ORDINANCE NO. 111 & 114 ANNEXATIONCTY K OMWITEs 7MAQ OP MaTAIN PM I HEARING: AM BE 11 ORDAINED BY TUF CITY COUNCIL 01" 1"1'-!'1"1'1--'11' 1"]1-1"1"---'1� 'Dn the - dqy of 3113964 a Wuncil Chamber Of the StY Hall of the Git, of Schertz, Texao the Aty Gouncil 7- ,t,M hold a puJ310 hearing giving all irtersatod persons the right to 4ppaar arnk*, be heard on the proposed annexation b-,,- tlnr A- -ty of jQhertzp Texas of the follow- ing described propeitr, to vit� 31 3 N?"'.-"N "','-2"-',KJ at a, Paint in the Allen F. Majert field i. 30 degrees 131 67198*8 ft. froo the Northerly 11me oi ; dagrues 13 ninutea 1, at 100.0 J`too 1"'C',l 11"'o i'mwvlluflaxn. I of the Allen A. Aagert W"! jo TIHN,,'IffiCP`E "" 6"""' def-"—noaa Ll Q 320,0 ft. to u'�' :-L.;n� the 61.',Lvi, cir line of tllhie i',',21�m T. Jtegert aQd Ag j. Triezenhahn propertiea; T ,L'111' �,4 30 dograea 13 -i'ttjant' t?z a i"&t IM's ft., ogntinuing an to a Point in the Men A hingort field; 379 VOL PAGE y Tffff":NK;E' 60 de:,-mes ;'J"e 321`D%0 ft, to the place of jzs1i4ING. iection 2* The ijyzz of the Aty of 'un-oh"Ic-'rtz .1 1'wrraby a,uuthvrizud,. aaid cU- mvcted to cavzfe notice of outh , paper having general circulation n the City and in the ancom �� scribed tarr-,t�ry mot more than twenly L now leza than ten days price to the date of such pub- lie bearing, all in accor?anmai -the Annexation oct C?haptar 1600 Acts of the AM legislawrej legular Masi on, 1963; compiled as 970as Tornon"S, Texu civil statutes)q- Mation 3. The Spartance of this ordinance creates an emergency and an "Perat" Wlic ncca5sl? that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at three aeveTav Meetimps be suapendWs aM thiz rule is hereby sus, pabded2 and the on ance dwiall take effect and be in 0rce from and after Its Motion. -at 511SED AND AM071*1 th"I's the, ��af ATITIT: t and Lity a �iclylrtz'2 Weetizge-Z VOL PAGE1.00i it, the MaJON'ty', of t e prc�j. rt nwnew and qualifled wteru of the foil o0wa-, MuMbed tarritorn'rS, ad'�Olrz the city limits awn is niot tialf rd,11s, in Adith., ,,r gear horwraile WAY to n,ten d the preeam', city limits a" af'i t',-4 at a pKat In the Qllwn J' -art f tip A 30 dwreas 798*0 ft* from the Northerly a-i"' 1,1v -and �` iTiabd' 1-1, WHO H, 31 degrees 13 minutes !- at VMS ftvp to the dwson une of ":,'. Aslert and 2. j. FrIazenhAnn preparlday MM N. 60 digreso 11 minutes A 3200 ft. to a Q., a. In the d1vialloark line of the Allen A plepert and 0. j* "Moa�a N n 310 danywas 13 minstee A. at c. ont-tunaing co-, to a Point in the Qlem rt ftk�.',Q.di 4,;. 320*3 ft. tcy 11-ho, isp and aaah Q-d' UiSp arTd' aa -, above deacro'S WrTRaqv awnxi are qualified to vote for mapbezvn of t1a Statz Lapialsture; ane hayo aq;rQased our Volve W vote by MUMC our zjmature,,-, to t1da zvd,'er , "I't appreprIate heading 6elow* THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF GUADALUPE I BEFORE ME, We undersigned authority, in and for said Counto-i on this day personally appeared Von &,, A A TE7 STATE OF TEXAS 0 CO)UNTY OF ('KJA7t,)AL11,FE, i BEFORE M!,.tbe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Court.-T and State, on this day personally appeared and =717,70171FAR to to the foregoing instrument, and acknowladged to me that they each ax- aouted the aaamie for the purposes and conzAheration therein expreased'' and tie said 0 WA of the said 171-3,17—emmired by me priNily 777--tapparl ,777 WITAFEW37.7aFTEFUng thz same fullv- explaimed to hmar,, she, t1lle said acknowledged soda instrument to be her act anU-30077037773070a that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration tberein ex p--reased3 and that ahe dtld not wish to retract GIVE W;1" b NDF411 Iff HAND LNG SEW, i.Dri r-TFD--,Z t1ais the day Of 3ua-dalupe Count�yr,,� Texas foregoing inatrugRnt, and acknowledged to me that We executed the same for the purposes and oonsideration Wrein exprelsed. GIVEN UITW HT HAND AND WAL OF WITE" this A.D. 19 Tow Notary ru I at gr"T Guadalupc 3ounty, TE7 STATE OF TEXAS 0 CO)UNTY OF ('KJA7t,)AL11,FE, i BEFORE M!,.tbe undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Court.-T and State, on this day personally appeared and =717,70171FAR to to the foregoing instrument, and acknowladged to me that they each ax- aouted the aaamie for the purposes and conzAheration therein expreased'' and tie said 0 WA of the said 171-3,17—emmired by me priNily 777--tapparl ,777 WITAFEW37.7aFTEFUng thz same fullv- explaimed to hmar,, she, t1lle said acknowledged soda instrument to be her act anU-30077037773070a that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration tberein ex p--reased3 and that ahe dtld not wish to retract GIVE W;1" b NDF411 Iff HAND LNG SEW, i.Dri r-TFD--,Z t1ais the day Of 3ua-dalupe Count�yr,,� Texas THE STATE OF TEXAa i 09UNTY OF GUADALUPE V24, STATE OT," TBIAS COTIM"Y OF ?5JARALTM3, Guadalupe county, QxaB CITY OF SGHZRTZ WUNTY DY GADILURE RATE 0? Mr C S a T 1 F i Z A T 2 1, G. W. Fickrell, hereby certify that the afuragaing are true ano correct copias of ordinances and allied papers. i c, - r el 1 City Secretary July 16, 1965 (Seal" tilt ........... . . . . . . . . VOL 37713 PbrE J 6". t7 1111,17RTSTSD PEW% M&Tg Av MY of Schertzo Swaa groposmv to ina""'itz"to 'anznio %,a anlar,�. &ad extend toe onadmyr lindIs of amic", ua' kX', 'z'" loving dewribed t';"' 'aditl WYKIN 13 nlnute* A 679hat ft* from the Mortharly Sne o!" ithe UF Clel N* 30 c�8',XVCS 13 wkutaa W- 9t 12110 Mop to the dMalon JS ile of tba Allen yy Anyort and d. j. YrIcaunhahn propertias; 11 minutes 2. 320.0 ft. ta"a a D y U"'te diviait-W, Unc 0-1"' 'the A]2,rark J4 jr o ��Moa 13 ",dxkudbes Bo at 12430 ft., vaninuing on tj a PoInt In the Allen 04 Siagert Weld.1 is 32100 ft. ti"-' thm"N A ' - 35X,.ka ' �4'y ct Deborty Texas on the day of V, 19% at bloo P,m, in of the MY poll of W vlh persous M11 auch MUMS M21 bmvv the RAL to sppcar and be hoard, Q all said matters and thlogap all persona interested In tha things and Ma tava here. in tw a ior c-"'v 'eal - ay order of, the ,"-Ity 1, of d + j t1he d1c,r 4 Pp'' O J- J, ORDIXANcr ro. -t'i- AINNUM9 TRI RRRF1XA5T1-", CITY 35 AS W- -3AII) P MWI s . OF SAID PROP- F ly A11,11.. 7`77' .Z is E I '."',' � UP THO AOT13 RMLAIRM W WID 011Y. a peti:Uon haa been si- od by , miujozfty of the pzwperty owirar'U who are citizens of the State W Taxw and inhabitanta tif -"k7a- criked tarritoryo to-Witz MINNING &L a pQint in the Allen A MeSert field A 30 dayreez 1.1.3 Unutea 7, 679108 ft, from the line of the 4estland Su3divin0nj -o ce the Allen R. Negert and 34 J4 MUMS No 60 deprel-a 13 A 320.0 ft. to a paint in the MMUnAl n - line of the °t3 rt, s 13 'vn ixtez �o at 120,0 ft.,% cc'�Vutf-nug"' �3- 30 uln to a pulpt in then, 1-7. rt, TUN CE So 60 degrees W. 320-0 ft. to the place of WGINKINC. UTEREAQ said territory is adjoining the City of Whertz, and d N, z:,? he a e:T 3aid petition, desiring and requeatin�,; Lunn �a, territory to sald city, has beea presented to i "{.i y and haa attajhe--�rj' to it the affidavit of three (3) of said applicanta to the effect that said petition 0 signed by-a majarity ol the qpalified votery within such preparly; VOL 3 79 P A G E 10- Rat the following dawribed property, to-wW WIMMUG at a point in the Allen Rv Liagart Mald R. 3D degrees 13 ainmtez A 679W ft. from the, iaorl Orly Une kv, the '- 31-1=d TMUM U. Y) degreee 13 niqwW I. at 12140 O ft,, " to Uae' etiviaicn Unet of the Allen 1. Aegert and 04 J. Meannhshm pr,orties3 � 'E.,"N", i�- 60 degivea 11 minutea E. 30-0 fte to a povLnt' in' the., divlaix�n line of the Allea He Aa7ert and Q. J. Nie,,zenhah"n TIT" "' S, 30 decrees 13 indir.1--tes at 1240.0 f%, continuing on to a point in the Allen H. Biegert fteld; TAMW A. 60 degrees A 3206G ft. to "Jae -k place, of be and the same is hersb7 annexed.to the City V icher% Quadalupe Gownty'. Taxa6$ and that the boundary 100a of the Citpy of �adherta be end the sanw- art haveir emtended to indlude the above deawribed territary within the cittY, 101% of the City of ichertzo and the aame W21 hereafter be Included wit-hin the territorial 1005 of a0d ci#, and the, inha"Ibit"'Mto thezvot Whall hervafter to entitled to all Ajhts and privilagez of other citizens of She City of Ahertz and thoy W11 be bound oy the acts, ordinanves, rezolutione arK regalations of Laid VQ7 ty-S MAD by an affirnative vote of all members of the IMF Douncil, thia the --b .j� g ;.J� of CAjvL,Lrjp k-D., 1961. yCy C vc?", O bpi