04-05-2018 MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
City of Cibolo
Nobel Group Business and Event Center
203 S. Main
Cibolo, TX 78108
I. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum.
Mayor Carpenter called the workshop to order at 6:31 PM.
Members present were:
Mayor Michael Carpenter, Schertz
Mayor Bill Seiler, Marion
Mayor Larry Thompson, Garden Ridge
Mayor John Williams, Universal City
Mayor Nick Milanovich, New Berlin
Mayor Jeff Hunt, Santa Clara
Mayor Mary Dennis, Live Oak
Mayor Tom Daly, Selma
Others Present:
Brenda Dennis, City Secretary, Schertz
II. Introduction
Mayor Carpenter welcomed those present.
1. Update regarding Member Cities listing of all Emergency Operations Assets and
primary points of contact. — Status
Mayor Carpenter stated the City of Schertz team has got work done on this item and it
is too much to print - -- however, he has it electronically to share. City Secretary
Brenda Dennis stated she has Cibolo's and Kirby's assets. Members agreed to have
the Emergency Operations Coordinators of each city meet once a quarter or twice a
year and share information and have discussion on how to coordinate efforts. It was
suggested that this group could meet and possibly establish a base operation at the. old
Riedel Building which is now owned by Guadalupe County and is centrally located.
Mayor Carpenter stated they could invite the coordinators to an NEP workshop
meeting and inform them of their idea and give them some direction to start with.
Mayor Carpenter updated the members on the recent package explosion episode that
occurred in Schertz at the FedEx facility and the emergency responders who reacted
to the event plus San Antonio bomb specialists and federal investigators who quickly
came upon the scene. He stated this experience showed they knew when to call for
backup and notify the federal authorities. These other agencies made a big difference.
Mayor Carpenter stated the better we can get at supporting each other the way Schertz
had support from San Antonio and the Federal Government, the more effective we
can be if something happens again. He said they would get their data together,
disseminate it out to the group and later get the different city coordinators together
maybe in the first month or so of the third calendar quarter.
When asked what his first thoughts were on learning of the emergency situation, he
stated he called the city's public relations official and got advice from her. Had he
not been successful in reaching her, he would have called the city police chief for
guidance. Members agreed everyone needs to be prepared for future incidents. It was
suggested to have a knowledgeable public affairs person speak to this group at a
future workshop about how to handle themselves in a situation such as this. It was
also mentioned that TML has a training program for a spokesperson. In our cities the
mayor is usually expected to be the responsible spokesperson. Mayor Carpenter stated
he would ask Schertz Public Affairs Director Linda Klepper about coming to a future
workshop and giving them a brief 30- minute overview. Another group out of San
Antonio (it would cost us money) also does a media relations one to one training. He
offered to reach out to them as well.
2. Discussion regarding the purpose and goals of the NEP organization.
Mayor Carpenter stated he didn't have anything new to add but thinks we have made
a lot of progress in the past six years. Our presence on the MPO is absolutely critical.
Mayor Seiler congratulated Mayor Carpenter on their progress /success with the FM
1518 progress /plans. Mayor Carpenter responded that because TxDOT took the lead,
that is what made a big difference in Schertz getting the funding. Mayor Daly stated
that if justification is there, they don't always have to go through the MPO but can
deal directly with TxDOT. Members agreed the developed relationships with the
various city, state and private local organizations has gotten better and better. They
discussed inviting San Antonio Councilmember /AACOG Board of Directors member
Clayton Perry to a future workshop meeting. Mayor Dennis stated she will extend an
invitation to Mr. Perry to come to their June 7 workshop meeting.
Mayor Carpenter mentioned he would not be in attendance for the May 10 regular
NEP luncheon.
3. Discussion regarding safety concerns and potential cooperation among the
members regarding safety, generally.
Mayor Carpenter stated they discussed this earlier and there is nothing more to add.
4. Discussion regarding raising the luncheon cost. (Requested by Mayor Seiler)
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Seiler who stated that we are not breaking even
on the lunch costs as we order based upon the RSVP list. Also, it has been several
years (10 -12) since we went up on the cost. He recommended that the lunch cost be
raised to $15.00. Billing individuals who RSVP'd and then don't show up is a lot of
extra work and most people just do not respond to pay it. Mayor Carpenter requested
this item be added to the regular NEP agenda meeting for next week.
5. Discussion regarding public safety issues (Requested by Mayor Boyle).
Mayor Boyle stated he thinks they covered this sufficiently; he thinks we just have to
maintain an awareness given the climate we are currently living in. We will continue
to share with each other and learn. Mayor Carpenter encouraged everyone to call on
the others if they need advice or guidance.
City Secretary Brenda Dennis offered to create a wallet size card for each member
with everyone's contact number on it. Everyone agreed for this to be done.
V. Items of Interest by the Member Cities.
Mayor Dennis mentioned the $13 million shortfall of funding by Judson ISD. Schools are
important to a community and this is a serious economic development issue. Also,
Schertz- Cibolo says they are going to ask for a taxation fund because they don't have
enough money —a tax ratification election, asking voters to approve a property tax rate
increase. She suggested that someone needs to explain to them what is going on, so they
can understand the situation.
Mayor Carpenter stated he had done some research and looked up the state contributions
toward public education. The increase in local taxation is opposite of what the state
funding looks like. It was in 2011 when the state legislature blinked. Up to that point all
the school districts would set the tax rate and the state legislature would respond in kind
and keep things stable. They then realized, this local level of increased tax rates and
dropped off their funding and have kept giving less. We have gone from a 50% state
funded program to about 38 %. It is happening again, and the school districts have no
choice but to raise local taxes again. We have to get the word out of what is happening.
Mayor Daly announced that Ratama has one more weekend and then the Kentucky Derby
is coming after that. They have a carnival event also and keep trying different things and
bringing events to the community.
Mayor Hunt stated he has spoken with Senator Donna Campbell and Jose Menendez;
they came to USAA today asking for support. Also, he stated he is just working on the
census stuff right now (for the city).
Mayor Boyle stated they are blessed with their businesses in the city. Next month they
will have a cookoff and Memorial Day ceremony. They also are having another `shred'
day event for the citizens.
Mayor Thompson spoke about an individual who has been caught by the SAPD for
impersonating an officer. He started his own organization and asks for donations. He is
also suing the City of Garden Ridge. Watch out for him. Michael Paul is his name. He
also spoke about personal drones and it is being put on a future city council agenda to
address them. He asked if the other mayors had any information in their city records that
they have dealt with this subject before. Also, a week from this Saturday there will be a
car show (4t' annual event).
Mayor Seiler stated they are having a community `cleanup'. Last year they got about 30
tons of trash out of the city and they expect to do it again.
Mayor Williams stated they are having a German grocery store (DLS) coming into the
city on Pat Booker Road. He also stated that AACOG asked to be on their city agenda
next week because there are some air quality issues they need to be weigh in on.
Mayor Dennis asked if the NEP presentations were being limited in time. The answer
was yes, they have 15 minutes or less. Mayor Carpenter stated in their council rules he
has that staff should limit it to six minutes, but they tend to go on for like 30 minutes.
Mayor Milanovich stated everything is quiet. The census came in and they are working
on it. He likes these meetings and he learns a lot from them.
Mayor Carpenter spoke about the Police Departments new Cross -Hare (rabbit) and is part
of their SWAT Team (April Fool's Day). He stated that YENS 5 TV Channel chose
Cross -Hare as the winner of the unofficial April Fool's Day competition.
Mayor Carpenter stated he is going to have a fundraiser in San Antonio on May 31 in the
evening at the Plaza Club. He wants to get people from Guadalupe County with the
movers and shakers of the Republican Party in San Antonio at a single event a mixer
and networking event. He invited them all to come as guests. Representative Kuempel
will be introducing him and kicking it off. He will get an invitation out to everyone.
Mayor Carpenter stated there will be a `Movin on Main' event on Sunday, April 8 in
Schertz -11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Come out and enjoy it.
VI. Establish a Date, Time, & Location of the Next Meeting. (Next up is the City of
Garden Ridge to host — May 3, 2018.
The next meeting will be in Garden Ridge.
VII. Review and discussion regarding the Agenda for April 12, 2018, regular meeting.
Add an item consideration of raising the luncheon cost.
VIII. Adjournment
Mayor Carpenter adjourned the workshop at 8:06 p.m.
Mayor Michael R. Carpenter, NEP Chairman