12-19-2017 MinutesMINUTES REGULAR MEETING December 19, 2017 A Regular Meeting was held by the Main Street Committee of the City of Schertz, Texas, on December 19, 2017, at 8:55 p.m. immediately following the Regular Council Meeting at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council Chambers Conference Room located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members present to -wit: Members Present: Mayor Pro -Tern Cedric Edwards Councilmember Scott Larson Staff Present: Executive Director Brian James Deputy City Secretary Donna Schmoekel Guest Present: Glen Outlaw Call to Order Chair Davis called the meeting to order at 8:55 p.m. Discussion and action items: Mayor Michael Carpenter Councilmember Mark Davis City Manager John Kessel Executive Director Dudley Wait 1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 29, 2017. (Chair Davis) Chair Davis recognized Mayor Pro -Tern Edwards who moved, seconded by Mayor Carpenter to approve the minutes of August 29, 2017. The vote was unanimous with Mayor Carpenter, Mayor Pro -Tem Edwards, Councilmembers Davis and Larson voting for, and no one voting no. Motion Passed 2. Discuss community meeting on Main Street. (B. James) Chair Davis started out by identifying some of the players in this process such as EDC, the Schertz Historical Preservation Society, Main Street Business owners and/or some property owners. His only question is do we have enough material from the Design Team or do we want to have this meeting and have the Design Team there so they can get all this information and then come back. Executive Director Brian James said - What is the purpose /goal of this meeting? While we may get several answers, it may help staff articulate that because often what that goal is reflects who you invite and how you structure that meeting. So, you define where you are. For example, in light of what Council has talked about that is important, one thing we could do legitimately is get people to react to that—which is a narrower focus that can sometimes be helpful as opposed to what do we want to see? 12 -19 -2017 Minutes Page - 1 - Chair Davis said he thinks we all have a pretty common vision of what we think we would like to see on Main Street. We have a list of items that we need to prioritize. We have to understand how much money we have and how far it will go. For example, at our last joint meeting, the big issue brought up was parking. Sidewalks were another important issue. This is a long -term project. This is just getting us out of the gate where we can make a significant impact on folks (marquee signs, organized parking, etc.). His question is if they send out notices to the business /property owners, other committees, us and city staff, do we have a location down there that will be big enough? Mr. James said, the best thing to do is anticipate a large turnout and go ahead and have it at the Schertz Civic Center. Chair Davis said it would be helpful to have graphics and visual designs so people have something to look at and can offer their suggestions /input based on what they see. Mr. James suggested having very good base data with the long maps to give a feel for the project, time frames, citizen input stations, etc. Chair Davis said it is very important to get feedback from the property owners, such as why they stay open until a certain time, etc. Mr. James suggested having feedback stations for both businesses and regular citizens so we can find out what is important to them. He offered to put something together and send it out to the committee members for their reaction/input as to layout, tables, etc. He will try to get something ready for out next meeting in January. Chair Davis suggested scheduling the next Main Street meeting for the second or third week in January to say here is the plan. Mr. James reiterated they would have a layout of the purpose statement and goal, layout of the room, what the stations would be like, what materials we would have and what particular questions would be asked at the different stations. Committee members concurred. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Davis recognized Mayor Pro -Tem Edwards who made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mayor Carpenter. The vote was unanimous with Mayor Carpenter, Mayor Pro -Tem Edwards, Councilmembers Davis and Larson voting for, and no one voting no. Motion Passed. As there was no further business, Chair Davis adjourned the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Councilmember Mark Davis, Chair ATTEST: _ Donna Schmoekel, Deputy City Secretary 12 -19 -2017 Minutes Page - 2 -