20190822 Minutes SEDC Board Reg Mo MtgMINUTES LCj Ls-,T-7�7,JLI 9- CaR to order 1. Roll call and recognition of visitors. Board President Macaluso called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyon(.!. in attendance. A motion to nominate Mr. Jesse Carrasco for the Treasurer position was made by Mr. Richard. Mr. Carrasco accepted the appointment. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hamilton. The other officers of the Board will continue in their current positions. Motion passed unanimously. SEDC Minutes 8/22/2019 Page 1 of 5 Hearing of residents 3. Public comment - This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board. Each person shouldfill out the Citizen's to be Heard registry.form prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. Thepresiding of .ficer, during the Public Comment portion o the fa' r1 will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered. WOMAM Presentations 4. SEDC monthly financial statement: July 2019. (J. Walters) Mr. Kinateder presented this item. He reported that the sales taxes decreased 18.9% from the July 2018 payment. Last July realized an audit adjustment in the EDC's favor in the amount of $87,000. When adjusting for the one-time correction in 2018, sales taxes wwr-Owmis' f6r Julp 2019 bo 2 1 . Exicenditures were minimal during Julp 2019.The rolling average is 7.4% positive but is trending down. &Zi 11 The short-term proposal is for the SEDC to fund the heavy mill and overlay of Tri Count Parkway, including a small section of Lookout Road between Tri County Parkway and Doerr Lane, and to make intersection improvements at FM 3009/Tri County Parkway (" County Parkway & Intersection Project"). The Tri County Parkway & Intersection Proje is anticipated to cost $3,750,000. The SEDC has identified this project because SEDC Minutes 8/22/2019 Page 2 of 5 a,t(trOSSCS a UVP ISSLC 1=11UHUG 07 0 WIU 11CIPS L11U UILY to catco- up on its Street Preservation and Maintenance Program so that future City funding can be directed to other streets throughout the industrial park. 1970 lie U4,111ing 1111-11M. of funding accordingly. Items for individual consideration 7. Consider/Discuss/Act on approval of the minutes for the Board • Directors Regular Monthly Meeting held on Thursday, July 25, 2019. (P. Horan) W- 8. Consider/Discuss/Act on appointment to the Committee of Committees Advisory Board. (•. Macaluso) Mr. Kinateder provided a brief background on the Committee of Committees Advisory Board. Mr. Macaluso opened this item for Members to nominate or self-nominate a representative to attend these quarterly meetings on behalf of the SEDC Board. Ile t% Consider/Discuss/Act on SEDC Resolution No. 2019-16 authorizing the First Amendment to the Economic Development Performance Agreement between Titan Lookout LLC and the City • Schertz Economic Development Corporation. (K. Kinateder) SEDC Minutes 8/22/2019 Page 3 of 5 The proposed First Amendment to the Economic Development Performance Agreement (th* "Amendment") would extend the completion requirement of the Agreement by 180 days. No other changes have been incorporated A motion to approve SEDC Resolution No. 2019-16 authorizing the First Amendment to the Economic Development Performance Agreement between Titan Lookout LLC and the .— -f Schertz Economic Develoyment Co oration was made bN Mr. McDaniel. Seconded by Mr. Snowden. Motion passed unanimously. Requests and announcements 10. Reguests bX Board Members to place items on a future SEDC Board Meeting ag nda. L_ The following announcements were made by staff- Announcements by staff- • Office closure: Labor Day - September 2, 2019 • Next Board Meeting: September 26, 2019 11. Information available in SEDC Board Packets First installment for Infrastructure Grant per the Economic Development Performance Agreement with Schertz 312, LLC. Mr. Macaluso recessed into closed session at 6:56 p.m. Closed session 12. The SEDC Board will meet in closed session in accordance with Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations; Closed Meeting. The governmental body is not required to conduct an open meeting (1) to SEDC Minutes 8/22/2019 Page 4 of 5 discuss or deliberate regarding commercial ♦ financial information that the governmental stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. • Project E-057 9 Project E-059 • Project E-058 * Project E-Of, Mr. Macaluso reconvened into regular session at 7:28 p.m. Reconvene into regular session 13. Discussion and possible action to authorize the SEDC Executive Director to take the necessary and appropriate actions to proceed with negotiations based on discussions held in Closed Session under Agenda Item No. 12. • Project E-057 9 Project E-059 • Project E-058 9 Project E-060 I== ME= M 11&'IME�§ ItUTTIZONVERMITO =-I Sammi Morrill W��� SEDC Minutes 8/22/2019 Page 5 of 5