June 1, 2017 MinutesTransportation Safety Advisory Commission
Thursday, June 1, 2017 5:30 P.M.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a meeting on June 1, 2017 at
5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, Building #4, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
Bish, Stephen
Bowers, Bill
Outlaw, Glen
Rowland, Phillip
Ryson, Paul
Sullivan, John
Staff Present:
Albert Arriaga, Traffic Safety Division
Brian James, Executive Director
Doug Letbetter, Public Works Manager
Cecilia Palomo, Graduate Engineer
Kathy Woodlee. City Engineer
CALL TO ORDER AT 5:30pm by Chairman Stephen Bish
The following residents signed up to speak together as a Team regarding their concerns with a
neighbor within their subdivision. All concerned residents speaking are located on Cyrus
McCormick and all have the same issues with the residence in question. The concerns include, but
are not limited to, multiple vehicles that are not possibly in running condition parked for extended
amounts of time, parking on the lawn, late night /early morning traffic, large aggressive dogs, etc.
Complaints also consisted of current property values going down and that it recently took the Fire
Department over 20 minutes to travel down street due to too many vehicles being parked belonging
to the one same residence in question. Staff to speak with all City departments that may be able to
provide support, including Marshall's Office and Police Department, to see if we can offer some
assistance on any of the areas that are in question.
Fae Simmonds —1216 Cyrus McCormick
John & Pat Foster —1304 Cyrus McCormick
Joann Vollbrecht —1300 Cyrus McCormick
Terry Ann Harris —1305 Cyrus McCormick
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the May 4,
2017 Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Paul Ryson to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2017
Meeting. Second by Commissioner Bill Bowers. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
6 -1 -2017 Minutes
2. Residential Parking Volume: Mr. James gave an overview on some of the current parking
issues throughout the City, and which department oversees which areas of concern. Mr.
James spoke of codes, ordinances, the possibility of fines, etc. that are set into place in order
to support different areas of concern. The City departments are coming together to try and
plan the best course of action and follow through. Commissioner Sullivan brought up the
idea of bringing change into future residential planning requirements such as larger lots,
longer driveways, requiring more parking spots, etc. These are ideas that will be brought up
and can be discussed within the right department and /or commissions to see if the City
should entertain these types of changes, or not.
3. Master Thoroughfare Plan: Staff gave an update on the Master Thoroughfare Plan,
including an updated map. Recently on City Council's Agenda, there was a large turnout of
citizens with a desire to address Council in either support of, or non - supporting, to the plan
for different reasons. There was a very limited number of individuals who expressed support
and a large number of folks who expressed concern. The City staff did a thorough job
explaining to the citizens why this plan is so very important with the consistent growth
within the Schertz community and how it will remain beneficial over the years to come.
4. Staff Comments: City staff gave updates on the following areas.
• TxDot sidewalk close to complete. Still needing stamp of approval on ADA.
• Discussion on possible changes to the Traffic Safety Application and incorporating the
speed hump install /removal application with an all- encompassing traffic application
• Engineering staff held meeting to discuss upcoming road repairs. Just completed some
crack sealing and working with a consultant to plan upcoming heavier projects.
5. Future Agenda Items Requests and /or Comments by Commissioners:
• Request to continue discussion on current residential parking issues.
Adjournment: Motion made by Commissioner Glen Outlaw to adjourn the meeting
by Commissioner Phillip Rowland. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
adjourned at 7:27PM.
Attes : a
Stephen Bis , Chairperson