June 6, 2019 MinutesTransportation Safety Advisory Commission
Thursday, June 6, 2019 5:30 P.M.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a meeting on June 6, 2019 at
5:30 p.m. in the Bob Andrews Conference Room, Building #1, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz,
Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
Bish, Stephen
Bowers, Bill
Cornelisse, Chuck
Dziewit, Richard
Heasley, Tyler
Heyward, Ferrando
Moody, Mark
Ryson, Paul
Sullivan, John
Staff Present:
Albert Arriaga, Traffic Safety Division
Mark Browne, City Manager
Charles Kelm, Assistant City Manager
Brian James, Assistant City Manager
Doug Letbetter, Public Works Supervisor
Kathy Woodlee, City Engineer
CALL TO ORDER AT 5:30pm by Chairman Stephen Bish
Kevin Wilks, Turncreek Lane, discussed his concerns about the alleged speeding throughout the
Deer Creek subdivision. Mr. Wilks provided videos from in front of his home and a 3 -page letter of
his presentation to the Commission. Commission agrees to add this item on the August TSAC
Dennis Mioduski, Wellbrook, also spoke on the same concerns within the same subdivision. Both
gentlemen were invited back for the August TSAC Meeting to hear staff's thoughts and /or solutions.
Glen Outlaw informed everyone that he had chosen to step down from the Commission and wanted
to thank everyone for the time they served together. Mr. Outlaw states he will remain on other
Commissions within the City and will be around.
1. Minutes: Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the March 7,
2019 Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Richard Dziewit to approve the minutes of the March
7, 2019 Meeting. Second by Commissioner Bill Bowers. Motion passed. Vote was
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2. Northcliffe Speeding: Staff gave presentation to Commission to include current maps and
information on speed counters throughout the neighborhood. Mr. James used Dove Meadows
and Mesa Oaks as an example where the traffic appears to be caused by the actual residents
from the area, whereas Northcliffe appears to be more of a commute issue through Chelsea
up to FM 1103. Counts are high and the numbers show that travelers appear to be part of the
issue at hand. Mr. James gave a full explanation and description of the common habits within
normal speeding patterns, including the example of how people tend to make up lost time
after having to slow down for speed humps.
The Street Department informed everyone that they had recently gone out and replaced some
of the speed signs with bigger and more visible signs, as well as repainted all of the stop sign
The Police Department gave detailed information on their recent crackdown within the area.
The presentation dates were from Jan 2018 to January 2019 and showed that there were
seven (7) pages of data on just Cherry Tree alone. Chelsea also showed a high number of
violations /stops.
Staff to revisit at a later date, once there is time to reassess what changes have taken place
due to the change out of the signs and repainting of the lines.
3. Staff Comments: Engineering staff gave the following updates:
• SPAM project expected to bid in June or July. Design is now complete. Construction
estimated to begin late summer.
• Engineering discussed upcoming lane closures and detours.
• July meeting cancelled due to upcoming 4th of July holiday. TSAC set to resume on
August 1.
4. Future Agenda Items Requests and/or Comments by Commissioners:
• Commissioner Bowers has continued concerns with the condition of the railroad tracks
located at FM3009 and FM78.
• Commissioner Moody has continued concerns with the TxDot traffic light timing, also
located at FM3009 and FM78, stating that the traffic backs up past the apartments and is
becoming increasingly more dangerous.
• Commissioner Ryson thanked the City staff for all their hard work in regards to his
previous concerns on Maske Rd.
• Commissioner Sullivan brought up the concerns of other residents regarding the 18-
wheeler track issues at FM482 and FM2252, and had questions regarding the certification
needed in order to issue tickets and violations to the big rigs.
5. Adjournment: Motion made by Commissioner John Sullivan to adjourn the meeting. Second
by Commissioner Richard Dziewit. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous. Meeting
adjourned at 6:31 PM.
A st:
Stephen Aish, Chairperson
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