2007S14A-Zoning ORDINANCE NO. 07-8-14 A AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE 96-S-28 BY REZONING 127.25:t, 68.21:i:, AND 14.25:i: ACRES OUT OF THE TORRIBIA HERRERA SURVEY NO. 68, ABSTRACT NO. 153, IN GUADALUPE COUNTY AND COMAL, SCHERTZ, TEXAS FROM MANUFACTURE DISTRICT-LIGHT (M- 1) AND GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (GB) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUD); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT, UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended in the following manner. SECTION I "Rezoning 127.25:t, 68.21::1:, and 14.25::1: acres being situated out of the Torribia Herrera Survey No.68, Abstract No. 153, Guadalupe and Comal County, Schertz Texas, being more particularly described in the Field Notes and Map, as attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof, from Manufacturing District-Light (M-1)and General Business District (GB) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD), according to the guidelines set forth in Exhibit "B". SECTION II THAT, The Zoning District Map described and referred to in Article III, of the UDC, Ordinance 96-S-28 shall be changed to reflect the above amendments. ZCZC2006-021 SECTION III THAT this Ordinance shall be effective from and after its fmal passage and any publication required by the City of Schertz. SECTION IV THAT all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved on fIrst reading the 20th day of February, 2007. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED the 6th day of March, 2007. ~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: C~uL ~ & Secretlt'Y, City of Schertz, Texas (SEAL OF THE CITY) ZCZC2006-021 EXHIBIT A MBTBS AND BOUNDS DSSCRu I~V~" FOIl A 127.252 Actm 'BACf OF LAND Be1na 127.252 ac:m ofluld out orthe TClIribia Hnn Survoy No. 68, Ahsnct NO. 153, 0uadaIupe ud Comal County, T.....llIld beiq oat ofdlltoodalD 234.13 ac:re bet oflud II d _ ". ii.. .: in deed RCOIded in Volume 768. Pap 800 lIlId VoJame 7-' PI&o 8J2 oldie 0fIiciI) Reeords ofComal County, Teus, md said 127.252 acre tract ol'lIDd befna IIlOlC padicuIarIy described II folio..: BesiDaiug at a ~" iroIl pin 1buDd for dle most V " ,,,.,:, ....'" of Lot 8, Tri.couaty BuIiDoA & lDcIUSlrial Park t1Dit 2 as. ..,,!..J ill VoIuaae .. Pap 121.124 of'tbe Nip IIId Plat Recolda ofeomal County, Texat; ThcIIcc with tbe ScMhweIt 1iaea ofllid Tri-CouDly 8IMiDeA & 1aduslriaJ Pad: UIlit 2. GenulIle P8lU SUbdivilioD as.... ,Jedin Vol_.,S, Pap 3!ile,1IId Lot II, Lot 10,IIIdLot' ofTri-COllftly f.,,,, .,..:11 PukUoit I, 830"03' Sf1' Badlslallccof36S6.22 fllcItto a ~"_plDfouDdilldleI~", 1" ,...".trlaht-of- way liDo oiL.....".. . tHisbMYNo.35 Tblmco with dsdle, .1" Ii' ,..1 ri&1Ht-way .. ofJDtmta1e HiJhway 35, S W 00' 10" W,' cIistuIco of 859.17 tOot to. ~. iMa pia with ClIp atmped "FJSHBll" fowul for the But.edy ..' '.. ., ofa 8.050 ac:re ttact oflmlu des_:,I, /1 ia Volume 1484, Pap 902 ofdlo Deed ReeordsofGuada1up8 CouDty, TeD&; 'FheDcc with tho NClI'lIIaIt liIlIlI old 8.050 laelRct of WId N 290 56' 45" W . ell " ,.". 01281.95 feet to a ~" iMa pin with ClIp ItIIIiped "FJSHBR" fOUllllb the Eutcd.y .,......, ot8oaI:oD CircJ. SubdiviIioa UDill, oicl Beacon CiR:le UIIb 1 boiDa. poItioIl of ......050 acnl tact ofllad; Thcace cClJltiDuina with. Narlbeut IiDc. N 30- 01' 22" W . distimce of s.usa feet to. Sla"lroa pill fouDd Cor aa iDIcrior c:orI* ofb beniD deIIcribed lrICtoflllld, die DIll" NoIdIedy . .,.. .< ofuid 8.050 acre 1nct of land; Tbcace S 620 14' 03"W a distallceof386.17fcetto. SI8" iroDpiIlfblmdlJia comcrof'aid 8.050 acre 1ract of Jaad; ThclIl:d 30" 54' 31" E. distaJu:e of294.17 feet to. ~"itva pill wllhoraage ClIp. .,,"', .1 ore & B PROP COR.." lOt foraa iarerior ."",." ofthil. ,....:. 4..._i.:..J tnlctoflllld,u,.l:, ,..., ."",... ofa 0.775 acre tract ofJaad aLl" ,: ..] in VoJume 1279, Plat 483 oftbe Deed ReconIlI of'Ouadalv.po CoaDl)', TQU; Thence with tho North and WClIll "" .' ",' liIluoftlidO.77S acre lnCtofllDd the folt 'i:.... calls: S 590 16' 06" Wad', " .. ., of 60.00 feet to a ~" iron pJa with oraap cap". ..", ..,1''C & B PROP COR." set at . point of c ,. ",,,... of. JIOIl CllliCllll curve to tIJo ript. , 1bcnce with said aon __ ClIJ'Ve to tile ri&bt bavilla. radios of 172.39 feet. aa 1",.. ,:", angle of 33001' 36",lRucJeusthofSl9.37fi:et,adachonH.. ,:I"',L,lIIIddiSIIDCe ofS 14"13' 09"E98.00 (ecHO. W' iroa pill with ClI'lIDge cap ." ., 'I' . ,1"C .t B PkOP OOR. " let; Thence S 02" 24' 01" W. diataDce ofJ0.32 feet 10 a ~"iron pin with oranae cap ataqled ore" B PROP COR." let aU point of .", ,. "', . of a curve to the left; EXHIBIT A (page 2) Tbeuce withSlidc:urve to die IefthaviDa andia of 232.30 feet, au iJIrcrioranaIe of32G 59' 2S",au arc IenaUaoCl33.ll f'eet,audac:honlbelriDaucldi.., ....of8 14" 14'12" Ii 131.97 feeUoa %" iroIl pm with oraup cap........ "C. 8 PROP COR." _; 8IId S 30" 43' 54" B . diIeaucc of299.341eet to . ,,- irOD pia wilh oraup cap stanlped "C & 8 PROP roll. "lilt in the NOItJlwcat. .l".\; . r,.way filii of Aid IIdemale HiIJmy No. 3Sj 1'bcaco wltlul14Nordawe1triabt-ot,..y liaofUl35,S 6l)O OO'15"W lei" ,.,., of 113.55 feet toe %" iroa pia with ClIp IlaIDped .'~"Ioad tbr tbe IIIIlIt S .'",. .J!.. ...".. of this beNia d" . ,:'~ .1 127.2S2 ac:relrlCtofllDd. tbe BaItedy ..1."., ora tractoCllmcIas.,. ",I, liD Volume S84 PIp S90 or1be DeocI B.ecords of Guadalupe CoaDtr, Texas; T1Ieace with tile S., .. X" ,_ " .., ) 1_ of tbia ... cIeIcribed tract ofJaacl. tbI ti:I1IowiDi caIJs: N 30" 06' SS" W I distaDce of 1012.05 feet to .. boa pia wiIb ClIp ItIIIIpCd . r.It)Q~" foWld for an '".,.,f,... ..1... oftbil benia II. . !:..:lactorlaud; IIld S 60" 04' 32- W . cIiIl:lInce of 181.37 feet to an iroIS pill with cap .,.. ,"" " 1 "fISHER" found in die East liIIe 01 a 3Un aca tract oflllld; 1'heDco N 300 05'15- W, pusfna.. EIsterly ."". ofa 27 .1411ClO lraCt ofJaad at 768.09 feet. the N ..l..,,,~.' .,,,,,, 0I1Iicl27.741 ac:retJaCt, ll,eEuterly ....,,~ or. 14.232 ac:retlllcloflmclat 1'".29 feet. IIIld 00IIIfDuiIIS . total ditlIIICO of26U.29 feet to . 112" _ pia fbuDd fbr die NordIem ."..".., of uid 14.232 ICle tract oflllld, dlo W " ",~:1.1 ......." ofthillsmiD de1cribcc112'1.252 acre tract oC1aud.lIDCI beiag m tbe SoutbIutcrIy JiDe ofa 38.753 em tract ofllllcl called . Save IUd Bzcept tract II clcscribed in deed and I'tlCOIde4 ill VoIuIac 768, Pap 100 IIIll VoIuate 768. Pap 812 oCtile oaIcialll.., ,,(.; oIComa( CowIty, T.... Thence l.lt" i~" "<Co said WllIIierly .".,..., aud t.CIOIS said 234.173ac:re1rlCt of1llld, N W 00' S7"lh d.""".. ofl672.J1feetto dIo Place OfBeaiaNDlIIId ~l""'a 121.252ICl81oflaad. ~.... . ..J drawittI it "..,,, ,I, J tbis day 1anuary 26, :ZOOS ~.,.L~. Rqiatercdp..:e"...:Z-X:, No. 5348 ',\J_~1iI.c.,.1NL M~..,.NP.M Revised 5/111200S 2 EXHIBIT A (page 3) METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR A 68.207 ACRE TRACT OF LAND Being 68.207 acres of land out of the Torrlbia Herrera Survey No. 68, Abstract No. 153, Comal County, Texas, and being those certain tracts descrIbed as a 27.741 acres In Volume 2078, Page 983 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and the remainder of an 87.58 acre tract of land as recorded on Volume 60, Page 546 of the Deed Records of Comal County, Texas, and sold 68.207 acre tract of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a Texas Departmen.t of Transportation Type " monument found at the Northerly cutback of Interstate Highway 35 and Lookout Rood, and beIng 0 Southerly corner of thIs hereIn described 68.207 acre tract of land; Thence with the Northeasterly line of Lookout Rood, N 30' 10' 34" W, passing 0 W' iron pin with red cop stamped "VICKERY" found for the Southerly corner of a called 27.741 acre tract of land at 1730.29 feet, and continuing 0 total distance of 2996.54 feet to a W' Iron pin with yellow cap stamped "KOLODZ1E" found for the Southerly corner of a called 14.100 acres in Volume 44.3, page 446 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas and Volume 188, Page 686 of the Official Records of Comol County. Texas, and being the most Westerly corner of this herein described 68.207 acre tract of land; . Thence deporting said Lookout Rood and with the Southeasterly line of sold 14,100 acre tract of land, N 65' 14' 52" E a 'distance of 996.34 feet to a W' Iron pin with yellow cop stomped "KOLODZIE" found In the Sou thwesterly line of a 234.13 acre tract of land as described In deed recorded In Volume 768, Page 800 and Volume 768, Page 812 of the Official Records of Comal County, Texas, and being the Easterly corner of said 14.100 acres, the most Northerly corner of this'here(n described 68.207 acre tract of land; Thence with the Southwesterly line of said 234,13 acres, S 30' OS' 15" E, passing a ~" Iron pin with red cap stamped "FISHER" found for the most Easterly corner of sold 27,741 a~re tract of land, and continuing 0 total distance of 2974.83 feet to a W' Iron pin with orange cop stamped "c & 8 PROP COR." sel in the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35; Thence with sold Northwesterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35. the following calls: ' S 65' 16' 27" W a distance of 206.69 feet to 0 1" square iron pin found for a corn er; S 59' 55' 20" W a distance of 319.15 feet to a ~ " (ran pin with red cap stamped "VICKERY" found for a corner; S 60' 04' 50" W a distance of 412.39 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation Type II monument found at 0 cutback to Lookout Road: and N 74' 55' 25" W a distance of 71.02 feet to the Place Of 8eglnning and contaInIng 68,207 acres of land. EXHIBIT A (page 4) METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR A 14.254 ACRE TRACT OF LAND Being 14.254 acres of land out of the Torrlbla Herrera Survey No. 68, Abstract No. 153, Comal County, Texas, and being that cerlain tract described os 14.100 acres in Volume 443, page 446 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas and Volume 188, Page 686 of the Official Records of Comal County, Texas, and said 14.254 acre tract of land being more particularly descrlbed as follows: Beginning at a ~" iron pin found for lhe mosl Westerly corner of a 234.13 acre tract of land as described in deed recorded in. Volume 768, Page 800 and Volume 768, Page 812 of the Official Records of Comal County, Texas, and being in the Southeasterly line of a 38.753 acre tract of land called a Save and Except tract as described In deed and recorded In Volume 768, Page 800 and Volume 768, Page 812 of the Offlelal Records of Camal County, Texas, and being the most northerly carner of this herein described 14.254 acre tract of land; Thence with the Southwesterly line of sold 234.13 acre tract, S 30' 05' 15" E 0 distance of 671.22 feet to a W' Iron pin with yellow cap stamped "KOLOOZIE" found for the most Northerly corner of a called 27.741 acre tract of land as recorded In Volume .2078, Page 983 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, .and beIng the most Easterly corner of this herein described 14.254 acre tract of land; Thence departing the Southeasterly line of said 234.13 acre tract of land, the Northerly corner of said 27.741 acre tract of land, S 65' 14' 52lt W, 0 distance of 996.34 feet to a W' Iron pin with yellow cop stamped "KOLODZIE" found for the most Westerly corner of sold 27.741 acre trael of land, the Northeast line of Lookout Road, and being the most Southerly corner of th.is 'herein described 14.254 ocre tract of land; Thence deparl1ng the Westerly corner of said 27.741 acre tract of land, and with the Northeast line of Lookout Road, N 30' 1 a' 34" W, a distance of 580.12 feet to' a ~" Iron pin found for 0 Southerly corner of saId 38.753 acre trod of land, and being the most Westerly corner of this herein described 14.254 acre tract of land; Thence with the common line of sold 38.753 acre tract of land, and this herein described 14.254 acre tract of land, N 60' 00' 07" E a distance of 992.92 feet lo the Place Of Beginning and con toinlng 14.254 acres of land. " EXHIBIT -B February 8, 2007 Update Enterprise Business Park PUD Standards I. DEFINITIONS A. Commercial Area That certain area designated as "Commercial Area" on Schedule 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. B. Fa~ade Any exterior wall of a building exposed to public view [7.9C ( a)]. C. General Open Space An outdoor or unenclosed area located on the ground or on a roof, balcony, deck, porch or terrace, designed and accessible for outdoor recreation, pedestrian access or landscaping, excluding parking facilities and driveways [7.6A(a)]. D. Gross Floor Area (GF A) The total area of the covered floor space measured between the center line of party walls, including the thickness of external walls, but excluding voids. E. Industrial Area That certain area designated as "Industrial Area" on Schedule 1. F. Major Electric/Telephone/Transmission Lines Any electric/telephone/transmission or other service line not having a direct building service/feed and which runs from metal poles [7.6C(i)]. G. Permitted Uses All uses permitted by right within an "M-1" (Manufacture District - Light) zoning district under the Unified Development Code (Article IV, Section 5), and all uses permitted by right within a "GB" (General Business District) zoning district under the UDC (Article IV, Section 5), unless otherwise listed below under "Prohibited Uses". H. Prohibited Uses The following uses shall be prohibited on the property: 1. Animal control facility; 2. Flea market; 3. Portable building sales; 4. Recreational vehicle sales and service; 5. Sexually Oriented Business; 6. Trailer/Manufactured homes sales; 7. Truck sales/heavy equipment; 139200,00002 109693 vi February 8, 2007 Update 8. Waste disposal facility (public); 9. Wrecking or salvage yard; and 10. Any use that emits noxious or hazardous odors. I. Significant Natural Features Unique natural features, the destruction of which would constitute a significant loss for a larger community (local, state, national or global), including, but not limited to, wetlands, creeks or rivers or karst formations (limestone caves) [7.6A(b)]. J. Tractor-Trailer An articulated truck consisting of a towing engine and a semi-trailer (plus possible additional trailers) that carries freight. K. Typical Utility Mains/Service Lines Water mains, sanitary sewer mains, electrical lines, telephone lines, cable television lines, fiber optic lines or similar lines, and storm drain pipes/box culverts other than Major Electric/Telephone/Transmission Lines [7.6C(i)]. L. UDC The City of Schertz Unified Development Code, which is Ordinance No. 96-S-28. Note: Any corresponding existing UDC provision, proposed for amendment or requiring additional specificity in the form of new defInitions below, is referenced in brackets. II. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Except as noted herein, the terms of the City of Schertz Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance 05-S-50, which is Section 7 of the UDC, shall apply. Unless otherwise specifIed herein, all future development on the Property shall be governed by the terms of the UDC in effect of the effective date of this zoning ordinance. III. AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. General ODen SDace Provisions 1. General Open Space shall not be required to exceed landscaped areas (excluding medians) and drainage channels [7.6A(a)]. 2. The Property has no signifIcant natural features to preserve [7.6A(b)]. 3. All six (6) inch DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) hardwood trees shall be preserved or mitigated and 139200.00002 109693 vI February 8, 2007 Update inventoried, except for those located within a proposed building footprint [7.6A(e)]. 4. All medians and drainage channels shall be maintained as common areas by business park management [7.6B(b)]. B. Screenin~ and Bufferin~ Screening and buffering may be accomplished via landscaping, trees (including existing trees), fences, walls, or any combination thereof. Fences and walls may be at heights desired by Developer, but with a minimum height of six (6) feet [7.6C (e)). C. Interconnectivitv Vehicular interconnectivity shall be provided for all contiguous buildings in the Commercial Area along the IH-35 frontage road [7.6C(t)]. D. Screenin~ of Trash Enclosures All trash enclosures shall be screened from view utilizing landscaping, trees, fences, walls, or any combination thereof, and shall have a minimum height of six (6) feet [7.6C(g)). E. Utilities Typical Utility Mains/Service Lines shall be buried, except for Major Electric/Telephone/Transmission Lines [7.6C(i)). F. Stormwater The project shall demonstrate that, as compared with the condition that would have existed on the Property without development, no phase ofthe PUD shall result in a net loss in storage capacity for stormwater. The project must comply with Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) requirements, including the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 44 [7.6C(j)). IV. AMENDMENTS TO COMMERCIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Buildin~ Hei~ Commercial building height shall be limited to a maximum of sixty (60) feet [7.9A(a)). B. Parkin~ One hundred percent (100 %) of parking spaces shall abut either a landscaped separation or a sidewalk, except for service parking areas behind the buildings [7.9A(g)]. 139200.00002 109693 vi February 8, 2007 Update C. Commercial Architectural and Site Deshm. 1. Everyone hundred (l00) feet of building length shall incorporate a minimum of one (1) architectural element, such as an arcade, roof, alcove, portico or awning [7.9C(a)]. 2. The primary orientation of the commercial/retail buildings shall be toward a street, excepting any offIce pad sites within the Commercial Area. For the purposes of this requirement, a building shall be deemed oriented toward a street if the major entry feature of the building generally faces the street. [7.9C(d)]. 3. Loading docks shall be located at the rear of commercial/retail buildings [7.9C(f)]. 4. Windows shall be inset a minimum of three (3) inches [7.9C(h) & 7.9C(i)]. V. AMENDMENTS TO INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Buildin!! Heirht Industrial building height shall be limited to a maximum of forty- fIve (45) feet [7.10B(a)]. B. Screenin~ 1. Service or storage yards shall be screened with a minimum height of six (6) feet, but they may be located other than at the rear of the building [7.10B(c)(3)]. 2. Loading docks shall be screened with landscaping, trees, fences, or walls, or any combination thereof, and at a minimum height of six (6) feet [7.10B(d)]. C. Industrial Architectural and Site Desim 1. Awnings will be incorporated into the building designs where commercially reasonable [7.10D(a) & 7. 1 OD(b)]. 2. Parking shall be permitted in the front of buildings [7.10D(g)]. VI. AMENDMENTS TO SIGN STANDARDS A. Permittin~ rArticle IX. 5.11 1. Commercial Area Permitting from the City of Schertz is required initially for each sign in the Commercial Area. However, no permits are required to relocate "For Sale" or "For Lease" signs in the Commercial Area. 139200.00002 109693 vi February 8, 2007 Update 2. Industrial Area Permitting is not required for the installation of "For Sale" or "For Lease" signs in the Industrial Area. B. Number of Si~ns (General Provisions) Except as noted herein, all businesses/tenants shall be permitted two (2) exterior on-premise signs: one (1) wall sign and one (1) free-standing sign. Additionally, if the fal(ade length of a building exceeds five hundred (500) feet, two (2) monument signs shall be permitted at a distance of at least four hundred (400) feet from each other [Article IX, 7.3]. C. Maximum Hei~ht (Monument Shms) Project identifIcation monument signs along Interstate 35 shall not exceed a maximum of nine (9) feet in height. Monument signs within the Commercial Area shall not exceed fIve (5) feet six (6) inches in height. Monument signs in the Industrial Area shall not exceed twelve (12) feet, four (4) inches in height [Article IX, 7.5C]. D. Maximum SQuare Footage (Monument Si~ Monument signs along Interstate 35 shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) total square feet per sign side. Other monument signs (i.e., not located along IH-35) shall not exceed one hundred eighty (180) total square feet per sign side [Article IX, 7.5D]. E. Number of Si!!ns (Industrial Area Monument Si~ One (1) monument sign shall be permitted for each building in the Industrial Area; provided, however, if the fal(ade length of a building exceeds five hundred (500) feet, two (2) monument signs shall be permitted at a distance of at least four hundred (400) feet from each other [Article IX, 7 .5E]. F. For Sale or Lease Si!!ns (Real Estate Si~ There shall be a maximum of one (1) "For Sale" or "For Lease" sign for each building fal(ade fronting a public or private street or private driveway, unless the building fal(ade length exceeds fIve hundred (500) feet, in which case two (2) "For Sale" or "For Lease" signs shall be permitted, but no closer than within four hundred (400) feet of each other [Article IX, 7.13(3)]. G. Number of Si!!ns (MuIti- Tenant) In addition to the signs otherwise permitted herein, multi-tenant buildings shall be permitted to have a directory sign at each intersection of a public or private street or private driveway [Article IX, 8.9B(1)]. 139200.00002 109693 vi February 8, 2007 Update H. Maximum Sauare Foota~e (Multi-Tenant) Tenant signs grouped in a directory arrangement shall not exceed twenty four (24) square feet for each tenant sign [Article IX, 8.9B(2)]. VII. PARKING [Article X, 7.2] The following parking ratios shall be: 1. Commercial OffIce: 3 spacesll 000 sf OF A; and Retail: 4 spacesll 000 sf GF A; 2. Warehouse Buildin\!s under 150.000 sf OffIce: 3 spacesll 000 sf GF A; and Warehouse: 1 space/5000 sfGFA; 3. Warehouse Buildin2:s over 150.000 sf Office: 3 spaces/lOOO sf OF A; and Warehouse: I space /1 0000 sf GF A; and 4. Excess Tractor-Trailer Parkin\! Ratios Buildings containing 300,000 square feet of GF A or more shall have a staging area requirement of one (1) trailer per fIve (5) dock doors, with staging allowed against any buildings that have no dock doors. VIII. PARKING LIGHTING [Article X, 9.3] 1. Commercial Area In the Commercial Area, lighting shall be shielded to reduce lighting of adjacent properties. 2. Industrial Area In the Industrial Area, lighting shall be appropriate to provide adequate security for the area. 139200,00002 109693 vi SCHEDULE 1 ~~:m-=-- ~.~-~= I. I i! I. :. [il i 'Ii j : Ii j i Ii j' ; 11 ! !j--------DRAINAGE-CHANNEL------------ I . 1'--------------------------------- i i i " lor . . ==--- COMMERCIAL AREA I i I' i .i~~i I ;~: ".... . 11 " . i -....Jj; 11: " " ., i: ill p " ;\ ) " / -. '\. ' ., ~. \ '" , II ") ,/ INDUSTRIAL AREA -cF-_-=2::.:..~;iiiiti i\.,.,1'iJ.-=~.=::~_~- ~l =1 - I_.=_--,_..,....~.... .. _~~_ I _'._=r-.-.---~-... -..... ." - ---.---- ---~L.:"'>,. _- \ \\ ' ! ""'-"'-- --"'- /' \'\ ' ! ''=>.~:-~''~ \._ i r------i .~. i i MASTER PLAN VERDE ENTERPRISE BUSINESS PARK ~l'U""TZ. TEXAS SITEPLAN SCALI!.:'-" II 0) NOOm ...1.11 Y" U G." . 100" t. I" (;. A".'" .1.,. I. ,.".. ll.. II' l......."......"....,. ...". I "...,.. T"." 1 , I... II 0 It;.. .., I".. - --:: lU_;,llJ d i U,LLIU iLiU.iU! jJ lU 1.J1Ul.Il LJJi "UJFLri J.lji i ULU li1] I jJ I,U LllUllJiJ 1 I _.:....~ ---- .-~- .~-_._-- - --" --:.JrV' ..ASSOCIA TES UR~ ~1Il111111111111111111111Ifllllllll'lffff"l!l I ! \. \\\ -- i:: ;'1> ' Ii .~-'~~. .~ .~Ir i' h'. 'I, ___ -, ,- -.-'",",-.,.--0"1 ~.;;.;..j/ ~~. jp; I ! 1 i i J ! L~.i 1 . 'i .---..-.---.-..---------.. ~ '_~~~~:=- A~~~CiA=T:'::~~l_.-;I~~-j' .~~r.;j;';r-;~L.-~~;i:;ll::~i~~~i.Wy/.y/.,irlii!;:;<<;{'((.~ II i Ilillil"TT"m' ~:I'I: III II! IliilLI:(fIIII!:filll:,:lliii'Z/ ; I '~J,L~ ~~f1f(~'!!(t:1fiimr1fff!~i~,~~t~~11;r;if;r~~f!rl~ (\l.ll.U. 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'tM)IW't~ :JIII..:J.1NJ @ V1 ~ >- .... (} '\ ./ ~ -.. ...... ... =-n I,., ,Jr.o.t\~ Will "II:) JIll ....."'IM .......... Affidavit of Publisher PUBLIC NOTICE 1\ I ORDINANCE NO. 07-14-14 An ordinance by the City Council of the City of Schertz. Texas amending the Unified Development Code (UDC) STATE OF TEXAS Ordinance 96-8-28 by rezoning 127.25. 68.21:t. and 14.25:t acres out of the T orribia Herrera COUNTY OF BEXAR Survey No. 68, Abstract No, 153. Guadalupe and Comal County, Texas from Manufac- ture District-Light (M-1) and City of Schertz General Business (GB) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD); providing an effective date; and providing a repealing clause. Approved on first reading this the 20th day of February Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Helen I. Lut2007. by me duly sworn, says on oath that she is Publisher of the Commercial Recorder, a r PASSED, APP~OVED, general circulation in the City of San Antonio in the State and County aforesaid and tAND ADOPTED on thiS the 6th . , , day of March 2007. Ordinance 07-14-14 here to attached has been published in every issue of said nev IslHAL BALDWIN following days, to wit: Mayor Attest: Judy Tokar City Secretary 3/19 03/19/2007. ~ J/ -cX~ .~ d Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of of March, 2007. /J;7a/zzA!a / ( ~ ~V7 1/'/ ~.. . ./" /' (' v-? c?nLC<!'!Lz.-/ -'"~ "'-::";~~'~?':"" MARTHA L. MACHUCA : fi{:.J..:;'f~ NOTARY PUBLIC . \*\~/*: STATE OF TEXAS . ..~~'Oi'..~., MyCorNn. Exp.12-tl2-2C107 ........"