90-F-4 Garbage Fees ORDINANCE NO .9t2- j~___tj AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 85-H-18. SCHEDULE "A" GARBAGE COLLECTION FEES AND PROVIDING FOR A SERVICE FEE INCREASE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE i AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. five-year October 1. Industrial 1989i and WHEREAS, Waste Management of San Antonio was granted a contract to operate a garbage collection service on 1985 and the contract was transferred to Moore Disposal. Inc. by Resol ution 89-R-l on February 7, WHEREAS. the contract contains a rate increase option based on proof of increased operating COStSi and WHEREAS, Moore Industrial exercise the option of increasing operating costSi NOW THEREFORE, Disposal, charges Inc. desires to due to increased BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT the garbage collection fees as established in Schedule "A" 0: the contract, and as increased by unanimous vote of the City Council on November 15, 1988, are hereby changed per the revised Schedule "A" attached and made a part hereof. SECTION II THAT all ordinances. parts of ordinances, or s(,;hedules in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION III THAT this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 11th day of February 1990. APPROVED on first reading thelGday Of____~. , ADOPTED this the________m,~ day of , 1990. 1 tfd~~-. Mayor, City of Scher PASS~~~ND ATTEST: 1990. OF CITY) SCHEDULE "A" 1. Routes and Times of Collection. twice a. wee~ per custorne~ in City. into two routes for purposes of garbage, small brush and limb p~ckup Garbage piCk-up shall be The City shall be divided the collection of regular as follows: A.Monday and Thursday Tuesday and Friday Route No. I Route No. :2 B. Resident's Special Pickup. When the trash, rubbish, limbs, rocKs and other waste which cannot-conveniently be placed into regular' garbage containers, as outlined in paragraph 6, or rep:cesent an unusual weight or size', the L"esident or pr:ope"--ty owner may negotiate directly with the ~ontractor to remove such trash, by special pickup at an agreeable price.- If an agreeable price cannot be established, the resident is authorized to negotiate with any other person for this special service. 2. Pickup Points for Collection. A. Garbage containers shall be placed so that they a!:"e accessab~e from the curb line without the collecto{ entering upon private p~operty. Special cases to allow for front buildi~g line collection will be authorized by mutual agreement of the contractor and the City when the residents at any house are mentally or physically incapable of placing contai.ners at the curb line. B. No trash. or garbage containe!:"s will be placed on the curb llne earlier than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of collection nor later than twenty-four (24) hours after the time of collection. 3. Times of Collection. Cont~actor shall make no collections in residentail districts prior to 7:00 a.m. and collections in business districts shall not be commenced earlier than 6:00 a.m.. 4. Waste from Building Operations. Rocks, waste, scrap, building materials, or other trash resulting from construcClon or major remodeling; resulting from a general cleanup of vacant or improved property just prior to its occupancy; or resulting from sizeable amounts of trees, brush and debris cleared from property in prepaL'ation for construction, will not be refiloved by the contractor as part of regular service but may be done for the owner on payment of an extra charge as agreed to beb...een the owner and the contractor with such payments being made directly to the Contractor. If, after negotiation with the Contractor, the owner and the contractor cannot agree on a charge for removing such deb!:'is, the owner may contract with the pr ivate hauler of his cho~ce for removal of such debris. 5. Dead Animals. Dead animals shall not be placed ir. garbage containers. Dead animals except for small dead animals such as .' cats, dogs and the like, are not required to be -accepted by the Contracto~. The contracto~ upon call with no extra compensation shall .as a special service, pick up small dead animals from the street or upon request f~om a customer. A record shall be kept of . these special servic~ pickups and filed with the City Secretary on a monthly basi3. The owner sha~l be responsible for the removal and dispo~al of excessively large dead animals, such as cows, horses, mules and goats. 6. Limit on Tre~ 1?ickups. All bi:'ush and large trimmings to be collected by Contractor shall be placed by property Owners at the curb line. Trees, orush and limbs cannot exceed th=ee (3) inches in diameter nor five (5) feet in length. All limbs and brush must be tied in bundles not to- exceed sixty (60) pounds each. Leaves and grass, clippings. ,and small - brush items are to be placed in cardboard containers and/or garbage cans. 7. Types of Containers. Garbage containers shall be water tight receotacle3 of solid and durable grade of metal or plastic, not to exceed thirty (30) gallons in capacity, or plastic or other waterproof bags manufactured for the purpose of containing garbage or refuse; the combined weight of the garbage and container shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pounds. Containers shall be provided with suitable lifting handle or handles on the outside and close. fittihg cover equipped ,with a handle. The container must not -' have any inside s~ructures, such as inside bands, and reinforcing angles or anything within the container to ?revent the free discharge of the contents. Containers that have dete~iorated, or that have been damaged to the extent of having jagged or sharp- edges capable of causing injury to garbage collectors or other per:sons whose duty it is to handle the containers, or to such an extent that the covers will not fit securely, will be condemned by the City of Schertz. 8. Ser:vice Fees. The fair and reasonable rates for collecting garbage, trash, and brush as equitable to all residents are: A. Residential Class I Residential, Single Family 7.37 10.60 per month Class I A Residential, Front Door (see Section 2A of schedule) per month Class II Trailer: Parks (2 or more Trailers) (based on number in park on the 15th day of month) 4.56 per unit per month Class III Apartments 4.74 per unit per mo nth Class IV Motels 1.88 per unit per month B. Commercial Class V Offices, barbar shop and professional services' 8.58 per month Class VI Light retail, wholesale, commercial or industrial (under 2000 square feet) 12.63 per month Class VII Medium retail, wholesale Commercial or industrial, 2000 to 4000 square feet ana excl~9ing large grocery stores, etc. Class VIII Heavy volume retail, whole- sale, commercial or industrial (placement into a categorY,in this class will be determined by a time and cost study of refuse generation and collection. The cateSories in this class us~ally require hane loading fro.~ rooms or pEns and would not apply when comwercial containers are used.) . t 21.54 per month a. Two weekly pickups of approx- ~ately 1.5 cu~ic yards each (13 cu. yds. per month) ex- cluding large grocery, fur.- ni ture or department stores. 41 .55 per month b. T~o weekly pickGps of approx- i~~tely 3 c~.yds each (26 cu. yds. per month) excluding large grocery, furniture or <-- oepartme1":t stores, etc. 82.43 per month c. Three weekly piCkups of approximately 3 cu. yds each (39 cu.yds per ~oA~h) exclud- ing large grocery; furniture or aepartment stores, etc. 121.J3,per month d. Four weekly pickups of approximately 3 to 4 cu.yds. each, including large grocery furniture or department stores, etc. - 142.99 per month e. Five weekly pickups of approxi2ately 3 to 4 cu.yds. ., each including large grocery furniture or dep~rtment stores, etc. 185.05 .' . per month f. Six weekly pickups of approx- imately 3 to 4 cu.yds each including large grocery, furn~ture or department stores, etc. 227,.10 per month g. Customer requiring more than four (4) cubic'yards each pickup would be charged per cubic yard: collected. 2.78 per ~ - 9. Commercial Containers'. Contractor will provide commercial containers to those customers who desire to use them in lieu of garbage cans. The use of such containers is not required by this contract by any specific customer. If desired, arrangements for their lease or purchase will be made with the Contractor. Container Size Times Served Per Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 cUo yd NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM MANUFACTURERS 2 yd. 30.84 52..89 72.70 88.22 99.24 11 0.27 cUo 3 yd 43.5.7 70 ..5 7 103.64 136.72 165.38 182.8q cu. 4 yd. 54.48 91 .96 124..86 158..17 190.98 224.24 cUo La rge capacity containers are available i f des ired by customer. 6 yd. 85.59 1 32.98 185.33 238.38 287.89 340.95 cu. 8 ydo 99.03 165.52 226..36 292.14 358.63 418".}5 cu. 10 cu. yd. 114.59 198..05 264.55 339.53 396- ..12 479.58 Contractor also requests that the 92-ga11on residential ~arts be included as an optional item for us~ throughout t~e C1ty at a rate of $2.60 each per month to beb111 ed by the C1 ty on the same basis as other services, (85%-15%)