ORDINANCE 1231 1 0__RD!.T'j_'1_CE 110. 123 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SCH-L]RTZ, TELIS, EXTEj7DING THE EXT?a ERRI TORIAL jURISDICTIOIJ OF SUCH CITY .'-',ND DE3!G1\jiTING SUCH TRACTS OF LAND INOLUDED WITHIN SUCH CITY TERRITORI��_' jURISDICTIMIN, 'WHEREAS, those certain proper-15y owners as shown by copies of contracts extending extra territorial jurisdiction of the City of Schertz, Texas, hereto a-c-rached, have requeSted that their tracts of land situated in Guadalupe Cotur ^ty, Tex,,s, more fully described in copies of such contracts attached, be included within the territory over which the City of Schertz, Texas, exercises evt-ra territorial jurisdiction for all purposes as set out in Article 970; of Texas; AND IIFHEIREi%,S, the said tracts of ]-and are cont-;zuous to and (partially within) are bounded on the South by ianes in the extra territorial jur- isdiction of the City of Schertz, Texas, ^nd inclusion of t tcerri-cory above mentioned. The remaining territory mentioned does not C­Infllict eit�_ the existing extra terri'1_­_)rJ_ra1 Juzrisdi,�- ' -)n c' otn-er Clil,y; I - be e �' -* -�_ -1,T U o 1, -_� 1 4 7 - - I . -a r, ; ty NOW, THEREFORE, U 'Df, t"', of Schertz, Texas: 1. Th;;t the tract& of It— 1-1erein acove mentioned parties, described in c 1-e cc'._ c C11 conf­--?,Cts recuesting extra territcrial itirl',Sdiczion h,reto a,-tached, be 4nclu-ed a C'Ve -C� Z C4,--,T �,f _XaS with�in the te=-tory, 0 .1_1 exercises extra territorial for all pu.--ocses as , set out in 01 i-. 70a V^. of 1",exa� 2. The boundaries Of the s-id -tracc, of Land; fo==E� a con- tiguous area, also cc: itil,o-uous -_0 lands also new in the extra territorial Juriadf-,ction o th-e City of - Schertz, Texas, are 7 - described in t':-.,e 3 'L con­. ra c-,- e-�r"_ra erg - 4 torial Jur-1-sdin-ion 'Ite-,--eto attache: znd made a part hereof. TU, PASSED APPROVE-i) this Ft 0 h day y C) Citty See-_ -?tary -av � �r