CAFR FY 1982-83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 3D, 1983 Prepared by the Finance Department T. Ledbetter Finance Director City Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 CITY OFFICIALS MAYOR Earl W,'Sawyer CITY COUNCIL Adolph Aguilar, Mayor Pro-Tern Charles B. Sharpe Harold D. Baldwin C. Ross Hoover Kenneth Greenwald CITY MANAGER Jimmy Gilmore OFFICIAL ISSUING REPORT Ji mmy Gil more UJ (J) "" ~ .... Ln f'.. ()) .... M <( .... .... 0.. UJ :;: UJ I-- e <( '" .~ I-- 0.. (J) '" '" "'-0 e ~I 0 '" '" e .~ <- 0") <>>'" "" e-o c '" '" c "'~ "'''' +> ..em ..em <>><11 e I-- M c u u<- co.. 0 "" co '" Ul <11 m>, .~ '" 0'> 0 -0 <11 -oc ..e I-- +> 0.. .... 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"" I- <( ..... ro I-- "" 0 :;: UJ a:: ::::> co --' a <( U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comparative Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues - Budget and Actual Statement of Expenditures - Budget and Actual 30 31 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Table of Contents (continued) PAGE COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND STATEMENTS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENTS/SCHEDULES GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES General Fund Debt Service Fund Comparative Balance Sheet 34 Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance 35 PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet 37 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings 39 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position 41 FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES Trust and Aqency Funds Combining Balance Sheet 44 Expendable Trust Funds - Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 45 Agency Funds - Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities 46 ACCOUNT GROUPS General Fixed Assets Comparative Schedule of General Fixed Assets Schedule of General Fixed Assets and Changes - by Function and Activity 49 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Table of Contents (continued) STATISTICAL SECTION General Governmental Expenditures by Function - Last Ten Fiscal Years General Revenues by Source - Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Tax Levies And Collections - Last Ten Fiscal Years Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property - Last Ten Fiscal Years Property Tax Rates - All Overlapping Governments - Last Ten Fiscal Years Ratio of Net General 80nded Debt to Assessed Value and Net General Bonded Debt Per Capita - Last Ten Fiscal Years Overlapping Debt Legal Debt Margin General Bonded Debt Summary of Debt Service Requirements - Fiscal Years 1983-2001 Utility System Junior Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation Debt Service Requirements - Fiscal Years 1983-2001 Utility System Revenue Bonds Summary of Debt Service Requirements - Fiscal Year 1983-2005 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Expenditures - Last Ten Fiscal Years Revenue Bond Coverage Water and Sewer Fund Schedule of Total Operating Expenses Before Depreciation and Debt Service Requirements - Last Ten Fiscal Years Waterworks and Sewer System Fund Revenue Bond Requirements and Restricted Funds TABLE PAGE 1 52 2 53 3 54 4 55 5 56 6 57 7 58 8 59 8-1 60 8-2 61 8-3 62 9 63 10-1 64 10-2 66 Table of Contents (continued) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 TABLE PAGE STATISTICAL SECTION (continued) Insurance and Bond Coverage 11 68 Demographic Statistics - Last Ten Fiscal Years 12 69 Property Value, Construction, and Bank Deposits - Last Ten Fiscal Years 13 70 Principal Taxpayers 14 72 Miscellaneous Statistics 15 73 :-~Jrr Iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .'J [J 'J r' , 'J-/ 2J~; -.SJJ --,z{-~;W.*lZ<~-.;,;~;::~on Ihe (;r()" s:,;";,'Gt<,:==:::=-"-'="'_;-;.;;,,,;z~~wa..""W:0'kn;;;:;s:::<~m 1400 LIVE OAK ROAD P.O. DRAWER I SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 AC (512) 658.7477 JIMMY G. GILMORE CITY MANAGER December 31, 1983 Honorable Mayor City of Schertz Texas and City Council Members The comprehensive annual financial report of the City of Schertz, Texas as Df September 30, 1983 and for the fiscal year thus ended is submitted herewith. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation including all disclosures rests with the City. The data, as presented, is accurate in all material aspects. It is presented in a manner designed to set forth the financial position and results of operations of the City as measured by the fi nanci a 1 acti vi ty of its vari ous funds. A 11 di scl osures necessary to enable the reader to gain the maximum understanding of the City's financial activity have been included. Accountinq System and Budqetarv Control The City's accounting records for general governmental operations are maintained on an accrual and a modified accrual basis, with revenues being recorded when they become both measurable and available, and expenditures being recorded when the services or goods are received and the liabilities are incurred, Accounting records for the City's utilities and other enterprises are maintained on the accrual basis. In developing and altering the City's accounting system, consideration has been given to the adequacy of internal accounting controls, Internal accounting controls have been designed to provide reasonable assurance regardi ng: the safeguarding disposition and of assets against from unauthorizd or loss use the reliability of financial records for preparing financial and maintaining accountability for assets. statements The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived, and the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and management. judgments by I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 - ltr to Mayor & City Council, dated December 31, 1983 All internal control evaluations occur within the above framework. The City's internal accounting controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions, Budgetary control is maintained by the use of purchase order procedures that require encumbrance of the estimated purchase amounts prior to the release of purchase orders to vendors. Open encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balance at September 30, 1983. The Reportinq Entity and Its Services The funds and entities related to the City of Schertz included in the annual financial report are controlled. by or dependent on the City, Determination of "controlled by or dependent on" is based on criteria developed by the Federal Bureau of the Census, The criteria deal with existence as an organized entity, 90vernmental character, and substantial autonomy. Based on these criteria, the various funds and account groups (being all of the funds and account groups of the City) are included in the report, The City provides the full range of municipal services contemplated by statute or charter. This included police and fire, health, public improvements, planning and zoning and general administrative services. General Governmental Functions Revenues for general governmental functions totaled $1,020,775 in 1983, a decrease of 3% from 1982, Taxes produced 67,4% of general revenues compared to 57,7% last year, The amount of revenues from various sources and the increase/decrease from last year are shown in the following tabulation: Increase (Decrease) Amount Percent of Total From 1982 Taxes (property, sales, etc, ) $ 688,169 67.4 $ 77,868 Licenses and permits 31,434 3,1 12,380 Intergovernmental revenues 45,807 4,5 1,021 ~h2rges f0~ serv~ces 29.691 2,9 (41,405) Fines and forfeits 60,581 5.9 (13,555) Other revenues 165.093 16,2 (73.771) $ 1,020,775 100, 0% $ (37,462) Increased construction accounted for the increase in licenses and permits, with an upturn in business activity accounting for increased sales tax revenues. The establishment of the ambulance service as a separate self- supporting fund was the primary cause of the large decrease in charges for other services and other revenues. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 3 - ltr to Mayor & City Council, dated December 31, 1983 Debt Administration The ratio of net bonded debt to assessed valuation and the amount of bonded debt per capita are useful indicators of the City's debt position to municipal management, citizens, and investors. These data for the City of Schertz at the end of 1983 fiscal year were as follows: Amount Ratio Of Debt To Assessed Value (100%) Of Present Market Debt Per Capita Net bonded debt $ 493,450 ,52% $ 53.35 Current tax collections are 98,4% of the tax levy. This is the eleventh consecutive year in which current property tax collections have exceeded 96%, The ratio of total collections (current and delinquent) to the current tax levy was 98.8%. Allocations of property tax levy by purpose for 1983 and the preceding two fiscal years are as follows (amounts per $100 assessed val ue): Purpose 1983 ,37 ,07 .44 1982 .55 ~ ,64 1981 .86 ..Ji 1. 00 General Fund General obligation debt Expenditures for general governmental purposes totaled $942,797, of 6.3% from 1982. This large increase is due mainly to expenditures in general government operations. Increases in expenditures for major functions of the City over the preceding shown in the following tabulation: an increase increased levels of year are Increase Percent of (Decrease) Function Amount Total From 1982 General government $ 402,757 42.9% $ 71,758 Public safety 245,926 26,0% 12,098 Streets and parks 132,088 14,0% 15,394 Health services 26.786 2.8% (.", "77) _-.l..Jr"" < Recreation 45;964 4.9% 2,965 Capital outlay 40,784 4,3% (10,142) Debt service 48.492 5.U 95 $ 942,797 100.0% $ 57,091 Total operating revenue Operating income (gross revenues less operating expenses Net revenues (operating income plus depreciation less solid waste revenues) Average annual debt requirements Coverage ratio 1983 $ 793,279 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 4 - ltr to Mayor & City Council, dated December 31, 1983 The City's bond rating are as shown: Moody's Investors Service General Obligation bonds Revenue bonds Baa Baa-1 Cash Manaqement Cash temporarily idle during the year was invested in 30-day time deposits. The interest earned on such deposits during the year was $108,349, an increase of $74,940 over interest earned on temporary investments during 1982. General Fixed Assets The general fixed assets of the City are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions and exclude the fixed assets of Enterprise Funds, As of September 30, 1983, the general fixed assets of the City amounted to $4,086,132, This amount represents the original cost, or an estimate of the original cost of the assets, and is considerably less than their fair market value, Depreciation of general fixed assets is not recognized in the City's accounting system. Refer to note A(7) to the financial statements, Water and Sewer System During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1983, the City increased net revenues substantially. The coverage ratio of 2.57 easily meets the revenue bond debenture agreement requirement that net revenues be at least 1,5 times the average annual debt requirement, Net revenues, as used here, is an amount derived in accordance with the bond indenture agreement. Comparative data for the past two fiscal years is presented below: $ 710,818 113,779 1141755 273,423 106,355 2.57 211,61B 107,461 1.97 During the year, $35,000 of regularly maturing revenue bonds and $5,000 in certificates of obligation were retireo in the Wate, and Sewer Fund, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 5 - ltr to Mayor & City Council, dated December 31, 1983 Schertz Area Facility for Emerqency Services (SAFES) On October 1, 1983, SAFES became a self-supporting fund. SAFES is dependent on income from fees generated from services rendered and support to cover all costs of operation, In this first year of supporting operation, the operating income was $2,685, full y cities self- Independent Audit The City Charter requires an annual audit of the books of account, financial records and transactions of all administrative departments of the City by independent certified public accountants selected by the City Council. This requirement has been complied with and the auditor's report has been included in thi 5 report. Future Prospects During the coming year, the City will continue its progressive attitude in seeking industrial and commercial development. This includes the extension of the City's utility systems through acquisition of existing systems and installation of new ones, Acknowledqements I extend my thanks to the Mayor and members of the City Council for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the City in a responsible and progressive manner. Respectfully submitted, /~ '" ORNEY ] DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY OF SCHERTZ - SEPTEMBER, 1983 I CITIZENS I ELEU I r~~L- I /\PPOINTS I tt .--L- I I AU 0 ITOR r1UNI CI PAL ENGINEER PLANNING INDUSTRIAL COURT & ZONING OEVELOpr'1ENT JUDGE Cm1MISSION COM~lITTEE CITY SECRETARY (OEPUTY CITY MANAGER) r- CITY MANAGER I APPOINTS SAFETY COr111UN I TY --J-- I L- L - .f--- ~ CITY W'1MUN I TY ~ INSPECTOR CENTER PUB LI C VERNMENT '"ORKS r PUB LI C J- [--L --- POLI CE DEPARTMENT 1- FINANCIAL ADVISOR I ENVIRONMENT I ~_ ~~ c- ! FIRE I DEPARH1ENT I GENERAL GO I-L I TAX ~Amml DEPARTMENT & PERSONNEL r I D~IN/\NCE ,:PARTMENT I 11UNICIPAL COURT STR~ETS l .S r I'IATER & SEW E R - - - -~l CIVIL DEFENSF I---L___~ RECREATI ON I FACILITIES I~~_- _~ I !Melick. & rrfwrpe Certified Public Accountants I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 433 Kitty Hawk Drive, Suite 113 Universal City, Texas 78148 Phone 512-658-6229 The Honorable Mayor and Ci ty Counci 1 City of Schertz, Texas We have examined the combined financial statements as listed in the contents herein, of the City of Schertz, Texas, at September 30, 1983 and for the year then ended, Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances, In our opinion, the combined statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Schertz, Texas as of September 30, 1983, and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Proprietary Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, Our examination has been made primarily for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the combined financial statements as a whole, The additional combining and individual fund and account group statements as listed in the contents herein, are presented for analysis purposes and are not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Schertz, The additional information has been subjected to auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all respects material in relation to the financial statements each taken as a whole. The statistical data listed in the contents herein, was not audited by us and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion thereon. In connection with our examination, we also (1) performed tests of compliance with the Revenue Sharing and Antirecession Acts and Regulations as required by Sections II.C,3" and III,C.3. of the Audit Guide and Standards for Revenue Sharing and Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Fund Recipients (guide) issued by the Office of Revenue Sharing, U.S, Department of the Treasury, and (2) compared the data on Bureau of Census Form RS-9 with the audited records of the' C~~y of Schertz, Texas as required by Section ILC,4. of the "Guide", Based on these procedures, we noted no instance of noncompliance with the regulations and no differences between the data on Bureau of Census Form RS-9 and the records of the City of Schertz, Texas for the year ended September 30, 1983, ~-6r~ December 31, 1983 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 COMBINED STATEMENTS - OVERVIEW GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 ASSETS Cash Certificates of deposit Receivables (net of allowances) : Taxes Accounts Notes Due from other funds Inventory of supplies, at cost Prepaid expenses Restricted assets: Cash Investments, at cost Fi xed assets Accumulated depreciation Amount available in debt service funds Amount to be provided for retirement of general long term debt Total assets General $ 51,525 169,312 6,560 49,523 3,398 197 $ 280,515 ------- ------- Governmental Fund Types Speci a 1 Revenue (Revenue Sharinq) $ 2,457 37,050 $ 39,507 ------- ------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 1 Debt Service I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ 18,550 1,250 $ 19,800 ------- ------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Propri etary Fi duci ary Totals Fund Type Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Only) Trust General General September September and Fixed Long-Term 30, 30, Enterprise Aqency Assets Debt 1983 1982 $ 17,720 $ 4,834 $ $ $ 76,536 $ 132,954 188,518 169,714 583,144 294,224 7,810 2,551 101,158 101,158 88,210 11,575 11, 575 15,102 49,523 4,225 31,502 34,900 11,180 197 3,133 2,666 2,666 815 1,716,250 1,716,250 603,886 3,593,623 4,086,132 7,679,755 7,036,616 {928, 992) {928, 992) (734,957) 18,550 18,550 22,684 493,450 493,450 508,316 $ 4,734,020 $ 174,548 $ 4,086,132 $ 512,000 $ 9,846,522 $ 7,988,939 --------- ------- --------- ------- --------- --------- --------- ------- --------- ------- --------- --------- 2 6,560 1,250 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 LIABILITIES Governmental Fund Types Speci a 1 Revenue (Revenue Debt General Sharinq) Service Vouchers payable Payable from restricted assets: Deposits Revenue bonds Certificates of obligation Due to other funds Due to other organizations Deferred revenue General obligation bonds payable Revenue bonds payable Certificates of obligation payable Total liabilities $ 11,907 $ $ 8,622 18.467 8.622 1.250 FUND EQUITY Contributed capital - developers Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for revenue bond retirement Reserved for equipment replacement Unreserved Fund balances: Reserved for encumbrances 872 Reserved for prepaid expenses 197 Reserved for inventory of supplies 3,398 Reserved for debt service Reserved for STEP expenditures 2,418 Unreserved: Designated for equipment replacement Designated for self insurance and other Undesignated 255.163 18,550 30.885 Total retained earnings/fund balances 262.048 30.885 30.885 18.550 18.550 Total fund equity 262.048 Total liabilities and fund equity $ 280,515 $ 39,507 $ 19,800 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 3 I I I Proprietary Fiduciary Totals Fund Types Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Only) I Trust Genera 1 General September September And Fixed Long-term 30, 30, Enterprise Aqency Assets Debt 1983 1983 I $ 7,297 $ 2,307 $ $ $ 21,511 $ 8,377 41,648 41,648 38,085 I 40,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 5,000 31,952 8,949 49,523 4,225 I 36,452 7,810 2,551 512,000 512,000 531,000 I 1,225,000 1,225,000 1,265,000 1. 365. 000 1.365,000 145,000 2.740,897 11. 256 512,000 3.292,492 2,070,690 I I 960,066 960,066 601,269 4,086,132 4,086,132 3,947,463 I 161,241 161,241 149,757 226,411 226,411 645,405 645,405 549,287 I 872 197 3,133 I 3,398 3,686 18,550 22,345 2,418 915 I 148,013 148,013 348,370 I 15,279 15,279 12,530 286,048 279.494 I 1. 033. 057 163.292 1. 507, 832 1. 369. 517 I 1.993.123 163,292 4.086,132 6.554,030 5,918.249 $ 4,734,020 $ 174,548 $ 4,086,132 $ 512,000 $ 9,846,522 $ 7,988,939 I --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- I 4 Revenue Sharing Fund I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Governmentdl Fund Types Genera 1 Fund Revenues: Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Fines and forfeits Other sources $ 688,169 31,434 29,691 60,581 154.624 964.499 Total revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Streets and parks Hea lth Recreation Capital outlay Debt servi ceo Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures 402,757 245,926 132,088 26,786 45,964 11 , 069 864.590 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 99.909 Other Financial Sources (Uses), Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) 35,540 (140. 011) (104.471) (4.562) 266,610 $ 262,048 Total other financial sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources Fund balances - October 1 Fund balances - September 30 ------- ------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 5 $ 45,807 45.807 45.807 (35.540) (35.540) 10,267 20.618 $ 30,885 ------- ------- I I I Fiduciary I Fund Type Debt Totals Service Expendable (Memorandum Only) Fund Trust 1983 1982 I I $ $ $ 688,169 $ 610,301 31,434 19,054 45,807 44,786 I 29,691 71,096 60,581 74,136 1. 469 9.000 165.093 238.864 I 1. 469 9.000 1. 020. 775 1,058.237 I 402,757 330,999 245,926 233,828 I 132,088 116,694 26,786 61,863 45,964 42,999 29,715 40,784 50,926 I 19,000 19,000 18,000 29.492 29,492 30.397 I 48.492 29,715 942.797 885.706 (47.023) (20.715) 77.978 172.531 I I 43,228 82,336 161,104 294,695 (258.869) 1434.420) 1121.512) I 43.228 1176.533) (273.316) 173.183 (3.795) (197.248) (195.338) 345.714 I 22.345 360.900 670.473 324.759 $ 18,550 $ 163,652 $ 475, 135 $ 670,473 --------- --------- --------- --------- I --------- --------- --------- --------- I I 6 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS CC$1BINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 19B3 General Fund Budqet Actua 1 Revenues: Taxes $ 665,000 $ 688,169 $ 23,169 Licenses and permits 13,670 31,434 17,764 Inter-governmental revenue Charges for services 35,050 29,691 (5,359) Fines and forfeits 68,300 60,581 (7,719) Other sources 133.750 154,624 20.874 Total revenues 915,770 964,499 48,729 Expenditures: Current: General government 478,198 402,757 73,441 Public safety 268, 623 245,926 22,697 Streets and parks 139,098 132,088 7,010 Hea 1t h 29,761 26,786 2,975 Recreation 45,941 45,964 (23) Capital outlay 11. 069 11.069 Total expenditures 972,690 864,590 106,100 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditure (56,920) 99,909 154,829 Other Financinq Sources (Uses): Operating transfers in 44,000 35,540 (8,460) Operating transfers (out) (43.228) (140.011) (94.783) Total other financial sources (uses) 772 (104,471) (l03,243) Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other uses $ (56,148) (4,562) $ 51,586 ------- ~~----- ------- ------- Fund balances - October 1, 1982 266.610 Fund balances - September 30, 1983 $ 262,048 ------- ------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements, 7 I I I Special Revenue Fund Totals I (Revenue Sharinq Fund) (Memorandum Only) Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budqet Actua 1 (Unfavorable) Budqet Actua 1 (Unfavorable) I I $ $ $ $ 665,000 $ 688,169 $ 23,169 13,670 31,434 17,764 I 44,000 45,807 1,807 44,000 45,807 1,807 35,050 29,691 (5,359) 68,300 60,581 (7,719) I 133.750 154.624 20.874 44,000 45,807 1,807 959,770 1,010,306 50,536 I I 478,198 402,757 73,441 268,623 245,926 22,697 139,098 132,088 7,010 29,761 26,786 2,975 I 45,941 45,964 (23) 11. 069 11.069 I 972,690 864,590 106,100 44,000 45,807 1,807 (12,920) 145,716 156,636 I I 44,000 35,540 (8,460) (44.000) (35.540) 8.460 (87.228) (175.551 ) . (86.323) I (44,000) {35, 540) 8,460 (43,228) (140,011 ) (94,783) I $ 10,267 $ 10,267 $ (56,148) 5,705 $ 61,853 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------~ ------- ------- ------- I 20.618 287.228 $ 30,885 $ 292,933 I ------- -------- ------- -------- I 8 914,891 710,818 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Totals (Memorandum Only) 1983 1982 Operating Revenue: Fees charged to users Total operating revenue $ 914.891 $ 710,818 Operating expenses before depreciation Personal services Sewage treatment Reimbursement of general and administrative expenses Contractual services Supplies Bad debts Other 140,431 105,058 211,352 196,329 100,452 82,712 77,952 60,084 39,369 29,464 15,048 1,035 876 674 585,480 475,356 329.411 235, 462 207.947 120.706 121.464 114.756 Total operating expenses before depreciation Operating income (loss) before depreci ati on Depreci ati on Operating income The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Totals (Memorandum Only) 1983 1982 Other income (expense) Interest income Interest expense Gain on trade or sale of assets Revenue sharing Loss on trade or sale of assets $ 87,226 (157,886) 8,885 8,800 (7,792) (60.767) Total other income (expenses) Net income (loss) before operating interfund transfers 60,697 282,015 18.699) Operating transfers in Operating transfers (out) Net operating interfund transfers in (out) 273.316 334,013 699.044 $ 1,033,057 Net income (loss) Retained earnings - October 1 Retained earnings - September 30 --------- --------- 10 $ 30,503 (121,381) (7.366) (98,244) 16,512 49,748 (222.931) (173,183) (156,671) 855.715 $ 699,044 --------- --------- CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total s (Memorandum Only) 1983 1982 Sources of Workinq Capital: Operati ons: Net income (loss) Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation Loss on disposal of assets Gain on disposal of assets $ 334,013 207,947 7,792 (8.885) 540,867 1,250,000 3,527 Sale of certificates of obligation Reduction in notes receivable Reduction in restricted assets Increase in customer deposits Contributions received 3,563 358,797 Total sources of working capital 2,156,754 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 11 $ (156,671) 120,706 (35,695) 25,694 485,139 1,895 476,763 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Uses of Workinq Capi tal: Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Reduction in long-term debt Increase in restricted assets Total uses of working capital Net increase in working capital Elements of Net Increase (Decrease) in Work iDq capi ta 1 : Cash Investments at cost Accounts receivable Inventories Vouchers payable Due to other funds Net increase in working capital 12 Totals (Memorandum Only) 1983 1982 $ 517,289 $ 430,958 40,000 35,000 1.513.074 2,070,363 465,958 $ 86,391 $ 10,805 --------- --------- --------- --------- $ (35,545) $ 24,769 117,862 {29, 344) 12,948 18,444 24,008 (2,230) (3,064) (30,652) $ 86,391 $ 10,805 --------- --------- --------- --------- ..... w 2: a -i I'T1 lfl -i a .." ..... S!i 2: n ..... :t- o lfl -i :t- -i rT1 3: rT1 ~ Vl ------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEME~JTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Note A: Summary of Siqnificant Accountinq Policies A summary of the City's significant accounting policies applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements follows: 1. Description of Funds The City operates under a Council-Manager form Df government and has established a number of funds, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and with the recommendations of the National Council on Governmental Accounting, for the purpose of accounting for transactions in compliance with legal requirements. The following types of funds and groups of accounts are used by the City in accounting for its financial activities: Governmental Funds General Fund - to account for all financial resources except those required toibe accounted for in another fund or account group. Special Revenue Fund - to account for the proceeds of a specific revenue source that is legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Fund - to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Proprietary [QrrQ Enterprise Fund - to account for the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of governmental facilities and services supported by user charges to the public. Fiduciary Funds Trust and Aqency Funds - to account for assets held by a governmental unit in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units and/or other funds. Account Groups General fixed Assets Account Groups - to account for property and equipment, including construction work in progress, other than that acquired and accounted for thrDugh the Enterprise Fund, General Lonq-term Debt Account Group - to account for the principal of outstanding bonds and general notes, except those secured by revenues of the Enterprise Fund, which are reported therein, 14 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note A: Summary of Siqnificant Accounti~ Policies (continued) 2, Basis of Accountinq The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as set forth by the National Council on Governmental Accounting's Statement 1 entitled "Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles," The City employs the modified accrual basis of accounting in all funds except the Enterprise Funds. The modified accrual basis recognizes revenues that are susceptible to accrual when measurable and available and recognizes expenditures as incurred except for unmatured interest on general long-term debt. All revenues of the City are considered susceptible to accrual with the exception of delinquent taxes. Budgets follow the same basis of accounting as the funds they were established for. The Enterprise Funds use the full accrual basis of accounting recognizing revenues when earned and expenses when incurred. Unbilled services receivables have been accrued in the Proprietary Funds, 3. Investments The City pools idle cash from all funds for the purpose of increasing income through investment activities. Investments are carried at cost which approximates market value, 4. General Fixed Assets General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the General Fund at the time of purchase and are capitalized in the General Fixed Assets Account Group at cost, Donated general fixed assets are stated at their fair market values at the date of donation. The General Fixed Assets Account Group includes public domain or "i nfrastructure" general fi xed assets titled "Improvements other than buildings" which includes roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, and similar assets, Depreciation is not recorded for general fixed assets. 5. Budqets The original budget was adopted by the City Council prior to the beginning of the fiscal year through passage of an ordinance. The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them, The City Manager is authorized to exceed budgeted amounts in a department within any fund; however, any revisions that alter the total expenditures of any fund must be approved by the City Council, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note A: Summary of Siqnificant Accountinq Policies (continued) 5. Budqets (continued) Total expenditures for all departments taken as a whole may not legally exceed budget appropriations. The City has complied with all budget requirements fDr the year ended September 30, 1983, The final amended budget is used in this report. Unemcumbered appropriations lapse at the end of each year, Budgets for the General and Special Revenue Funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Budgets are not legally required or prepared for the other funds, 6. Encumbrance Accountinq Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts, and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded in order to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration in the General Fund and Special Revenue Fund. Encumbrances outstanding at year end are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. 7. Property. Plant and Equipment Depreciation is recorded only in the Proprietary (Water/Sewer System and the Schertz Area Facility for Emergency Services) Fund, Exhaustible fixed assets having a cost in excess of $100 and a useful life longer than one year are capitalized and charged as an expense over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation is recorded on each class of depreciable property in the Proprietary Fund using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives: Improvements Buildings Machinery and Equipment 10-50 years 20 years 5-10 years 8. Interfund Transactions During the course of normal operations, the City has numerous transactions between funds including expenditures and transfers of resources to provide services, construct assets and service debt. Transfers are recorded in the following manner: 16 All interfund transactions except loans or advances, external transactions, and reimbursements are transfers. major categories of interfund transfers are: quasi- The two I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note A: Summary of Siqnificant Accountinq Policies (continued) 8, Interfund Transactions (continued) a. Ouasi-External Transactions and Reimbursements The following types of interfund transactions do not constitute transfers, but are accounted for as fund revenues, expenditures or expenses (as appropriate), or adjustments thereto, in the manner specifi ed. (1) Quasi-External Transactions Transactions that would be treated as revenues, expenditures, or expenses if they involved organizations external to the governmental unit e,g" payments in lieu of taxes from an Enterprise Fund to the General Fundj routinp. employer contributions from the General Fund to a Pension Trust Fund; and routine service charges for i nspecti on, engi neeri ng, util iti es, or si mil ar services provided by a department financed from one fund to a department financed from another fund - are accounted for as revenues, expenditures, or expenses in the funds i nvo 1 ved. (2) Reimbursements (a) Transactions which constitute reimbursements of a fund for expenditures or (b) expenditures or expenses initially made from one fund which are properly applicable to another fund e,g" an expenditure properly chargeable to a Special Revenue Fund was initially made from the General Fund, which is subsequently reimbursed - are recorded as expenditures or expenses (as appropriate) in the reimbursing fund and as reductions of the expenditure or expense in the fund that is reimbursed. b, Transfers (1) Residual Equity Transfers Nonrecurring or nonroutine transfers of equity between funds - e,g., contribution of Enterprise Fund capital by the General Fund, subsequent return of all or part of such contribution to the General Fund, and transfers of reSidual balance of discontinued funds to the General Fund or a Debt Service Fund. (2) Operatinq Transfers All other interfund transfers - e,g" legally authorized transfers from a fund receiving revenue to the fund through which the resources are to be expended, 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note A: Summary of Siqnificant Accountinq Policies (continued) 8. Interfund Transactions (continued) b. Transfers (continued) transfers of tax revenues from a Special Revenue Fund to a Debt Service Fund, transfers from the General Fund to a Special Revenue operating subsidy, transfers from the General or a Special Revenue Fund to an Enterprise Fund, and transfers from an Enterprise Fund other than payments in lieu of taxes and similar items to finance General Fund expenditures, 9. Vacation and Sick Pay The City allows employees to accumulate vacation and sick leave within limitations, Accruals for these items are not recorded until the leave is taken or the employee is no longer employed by the City. The amount of such unused vacation and sick leave accumulated at September 30, 1983 approximated $26,625. 10, Inventory Inventory is valued at the lower of cost or market on the first-in, first-out basis, 11, Financial Statements Not Included Financial statements are presented for all funds and account groups under control of the City, Financial statements of the Schertz Library Board are not included since this organization is operated by a separate board which is not under the control of City Council. 12. Financial Presentation Total columns on the combined statements are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis, Data in these columns does not present financial position, resul~s of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation, Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. 18 '" Ul --I 2: "'i vi- n 0 t1))> .."..., 0 OOlfl "'" ::l '" :r 0 '" NO 0 ::l ::l 0'" :;:I ::::s 0 l:: 0 0-..., '" rt- Ul" ::l => rt- ~ Ul ~::ltT rt- < '" -0 '0 rt- rt-~, ~-o '< rt- Ul f1) n~. f1) '0"" ..., rt-f1) 00 '" ..., rt- ",on n n ~....... .......~3 rr1r,n.."r ~ ::l -.", ro ..., t1) ~. rt- tT tTf1)-o --' .............'m Ul Ul ..., tT::l rt- rt- I:: I::O-~ ctl X <:; (I) ~,'" f1) I::rt- ~. 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I:: >-> ~. ~, -0 ::l ::l<O "" '" :::I m --' () nfl) 0- 00 '" ~ m<.o: 300 -'0- UlW '< '" -0'<< rt- :u '" 2: "" ~fl)fl) '< f1) 0<: f1) 0< --'nO"" -rt- '" CD ::l::l f1) >-> '0 I 00'< CD Ul:r e ..., rt-<Ul OtTItnO '<3(0-00.. f1) ~. t5.m UlCDrt- ......... I ftl-u CD --' ..., Ul ~. fl)~ -'" :u " "" rt-::l "" "" tnctlt.O::3tT rb < '" '" CD<<> f1) '" '"'" - '< < '" f1) '" 0- ..., ..., fl) CD "' => =>00 ::l ~. rt- f1)- -0 '< '< < '"'"'" I:: 0 Ul ..., co f1) fl)CD fl) .." :r l1) I:: '" to ..., '" '" Ul ~. fl) Ul ~ U1 '" ~. ..., ..., rt-O- 0- '" 0 UlI::Ul nt1) CD 0 0- f) \l) -i'""Tl 00- "TlO<: C --'.--'('"t'....... =>fl) I:: ~. ::l flJPJ'<:::I 0- tT => rt- '"'"~. "'...,..., -fl) Ulrt- 0- :r Ul '" cn'<"<tno.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note D: Investments Investments owned by various City funds are summarized as follows: Interest Rates Restricted Unrestricted Total Schertz Bank and Trust Savings account 5.25% $ 6 $ $ 6 Certificates of Deposit: 30 day maturity 8.30% 1,555,003 583,144 2,138,147 First International Bank ill San Antoni 0 Savings account 5,251, 5 5 Money market account variable 85.744 85.744 U.S. Treasury Notes $80,000 due 11-15-86 $ 3,000 due 5-15-87 6.12% 121, 72,500 2.992 $ 1,716,250 72,500 2.992 $ 2,299,394 $ 583,144 --------- --------- ------- ------- --------- --------- Note E: Lonq-Term Debt At September 30, 1983, the City's long-term debt consisted of the following: Range of Interest Rates Unpaid Pri nci pa 1 Current Long-Term Maturities Maturities General obligation bonds 3 3/8%-7.2% $ 512,000 $ 20,000 $ 492,000 Water and sewer: Revenue 4%-10% 1,265,000 40,000 1,225,000 Certificates of obligation 9.3%-101, 1.395.000 30,000 1.365.000 $3,172,000 $ 90,000 $3,082,000 --------- ------- --------- --------- ------- --------- 20 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Note E: Lonq-Term Debt (continued) The annual requirements to amortize all debt outstanding as Df September 30, 1983, including interest payments, are as follows: Year Ending September 30 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988-1992 1993-1997 Thereafter Pri nci pa 1 Interest Genera 1 Obl i gati on Bonds Water and Sewer Certifi cates of Revenue Bonds Obliqation $ 48,287 48,297 47,233 47,169 231,785 233,468 161.667 $ 817,906 $ 134,497 $ 158,757 136,748 155,758 133,772 157,757 130,798 159,258 667,825 782,605 660,830 800,112 475.355 760.220 $ 2,339,825 $ 2,974,467 --------- --------- --------- --------- $ 1,265,000 $ 1,395,000 1.074.825 1.579.467 $ 2,339,825 $ 2,974,467 --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ------- $ 512,000 305.906 $ 817,906 ------- ------- Balance Out- Balance standing Outstanding Original Interest October 1, September 30, Amount Rates 1982 Retirements 1983 General Obligation 1962 Seri es $ 301,000 3 3/8%-3 5/8% $ 197,000 $ 8,000 $ 189,000 1972 Seri es 150,000 4 1/2%-6.3% 124,000 6,000 118, 000 1975 Sed €s 235,000 6.2%-7.2% 210.000 5.000 205.000 Totals $ 531,000 $ 19,000 ~ 512,000 . ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 19B3 (CONTINUED) Bonded debt of the City consists of various series of General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Bonds, and Certificates of Obligation. General Obligation Bonds are direct obligations of the City for which its full faith and credit are pledged, and are payable from taxes levied on all taxable property located within the City, Revenue bonds are generally payable from pledged revenues generated by the Water and Sewer Fund. The debenture agreement for Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds require funds be available for 1/12 the principal and 1/6th the interest requirements of the next fiscal year, Certificates of obligation are payable from a levy of ad valorem taxes upon all taxable property within the City, and are further payable from certain net revenues derived from the operation of the City's combined Water and Sewer systems after payments of first lien revenue bonds, 22 --------- --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED ) Note F: General Fixed Assets: The following is a summary of changes in general fixed assets. Balances At October 1, 1982 74,120 22,226 Balances At September 30, 1983 $ 245,210 898,475 Additi ons Deducti ons Land $ Buildings Improvements other than buildings Vehicles Equipment 245,210 846,581 $ $ 2,338,991 275,487 241.194 72,201 13,193 157,728 $ 317,242 73,857 82.490 $ 178,573 2,411,192 214,823 316,432 $ 4,086,132 $ 3,947,463 --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- --------- The City Council granted approval for the Schertz Area Facility for Emergency Services (SAFES) to become a self-supporting operation of the City as of October 1, 1982. As a result, SAFES was established as an Enterprise Fund. Contributions of $122,612 in fixed assets from General Fixed Assets was also approved, This contribution has been recorded at its estimated fair market value on date of donation as contributed capital in the Schertz Area Facility for Emergency Services Fund. The sources of general fixed assets acquired follow: General Fund Capital Projects General Obligation Bonds Time warrants Contributed $ 1,147,376 300,000 46,000 2.592.756 $ 4,086,132 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note G: Property. Plant and Equipment: The following is a summary of the property, plant and equipment of the Proprietary Funds at September 30, 1983 Buildings Improvements other than bu il di ngs Equipment Enterprise Funds Water/Sewer SAFES Total $ 62,828 $ 22,226 $ 85, 054 2,141,150 2,141,150 1.173.611 157.938 1.331,549 3,377,589 180,164 3,557,753 (901.665) (27.327) (928,992) 2,475,924 152,837 2,628,761 35.870 35.870 $ 2,511,794 152,837 2,664,631 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Accumulated depreciation Land During fiscal year 1983, a detailed physical inventory, by City employees identified and reconciled fixed assets to books. Some $163,286 in additional improvements donated to the City by developers were identified for the Water/Sewer Fund and $24,733 in undocumented equipment was identified for SAFES and added to fixed asset records, These amounts are included in Improvements other than buildings and Equipment above. As of September 30, 1983 fixed assets on hand agree with fixed asset records of the City. Note I: Funds Desiqnated for STEP Expenditures This is a reserve for the remaining balance of earned STEP (Selective Traffic Enforcement Program) revenues to be expended in fiscal year 1983- 1984. Under this program, City policemen volunteer to patrol high traffic areas after normal duty hours. Revenues from tickets they issue are used for special police equipment not included in the City's budget, 24 8,949 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note H: Interfund Receivables and Payables The following is a summary of amounts due from and due to other funds as of September 30, 1983. General Fund Special Revenue Fund Enterprise Funds Trust and Agency Funds Total General Fund Due From Due To $ 8,622 $ 31,952 8.949 49.523 8.622 Special Revenue Fund General Fund Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds General Fund 31.952 Trust and Agency Funds General Fund Total All Funds $ 49, 523 $ 49,523 ------- ------- ------- ------- 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Note I: Interfund Transfers The following is a summary of amounts transferred in and out of funds for the year ended September 30, 1983, General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Enterprise Funds Trust and Agency Funds Total General Fund Transfers In Transfers Out $ 35,540 35.540 Special Revenue Fund General Fund 35.540 Debt Service Fund General Fund 43.228 Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds General Fund Trust and Agency Funds Total Proprietary Funds 23,146 258.869 282.015 8.699 8.699 Trust and Agency Funds General Fund Proprietary Funds Total Trust and Agency Funds 73,637 8.699 82.336 258.869 258.869 $ 443,119 Total All Funds $ 443,119 ------- ------- ------- ------- 26 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 ( CONTINUED) Note J: Seqment Information for Enterprise Funds The City has two enterprise operations which provide water/sewer and emergency ambulance services, Segment information for the twelve month period ended September 30, 1983 was as follows: Water/Sewer SAFES Operating revenues S 793,279 S 121,612 Operating expenses, exclusive of depreci ati on 493,880 91,600 Depreci ati on 180,620 27,327 Operating income 118,779 2,685 Other revenue {expenses (63,045) 2,278 Operating transfers in (out) 249,606 23,710 Net income 305,340 28,673 Total assets 4,559,416 174,604 Total equity 1,820,317 172,B06 l.orki ng capital 280,690 IB,960 Additions to fixed assets 329,625 1B7,664 Outstanding long-term debt 2,590,000 -0- Note K: Conti nqenci es The City is a defendant in litigation, filed by the plaintiff for alleged violation of civil rights, The City is vigorously contesting this matter, In addition, a notice of possible civil action for alleged violations of the civil rights of a dismissed employee was received in 1982 through the employee's attorney, although no other action has since been taken by this employee or his attorney. In the event that such an action is filed against the City, the City would vigorously contest the matter, In the opiniDn of the City officials, the City's liability in these two matters, if any, would not materially affect the financial statements of the City. - - - - - - lfl ~ W t;j I- <( I- III lfl 0 lfl ~ 2 0.. W ::::> ::::> :;: u... 0 w a:: I- -1 <'" <( <( I- ::::> I- lfl 0 2: ..... ::::> --' :> 0 <( ..... u ~ 0 u "'" <( W ..... :;: 0 UJ CO 0 2 -1 N ." <( 0.. <( 0.. "" ::::> "'" lfl H 2 ..... en :;: 0 U - - - - - - -' - - - - - - GENERAL FUND I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The General Fund accounts for the resources used to finance the fundamental operations of the City, It is the basic fund of the City and covers all activities for which a separate fund has not been established. 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 ASSETS Cash Certificates of deposit Delinquent taxes receivable Due from other funds Inventory of supplies, at cost Prepaid expenses Total assets September 30, 1983 $ 51,525 169,312 6,560 49,523 3,398 197 $ 280,515 ------- ------- LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Li abil i ti es Vouchers payable Deferred revenue $ 11,907 6.560 18,467 Total liabilities Fund balances Reserved for encumbrances Reserved for prepaid expenses Reserved for inventory of supplies Reserved for STEP expenditures Undesignated 872 197 3,398 2,418 255.163 262.048 $ 280,515 Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances ------- ------- 30 September 30, 1982 $ 56,353 201,223 2,212 4,225 3,686 3.133 $ 270,832 ------- ------- $ 2,010 2.212 4,222 3,133 3,686 915 258.876 266.610 $ 270,832 ------- ------- $ 377,995 3,530 151,228 75,736 1. 812 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 WITH COMPARATIVE ACTUAL AMOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 Taxes: Ad valorem Tax pena lty City sales tax Utility franchise Mixed beverage 1983 BudQet $ 414,000 1,000 165,000 82,500 2.500 Total taxes 665.000 Licenses and permits 13,670 Charges for services: Swimming pool 26,700 Ambulance fees Other 8.350 Total charges for services 35.050 Other sources: Fines and forfeitures 68.300 Dispatch Buil di ng rental Insurance dividends Mi scell aneous SAFES - municipal support Retirement reversion Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Interest Indirect cost reimbursement: Water and Sewer Fund DiscDunts Donations SAFES salary reimbursement Emergency management coordinator Animal control contract Total other sources 1,800 3,200 1,000 2,500 4,800 4,500 6,150 30,000 65,000 300 5,700 2,600 6,200 133.750 Total revenues $ 915,770 ------- ------- 31 1983 Actua 1 Variance Favorable 1982 (Unfavorable) Actual 23.169 610,301 17.764 19,054 $ 415,720 2,923 183,212 84,893 1.421 688.169 31.434 $ 1,720 1,923 18,212 2,393 0.079) 22,499 7,192 (4,201) 27,149 32,531 (1,158) 11.416 29,691 60,581 (5.359) 71.096 (7.719) 74,136 2,150 2,310 3,511 4,800 9,510 6,329 25,295 95,652 54 350 (890) (1,000) 1,011 5,010 179 (4,705) 30,652 (246) 126 4.887 (5,700) (2,474) 0,313) 154.624 $ 964,499 20,874 1,650 3,224 1,288 50,567 6,690 6,022 33,409 82,712 27 1,091 186,680 ------- ------- ------- ------- $ 48,729 $ 961,267 ------- ------- I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 WITH COMPARATIVE ACTUAL AMOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 I Variance 1983 1983 Favorable 1982 I Budqet Actual (Unfavorable) Actua 1 General Government: I Ci ty counci 1 $ 13,750 $ 12,757 $ 993 $ 6,627 City manager 90,010 81,495 8,515 81,675 Finance 51,514 10,118 41,396 11,739 I Tax 29,031 26,562 2,469 30,453 Planning and zoning 120 143 (23) 23 Legal 40,750 53,284 (12,534) 7,322 I Muni ci pa 1 court 7,320 7,265 55 9,296 Municipal building 85,291 89,47B (4,187) 84,237 General administrative 160.412 121.655 38.757 99.627 I T ota 1 general government 478.198 402.757 75.441 330.999 I Publ ic Safety: Police department 200,053 181,429 18,624 201,350 I Fire department 49,909 47,172 2,737 20,291 Inspecti on 18.661 17.325 1.336 12.049 Total public I safety 268.623 245.926 22.697 233.690 Streets and Parks: I Engi neeri ng 11 , 900 11, 639 261 13,065 Streets and parks 127.198 120.449 6.749 103.629 I Total streets and parks 139.098 132.08B 7.010 116. 694 I Health: Ani mal control 29,761 26,786 2,975 9,301 I Ambulance services 52.562 Total health 29.761 26.786 2.975 61.863 I Other: Recreation Swimming pool 29,720 29,920 (200) 28,839 I Library 16,221 16,044 177 14,160 Capital outlay 11.069 11.069 50.926 Total other 57.010 57.033 (23) 93.925 I Total expenditures $ 972,690 $ 864,590 $ 108,100 $ 837,171 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- I 32 DEBT SERVICE FUND I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for and the payment of principal, interest, and related costs on general long-term debt of the City. 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS DEBT SERVICE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 ASSETS 1983 1982 Cash $ $ Certificates of deposit 18,550 1,250 22,345 339 Delinquent taxes receivable Total assets $ 19,800 $ 22,684 ------- ------- ------- ------- DEFERRED REVENUE AND FUND BALANCE Deferred revenue: Ad valorem taxes $ 1,250 $ 339 Fund balance - reserved for debt service 18.550 22,345 Total deferred revenue and fund balance $ 19,800 $ 22,684 ------- ------- ------- ------- 34 '" :.> OJ OJ ..... -0 (Q 0 0 ::J n <1> <1> ::J => rt' ~ ..., ::J "- "- <1> OJ Ii rt' rTJ ..., '" -0 rt' ~. -0 >< <1> <1> :.> ...... :::> ..., Ul <6 '" :::> <1> rt' ~, <1> rt' J>o (Q <1> <1> ::J ::J ::J -l ." ." 0 rTJ -l Ul ..., ('} "- -l c ..... c c <1> "" ! x 0 <1> ~. ~. 0 ~. <1> <: ::J ::J ...... ..., ('} rt- Ul -0 "" rt- ::J Ul rTJ "- "- ~. OJ <1> ~ rt- ~ i:: OJ ('} ('} ::J Ul ..., ~ 0 0- 0- ~, Ul Ul lfl OJ OJ <1> ...... <1> <1> 11( -l Ul ..., .,,:.> ~ ::J <1> ~. 0 x OJ OJ ('} ..., ::J ...... -0 <1> co -l ::J ::J '< <1> <: "'~ ('} ('} ~. <1> <1> ::J ::J -lrTJ <1> <1> 0 ::J lfl x "- i:: ~~ -;, 0 -0 ~. <1> e <1> rt' Ul lfl 0 ..., ..., ::J i:: -< 0 <1> ('} <1> ('} "- .., -0 rt- <: <1> ~, <1> ,."." rt- 0 <1> Ul rt- Ul :.> <1> 0- ::J i:: "'''' 3 <1> i:: ..., lflrTJ f6 .., <1> <1> <: Ig Ul Ul rTJrTJ W ..., ..... 2:20 V1 0 0 OCrTJ w <: <: rTJ rTJ OJ 0 <1> <1> OVl-l IS;;:- .., ..., VI lfl <1> ..., rTJrTJrTJ l~ >< <1> -0 X '" -0 <: -l-o<: <1> <1> rTJrTJ.... ::J ::J 3:2n "- c OJOrTJ ~, <1> rTJ..... rt- Ul "'-l." C CC ..., w"'''''' I~ <1> OrTJO Ul . (J) ..... "":.> <I> OJ2 <I> WO Ii r~ ~ r= ~ ~ :.>n Ii ..... '" '" ..... " OJ '" W "" "" I~ "" :c " . 0:'> Ii V1 W "" '" '" 0 "'" Ii V1 ..,. "" ()) '" CO ..... Gl Ii CO V1 Ol ..,. OJ 0 "" ,." ~ OJ VI '" ..... 2 <I> <I> ." Ii r~ r~ ; r~ r~ r~ c:: JI '" '" w ..... 2 JI '" .Ol C) OJ I~ 0 JI . Ii W 0 '" ..... C) OJ " ..,. ..... m w CO :.> " V1 Q) 0'> ..... CO r :.> "'" n rTJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES ENTERPRISE FUNDS Enterprise Funds are established to account for operations which are intended to be self-supporting through user charges. The City of Schertz operates the Water/Sewer System and the Schertz Area Facility for Emergency Services (SAFES) on this basis. 36 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Totals ASSETS Water/Sewer September 30, September 30, System SAFES 1983 1982 Current Assets Cash $ 7,300 $ 10,420 $ 17,720 $ 53,265 Certificates of deposit 188.518 188.518 70,656 195,818 10,420 206,238 123,921 Accounts receivable (net) 97,476 3,682 101,158 88,210 Inventory of supplies,at at cost 24.846 6.656 31.502 7.494 Total current assets 318.140 20.758 338.898 219.625 Notes receivable 11, 575 11,575 15,102 Restricted assets Cash 1,657 1,009 2,666 815 Investment at cost 1,716,250 1,716,250 205,027 Land and improvements 35,870 35,870 35,870 Buildings 62,828 22,226 85,054 33,405 Machinery and equipment 3,314,761 157,938 3,472,699 3,019,878 Accumulated deprecia- tion (901.665) (27.327) (928,992) (734.957) Total assets $ 4,559,416 $ 174,604 $ 4,734,020 $ 2,794,765 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET (CONTINUED) SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Water/Sewer System Current liabilities Vouchers payable Due to other funds $ 6,799 30.652 Total current 1 i abil iti es 37,451 Payable from restric- ted assets: Deposits Revenue bonds Certificates of ob- ligation Certificates of ob- ligation payable, less current maturities 1,365,000 Revenue bonds payable, 1 ess current maturities 41,648 40,000 30,000 1,225.000 Total liabilities 2,739,099 Fund Equity Contributed capital- developers 815,933 Retained earnings: Reserved for revenue bond retirement 161,241 Reserved for equip- ment replacement and capital im- provement 226,702 Unreserved 616.441 Total fund equity 1.820.317 Total liabilities and fund equity $ 4,559,416 --------- --------- 38 SAFES $ 498 $ 1.300 1,798 1,798 144,133 (291) 28.964 172,806 Total s September 30, September 30, 1983 1982 7,297 $ 31.952 39,249 41,648 40,000 30,000 1,365,000 1.225.000 2,740,897 960,066 161,241 226,411 645.405 1. 993,123 6,367 6,367 38,085 35,000 5,000 145,000 1. 265. 000 1,494,452 601,269 149,757 549.287 1. 300, 313 --------- --------- $ 174,604 $ 4,734,020 $ 2,794,765 --------- --------- --------- --------- Enterprise Funds Totals Water/Sewer September 30, September 30, System SAFES 1983 1982 Operating Revenue: Fees charged to users $ 793.279 $ 121. 612 $ 914.891 $ 710.818 Total operating revenue 793,279 121,612 914,891 710,818 Operating expenses before depreciation Personal services 94,989 45,442 140,431 105,058 Sewage treatment 211,352 211, 352 196,329 Reimbursement of general and administrative expenses 95,652 4,800 100,452 82,712 Contractua 1 services 64,541 13,411 77,952 60,084 Supplies 23,766 15,603 39,369 29,464 Bad debts 2,704 12,344 15,048 1,035 Other 876 876 674 Total operating ex- penses before depreci ati on 493,880 91,600 585,480 475,356 Operating income (loss) before depreciation 299.399 30.012 329.411 235,462 Oepreci ati on 180,620 27.327 207.947 120,706 Operating income 118.779 2.685 121,464 114.756 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Enterprise Funds Totals Water/Sewer September 30, September 30, System SAFES 1983 1982 Other income (expense) Interest income $ 86,248 $ 978 $ 87,226 $ 30,503 Interest expense (157,886) (157,886) (121,381) Gain on trade or sale of assets 8,885 8,885 Revenue shari ng 8,800 8,800 Loss on trade or sale of assets (292) (7.500) (7.792) (7.366) Total other income (exp~nses) (63.045) 2.278 (60.767) (98,244) Net income (loss) before operating interfund trans fers 55,734 4,963 60,697 16,512 Operating transfers in 258,305 23,710 282,015 49,748 Operating transfers (out) (8.699) (8.699) (222.931) Net operating inter- fund transfers in (out) 249.606 23.710 273,316 (173,183) Net income (loss) 305,340 28,673 334,013 (156,671 ) Retained earnings - October 1 699.044 699.044 855,715 Retained earnings - September 30 $ 1,004,384 $ 28,673 $ 1,033,057 $ 699,044 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 40 Enterprise Funds Water/Sewer System SAFES Totals September 30, September 30, 1983 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION _ ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Sources of Workinq Capita 1 : Operations: Net income (loss) $ 305,340 $ 28,673 $ 334,013 $ (156, 671) Items not requiring working capital: Depreciation 180,620 27,327 207,947 120,706 Loss on disposal of assets 292 7,500 7,792 Gain on disposal of assets 18.885) (8.885) 477,367 63,500 540,867 (35,695) Sale of certificates of obligation 1,250,000 1,250,000 Reduction in notes receivable 3,527 3,527 25,694 Reduction in restricted assets 485,139 Increase in customer depos its 3,563 3,563 1,895 Contributions received 214.664 144.133 358.797 Total sources of work i ng capi ta 1 1,949,121 207,633 2,156,754 476,763 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I crr~ OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENTcOF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION _. ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIDUCIARY FUND TYPES TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Nonexpendable Trust Funds Self Insurance Fund - to account for the receipt Df other funds' contributions to defray uninsured losses, Equipment Replacement Fund - to account for contributions for the replacement of major equipment items as they are retired from service, Agency Funds Payroll Fund - to account for the collection and payment of salaries, insurance and pension pr",,,,iums, and federal taxes for each City employee, Library Fund - to account for the funds provided by the City for support of the community library. Criminal Justice Planning and Law Enforcement Education Funds - to account for the collection and payment to the state, the state's portion of traffic fines, 43 Certificates of deposi t 15.639 149.386 4.689 169.714 398.859 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 Expendable Trust Fund Self Equipment Insurance Replacement Agency Fund Totals September 30, September 30, 1983 1982 Assets: Cash $ $ 2 $ 4,832 $ 4,834 $ 2,718 $ 15,639 $ 149,388 $ 9,521 $ 174,548 $ 401,577 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Vouchers pay- able $ $ $ 2,307 $ 2,307 $ Due to gen- eral fund 1,375 7,574 8,949 40,677 Fund balance 15.639 148.013 (360) 163.292 360.900 $ 15,639 $ 149,388 $ 9,521 $ 174,548 $ 401,577 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- 44 I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 AND 1982 I Totals I Self Equipment September September Insurance Replacement 30, 30, Fund Fund 1983 1982 I Revenues: Self insurance premiums $ $ $ $ 2,131 I Interest 1.109 7.891 9,000 44.587 I 1,109 7,891 9,000 46,718 I Expenditures: I Capital outlay 29,715 29,715 I Casualty losses 138 Excess of revenues over expenditures 1,109 (21,824) (20,715) 46,580 I Other Financinq Sources (Uses) : I Operating transfers in 2,000 80,336 82,336 244,295 Operating transfers out (258.869) (258.869) (26.706) I Total other financing I sources (uses): 2.000 (178.533) (176.533) 217,589 Excess (deficiency) of I revenue and other fi- nancial sources over expenditures and oth- er fi nanci a 1 uses 3,109 (200,357) (197,248) 264,169 I Fund balance at October 1, 12.530 348.370 360.90Q 96. 731 I Fund balance at Sep- tember 30, $ 15,639 $ 148,013 $ 163,652 $ 360,900 I ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- I 45 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES - I ALL AGENCY FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Aqency I Balance Balance October 1, September 30, I 1982 Additions Deductions 1983 Payroll Fund: I Assets Cash $ 1555.684 1555.684 $ I $ $ 555,684 $ 555,684 $ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- L i abil iti es I Due to general fund $ $ 555.684 $ 555.684 $ $ $ 555,684 $ 555,684 $ I ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Li brary Fund: I Assets Cash $ 449 $ 482,683 $ 480,863 $ 2,269 I Certifi cates of depos it 36.003 413.093 444.407 4,689 $ 36,452 $ 895,776 $ 925,270 $ 6,958 I ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Li abi 1 i ti es I Due to General Fund $ $ 7,318 $ $ 7,318 Due to library $ 36.452 $ 888.458 $ 925,270 $ (360) $ 36,452 $ 895,776 $ 925,270 $ 6,958 I ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Criminal Justice I Pi anni no Fund: Assets I Cash $ $ 10.638 $ 8.503 $ 2.135 $ $ 10,638 $ 8,503 $ 2,135 I ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- L i abil iti es Vouchers payable $ $ 9,574 $ 7,652 $ 1,922 I Due to general fund $ 1.064 851 213 $ $ 10,638 $ 8,503 $ 2,135 I ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Aqency CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES - ALL AGENCY FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Balance Balance October 1, September 30, 1982 Additions Deducti ons 19B3 Law Enforcement Education Fund: Assets Cash $ $ 2.132 $ 1.704 $ 428 $ $ 2,132 $ 1,704 $ 428 ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- Li abil i ti es Vouchers payable $ $ 1,919 $ 1,534 $ 385 Due to general fund 213 170 43 $ $ 2,132 $ 1,704 $ 42B --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Totals ------ ------ Assets: Cash $ 449 $ 1,051,137 $ 1,046,754 $ 4,832 Certifi cates of deposit 36.003 413.093 444,407 4.689 $ 36,452 $ 1,464,230 $ 1,491,161 $ 9,521 --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Li abil Hi es: Vouchers payable $ $ 11,493 $ 9,186 $ 2,307 Due to general fund 564,279 556,705 7,574 Due to 1 i brary 36.452 888.458 925,270 (360) $ 36,452 $ 1,464,230 $ 1,491,161 $ 9,521 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 47 <1'"n-l .., -,::r OJ rt'-. '" '< Ul Ul OJ <D OJ () x () <1'"()() .....--'0 0 0::0:: '" Ul '" Ul ~.<1'" < <1'"<D<a 0 .., 00 OJ -ne () -0 -<> rt' 0:: ::r ~, -'0 Ul .., Ul <D<D<D Ul <a "'<1'" <D<DOJ '" ~o- <D"'~ -S rr...... n; .....(/) c;) .,. -",::r IT! <a<D 2 0:> .." a. IT! ~'<1'" :0 ><0<1'" :t- <D 0 r a. -0 .., OJ ...., OJ o () ..... Ul -0 () >< Ul .., 0 IT! CD .....t: c:> <1'"<D'" (J) <1'"<1'" :t- OJ (J) 0 ..,.." lfl ()'<O IT! () .., -I 0:: ...., lfl .., 0:: rt' '" ::r ......0.. CD :::> 0.." <'1""'0 ...... ::r<D>< <D .., <D OJ a. (;)<1'" CD ......p;. '" 0 Ul <D '" Ul .., Ul <D "'. <1'" ~ (J) ...., 0 C IT!~ => >< => a. -0 <D <D a. '" a. rr ~,'< rt' e<1'" ..,::r <D<D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS SEPTEMBER 30, 19B3 AND 1982 ASSETS September 30, September 30, 1983 1982 General Fixed Assets: Land Equipment $ 245,210 $ 245,210 898,475 846,581 2,411,192 2,338,991 214,823 275,487 316.432 241.194 $ 4,086,132 $ 3,947,463 --------- --------- --------- --------- Buildings Improvements other than buildings Vehicles 49 ------- ------- ------- ------- _._----- ------- --------- --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS AND CHANGES BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Balance Balance October 1, Transfers September 30, 1982 Addi ti ons In (Out) Deletions 1983 General government $ 738,585 $ 13,277 $ (12,000) $ 25,576 $ 714,286 Publ i c safety Police 97,093 12,934 (381) 2,376 107,270 Fire 214,076 96,791 17,984 23,611 305,240 Inspecti on 5,270 1,411 6,681 Street and parks 2,723,798 105,384 (5,603) 423 2,823,156 Health Animal control 20,248 4,756 50 3,975 21,079 Ambulance 122,612 122,612 Library 25.781 82.689 (50) 108.420 $ 3,947,463 $ 317,242 $ --------- --------- -0- $ 178,573 $ 4,086,132 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Components of General Fixes Assets Improvements Other Than Land Buildinqs Buildinqs Vehicles Equipment $ 24,349 $ 640,848 $ $ $ 49,089 12,000 22,000 31,161 152,318 4,113 76,109 118, 922 2,568 48,723 182,662 164,348 2,400,192 27,231 3,168 4,611 11, 000 2,300 23.031 66.668 18.721 $ 245,210 $ 898,475 $ 2,411,192 $ 214,823 $ 316,432 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 51 I TABLE 1 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I I Fiscal Genera 1 Public Streets Total Year Government Safety And Parks Health Other Expenditures I 1974 $ 78,931 $ 96,227 $ 109,539 $ 6,495 $ $ 291,192 1975 65,657 119,891 71,128 19,535 267,211 I 1976 85,691 160,751 73,010 18,679 338,131 I 1977 129,062 166,717 99,829 26,936 422,544 1978 138,277 197,550 122,910 28,287 21,281 508,305 I 1979 283,192 188,457 122,995 59,282 17,751 671,677 1980 254,297 202,183 87,217 41,098 397,749 982,544 I 1981 295,402 231,046 98,518 44,812 105,667 775,445 I 1982 330,999 233,828 116,694 61,683 142,322 885,706 1983 402,757 245,926 132,088 26,786 135,240 942,797 I I I I I I I I Source: Prior year's audited financial statements. I 52 TABLE f. I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I GENERAL REVENUES BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I Li censes Charges Fines I Fiscal And For And For- Total Year Taxes Permits Services feitures Other Revenue 1974 $ 137,108 $ 9,713 $ 7,209 $ 9,575 $ 2,639 $ 166,426 I 1975 195,424 6,790 4,074 14,574 83,171 304,033 1976 240,970 8,550 7,559 22,391 79,157 358,627 I 1977 270,407 13,615 30,326 24,570 113,778 452,969 1978 318,586 11, 938 46,911 30,157 144,136 551, 728 I 1979 404,384 11,364 48, 311 39,447 202,018 705,524 I 1980 439,424 6,494 55,663 58,055 200,158 759,794 1981 545, 308 12,014 59,599 49,694 199,359 865,974 I 1982 610,301 19,054 71,096 74,136 283,650 1,058,237 1983 688,169 31,434 29,691 60,581 154,624 964,499 I I I I I I I I I 53 I I TABLE ~ CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I I Per- Percent cent Of Of I Total Out- Delin- Tax stand- quent Percent Delin- Total Collec- ing Taxes I Of Levy quent Tax tions Delin- To Fiscal Co11ect- Co 11 ec- Co 11 ec- To quent Tax Year Tax Levy Co 11 ecti ons ed tions tions Tax Levy Taxes Levy I 1974 $122,994 $118,170 96.a $ 1,205 $ 119,375 97, a $ 3,386 2,8% 1975 163,199 162,103 99.3% 1,590 163,693 100.3% 3,077 1. 9% I 1976 190,996 189,521 99,2% 1,303 190,824 99.9% 3,214 1. 7% I 1977 204,034 199,876 98.0% 1,281 201,157 98,6% 5,990 2.9% 1978 229,872 228,366 99.3% 4,728 233,094 101.41, 2,748 1. 2% I 1979 244,187 243,451 99.71, 2,057 245,508 100,5% 1,427 ,6% 1980 255,125 252,928 99.1% 1,069 253,997 99,6% 2,384 .9% I 1981 353,056 341,102 96.6% 700 341,802 100,21, 11,711 3,31, I 1982 367,928 366,344 99,61, 12,120 378,464 102.91, 2,551 .7% 1983 420,897 414,341 98,4% 1,379 415,720 98.81, 7,810 1. 9% I I I I I I I 54 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS TABLE i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fiscal Estimated Levy Year Actual Assessment Assessed Tax Year ~ Values Percentaqe Valuations Rate Tax Levy 1974 9-30-74 $ 24,598,854 50% $ 12,299,427 $ 1. 00 $ 122,994 1975 9-30-75 32,639,736 50% 16,319,868 1. 00 163,199 1976 9-30-76 38,199,112 50% 19,099,556 1. 00 190,996 1977 9-30-77 40,806,822 50% 20,403,411 1. 00 204,034 1978 9-30-78 45,974,450 50% 22,987,225 1. 00 229,872 1979 9-30-79 48,837,400 50% 24,418,700 1.00 244,187 1980 9-30-80 51,025,000 50% 25,512,500 1. 00 255,125 1981 9-30-81 54,316,242 65% 35,305,557 1. 00 353,056 1982 9-30-82 57,488,887 100% 57,488,887 .64 367,928 1983 9-30-83 95,658,409 100% 95,658,409 .44 420,897 55 I TABLE ~ CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I PROPERTY TAX RATES - ALL OVERLAPPING GOVER~JMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I I County Year*** City Schoo 1 County State Road 50% 100% 25% 25% 25% I Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Rat€'" Rat€'" Rate Rate Rate I 1974 1. 00 1.15 ,80 .17 .30 1975 1. 00 1.15 ,80 .12 .30 I 1976 1. 00 1.30 ,80 .12 .30 1977 1. 00 1. 30 ,80 .10 ,30 I 1978 1. 00 1. 30 .80 ,10 .30 I 1979 1. 00 1. 30 ,80 .10 ,30 1980 1. 00 1. 37 ,80 ,30 .30 I 1981 1.00 1. 37 .80 .30 1982 ,64** ,81** .28** .06** I 1983 ,44** ,78** .25** .21** ,04** I I I I I I * All rates shown are per $100 assessed valuation, ** All taxing authorities adopted a 100% assessment for 1982 and after. I *** Year shown is the fiscal year of collection, Taxes were levied the previous calendar year. I 56 TABLE 2- I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS I RATIO OF NET BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I I Ratio of Net General I Fiscal Bonded Debt Bonded Year Estimated Assessed Net General To Assessed Debt Per Ended Population Value Bonded Debt Value Capita I 9-30-74 5,296 $ 12,299,427 $ 424,732 3,451, $ 80.20 9-30-75 5,615 16,319,868 640,926 3.93% 114.15 I 9-30-76 5,977 19,099,556 623,719 3,271, 104,35 9-30-77 6,301 20,403,411 607,190 2,981, 96,36 I 9-30-78 6,620 22,987,225 563,023 2,451, 85.05 I 9-30-79 6,874 24,418,700 543,366 2.231, 79,04 9-30-80 7,260 25,512,500 522,925 2,051, 72.03 I 9-30-81 7,672 35,305,557 649,975 1. 84~ 84,94 9-30-82 9,180 57,488,887 508,655 .881, 55.41 I 9-30-83 9,250 95,658,409 493,450 ,521, 53.35 I I I I I I I 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE Z. CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS OVERLAPPING DEBT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Percent Amount Net Debt Over- Overlap- Taxinq Body Amount As Of Lappinq pinq * Bexar County $ 20,698,282 1-01-83 , 00 l'k $ 206 * Bexar County Hospital Di stri ct 1,910,000 9-30-82 . 00l1, 19 * Cibolo Creek Municip~l Authority -0- 6-01-81 45,000% -0- * Coma 1 County 29,000 9-30-82 .520% 151 * Comal County Flood Control Bonds 541,000 12-31-B2 ,520% 2,813 * Coma 1 Independent School District 7,184,831 8-31-82 ,6901- 49,575 * Guadalupe County -0- 8-31-82 8.770'; -0- * San Antonio River Authority 20,564,380 9-30-82 .00l1, 206 * Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District 4,806,830 8-31-82 32,350% 1. 555. 010 Total net overlapping debt 1,607,980 City of Schertz 493,450 9-30-83 100.00 493.450 Total direct and overlap- ping debt (2,22% of assessed value- $289,37 per capita) $2,101,430 --------- --------- * Source of Data - Texas Municipal Reports, City of Schertz, compiled and published by Municipal Advisory Council of Texas, June 7, 1983, 58 () <:J" <T )> ::,- 3 -j -, 0 0 <T 0 '" It> <T => <T '" X X -. 0- '" 0 It> ~. '" It> It> <:I .., < 3 Ul Ul 0. <:I ;:j It> c: .., It> .., '" 0 0 '< Ul '" < 0. < <= l1> It> It> Cl ;:j .., <:J" It> '" '" ~, <T ", ;:j ~ Ul ~. en It> ~ <:I .., <:I CO 0 .., 0> rr '" CO ..." 0 0 ~ CO Ul 0 ~. <:I () <T rr <:I 0 It> '" :s ~. 0 < () ~ It> It> <:I l1> <T ..... Ul -., <= .., ~, <T '" 0 ~ < tr 3 '" '" '" "" It> 0 0 .., <T I-> Ul ;:j c It> -j ~, tr 0. ;:j :r 0 0 0 <T Ul <T ;:j f'T1 ;:j 0 => ::,- 0 0. It> 0 <T -< Ig ..." 3 ..." f'T1 en 0 l1> <= tr )>r <0 .., Ul Ul Ul "" 0 "'f'T1 Ul <T <T It> <= Cl () c '" => ;:j f'T1)> l'ii ~. It> '::: tr It> 0. 2r <T It> .., <:> ~. ~, '" tr f'T10 l~ It> .... Ul Ul ~ '< Of'T1 Ul ::,- e CD ~, It> tr 0 '" (f) -j <= <T 0. 3 '::: ;:j f'T1 ;:j -. '< ~$ 0. '" <:I <T It> ~, .., <T <<> 0. f'T1'" .., '" It> 0) ~, 3G1 () 0.. <T .., CD..... I~ .en IT ~. It> f'T12: "1 ~, <T 0 () '" 0 It> () 0 ;:j <T CO Ul It> w 0 e '" tr () CO ~ 0 ;:j 0 0 <:I <T ..." 0. => ;:j 0 0.. Ul I-> <:I ~. <T '" Ul <T <0 <= ;:j :s <:I 00 ~ It> <:I '" <T W '" <T .., :s <= <T :::r )> 0 ~. <T ~. It> <T < () ~. 0 <T l1> ::,- 0 ;:j 0 0.. ::l It> "1 3 '" < ;:j '" ~ 0 '< It> tr '< "1 '< '< 0 0 "1 .... G1 tr "" It> rr l1> I-> 0' ::l :s Ul It> It> <T en <T "1 ~. '" I~ 0 '" ~ Ul <T >< lfl Ul C <T <= <T ..." ..." ;:j '" It> 0 0 0 0 <T c.. .., "1 .., <T It> '< 100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I Fiscal I Year Endinq I 9-30-83 9-30-84 9-30-85 I 9-30-86 9-30-87 9-30-88 9-30-89 I 9-30-90 9-30-91 9-30-92 I 9-30-93 9-30-94 9-30-95 9-30-96 I 9-30-97 9-30-98 9-30-99 I 9-30-00 9-30-01 I Totals I I I I I I I TABLE 8-1 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS GENERAL BONDED DEBT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1983-2001 Outstanding Cash Requirements Pri ncipal Principal Interest Total Balance $ 512,000 $ 20,000 $ 28,287 $ 48,287 492,000' 21,000 27,297 48,2~? 471,000 21,000 26,233 47,233 .' 450,000 22,000 25,169 47,169 428,000 24,000 24,109 48,109 404,000 24,000 22,853 46,853 380,000 25,000 21,597 46,597 355,000 25,000 20,274 45,274 330,000 26,000 18,952 44,952 304,000 32,000 17,567 49,567 272, 000 33,000 15,786 48,786 239,000 35,000 13,944 48, 944 204,000 32,000 12,003 44,003 172,000 32,000 10,168 42,168 140,000 33,000 8,293 41,293 107,000 33,000 6,381 39,381 74,000 34,000 4,470 38,470 40,000 40.000 2.523 42.523 -0- $ 512,000 $ 305,906 $ 817,906 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ~'"'' 60 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEARS 1983-2001 TABLE 8-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fiscal Outstanding Year Cash Requirements Pri nci pa 1 Endinq Principal Interest Total Balance 9-30-83 $ 1,395,000 9-30-84 $ 30,000 $ 128,757 $ 158,757 1,365,000 9-30-85 30,000 125,758 155, 758 1,335,000 9-30-86 35,000 122,757 157,757 1,300,000 9-30-87 40,000 119,258 159,258 1,260,000 9-30-88 40,000 115,257 155,257 1,220,000 9-30-89 40,000 111,258 151,258 1,180,000 9-30-90 50,000 107,007 157,007 1,130,000 9-30-91 55,000 102,008 157,008 1,075,000 9-30-92 65,000 97,075 162,075 1,010,000 9-30-93 65,000 91,605 156,605 945,000 9-30-94 70,000 86,045 156,045 875,000 9-30-95 75,000 79,925 154,925 800,000 9-30-96 90,000 72, 977 162,977 710,000 9-30-97 105,000 64,560 169,560 605,000 9-30-98 120,000 54,910 174,910 485,000 9-30-99 105,000 44,810 149,810 380,000 9-30-00 160,000 35,150 195,150 220,000 9-30-01 220.000 20.350 240.350 -0- Totals $ 1,395,000 $ 1,579,467 $ 2,974,467 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FISCAL YEAR 1983 - 2005 TABLE 8-3 Fiscal Outstanding Year Cash Requirements Pri nci pa 1 Endinq Pri nci pa 1 Interest Total Balance 9-30-83 $ 1,265,000 9-30-84 $ 40,000 $ 94,497 $ 134,497 1,225,000 9-30-85 45,000 91,748 136,748 1,180,000 9-30-86 45,000 88,772 133,772 1,135,000 9-30-87 45,000 85,798 130,798 1,090,000 9-30-88 50,000 82,822 132,822 1,040,000 9-30-89 55,000 79,035 134,035 985,000 9-30-90 60,000 74,898 134,898 925,000 9-30-91 65,000 70,472 135,472 860,000 9-30-92 65,000 65,598 130,598 795,000 9-30-93 75,000 60,922 135,922 720.000 9-30-94 80,000 55,480 135,480 640,000 9-30-95 85,000 49,528 134,528 555,000 9-30-96 85,000 43,212 128,212 470,000 9-30-:-97 90,000 36,688 126,688 380,000 9-30-98 90,000 29,707 119,707 290,000 9-30-99 100,000 22,798 122,798 190,000 9-30-00 65,000 15, 100 80,100 125,000 9-30-01 25,000 9,250 34,250 100,000 9-30-02 25,000 7,400 32,400 75,000 9-30-03 25,000 5,550 30,550 50,000 9-30-04 25,000 3,700 28,700 25,000 9-30-05 25.000 1.850 26.850 -0- Totals $1,265,000 $1,074,825 $2,339,825 --------- --------- --------- --------- ----'----- --------- Average annual requirement $ 106,355 --------- --------- 62 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS TABLE i). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ratio Of Debt Service To Fi sca 1 Debt Service Genera 1 Year Pr i nci pa 1 Interest Total Debt Expenditures* Expenditures 1974 $ 15,000 $ 20,028 $ 35,028 $ 291,192 12,0% 1975 15,000 19,323 34,323 267,211 12.8% 1976 16, 000 35,138 51,138 338,131 15.1% 1977 16,000 34,388 50,388 422,544 12,0% 1978 18,000 33,717 51,717 508,305 10,2% 1979 17,000 32,827 49,827 671,677 7,4% 1980 18,000 31,953 49,953 717,651 7.0% 1981 18,000 31,035 49,035 775,445 6.3% 1982 18,000 30,131 48,131 885,568 5,4% 1983 19,000 29,227 48,227 913,082 5.3% * Includes General, Special Revenue, and Debt Service Funds, 63 I I I I I Fiscal Year I 1974 1975 I 1976 19n I 1978 I 1979 1980 I 1981 1982 I 1983 I I I I I I I I TABLE 10-1 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS WATER AND SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES BEFORE DEPRECIATION AND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Total Operating Operating Expenses Income Operating Before Before Revenues Depreci ati on Depreci ati on $ 267,897 $ 171,995 $ 95,901 354,273 212,248 142,025 375,871 232,619 143,252 418,764 248,527 170,237 436,557 299,119 137,438 460,283 331,060 129,223 570,084 369,545 200,539 579,530 413,616 165,914 710,818 475,356 235,462 793,279 493,880 299,399 64 TABLE 10-1 I I I I Debt Service Requirements Number of Customers I Pri nci pa 1 Interest Total Coveraqe Water Sewer $ 20,000 $ 37,317 $ 57,317 1. 67: 1 1,783 1,723 I 20,000 36,392 56,392 2.52:1 1,926 1,783 20,000 59,255 79,255 1. 81: 1 1,933 1,805 I 20,000 58,330 78,330 2.17:1 2,109 1,990 I 20,000 57,405 77,405 1. 78: 1 2,134 2,046 20,000 56,480 76,480 1. 68: 1 2,146 2,041 I 25,000 55,417 80,417 2.50:1 2,203 2,201 25,000 81,098 106, 098 1. 56: 1 2,207 2,060 I 35,000 99,073 134,073 1. 76: 1 2,214 2,151 I 40,000 111,360 151,360 1. 98: 1 2,246 2,055 I I I I I I I 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM FUND REVENUE BOND REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTED FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Interest and Sinkinq Fund Requirement Utility System Revenue Bonds. Series 1968: Principal payment, due 9-1-84 Interest payment, due 3-1-84 Utility System Revenue Bonds. Series 1973: Principal payment, due 9-1-84 Interest payment, due 3-1-84 Utility System Revenue Bonds. Series 1975: Principal payment, due 9-1-84 Interest payment, due 3-1-84 Utility System Revenue Bonds. Series 1982: Principal payment, due 9-1-84 Interest payment, due 3-1-84 Investment in certificate of deposit in Schertz Bank 30 day maturity Funds available over requirement 66 Annua 1 Pri nci pal/ Semi Annual Interest $ 20,000 9,325 4,884 5,000 10,925 15,000 22,115 TABLE 10-2 Requirement At September 30, Basis 1983 1/12th $ 1,667 1/6th 1,554 1/6th 1/12th 1/6th 1/12th 1/6th 814 417 1,821 1,250 3,686 11,209 12.424 $ 1,215 ------ ------ CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM FUND REVENUE BOND REQUIREMENTS AND RESTRICTED FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) TABLE 10-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Reserve Fund Requirement 1 1/2 times average annual principal and interest requirement $106,355 $ 159,532 Investments (at cost) Held ~ First International Bank of San Antonio U.S, Treasury Note - maturity 11-15-86 U.S. Treasury Note - maturity 5-15-87 Savings account Money market account $ 72,500 2,992 5 85,744 161.241 Funds available over (under) requirement $ 1,709 ------- ------- REVENUE BOND COVERAGE Deduct Average Cover- Year Operating Add Solid Waste "Net Bonded Debt age Ended Income Depreci ati on Revenue Revenues II Requirement Ratio 1983 118,779 180,620 25,976 273,423 $ 106,355 2.57 67 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Policy: Coverage: Po 1i cy: Coverage Term: Policy: Coverage: Term: Pol icy: Coverage: Term: Policy: Coverage: Term: Pol icy: Coverage: Term: Policy: Coverage: Term: Pol icy: Coverage: Term: Policy: Coverage: Term: Pol icy: Coverage: Term: CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS INSURANCE AND BOND COVERAGE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 TABLE li Associated Indemnity Corporation, No. LP-323-03-49 Comprehensive Automobile liability, $100/300,000 Bodily Injury, $50,000 Property Damage; Comprehensive, Fire, and Theft Coverage listed October 1, 1982 to October 1, 1983 Texas Municipal League A0437 Workmen's Compensation October 1, 1982 to October 1, 1983 American Standard Loyds, No. TMP 103-02-88 Fire and Extended Coverage, $1,236,380, and 80% Co-insurance, where applicable, on City Hall, Fire Station, and Police Stati on (i ncl udi ng contents), Metal Buil di ngs, Lift Stati ons, Water Tanks, Recreational Building, Council Chambers, Comfort Stati on, etc, October 1, 1982 to October 1, 1983 National Surety Corporation, Bond No. 5176479 Public Employee's Blanket Bond, $2,500 October 1, 1982 to October 1, 1985 Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Bond No, 9214888 Public Official Bond, City Manager and Treasurer, $20,000 September 10, 1979 - Indefinitely Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Bond No. 9407227 Public Official Bond, Tax Assessor-Collector, $10,000 April 10, 1977 - Indefinitely Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, Publ i c Off; ci al Bond, City Treasurer/Assistant City Manager, $10,000 December 18, 1976 - Indefinitely The Western Casualty and Surety Co, GP 26-654 Group Medical on Police Reserves February 1, 1983 to February 1, 1984 Bond No, 8943258 Secretary/Assistant Jefferson Insurance Company of New York AIL-4-6357 Ambulance Attendants Errors and Omissions Liability May 30, 1983 to May 30, 1984 Western Casualty and Surety Company VF986830 Accident and Medical Expense Volunteer Fire Department May 5, 1983 to May 5, 19B4 68 TABLE 12 I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS I LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS I Level In I Years Of Per Formal Schoo 1 Unemploy- Fiscal Popula- Capita Median Education Enrollment ment Year ti on (1) Income (2) Aqe (1) (3) (4) Rate (3) I 1974 5,296 3,008 44 10 1,012 5.2 I 1975 5,615 46 10 1,028 7,3 1976 5,977 5,795 44 11 1,040 7.4 I 1977 6,301 42 11 1,073 6,9 1978 6,620 6,511 42 12 1,109 6,3 I 1979 6,874 41 12 1,118 5.7 I 1980 7,260 6,714 41 12 1,182 6,6 1981 7,672 40 12 1,193 5,7 I 1982 9,180 est. 7,145 40 12 2,047 7.0 1983 9,250 est. 40 12 2,092 6.7 I I I I Sources: I (1) 1970 and 1980 Bureau of the Census Department of Planning, University of Texas I (2) Department of Economics, University of Texas U,S, Department of Labor (Information not available for odd years) I (3) Texas Employment Commission (4) Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School Dishid I 69 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS PROPERTY VALUE, CONSTRUCTION, AND BANK DEPOSITS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS TABLE 13 Fiscal Year Commerci a 1 Construct i on Number Of Units Value Value Resi denti al Constructi on Number Of Units 1974 7 $ 220,214 156 $ 2,765,194 1975 6 102,049 25 838,000 1976 12 412,925 34 874,500 1977 10 1,342,514 28 913,850 1978 6 658,025 26 1,157,700 1979 25 536,023 19 1,318,651 1980 13 338,730 15 212,845 1981 18 542,300 36 448,287 1982 28 788,616 13 785,000 1983 56 1,283,600 24 1,655,000 70 TABLE 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Total Bank Deposits Commerci a 1 Property Val ue* Res i denti a 1 Nontaxable $ 5,664,000 $ 4,395,006 $ 28,543,378 $ 2,105,700 7,001,000 4,881,008 33,511,836 2,105,700 8,176,000 5,113,560 39,041,471 2,600,210 9,306,000 6,337,357 40,943,855 3,410,500 10,805,000 6,410,141 43,845,145 3,410,500 11,934,000 6,633,643 46,019,088 3,485,200 14,642,000 7,061,640 48,148,602 3,505,100 19,047,000 11,139,943 48,800,602 3,710,200 26,664,000 12,050,973 49,708,602 3,770,200 29,743,OOO 13,249,751 50,960,220 4,120,300 Sources: City Building Inspection Records City Tax Records S. W. T. Research Center *Estimated actual value 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Taxpayer IYEg of Business 1983 Assessed Valuation Monotech Corporation Steel fabrication $ 5,809,683 Garden Ridge Pottery Wholesale and retail 2,229,200 Riedels, Inc, Commercial 2,113,694 Schertz Bank and Trust Bank 2,108,288 1,376,216 1,312,200 Val Verde Apartments Apartments Woodtech Corporation Wood treatment San Antonio Machine Commercial 569,315 510,080 494, B14 467,861 Southwestern Bell Telephone Kinzel Enterprises, Inc. Retirement lodge Wuest's Oak Park Grocery Chain Guadal upe Valley Electric Co-Op Electric Utility 437, 725 336.373 Country Food, Inc, Restaurant $ 17,765,449 ---------- ---------- 72 TABLE 14 Percentage Of Total Assessed Valuation 6,07'); 2.33'); 2,21'); 2,20% 1. 44% 1. 37% ,60% .5% ,52'); .49% .46% .35% 18.57'); CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Date of Incorporation: Date First Charter Adopted: Date Present Charter Adopted: Form of Government: Area - Square Miles: 1983 1982 1981 1980 1970 1960 1950 Miles of Streets and Alleys: Streets, paved Streets, unpaved A 11 eys Sidewalks Mil es of Sewer: Storm Sanitary Buildin9 Permits: Permits Issued 1983 19S2 1981 1980 1979 1978 19n 1976 1975 1974 400 375 186 181 173 204 205 205 181 397 Fire Protection: Number of stations Number of employees Number of volunteers 73 TABLE 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I December 1958 April 1974 Amended April 1979 Counci l-Manager 9.92 9,90 10,07 8.99 2.39 .80 ,80 44 miles 12 mil es 11. 6 miles 3.B miles 1 mil e 24.52 miles Value Of Buildings $ 5,411,680 2,470,000 1,444,500 725,977 2,057,214 2,164,972 3,385,380 1, 358, 938 1,176,217 3,295,808 1 10 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CO~JTINUED ) Police Protection: Number of employees Number of law violations: Traffi c Other Jail Vehicular patrol units Recreation: Parks Number of acres of parks Pl aygrounds Swimming pools Other recreational facilities: Baseba 11 fi e 1 ds Large pavilion Small pavil i on Picnic tables: Covered Uncovered Rest rooms: Male Female Concession stands Community center 10,000 sq, ft, 600 sp, ft, Source: City of Schertz records Educati on: Number of schools Samuel Clemens High School Administrative personnel Teachers Students Average daily attendance 0' Henry Middle School Admir.istrativ€ personnel Teachers Students Average daily attendance Schertz Elementary School Administrative personnel Teachers Students Average daily attendance Source: Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District 74 TABLE 15 14 2,574 523 o 8 4 64 1 1 4 covered covered 12 26 6 6 1 1 3 9 71 1,158 1,075 2 27 444 423 1 34 490 434 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) City Employees: 30 September 1983 Elections: Number of registered voters Number of votes in: Last municipal election Percentage of registered voters voting in: Last municipal election Source: Municipal election records Popul ati on: Census population count 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 Age distribution: Under 5 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-60 60 + 1980 8,4 21.4 17.3 29.1 15,3 9,5 1970 10.3 24.0 18,0 27,4 11. 6 8,6 Source: 1980 Census and Economic Research Associates Current population estimate Source: Texas Industrial Commission 75 TABLE 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 44 3,096 415 13,41, 7,260 4,061 2,281 1,200 600 350 1960 12.2 26,3 19,1 25.0 9,3 8,1 1950 12.8 26,7 20.9 25.3 7.1 7.2 9,250 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Retail Sales: 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 (CONTINUED) Source: State Comptroller Per Capita Income: 1983 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 Source: U,S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Texas Employment Commission 76 TABLE 15 $ 18,635,100 16,057,717 13,295,400 12,622,600 10,790,600 9,368,000 7,378,700 7,012,700 4,412,000 4,080,000 $ 7,145 7,145 6,714 6,511 5,795 3,008 2,639