90-F-32 Water Rates " . , \ ORDINANCE NO.~~:Y~ AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTION 19, EXHIBIT 4 WATER RATES ESTABLISHED; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I THAT SECTION 19, Exhibit 4 of the Code or Ordinances, City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec 19. EX 4. WATER RATES ESTABLISHED A. Rates within the corporate limits of the city. A uniform monthly rate shall be charged to all persons for use of City water within the corporate limits of the City. Such rate is hereby established as follows: Residential and Commercial 5/8" x 3/4" Service $6.50 minimum monthly bill for 3,000 gallons $1.11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 3/4" x 3/4" Service $10.08 minimum monthly bill for 5,000 gallons $1.11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 1" x 1" Service $11.52 minimum monthly bill for 7,000 gallons $1.11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" Service $15.84 minimum monthly bill for 10,000 gallons $1.11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water " , " . . I 2" x 2" Service $28.81 minimum monthly bill for 18,000 gallons $1.11 per 1,000 for all additional water 3" x 3" Service $33.13 minimum monthly bill for 21,000 gallons $1. 11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 4" x 4" Service $38.18 minimum monthly bill for 24,000 gallons $ 1. 11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 6" x 6" Service $50.42 minimum monthly bill for 32,000 gallons $ 1. 11 per 1,000 gallons for all additional water 8" x 8" Service $60.50 minimum monthly bill for 38,000 gallons $ 1. 11 per 1, 000 gallons for all additional water B. Water not to be sold for residential or other than agricultural use. C. Rates outside the corporate limits of the City. The uniform monthly rate charged to persons living outside the corporate limits of the City shall be 200% of that charged persons living within the corporate limits of the City. II THAT the effective date of this Ordinance shall be December 26, 1990. , ' . . " " ' III THAT all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved on first reading the~day of lIovelUbp/<- , 1990. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the ~~ , 1990. - day of ... . '," . c. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT (COUNTY OF BEXAR) (STATE OF TEXAS) I, Bill lindemann, publisher of the HERALD NEWSPAPER GROUP, do solemnly swear that the notice, a printed copy of which is attached, was published once a week for one consecutive weekes) in the Metrocom Herald pub 1i shed at Universal City, 8exar County, Texas on the following date(s) to , wit: December 12. 1990 ., 4:~ HERALD NEWSPAPER GROUP Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18 day of December 19 90 ~~L NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE 1'2-/Z-QD .~j~.'", ., ..... . fiLe!. SCHERrz ....i~E NO. 90" ,AN ORDINANCE BY THE . CITY COUNCIL OF THE ',c;VTiY ,Of ',' SCHERTZ, T~.XA.~., . PROVIDING ''iEf.\tT~E:CODE OF OR- DINANCES, CITY OF S"eF.f~Z;,.TEXAS. . BE 1~DEo;.BY..REVISING ~e:gn9N }9. . EXHIBIT 4 >W~Tefl"RATES ESTAB- ~HEf): PROVIDING AN ~E~TIVE. DATE: AND FtEPEAUN.G ALL ORDI- ~NCES'ORPARTS OF O.RDINANCES IN ~FUOT. ,'~~~\ "~pproved and . :c'the ~41h' day of ,~, -:,'19s0; David R. Martin Notary Public Printed or Typed Name My Commission Expires: 05-31-94 122 East Byrd P.O. Box 2789 Universal City. Texas 78148 (512)658-7424 J)' ,{I