May 5, 2014
Members Present: Sonia Samora, Sandy Keiser, Mary McAllister, Melissa Uhlhorn, Margaret
Riley, Carol Cyr, Ruth Tienor, Laura Wilson, Janice Manzo, Juan Thorn, Neota Brady, Joanne
Visitors: John Kessel
CALL TO ORDER: Sonia Samora called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
1. Minutes: Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes for April
7, 2014 meeting.
Ruth Tienor moved to accept the April minutes. Joanne Ward seconded the motion. Motion
carried. The April 7, 2014 minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the
Treasurer’s Report.
April sales were $1,350.09. No consignment check received/deposited in April.
Margaret Riley moved to accept the Treasurer’s report ford April, 2014. Neota Brady seconded
the motion. The Treasurer’s report for April was approved.
3. Librarian’s Report: Melissa Uhlhorn (Librarian) reported on the following items:
General Operation for April 2014
The March Statistics: Total Library circulation 31,920, Total Collection (Titles) 80,683, New
Library Cards issued 369, Library Cards Renewed 572, Self-checkout 12,461, Electronic
Resources 89,083, Volunteer hours 377.50, ILL (Inter Library Loans) 14, Meeting room usage 67,
Computer Usage 3,281 hours, TSLAC Service Population 86,162
Melissa reported on the TLA meeting in San Antonio that the librarians attended. They
attended several classes and felt that they learned a great deal.
Melissa also explained that she had submitted the Annual Report for the Library accreditation
and it was rejected because of the low book inventory. She let them know that we would be
upping our inventory and that by March 31, 2014 we would be in compliance. It was then
approved. Melissa feels the best and easiest way to increase the inventory is through the
purchasing of E-Books.
4. Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items:
The next Bag Sale will be July the 25th and 26th.
5. Summer Reading Club
A request was made for the Board to fund seasonal interns for the Summer Reading Club. A
sum of $3,200.00 was requested for 40 hours x 8 hours x $10.00 per hour.
Ruth Tienor made the motion to approve and Bobbie Boyce seconded the motion. The request
for $3,200.00 was approved.
6. Volunteer Policy Revision
No one had any revisions to the policy. A discussion was held regarding the need for volunteers
at the book drop and for computer assistance.
7. FY15 Budget
Mr. Kessel, Schertz City Manager, held an open discussion with the Board regarding our budget
priorities. We discussed several of those items:
1. Shortage of items in the Library
2. New Computers/IT (Wi-Fi).
3. Landscaping
4. Benchmarks/surveys for customers
Melissa Uhlhorn, Library Director, submitted the preliminary budget to the City but reported to
us her budget numbers so we could give her our input on the items/ideas.
$12,000 for Special Events
$10,000 for Materials (TBD)
$1,000 for FFE
Melissa also brought up that a parent group had requested help with homework/tutoring and
Melissa is thinking about purchasing a product similar to Tutor.com that would be a real-time
program available to our customers and accessible through the Library computers. It could
potentially be a cooperative effort between the school and library.
Other items that might be added in the budget are window film or a curtain of some type for
the back windows of the Library, self-service kiosks or a branch library.
8. Computer Replacements
Request was made for funding for an HP computer with Windows 8 operating system not to
exceed $7,000.00.
Juan Thorne made the motion to approve and Ruth Tienor seconded. The motion passed.
9. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on the following
• Correspondence received by the Secretary: None
• Other announcements by Library Board members: None
• Call for items to be included on next agenda: None
Juan Thorn moved to adjourn the meeting. Ruth Tienor seconded the motion. The motion
carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting is May 5, 2014.
_____________________________________ __________________________________
Sonia Samora, Chairman Patti Dilworth, Secretary