06-20-2018 MinutesMINUTES
June 20, 2018
A Regular Meeting was held by the Committee of Committees Advisory Board of the City of
Schertz, Texas, on June 20, 2018, at 3:00 p.m., at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council
Chambers Conference Room located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following
members present to -wit:
Chair Richard Dziewit
Board Member Fae Simmons
Board Member Tim Brown
Absent: Board Member Shonale Burke
Staff Present:
Acting City Manager Brian James
Deputy city Secretary Donna Schmoekel
William (Bill) Bosch
Call to Order
Board Member Glen Outlaw
Board Member Earl Hartzog
Board Member Sue Boissoneault
Asst to the City Mgr. Sarah Gonzalez
Chair Richard Dziewit called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Discussion and /or Action Items
1. Minutes. Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the
regular meeting of May 16, 2018.
Chair Dziewit recognized Board Member Brown who made a motion to approve the minutes,
seconded by Board Member Boissoneault. The vote was 6 -0 -0. Motion passed.
Reports/Updates/Discussion and /or Action
2. Boards, Committee, Commission report/updates.
Acting City Manager Brian James passed out a committee report handout to each member.
Boardmember Hartzog said the BOA had a meeting in May and they had a request for a
variance for a water tower that exceeds the height limit of 35 feet. The board granted the
variance. The RAFB folks had given their prior approval for this request as well.
Boardmember Boissoneault said the Historical Committee had not had a meeting and
wouldn't get together until July.
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Boardmember Outlaw said the P &Z meeting was pretty routine. They approved a replat and
a request for onsite sewer on a few lots in southern Schertz. They have been working with
city staff regarding some changes to the UDC to make it easier for planning and siting of
municipal water and wastewater facilities like lift stations, water treatment and distribution.
Boardmember Brown said they (EDC) continue to get requests for money. They have about
$4 million for FY 2018 -19 and they are currently doing more budget reviews.
Boardmember Simmons said the Parks Board renamed the Schertz Ballpark Complex the
Johnie McDow Sports Complex. They also discussed what the parks board is doing, what it
should be doing and how they fit into the city structure. On the 26th council meeting they are
going to be there and try to get them to do a proclamation for Parks and Recreation Month.
They did not approve renaming Oak Forest Park to Coy Simmons Park.
Chair Dziewit said TSAC had a real short meeting and were presented an overview by staff
of painting centerlines on streets what areas needed attention.
3. Acting City Manager report/updates. (B. James)
Acting City Manager Brian James stated Council has posted the City Manager job
announcement and they plan to take applications until June 30.
4. Discussion and feedback on role of city boards and commissions. (B. James)
Acting City Manager Brian James said this was the boards opportunity to talk about this item
and decide what they wanted to do as a group going forward.
Chair Dziewit said they are 'supposed to take a look at items from the city (example: Impact
Fees). However, it is not that frequent that this duty occurs. His opinion is maybe they could
meet as needed or just have quarterly meetings.
Boardmember Simmons stated she felt in the beginning it was more `city manager driven'.
She likes the idea of meeting quarterly and being called as needed. She also feels they are
supposed to activate their ideas. This board is also a group staff can bounce things off on.
Members present discussed the sharing of information with their different boards and the
handout sheet they get each time they meet. Boardmember Outlaw said he feels the real
function of this committee is to share and disseminate information.
Boardmember Hartzog was at first opposed to this but has learned a lot during his time
serving on this board. He is conservative though and this is still costing money and staff
time and is it doing any good? He likes the handout information they get each time the group
meets and it should be sent out to each of the boards. Ultimately, he does think the board
should stay together.
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Acting City Manager Brian James suggested not meeting in July and August and let staff
schedule a special meeting for this group to review the budget. He thinks the Mayor will
show deference to this group with what you think. It is also hard for staff to come up with a
topic every single month, but perhaps on a quarterly basis, we can do so easier.
Boardmember Simmons suggested the group just meet once a quarter on the third month
on the third Wednesday of that month (i.e., next meeting September 19) and /or as
needed. All members concurred. Chair Dziewit also added, if they are needed by staff or
Council prior to September 19, then staff can let them know so a special meeting can be
Boardmember Hartzog stated the handout of the most recent meetings of the boards and a
brief synopsis of what they did is always very helpful. Mr. James assured him that staff will
keep producing that document for them.
5. Future Agenda Items Requested — This is an opportunity for the Board members to request
that items be placed on a future agenda. No discussion of the merits of the item may be taken
at this time.
Boardmember Hartzog suggested a briefing for the group on the water system and how it
works (i.e., upper pressure zone, lower pressure zone, where they are located, etc.). While he
knows a good bit about it already, he feels it would be good information for the other board
members as well.
City Manager Brian James offered to speak to the board members of P &Z, as this is more in
line with their subject matter, and if they are good with that, then a notice can be sent out to
everyone stating at the P &Z (meeting) on this day, time and location, there will be a
presentation on our water system and how it works. We can encourage all the other board
members to attend that. The presentation can cover all the subject matter appropriate and
helpful for general public knowledge.
Boardmember Simmons also suggested the idea that if citizens have a community concern,
they could feel free to come forward to this board and present the issue (i.e., urban blight,
street issues, etc.) to them for advice and or reference to staff for possible resolution(s).
Boardmember Hartzog made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Boardmember
Simmons. The vote was 6 -0 -0. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Richard Dziewit, Chair
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Donna Schmoekel, Deputy City Secretary
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