20190228 Minutes SEDC Board Reg Mo MtgMINUTES "II URSDAY, FEBRUARY 28,2019 '-fKe-UiTy­61 Schertz EconomicwNevelopment Corporation (NE#L'J-b-o-a-r-d-o-1 N4rectors met for a &jegul7r Monthly Meeting on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, Building No. 4, Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. This is an open meeting, subject to the open meeting laws of the State of Texas. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll call and recognition of visitors. Board President Macaluso called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone in attendance. Board Members absent: Daniel Ortega Others present: Debbie Fraser, Cody Wheeler, and Sharon Mercer. Staff: Kyle Kinateder - Executive Director Patty or - Executive Assistant Drew Vincent - Analyst Jennifer Kolbe - Business Retention Manager Dr. Mark Browne - City Manager Habib Erkan Jr. - City Attorney Office 2. Public comment. This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board. Each person should fill out the Citizen's to be Heard registry form prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. The presiding officer, during the Public Comment portion of the agenda, will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered. Its I Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to wit: O'Na"Um IN V10W. A I VAL, L"; toil Merl mm Innallignu-Nnomm I m uq UN . a 4 Ly PRESENTATIONS 5. SEDC monthly financial statement: January 2019. (J. Walters) Mr. Walters reported that sales taxes have decreased 9.0% from January 2018. The sales taxes have been growing in the double digits for almost a year and it has been expected a slow down or a negative month would occur sooner or later as a "return to normal" scenario. For the fiscal year sales taxes are still up 4.9% over last year at this time. There were no notable expenses in January and overall expenses were low. mmm� Ms. Kolbe made reference to the information provided in the board packet. She informed the Boa on the completion of the business needs assessment which helps to identify resource! • I I I 1 1 IN 'M I I �I I� I 111111111 IIIIIIIIIIrli IMF barriers and develop strategic actions according to the adopted Business Retention Plan. She went over the updates on the key performance indicators for the October-December 2018 period: the SEDC held one roundtable for manufacturers and warehouse and distribution companies, visited four businesses, and worked with the Post Office on the installment of a new mail box cluster for several primary job employers located along Commercial Place road in Schertz. 1111=1111111,111111 Toorm "1#J=MKN= ITEMS FOR IT-1 DIUWAL COI T1011 11 . Consider/Discuss/Act on SEDC Resolution No. 2019-3 for the approval of the Independent Auditor's Report for the SEDC Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended September 30, 2018. (Deborah Fraser, CPA/Armstrong, Vaughn and Associates) Ms. Fraser, Armstrong, Vaughan & Associates, P.C., performed the audit. Ms. Fraser stated that there were no changes made from the draft report submitted in the board packet. The financial statements presented fairly in all material respects. The report shows one modified adjustment to record the loss of the building that was bulldozed at the SEDC property located at 1300 Schertz Parkwatt Ms. Fraser %rovided of the SEDC's financial activitit for the fiscal ear ended September 30, 2018 as follows: The SEC's net position was 17.9 million The SEDC's general fund total revenues were $4.5 million, while total expense (including transfers to and from the City) were $1.9 million. Ms. Fraser directed the Board to review the information listed on page No. 19 of the report: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change Fund Balance Budget and Actual statement. Ms. Fraser closed her presentation stating that the SEDC did not exceed the budgeted expenditures during 2018 and there were no comments • the Governance Letter. A motion to approve the SEDC Resolution No. 2019-3 was made by Mr. Richard. Seconded • Mr. Hamilton. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Consider/Discuss/Act on approval of the minutes for the Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, January 24, 2019. (P. Horan) President Macaluso asked if there were any questions or corrections to be made to the Minutes. No questions or corrections were asked. Mx. Macaluso requested a correction on his title listed under the roll call and recognition of visito There were no other corrections requested. I Dim =0 of - I on Thursday, January 24, 2019 was made by Mr. Richard. Seconded by Mx. Hamilton. Moti passed unanimously. I ,m I I SON I I a IM R614) 00 411 tw VXI&Trvj RM #IQ I I a X.73 ff a .41 1 -- . V loser A motion to approve the SEDC Resolution No. 2019-4 for approval • the First Amend I men I the Economic Development Performance Agreement with Schertz 312 LLC was made • It Morrill. Seconded by Mr. Hamilton. Motion passed unanimously. I 14. REQUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The following announcements were made by the staff: A. Announcements • staff- * Wilenchik Walk for Life — March 2, 2019 mmms��� 11 lqlg1;11 � IF 1 9 1 IT I 111111mill I Jill 1 11 111 1 11 1 1111111 11 11111111 gror-MarfrilE.T.M. Ig Il W-1111111elrell v lip 0 It - 1 4#9 Z • I , -