October 6, 2014
Members Present: Sandy Keiser, Laura Wilson, Mary McAllister, Howson Lau, Melissa Uhlhorn,
Carol Cyr, Ruth Tienor, Janice Manzo, Neota Brady, Bobbie Boyce, Joanne Ward, Juan Thorn,
Patti Dilworth, Patti Paulson
Visitors: None
CALL TO ORDER: Bobbie Boyce called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes for
September 8, 2014.
Ruth Tienor moved to accept the September minutes. Sandy Keiser seconded the motion.
Motion carried. September 8, 2014 minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the
Treasurer's Report.
Bookstore sales were 1418.99, consignments were 249.54, Interest earned 1.19, and Total
1669.72. Patti Dilworth moved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Juan Thorn
seconded the motion. Motion carried. The August Treasurer's report was approved.
3. Librarian's Report: Librarian will report on the following items:
The August Statistics: Total Library circulation 35,351, Head Count 22,094, Library Program
Attendance 57, Total Collection Titles 84,408, Total Items 98,390, Patrons 30,118, New Library
Cards issued 441, Library Cards Renewed 614, Self- checkout 13,888, Volunteer hours 445.50,
ILL (Inter Library Loans) 22, Meeting room usage 41, Computer Usage 3,518, E- Resources 1,282,
TSLAC Service Population 86,162, Web page hits 4,394.
General Operation for September:
- Weeding of the shelves continues.
- Discussion of the positions available at the Library.
-There is a pumpkin decorating contest; it is open to the staff and the public.
October 17th is the deadline for entries. No carving or puncturing the pumpkin.
-The police were called for a disturbance in the library.
- Jennifer Caro is constructing a travel display for the display case. It will be entered in a
contest. Winners receive travel books. If you have any ideas or collections you would like to
provide for future displays are welcomed.
- Genealogy group is having a food drive during the month of October.
- Janitorial services were discussed. There were areas that needed to be addressed.
- Yarn Bombing- the Library's front bench, bicycle rack, a statue and a tree in courtyard are
sporting a new look. A group of ladies spent hours crocheting the beautiful covers.
- Morgan Russell, a Girl Scout (silver), is constructing a Storywalk. The Storywalk will be around
the playgscape and walking trail. She has five books to start with and hopes to have more. She
received donations to complete the Storywalk. Deadline for the Storywalk is November.
4, Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items:
General Operation:
-Daily operations are doing well.
- Book Sale is set for October 17 -18 with setup on October 16th. The volunteer signup sheet
was sent around. The Bookstore will open up early to accommodate the people attending
the book sale.
S. Library Foundation- Discussion and possible action on assisting the Schertz Library
Foundation with their fund- raising efforts.
The Library Foundation would like to sell book bags in the book store. Discussion was
tabled until more information is available.
The Library Foundation will be selling the Christmas wreaths again. They will be selling
them during the book sale.
6. Volunteer Gifts- Discussion and possible action on purchasing appreciation gifts for
Patti Dilworth made a motion to give calendars to the volunteers for Christmas. The cost
of the calendars will not exceed 200.00. Carol Cyr seconded the motion. All but one
board member moved to accept the motion. The motion carried for the of purchase
discussion or other gift options for the volunteers: Juan Thorn recommended l e
with names of the volunteers that have volunteered years, Melissa Uh1horn will look
at records for volunteers that are possible candidates rte plaque. Tobedoneduring
the Spring Volunteer Luncheon.
7. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on the following items:
Correspondence received by the Secretary: Thank you letter from Gail Douglas
- Other announcements by Library Board members: None
- Call for items to be included on next agenda: None