October 10, 2018
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on October 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas.
Michael Dahle, Chairman
Richard Braud
Ken Greenwald
Glen Outlaw
Gordon Rae
LaDonna Bacon
Ernie Evans, Vice Chairman
1. Call To Order:
Lesa Wood, Director of Planning &Community Dev.
Tiffany Danhof, Executive Assistant
Bryce Cox, Senior Planner
Emily Grobe, Planner
Nick Koplyay, Planner
Scott McClelland, Project Manager
Dudley Wait, Executive Director
Thomas Pinder, Fire Marshal
Kade Long, Fire Chief
Dan Santee, City Attorney
Mr. Dahle called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.
2. Hear of Residents:
There were no residents who spoke.
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes for the September 26, 2018 regular meetings.
B. PC2018 -040
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a final plat of the Guastafierro
Subdivision, an approximately 5 acre tract of land located at 6197 Pfeil Road, City of
Schertz, Bexar County.
C. PC2018 -036
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a final plat of the Wynter Hill
Subdivision Lot 7 and 9, Block 2, an approximately 0.343 acre tract of land located at the
intersection of Daylan Heights and Harper Run, City of Schertz, Guadalupe County.
There was no discussion.
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 10, 2018
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Mr. Braud motioned to approve item September 26, 2018 regular meeting, PC2018 -040,
and PC2018 -036. Mr. Rae second the motion. The vote was 6 -0, motion carried.
4. Items for Individual Consideration:
A. PC2018 -022
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a preliminary plat for the Fresenius
Medical Care subdivision, an approximate 1.5 acre tract of land generally located
approximately 220 feet southeast of the intersection of E. Live Oak Road and FM 3009,
Guadalupe County, Texas.
There was a brief discussion.
Mr. Greenwald motioned to table item PC2018 -022. Mr. Rae second the motion. The
vote was 5 -1 with one nay vote from Mr. Outlaw, motion carried.
B. WA2017 -006
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a waiver to not connect to the Public
Wastewater System for the Corbett Booster Station Subdivision, an approximate 4.2 acre
tract of land generally located approximately 1000 feet northeast of the intersection of
Alsatian Way and Ray Corbett Drive, Bexar County, Texas.
There was a brief discussion.
Mr. Outlaw motioned to approve item WA2017 -006 with the condition that if further
development occurs which would require sanitary sewer facilities, that the applicant
would have to apply for OSSF wavier or to connect to sanitary sewer. Mr. Rae second
the motion. The vote was 6 -0, motion carried.
C. PC2017 -018
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a preliminary plat for the Corbett
Booster Station Subdivision, an approximate 4.2 acre tract of land generally located
approximately 1000 feet northeast of the intersection of Alsatian Way and Ray Corbett
Drive, Bexar County, Texas.
There was a brief discussion.
Mr. Outlaw motioned to approve item PC2017 -018. Mr. Greenwald second the motion.
The vote was 6 -0, motion carried.
5. Public Hearing:
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 10, 2018
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A. ZC2018 -004
Hold a public hearing, consider and make a recommendation on an amendment of Part III,
Schertz Codes of Ordinances, Unified Development Code (UDC), to Article 8 Special
Uses and General Regulations, Subsection 21.8.2 Accessory Buildings, Uses and
Structures associated Code of Ordinance amendment
** *Tabled at the August 22, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting * **
Mr. Outlaw motioned to un- tabled item PC2017 -018. Mr. Braud second the motion. The
vote was 6 -0, motion carried.
Public Hearing was opened at 6:36 P.M.
Tony Paulson- 120 Thomas Edison Dr. Spoke on agenda item ZC2018 -004.
Public Hearing was closed at 6:38 P.M.
There was a lengthy discussion.
Mr. Outlaw motioned to forward to City Council a recommendation of approval of item
PC2017 -018 with conditions to amend section M to read accessory buildings, uses, and
structures shall conform to applicable provisions of city adopted codes to include
residential and commercial building codes and fire code with revisions as stated by Staff.
Mr. Braud second the motion. The vote was 5 -1 with one nay vote from Mr. Greenwald,
motion carried.
4. Items for Individual Consideration:
A. PC2018 -022
Consider and act upon a request for approval of a preliminary plat for the Fresenius
Medical Care subdivision, an approximate 1.5 acre tract of land generally located
approximately 220 feet southeast of the intersection of E. Live Oak Road and FM 3009,
Guadalupe County, Texas.
Staff requested the item be removed from the table and reheard.
Mr. Outlaw motioned to un -table item PC2018 -022. Mr. Greenwald second the motion.
The vote was 6 -0, motion was un- tabled.
There was a brief discussion.
Mr. Greenwald motioned to approve item PC2018 -022. Mrs. Bacon second the motion.
The vote was 6 -0, motioned carried.
6. Workshop and Discussion:
A. Discussion on UDC Sec.21.8.2 related to Automatic Teller Machines
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 10, 2018
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There was brief discussion with City Staff and Commissioners.
Commissioners requested staff to gather more information on other cities requirements
on Automatic Teller Machine and propose a UDC amendment to allow drive thru
Automatic Teller Machines with the appropriate regulations.
B. Tablet training
There was lengthy training and discussion.
7. Requests and Announcements:
A. Requests by Commissioners to place items on a future Planning and Zoning Agenda.
There were no requests by Commissioners.
B. Announcements by Commissioners.
• City and community events attended and to be attended
• Continuing education events attended and to be attended
There were announcements by Commissioners.
C. Announcements by City Staff.
• City and community events attended and to be attended.
• NEW SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS: There were no new site plan
applications submitted to the Planning and Community Development
Department between September 21, 2018 and October 5, 2018.
There were announcements by City Staff.
8. Adjournment of the regular meeting:
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M.
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Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Planning and Zoning Commission
October 10, 2018
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Reco o ii g Secretary, City of c ertz