June 2, 2014
Members Present: Sandy Keiser, Juan Thorn, Laura Wilson, Brian James, Mary McAllister,
Howson Lau, Melissa Uhlhorn, Margaret Riley, Carol Cyr, Ruth Tienor, Janice Manzo, Neota
Brady, Bobbie Boyce, Joanne Ward, Patti Dilworth
Visitors: None
CALL TO ORDER: Juan Thorn called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes for
May 5, 2014 meeting.
Neota Brady moved to accept the May minutes with the corrections. Mary McAllister
seconded the motion. Motion carried. May 5, 2014 minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the
Treasurer's Report.
The Treasurer's report for April 2014 was given. Bookstore sales were 1567.28, no consignment
reported, interest earned 1.40 Total 1568.68. Ruth Tienor moved to accept the Treasurer's
Report as presented. Joanne Ward seconded the motion. Motion carried. April Treasurer's
report was approved.
3. Librarian's Report: Librarian will report on the following items:
The April Statistics: Total Library circulation 29,983, Total Patrons 19,243, Library Program
Attendance 1536, Total Collection Titles 81,755, New Library Cards issued 312, Library Cards
Renewed 425, Self- checkout 11,310, Electronic Resources 91,269, Volunteer hours 374.25, ILL
(Inter Library Loans) 19, Meeting room usage 78, Computer Usage 3,149, TSLAC Service
Population 80,183, Web page hits 5,024
General Operation for May:
- Lisa Newburger was named the Library Liaison for Volunteers.
- Summer Reading program will begin with a kick -off party and a Book Fair. Each adult
participant will receive a bag with the itinerary and reading log.
-April Toman and Lizzie Bertoia have planned lots of activities scheduled for the Summer
Reading programs. All the information has been posted on the Library website.
- The Master Gardeners donated three books to the Library.
- Melissa Uhlhorn has applied for the Director of the Library position. There are two part -
time positions available; interviews and candidates' names were submitted to HR. The
Library will have two summer interns.
-On June 17th Scott Hubbartt, a local author will be having a book signing at the Library. His
book "A Short Walk to the Edge of Life: How My Simple Adventure Became a Dance with
Death —and Taught Me What Really Matters" was published by Random House Publishing.
- The 10 computers with Windows 8 touchscreens for Lizzie Bertoia computer lab have
arrived. They have not been installed.
4. Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items:
General Operation:
-The Bookstore had an issue with the games that were taken out of their cases prior to
being sold. A discussion that volunteers should be careful when selling the items and verify
at sale that the games are in intact.
- Help may be needed to cover the Bookstore for June and July.
- The Book Sale is set for July 25 -26, with setup on the 24th. A discussion for the need of
teenage volunteers is needed for the setup. Bobbie Boyce will do the flyers. The Herald will
also be notified of the sale and the Library will also announce it on the Library website.
- The craft magazines will be sold for .10 each.
5. Library Board Appointments and Officer Election- Notification of reappointments and
discussion and possible action on choosing a new chairperson.
The letter of resignation from Sonia Samora was discussed. Sonia held the Chair
position for the Library Advisory Board. A thank you letter will be sent to her for her
years of service and dedication to the board. She will be missed.
Ruth Tienor nominated Bobbie Boyce to fill the vacant Chair position. Patti Dilworth
seconded the motion. The motion carried. Bobbie Boyce is the new Chair for the
Library Adivisory Board. Congratulations Bobbie Boyce.
Joann Ward, Sandy Kieser, Bobbie Boyce, Neota Brady, Carol Cyr, and Janice Manzo
terms were up for renewal. Melissa Uhlhorn received notification of their renewed.
Howson Lau will be moved from the alternate #1 position to fill the vacancy on the
Library Advisory Board. Janice Manzo will be moved to the alternate #1 position.
6. FY 15 Budget- Discussion and possible action on adoption of Library Board's budget for
fiscal year 2014 -15.
The areas discussed were: 1. The tutor- Melissa Uhlhorn will approach the SCUCISD
School Board for contributing funds to the cost. 2. The need to update the Wifi Server
with a broadband upgrade and 3. The technology upgrades.
After discussion Joann Ward moved to accept the budget. Patti Dilworth seconded the
motion. The motion carried. The budget for the fiscal year 2014 -15 was approved.
7. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on the following items:
- Correspondence received by the Secretary: Thank You Letter from the Library Staff and
the letter of resignation from Sonia Samora
-Other announcements by Library Board members: None
-Call for items to be included on next agenda: Projects Honoring Hal Baldwin and Gail
Ruth Tienor moved to adjourn the meeting. Carol Cyr seconded the motion. The motion
carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next meeting is August 4, 2014.
JuA Thorn, Vice- Chairman Patti Dilworth, Secretary