February 1
Members Present: Ruth Tienor, Laura Wilson, Melissa Uhlhorn, Sandy Keiser,
Carol Cyr, Patti Dilworth, Howson Lau, Bobbie Boyce, Margaret Riley, Neota Brady,
Patti Paulson, Brian James, Juan Thorn, Shonale Burke, Rebecca Scheffler
Visitors: None
CALL TQ ORDER: Bobbie Boyce called the meeting to order at 6.32 p.m.
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes
of the January 4, 2016 meeting.
Muth Tienor moved to accept the January minutes with corrections. Patti Paulson
seconded the motion. Motion carried. The January 4, 2016 minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Reports: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of
the August 2015 and the September 2015 Treasurer's Reports,
The December 2015 Treasurer's Report. Bookstore sales were 1,277.95, Interest
earned .95, Library Consignments were 193.97, donations were 5.00 total is
1477.87. Ruth Tienor moved to accept the December 2015 Treasurer's Report as
presented. Neota Brady seconded the motion, The motion carried. The December
2015 Treasurer's report was approved.
-The Board discussed moving funds from the cash account to the investment
account. The investment account currently has a higher interest rate. Brian James
suggested that the Board have James Walters, Asst. Financial Director, discuss the
Board's options and the benefits of both.
3. Librarian's Report* Librarian will report on the following items:
General Operation: - Brainfuse is up and running. The statistics shows 4 online tutor
sessions and 70 other online sessions, Natalie Shults is going to go to Wilder
Intermediate and to "Community On The Move" for demonstrations. A SCUCISD
school board member is recommending it and helping to get the news out.
- Winter Reading programs are in full swing. There is currently nothing to report at
this time.
- Suggestion Box: Melissa Uhlhorn will try to bring the suggestions to the Board to
review. The current area of concerns: Some concerns were: Wi -Fi not working
well, the graphic novel series are not complete, study rooms are loud on occasion,
and a chess club for children. If the suggestion that was left had contact information
on it the patron will be contacted personally.
-A local furniture maker presented a proposal for the Mary McAllister signpost. The
Board discussed the design and proposal. A few suggestions were made for possible
destination on the signpost. Margaret Riley suggested getting another proposal
before a final decision is made. Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
-The Library has an Adult Coloring Club. Margaret Riley has attended.
-No more recycle bends. They have been removed.
-The parking lot has been restriped and the broken cement parking bricks have
been replaced.
Total Circulation
Head Count
# of
Total ILL
Youth Program
Adult Program
Attendance /program
Attendance /program
956/25 programs
57/13 programs
Number of Patrons
New Cards
3M Self
TSLAC Service
Web page Session
Web page
Web page
No data
4. Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items:
General Operation:
- Blessed with lots of donations.
-There is a need for volunteers to cover some of the volunteers that are out for
personal reasons. The days we are looking for are Thursdays and every other
-Book Sale is scheduled for March 3-5,2016. Volunteers are available for setup.
Bobbie Boyce will send out a reminder email. Melissa Uhlhorn is following up on
the sign permit for the sale. The permit has expired. The bags at the sale will be
$3.00 for this sale, but will increase to $4.00 at the next book sale. There will be
signs to let patrons know of the price change.
- Consignment: We are having problems with the current consignment company.
They are having issues that are delaying selling of books. Bobbie Boyce is going to
reach out to the company to see if they can correct the issues. It was discussed
giving the consignment company a couple of months to fix the problems. If they are
unable to work out Melissa Uhlhorn has research some other possible companies.
The Book Prospector and world Books were two companies that were mentioned as
- Joanne ward is rewriting the bookstore policy -Do's and Don'ts. This is a great
option for all the volunteers. It was too difficult to schedule a meeting that all the
volunteers could attend. This will allow all areas of concern to be addressed. Mary
McAllister left the last update that was made to the bookstore policies for future use.
5. Update on aor's Committee: Howson Lau
No meeting- Nothing to report. Howson Lau has reached out to John Kessel, City
Manager, to see if they will be meeting in the future. Brian James will follow up as
6. Library Food & Drink Policy - Discussion and possible action on adoption of
a new food and drink policy.
Melissa Uhlhorn and staff conducted an in library poll as requested. The results
were still in favor of allowing the food and drink policy to move forward. The poll
was difficult to be regulated. Melissa read both the pro and con comments made on
Yelp, Facebook and in the survey and suggestion box, This policy will help the
library be relevant to the community. Most libraries in the area currently allow food
and drinks in parts of their libraries with the exception of two. Natalie Shults has
made demo flyers to show the do's and don'ts of the policy. This will allow the
patrons of the library to be aware of what is allowed. These will be posted
throughout the library. Melissa Uhlhorn has meet with Rick Alvarez, General
Services staff member assigned to the library, to discuss the possible problem areas.
There will be more trashcans, pest control is all ready established, and they have
established a quarterly cleaning of the carpet and chairs. A discussion of a
freestanding coffee kiosk might be possible. Shonale Burke made a motion to accept
the Food and Drink Policy as presented. Patti Dilworth seconded the motion.
Majority of the Board were for the policy. Motion carried. The Library Food and
Drink Policy was approved.
7. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on the
following items:
-Correspondence received by the Secretary: None received
-Other announcements by Library Board Members:.
-Call for items to be included on the next agenda: Discuss the proposals on Mary's
signpost. Brian James recommended having James Walters, Asst. Financial Director,
at the next meeting to discuss moving money from cash account to investment
account. Melissa Uhlhorn is to get estimates for selling coffee specifically Kerig pods
in the Library. Juan Thom will also do research on bringing coffee to the Library.