FY 1992-93 BudgetCITY OF SCHERTZ Operating Budget 0 TSGHERp\ f%v U I -35 I -1 0- W R TO TI'is V-1., FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1992 - SEPTEMBER 1993 o45CHE$p2� co%'\qq 1400 SCHERTZ PARKWAY P. O. DRAWER 1 SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 -0890 AC (512) 658 -5321 KERRY R. SV`EATI' FAX * (512) 659 -3204 July 31, 1992 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager SUBJECT: 1992 -93 Operating Budget Recommendations QTY MANAGER Pursuant to City charter and state law, we are filing FY 92 -93 operating budget recommendations for your consideration. As you will note from the summary, General Fund revenues are projected to be $2,614,150. The expenditure total in the General Fund is $2,612,073. The revenue estimates generally reflect a conservative estimate of revenues to be realized during the upcoming fiscal year and the ad valorem tax information is based on a certified tax roll and estimated additions totalling $261,123,895 which represents a $8,230,889 decrease from the assessed value estimates for FY 91 -92. The total recommended tax rate for 92 -93 is 42.55 cents per $100 value. As a result of the substantial loss of assessed value, a tax rate increase of 1.13 cents is necessary to produce the equivalent of 91 -92 ad valorem revenue and we are recommending an additional 2.53 cents increase to fund expenditures for FY 92 -93 for a total of a 3.66 cent increase from the 1991 -92 rate. The recommended rate is below the roll back rate but is above the 3% rate which therefore, will require specific notices and hearings. Significant features of the General Fund portion of the budget recommendations include: 1) a 5% adjustment throughout the salary plan in order to implement steps toward bringing the City of Schertz' salary structure into the appropriate pay levels for the skills and professions involved, 2) replacement of five (5) police units as a part of the overall vehicle replacement program, 3) scheduled memory enlargement for our data processing programs, 4) completion of the scheduled roof repair for the Municipal Building, 5) addition of rescue and emergency equipment in the fire service, 6) recognition of substantial cost savings from our commercial insurance realignments, 7) allocation and distribution of specific cost items such as telephone services, commercial insurance and data processing operations to the using departments on an actual relationship of use to cost. FY 1992 -93 Operating Budget Recommendations Page Two S.A.F.E.S. operations represent a balanced budget with income and expenditures of $380,723. Revenue projections include an increase in the transport rate of $15. as a part of plans to develop sufficient funding for an additional ambulance replacement in FY 93 -94. Expenditures this year include the third payment for the 1991 -92 ambulance replacement and the purchase of a replacement vehicle for the administration. Water and Wastewater expenditures are projected to be $1,935,264 which represents a 5.5% increase from that of FY 91 -92. As a part of the long range planning and the necessity to secure alternate water supply sources, we are recommending a water rate increase of approximately 12.5% which, including the establishment of an inverted rate structure for implementation during the fiscal year, when implemented, will raise the ratio of operating income to expenses to a recommended level. We are also recommending an increase in the base sewer rate from $3.25 to $4.53. The Capital Recovery portion of the recommended budget provides for two (2) major water distribution line improvement projects as a part of the overall master plan improvements within the total expenditure budget of $171,420. The Fleet Services fund is functioning as designed and has projected income and expenditures of $70,673. We expect to review the individual budget recommendations in detail with you over the course of the next several weeks and have tentatively scheduled workshops for August 4, 12, 18 and 26 as a part of your regular meeting schedule. We have also tentatively scheduled that a tax public hearing would be held on September 8 and public hearing on the budget on September 15. Action on the budget and tax rate could be taken under this schedule on the September 15 date. These budget recommendations are the product of a combined effort on the part of each member of our organization and I would like to take this opportunity to commend each member of the staff for their dedication and willingness to accept reductions and deletions from their well- thought -out and very deserving programs and plans! My very special thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Alice Austin and Mr. Mark Marquez for their high level of enthusiasm, interest and efforts to organize, analyze and present, in an efficient manner, the myriad of details and information required for you to receive a meaningful financial plan. Thank you for your advice and assistance. ORDINANCE NO. 92 -M -20 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993, BY APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR SAID PERIOD AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS OUT OF THE GENERAL AND OTHER REVENUES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR SAID YEAR FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AND FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, as required by the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter, the budget has been prepared and submitted to the City Council with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all City Departments and activities for the year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing upon said budget has been duly and legally published; and WHEREAS, said public hearing has been held and full and final consideration given said budget; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT for the purpose of providing the funds necessary and proposed to be expended in the budget for said City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993, the budget was prepared and submitted to the City Council for its consideration and approval and that said budget in the total amount of $ 2,612,074.16 and the same is hereby appropriated for the maintenance as set forth in said budget. SECTION 2. THAT the said budget of the City of Schertz, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992 and ending September 30, 1993, an exact copy of which is marked "Exhibit A' and made a part hereof for all purposes the same as if it were copied in full herein, is hereby approved and adopted by the City Council for fiscal year 1992 -1993. SECTION 3. THAT this ordinance approving and adopting a budget for the twelve -month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the General Laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter. SECTION 4. THAT the public importance of this measure constitutes and creates an urgent public necessity, in order to comply with the provisions of the City Charter, requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 15 day of September , 1992, /s/ Earl W. Sawyer Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: lsl June G. Krause City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) ORDINANCE NO. 92 -T -21 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1992; PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF 100 % APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $0.4255 ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. THAT there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of $0.4255 on the one - hundred ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 1992. SECTION 2. THAT such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various Departments $0.3512 (B) For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for fiscal year 1992 -1993 $0.0743 TOTAL TAX RATE $0.4255 The Director of Finance has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the Fiscal Year 1992 -1993. DATE OF ISSUE 1962 City of Schertz, Sewer System Bonds Principal $11,000.00 Interest $ 3,913.00 Total $14,913.00 1972 City of Schertz, Street Improvement Bonds Principal $11,000.00 Interest $ 2,232.00 Total $13,232.00 1975 City of Schertz, Park Improvement, Street and Drainage Bonds Principal $10,000.00 Interest $11,420.00 Total $21,420.00 1981 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and Junior Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation Principal $10,000.00 Interest $ 7,870.00 Total $17,870.00 1983 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation Principal $55,000.00 Interest $83,735.00 Total $138,735.00 1987 City of Schertz, General Obligation Bonds Principal $25,000.00 Interest $25,265.00 Total $50,265.00 1990 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation Principal $35,000.00 Interest $61,047.50 Total $96,047.50 1991 City of Schertz, Certificates of Participation Principal $30,000.00 Interest $ 6,152.50 Total $36,163.50 SECTION 3. THAT the Tax Assessor and Collector for the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas, on the basis of one hundred percent (100 %) of appraised values for the year 1992, such basis of assessment being required to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 1992 -1993 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of $0.4255 assessed valuation as herein provided. SECTION 4. THAT the public importance of this measure constitutes and creates an urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 15 day of September , 1992. /s/ Earl W. Sawyer Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: /s/ June G. Krause City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) CITY OF SCHERTZ - 1991 -92 BUDGET INDEX.................. ............................... i ILLUSTRATIONS ......... ............................... 1 BUDGET RECAP .......... ............................... 7 GENERAL FUND Revenues......... ............................... 9 Expenditures CityCouncil ... .............................11 CityManager .............................. 15 Municipal Court .............................19 Tax Department ............................ 23 Planning Department ....................... 27 LegalDepartment .......................... 31 Police Department .......................... 35 Fire Department ............................ 39 Inspection Department ...................... 43 Street Department .......................... 47 Park and Recreation Department ............. 51 Municipal Building Department ............. 55 Animal Control Department ................. 59 Swimming Pool Department .................. 63 Administration Department ................. 67 Library Department ........................ 71 Economic Development Task Force ........... 75 Non - Departmental .......................... 79 WATER /WASTEWATER FUND Revenues ........ ............................... 83 Expenditures Water Service Department .................. 85 Water Billing Department .................. 89 FLEET SERVICES Revenues ........ ............................... 93 Expenditures .... ............................... 95 i INDEX(continued) CAPITAL RECOVERY Revenues........ ............................... 99 Expenditures ........ ............................101 SAFES FUND Revenues ....... ............................... 105 Expenditures ... ............................... 107 PERSONNEL BONDS Table of Organization .................... 111 Position Authorization ................... 113 PayTables ............................... 117 Compensation Plan ........................ 121 General Bonds Summary of Debt Service Requirements .. 125 General Obligation series 1962......... 127 Street Improvement series 1972 ........ 128 General Obligation series 1975 ........ 129 General Obligation series 1987 ........ 130 Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates Summary of Debt Service Requirements .. 131 Combination Tax and Junior Lien Revenue Certificates series 1981 .. 133 Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates series 1983 ....................... 134 Combination Tax and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates series 1990 .. 135 Certificates of Participation series 1991 .............................. 136 ii INDEX(continued) Utility System Revenue Bonds Summary of Deb - Utility System Utility System Utility System Utility System Utility System t Servic, Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue iii Requirements series 1968 . series 1973 . series 1975 . series 1981 . series 1987 . ... 137 .... 139 .... 140 .... 141 .... 142 .... 143 I CITY OF SCHERTZ Historical Tax Rate 0.70 S 3.60 0.50 0.30 ii`t�v$ w aSv 'S 'l C'( �ll r::< ktui�. 0.00 - ® 1981 ULJ 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 MEN 1987 [::] 0 01992 1988 1989 1990 1991 \m ' l` ate; I CITY OF SCHERTZ Historical Tax Rate 0.70 3.60 0.50 0.30 'S 'l r::< ktui�. 0.00 - ® 1981 ULJ 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 [::] 0 01992 1988 1989 1990 1991 I CITY OF SCHERTZ General Fund Income Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Permits Muni-Court misc. $2,614,150.67 CITY OF SCHERTZ General Fund Departmental Expenditures $2,612,704.16 MPolice El Fire M Inspection EaStreets M Parks M Municipal Bld MAnimal Control F_] Swimming Pool ME Library EJMuni-Court El Non-Dept EM Other Depts CITY OF SCHERTZ General Fund Expenditures 1992-93 MPersonnel Supplies Contractual ImMaintenance Capital $2,612,074.16 1% 7% CITY OF SCHERTZ Total Budget Request Expenditures 37% M Gen Fund Ej SAFES Im Fleet Svc MEWater Fund M Capital Rec All Departments $5,170,354.86 1991 -92 BUDGET RECAPITULATION WATER & WASTEWATER FUND REVENUES EXPENDITURES Service Billing 1,868,760.67 1,132,224.68 42,268.93 1,728,343.00 1,668,541.00 58,387.00 1,935,861.00 1,863,437.35 72,027.35 Expenditure Total 1,174,493.61 1,726,928.00 1,935,464.70 694,267.06 1,415.00 396.30 7 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1990 -91 1991 -92 1992 -93 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2,423,051.39 2,477,480.68 2,614,150.67 EXPENDITURES City Council 11,687.66 17,270.00 17,800.00 Management 120,549.47 129,379.00 143,817.35 Municipal Court 40,799.10 46,415.00 51,345.35 Tax 65,598.71 67,158.00 81,215.05 Planning 68,326.76 79,351.00 86,507.50 Legal 72,949.78 33,800.00 34,100.00 Police 599,438.75 637,675.00 715,911.15 Fire 189,073.80 199,446.00 228,317.70 Inspection 45,263.04 55,657.00 52,327.85 Streets 235,097.85 257,331.23 297,006.80 Parks 95,359.60 111,398.77 114,549.28 Municipal Bldg. 105,413.45 119,504.73 108,470.40 Animal Control 64,753.02 76,393.67 79,096.80 Swimming Pool 49,815.35 61,335.00 70,142.87 Administration 85,018.95 91,195.00 99,048.75 Library 90,848.25 107,659.00 107,853.51 Economic Develop. 21,593.70 36,867.00 40,603.80 Non - Departmental 307,051.61 348,156.00 283,960.00 Expenditure Total 2,268,638.85 2,475,991.40 2,612,074.16 154,412.54 1,489.28 2,076.51 WATER & WASTEWATER FUND REVENUES EXPENDITURES Service Billing 1,868,760.67 1,132,224.68 42,268.93 1,728,343.00 1,668,541.00 58,387.00 1,935,861.00 1,863,437.35 72,027.35 Expenditure Total 1,174,493.61 1,726,928.00 1,935,464.70 694,267.06 1,415.00 396.30 7 1991-92 BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST RECAPITULATION BUDGET BUDGET 1990-91 1991-92 FLEET SERVICES REVENUES EXPENDITURES 0.00 17,453.56 66,166.00 66,166.00 BUDGET 1992-93 70,673-00 70,673.00 -17,453.56 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL RECOVERY REVENUES 0.00 180,350-00 185,995.00 EXPENDITURES 0.00 151,250.00 171,420.00 0.00 29,100.00 14,575.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S.A.F.E.S. FUND REVENUES 308,990.06 344,723-00 380,723.00 EXPENDITURES 316,410.82 344,723.00 380,723.00 -7,420.76 0.00 0.00 8 40010 40012 40014 40020 40022 40026 40036 41010 41012 41014 41016 41018 41020 41022 42010 42011 42012 42014 42016 42018 42020 42021 42022 42024 42025 42026 42027 42028 42029 43012 43014 43016 43018 43022 43026 43028 43030 43038 43050 43054 43058 43060 43080 44010 44012 44014 GENERAL FUND REVENUES TAX - ADVALOREM CURRENT TAX - ADVALOREM DELINQUENT TAX - ADVALOREM P &I TAX -BINGO TAX -CITY SALES TAX - ALCOHOL BEVERAGE TAX- PAYMENT IN LIEU OF FRANCHISE -BANK TAX FRANCHISE -CITY PUBLIC SER FRANCHISE -ENTEX FRANCHISE -GVEC FRANCHISE - PARAGON CABLE FRANCHISE -SW BELL FRANCHISE -SOLID WASTE LICENSE - ALCOHOLIC BEV. CONTRACTORS LICENSE LICENSE - ELECTRICAL LICENSE -PET PERMIT- BUILDING PERMIT- ELECTRICAL PERMIT- HEALTH HEALTH CARDS REINSPECTIONS PERMIT - PLUMBING PERMIT- MECHANICAL PERMIT- SOLICITOR /PEDDLER PERMIT - GARAGE SALE PLATTING FEES NOTARY FEES ANIMAL ADOPTION DUE TO HUMANE SOCIETY BALLFIELD USE BUILDING RENTAL MEETING ROOM RENTAL -LIB. PET IMPOUNDMENT POLICE REPORTS POOL GATE ADMISSIONS SEASON POOL PASSES SWIMMING LESSONS VEHICLE IMPOUNDMENT TAX CERTIFICATES ALARM PERMITS STREET REPAIR CHARGES MUNICIPAL COURT FINES M.C. /ARREST FEES WARRANT FEES ACTUAL 90 -91 975,351.72 38,777.50 17,760.21 2,269.40 508,774.19 0.00 174,999.96 3,425.73 16,957.02 7,027.86 94,893.90 41,043.69 27,546.28 12,226.29 1,880.00 0.00 2,622.00 2,599.00 25,939.50 2,129.00 1,529.50 0.00 0.00 4,331.00 0.00 105.00 1,920.50 505.00 0.00 2,419.50 1,790.64 2,140.00 2,585.00 1,227.50 5,922.71 1,004.00 18,292.72 5,359.60 4,411.00 30.12 2,210.00 265.00 2,508.81 151,503.66 19,891.25 15,417.03 9 BUDGET 91 -92 1,016,094.00 27,300.00 12,500.00 2,300.00 508,126.00 1,162.74 207,070.00 0.00 15,000.00 7,778.20 100,420.67 40,000.00 29,444.96 12,000.00 1,750.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,900.00 20,500.00 2,400.00 682.50 500.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 130.00 1,700.00 1,000.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,700.00 1,600.00 4,000.00 1,300.00 6,000.00 900.00 22,375.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 2,290.00 400.00 3,500.00 167,500.00 20,000.00 23,000.00 BUDGET 92 -93 1,088,094.00 30,000.00 13,000.00 2,350.00 525,000.00 1,400.00 210,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 7,800.00 100,420.67 44,000.00 30,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,100.00 2,000.00 35,000.00 2,600.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 200.00 2,000.00 750.00 200.00 2,100.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 5,000.00 1,300.00 6,000.00 1,200.00 22,375.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 2,300.00 400.00 3,000.00 175,000.00 24,000.00 27,000.00 GENERAL FUND REVENUES GRAND TOTAL 2,423,051.39 10 2,477,480.68 2,614,150.67 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 44016 LIBRARY FINES 1,609.20 2,000.00 2,200.00 44018 STATE FINES 8,363.41 9,879.50 10,200.00 44020 MC /CS FEE 120.00 1,927.00 2,500.00 44022 MC /TFC FEE 264.00 7,200.00 8,500.00 45200 COUNTY LIBRARY 33,796.17 45,287.00 47,895.00 45310 COUNTY FIRE CONTRACT 17,699.97 17,200.00 17,200.00 46110 INCOME- MISC.- GEN.FUND 20,716.20 24,000.00 22,000.00 46111 INCOME -MISC- LIBRARY 1,229.17 2,000.00 1,600.00 46112 INTEREST -EDTF 2,062.35 0.00 500.00 46212 DONATION - PARK /LANDSCAPING 0.00 100.00 100.00 46214 DONATION -FLOAT 500.00 600.00 500.00 46216 DONATION -CRIME PREVENTION 100.00 200.00 200.00 46218 DONATIONS -XMAS DECORATION 342.47 200.00 200.00 46220 DONATION - POLICE ACADEMY 250.00 0.00 500.00 47018 INTEREST INCOME- GEN.FUND 8,728.57 6,000.00 6,500.00 47032 INTEREST -GF 1987 BONDS 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 48010 EMERGENCY MGT COORDINATOR 11,359.80 11,000.00 12,000.00 48030 INDIRECT COST(SAFES) 5,808.00 5,800.00 5,800.00 48060 LEASE(CCMA) 6,102.72 6,200.00 6,200.00 48080 RETIREMENT REVERSION (B /L 45,326.29 15,000.00 2,000.00 48100 EDTF GRANT 1,666.66 1,666.00 1,666.00 48108 GUAD.CO.- ECONOMIC DEV. 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 48110 SALE OF PROPERTY 4,012.84 6,000.00 4,000.00 48112 SALE OF MERCHANDISE 1,942.89 1,000.00 1,000.00 48115 SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT 15,082.41 21,831.00 21,000.00 48116 REIMBURSEMENTS 31,875.48 11,266.11 20,000.00 SUB TOTAL 2,423,051.39 2,477,480.68 2,614,150.67 GRAND TOTAL 2,423,051.39 10 2,477,480.68 2,614,150.67 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CITY COUNCIL FUNCTION• The City Council consists of five members and the Mayor and is the governing and legislative body of the City of Schertz. The Mayor and City Council are responsible for policy, leadership and the general direction of City Government. The Mayor and all Councilmembers are elected from the City at large with each Councilmember occupying a numbered position on the council. Terms of the Mayor and members of the Council are staggered with the Mayor and Councilmembers filling positions number one and two elected in even - numbered years and positions three, four and five elected during odd - numbered years. Elections to the positions are held in May of each year for a two -year term. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $11,687.66 $17,270.00 $17,800.00 11 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 50 CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY COUNCIL TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 0.00 153.47 11,534.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 17,070.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 92 -93 0.00 300.00 17,500.00 0.00 0.00 11,687.66 17,270.00 17,800.00 12 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 50 CITY COUNCIL 1 SUPPLIES 50128 OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TOTAL 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 50222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 50252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 50254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 50264 SPECIAL EVENTS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 153.47 153.47 670.52 0.00 4,849.20 986.00 5,028.47 11,534.19 BUDGET 91 -92 200.00 200.00 1,400.00 200.00 5,020.00 7,000.00 3,450.00 17,070.00 BUDGET 92 -93 300.00 1,400.00 200.00 4,200.00 7,000.00 4,700.00 17,500.00 CITY COUNCIL TOTAL 11,687.66 17,270.00 17,800.00 13 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CITY MANAGER FUNCTION• The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is Chief Executive Officer of the City. The City Manager's Department consists of the City Manager, Finance Officer, Secretary to the City Manager, and the Finance Clerk. Responsibility of this department includes personnel appointment and removal, budget preparation and execution, as well as overall administration of city ordinances and policy as adopted by the City Council. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $120,549.47 $129,379.00 $143,817.35 15 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 51 CITY MANAGER PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY MANAGER TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 109,310.70 2,606.62 7,675.81 55.38 900.96 114,176.00 3,300.00 11,653.00 237.56 12.44 BUDGET 92 -93 122,079.35 3,550.00 17,188.00 200.00 800.00 120,549.47 129,379.00 143,817.35 16 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 51 CITY MANAGER 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 51010 SALARIES 91,888.04 96,083.00 101,856.30 51012 SALARIES - OVERTIME 760.36 918.00 1,050.00 51014 FICA 7,086.98 7,344.00 7,792.05 51016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 475.32 643.00 798.00 51018 GROUP INSURANCE 5,599.68 5,124.00 5,864.00 51020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 3,500.32 3,656.00 3,759.00 51024 LONGEVITY 0.00 408.00 960.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 109,310.70 114,176.00 122,079.35 1 SUPPLIES 51110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,067.59 1,600.00 1,900.00 51112 POSTAGE 772.94 800.00 800.00 51118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 614.11 800.00 750.00 51124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 151.98 100.00 100.00 51230 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 2,606.62 3,300.00 1,455.00 3,550.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 51212 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0.00 11000.00 1,000.00 51216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SER 2,400.00 2,400.00 6,210.00 51220 PRINTING & BINDING 0.00 0.00 300.00 51224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 731.56 0.00 2,095.00 51230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,455.00 51240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 430.00 450.00 936.00 51244 RENTALS- EQUIPMENT,ETC. 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 51250 ANNUAL AWARDS 1,262.99 1,179.00 1,200.00 51252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 1,183.96 1,400.00 1,400.00 51254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 1,667.30 2,224.00 2,300.00 51260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 7,675.81 11,653.00 17,188.00 3 MAINTENANCE 51314 MOTOR VEHICLE 55.38 137.56 150.00 51318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 50.00 51320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 0.00 100.00 0.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 55.38 237.56 200.00 17 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 51422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 900.96 12.44 900.96 12.44 BUDGET 92 -93 800.00 800.00 ---- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- CITY MANAGER TOTAL 120,549.47 129,379.00 143,817.35 18 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MUNICIPAL COURT FUNCTION• To file and adjudicate those Class C Misdemeanors occurring within the court's jurisdiction. To coordinate with the Warrant Officer on service of warrants. The collection of fines and maintenance of records and files of a confidential nature. Administrative functions of the Court are the responsibility of the Court Clerk and Staff and the judicial and prosecutorial functions are provided by the City Judge and City Prosecutor. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This department is measured on the timely filing and adjudication of cases within the time -frame permitted by State and Federal Laws. During the 1990/91 budget period 6,139 cases were filed and 449 warrants served. PROGRAM COMMENTS: During the 1991/92 budget period a Teen Court program was started to handle cases involving teenagers. The jury and judicial staff are teenagers and the Court is managed by Judge Cinnamon. ACTUAL 90 -91 $40,799.10 19 BUDGET 91 -92 $46,415.00 BUDGET 92 -93 $51,345.35 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 52 MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 31,190.77 1,140.92 8,467.41 0.00 0.00 40,799.10 20 33,300.00 1,670.00 11,445.00 0.00 0.00 46,415.00 BUDGET 92 -93 35,240.35 2,000.00 14,105.00 0.00 0.00 51,345.35 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 52 MUNICIPAL COURT 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 52010 SALARIES 24,407.00 25,572.00 27,448.05 52012 SALARIES - OVERTIME 957.04 892.00 810.60 52014 FICA 1,924.06 2,798.00 2,209.20 52016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 138.61 186.00 181.65 52018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,799.84 2,576.00 2,932.00 52020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 964.22 1,060.00 1,130.85 52024 LONGEVITY 0.00 216.00 528.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 31,190.77 33,300.00 35,240.35 1 SUPPLIES 52110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 604.99 1,070.00 1,300.00 52112 POSTAGE 535.93 600.00 700.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 1,140.92 1,670.00 2,000.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 52216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,488.00 7,700.00 9,516.00 52220 PRINTING AND BINDING 752.50 900.00 1,000.00 52224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 0.00 0.00 1,323.00 52230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 834.00 52240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 90.00 2,025.00 430.00 52246 COURT & JURY COSTS 12.00 540.00 480.00 52252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPTIONS 60.00 120.00 120.00 52254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 64.91 160.00 110.00 52260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 8,467.41 11,445.00 14,105.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL 40,799.10 46,415.00 51,345.35 21 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY TAX DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: To operate and manage the Ad Valorem Property Tax program to, include the assessment and collection of both real and personal property taxes. Operate and manage the Delinquent Tax Collection Program. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: The timely establishment of the yearly effective tax rate, printing and distribution of the tax statements, and the timely accounting of taxes paid. Maintain an effective delinquent tax collection program to insure the collection of delinquent taxes as soon as possible. PROGRAM COMMENTS: With the addition of an IBM 3151 remote system at both work stations, a much faster response is available to answer questions regarding taxes. The PC which is linked to the Guadalupe Appraisal District provides a barrage of ready information for our tax payers which can be readily printed for them. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $65,598.71 $67,158.00 $81,215.05 23 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 53 TAX PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY TAX TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 37,498.28 1,643.47 26,456.96 0.00 0.00 33,914.00 2,994.00 30,000.00 50.00 200.00 BUDGET 92 -93 44,501.05 3,194.00 33,270.00 50.00 200.00 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---------- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 65,598.71 67,158.00 81,215.05 24 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 53 TAX 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 53010 SALARIES 31,066.22 26,712.00 36,052.80 53012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 50.18 300.00 315.00 53014 FICA 2,196.81 2,482.00 2,782.50 53016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 155.06 188.00 232.05 53018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,799.84 2,575.00 2,932.00 53020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,230.17 1,297.00 1,442.70 53024 LONGEVITY 0.00 360.00 744.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 37,498.28 33,914.00 44,501.05 1 SUPPLIES 53110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 499.59 494.00 494.00 53112 POSTAGE 1,143.88 2,500.00 2,700.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 1,643.47 2,994.00 3,194.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 53220 PRINTING & BINDING 1,216.35 1,500.00 2,000.00 53224 CITY INSURANCE COMMERCIAL 356.50 0.00 1,168.00 53230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 414.50 1,516.00 1,600.00 53234 APPRAISAL DISTRICT 24,133.60 23,765.00 25,000.00 53238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 62.50 2,560.00 500.00 53240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 0.00 0.00 326.00 53252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 188.30 175.00 100.00 53254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 85.21 484.00 484.00 53260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 26,456.96 30,000.00 33,270.00 3 MAINTENANCE 53318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 50.00 50.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 0.00 50.00 50.00 25 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 53416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 200.00 200.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 0.00 200.00 200.00 TAX TOTAL 65,598.71 67,158.00 81,215.05 26 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY PLANNING DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Planning Department is tasked with three main areas of responsibility: (1) Coordinate and assist the Planning and Zoning Commission in their administration of Subdivision, Zoning, Mobile Home and Sign Ordinances along with coordinating plat and construction plans with developers, engineers and Staff in conjunction with Planning and Zoning Commission; (2) Provide overall supervisory control for the following Departments - Inspections, Municipal Building, Street & Parks and Water /Wastewater; (3) Assist City Manager in special projects. In addition, this department serves as Flood Plain Manager, Communications coordinator and provides central control for office equipment repair needs and assists all departments as required in planning for future data processing. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Exhibits the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively with all levels of Federal, State, County and Municipal elected and appointed officials along with engineers, developers, lawyers and citizens pertaining to all aspects of expansion or development. Provides timely and thorough reports and studies as required. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The Planning Department is actively involved in pursuing completion of the Comprehensive Plan in a timely manner. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $68,326.76 $79,351.00 $86,507.50 27 28 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 54 PLANNING PERSONNEL SERVICES 47,800.00 49,821.00 54,611.50 SUPPLIES 788.33 1,350.00 1,250.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,185.26 25,630.00 29,896.00 MAINTENANCE 553.17 850.00 750.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 1,700.00 0.00 PLANNING TOTAL 68,326.76 79,351.00 86,507.50 28 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 54 PLANNING 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 54010 SALARIES 39,748.68 41,210.00 44,987.25 54012 SALARIES - OVERTIME 401.64 375.00 393.75 54014 FICA 3,034.23 3,305.00 3,470.25 54016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 224.17 286.00 288.75 54018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,799.84 2,650.00 2,935.00 54020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,591.44 1,680.00 1,816.50 54024 LONGEVITY 0.00 315.00 720.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 47,800.00 49,821.00 54,611.50 1 SUPPLIES 54110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 356.62 350.00 300.00 54112 POSTAGE 46.10 200.00 200.00 54118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 171.63 200.00 175.00 54120 MISC. SUPPLIES 76.05 100.00 100.00 54124 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 100.00 75.00 54128 OPERATING 52.00 300.00 300.00 54130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 85.93 100.00 100.00 54254 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 788.33 1,350.00 1,250.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 54212 CONSULTANT SERVICES 900.00 2,500.00 0.00 54216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 14,602.20 17,000.00 20,000.00 54224 CITY INSURANCE COMM. 0.00 0.00 1,471.00 54230 TELEPHONE SERVICE 0.00 0.00 727.00 54238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 79.16 55.00 0.00 54240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE 142.46 1,727.00 381.00 54252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT., 862.15 875.00 740.00 54254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 2,232.19 3,273.00 61085.00 54260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 54262 CONTINGENCIES 367.10 200.00 200.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 19,185.26 25,630.00 29,896.00 29 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 3 MAINTENANCE 54312 RADIO /ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 54314 MOTOR VEHICLE 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 54438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET 92 -93 250.00 250.00 250.00 303.17 600.00 500.00 553.17 750.00 850.00 0.00 0.00 1,700.00 0.00 1,700.00 0.00 PLANNING TOTAL 68,326.76 79,351.00 86,507.50 30 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY LEGAL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• The Legal Department is responsible for legal transactions of the City of Schertz. The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council and serves as the legal advisor to the City Council and City operations. It is the duty and responsibility of the City Attorney to examine and approve or disapprove, as to form and legality, all documents, contracts and legal instruments in which the City has an interest. The City Attorney, through his law firm, represents the City of Schertz in areas of litigation, contract dispute and other civil matters. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $72,949.78 $33,800.00 $34,100.00 31 32 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 55 LEGAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72,949.78 33,800.00 34,100.00 MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 LEGAL TOTAL --- - - - - -- --------- 72,949.78 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 33,800.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 34,100.00 32 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 55 LEGAL 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 55218 ADVERTISING 55220 PRINTING & BINDING 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 71,303.00 1,646.78 0.00 72,949.78 BUDGET 92 -93 31,000.00 31,000.00 2,700.00 3,000.00 100.00 100.00 33,800.00 34,100.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- LEGAL TOTAL 72,949.78 33,800.00 34,100.00 33 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY POLICE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• Traditionally the police function has entailed the responsibilities of the prevention of crime, the protection of life and property, and the keeping of the public peace. These are still the vital part of the police role and include satellite duties such as proper reporting, investigation of offenses, and court testimony. However, the police function within the community has evolved into one involving great sociological impact. Law enforcement is called upon to make more decisions daily which more seriously affect people's lives than any other government entity. Therefore, the functions of enforcement, prevention, protection and peace- keeping must be conducted in conjunction with a responsiveness to, and a compassion for, the needs and rights of the community and the individual. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Current measurements include: calls for service, property loss /recovery, mileage driven, arrests, citations issued, offenses reported, and FY 1991/92 budget requirements. PROGRAM COMMENTS: It is believed we must utilize measurements as mentioned above and other occurrences to develop and maintain dynamic plans for the future of the City of Schertz and the Police Department. We must also face the fact that "volunteerism ", as fantastic a resource as it is, will not substitute for 24 hour emergency service in a growing city. Providing emergency service is costly. However, this budget as submitted is not inflated. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $599,438.75 $637,675.00 $715,911.15 35 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 56 POLICE PERSONNEL SERVICES 498,667.91 543,953.00 572,321.15 SUPPLIES 34,179.24 48,038.00 44,450.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 49,217.30 33,094.00 83,900.00 MAINTENANCE 14,565.38 10,950.00 9,600.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,808.92 1,640.00 5,640.00 FORFEITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 POLICE TOTAL ---- - - - - -- ---------- 599,438.75 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 637,675.00 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 715,911.15 36 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 56 POLICE 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 56010 SALARIES 391,919.80 414,010.00 440,498.80 56012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 2,995.42 7,500.00 5,250.00 56014 FICA 29,805.50 31,434.00 33,848.65 56016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 30,452.89 41,016.00 34,803.20 56018 GROUP INSURANCE 30,202.79 31,350.00 35,184.00 56020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 13,267.51 16,435.00 17,696.50 56024 LONGEVITY 24.00 2,208.00 5,040.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 498,667.91 543,953.00 572,321.15 1 SUPPLIES 56110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,435.81 2,135.00 1,500.00 56112 POSTAGE 162.92 500.00 350.00 56114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 162.28 500.00 350.00 56116 CLOTHING 8,316.62 8,400.00 8,400.00 56118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 19,146.18 18,975.00 18,750.00 56120 MISC.SUPPLIES 385.59 1,000.00 500.00 56122 CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY 0.00 0.00 500.00 56124 MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES 2,021.05 8,588.00 8,500.00 56128 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,468.79 6,310.00 4,500.00 56130 MINOR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIE 80.00 630.00 300.00 56132 CRIME PREVENTION SUPPLI 0.00 1,000.00 800.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 34,179.24 48,038.00 44,450.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 56214 MEDICAL SERVICES 450.00 2,400.00 1,500.00 56216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV 1,584.47 1,400.00 3,296.00 56218 ADVERTISING 0.00 300.00 200.00 56220 PRINTING & BINDING 1,475.19 2,200.00 1,200.00 56224 CITY INSURANCE COMM. 25,950.07 0.00 23,222.00 56230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 3,006.00 56236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 10,650.00 10,800.00 10,800.00 56238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 56240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE 2,960.96 4,500.00 4,000.00 56242 RENTAL- BUILDING & LAND 103.90 200.00 75.00 37 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES(cont.) 56244 RENTAL- EQUIPMENT, ETC. 56250 ANNUAL AWARDS 56252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 56254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 56260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 3 MAINTENANCE 56310 BUILDING 56312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 56314 MOTOR VEHICLE 56318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 56320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 56416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 56422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 56426 RADIO & COMM. EQUIP. 56438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET 90 -91 BUDGET BUDGET 91 -92 92 -93 944.00 2,508.00 2,710.00 63.50 200.00 150.00 534.30 1,430.00 1,091.00 4,500.91 7,156.00 3,679.00 0.00 0.00 26,971.00 49,217.30 33,094.00 83,900.00 446.42 4,532.70 9,567.78 0.00 18.48 14,565.38 605.99 509.88 0.00 1,693.05 2,808.92 1,700.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 150.00 100.00 900.00 1,500.00 7,000.00 100.00 100.00 10,950.00 9,600.00 500.00 200.00 100.00 2,700.00 0.00 1,020.00 1,040.00 1,720.00 1,640.00 5,640.00 POLICE TOTAL 599,438.75 637,675.00 715,911.15 38 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The function of the Schertz Fire Department is to protect property and lives in the City of Schertz. Department responsibilities are to respond to all structure and business fires, grass fires, care fires, vehicle accidents, hazardous materials incidents, public assist, air craft fires, bomb threats, and to assist SAFES with emergencies in the City and County. The fire prevention section of the department does fire inspection of businesses, retirement homes, day care centers, schools, private homes; fire extinguisher demonstration; and fire safety talks. PROGRAM MEASUREMENTS: The Schertz Fire Department provides service to a population of 10,500 people and 24 square miles in the City of Schertz, and 2,000 people and over 10 square miles in the county. This is accomplished with six (6) full -time, six (6) part -time and 25 volunteer firemen; and six (6) fire department vehicles. The Fire Department makes an average of 425 fire calls and EMS calls per year. PROGRAM COMMENTS: With the growth of the City, the Fire Department will need to go to 24 hour coverage with paid firemen supported by the volunteer firemen to give better coverage. Also, there will be a need for another fire station and new fire equipment.and firemen to man the fire station. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $189,073.80 $199,446.00 $228,317.70 39 40 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 57 FIRE PERSONNEL SERVICES 148,770.20 161,751.00 170,990.70 SUPPLIES 7,724.36 10,975.00 16,390.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 20,080.43 15,220.00 24,387.00 MAINTENANCE 10,162.81 10,000.00 9,500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,336.00 1,500.00 71050.00 FIRE TOTAL 189,073.80 199,446.00 228,317.70 40 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 57 FIRE 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 57010 SALARIES 118,367.37 123,094.00 128,559.00 57012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 0.00 2,500.00 5,250.00 57014 FICA 9,013.32 9,593.00 10,296.30 57016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 8,958.78 13,144.00 12,600.00 57018 GROUP INSURANCE 8,399.52 8,716.00 8,796.00 57020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 4,031.21 4,152.00 4,481.40 57024 LONGEVITY 0.00 552.00 1,008.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 148,770.20 161,751.00 170,990.70 1 SUPPLIES 57110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100.76 200.00 200.00 57112 POSTAGE 0.00 75.00 75.00 57114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 0.00 1,200.00 1,250.00 57116 CLOTHING 1,357.46 4,500.00 5,865.00 57118 MOTOR VEHICLE FULE 3,208.54 3,500.00 5,500.00 57120 MISC. SUPPLIES 505.14 500.00 500.00 57124 MOTOR VEHICLE 1,777.18 0.00 1,500.00 57128 OPERATING 451.41 500.00 500.00 57130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 323.87 500.00 500.00 57132 FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 500.00 57264 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 7,724.36 10,975.00 16,390.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 57220 PRINTING & BINDING 0.00 300.00 0.00 57222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 200.00 100.00 57224 CITY INSURANCE COMM. 6,682.16 0.00 8,922.00 57226 GAS 1,496.58 1,865.00 1,000.00 57228 ELECTRICITY 2,977.37 3,100.00 3,200.00 57230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 258.44 725.00 800.00 57232 WATER SERVICES 399.71 530.00 530.00 57236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 2,299.80 2,500.00 1,800.00 57252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 940.00 1,500.00 1,085.00 57254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 4,526.37 4,000.00 6,450.00 57264 SPECIAL EVENTS 500.00 500.00 500.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 20,080.43 15,220.00 24,387.00 41 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 3 MAINTENANCE 57310 BUILDING 57312 RADIO /ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 57314 MOTOR VEHICLE 57320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 57412 BUILDING 57414 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP. 57416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 57418 LIBRARY BOOKS 57422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 57426 RADIO & COMM. EQUIP. 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FIRE TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 187.74 1,000.00 500.00 475.45 1,000.00 1,000.00 8,589.07 7,000.00 7,000.00 910.55 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,162.81 10,000.00 9,500.00 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 2,336.00 1,000.00 2,800.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 2,336.00 1,500.00 7,050.00 189,073.80 199,446.00 228,317.70 42 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Inspection Department has the responsibility for enforcement of all building related codes during the construction of new facilities and re- construction of existing facilities. Duties include review of plans, issuance of permits and inspection of all construction within the city limits. The department provides support for the Health Officer by issuing food handlers permits and providing information necessary for the maintenance of sanitary and healthy food environments. Additional duties include code enforcement for those sections of the City and State codes dealing with abandoned vehicles and public nuisances. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Approximately 40% of this department's time is allocated to code enforcement. Most permit and inspection demands depend on new home activity, however remodeling and additions for existing residences and businesses have become more frequent. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Review and up -grade of electrical permit application and ordinances regarding building, plumbing and mechanical codes are necessary on a regular basis. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $45,263.04 $55,657.00 $52,327.85 43 44 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 58 INSPECTION PERSONNEL SERVICES 35,101.47 44,934.00 40,143.85 SUPPLIES 1,599.92 1,815.00 1,425.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,548.53 6,808.00 9,109.00 MAINTENANCE 2,013.12 2,100.00 1,650.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 INSPECTION TOTAL 45,263.04 55,657.00 52,327.85 44 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 58 INSPECTION 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 58010 SALARIES 27,729.39 35,303.00 31,614.45 58014 FICA 2,116.89 2,708.00 2,419.20 58016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,664.47 2,167.00 1,720.95 58018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,923.12 3,220.00 2,932.00 58020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 667.60 1,416.00 1,265.25 58024 LONGEVITY 0.00 120.00 192.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 35,101.47 44,934.00 40,143.85 1 SUPPLIES 58110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 133.69 340.00 150.00 58112 POSTAGE 506.11 500.00 550.00 58118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 835.12 600.00 600.00 58120 MISC. SUPPLIES 125.00 375.00 125.00 58236 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 1,599.92 1,815.00 1,425.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 58216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,852.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 58220 PRINTING & BINDING 465.42 500.00 500.00 58224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 0.00 0.00 1,611.00 58230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 451.00 58236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 631.42 650.00 650.00 58240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 0.00 0.00 221.00 58252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 610.00 980.00 574.00 58254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 989.69 1,078.00 1,810.00 58260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 6,548.53 6,808.00 9,109.00 3 MAINTENANCE 58312 RADIO /ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 527.50 400.00 250.00 58314 MOTOR VEHICLE 982.62 1,100.00 750.00 58324 LOT CLEANING 503.00 600.00 650.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 2,013.12 2,100.00 1,650.00 INSPECTION TOTAL --- - - - - -- --------- 45,263.04 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 55,657.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 52,327.85 45 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY STREET DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• To provide the means for transportation between the home, work place, recreational facilities and commercial establishments. Provide a system for storm water drainage and removal. Insuring the municipal roadways are sanitary and without excess debris. Establishing and maintaining sufficient traffic control devises to inform the general public on the conditions of and the requirements for the use and control of vehicular movement throughout the City. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: General and specific repairs of 66.53 miles of paved roadway and 6.77 miles of unpaved roadway. Cleaning and sweeping of 54.66 curb miles of streets. The mowing of 29.23 acres of road right of ways and 17.94 acres of drainage ditches. Finally, the personnel man -hour expenditure rate expressed as available man -hours versus actual usage in a percentile value between 95% and 105 %, with a backlog percentage expressed as a percentage of work to be accomplished, compared to assigned /man- hours. PROGRAM COMMENTS: This department must continue to control expenditures of monies and man - hours, with a strict priority sequencing. Manning has become critical as our estimated backlog versus assigned personnel creates an area of citizen complaint and misunderstanding. This year's unusual weather conditions, with the excess rainfall, has caused many failures of driving surfaces. A number of roads are in such condition they no longer can be repaired as a normal day to day maintenance activity. Several roads must be totally reconstructed. Vandalism of traffic devises has placed that branch in a position of requiring an employee be assigned five days a week to do nothing but sign maintenance, just to keep up with safety replacements. Additional manning is a must. ACTUAL 90 -91 BUDGET 91 -92 BUDGET 92 -93 $235,097.85 $257,331.23 $297,006.80 47 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 59 STREET PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 166,811.50 30,231.12 16,952.67 13,834.56 7,268.00 184,315.23 41,549.00 14,889.00 13,014.00 3,564.00 BUDGET 92 -93 212,966.80 49,901.00 19,568.00 13,719.00 852.00 STREET TOTAL 235,097.85 257,331.23 297,006.80 48 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 59 STREET 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 59010 SALARIES 117,633.76 121,429.00 143,061.45 59012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 2,771.21 2,600.00 4,521.30 59014 FICA 9,201.01 9,289.35 10,771.95 59016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 23,864.38 33,282.00 31,029.60 59018 GROUP INSURANCE 9,695.32 11,660.88 14,656.00 59020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 3,645.82 4,858.00 5,722.50 59024 LONGEVITY 0.00 1,196.00 3,204.00 OPERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 166,811.50 184,315.23 212,966.80 1 SUPPLIES 59110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 588.75 599.00 635.00 59112 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 14.00 59114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 501.16 4,370.00 9,084.00 59116 CLOTHING 1,215.13 1,245.00 1,455.00 59118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 9,715.63 8,900.00 9,800.00 59120 MISC. SUPPLIES 4,590.54 4,641.00 6,844.00 59122 STREET /MAINTENANCE MATLS. 8,015.58 15,804.00 14,550.00 59124 MOTOR VEHICLE 1,115.18 2,115.00 2,810.00 59128 OPERATING 4,396.74 3,454.00 4,215.00 59130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 92.41 421.00 494.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 30,231.12 41,549.00 49,901.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59220 PRINTING & BINDING 61.00 105.00 59222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 48.00 59224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 6,216.10 0.00 59226 GAS 0.00 1,000.00 59228 ELECTRICITY 2,601.15 4,142.00 59230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 789.37 1,800.00 59232 WATER SERVICES 303.78 610.00 59236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 2,580.99 3,641.00 59238 REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 2,978.17 1,225.00 59240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 0.00 0.00 59244 RENTAL- EQUIPMENT,ETC. 392.37 648.00 59250 ANNUAL AWARDS 154.01 200.00 m 156.00 259.00 5,551.00 1,000.00 4,142.00 866.00 440.00 3,327.00 312.00 336.00 764.00 250.00 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (cont.) 59252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 59254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 59264 SPECIAL EVENTS 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 3 MAINTENANCE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 66.00 215.00 215.00 809.73 1,055.00 1,650.00 0.00 200.00 300.00 16,952.67 14,889.00 19,568.00 59310 BUILDING 2,473.86 1,868.00 525.00 59312 RADIO /ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 529.75 1,140.00 1,275.00 59314 MOTOR VEHICLE 2,497.44 3,153.00 4,600.00 59316 WATER & SEWER 0.00 200.00 700.00 59318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100.00 59320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 546.91 625.00 665.00 59326 POWERED EQUIPMENT 7,786.60 6,028.00 5,854.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 13,834.56 13,014.00 13,719.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 59424 FIXED PLANT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 452.00 59428 PUMPS,MOTORS,STORAGE FAC. 0.00 1,054.00 0.00 59438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 7,268.00 2,510.00 400.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 7,268.00 3,564.00 852.00 STREET TOTAL 235,097.85 257,331.23 297,006.80 50 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: Provide a safe and sanitary recreational; athletic; and leisure service facility for use by the public, and to provide every population group in the community with a broad spectrum and variety of opportunities designed specifically to meet their individual needs. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Primary measurement is parks through vegetation the playground equipment of use of the facilities. ACTUAL 90 -91 $95,659.60 how well we maintain or 48 acres of management and the manner in which is maintained as well as the extent 51 BUDGET 91 -92 $111,398.77 BUDGET 92 -93 $114,549.28 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 60 PARK PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 71,253.14 5,783.38 12,727.64 5,089.55 805.89 95,659.60 52 78,814.77 9,928.00 11,631.00 8,360.00 2,665.00 111,398.77 BUDGET 92 -93 72,312.28 12,940.00 15,668.00 11,705.00 1,924.00 114,549.28 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 60 PARK 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 60010 SALARIES 58,504.84 61,890.00 54,882.45 60012 SALARIES - OVERTIME 73.33 800.00 960.78 60014 FICA 4,473.14 4,734.65 3,937.52 60016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,886.96 2,001.00 3,578.34 60018 GROUP INSURANCE 3,685.84 6,433.12 5,862.24 60020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,629.03 2,476.00 2,195.30 60024 LONGEVITY 0.00 480.00 895.65 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 71,253.14 78,814.77 72,312.28 1 SUPPLIES 60110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 727.31 648.00 792.00 60112 POSTAGE 12.89 30.00 40.00 60114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 131.99 1,703.00 1,397.00 60116 CLOTHING 532.20 588.00 895.00 60118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 837.82 1,665.00 2,000.00 60120 MISC. SUPPLIES 280.31 504.00 470.00 60122 STREET /MAINTENANCE MATLS. 42.46 448.00 435.00 60124 MOTOR VEHICLE 81.54 454.00 502.00 60126 WATER & SEWER MAINT. 445.08 1,013.00 1,072.00 60128 OPERATING 21549.75 2,397.00 4,945.00 60130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 142.03 478.00 392.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 5,783.38 9,928.00 12,940.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 0.00 750.00 60220 PRINTING & BINDING 44.00 77.00 128.00 60222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 0.00 48.00 245.00 60224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 1,203.03 0.00 1,301.00 60228 ELECTRICITY 5,119.23 4,826.00 4,826.00 60230 TELEPHONE 613.81 360.00 866.00 60232 WATER SERVICES 2,062.96 1,500.00 1,500.00 60236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 1,902.80 1,842.00 1,842.00 60238 REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 824.28 11240.00 2,172.00 60240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 0.00 0.00 231.00 53 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (cont.) 60244 RENTAL- EQUIPMENT,ETC. 241.00 858.00 502.00 60250 ANNUAL AWARDS 125.00 150.00 250.00 60252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 386.71 140.00 150.00 60254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 62.13 390.00 505.00 60264 SPECIAL EVENTS 142.69 200.00 400.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 12,727.64 11,631.00 15,668.00 3 MAINTENANCE 60310 BUILDING 399.41 504.00 490.00 60312 RADIO /ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 205.00 300.00 540.00 60314 MOTOR VEHICLE 739.28 1,750.00 1,450.00 60316 WATER & SEWER 27.60 250.00 400.00 60318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 100.00 60320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 56.50 130.00 403.00 60326 POWERED EQUIPMENT 811.01 2,398.00 1,987.00 60328 BVYA SUPPORT 2,850.75 3,028.00 6,335.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 5,089.55 8,360.00 11,705.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 60412 BUILDING 0.00 0.00 274.00 60422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 675.00 0.00 60438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 805.89 11990.00 1,650.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 805.89 2,665.00 1,924.00 PARK TOTAL 95,659.60 111,398.77 114,549.28 54 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY MUNICIPAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• This department performs building maintenance and custodial services for City owned buildings. Purchases and maintains records for operating supplies used by all departments. Other functions include set -up and arrangements for rental use of public facilities including the community center, public library and municipal building and the supervision of all internal and external maintenance and repair activities of City owned buildings. Has responsibility for an on -going energy management program designed to conserve utility cost. Maintains records and tracks fuel consumption for the city's off -road vehicular fleet and files reports and makes request for reimbursement for specific fuel related items. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Current department measurements include, but not limited to; number of hours building maintenance, number of hours custodial care, number of hours function preparation and number of hours administrative. PROGRAM COMMENTS: This budget request includes on the municipal complex. part, will operate on normal ACTUAL 90 -91 the final phase of roof repair This department, for the most operating status. BUDGET BUDGET 91 -92 92 -93 $105,413.45 $119,504.73 55 $108,470.40 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 61 MUNICIPAL BUILDING PERSONNEL SERVICES 39,715.65 SUPPLIES 5,810.06 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 47,073.53 MAINTENANCE 12,814.21 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING TOTAL 105,413.45 56 43,440.00 6,200.00 50,660.00 17,050.00 2,154.73 119,504.73 BUDGET 92 -93 48,770.40 7,200.00 32,900.00 19,400.00 200.00 108,470.40 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 61 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 61010 SALARIES 30,273.05 31,696.00 35,315.70 61012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 1,207.96 1,500.00 1,575.00 61014 FICA 2,224.24 2,380.00 2,824.50 61016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,134.30 3,204.00 3,914.40 61018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,830.88 3,144.00 2,952.00 61020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,045.22 1,108.00 1,276.80 61024 LONGEVITY 0.00 408.00 912.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 39,715.65 43,440.00 48,770.40 1 SUPPLIES 61110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27.76 50.00 50.00 61114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 1,368.09 1,500.00 1,500.00 61116 CLOTHING 0.00 400.00 300.00 61118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 216.73 200.00 300.00 61120 MISC.SUPPLIES 2,647.84 2,500.00 2,500.00 61124 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 50.00 50.00 61128 OPERATING 1,549.64 1,500.00 2,500.00 61240 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 5,810.06 6,200.00 7,200.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 61220 PRINTING & BINDING 0.00 0.00 100.00 61224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 981.30 0.00 1,736.00 61228 ELECTRICITY 25,186.71 27,200.00 25,000.00 61230 TELEPHONE SERVICE 17,309.47 18,960.00 451.00 61232 WATER SERVICES 1,820.54 2,500.00 2,500.00 61236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 620.51 700.00 700.00 61238 REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 1,900.00 61240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 1,155.00 1,300.00 221.00 61260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 47,073.53 50,660.00 32,900.00 57 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 3 MAINTENANCE 61310 BUILDING 61312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 61314 MOTOR VEHICLE 61320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 61416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 61430 PLANTS,SHRUBS,ETC. 61438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 12,201.73 0.00 218.61 393.87 12,814.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 0.00 400.00 650.00 17,050.00 900.00 800.00 454.73 2,154.73 BUDGET 92 -93 18,000.00 250.00 500.00 650.00 19,400.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 MUNICIPAL BUILDING TOTAL 105,413.45 119,504.73 108,470.40 58 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: To regulate the keeping of domestic, wild livestock, fowl and vicious animals. To enforce state laws and our City ordinances concerning rabies vaccination, registration and the number of domestic animals per household. To promote and maintain an adoption program for unclaimed animals in addition to their impoundment and care. Serve as City of Schertz Health Authority in the investigation and quarantine of bite /scratch incidents. Provide education and promote the responsible care of all animals. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This department's "Can Do" attitude has brought about an increase in the number of animals handled in 1991, miles driven on patrol and responding to calls were 10,662. In addition, there were 1,404 cats and dogs impounded, 81 wildlife and 18 livestock. There were 192 adoptions, 812 animals euthanized, 352 animals returned to owners, 1,162 pet licenses sold, 136 citations issued and 35 bite /scratch cases investigated and quarantined. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The main focus of our efforts in the coming year will be the building of a new Animal Control facility along with a much improved Animal Control Ordinance. The facility and passage of the new ordinance will enable us tp provide increased levels of service and insure more responsible pet ownership. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $64,753.02 $76,393.67 $79,096.80 59 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 62 ANIMAL CONTROL PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 47,966.06 3,865.99 10,244.36 1,962.11 714.50 64,753.02 m 50,867.00 7,064.67 11,889.00 3,825.00 2,748.00 76,393.67 BUDGET 92 -93 54,895.80 8,032.00 13,469.00 2,700.00 0.00 79,096.80 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 62 ANIMAL CONTROL 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 62010 SALARIES 36,669.47 37,710.00 40,738.95 62012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 2,397.17 2,499.00 2,625.00 62014 FICA 2,986.96 3,181.00 3,318.00 62016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,198.17 1,882.00 1,937.25 62018 GROUP INSURANCE 3,448.52 3,964.00 4,398.00 62020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,265.77 1,559.00 1,734.60 62024 LONGEVITY 0.00 72.00 144.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 47,966.06 50,867.00 54,895.80 1 SUPPLIES 62110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 463.63 600.00 600.00 62112 POSTAGE 1.00 100.00 50.00 62114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 421.11 1,100.00 1,522.00 62118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 704.07 1,760.00 1,760.00 62120 MISC. SUPPLIES 851.02 1,398.00 1,000.00 62128 OPERATING 1,425.16 2,106.67 3,100.00 62236 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 3,865.99 7,064.67 8,032.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62214 MEDICAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 62216 OTHER PROFESSIOANL SERV. 5,740.23 6,100.00 1,700.00 62224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 719.81 0.00 1,809.00 62228 ELECTRICITY 1,118.18 1,500.00 2,000.00 62230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 383.49 600.00 500.00 62232 WATER SERVICES 417.84 700.00 800.00 62236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 808.15 1,640.00 2,030.00 62252 MEMBERSHIP /SUBSCRIPT. 130.75 185.00 155.00 62254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 925.91 1,164.00 11475.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 10,244.36 11,889.00 13,469.00 3 MAINTENANCE 62310 BUILDING 58.90 1,250.00 500.00 62312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 117.24 400.00 300.00 62314 MOTOR VEHICLE 1,630.09 1,775.00 1,500.00 62320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 155.88 400.00 400.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 1,962.11 31825.00 2,700.00 61 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 62426 RADIO /COMM.EQUIP. 714.50 2,748.00 0.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 714.50 2,748.00 0.00 ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL 64,753.02 76,393.67 79,096.80 62 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY SWIMMING POOL DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• To provide and maintain a well managed and safe environment for aquatics pleasures. Providing for a system of instruction in aquatics safety, recreation swimming, and physical fitness. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Tested in the form of admission fees, special function activities and training. Includes fees for daily gate entry, annual season passes, reservations, swimming lessons, hydrobics, water safety, and usage by Schertz Swim Team. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The pool staff continually searches out ways and means to improve facility usage. New programs are instituted when requested by the general public. The Jr. Lifeguard Program has shown to be the best program instituted at our pool. Not only has it become an exceptional training platform for our lifeguards, but our trainees are being sought after by other area facilities. ACTUAL 90 -91 BUDGET 91 -92 BUDGET 92 -93 $49,815.35 $61,335.00 $70,142.87 63 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 63 SWIMMING POOL PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 34,031.13 43,024.00 7,454.06 8,365.00 4,205.77 5,496.00 4,124.39 4,450.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 92 -93 44,715.87 7,892.00 9,296.00 3,619.00 4,620.00 SWIMMING POOL TOTAL 49,815.35 61,335.00 70,142.87 64 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 63 SWIMMING POOL 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 63010 SALARIES 30,515.62 63014 FICA 2,336.36 63016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,179.15 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 34,031.13 1 SUPPLIES BUDGET 91 -92 37,682.00 2,884.00 2,458.00 BUDGET 92 -93 39,166.05 2,996.20 2,553.62 43,024.00 44,715.87 63110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138.17 212.00 204.00 63112 POSTAGE 10.00 4.00 0.00 63114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 6,170.96 6,349.00 6,419.00 63116 CLOTHING 0.00 0.00 100.00 63118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0.00 10.00 10.00 63120 MISC. SUPPLIES 129.60 210.00 170.00 63128 OPERATING 735.41 1,107.00 489.00 63130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 269.92 473.00 500.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 7,454.06 8,365.00 7,892.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 63224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 368.00 0.00 0.00 63228 ELECTRICITY 3,008.64 3,500.00 7,000.00 63230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 105.90 200.00 200.00 63232 WATER SERVICES 587.36 700.00 1,000.00 63252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 75.00 900.00 900.00 63254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 60.87 196.00 196.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 4,205.77 5,496.00 9,296.00 3 MAINTENANCE 63310 BUILDING 312.61 2,060.00 2,310.00 63312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 0.00 40.00 40.00 63316 WATER & SEWER 0.00 100.00 125.00 63318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 80.00 80.00 63320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3,772.13 1,240.00 350.00 63326 POWERED EQUIPMENT 39.65 930.00 714.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4,124.39 4,450.00 3,619.00 65 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 63412 BUILDING 0.00 0.00 2,350.00 63416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 1,870.00 63424 FIXED PLANT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 400.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 0.00 0.00 4,620.00 SWIMMING POOL TOTAL 49,815.35 61,335.00 70,142.87 66 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: This department consists of the City Secretary, who is appointed by the City Council; the Office manager and Receptionist. The primary responsibility of this department is that of Secretary to the Council, attending all meetings, recording and maintaining official records of the Council, including minutes, ordinances, resolutions, policies and proclamations, vehicle registrations and alcoholic beverage licenses. This department is responsible for conducting all City elections and acts as resource contact for information on elections. Administers all claims and records on insurance hospitalization, workers compensation, retirement, liability and property. Maintains all personnel records, interviews prospective employees, provides orientation for employees, maintains Personnel Manual and Policies. Other responsibilities include administrative functions for enforcement of a number of City ordinances including garage sale permits, solicitor's permits, and alcohol permits, to provide reservation arrangements for City facilities and administrative function for Water /Wastewater billing and Municipal Court. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $85,018.95 $91,195.00 $99,048.75 67 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 64 ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY ADMINISTRATION TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 69,660.35 6,533.70 8,824.90 0.00 0.00 85,018.95 68 75,921.00 7,050.00 8,224.00 0.00 0.00 91,195.00 BUDGET 92 -93 78,414.75 7,400.00 13,234.00 0.00 0.00 99,048.75 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 64 ADMINISTRATION 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 64010 SALARIES 58,179.42 63,055.00 63,991.20 64014 FICA 4,293.39 4,476.00 4,896.15 64016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 736.90 494.00 409.50 64018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,199.76 4,500.00 4,398.00 64020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 2,250.88 2,340.00 2,559.90 64024 LONGEVITY 0.00 1,056.00 2,160.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 69,660.35 75,921.00 78,414.75 1 SUPPLIES 64110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,254.24 4,650.00 5,000.00 64112 POSTAGE 1,229.71 2,000.00 2,000.00 64120 MISC. SUPPLIES 49.75 100.00 100.00 64124 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 300.00 300.00 64230 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 6,533.70 7,050.00 7,400.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 300.00 275.00 275.00 64220 PRINTING & BINDING 971.78 1,250.00 1,250.00 64222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 2,083.10 2,634.00 3,000.00 64224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 733.19 0.00 1,528.00 64230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 834.00 64240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 2,115.50 2,182.00 1,150.00 64252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 501.50 383.00 533.00 64254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 2,119.83 1,500.00 4,372.00 64260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 8,824.90 8,224.00 13,234.00 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL 85,018.95 91,195.00 99,048.75 69 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY LIBRARY DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: It is the mission of the Schertz Public Library to serve the community as center of reliable information and to provide opportunity and encouragement for people of all ages to educate themselves continually. It is the duty of the Schertz Public Library to assemble, preserve and make easily available to all patrons, printed and other materials that will assist them in fields of knowledge and recreation. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: In the first 11 months of the 92 fiscal year, the Schertz Library checked out over 64, 000 items and served nearly 40,000 patrons. The staff answered over 6,300 telephone calls and served over 1,800 children through reading programs. This was done by 3 1/2 paid employees and the numerous volunteers who gave 2,600 hours of their time. Over 3,000 books, videos, audiocassettes and microforms were added to the collection in FY 92. In FY 93 at least that many will also be added. The library continues to provide service to the community at an average cost of approximately $5.00 per person per year. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The focus of the library and staff in FY 93 will be to continue protecting and improving the current collection and converting the entire collection to machine readable form. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $90,848.25 $107,659.00 $107,853.51 71 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 65 LIBRARY PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY LIBRARY TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 57,930.13 58,851.00 66,731.51 3,011.50 3,358.00 3,864.00 9,199.42 9,950.00 12,558.00 1,264.28 1,400.00 1,400.00 19,442.92 34,100.00 23,300.00 --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --------- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 90,848.25 107,659.00 107,853.51 72 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 65 LIBRARY 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 65010 SALARIES 48,184.62 48,056.00 55,039.95 65014 FICA 3,681.89 3,760.00 4,210.54 65016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 247.94 414.00 412.80 65018 GROUP INSURANCE 4,199.76 4,500.00 4,398.00 65020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 1,615.92 1,689.00 1,902.22 65024 LONGEVITY 0.00 432.00 768.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 57,930.13 58,851.00 66,731.51 1 SUPPLIES 65110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 498.55 500.00 500.00 65112 POSTAGE 378.72 628.00 724.00 65114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 123.83 150.00 0.00 65120 MISC. SUPPLIES 302.29 450.00 450.00 65128 OPERATING 1,708.11 1,630.00 2,190.00 65230 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 3,011.50 3,358.00 3,864.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 0.00 200.00 65218 ADVERTISING 33.64 100.00 100.00 65220 PRINTING & BINDING 382.06 500.00 550.00 65224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 562.52 0.00 1,528.00 65228 ELECTRICITY 5,236.00 5,700.00 6,000.00 65230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 761.74 1,100.00 1,400.00 65232 WATER SERVICES 513.72 600.00 600.00 65240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 705.00 800.00 1,150.00 65250 ANNUAL AWARDS 127.88 150.00 150.00 65252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 179.52 200.00 200.00 65254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 697.34 800.00 680.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 9,199.42 9,950.00 12,558.00 3 MAINTENANCE 65310 BUILDING 65318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,090.00 174.28 1,000.00 400.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 1,264.28 1,400.00 73 1,000.00 400.00 1,400.00 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 65412 BUILDING 65416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 65418 LIBRARY BOOKS 65436 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL LIBRARY TOTAL 74 BUDGET 92 -93 0.00 6,900.00 0.00 219.84 200.00 200.00 19,223.08 21,000.00 23,100.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 19,442.92 34,100.00 23,300.00 90,848.25 107,659.00 107,853.51 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE I9 U*#WtWF This department provides funding for the programs and activities of the City Council appointed Economic Development Task Force, and for the Schertz Development Foundation into the foreseeable future. Activities of the Task Force and Foundation include; continued encouragement and development of existing businesses, prospecting and providing incentives for new businesses, developing and maintaining information on commercial sites, development and execution of marketing strategies (including a brochure and video), developing positive publicity about the community, and maintaining close contact with similar organizations. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Program measurement in Economic Development activities is measured in perceptions, as opposed to "hard" numbers. Judgements must be made relative to whether the program provides the tools needed to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, generates publicity on the availability of marketable properties, has policies in place that encourage commercial development, and whether the local and regional economy are experiencing economic growth. Other measures such as, how many brochures were mailed or how many prospects were interviewed are tangible measures, but do not necessarily measure the quality or viability of the overall program. ���iZeZ i•�yisK��uiui�i►i�r�'f The current program is the most we can expect given the resources currently being applied. This is not to say the program is not effective, rather, that the speed and pace of this kind of program is directly proportional to the amount of resources dedicated. Current resources are not sufficient to make additional quantitative improvements. Nonetheless, worthwhile qualitative improvements can and will be made through policy initiatives. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $21,593.70 $36,867.00 $40,603.80 75 76 BUDGET 92 -93 28,263.80 1,425.00 10,915.00 0.00 0.00 40,603.80 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 66 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 10,367.82 25,867.00 SUPPLIES 4,751.92 1,715.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,473.96 9,285.00 MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 ECONOMIC DEV. TOTAL 21,593.70 36,867.00 76 BUDGET 92 -93 28,263.80 1,425.00 10,915.00 0.00 0.00 40,603.80 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 66 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 66010 SALARIES 9,631.00 21,816.00 23,814.00 66014 FICA 736.82 1,669.00 1,822.80 66016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0.00 152.00 159.60 66018 GROUP INSURANCE 0.00 1,333.00 1,466.00 66020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 0.00 873.00 953.40 66024 LONGEVITY 0.00 24.00 48.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 10,367.82 25,867.00 28,263.80 1 SUPPLIES 66110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 278.62 250.00 250.00 66112 POSTAGE 201.32 175.00 200.00 66118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 169.04 150.00 175.00 66134 MERCHANDISE 4,102.94 1,140.00 800.00 66230 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 4,751.92 1,715.00 1,425.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 66216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,355.00 1,250.00 1,800.00 66218 ADVERTISING 360.00 260.00 250.00 66220 PRINTING & BINDING 236.77 2,750.00 1,500.00 66224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 133.32 0.00 925.00 66230 TELEPHONE SERVICE 0.00 300.00 727.00 66240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 0.00 0.00 221.00 66252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 272.35 300.00 500.00 66254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 3,038.86 2,900.00 2,500.00 66260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 66262 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 385.00 1,000.00 66264 SPECIAL EVENTS 1,077.66 1,140.00 1,200.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 6,473.96 9,285.00 10,915.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL --- - - - - -- --------- 21,593.70 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 36,867.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 40,603.80 77 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY NON- DEPARTMENTAL FUNCTION• This account includes a number of expenses and payments that are not specific to an individual function /department. Items in this account include audit cost, newsletter printing, contract amounts for emergency ambulance service, general fund debt service and a portion of data processing. Additionally this account contains provisions for contingency funds. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $307,051.61 $348,156.00 $283,960.00 79 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 67 NON- DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 0.00 0.00 307,051.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 348,156.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 92 -93 0.00 0.00 280,960.00 0.00 3,000.00 NON - DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL 307,051.61 348,156.00 283,960.00 80 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 67 NON - DEPARTMENTAL 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67214 MEDICAL SERVICES 67216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 67220 PRINTING & BINDING 67224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 67230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 67238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 67240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 67258 DEBT SERVICE 67260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 67262 CONTINGENCIES 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 67438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL NON - DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL BUDGET 90 -91 33,120.00 22,454.34 2,536.00 26,441.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 212,693.02 6,366.65 3,440.30 307,051.61 BUDGET 91 -92 38,842.00 6,300.00 3,200.00 83,000.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 183,414.00 7,000.00 26,000.00 348,156.00 BUDGET 92 -93 38,842.00 10,636.00 3,200.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 8,500.00 2,935.00 184,792.00 0.00 24,055.00 280,960.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 307,051.61 348,156.00 283,960.00 81 WATER /WASTEWATER FUND REVENUES GRAND TOTAL 1,868,760.67 1,728,343.00 1,935,861.00 83 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 43020 CAPITAL RECOVERY 30,094.13 0.00 0.00 43021 CAP. RECOVERY - WASTEWATER 5,550.00 0.00 0.00 43024 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3,585.99 15,000.00 17,000.00 43034 SALE OF METERS 3,410.75 2,000.00 3,000.00 43036 SALE OF WATER 809,491.34 901,290.00 961,945.00 43040 SERVICE CHARGES 4,415.93 1,100.00 1,100.00 43042 SEWER CHARGES 566,751.36 593,475.00 595,000.00 43046 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 43,873.14 44,207.00 46,000.00 43052 TRANSFER FEE 375.00 300.00 300.00 43056 WATER PENALTIES 29,910.62 30,000.00 32,000.00 46618 TRANS.FROM TAX DEBIT I &S 0.00 0.00 0.00 47010 INTEREST - WATER /SEWER 40,572.74 30,000.00 28,000.00 47028 INTEREST - CAPITAL RECOVERY 19,635.97 0.00 0.00 47030 INT.- 3009(WS EQ RPL /CONS) 632.97 0.00 0.00 47042 INT. -WS 1983 CONSTRUCTION 17,483.57 0.00 0.00 47046 INTEREST -WS CAPITAL IMP. 334.61 0.00 0.00 47048 INT. -WS CAPITAL RESERVE 320.60 0.00 0.00 47052 INTEREST -WS EQ REPL 6,724.01 0.00 0.00 47064 INT -REV BD RES SCHERTZ BK 14,872.04 0.00 0.00 48050 WS LINE CONST. REIMB. 250,965.89 15,000.00 15,500.00 48116 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 19,760.01 25,821.00 16,000.00 SUB TOTAL 1,868,760.67 1,658,193.00 1,715,845.00 46010 CASH FORWARD -W /S 0.00 70,150.00 112,246.00 46614 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 47,350.00 47060 INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 60,420.00 SUB TOTAL 0.00 70,150.00 220,016.00 GRAND TOTAL 1,868,760.67 1,728,343.00 1,935,861.00 83 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY WATER /WASTEWATER SERVICE DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Water /Wastewater Service Department is responsible for providing a safe, potable drinking water system to include adequate fire protection as well as maintain a safe sanitary sewer collection system. It is also bound by State /Federal laws, local ordinances, and the City Charter to keep the public water and wastewater systems maintained in a satisfactory condition. The department plans, designs, and coordinates all future water /wastewater improvements, performs preventive maintenance, repairs and installs water /wastewater mains and services, sewer lift stations, water production facilities, and storage plants. Produces and maintains reports to document activities as required by the State Health Department and Texas Water Commission. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Current measurements consist of the number of service calls, preventative maintenance of Water /Wastewater vehicles, main breaks, service repairs, water meter repairs, installation, and valve, fire hydrant and manhole maintenance. Other measurements include miles driven, fuel, number of service activities. PROGRAM COMMENTS: The utilization of program measurements determine the cost of providing basic water and wastewater services to the customers. The highest consideration of providing a cost of living salary adjustment to improve the quality of life for personnel has been calculated under expanded work programs without creating a large impact on regular budget expenditures. Continuation of research and development of potable drinking water is of the utmost importance. The budget as submitted is very basic, maintaining the same level of service with the guidelines set forth by the Texas Water Commission for a "Superior" water system. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $1,1321244.68 $1,668,541.00 $1,863,437.35 85 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 75 WATER SERVICE PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY WATER SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 BUDGET 92 -93 242,876.83 247,310.00 268,472.35 49,541.41 66,590.00 68,622.00 979,274.08 1,268,073.00 1,375,238.00 18,580.27 34,530.96 35,625.00 (158,047.91) 52,037.04 115,480.00 1,132,224.68 1,668,541.00 1,863,437.35 86 WATER /WASTEWATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 75 WATER SERVICE 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 75010 SALARIES 187,041.33 180,192.00 196,382.55 75012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 4,987.36 7,618.00 8,000.00 75014 FICA 14,684.19 13,885.00 15,025.50 75016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 15,389.48 19,845.00 19,700.10 75018 GROUP INSURANCE 14,273.85 17,500.00 19,058.00 75020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 6,500.62 7,262.00 7,858.20 75024 LONGEVITY 0.00 1,008.00 2,448.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 242,876.83 247,310.00 268,472.35 1 SUPPLIES 75110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,254.85 2,280.00 2,507.00 75112 POSTAGE 111.94 700.00 650.00 75114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 3,172.65 5,179.00 5,302.00 75116 CLOTHING 1,612.43 2,054.00 2,194.00 75118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8,397.79 9,400.00 9,372.00 75120 MISC. SUPPLIES 5,480.95 2,600.00 2,683.00 75122 STREET /MAINTENANCE MATLS. 845.77 3,678.00 3,785.00 75124 MOTOR VEHICLE 2,798.74 450.00 450.00 75126 WATER & SEWER MAINT. 23,079.41 36,335.00 36,500.00 75128 OPERATING 1,010.00 2,614.00 3,879.00 75130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 776.88 1,300.00 1,300.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 49,541.41 66,590.00 68,622.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75210 CCMA EXPENSE 430,380.34 433,236.00 420,000.00 75212 CONSULTANT SERVICES 967.24 14,200.00 18,000.00 75214 MEDICAL SERVICES 45.00 626.00 626.00 75216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 36,019.06 16,000.00 14,680.00 75218 ADVERTISING 128.28 775.00 500.00 75220 PRINTING & BINDING 44.00 700.00 600.00 75222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE 300.00 400.00 400.00 75224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 16,703.83 13,701.00 17,713.00 75228 ELECTRICITY 83,092.05 92,000.00 92,000.00 75230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 3,510.15 3,337.00 3,320.00 75232 WATER SERVICE 761.25 1,750.00 1,100.00 75236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 3,612.89 3,637.00 4,200.00 87 WATER /WASTEWATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 75 WATER SERVICE 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 15,506.80 6,750.00 6,000.00 75240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 2,567.60 5,916.00 6,500.00 75242 RENTAL- BUILDING,LAND 30.00 285.00 285.00 75244 RENTAL - EQUIPMENT, ETC. 1,959.47 2,000.00 1,800.00 75248 JUDGMENTS & DAMAGE CLAIMS 0.00 11000.00 11000.00 75250 ANNUAL AWARDS 44.08 175.00 650.00 75252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 345.20 917.00 657.00 75254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 2,610.63 4,338.00 3,455.00 75256 INTER FUND CHARGES- ADMIN. 173,799.96 237,586.00 237,341.00 75258 DEBT SERVICE 206,346.25 428,744.00 476,024.00 75262 CONTINGENCIES 500.00 0.00 68,387.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 979,274.08 1,268,073.00 1,375,238.00 3 MAINTENANCE 75310 BUILDING 2,366.88 2,300.00 2,600.00 75312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 990.26 1,300.00 1,025.00 75314 MOTOR VEHICLE 3,438.52 3,000.00 3,000.00 75316 WATER & SEWER 3,785.50 12,000.00 12,600.00 75318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 562.55 3,620.96 2,800.00 75320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3,172.85 4,310.00 5,600.00 75330 STREET MAINTENANCE 4,263.71 8,000.00 8,000.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 18,580.27 34,530.96 35,625.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 75412 BUILDING 0.00 0.00 1,160.00 75420 MOTOR VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 47,350.00 75422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT (21057.48) 1,537.04 3,375.00 75428 PUMPS,MOTOR,STORAGE FAC. (115,784.09) 15,000.00 0.00 75432 WATER- MAINS,VALVES,ETC. (2,734.00) 35,500.00 60,420.00 75434 SEWER - MAINS, SERVICES (37,472.34) 0.00 0.00 75438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 3,175.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 52,037.04 115,480.00 (158,047.91) ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------ ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- WATER SERVICE TOTAL 1,132,224.68 1,668,541.00 1,863,437.35 88 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY WATER /WASTEWATER BILLING DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: The Water /Wastewater Billing Department bills, maintains records and collects payments for water, wastewater and garbage services. Maintains records of deposits. This department coordinates all functions with the meter readers and maintenance personnel of the Water /Wastewater Service Department. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: This service is measured by timeliness in billing and collections. Customer service is the major responsibility of this department. They are required to have minute to minute contact with customers and must assist in numerous problems on a daily basis. During the 1991/92 fiscal year this department billed between 3,500 and 3,800 customers per month, turned off 342 customers for non - payment and mailed 8,642 delinquent notice. PROGRAM COMMENTS: This service is a department of the Water /Wastewater Department and is included in that departments 5 year plan. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $42,268.93 $58,387.00 $72,027.35 89 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 76 WATER BILLING PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 29,603.48 31,867.00 10,899.15 10,416.00 2,786.05 14,889.00 45.25 364.00 (1,065.00) 851.00 BUDGET 92 -93 36,182.35 12,906.00 18,607.00 0.00 4,332.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- WATER BILLING TOTAL 42,268.93 58,387.00 72,027.35 Mol WATER /WASTEWATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 76 WATER BILLING 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 76010 SALARIES 24,221.04 26,413.00 28,753.20 76012 SALARIES- OVERTIME 382.42 300.00 210.00 76014 FICA 1,769.78 2,053.00 2,270.10 76016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 34.14 176.00 185.85 76018 GROUP INSURANCE 2,222.28 1,576.00 2,932.00 76020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 973.82 1,061.00 1,159.20 76024 LONGEVITY 0.00 288.00 672.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 29,603.48 31,867.00 36,182.35 1 SUPPLIES 76110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,592.72 2,456.00 2,116.00 76112 POSTAGE 9,306.43 7,960.00 10,790.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 10,899.15 10,416.00 12,906.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 76216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 0.00 4,620.00 76220 PRINTING & BINDING 2,128.31 3,300.00 5,000.00 76224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 0.00 0.00 1,323.00 76230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 368.00 76240 OTHER REPAIR /MAINT(AGREE) 352.25 4,139.00 3,004.00 76254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN. 0.00 3,450.00 0.00 76259 UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS 305.49 4,000.00 4,000.00 76260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 292.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 2,786.05 14,889.00 18,607.00 3 MAINTENANCE 76320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 45.25 364.00 0.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 45.25 364.00 0.00 91 WATER /WASTEWATER FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 76422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT (1,065.00) 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL (1,065.00) WATER BILLING TOTAL 42,268.93 92 851.00 851.00 BUDGET 92 -93 4,332.00 4,332.00 58,387.00 72,027.35 FLEET SERVICES FUND REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 43040 SERVICES 0.00 30,516.00 27,341.00 48116 PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 35,650.00 43,332.00 SUB TOTAL 0.00 66,166.00 70,673.00 GRAND TOTAL 93 0.00 66,166.00 70,673.00 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY FLEET SERVICES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• The primary function of the Fleet Service Department is to perform preventative maintenance and repair on all City owned vehicles and equipment. Before subcontracting any repair work to local auto repair facilities or dealerships, Fleet Services reviews each repair order and examines the vehicle and equipment to determine if necessary repairs can be completed in- house. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Current measures consist of the number of scheduled and non - scheduled work orders. PROGRAM COMMENTS: Fleet Services has far exceeded original projections of preventive maintenance duties. This department has incorporated major tune -up, fuel injection services, heavy equipment overhauls, brake jobs, body work, tire repair and other miscellaneous repair services into their basic maintenance duties. Subcontracted work has decreased due to the services provided in- house. Only warranty, air conditioning, tire repair and repairs necessitated by company recalls were subcontracted. ACTUAL 90 -91 BUDGET 91 -92 BUDGET 92 -93 $17,453.56 $66,166.00 $70,673.00 95 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 77 FLEET SERVICES PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 0.00 25,595.00 13,052.00 29,471.00 4,221.24 10,293.00 180.32 807.00 0.00 0.00 BUDGET 92 -93 26,947.00 27,963.00 12,498.00 795.00 2,470.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- FLEET SERVICES TOTAL 17,453.56 66,166.00 70,673.00 96 FLEET SERVICES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 77 FLEET SERVICES 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES 77010 SALARIES 0.00 18,846.00 20,576.00 77012 SALARIES - OVERTIME 0.00 785.00 315.00 77014 FICA 0.00 1,442.00 1,575.00 77016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0.00 2,004.00 1,654.00 77018 GROUP INSURANCE 0.00 1,500.00 1,428.00 77020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 0.00 754.00 823.00 77024 LONGEVITY 0.00 264.00 576.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 0.00 25,595.00 26,947.00 1 SUPPLIES 77100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 172.58 147.00 191.00 77112 POSTAGE 0.00 75.00 75.00 77114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 1,924.06 5,897.00 5,374.00 77116 CLOTHING 0.00 150.00 75.00 77118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 138.50 640.00 502.00 77120 MISC. SUPPLIES 740.66 1,691.00 1,375.00 77124 MOTOR VEHICLE 9,762.82 15,701.00 15,701.00 77128 OPERATING 35.62 770.00 670.00 77130 MINOR EQUIPMENT 277.76 4,400.00 4,000.00 77256 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 13,052.00 29,471.00 27,963.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77220 PRINTING & BINDING 22.00 125.00 100.00 77224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 0.00 0.00 1,102.00 77230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 300.00 77236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 232.00 364.00 429.00 77238 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 3,642.48 7,883.00 8,264.00 77244 RENTALS- EQUIPMENT,ETC. 324.76 300.00 500.00 77250 ANNUAL AWARDS 0.00 25.00 0.00 77252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 0.00 90.00 25.00 77254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 0.00 646.00 125.00 77256 INTER FUND CHARGES -ADMIN 0.00 0.00 645.00 77262 CONTINGENCIES 0.00 860.00 1,008.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 4,221.24 10,293.00 12,498.00 97 FLEET SERVICES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 3 MAINTENANCE 77310 BUILDING 77314 MOTOR VEHICLE 77320 MINOR & OTHER EQUIP. 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 77416 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 77438 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FLEET SERVICES TOTAL 98 BUDGET 92 -93 180.32 100.00 150.00 0.00 507.00 445.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 180.32 807.00 795.00 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 1,170.00 0.00 0.00 2,470.00 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 17,453.56 66,166.00 70,673.00 SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL BUDGET 92 -93 16,500.00 7,800.00 12,000.00 149,695.00 0.00 180,350.00 185,995.00 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------------- ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 0.00 180,350.00 185,995.00 .. CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 43020 CAP.RECOVERY -WATER 0.00 15,000.00 43021 CAP.RECOVERY- WASTEWATER 0.00 4,090.00 47010 INTEREST 0.00 18,000.00 48998 TRANSFER FROM RESERVES 0.00 143,260.00 SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL BUDGET 92 -93 16,500.00 7,800.00 12,000.00 149,695.00 0.00 180,350.00 185,995.00 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------------- ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 0.00 180,350.00 185,995.00 .. DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY CAPITAL RECOVERY DEPARTMENT FUNCTION• The Capital Recovery Program is designed to support future growth of population and commercial water and wastewater demands without impacting the existing customers while keeping bond supported programs to a minimum. Capital recovery projects are based on the number of connections sold, to increase pumping, storage, and transmission water lines, and wastewater programs. In accordance with House Bill 336 Impact Funds (Capital Recovery) must be used within five (5) years of collection date. All water and wastewater improvements are constructed to meet State Board of Insurance, Texas Water Department, and Texas Water Commission rules and regulations. PROGRAM MEASUREMENT: Measurements include the availability to provide service connections, excess storage capacity, pumping production, and transmission and collection main capacity. A pre - calculated fee is collected at the time of sale of the meter. PROGRAM COMMENTS: It is of the utmost importance to continue with the Southside Water System Improvement Phase III as projected for construction. Upon completion of this project, 10,000 linear feet remains for a final transmission main interconnect to the Ware Seguin Road water storage tank. The second project is necessary to complete a loop to the Schertz Parkway 16 inch water line. This will increase the volume of water to Savannah Square Subdivision to support the developed lots and encourage development of Schertz Parkway. ACTUAL 90 -91 BUDGET 91 -92 BUDGET 92 -93 $ 0.00 $151,250.00 $171,420.00 101 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 78 CAPITAL RECOVERY PERSONNEL SERVICES 0.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0.00 MAINTENANCE 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 CAPITAL RECOVERY TOTAL 0.00 102 BUDGET 91 -92 0.00 0.00 21,300.00 0.00 129,950.00 151,250.00 BUDGET 92 -93 0.00 75.00 6,700.00 0.00 164,645.00 171,420.00 CAPITAL RECOVERY FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 78 CAPITAL RECOVERY 1 SUPPLIES 78112 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 75.00 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 0.00 0.00 75.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 78212 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0.00 6,500.00 4,000.00 78216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 78218 ADVERTISING 0.00 300.00 300.00 78220 PRINTING & BINDING 0.00 500.00 400.00 78252 MEMBERSHIPS /SUBSCRIPT. 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 0.00 21,300.00 6,700.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 78432 WATER- MAINS,VALVES,ETC. 0.00 129,950.00 164,645.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 0.00 129,950.00 164,645.00 CAPITAL RECOVERY TOTAL 103 - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 0.00 151,250.00 171,420.00 43010 45010 45012 45014 45016 45018 45020 45024 45026 45100 45200 46110 47014 SAFES FUND REVENUES FEE - AMBULANCE INVOICE CITY SUPPORT — CIBOLO PYMT CITY SUPPORT — GARDEN RIDGE CITY SUPPORT —LIVE OAK CITY SUPPORT — MARION CITY SUPPORT — SCHERTZ CITY SUPPORT —SELMA CITY SUPPORT— ST.HEDWIG CITY SUPPORT — UNIVERSAL CY COUNTY SUPPORT —COMAL CO. COUNTY SUPPORT — GUADALUPE INCOME — MISCELL —SAFES INTEREST — CONTINGENCY —SAFE SUB TOTAL 48998 RESERVES SUB TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ACTUAL 90 -91 120,036.50 3,864.00 3,818.88 36,800.00 3,606.40 33,120.00 1,794.00 4,204.40 52,992.00 3,312.00 43,333.29 79.46 2,029.13 308,990.06 0.00 of BUDGET 91 -92 150,000.00 5,520.00 5,336.00 36,885.00 3,621.00 38,842.00 1,944.00 5,310.00 48,049.00 4,416.00 44,800.00 0.00 0.00 344,723.00 0.00 BUDGET 92 -93 165,000.00 5,520.00 5,336.00 36,885.00 3,621.00 38,842.00 1,944.00 5,310.00 48,049.00 4,416.00 44,800.00 0.00 0.00 359,723.00 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 308,990.06 344,723.00 380,723.00 105 DEPARTMENT COMMENTARY SAFES DEPARTMENT FUNCTION: Primary function of SAFES EMS is to provide basic and advanced emergency medical and ambulance services to eight contractual cities (Cibolo, Garden Ridge, Live Oak, Marion, St. Hedwig, Schertz, Selma, Universal City) and unincorporated designated areas of Comal and Guadalupe counties. In addition, SAFES EMS supports school activities (standby services), conducts orientation tours for schools and youth groups, teaches CPR and basic first aid to the community, performs blood pressure checks on station as well as continued education of all SAFES personnel. ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 $316,410.82 $344,723.00 $380,723.00 107 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 80 SAFES PERSONNEL SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE CAPITAL OUTLAY SAFES TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 175,488.78 32,263.57 62,248.11 24,730.40 21,679.96 316,410.82 108 200,849.00 34,344.00 64,430.00 17,800.00 27,300.00 344,723.00 BUDGET 92 -93 208,964.00 40,000.00 100,529.00 18,880.00 12,350.00 380,723.00 SAFES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION 80 SAFES 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 80010 SALARIES 145,848.03 159,173.00 167,591.49 80014 FICA 11,119.75 12,175.00 12,820.74 80016 WORKERS COMPENSATION 10,237.48 19,840.00 16,512.31 80018 GROUP INSURANCE 5,172.64 5,775.00 7,327.80 80020 RETIREMENT RESERVE 3,110.88 3,598.00 3,847.66 80024 LONGEVITY 0.00 288.00 864.00 0 PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL 175,488.78 200,849.00 208,964.00 1 SUPPLIES 80110 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,131.59 2,100.00 3,000.00 80112 POSTAGE 2,271.90 2,000.00 2,000.00 80114 CHEMICAL /MEDICINE /LAB 16,547.78 12,544.00 17,300.00 80116 CLOTHING 600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 80118 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8,933.43 12,500.00 12,500.00 80120 MISC. SUPPLIES 312.21 500.00 500.00 80124 MOTOR VEHICLE 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 80128 OPERATING 1,466.66 2,000.00 2,000.00 80259 1 SUPPLIES TOTAL 32,263.57 34,344.00 40,000.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80212 CONSULTANT SERVICES 3,607.50 4,800.00 80216 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV. 0.00 0.00 80220 PRINTING & BINDING 224.30 500.00 80222 OFFICE COPY SERVICE (400.00) 400.00 80224 CITY INSURANCE -COMM. 11,502.26 13,680.00 80230 TELEPHONE SERVICES 2,473.50 1,700.00 80236 UNIFORM /LAUNDRY 1,404.14 11600.00 80238 REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 4,913.17 5,400.00 80254 CONFERENCE /TRAVEL /TRAIN 448.55 550.00 80256 INTER FUND CHARGES- ADMIN. 5,808.00 5,800.00 80259 UNCOLLECTABLE ACCOUNTS 26,666.53 23,500.00 80260 LEASE /PURCHASE PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 80261 MEDICARE ALLOWANCE 5,071.12 6,500.00 80262 CONTINGENCIES 529.04 0.00 80263 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 5,385.00 2,500.00 1,600.00 5,400.00 500.00 5,800.00 31,200.00 21,000.00 6,500.00 2,000.00 12,344.00 2 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 62,248.11 64,430.00 100,529.00 109 SAFES FUND EXPENDITURE DETAILS EXPENDITURE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION 90 -91 91 -92 92 -93 3 MAINTENANCE 80310 BUILDING 834.36 500.00 500.00 80312 RADIO & ELECTRONIC EQUIP. 2,217.46 2,000.00 3,080.00 80314 MOTOR VEHICLE 21,678.58 14,800.00 14,800.00 80318 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 500.00 500.00 3 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 24,730.40 17,800.00 18,880.00 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY 80420 MOTOR VEHICLES 80422 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 80426 RADIO /COMM. EQUIP. 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 21,000.00 679.96 0.00 21,679.96 21,000.00 1,300.00 5,000.00 27,300.00 10,000.00 1,300.00 1,050.00 12,350.00 SAFES TOTAL 316,410.82 344,723.00 380,723.00 110 2: : V.. IJR 2�1 CL (D R1 0 FL 0 U 0 0 tN S CA 45 F- 0- C-4 N 4) Q r_ 4) %% CL C 4) C %- 0 z cc -0 M 0 :3 Fn (.5 a. 0 U F- F- cn 0 0 Cc C iii 13 Cc (D vti 8 CO NFL U) EL LU w ('r) cn cc 0 O C C 0 a) w C) cc E 0— E2 N c ca > c 0) 4) a) :3 cc -E) (D 42's _0 t 0 Cc CL mn a- _5 u) CD c a. Cr) T T T T LO CL 00 a r- Qwj .0) LD to r_ = r- CD cc Oa) —a) ES) uz- uz- :3 > mn M... 11 U) ca CL 0 a) CO S E c c L cc M : a) cc CL ii = st. ::g :i 4 P. ME =3 C, O= 0— a) w O 0 0 cr D N IJR 2�1 CL (D R1 0 FL 0 U 0 0 tN S CA 45 F- 0- C-4 N 4) Q r_ 4) %% CL C 4) C %- 0 z cc -0 M 0 :3 Fn (.5 a. 0 U F- F- cn 0 0 Cc C iii 13 Cc (D vti 8 CO NFL U) EL LU w ('r) cn cc 0 O C C 0 a) w C) cc E 0— E2 N c ca > c 0) 4) a) :3 cc -E) (D 42's _0 t 0 Cc CL mn a- _5 u) CD c a. Cr) T T T T LO CL 00 a r- Qwj .0) LD to r_ = r- CD cc Oa) —a) ES) uz- uz- :3 > Z5 M... 11 U) N cf) T CD S E c c L cc M : :Occ ::g :i 4 P. ME U- U- IJR 2�1 CL (D R1 0 FL 0 U 0 0 tN S CA 45 F- 0- C-4 N 4) Q r_ 4) %% CL C 4) C %- 0 z cc -0 M 0 :3 Fn (.5 a. 0 U F- F- cn 0 0 Cc C iii 13 Cc (D vti 8 CO NFL U) EL LU w ('r) cn cc 0 O C C 0 a) w C) cc E 0— E2 N c ca > c 0) 4) a) :3 cc -E) (D 42's _0 t 0 Cc CL mn a- _5 u) CD c a. Cr) T T T T LO ill C 7Z 7Z (D c CD w ca ca co 4) cc 0mcEE00.0-00- :3 w 4) 4) cU E 0 CL in 0 CL 0 co LL U) U) CO 14* cn CA (D 5, 0 0 C. CL !E E Uj LU a, 0 E E F- :3 U- a- $ I 0 (7) CL 00 a r- Qwj .0) LD to r_ = r- CD Cc (n tj r- RD -2 ig cc Oa) —a) ES) uz- uz- :3 '_j LL Q_ n M... 11 c (D CL= W :3 (D N cf) T CD ill C 7Z 7Z (D c CD w ca ca co 4) cc 0mcEE00.0-00- :3 w 4) 4) cU E 0 CL in 0 CL 0 co LL U) U) CO 14* cn CA (D 5, 0 0 C. CL !E E Uj LU a, 0 E E F- :3 U- a- $ I 0 (7) CL 00 .00: (D (D (D :x Cc (n tj r- RD -2 ig cc 0 = cc 11 c (D CL= W :3 (D CL w J : CL N 0 0 4) i- H a. a. a. ::g :i 4 P. ME ill C 7Z 7Z (D c CD w ca ca co 4) cc 0mcEE00.0-00- :3 w 4) 4) cU E 0 CL in 0 CL 0 co LL U) U) CO 14* cn CA (D 5, 0 0 C. CL !E E Uj LU a, 0 E E F- :3 U- a- $ I 0 (7) (D (D (D :x Cc (n tj r- RD -2 ig cc 0 = cc 11 c (D CL= W :3 (D CL w J : CL N 0 0 4) i- H a. a. a. ::g :i 4 P. ME ill C 7Z 7Z (D c CD w ca ca co 4) cc 0mcEE00.0-00- :3 w 4) 4) cU E 0 CL in 0 CL 0 co LL U) U) CO 14* cn CA (D 5, 0 0 C. CL !E E Uj LU a, 0 E E F- :3 U- a- $ I 0 (7) 0 [Io2 two e-,S i 1 C)C> #� 7 6 10 �-,4 k - Q. hoNode6 6ukei- 1992 -93 POSITION AUTHORIZATION POSITION TITLE MANAGEMENT City Manager Administrative Secretary Finance Officer Finance Clerk Finance Clerk - P.T. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Administrative Assistant ADMINISTRATION City Secretary /Dept. City Mgr. Office Mgr. /Data System Administrator Receptionist /Clerk Utility Billing Clerk Clerk Typist PLANNING Asst. City Mgr /Planning Coord. Secretary /Deputy City Secretary MUNICIPAL COURT Deputy Court Clerk Clerk Typist TAX DEPARTMENT Tax Collector Tax Clerk` INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Inspector Assistant Inspector SERVICE GRADE Council discretion ,W13 7 4 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPARTMENT 15 k1ol9 15 6 8 8 k11,11 10 15 7 12 8 Foreman 1� H Animal Control Officer Shelter Operatorl 113 1992 -93 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE POLICE DEPARTMENT 14 a3 Chief % Lieutenant 7r�y5 Sergeant 13 Sergeant /Juvenile Officer 13 Patrolmen 11 Office Manager .4b Dispatcher 8 Crossing Guards - P.T. FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief 1/ 1 7 Inspector - P.T. Lieutenant 11 Firefighters 10 STREET /PARKS DEPARTMENT Supe "s nt SO V 14 a3 Worker LII 8 Worker II 7 Worker I 6 Clerk Dispatcher 6 Pool Manager - P.T. Lifeguards - P.T. �Oterv`rcti} MUNICIPAL BUILDING Building Maintenance Supervisor 1� Custodial Helper Custodial Helper - P.T. HEALTH /SAFES Administrator L�'11 Asst. Administrator 11 EMT Attendant 10 LIBRARY Librarian 15 Clerks 5 Clerk - P.T. 4 114 1992 -93 POSITION AUTHORIZATION (continued) POSITION TITLE SERVICE GRADE WATER /WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT rg- I3 Foreman 10 Serviceman II 8 Serviceman I 6 Meter Reader II 7 Meter Reader I 5 Secretary /Dispatcher 8 FLEET SERVICES Mechanic 13 14 RAJ t� 115 CITY OF SCHERTZ PAY TABLES 1992 -1993 Service Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 SG -01 Hour 3.70 3.75 3.81 3.88 3.99 Month 640 650 660 671 692 Annual 7,686 7,799 7,925 8,052 8,303 SG -02 Hour 3.99 4.06 4.12 4.19 4.31 4.37 Month 692 704 715 727 748 757 Annual 8,303 81442 8,580 8,719 8,971 9,084 SG -03 Hour 4.31 4.37 4.45 4.53 4.65 4.72 4.80 Month 748 757 772 784 806 818 832 Annual 8,971 91084 9,261 9,412 9,677 9,815 9,979 SG -04 Hour 4.65 4.72 4.80 4.88 5.02 5.10 5.18 5.26 Month 806 818 832 846 869 884 898 912 Annual 9,677 9,815 9,979 10,155 10,433 10,609 10,773 10,949 SG -05 Hour 5.02 5.10 Month 869 884 Annual 10,433 10,609 SG-06 Hour 5.41 5.49 Month 938 952 Annual 11,252 11,428 5.18 898 10,773 5.58 967 11,605 5.26 912 10,949 5.68 985 11,819 5.41 5.49 938 952 11,252 11,428 5.79 5.87 1,004 1,017 12,046 12,209 5.58 967 11,605 5.97 1,035 12,424 5.68 985 11,819 6.08 1,054 12,650 5.79 1,004 12,046 6.26 6.34 1,085 1,098 13,016 13,180 SG-07 Hour 5.79 5.87 5.97 6.08 6.26 6.34 6.44 6.57 6.76 6.87 6.98 Month 1,004 1,017 1,035 1,054 1,085 1,098 1,116 1,138 1,172 1,191 1,210 Annual 12,046 12,209 12,424 12,650 13,016 13,180 13,394 13,658 14,062 14,288 14,515 SG -08 Hour 6.26 6.34 6.44 6.57 6.76 6.87 6.98 7.09 7.26 7.37 7.49 Month 1,085 1,098 1,116 1,138 1,172 1,191 11210 1,228 1,258 11278 1,299 Annual 13,016 13,180 13,394 13,658 14,062 14,288 14,515 14,742 15,095 15,334 15,586 117 CITY OF SCHERTZ PAY TABLES 1992 -1993 Service Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 SG-09 Hour 6.76 6.87 6.98 7.09 7.26 7.37 7.49 7.49 7.75 7.88 8.00 Month 1,172 1,191 1,210 1,228 1,258 1,278 1,299 1,299 1,344 1,366 1,387 Annual 14,062 14,288 14,515 14,742 15,095 15,334 15,586 15,838 16,128 16,393 16,645 SC-10 Hour 7.26 7.37 7.49 7.61 7.75 7.88 8.00 8.14 8.37 8.46 8.60 8.79 Month 1,258 1,278 1,299 1,320 1,344 1,366 1,387 1,411 1,451 1,467 1,491 11524 Annual 15,095 15,334 15,586 15,838 16,128 16,393 16,645 16,934 17,413 17,602 17,892 18,283 SG -11 Hour 7.75 7.88 8.00 8.14 8.37 8.46 8.60 8.79 9.00 9.15 9.30 9.46 Month 1,344 1,366 1,387 1,411 1,451 1,467 1,491 1,524 1,560 1,586 1,612 10639 Annual 16,128 16,393 16,645 16,934 17,413 17,602 17,892 18,283 18,124 19,026 19,341 19,669 SG-12 Hour 8.37 8.46 8.60 Month 1,451 1,467 1,491 Annual 17,413 17,602 17,892 SG -13 Hour 9.00 9.15 9.30 Month 1,560 1,586 1,612 Annual 18,724 19,026 19,341 8.79 1,524 18,283 9.46 1,639 19,669 9.00 1,560 18,724 9.73 1,686 20,236 9.15 9.30 1,586 1,612 19,026 19,341 9.89 10.06 1,715 1,743 20,576 20,916 9.46 1,639 19,669 10.23 1,772 21,269 9.73 1,686 20,236 10.42 1,806 21,672 9.89 10.06 10.23 1,715 1,743 1,772 20,576 20,916 21,269 10.59 10.76 10.92 1,835 1,866 1,897 22,025 22,390 22,768 SG -14 Hour 9.73 9.89 10.06 10.23 10.42 10.59 10.76 10.95 11.26 11.45 11.64 11.83 12.18 Month 1,686 1,715 1,743 1,772 1,806 1,835 1,866 1,897 1,952 1,984 2,017 2,051 2,110 Annual 20,236 20,576 20,916 21,269 21,672 22,025 22,390 22,768 23,423 23,814 24,205 24,608 25,326 SG-15 Hour 10.42 10.59 10.76 10.95 11.26 11.45 11.64 11.83 12.18 12.38 12.58 12.79 13.16 Month 1,806 1,835 1,866 1,897 1,952 1,984 2,017 2,051 2,110 2,145 21181 2,218 2,282 Annual 21,672 22,025 22,390 22,768 23,423 23,814 24,205 24,608 25,326 25,742 26,170 26,611 r 27,380 SG-16 Hour 11.26 11.45 11.64 11.83 12.18 12.38 12.58 12.79 13.16 13.38 13.61 13.83 14.11 Month 1,952 1,984 2,017 2,051 2,110 2,145 2,181 2,218 2,282 2,319 2,358 2,397 2,445 Annual 23,423 23,814 24,205 24,608 25$26 25,742 26,170 26,611 27,380 27,833 28,300 28,766 29,341 SG -17 Hour 12.18 12.38 12.58 12.79 13.16 13.38 13.61 13.83 14.11 14.39 14.68 14.97 15.27 Month 2,110 2,145 2,181 2,218 2,282 2,319 2,358 2,397 2,445 2,494 2,544 2,595 2,647 Annual 25,326 25,742 26,170 26,611 27,380 27,833 28,300 28,766 29,341 29,928 30,527 31,137 31,759 118 CITY OF SCHBRTZ PAY TABLES 1992 -1993 Service Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 SG -18 Hour 13.16 13.38 13.61 Month 2,282 2,319 2,358 Annual 27,380 27,833 28,300 SG -19 Hour 14.11 14.16 14.68 Month 2,445 2,455 2,544 Annual 29,341 29,456 30,527 SG -20 Hour 15.27 15.57 15.89 Month 2,647 2,700 2,754 Annual 31,759 32,395 33,042 SG-21 Hour 16.53 16.86 17.20 Month 2,865 2,922 2,980 Annual 34,377 35,065 35,766 SG -22 Hour 17.89 18.25 18.61 Month 3,101 3,163 3,226 Annual 37,211 37,955 38,715 SG -23 Hour 19.36 19.75 20.15 Month 3,356 3,424 3,492 Annual 40,278 41,083 41,906 SG -24 Hour 20.96 21.38 21.81 Month 3,633 3,706 3,780 Annual 43,598 44,470 45,359 13.83 2,397 28,766 14.97 2,595 31,137 16.20 2,809 33,703 17.54 3,040 36,481 18.98 3,291 39,488 20.55 3,562 42,743 22.24 3,856 46,266 14.11 2,445 29,341 15.27 2,647 31,759 16.53 2,865 34,377 17.89 3,101 37,211 19.36 3,356 40,278 20.96 3,633 43,598 22.69 3,932 47,187 119 14.39 14.68 14.97 2,494 2,544 2,595 29,928 30,527 31,137 15.57 15.89 16.20 2,700 2,754 2,809 32,395 33,042 33,703 16.86 17.20 17.54 2,922 2,980 3,040 35,065 35,766 36,481 18.25 18.61 18.98 3,163 3,226 3,291 37,955 38,715 39,488 19.75 20.15 20.55 31424 3,492 3,562 41,083 41,906 42,743 21.38 21.81 22.24 3,706 3,780 3,856 44,470 45,359 46,266 23.14 23.61 24.08 4,011 4,092 4,174 48,132 49,102 50,085 15.27 2,647 31,759 16.53 2,865 34,377 17.89 3,101 37,211 19.36 3,356 40,278 20.96 3,633 43,598 22.69 3,932 47,187 24.56 4,257 51,080 15.57 2,700 32,395 16.86 2,922 35,065 18.25 3,163 37,955 19.75 3,424 41,083 21.38 3,706 44,470 23.14 4,011 48,132 25.05 4,342 52,101 15.89 16.20 16.53 16.86 2,754 2,809 2,865 2,922 33,042 33,703 34,377 35,065 17.20 17.54 17.89 18.25 2,980 3,040 3,101 3,163 35,766 36,481 37,211 37,955 18.61 18.98 19.36 19.75 3,226 3,291 3,356 3,424 38,715 39,488 40,278 41,083 20.15 20.55 20.96 21.38 3,492 3,562 3,633 3,706 41,906 42,743 43,598 44,470 21.81 22.24 22.69 23.14 31780 3,856 31932 4,011 45,359 46,266 47,187 48,132 23.61 24.08 24.56 25.05 4,092 4,174 4,257 4,342 49,102 50,085 51,080 52,101 25.07 26.06 26.58 27.11 4,346 4,517 4,607 4,700 52,147 54,205 55,289 56,398 1992/93 COMPENSATION PLAN SECTION I 1. Salary Schedule The pay of City employees shall be on the basis of the appropriate salary schedule prescribed by the City of Schertz and approved by the Council. The general salary schedule consists of an entrance rate, intermediate rates, and a maximum rate. The salaries prescribed in the schedule are fixed on the basis of regular service for 40 hours of work per week. 2. Application of Plan to Position The service grade assigned refers to established for each of the positions. be paid within the range established subject to the provision of Section 2 of Manager will determine the rate on evaluation of the experience, ability a of the employee. SECTION II 1. Starting Rate on Initial Employment the Each for this the nd le service grade employee shall his position, plan. The City basis. of his ngth of service On original hiring to any position, the salary shall be in successive steps. The City Manager may approve initial compensation at the 2nd or 3rd step in the appropriate service grade when experience, skill, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. The City Manager may approve initial compensation in salary grades of Department Heads in any step of the appropriate salary grade when exceptional experience, training, or labor market conditions justify the action. 2. Starting Rate on Return to Duty Employees returning to duty in the same class of position after a separation from City service of not more than twelve months, when separation was without prejudice to the employee, may, at the discretion of the City Manager, receive the rate in the salary schedule corresponding to the step rate received at time of separation and shall subsequently be paid such rate for at least such period as is normally required for advancement to the next higher salary. 121 The objectives of this method are the following: to evaluate the performance and potential of each employee; to recognize and correct each employee's weaknesses through helpful discussion, special training, and personal development; to discover old and new talent with a review to further development and improved placement; to develop organizational replacement charts; to strengthen morale through assurance that recognition is based on merit only; to stimulate interest in the principles of personnel administration through increased understanding between supervisors and supervisees; and finally, to assist in the establishment of complete personnel records and manpower inventories as a means of implementing the policy of promotion from within. 2. Planning and Scheduling Evaluations It is important that each employee understand the organization's periodic Performance Evaluation procedures and know who will review his or her performance. The Department Head or his /her appointed representative will perform the evaluation based upon the job performance of the employee. After discussion with the employee, the department head will forward the Performance Evaluation to the City Manager for his review and action. 3. Conclusion This program will furnish management with a reliable overall inventory of its human assets in terms of skills and aptitudes, present and potential. On an individual basis, it provides all the necessary data for appraising potential ability of all employees. Moreover, it promotes better understanding and communication between supervisors and their employees. Finally, experience with the program has shown that sound personnel evaluation is almost invariably reflected in improved organizational planning. 124 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 09 -30 -93 09 -30 -94 09 -30 -95 09 -30 -96 09 -30 -97 09 -30 -98 09 -30-99 09 -30 -00 09 -30 -01 09 -30 -02 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1992 -2002 CASH REQUIREMENTS PRINCIPAL 57,000.00 58,000.00 60,000.00 67,000.00 67,000.00 73,000.00 78,000.00 79,000.00 85,000.00 65,000.00 689,000.00 AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT: INTEREST 42,830.00 38,976.25 35,127.25 31,115.00 27,048.75 22,724.50 17,975.00 13,082.50 8,210.00 2,112.50 239,201.75 125 TOTAL 99,830.00 96,976.25 95,127.25 98,115.00 94,048.75 95,724.50 95,975.00 92,082.50 93,210.00 67,112.50 928,201.75 92,820.18 OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL 689,000.00 632,000.00 574,000.00 514,000.00 447,000.00 380,000.00 307,000.00 229,000.00 150,000.00 65,000.00 0.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER SYSTEM BONDS, SERIES 1962, DATED DECEMBER 1, 1962 INTEREST AT 3 -5/8% ON BONDS 1 -3, 3 -3/87. ON BONDS 4 -27, AND 3 -5/81 ON BONDS 38 -301 PAYABLE DECEMBER 1ST AND JUNE 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 301,000.00 PAID 193,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER, 1992 108,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12 -01 -92 108,000.00 1,956.96 06 -01 -93 190 -200 119000.00 11956.04 14,913.00 12 -01 -93 97,000.00 1,757.64 06 -01 -94 201 -211 11,000.00 1,758.61 14,516.25 12 -01 -94 86,000.00 1,558.32 06 -01 -95 212 -223 12,000.00 1,559.18 15,117.50 12 -01 -95 74,000.00 1,340.88 06 -01 -96 224 -235 12,000.00 1,341.62 14,682.50 12 -01 -96 62,000.00 1,123.44 06 -01 -97 236 -247 12,000.00 1,124.06 14,247.50 12 -01 -97 50,000.00 906.00 06 -01 -98 248 -260 13,000.00 906.00 14,812.00 12 -01-98 37,000.00 670.44 06 -01 -99 261 -273 13,000.00 670.81 14,341.25 12 -01 -99 24,000.00 434.88 06-01 -00 274 -287 14,000.00 435.12 14,870.00 12 -01 -00 10,000.00 181.20 06 -01 -01 288 -297 10,000.00 181.30 10,362.50 108,000.00 19,862.50 127,862.50 PAYING AGENT: G.E. CAPITAL BANK 127 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1972 INTEREST AT 4 -1/21 ON BONDS 1 -14, 51 ON BONDS 15 -39, 5.31 ON BONDS 4 -63, AND 6.2% ON BONDS 64 -150 PAYABLE JUNE 1ST AND DECEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 150,000.00 PAID 114,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 36,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 12 -01 -92 36,000.00 1,116.00 06 -01 -93 115 -125 11,000.00 1,116.00 13,232.00 12 -01 -93 25,000.00 775.00 06 -01 -94 126 -137 12,000.00 775.00 13,550.00 12 -01 -94 13,000.00 403.00 06 -01 -95 138 -150 13,000.00 403.00 13,806.00 TOTALS 36,000.00 4,588.00 40,588.00 PAYING AGENT: NATIONS BANK DALLAS, TEXAS OPTION: JUNE 1, 1987 128 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 1975, DATED MARCH 1, 1975 INTEREST AT 71 ON BONDS 1 -9, 6.2% ON BONDS 11 -12 6.8% ON BONDS 13 -15, 7% ON BONDS 16 -25, AND 7.2% ON BONDS 26 -47 AMOUNT ISSUED 235,000.00 PAID 75,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 160,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03 -01 -93 160,000.00 5,710.00 09 -01 -93 16 -17 10,000.00 5,710.00 21,420.00 03 -01 -94 150,000.00 5,360.00 09 -01-94 18 -19 10,000.00 51360.00 20,720.00 03 -01 -95 140,000.00 5,010.00 09 -01 -95 20 -21 10,000.00 5,010.00 20,020.00 03 -01 -96 130,000.00 4,660.00 09 -01 -96 22 -25 20,000.00 4,660.00 29,320.00 03 -01 -97 110,000.00 3,960.00 09 -01 -97 26 -29 20,000.00 3,960.00 27,920.00 03 -01 -98 90,000.00 3,240.00 09 -01 -98 30 -33 20,000.00 3,240.00 26,480.00 03 -01 -99 70,000.00 2,520.00 09 -01 -99 34 -37 20,000.00 2,520.00 25,040.00 03 -01 -00 50,000.00 1,800.00 09 -01 -00 38 -41 20,000.00 1,800.00 23,600.00 03 -01 -01 30,000.00 11080.00 09 -01 -01 42 -47 30,000.00 1,080.00 32,160.00 TOTALS 160,000.00 66,680.00 226,680.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 129 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS 460,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS SERIES 1987 -FINAL DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE AMOUNT ISSUED AMOUNT PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 03 -01 -93 09 -01 -93 03 -01 -94 09 -01 -94 03 -01 -95 09 -01 -95 03 -01 -96 09 -01 -96 03 -01 -97 09 -01 -97 03 -01 -98 09 -01 -98 03 -01 -99 09 -01 -99 03 -01 -00 09 -01 -00 03 -01 -01 09 -01 -01 03 -01 -02 09 -01 -02 TOTAL 385,000.00 360,000.00 335,000.00 310,000.00 275,000.00 240,000.00 200,000.00 155,000.00 110,000.00 65,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 65,000.00 385,000.00 PAYING AGENT: FIRST CITY, TX AUSTIN, TEXAS 130 13,151.25 12,113.75 12,113.75 11,076.25 11,076.25 10,107.50 10,107.50 9,005.00 9,005.00 7,876.25 7,876.25 6,556.25 6,556.25 5,037.50 5,037.50 3,575.00 3,575.00 2,112.50 2,112.50 148,071.25 460,000.00 75,000.00 385,000.00 TOTAL 50,265.00 48,190.00 46,183.75 54,112.50 51,881.25 54,432.50 56,593.75 53,612.50 50,687.50 67,112.50 533,071.25 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 09 -30 -93 09 -30 -94 09 -30 -95 09 -30 -96 09 -30 -97 09 -30 -98 09 -30 -99 09 -30 -00 09 -30 -01 09 -30-02 09 -30 -03 09 -30 -04 09 -30 -05 TOTALS CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1992 -2005 CASH REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PRINCIPAL 130,000.00 145,000.00 155,000.00 135,000.00 155,000.00 175,000.00 165,000.00 225,000.00 285,000.00 85,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 158,815.00 147,523.75 135,041.25 122,775.00 110,082.50 96,257.50 82,102.50 67,956.25 48,443.75 22,656.25 16,312.50 9,787.50 3,262.50 1,925,000.00 1,021,016.25 AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS: 131 288,815.00 292,523.75 290,041.25 257,775.00 265,082.50 271,257.50 247,102.50 292,956.25 333,443.75 107,656.25 106,312.50 99,787.50 93,262.50 2,946,016.25 226,616.63 11925,000.00 1,795,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,495,000.00 1,360,000.00 1,205,000.00 1,030,000.00 865,000.00 640,000.00 355,000.00 270,000.00 180,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION SERIES 1981 DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1981 AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND DATE BALANCE NUMBERS 02 -01 -93 85,000.00 14 -15 08 -01 -93 YEAR REQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL 02 -01 -94 75,000.00 16 -17 08 -01 -94 02 -01 -95 65,000.00 18 -19 08 -01 -95 02 -01 -96 55,000.00 20 -22 08 -01 -96 02 -01 -97 40,000.00 23 -26 08 -01 -97 02 -01 -98 20,000.00 27 -30 08 -01 -98 TOTAL PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK 8 TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 133 150,000.00 65,000.00 85,000.00 FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 10,000.00 4,167.50 3,702.50 17,870.00 10,000.00 3,702.50 3,227.50 16,930.00 10,000.00 3,227.50 2,742.50 15,970.00 15,000.00 2,742.50 2,000.00 19,742.50 20,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 23,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 85,000.00 29,512.50 114,512.50 133 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1983 PAYABLE MAY 1ST AND NOVEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 11 -01 -92 41,867.50 05 -01 -93 925,000.00 55,000.00 41,867.50 11 -01 -93 39,557.50 05 -01 -94 870,000.00 60,000.00 39,557.50 11 -01 -94 36,977.50 05 -01 -95 810,000.00 65,000.00 36,977.50 11 -01 -95 34,117.50 05 -01 -96 745,000.00 75,000.00 34,117.50 11 -01 -96 30,780.00 05 -01 -97 670,000.00 85,000.00 30,780.00 11 -01 -97 26,955.00 05 -01 -98 585,000.00 100,000.00 26,955.00 11 -01 -98 22,405.00 05 -01 -99 485,000.00 105,000.00 22,405.00 11 -01 -99 17,575.00 05 -01 -00 380,000.00 160,000.00 17,575.00 11 -01 -00 10,175.00 05 -01 -01 220,000.00 220,000.00 10,175.00 TOTAL 925,000.00 520,820.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 134 1,250,000.00 325,000.00 925,000.00 TOTAL 138,735.00 139,115.00 138,955.00 143,235.00 146,560.00 153,910.00 149,810.00 195,150.00 240,350.00 1,445,820.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND LIMITED PLEDGE REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1990. AMOUNT ISSUED 850,000.00 PAID 35,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 815,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 02 -01 -93 815,000.00 35,000.00 31,311.25 08 -01 -93 29,736.25 96,047.50 02 -01 -94 780,000.00 40,000.00 29,736.25 08 -01 -94 27,936.25 97,672.50 02 -01 -95 740,000.00 45,000.00 27,936.25 08 -01 -95 25,911.25 98,847.50 02 -01 -96 695,000.00 45,000.00 25,911.25 08 -01 -96 23,886.25 94,797.50 02 -01 -97 650,000.00 50,000.00 23,886.25 08 -01 -97 21,636.25 95,522.50 02 -01 -98 600,000.00 55,000.00 21,636.25 08 -01 -98 19,711.25 96,347.50 02 -01 -99 545,000.00 60,000.00 19,711.25 08 -01 -99 17,581.25 97,292.50 02 -01 -00 485,000.00 65,000.00 17,581.25 08 -01 -00 15,225.00 97,806.25 02 -01 -01 420,000.00 65,000.00 15,225.00 08 -01 -01 12,868.75 93,093.75 02 -01 -02 355,000.00 85,000.00 12,868.75 08 -01 -02 9,787.50 107,656.25 02 -01-03 270,000.00 90,000.00 9,787.50 08 -01 -03 6,525.00 106,312.50 02 -01 -04 180,000.00 90,000.00 6,525.00 08 -01 -04 3,262.50 99,787.50 02 -01 -05 90,000.00 90,000.00 3,262.50 08 -01 -05 93,262.50 TOTAL 815,000.00 459,446.25 PAYING AGENT: FIRST CITY, TEXAS - AUSTIN N.A. AUSTIN, TEXAS 135 1,274,446.25 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS $125,000 CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION SERIES 1991. DATED 02 -01 -91 AMOUNT ISSUED 125,000.00 PAID 25,000.00 OUTSTANDING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 100,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING COUPONS FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 02 -01 -93 100,000.00 7.250 30,000.00 3,625.00 08 -01 -93 2,537.50 36,162.50 02 -01 -94 70,000.00 7.250 35,000.00 2,537.50 08 -01 -94 1,268.75 38,806.25 02 -01 -95 35,000.00 7.250 35,000.00 1,268.75 08 -01 -95 36,268.75 TOTAL 100,000.00 11,237.50 111,237.50 PAYING AGENT: FIRST CITY BANK AUSTIN, TEXAS 136 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 09 -30 -93 09 -30 -94 09 -30 -95 09 -30 -96 09 -30 -97 09 -30 -98 09 -30 -99 09 -30 -00 09 -30 -01 09 -30 -02 09 -30 -03 09 -30 -04 09 -30 -05 09 -30 -06 09 -30 -07 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1992 -2007 CASH REQUIREMENTS OUTSTANDING PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL BALANCE 90,000.00 95,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 135,000.00 100,000.00 60,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 128,672.50 122,105.50 115,027.50 107,587.50 99,937.50 91,832.50 83,797.50 73,475.00 65,000.00 60,525.00 48,050.00 37,762.50 27,475.00 17,125.00 8,562.50 1,740,000.00 1,086,935.50 AVERAGE ANNUAL REQUIREMENT 137 218,672.50 217,105.50 215,027.50 207,587.50 204,937.50 196,832.50 218,797.50 173,475.00 125,000.00 210,525.00 198,050.00 187,762.50 177,475.00 142,125.00 133,562.50 2,826,935.50 188,462.37 1,740,000.00 1,650,000.00 1,555,000.00 1,455,000.00 1,355,000.00 1,250,000.00 1,145,000.00 1,010,000.00 910,000.00 850,000.00 700,000.00 550,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 125,000.00 0.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PAYING AGENT: NCNB NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, TEXAS OPTION: Bonds maturing September 1, 1984 through 1995 are optional for redemption September 1, 1983, at 102.50, such premiums reducing 1/2 of 1% on each September 1, until the bonds are optional at par on September 1, 1988, and remain optional at par on any interest payment date thereafter to maturity. 139 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1968, DATED MARCH 1, 1968 INTEREST AT 41 ON BONDS 1 -39, 4 -1/2% ON BONDS 40 -329, AND 5 -3/4% ON BONDS 330 -379 PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 579,000.00 PAID 469,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 110,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03 -01 -93 110,000.00 3,162.50 09 -01 -93 470 -504 35,000.00 3,162.50 41,325.00 03 -01 -94 75,000.00 2,156.50 09 -01 -94 505 -539 35,000.00 2,156.50 39,313.00 03 -01 -95 40,000.00 1,150.00 09 -01 -95 540 -579 40,000.00 1,150.00 42,300.00 TOTAL 110,000.00 12,938.00 122,938.00 PAYING AGENT: NCNB NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, TEXAS OPTION: Bonds maturing September 1, 1984 through 1995 are optional for redemption September 1, 1983, at 102.50, such premiums reducing 1/2 of 1% on each September 1, until the bonds are optional at par on September 1, 1988, and remain optional at par on any interest payment date thereafter to maturity. 139 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, DATED APRIL 1, 1973 INTEREST AT 6.101 ON BONDS 1 -16 AND 7.751 ON BONDS 17 -33 PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 165,000.00 PAID 0.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 165,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03 -01 -93 165,000.00 4,883.75 09 -01 -93 4,883.75 9,767.50 03 -01 -94 165,000.00 4,883.75 09 -01 -94 4,883.75 9,767.50 03 -01 -95 165,000.00 4,883.75 09 -01 -95 4,883.75 9,767.50 03 -01 -96 165,000.00 4,883.75 09 -01 -96 1 -8 40,000.00 4,883.75 49,767.50 03 -01 -97 125,000.00 3,663.75 09 -01 -97 9 -15 40,000.00 31663.75 47,327.50 03 -01 -98 85,000.00 2,443.75 09 -01 -98 17 -24 40,000.00 2,443.75 44,887.50 03 -01 -99 45,000.00 1,293.75 09 -01 -99 25 -33 45,000.00 1,293.75 47,587.50 TOTAL 165,000.00 53,872.50 218,872.50 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS OPTION: SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 140 CITY OF SCHERTZ UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS DATED 1975 INTEREST AT 7.751 ON BONDS 1 -5, 71 ON BONDS 6 -20 7.41 ON BONDS 27 -65, PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 3251000.00 PAID 90,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 235,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENTS DATES BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03 -01 -93 235,000.00 8,650.00 09 -01 -93 19 -20 10,000.00 8,650.00 27,300.00 03 -01 -94 225,000.00 8,300.00 09 -01 -94 21 -22 10,000.00 8,300.00 26,600.00 03 -01 -95 215,000.00 7,940.00 09 -01 -95 23 -24 10,000.00 7,940.00 25,880.00 03 -01 -96 205,000.00 7,577.50 09 -01 -96 25 -26 10,000.00 7,577.50 25,155.00 03 -01 -97 195,000.00 7,215.00 09 -01 -97 27 -29 15,000.00 7,215.00 29,430.00 03 -01 -98 180,000.00 6,660.00 09 -01 -98 30 -32 15,000.00 61660.00 28,320.00 03 -01 -99 165,000.00 6,105.00 09 -01 -99 33 -35 15,000.00 6,105.00 27,210.00 03 -01 -00 150,000.00 5,550.00 09 -01 -00 36 -40 25,000.00 5,550.00 36,100.00 03 -01 -01 125,000.00 4,625.00 09 -01 -01 41 -45 25,000.00 4,625.00 34,250.00 03 -01 -02 100,000.00 3,700.00 09 -01 -02 46 -50 25,000.00 3,700.00 32,400.00 03 -01 -03 75,000.00 2,775.00 09 -01 -03 51 -55 25,000.00 2,775.00 30,550.00 03 -01 -04 50,000.00 1,850.00 09 -01 -04 56 -60 25,000.00 1,850.00 28,700.00 03 -01 -05 25,000.00 925.00 09 -01 -05 61 -65 25,000.00 925.00 26,850.00 TOTAL 235,000.00 143,745.00 378,745.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 141 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1981, DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1981 INTEREST AT 10.01 ON BONDS 1 -28, 9.81 ON BONDS 29 -33, 91 ON BONDS 34 -38, 9.101 ON BONDS 39 -44, 9.201 ON BONDS 45 -51, 9.401 ON BONDS 52 -58, 9.601 ON BONDS 59 -65, 9.801 ON BONDS 66 -72, AND 10.01 ON BONDS 73 -95, PAYABLE MARCH 1ST AND SEPTEMBER 1ST AMOUNT ISSUED 475,000.00 PAID 190,000.00 OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 285,000.00 DUE OUTSTANDING BOND FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE NUMBERS PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 03 -01 -93 285,000.00 13,765.00 09 -01 -93 39 -44 30,000.00 13,765.00 57,530.00 03 -01 -94 255,000.00 12,400.00 09 -01 -94 45 -51 35,000.00 12,400.00 59,800.00 03 -01 -95 220,000.00 10,790.00 09 -01 -95 52 -58 35,000.00 10,790.00 56,580.00 03 -01 -96 185,000.00 9,145.00 09 -01 -96 59 -65 35,000.00 9,145.00 53,290.00 03 -01 -97 150,000.00 7,465.00 09 -01 -97 66 -72 35,000.00 7,465.00 49,930.00 03 -01 -98 115,000.00 5,750.00 09 -01 -98 73 -79 35,000.00 5,750.00 46,500.00 03 -01 -99 80,000.00 4,000.00 09 -01 -99 80 -87 40,000.00 4,000.00 48,000.00 03 -01 -00 40,000.00 2,000.00 09 -01 -00 88 -95 40,000.00 2,000.00 44,000.00 TOTAL 285,000.00 130,630.00 415,630.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 142 CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1987 - FINAL DEBT RETIREMENT SCHEDULE AMOUNT ISSUED PAID OUTSTANDING: SEPTEMBER, 1992 DUE OUTSTANDING FISCAL YEAR REQUIREMENT DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 03 -01 -93 945,000.00 09 -01 -93 15,000.00 03 -01 -94 930,000.00 09 -01 -94 15,000.00 03 -01 -95 915,000.00 09-01 -95 15,000.00 03 -01 -96 900,000.00 09 -01 -96 15,000.00 03 -01 -97 885,000.00 09 -01 -97 15,000.00 03 -01 -98 870,000.00 09 -01 -98 15,000.00 03 -01 -99 855,000.00 09 -01 -99 35,000.00 03 -01 -00 820,000.00 09 -01 -00 35,000.00 03 -01 -01 785,000.00 09 -01 -01 35,000.00 03 -01 -02 750,000.00 09 -01 -02 125,000.00 03 -01 -03 625,000.00 09 -01 -03 125,000.00 03 -01 -04 500,000.00 09 -01 -04 125,000.00 03 -01 -05 375,000.00 09 -01 -05 125,000.00 03 -01 -06 250,000.00 09 -01 -06 125,000.00 03 -01 -07 125,000.00 09 -01 -07 125,000.00 TOTAL 945,000.00 PAYING AGENT: SCHERTZ BANK AND TRUST SCHERTZ, TEXAS 143 33,875.00 33,875.00 33,312.50 33,312.50 32,750.00 32,750.00 32,187.50 32,187.50 31,625.00 31,625.00 31,062.50 31,062.50 30,500.00 30,500.00 29,187.50 29,187.50 27,875.00 27,875.00 26,562.50 26,562.50 21,250.00 21,250.00 17,031.25 17,031.25 12,812.50 12,812.50 8,562.50 8,562.50 4,281.25 4,281.25 1,020,000.00 75,000.00 945,000.00 TOTAL 82,750.00 81,625.00 80,500.00 79,375.00 78,250.00 77,125.00 96,000.00 93,375.00 90,750.00 178,125.00 167,500.00 159,062.50 150,625.00 142,125.00 133,562.50 745,750.00 1,690,750.00 ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - --