2007S06-Rezoning 07-5-06 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE 96-S-28 BY REZONING 19.579:t ACRES OUT OF THE GENOBERA MALPAZ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 221, IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, SCHERTZ, TEXAS FROM GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (GB) AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES DISTRICT (NS) TO MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-4 DISTRICT (R-4) AND GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (GB); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT, UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended in the following manner. SECTION I "Rezoning 19.579:t acres being situated out ofthe Genobera Malpaz Survey, Abstract No. 221, Guadalupe County, Schertz Texas, more particularly described in the Field Notes and Map, as attached hereto as Exhibit A, trom General Business District (GB) and Neighborhood Services District (NS) to Multi-Family Residential-4 (R-4) and Neighborhood Services District (NS). SECTION II THAT, The Zoning District Map described and referred to in Article III, of the UDC, Ordinance 96-S-28 shall be changed to ret1ect the above amendments. ZC2006-015 FM3009 & ElbeJ Rd (19.580 ac) SECTION ill THAT this Ordinance shall be effective from and after its final passage and any publication required by the City of Schertz. SECTION IV THAT all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved on first reading the !) h <!" day of .J a...N . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED the .;1.3 x.t2 day of .2007. d 14;0/. .2007. c2 !<<ayor, Ci(y of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: a~~L ~! ~A,/ ~ary, City of Schertz, Texas (SEAL OF THE CITY) ZC2006-015 FM3009 & Ethel Rd (19.580 00) r;;'\ C;:nj~",l f't)'{:Wl,V N.::-th Carter~Burgess S"ite 17.5 :>-m\ ;"0:"'''0, TX'S:.!'5t. :;(;6':; r~h<Jn" '2 ~ (1 <194 0-1.1B8 ;'''~, '2 I,] j,<:'>4j.5",~ A Metes and Bounds Description of 6.365 Acres .~"""., ,..,; ';'JI" Being ;l 6.365 al.:le 1277,l~O square fOOL) lfact of land out uf a 19.580 d,1,;n: tracl rCl.:un.led in Volume- 211:)8, Page g34 of the Official Public Rn.dHb. (iuadalup~ County. Tcxa~, being ~ilUaled in the (Jenobera Malpaz Survey No 67. Ab!)[rad No. 221, in the City of Schertz. Guadalupe County, Te:<..a~. said fi.3f15 acres being more particularly de...cribed as folluws: BEGINNING: at a found I"square iron bar on the southwest right-of-way lioe of PM. 3009 (Roy Richard Drive). a variable width right-of-way. 120-foot minimum width as recorded in Volume 399. Page 463 of the Deed Records, Guadalupe County, Texas, at engineer's station 140-HJ6.75 offset 60.()() feet Right on the Texas Depanment of Tran.sponation Righl-{)f-way Map titled "Guadalupe County PM. Highway No. 3009". dated October 5. 1989. the southerly cut back corner at the intersection of PM. 3009 (Roy Richard Drive), and Elbel Road an 80-foot right-of-way recorded in Volume 6, Page 394 of the Plat Records. Guadalupe County. Texas, the northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: S 30024'58" E, along and with the southwest right-of-way line of F.M 3009 (Roy Richard Drive), a distance of 473.11 feet to a set y," iron rod witb an orange plastic cap marked "C&B-S.A. PROP COR", the east corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: S 59035"47" Vol. departing the southwest right-of-way line of EM. 3009 (Roy Ril.:hard Drive), a distance of 531 .04 feet to a set I/l" iron rud with an orange plasti!; !;ap marked "C&B-S.A. PROP COR", on the nonheast Line of an 11.852 acre tract recorded in Volume 1995. Page 916 of the Official Public Records, Guadalupe County, Texas, the south corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: N 30029'31" W, along and with the northeast line of the aforementioned 11.852 acre tract. a distance of 525.45 feet to a set 112" iron rod with an oran.ge plastic cap marked "C&B~S.A. PROP COR" on the southeast right-of-way line of Blbel Road, the north corner of the aforementioned 11.852 acre tract, the west corner of the herein described tract; THENCE: N 59'52'45" E, along and with the southeast line of Elbel Road. a distance of 481.75 feet to a found '''square iron bar, on the southwest right-of-way line of PM. 3009 (Roy Richard Drive). the northerly cutback corner at the intersection of F.M. 3(X)9 (Roy Richard Drive) and Elbel Road, the nonh comer of the herein described tract; THENCE: S 75026'00" E, depaning the soutbeast right-of-way line of Elbel Road. along and with the southwest right-of-way of PM. 3009(Roy Richard Drive), a distance of 70.70 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 6.365 acres more or less, said tract being described in accordance with a survey made on the ground under my supervision and prepared by Carter & Burgess. Inc. The basis of bearing for this survey is the Texas Stale Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone North American Datum of 1983(93) HARN Grid Bearings. ~:~;;K;[' ~e{Jte accompanies this metes and bounds d~'Cr:~i: Adrian~. Reyes U Re-gistered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 5806 S,\310484.012-FM3009@ELBEL RD\Doc,\ M&B~0365AC.doc Page I of I COr1t:' ij.. f;vl'g.;'i~ hH.. COfl.;:( &. B"'(H"'~~ C(,l'l~'-,H"nh. il"o', C....B Ar{,btGd~/E!)gin,,*15, ll'!c C8.B .A]i.~;~tlct~:Engi~:ec'~, ~C, (':&3 NOH,dtJ, I(~~ Carter'!Burgess "!' C~"l>"d '~t)(~"))' Nc,:rh ;",;t~ ,n:. :;,;t;~ Af't~~r"(,, .;.~ ~(j,'3,,:-:_,J{.:. A Metes and Bounds Description of a 13.214 Acre Tract Ph,,-,'), './ i 04<;"; <j(;IH< f." -;:0...<).' J,,',;-, "'V.~" : <;\ ~"r" Being a 13.214 acre (575,635 square foot) tract of land out of a 19.580 acre tract recorded in Volume 2188. Page 834 of me Official Public Records. Guadalupe County. Texas. heing situated in the Genobera Malpaz Survey No. 67. Abstract No. 221, in the City of Sch(;:rtz.. Guadalupe Count). Texas, said 6.365 a...res b..:ing mon: partkularly de<;l.:ribed as follows. COMMENCING: at 3 found I--square iron bar on the southwest ri.ght-ot.way line of 1-.M. JOOY (Roy Richard Drive), a variable width right-or-way, 1:20-foot minimum \vidth a~ recorded in Volume .399. Page 463 of the Deed Records. Guadalupe County. Te,a" at engineer, station 140+06.75 offset 60.00 feet Right on the Texas Depanment of Transportation Right~of-way Map titled "Guadalupe County EM. Highway No. 3009". dated October 5. 1989. the southerly cut back comer at the intersection of EM. 3(X>9 (Roy Richard Drive), and Etbel Road an 80-fom right-of-way recorded in Volume 6. Page 394 of the Plat Records, Guadalupe County, Texas; S 30024'58" E, along and with the southwest right-of.way line ofF.M 3009 (Roy Richard Drive), a distance, of 47 3.11 feet to a set '12" iron rod with an orange plastic cap marked "C&B-S,A. PROP COR". the POINT OF BEGINNING and the north comer of the herein described tract; S 30'24'58" E. along and with the southwest right-of-way line of F.M 3009 (Roy Richard Drive). a distance of 1093.68 feet to a found '/2" iron rod with a plastic (,,'ap marked "FORD ENG:' the northea~t corner of a 11.582 acre tracl r<<:ordcd in V olurne 1995. Page 916 of the Deed Records, Guadalupe County, Texas, the east corner of the herein described tract; S 59<'>34'57" W, departing the southwe.,t right-()f~way line of FM 3009 (Roy Richard Drive), along and with the northwest line of the aforementioned I J .582 acre tract, a distance of 3R6.75 feet to a found h" iron rod with a plastic l:ap marked ''FORD ENG:', the beginning of a curve to the right; Along and with the aforementioned 11.582 acre tract the following courses and distan(:e~: 224.43 feet along and with the curve to the right having a radius of 143.00 feet, a central angle of 89055'24", and a chord bearing and distance of N 75021'13" W, 202.10 feet to a found W' iron rod with a plastic cap marked "FORD ENG."; N 30"29' 37" Vol', a distance of 951.00 ket to a set ~Y' iron rod with an orange plastic cap marked "C&B-S.A. PROP COR.". on the south right-of-way line of Elbel Road; N 59035'41" E, along and with the south right-of-way line ofElbel Road, a distance of 531.04 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 13.2l4 acres more or tess. said tract being described in accordance with a survey made on the ground under my supervision and prepared by Carter & Burgess. Inc. The basis of bearing for this survey is the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone North American Dalllm of 1983(93) HARN Grid Bearings. A survey map of evenr accompanies this metes and bo~dSJ!E~~~:i~n. Nove .~ 27, 2006 IA- OF ~.. _ ~y' ,t' jk' ",~~is'i-i,'J.\t; ~ . - U . 0:,<, * ~()'.ll' ~ Adnan E. Reyes ,: ......,..........u....:.... Registered Professional Land Surveyor '\ . !19R!!\.~ '~" f\.~Y~t;< . Texa, Registration No. 5806 \ ~.~ 5806.,,: ..' \ <:: ,.~'&ss~v;.~ H110484.012.FM3009@ELBF.LRD\Docs\M&B-4.617AC.doc '\ ~'lii."'~"".:c.~. . dI '. S~ /~V "jt;t1' THENCE; THENCE: THENCE: THENCE: THENCE: Page I of I ;':',)r~.'j & f)'J'-Q':~~, ;,K C;od'.!, i" R'.i".,.es~ c..)I"I.JH~1ilt' C9.~ An:h;ted!/E'1~p'#Jer~, be. C.8,B A(;,:hileds/Er>SI!~el::n i':C C!l.B !"!$"IIJO:'; ~n' -----L~ ( --,-~ /' ~- / I I I i I I I I I \ , "\ \ ~.._.~, - I 11.~ACll[PC.'22 ~-~;;:;'-"""\. " ---N30"2",',O"W ;,(4'- I - \. -------", 526 ~ 'lY -- - II I NG ~ I - -J- - - -NW'mO:W II I EXISTING .VS ZUNI ~ 0/'_.::.;= - :: : ,.,.,"",,""- i I I ...".. '" , .' I ......... "" '.. - "" - . .,- "'''' '"'=. , I EXIST~",~4ACRES - ~~ II I '"'':ion,~m_ ~ PRU;:'SEDR-4ZUNING "I WI ~~N. ~ I "~"'"i= ~/: I 530'24'4!,' ~ "-t- DEED flEC:-TY, 472 44 W""'IIk, / 530'24'41" 5 75'23'32"' 1094.31' 70.73' f @ I FM.1~~~ L CD 1/ I "~- -.- , I I I , ,__----'_'------001 o 100 200 300 400 SCALL 1 "=200' LEGEND; @~ FaUND IRON PIN . = SET IRON PIN DRG.CI DEED RECORDS, GUJlDALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS ORC.C r OfFIC AL RECORDS OF GLADALJPECQUNTY, TDAS o ~ l<l~ m~ <>>g ~~ PRG,C T. ~ PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPECCUNTY, TEXAS _=PROP(RTYLlNE 200' PROPERlY OWNER NQTFICATON CD OWNER IOENTIFCATlON NUMBER \ / / " T j , ~ mIlNF"AInniF"IOPf"A- SCHERTZ 3009. LTD. ATIN: PAUL BlACKBURN 8100 BROADWAY, SUITE 205 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78209 TEL: (210) 828-7654 FAX: (210) 822-~.H """"""'" SCHERTZ 3009, LTD. AnN: PAUL BlACKBURN 8100 BROADWAY, SUITE 205 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78209 TEL: (210) 828-7654 fAX: (210) 822-5647 @~~~It<<:. ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. UALf>AZ ZONING: GB; VOL 881, PC. 145 LAND USE: MEDlCAL OffiCE Q) ~~~ SERlllCE CENTER, INC. LOT 5, BLOCK 1, ISENHOUR SUBDMSION ZONING: GB; VOl. 1996, PC. 207 lAND USE: RETAIL CENTER N " ~ CD BRADZOIL, INC. 0.68 N:. LOT 1, BLOCK 1, BRAOfUTE SUBDMSION ZONING. GB; VOL. 1198, PG. 47 LAND USE: SERVICE STATION , m Rf~TATNF' CARTER a: BURGESS, INC. AnN: BILLY ClASSEN 911 CENTRAl.. PARKWAY NORTH '425 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78232 TEL: (210) 494-0088 fAX: (210) 494-4525 " ! ~ "'"'" 8) ~ri~~~N :i:.RNE IN'YBTMENTS, LTD. ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. WoLPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL 1351, PC. lJ5 lAND uSE: OPEN SPN:.E i 1. NO l00-YEAR fLOODPLAIN EXISTS ON THE PROPERlY. 2. EXISTING ZONING fOR 13.214 AC. TRACT IS GB WITH PROPOSED R-4 ZONING. EXISTING ZONING fOfl 6.365 N:.. TRACT IS NS WITH PROPOSED GB ZONING. " . , ~ . ~ @ ([j) @ @ @; (f) G) ~~~B7 IkINC. ABSTRACT: 221. SURVEY: G. IrAALPAZ ZONING: CB; VOL. 1264. PC. 857 lAND USE: OPEN SPACE @ ~DHJ lc BOSWEll 6: I..NlNY L BOSWELL, JR. ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. IrdAlPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL 1267, PC 824 1.>>10 USE: OPEN SPACE f"j'\ lANNY L. BOSWEll 6: FERDINAND NIEMIETZ \!...) 1.000 AC ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. IrdAlPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL. 1270, PC. 571 1.>>10 USE: OPEN SPACE '8' llOYD a: UDA E. COOPER \3J 1.000 AC ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. IrdAlPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL. 1274, PC. 313 lANO USE: OPEN SPACE I CL;RVE I " I CURVE TABLE rlFI TA. I PAr) 11<; I '~"CT"" IlCj'SS'?4" 1-i4"3.'001 ,'74.43 CHORD 7f1?10' Ir.HORDBEA~ "'7S"?7"?"'(Lj 21' SEWER EASEMENT SEWER LINE EASEMENT VOL 6, Pc. 394 /1': PLAT RECORDS, /'1 GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ---------- - @ ~l._~. I @ 8) r- ....... @ ~~~~ ~ CURTIS ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. IrdAlPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL.1307, PC. 56 LAND USE: OPEN SPACE @ ~JD,iR. 6: AUDREY S. KIRST ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. IrdAlPAZ ZONING: GB; VOL. 1307, PG. 68 lAND USE: OPEN SPACE o CITY Of SCHERTZ V17.737AC SCUClSD ATHLrTIC COMPLEX (6.155 N:.) ABSTRACT 221, SURVEY C. MALPAZ (11.582 AC) \lOL 1995, PC. 922 LAND USE: ATHLrTIC COI.lPLEX Q3J ~~~PE COUNTY LOT 1, 8I..OCK " GUAOALUPE CO. SUBSTATION ZONING: PUB; VOL. 1166, PC. 391 LAND USE: COUNTY OffiCE BLDG. r\2I SCHERTZ 3009, LTD V 4.606 N:. ABSTRACT 221, SURVEY C. """-PAZ ZONING. R-l; VOL. 2188, PC. 834 lAND USE: OPEN SPACE @ fUEL DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 0.651 N; PART Of LOT 1, BLOCK I, PAnESS GAS STATION '2 ZONING: G8; VOL. 880, PC. 410 LAND USE: SERVICE STATION @ i~~~ ~NTURES, INC. 6: KPUG PRIVATE ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. t.W.PAZ ZONING: 08; VOL. 1634, PG. 878 lAND USE: OPEN SPACE r,;y, CITY Of SCHERTZ \!.Y 1.980 N; ABSTRACT: 221, SURVEY: G. t.lALPAZ VOL. 1088, PC. 878 I..NlD USE: DRAINAGE R.O.W. FM 3009 & ELBEL ROAD (19.579 AC) SURVEY NAME: GENOBERA MALPEZ ABSTRACT#: 221 DATE: 09/25/06 . I I Iii ;.Ii . fa 'lfl :. . t hili ~ ! .. . I' ~ .; If d. I , ~ !::z~ ID~X -ow :I:0l- X _ WWN <!,D..l- z~a: -~w Zo:I: o<~ N~v, <!' c g a: ...10 WW IDa: ...10 w< ol$~ 8~ C')..... ~ u.: d~ I-Om ;",jNO wN -~'" ~-iii: .~ li . N3::Q t-~~ a:O!;; 11J&5< ::r:oz go< -~ '" . i i ~ ~ I . ;;. . . . . I .. ji '" fI .. 111111 SHEET 1 OF 1 - ORDINANCE NO. 07-5-06 i AN ORDINANCE BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY , OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS' AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE 96-5-28 BY REZONING 19.579+ ACRES OUT OF THE GENOBERA MAL PAZ SURVEY, ABS- TRACT NO. 221. IN GUADA. LUPE COUNTY, SCHERTZ. TEXAS FROM GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (GB) AND NEIGHBORHOOD SER. VICES DISTRICT (NS) TO MUL TI-FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL- 4 DISTRICT (R-4) AND GEN- ERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (GB): PROVIDING AN EFFEC. TIVE DATE: AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. Approved on first reading this the 2nd day of January 2007, PASSED. APPROVED. AND ADOPTED on this the 23rd day of January 2007. /s/HAL BALDWIN Mayor Affidavit of Publisher f.USL.IC NOTI&I; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEXAR City of Schertz ~ ,,) (.J Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Helen I. by me duly sworn, says on oath that she is Publisher of the Commercial Recorder, general circulation in the City of San Antonio, in the State and County aforesaid, a Ordinance No. 07-5-06 here to attached has been published in every issue of, the following days, to wit: 01/31/2007. Attest: Judy Tokar City Secretary 1/31 ~) fl ~~~- ~6 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of of January, 2007. 7J/4~/;f!d { ~ ///4~A~(e'~ . .,... Jt' "'~J1I..'p-- ..... .- .'~ - - .' 1" ~ ~..... , , . ....~.';..~ MARTHA l. "'ACHUCA -1.-_.....6.., BLIC . '(i7X:"~:" ~~OT"'RY PU, '*~."P\.):j STATE OF TEXAS, '~......W My~. EXP,12-02,2Q07 . ....-.... .