August 1, 2019 MinutesTransportation Safety Advisory Commission
Thursday, August 1, 2019 5:30 P.M.
The Transportation Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC) convened for a meeting on August 1,
2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council Chambers, Building #4, 1400
Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154.
TSAC Commissioners Present:
Bish, Stephen
Bowers, Bill
Bristow, Brandon
Dziewit, Richard
Heasley, Tyler
Heyward, Ferrando
Moody, Mark
Ragsdale, Roy
Ryson, Paul
Sullivan, John
Staff Present:
Albert Arriaga, Traffic Safety Division
Charles Kelm, Assistant City Manager
Brian James, Assistant City Manager
Robert Martinez, Streets Superintendent
Cecilia Palomo, Engineering Department
CALL TO ORDER AT 5:30pm by Chairman Stephen Bish
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Mark Friesenhahn, High Creek Rd., delivered a 20 -page presentation to staff and the Commission
while discussing his concerns about the continued issues along FM482. Mr. Friesenhahn's main
concerns revolve around the open -pit aggregate mining businesses and 18- wheeler trucks along the
road. His other concerns include the condition of the road and the speeding that continues to take
place. The presentation lasted 17 minutes and was full of information and suggestions for help.
Requested that the City pay close attention to all the issues on FM482, FM1152, Old Nacogdoches
Rd. to include the road conditions, speeding, and ability to ticket the larger trucks for traffic issues.
Discussion of FM482 issues to be placed on September TSAC Agenda.
Don Everingham, Pffiffer Rd, also spoke on the same concerns within different areas. He
specifically spoke of the issues on FM1863 and FM3009, which are not within the City of Schertz
city limits. Mr. Everingham also supported all of the concerns that Mr. Freisenhahn had originally
spoken of on FM482 and surrounding area.
Larry Freisenhahn, Old Nacogdoches Rd, stated he'd like to start throwing his trash out with "the
rest of them ", as people tend to litter on his road all of the time, the frustration level is rising, and
that it's gross and concerning. He also stated that the roads are so rough that the shocks on residents'
vehicles become damaged at a much faster pace due to the extremely poor conditions of the road.
8 -1 -2019 Minutes
1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the June 6,
2019 Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Richard Dziewit to approve the minutes of the June 6,
2019 Meeting. Second by Commissioner Bill Bowers. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
2. Dove Meadows: Staff stated that they have updated the speed limit signs and stop signs lines
on the concrete throughout the area. Recent traffic counts show the 85% to be at 21.6, 24.2,
24.4, and 20.6. Staff informed the Commission that the City has addressed the concerns for
the time being and will continue to monitor over time.
3. FM3009 & FM78: Staff gave update on continued concerns and stated that the dynamic sign
only stays on during specific hours in the day. Staff is still in conversation with TxDot
regarding possible field trip to the intersection to discuss solution for the concrete concerns
around the Union Pacific Railroad Crossing and the timing of the light. City Management
requested we keep this item on the Agenda until we find a solution or receive proper
feedback from TxDot and /or Union Pacific.
4. FM482 Presentation: Officer Arriaga gave a thorough presentation regarding the numbers
and statistics. He stated that the numbers from his patrol on April 3 & 4 showed the 85% to
be at 46 mph with 1056 vehicles passing through. The highest reading was at 67mph. The
readings from July 8 through 14 continue to show the 85% at 46 with 2768 vehicles passing
through. The trailer message board reminding people of the speed limit is posted there until
next Monday. Officer Arriaga stated that there has only been two (2) stops during these
patrolled events, both were 18- wheelers, both were pulled over at 54mph, both were ticketed,
and only one driver possessed a Class C Texas driver's license. There have been two major
accidents, one of them resulting in a DUI. There have only been 15 traffic violations in this
particular area since January of 2019.
5. Safe Routes to School: Staff informed the Commission that the City is applying for a grant
and that staff is requesting a letter of support of TSAC. The more letters the City submits, the
better. We have picked Schertz Elementary as a point of interest, along with Allison Steele.
We would be looking to add sidewalks and address safety concerns around the schools.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stephen Bish to approve the request for a letter of
support, from TSAC, in regards to the Safe Routes to School grant. Second by Commissioner
Richard Dziewit. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous.
6. Back to School Presentation: Staff informed that we will be pushing Back -to- School PSA
information through social media as we prepare our community to return to school mode.
There is a real concern with folks passing school buses on the road. We will be sure to get the
information out there that it is a $1500 fine and no defensive driving classes are allowed if
pulled over and ticketed for this particular offense. Will also continue to push information
through the magazine pertaining to the rules of the road. Commission Heasley brought up the
concern with bus stops being overgrown by residents' yards or the sprinklers being on while
students try to wait in certain areas designated as their pick up spot for the bus routes. Brian
James suggested we reach out to the school district to ask them if the route drivers could keep
an eye out for such issues and report back to us so we can address those particular properties.
8 -1 -19 Minutes 2
7. Staff Comments: Engineering staff gave the following updates:
• AAMPO — the pedestrian route and bike lane plans are currently under review.
• Walk -to- School Day will be held at Schertz Elementary.
• Public Works has purchased 8 radar feedback signs and will be permanently placed
throughout town. Four (4) are to be placed at Fairlawn and Belmont. Two (2) are to be
placed at Green Valley Rd. Two (2) will be placed on Aero Ave.
8. Future Agenda Items Requests and/or Comments by Commissioners:
• City Management requesting the discussion on the removal of stop signs and the City's
ideas on a future policy.
9. Adjournment: Motion made by Commissioner Pete Ryson to adjourn the meeting. Second by
Commissioner Roy Ragsdale. Motion passed. Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at
6:48 PM.
Ric, lard Dziewit, Vic Chairperson
8 -1 -19 Minutes 3