04-17-2014MINUTES OF THE
On this the 17th day of April, 2014 the Schertz /Seguin Local Government Corporation (SSLGC)
convened at 1:30 p.m. in the City of Seguin Council Chambers located at 210 E. Gonzales, Seguin
Texas. The following directors being present and in attendance:
Ken Greenwald President
Robin Dwyer
Larry Dublin
Kerry Koehler
T. "Jake" Jacobs
Mayor Keil
Vice - President
Assistant Secretary
Ex- Officio
David Scagliola Ex- Officio
constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the transaction of
business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance with the provisions of
Texas law. Also in attendance were:
Doug Faseler
City Manager (City of Seguin)
John Bierschwale
Executive Director (City of Schertz)
Susan Caddell
Director of Finance (City of Seguin)
Sam Willoughby
Public Works Director (City of Schertz)
Scott Packard
Public Information Officer (City of Seguin)
Paul Gonzales
General Counsel (Davidson, Troilo, Ream & Garza)
Steven Siebert
San Antonio Water System (SAWS)
John Winkler
Consultant (Walker Partners)
Billy Phenix
Legislative Consultant
Bill Klemt
Consultant /Hydrologist
Greg Sengelmann
General Manager (GCUwCD)
Tommy Koch
C. Thomas Koch, Inc. (Arrived 2:02 PN�
Alan Cockerell
General Manager (SSLGC)
Regina Franke
Administrative Assistant (SSLGC)
The first order of business was to Call the Meeting to Order.
President Ken Greenwald called the meeting to order at 1:33 PM
The second order of business was Public Comment.
There were no public comments.
The third order of business was ADUroval of the Minutes for the Board Meeting held on
March 20, 2014.
SSLGC �MINU -FES 041-7-2014 (C. I'an.cs)
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Vice - President Dwyer made a motion to approve the March 20, 2014 minutes as read.
Treasurer Koehler seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by
unanimous decision.
The fourth order of business was Presentation of the General Manager's Report — Alan
Cockerell, General Manager.
General Manager Cockerell's written report was included in the board agenda packets. He added
the following items to his written report:
➢ Water Production
Seasonal pumping and monthly water sales charts were included in the board agenda
packets. Water production for the month of March 2014 was 68.3% of Gonzales County
Underground Water Conservation District's (GCUWCD) monthly allowable. Mr. Cockerell
noted that SAWS delivered 367.8 ac -ft of water from its well-field this month.
Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting was held April 8, 2014. Mr. Cockerell attended. A copy of the
meeting agenda was included in the board packet. A letter requesting the renewal of all well
permits and an exception to the district rules was delivered to GCUWCD on March 14,
2014. A copy of the letter was included in the March 20, 2014 board packet. He advised
that the District took up SSLGC's request to renew all its well permits at the meeting. The
manager recommended, and the board concurred, to renew only the permit for Well # 8
that would expire this month, and to take up renewals for the other permits later as the
permit expires and to deny the request for the exception. The stated reason was that the
GCUWCD Board planned to revise its rules during the summer of 2014 and wanted to
aggregate well-field permits and did not want the mass renewal to interfere with that
intended aggregation. Mr. Cockerell was pleased that the only comment in opposition to the
renewal was due to the sale of water to SAWS and the Board did not concern itself with that
issue during deliberation of the renewal. The permit for Well # 7 will be considered for
renewal in July 2014 and the permits for Wells # 1 -6 in October 2014. The remaining four
wells will be considered for renewal in March 2015. The GCUWCD Board will receive
comments on the requested changes to the existing rules until May 30, 2014. The District's
legal counsel and manager would then draft proposed rules for the District Board to
consider. After the GCUWCD Board approves the proposed rules, a public comment
hearing would be held and the Board would then act on adoption of the rules. SSLGC had
started the process of coordinating with other permit holders regarding the rule change.
Monthly Meeting
The meeting was held April 10, 2014; Mr. Cockerell attended. A copy of the agenda was
included in the board packet. Mr. Cockerell advised that normal business was conducted at
the meeting. The board approved increasing the available of the Carrizo Aquifer to 12,600
ac -ft /yr and the Wilcox Aquifer to 16,000 ac- ft /yr.
Guadalupe County Commissioners Court Special Meeting
The meeting was held March 31, 2014 at 10:30 AM; a copy of the agenda was included in the
board packet. Mr. Cockerell attended and spoke at the meeting. That meeting was spurred
by a letter written by Judge Larry Jones to TCEQ in support of the permitting of the POCG
Landfill. The meeting was well attended and Judge Jones spent the majority of the meeting
in an attempt to justify his position.
➢ Region L /GMA -13
GA"- 13:
Draft DFC's are being developed to be presented to each groundwater district. The next
GMA -13 meeting was scheduled for May 15, 2014.
The CVLGC meeting was held on March 27, 2014 in Converse. The meeting agenda was
included in the board packet. The next meeting was scheduled for April 24, 2014 in Schertz.
The fifth order of business was Draught Contingency & Water Emergency Response Plan —
Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
➢ Resolution # SSLGC R14 -04
Mr. Cockerell advised that he made a few minor changes and corrected the grammatical mistakes,
nothing substantive. Staff requested approval of the updated document.
Vice - President Dwyer made a motion to approve the Drought Contingency & Water
Emergency Response Plan as corrected /Resolution # SSLGC R14 -04. Treasurer Koehler
seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The sixth order of business was Riverbank Pipeline Repair — Alan Cockerell, General
Manger & John Winkler, Walker Partners.
➢ Resolution # SSLGC R14 -05
Mr. Cockerell advised that Mr. Faseler had contacted him regarding concern about the pipeline
exposure on the riverbank in the vicinity of the new restaurant. After review by Mr. Cockerell and
Mr. Winkler it was determined that some erosion had occurred and that issue needed to be
addressed before the stability of the pipeline was compromised. Mr. Winkler offered an estimate of
the cost, but without any quotes to date he maintained that it was just an estimate. Mr. Cockerell
had contacted a few companies to solicit quotes. As of the date of the board meeting, he had not
received any responses. Mr. Cockerell anticipated estimates /quotes in the near future. After
discussion it was decided that once Mr. Cockerell received quotes, he would discuss them with the
SSLGC Executive Committee and potentially provide the Board with a request for action at the May
15, 2014 board meeting.
The seventh order of business was SSLGC Capital Projects — Alan Cockerell, General
Manager & Tohn Winkler, Walker Partners
Included in the board packet was SSLGC CIP Improvement (Clpdated April 2014), a revised document
was provided at the meeting, SSLGC CIP Improvements (Updated 17 April 2014). After discussions
from the previous board meeting and conversations with the SSLGC Executive Committee, Mr.
Cockerell revised the priority of that list as follows:
1. Seguin Connection (approved March 20, 2014)
2. Seguin Riverbank Pipeline Repair
3. SE Schertz Quadrant Improvements
4. Cathodic Protection System
5. Rehabilitate Existing Ground Steel Storage Tanks
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6. WTP Offices
7. Guadalupe River Bridge Crossing Rehabilitation
8. Guadalupe Well Field
9. Parallel Pipelines
Funding the various projects was the main topic of discussion. Mr. Cockerell advised that he could
potentially include the Rehabilitation of the Ground Storage Tanks and /or the Cathodic Protection
System in the Operations & Maintenance Budget for FY2014 -2015. He mentioned that he would
like to continue to build the Repair and Replacement Fund balance versus using it now and draining
it down to a minimum.
Mr. Cockerell advised that Walker Partners' Task Order # 1 and # 9 were open and the funds were
encumbered. He had previously consulted with Mr. Winkler and they determined that both of those
Task Orders should be closed and the funds would then be unencumbered. This would allow for
use of those monies for other Capital Projects.
Secretary Dublin asked if there was a reason to keep the 2010 Bond Fund monies. Mr. Cockerell
advised that those funds needed to be spent in the near future. Vice - President Dwyer asked if the
Cathodic Protection could be done in conjunction with the Parallel Pipeline Project. Mr. Cockerell
advised that the Cathodic Protection was more of an urgent nature and the Parallel Pipeline Project
could be considered at a later date.
Vice - President Dwyer made a motion to close Task Orders # 1 and # 9 and release the
funds. Assistant Secretary Jacobs seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the
motion carried by unanimous decision.
The eighth order of business wa §SAWS Expansion Project Update — John Winkler, Walker
Partners & Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
Mr. Winkler advised that Pepper- Lawson was moving forward, but he was not confident that
Pepper- Lawson would be done in the next 30 days as they anticipated. Mr. Cockerell advised that
Pepper- Lawson was aware of the $3,500 /day liquidated damages charge they would face in the event
that they did not meet the deadline completion date. Mr. Cockerell advised he would keep the
board updated.
The ninth order of business was SSLGC Construction Update — John Winkler, Walker
Partners & Alan Cockerell.
➢ Change Order # 1(T & F Construction
Mr. Cockerell advised that it had been determined that 66 spindles on the back exterior staircase had
been damaged /split by water freezing that was trapped inside. T & F Construction would remove
and replace the spindles and make modifications to allow for them to drain versus trapping water, to
prevent future damage. Change Order # 1 would allow for the additional time for this unscheduled
task, as well as, approve the funds to be allocated, which were in excess of the original contract
Assistant Secretary Jacobs made a motion to approve Change Order # 1. Secretary Dublin
seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision.
The tenth order of business was Legislative Update — Biliy Phenix, Legislative Consultant &
Alan Cockerell, Executive Director.
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Mr. Cockerell recommended Executive Session.
President Greenwald deferred item ten to Executive Session.
The eleventh order of business was Status Update BPS Ground Storage Tank /Preload and
Action in Response to Same — Patrick Lindner, General Counsel & John Winkler, Walker
Partners & Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
Executive Session Recommended
President Greenwald deferred item eleven to Executive Session.
The twelfth order of business was Wholesale Water Contract (s) — Patrick Lindner, General
Executive Session Recommended
President Greenwald deferred item twelve to Executive Session.
The thirteenth order of business was Gonzales County & Guadalupe County Carrizo and
Wilcox Water Leases — Alan Cockerell, General Manager.
Executive Session Recommended
President Greenwald deferred item thirteen to Executive Session.
The fourteenth order of business was Executive Session called under Chapter 551
Gov rnment Code Section 551.071 to seek the advice f i s a t me on legal matters and
Section 551.072, for deliberations regarding real estate.
President Greenwald closed General Session at 2:21 PM
Executive Session was held from 2:33 PM to 2:59 PM
The fifteenth order of business was to Consider and Take Action as Result of Agenda Item
Number fifteen.
President Greenwald reopened General Session at 2:59PM
Agenda Item # 10:
No action requested /No action taken
Agenda Item # 11:
No action requested /No action taken
Agenda Item # 12:
No action requested /No action taken
Agenda Item # 13:
No action requested /No action taken
The sixteenth order of business was Consideration and/or Action on Questions and
Possible Items to be placed on the Next Agenda.
❖ The next board meeting was scheduled for May 15, 2014 in the City of Schertz at 1:30 PM
❖ Preliminary Budget /Water Rates discussion
❖ Riverbank Repair
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The seventeenth order of business was Adjournment.
President Greenwald declared the meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM
`I .
Larry Dublin, Secretary
T. "Jake" Jacobs, Assistant Secretary
SSLGC , \[INL1TLS 04-17-2014 (G Pas.cs; SIGNED OR.IGINAL(S): 1
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