on the Cibolo Toll Road,
Historic Preservation — April 27, 2017 (Next Meeting is July)
Schertz Library Director Melissa Uhlhorn discussed participating in the Bibilioboard Project, The City was approached
about participating in this project to digitize and publish online documents regarding the history of the Schertz area. The
Committee supported the project and subcommittee was identified to work with Melissa. The Committee recommended
two properties for Landmark designation. The Committee discussed publication of the spring 2017 Committee Newsletter
and Remembrances Special Edition Article 2017 -2 as well as the Fifty Year Consolidated City Council Activity Report, The
Committee discussed Heritage Neighborhood banner restoration and placement of additional banners. Finally, the
Committee discussed goals for 2017.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board —April 24, 2017
The Parks Board received a briefing about Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds which can be used to fund some sports
tournaments. They also discussed the park improvement project list, the Community Survey and the Status of Homestead
Park and Hilltop Park. Finally, they set dates for a tour of park facilities.
Library Board — May 1, 2017
The library Board reviewed the Treasurers', Librarian's, Bookstore and CCAB reports for the past month. The Board
discussed budget priorities for the upcoming budget.
Schertz Economic Development Corporation
The City of Schertz Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) met in joint session,with the Schertz City Council on May
2, 2017. During the meeting the SEDC and City Council authorized an economic development incentive for Evestra, Inc.
to relocate and expand its operations in Schertz. Evestra is an emerging biopharmaceutical research and development
company who will move their headquarters, manufacturing, and research and development operations to Schertz. The
SEDC's support for Evestra is part of a strategic effort to attract growing small businesses and to provide a long -term
stability to the City's tax base. During the joint meeting, the SEDC and City Council also discussed the City's incentive
policies which will include a traditional economic development policy and a local flavor policy. The traditional economic
development policy focuses on the attraction and retention of primary jobs which help grow our economy while the local
flavor policy will focus on growing Schertz retail and service businesses that create local flavor for the City of Schertz and
its residents. The traditional economic development policy was approved by the SEDC and City Council, Staff is working
to develop the local flavor policy