04-12-2018 MinutesNortheast Partnership for Economic Development
Olympia Hills Golf and Conference Center
12900 Mount Olympus, Universal City, TX 78148
Thursday, April 12, 2018 —11:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum — A quorum was present.
Mayor Carpenter called the meeting to order as a quorum was present.
2. Welcome and Introductions
Mayor Daly welcomed everyone in attendance and those present stood and introduced
3. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 8, 2018.
Mayor Dennis made a motion seconded by Mayor Seiler to approve the minutes of
regular meeting of March 8, 2018. The vote was unanimous. Motion Passed.
4. Approval of the Current Treasurer's Reports for NEP.
Mayor Carpenter made a motion seconded by Mayor Williams to accept the current
treasurers report. The vote was unanimous. Motion Passed.
5. Presentation and update from Ms. Kristi Wyatt, Associate Vice Chancellor of
Communications & Engagement, Alamo Colleges District regarding high school
dual credit programs.
Ms. Wyatt provided a Power Point presentation with backup handouts regarding the
high school dual college credit program with the following highlights:
• Nearly 70,000 high school students have benefitted from Alamo Colleges High
School Programs in the last six years
• Alamo Academies -0 16 Early College high schools have students with up to
60 college credit hours and substantial support to guide them into a two -year
® Awarded 12,756 degrees and certificates in FY 2017, a 224% increase over FY
2016 and an all -time record.
• 94% of Alamo Academies graduates transfer to continue their education or
obtain high -wage careers in Aerospace, Manufacturing, IT and Healthcare.
Ms. Wyatt addressed questions.
6. Discussion and consideration on raising the luncheon costs.
04 -12 -2018 Minutes
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Seiler who stated that we are not breaking even on
the lunch costs as we order based upon the RSVP list; also, it has been several years
since we went up on the cost. He recommended that the lunch cost be raised to
$15.00. Mayor Seiler made a motion seconded by Mayor Boyle to increase the lunch
cost to $15.00. The vote was unanimous. Motion Passed.
7. Presentation from Diane Rath, AACOG Executive Director regarding Air
Ms. Rath provided a Power Point presentation, with backup handouts regarding EPA
Comments on Ozone Designation with the following highlights:
• Clean Air Act
• Timeline for EPA Designation
• Governor Abbott's letter to EPA February 28, 2018
• EPA Letter to Governor Abbott of March 19, 2018
• EPA Federal Register notice
• Comments to EPA
Ms. Rath addressed questions.
addressing questions.
8. Information Items.
A. Report from Tri County Chamber of Commerce.
B. Report from The Chamber.
C. Report from Randolph Air Power Community Council (RAPCO).
D. Report on Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee.
E. Report from Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
Item A: Daniel Kearns from the Tri County Chamber mentioned the upcoming TPC Golf
Tournament on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, check -in at 7:00 a.m. tee -off at 8:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. — you may register online by going to their website. Also, on April 26th 5:30 to 7:30
is the Tri- Chamber Mixer at Water Grill Restaurant.
Item B: Maggie Titterington from The Chamber stated on May 11, 2018, 5:30 to 9:00
p.m. Ambassador Bow -a -thon, Fiesta Lanes in New Braunfels, proceeds to benefit
Schertz Fire Rescue Boat. $200 for a team of 4 players, individual $50. Registration
forms can be found on their website. If you cannot attend, donations for raffle items will
also be accepted; she would like this by April 23, 2018.
The Chamber has received their Accreditation; not only Accredited, but they are a Three
Star Accredited Chamber of Commerce. That means they are among the top 3% of
Chambers in the United States that have this accreditation. She mentioned this took 2
years and her team and all the chamber members made it happen.
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Item C: No report was provided.
Item D: City Manager Scott Wayman stated he attended his first meeting and it was a
group of passionate bicycle enthusiasts. They have a lot of events they are planning. They
are promoting a new app on the phone called "New Ride ", much like your health care
app where you log on and receive rewards.
They discussed their upcoming 22nd Annual Walk & Roll Rally scheduled for May 4,
2018, 8:00 a.m. at Main Plaza in downtown San Antonio. This event is meant to
encourage everyone to drive less and try more active modes of transportation that
positively impact the economy, quality of life, public health and the environment. May 5,
2018 from 12 to 9 pm - Grand Opening San Pedro Creek Culture Park, several bicycling
events during the day.
May 15 & 16, 2018 Walk & Bike Open House Confluence Park.
Scott also mentioned there are several events going on downtown during these weeks and
log on to their cities Facebook page as well as San Antonio's to find the activities as San
Antonio will be celebrating 300 years.
Item E: Ms. Jeanne Geiger who stated that they have been busy over the last couple of
weeks. They have had 5 requests for information form Cibolo, they understand that the
City of Converse will be requesting information. Ms. Geiger encouraged everyone to
participate in MPO because it is transportation and we all use transportation. Their
meetings are open to the public and are live streamed, so you do not have to be in
attendance to watch as they are online. She encouraged everyone to stay involved. She
stated that later this month the board will be approving their short-range transportation
projects. She said to stay in contact and do not hesitate to reach out to them.
Mr. Kevin Hadas, NEP MPO representative, stated that things are getting ironed out with
TxDOT and Converse. Mr. Hadas stated that Blake Partridge has been on the board for
many years and he needs someone to back him up, and he would ask the Mayor to take
applications for an alternate position on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) from
our group. (Mayor Carpenter asked that this be placed on their next Mayor's Workshop
for discussion).
Mayor Suarez with the City of Converse also reiterated the need for representation on this
committee which would have helped with his project and not caused confusion and not
have the project disappear.
9. Establish a Date and Time of the next NEP Mayor's Workshop — City of Garden
Ridge to host. (May 3, 2018)
10. Establish a Date and Time of Next Northeast Partnership for Economic
Development Meeting — May 10, 2018.
April Door Prizes — City of Converse
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May Door Prizes — City of Garden Ridge
Door Prizes were provided by the City of Converse and distributed from the members
cards who were picked.
11. Items of Interest by Members.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Hunt who stated that the Marion Bulls & Pulls BBQ
Cook event is this weekend April 20th and 21 st at Vic's Arena. Barbecue cookers, tractor
pullers and cowboys are heading to Marion for the eighth annual Bulls and Pulls and
IBCA Barbecue Cook Off.
Mayor Seiler stated this year's event will include some old favorites like the antique
tractor pull, bull riding, team roping, and barbecue cook off for adults and for children,
but it will also include some new events like wild hog catching not to mention live music
and a carnival at VICs Arena.
Mayor Dennis announced their Community Shred Day, open to everyone, April 28th - 9
am to noon at the Fire Department; Randolph Brooks will be there with a large truck. She
thanked Randolph Brooks.
Mayor Dennis stated that Mayor Williams and Mayor Seiler joined her at the recent Air
Force Personnel annual awards luncheon where 43 individuals were honored and they
thanked and acknowledged the Northeast Partnership for our sponsorship of this event.
She is proud to have been part of the event and is also proud that our organization
decided to help support this.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Caitlin Martone Cox, with the American Heart Association
who mentioned their upcoming Heart Walk in New Braunfels on May 12th and then on
November 10th in San Antonio. They are also sponsoring CPR training.
City Manager Scott Wayman mentioned the Hilton Garden Inn is hosting a Mother's Day
brunch on May 13tH
Mayor Thompson, City of Garden Ridge, stated that Saturday, April 14th is their 4th
annual car show, free parking and free admission, which will be held from 8 am to 4 pm
at the Municipal Complex.
Mayor Suarez stated that on May 5th they will be sponsoring a National Day of Prayer
with all their local churches, Converse City Park, 10:00 a.m.
Mayor Carpenter recognized Ms. Liane Garrett representing the Rotary who announced
that next Monday, the 23rd of April Rotary meeting, Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion
will be their guest speaker. You do not have to be a member to attend.
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Mayor Carpenter recognized Joe Jesse Sanchez, Trustee from Alamo College District
who stated that they recently appointed a new Chancellor, Dr. Mike Flores and would
like to invite him to the next meeting.
Mayor Carpenter stated for those cities who are situated or wholly or partially in Bexar
County if you are not attending the Suburban Cities meeting with Judge Wolff, please
join us. If you cannot attend, you can send someone in your absence. Mayor Dennis is
serving now as the Chair of this committee. We will be establishing bylaws and we will
also be another voice for legislation in Austin. If you are interested, please join us. Same
thing for the Greater Bexar County Council of Cities (GBCCC), Mayor Suarez is the
Chair, again if you are not attending please do so and if you are unable to attend, again
send someone as your proxy. Again, that body needs to be active in speaking out during
legislation that will affect us.
Mayor Carpenter stated that every city here is a member of TML Region 7. We typically
in the past have had various meetings semiannually in different areas /cities of the region.
Working with the other Officers it is being considered rather than going out into the
region, we typically throw a reception at the TML Conference and what we are proposing
is having a business meeting that proceeds the reception, More member cities will be at
TML and will be able to come to a center point of our 25 county region. This will be our
approach and more information will be available soon and sent out to the member cities.
If you are planning on attending the TML Conference, please plan on attending our
business meeting. We believe that a subset of individuals from our TML Region would
be able to set an agenda for upcoming legislation that comes from our region and it would
be impactful to have this as we move forward. With all our groups, NEP, GBCCC, TML
Region 7, etc. as a voice, he has no doubt that if you listened to Senator Bettencourt's
presentation that he did over in Harris County that the Legislature is coming after cities
and counties harder in the next session than they did in the last one and we need to be
prepared. Now is the time to come together and support one another.
Mayor Carpenter stated he had a meeting with San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and
his biggest ask is for all of us smaller cities to stay in solidarity in our cities and not let
the Legislature cut off just the large cities, making it Five hundred thousand to Seven
hundred and fifty thousand a million and larger. It is clear if that gets established they
will lower that number over time until they get us all.
Mayor Seiler, City of Marion stated that TML has put together a TML Policy Summit
and they are asking for volunteers to attend the summit; it is a very intense two -day
workshop event. The Summit will meet on August 23 -24 in Austin. If you are interested,
please reach out to him and he will supply you with the information. There is a need for
everyone to get involved in this not just a few. The more ideas you have, TML needs to
hear them before the legislative session begins.
Mayor Carpenter stated that if anyone was present that is serving as either a Republican
or Democrat Delegate to your State Conventions, please keep in mind local control and
our interests as you go forward. He is serving for the first time as a Delegate in the
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Republican Convention, which will be held here in San Antonio. It doesn't matter the
side of the isle that you are on, the interests of cities are non - partisan and we need to
attack on both sides. If you are serving, thank you and remember to bring our local
agenda with you.
Ms. Titterington stated that they were up in Austin recently and that she had heard that
they are going to be submitting an amendment to the Five hundred thousand threshold
either lower or trying to get the percentage changed. So definitely things are already
going on in Austin and we need to keep an eye on this and other items possibly coming
out of Austin.
Lastly, Mayor Carpenter recognized Mayor Dan Reese City of Windcrest who joined us
today. Mayor Carpenter and others welcomed Mayor Reese.
10. Adjournment.
As there was no further business, Mayor Carpenter adjourned tkejae6
Sing at 1:10 p.m.
PASSED AND APPROVED on May 10, 2018.
Mayor Michael qpxfenter, NEP - Chair
04 -12 -2018 Minutes