November 18, 2019 MinutesSCHERTZ PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: wNovember 18 2019 5.30prn
LOCATION: 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz TX — Bob Andrews Conference Room in City Hall
Board Members Present: Johnie McDow, Chairman, John Sullivan —Vice Chairman, Reginna Agee, Sally
Macias, Floy Simmons, Carol Yauger.
Staff Present: Lauren Shrum — Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, Brian James —Asst.
City Manager, Jared Montney — Parks Manager, Pam Amen — Parks Board Secretary
Others Present: James. Trimble 483 Halliwell Bridge, Rae Trimble, Andrews Trimble
Call to order: Meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnie McDow — Chairman at 5:32pm.
Hearin of residents: Mr. Johnie McDow opened the floor to residents; Andrew Trimble with Boy Scouts
Troop #51 is interested in what the City of Schertz Parks Department's involvement is with Woodridge
and other projects. Mr. Brian James explained that a developer is wanting to develop the area near
Woodland Oaks and Schertz Parkway, but there is no site plan as of yet. Mr. James recommended going
to the city's website, "What's Happening in Schertz" it will give you more information. Mr. Johnie McDow
explained that the Park Board is responsible for reviewing projects of the Parks Department and giving
recommendations to the City of Schertz Parks & Recreation Department and to the city council.
Re ular A enda•
Agenda Item No. 1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes from
July 22, 2019 & September 23,2019 meetings.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2019 & September 23, 2019 Schertz Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board regular meeting:
Motion: John Sullivan - Vice Chairman
Second: Reginna Agee
Ayes: Johnie McDow - Chairman, Sally Macias, Carol Yauger, Floy Simmons,
Nays: None
Abstains: 2
Approved: 6 — 0
A enda Item No 2. Correction to Minutes July 22 2019: Agenda Item No.2 Mr. Bosch confirming the
cost of the safe routes to school has been taken out. July 22, 2019 minutes were reviewed and approved
with September 23, 2019 minutes.
Agenda Item No. 3 Trails Workshop: Mrs. Shrum reviewed and handed out the Proposed "Great Northern
Trail" information. Mrs. Shrum mentioned this was a working name for the project and not the official
name. Mrs. Shrum went through the information discussing the cost /action on the new trail
development. Mrs. Shrum started with reviewing were to find information "What's Happening in Schertz"
on the Schertz Web site. Mrs. Shrum reviewed the master thoroughfare plan and the trails online, which
will include bike lanes. Mrs. Shrum walked through with google maps for the Northern Trail where it will
expand approximately 8 miles. Starting North at Cypress Point connecting North to South the proposed
trail development was presented in sections approximately costing $250,000. Mrs. Shrum stated the
proposed trail will take approximately 10 years to complete. Mrs. Shrum estimated 10- foot -wide concrete
trails, with the cost estimate being on the high side. All projects have a base construction cost, an
engineering & design cost have been added to others. Mrs. Shrum stated, Going North to South starting
at Cypress Point to Schwab Rd connection one of the most difficult ones to acquire, because there is still
a privately owned home stead. The proposed trail then continues to connect to Homestead Development,
where it is commercial property and within the city limits. John Sullivan made reference that this section
would be developed soon and asked the question on how that would affect the city's plans. Mr. Brian
James responded the developers would put it in when they started building at their expense. A bit of the
policy question is do we want to spend our money now or wait for the developers, if we are just filling in
a little gap, we would just wait the developers out. Mr. Johnie McDow asked if this would be following
the power line, Mrs. Shrum responded correct, the trails would be following the power lines.
Mrs. Shrum continued with going further south into the Northcliff 1, HOA property. Coming to the back
of the golf course approximately %: mile, currently there is an existing cart path that could be used for trail
connection. We could work with HOA for connection #1, the issue being getting across FM1103. These
current proposed estimates do not include any pedestrian crossings; an alternate route would be to come
down to Chelsea to cross. The FM1103 connection #2 runs into Cibolo Valley church's property. Mrs.
Shrum does not see an issue with working on an easement with the Church, the issue will be with the
crossing. Mr. John Sullivan mentioned one note is that Sippel Elementary has an emergency plan to use
the church in serious emergencies. The exiting Reata Trail is listed, so cost is not listed because it is already
built to connect into. We are only counting one way of the loop in the mileage estimates. The next
connection, the Sippel Elementary Connection, the cost to build should be simple with no added cost since
we are working with the school district. There is already exiting sidewalk on Noble Way, you can just walk
across and connect to Belmont Park Trail 1. Belmont Park has a lot of loops so connect trail 1, trail 2 and
trail 3 section should be simple. The next issue we have is at Old Wiederstein Road, the easement runs
through properties. Mrs. Shrum stated that she does not see the property owners letting us run a trail
through their property. But Belmont Park has an easement to Old Wiederstein connecting into a sidewalk.
Mrs. Shrum is proposing another trail to get over to Evo, a little spur that would connect Evo to the trails.
The next connection would get them to Old Wiederstein, another %z mile. We would also approach Evo to
discuss helping fund the trail.
The next section is Old Wiederstein in Cibolo connection .23 miles we could work with Cibolo to pay for
this section. Mrs. Shrum spoke about getting to Santiko from Old Wiederstein connection by the drainage
or coming down the sidewalk. The drainage is over a mile, so cost gets a little bit more. Crossing 3009
could be an issue until Wiederstein goes across. As part of our deal with the Revolution Church we will
have a trail head that has parking. Mr. John Sullivan stated that a preliminary plat has been submitted for
the Ripps - Kreussler property with a QT going in at the corner. Mrs. Shrum replied she would look into it.
Mrs. Shrum discussed the next connection Forest Ridge Trail connecting into our new one that gets us
over to Schertz Parkway. The trail is 8 miles from the existing Cypress Point Park to Schertz Parkway with
approximately $8.2- million - dollar cost and this is a 10 -year plan. Mr. Johnie McDow stated you also look
at when you stretch out 10 years there is a possibility to do a quality of life bond. Mrs. Shrum also
mentioned the state has a $250,000 grant from Texas Parks & Wildlife? There are ways to leverage
money; it's just a lot of moving parts.
Mrs. Shrum, next discussed the need to develop the name of the trail map, to create a marketing campaign
to get residents on board. Mr. Johnie McDow stated we need to start somewhere and connect from
something to something, even if it is to a sidewalk. Mr. Sullivan stated we need to start talking to these
developers and see what they will contribute. Mr. Sullivan heard from council that they wanted to see
numbers relating to trails, so hopefully this will help them and asked if this trail information is presented
to council. Mrs. Shrum stated we would probably put as an information item in council packet and then
follow up with a presentation if requested.
The next trail section that was discussed is the proposed Dietz Creek Trail. Mr. Jared Montney stated the
trail is divided into three phases, starting at the City Campus from Shertz Parkway at the sidewalk running
along the creek to Maske that would be Phase I, Phase II would start at Maske Rd and go 1.3 miles getting
you over to Savannah. Phase III, the trail would cross back over the road up to Wiederstein to Schertz
Parkway. This route gives us connection to the trails going up north and is a total of 2.36 miles. Mrs.
Shrum stated the proposed timeline on this development is 5 years. At some point Live Oak is supposed
to extend to Maske and staff we will have to get with Engineering and Planning. Mrs. Shrum also
mentioned Carolina's Crossing HOA has already offered to work with staff since they own a lot of that
backs up to Dietz Creek.
Aizenda Item No.4 Review of FY 18 -19 Parks & Recreation Bud et Pro'ect List and FY 19 -20
Budget /Proiect List:
Mrs. Shrum reviewed and discussed wanting the board's support on the project list for FY19 -20, knowing
that parks is still working on 18 -19 list as well.
Ashley Park: We would like to focus on the completion of the walking trail loop, which is estimated at
$53,000.00. We think residents still want the loop and we need it now for full accessibility to the
restrooms. We have a full year to complete the improvement to comply with RAS inspection. Residents
are still wanting the drainage trail as well, that may be something we can work on at a later date. We will
have residents' input on future changes or additions to parks.
Mrs. Shrum explained the project list and FY19 -20 General fund versus Park funds. She asked if the board
felt comfortable moving forward with the proposed project list in light of the previous trails and the board
agreed we need to do both. Continue to work on park maintenance projects, while continuing to push
council for funds to develop trails.
Requests from Advisory Board for Future Agenda: Send proposed Great Northern Trail out with the
Announcements by Advisor Board Chairman and Members: Mrs. Shrum announced the following
upcoming events: Nature Series has had 20 to 30 people attend, Trunk or Treat was a big success with
7,000 plus, Holidazzle and parade of lights coming up December 7th, Swim with Santa, last Star Party
November 30th, tree lighting December 3rd
Adjournment: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 P.M.
Motion Floy Simmons
Second Johnie McDow - Chair
Ayes John Sullivan —Vice Chairman, Reginna Agee, Sally Macias, Carol Yauger.
Nays None
Approved 6 -0
har'i , ce- Chair, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Recording Secretary, City of Schertz