BOA 5-21-1811
If IMMAIX1119W-11
May 21, 2018
The Schertz Board of Adjustment convened on May 21, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. at the Municipal Complex,
Council Chambers, 1400 Scheitz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas.
Richard Dziewit, Chairman
David Reynolds, Vice Chairman
Earl Hartzog
Frank McElroy
Danielene Salas
Reginna Agee I
Brian James, Interim City Manager
Bryce Cox, Senior Planner
Channary Gould, Planner I
Scott McClelland, Project Manager
James Herrera, Resident
Ernest Marshall, Resident
Mr. Dziewit called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and recognized members present.
Danielene Salas was seated as an alternate for Board Member Agee, who was absent.
Minutes for the September 25, 2017 Regular Meeting.
Mr. Hartzog moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. McElroy seconded the motion. The vote was
5-0. Motion carried.
Hold a public hearing, consider and act upon a request for a variance to Unified Development Code
Article 5, Section Dimensional Requirements, Non-Residential Zoning Districts, in order to
permit structures that exceed 35 feet in height in the Public Use zoning district, located at 12191 Ray
Corbett Drive, City of Schertz, Bexar County, Texas.
Mrs. Gould gave a presentation to the Board, indicating that the requested height variance is to allow
for an elevated water storage tank that is proposed to be a maximum height of 225 feet. She
explained that Article 5 Section lists the maximum allowed height for the Public Use
District at 35 feet. She indicated that the requested maximum height of 225 feet for the proposed
water tank height is required in order for the tank to function as intended to provide water service to
customers in the southern Schertz region. She described the site location for where the water tank is
proposed. Mrs. Gould indicated that a public hearing notice was published in the San Antonio
Express on April 25, 2018 and that on April 27, 2018, a total of eight (8) notices were mailed to the
surrounding property owners. At the time of the staff report, two inquiries were received, however
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no written responses were received indicating objection or support for the project. Mrs. Gould
presented the draft site plan for the project and summarized elements proposed with the site plan that
is currently being processed by the City. She indicated that the requested height variance complies
with the approval criteria for granting a variance. Staff recommended approval of BOA 2018-001.
Mr. McClelland introduced himself and explained to the Board pressure zones in the City and
discussed tank elevations for existing tanks and the proposed tank site. He mentioned that the
pressure ranges need to be approximately the same. He also provided a little history regarding how
the City selected the project site and coordinated with Randolph Air Force Base to ultimately wind
up with the current proposed site. Mr. McClelland indicated that the City is confident that FAA will
be supportive of the proposed tank and location.
Mr. Dziewit opened the public hearing at 6:14 P.M.
Mr. James Hererra, 12020 Schaefer Road, mentioned that he owns Shady Oaks Ranch, right next to
the subject site. He indicated that he lives there and also hosts corporate picnics and weddings at his
property. He mentioned that he was not consulted by Engineering and expressed concern about the
aesthetics of the water tower having an effect on his property value. He also suggested that the
water tower location should be reversed and indicated that he disagrees with the proposed location
for the water tower.
Mr. Ernest Marshall, 12198 Schaefer Road, mentioned that he resides next to Mr. Hererra. He
mentioned that the City did not reach out to him and that he heard from his neighbor. He was
hoping that the tank would be moved further away from his property line. He also commented about
livestock on his property and wondered about fencing around the tank. He wondered his fence
would be replaced with the project.
Mr. Dziewit closed the public hearing at 6:49 P.M.
Mr. McClelland responded to some of the comments made. He mentioned that there will be an 8-
foot tall fencecrete masonry wall along one of the property lines and around other areas of the
project site. He also pointed out areas that will include chain link fencing. Mr. McClelland
explained that the proposed location of the tower is so that it will be as far away from Ray Corbett
Drive as possible. He also explained that this new water tower will make the water system more
reliable for residents in southern Schertz. He discussed distances of the tower location from adjacent
properties, including Mr. Hererra's and Mr. Marshall's properties.
Mr. Hartzog asked about the proposed elevation compared to the height of the tower off Live Oak.
Mr. McClelland explained the topography of the sites and the site selection process and explained
that the proposed site is at a lower elevation, so the height of the water tower being proposed is
higher than the tower off Live Oak. Mr. Clelland also mentioned how it is best to locate the water
source as close to customers as possible.
Ms. Salas asked about whether there were other proposed sites for the water tower and wondered
why this specific location was selected. What are the other proposed sites and what are the impacts
to the surrounding properties of those other sites? Mr. McClelland explained the site selection
process and how the site is in the no conflict zone. He mentioned a memo that the City received
from Randolph in 2017.
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Ms. Salas wanted to know what other options are. Mr. Brian James explained that the challenge that
the City has is we have a system for water service that is spread throughout the community to
service the public. A series of elevated and ground storage tanks is part of the water system for the
City and that it cannot be all from a centralized source. He gave a summary about the site selection
process and explained that if we changed the location to a different location, then another resident
would complain. He indicated that the City has not typically done condemnation where we can help
Ms. Salas said she has not heard that there were other options available and is still wondering if
other options were looked at. Mr. James indicated that the City looked at a series of other sites
throughout southern Schertz, but the other sites were eliminated due to conflict with flight paths of
Randolph. He said that the City worked closely with Randolph, who indicated that we would not
have an issue obtaining FAA's approval. Mr. James confirmed that the City looked at a series of
sites with property owners willing to sell and the City tries to look for willing sellers to avoid
Mr. Dziewit commented about engaging the public and how it may have resulted in a more positive
outcome for the adjacent property owners. Mr. James responded indicating using the example of a
sewer lift station, nobody wants that near them. And fundamentally with an elevated storage tank,
staff is not going to try to minimize the impacts of an elevated tank. If you move it away from one
person, you move it closer to another resident. He is not sure if changing the location of the tank
really changes the impact it has.
Mr. Dziewit indicated that the Board is looking at height, not location. Mr. Hartzog confirmed that
is correct and made a motion to approve the request. He indicated that if they disapprove it, they
would have to consider it for a different location anyways.
Mr. Hartzog moved to approve the variance. Mr. Reynolds seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0.
Motion carried.
A. Announcements by Members
Mr. Hartzog mentioned attending the Main Street event and said it was interesting, with a lot of
vendors and food trucks. He said it was fun. Mr. Dziewit asked about continuing education. Mr.
Cox mentioned that staff is working with the City Attorney on training for the Board for next
meeting or meeting after.
B. Announcements by City Staff
Mr. Cox mentioned the packets included CCAB summaries and said staff will email out summaries
in the future. He also mentioned the upcoming Council on the Go meeting. Mr. Hartzog expressed
that he likes information being emailed out to the Board. He also mentioned the roadway impact
fees that were adopted by City Council. He also asked about the "What's Developing in Schertz"
feature on the City's website. Bryce walked the Board through how to access the interactive GIS
map that shows all projects under construction.
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May 21, 2018
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The meeting adjourned at 6:59 P.M.
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Board of Adjustment
May 21, 2018
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Record)� g ecretary, City of Schertz