2007E19-Election ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE 07-E-19 BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, DECLARING THE UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE FOR PLACE 3, PLACE 4 AND PLACE 5 ON COUNCIL AS ELECTED; PROVIDING THAT THE MAY 12,2007 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR CITY COUNCILMEMBERS PLACE 3, 4 AND 5 SHALL NOT BE HELD; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THE ORDINANCE WAS PASSED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas adopted Ordinance No. 07-E-08 on February 5, 2007, ordering a general municipal election to be held on May 12, 2007, for the purpose of electing three City officials to wit: City Councilmember for Place 3, City Councilmember for Place 4 and City Councilmember for Place 5; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 143.007 and 146.054, Texas Election Code, the deadline for filing applications for a place on the ballot and declaration of write-in candidacy for the City's general municipal election has expired; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary, in accordance with Section 2.052, Texas Election Code, has certified in writing to the City Council that John Trayhan is unopposed for election to the office of Council Place 3 and Councilmember Tony Wilenchik for Place 4 is unopposed and Councilmember Michael Carpenter for Place 5 is unopposed; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the candidates whose names appear on the ballot in said election for City Council members for Places 3, 4 and 5 are unopposed, there are no declared write-in candidates, and no propositions to appear on the ballot for said election. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, THAT: I SECTION 1 The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. SECTION 2 In accordance with Section 2.053 (a), Texas Election Code, the following unopposed candidate is hereby declared duly elected to the respective office shown and shall be issued a certificate of election following the date on which the general municipal election for Councilmembers for Places 3, 4 and 5 was to have been held: Councilmember Place 3 Councilmember Place 4 Councilmember Place 5 John Trayhan Tony Wilenchik Michael Carpenter SECTION 3 Pursuant to Section 2.053 (b), Texas Election Code, the general municipal election for the City Council members Place 3, 4 and Place 5 heretofore called and ordered by Ordinance No. 07-E-08 for May 12,2007, shall not be held and is hereby cancelled. SECTION 4 The City Secretary is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be posted on election day, same being May 12,2007, at all polling places that would have been used in such election. SECTION 5 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6 The Code of Ordinances of the City of Schertz, Texas, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this Ordinance. I SECTION 7 Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any purpose by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be effected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. SECTION 8 It is hereby found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance was passed was open to the public as required by Section 551.001 et. seq., Texas Government Code, and that advance notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given. Approved on first reading the 27th day of March 2007. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ,yA&{ day of April 2007. , T Hal Baldwin, Mayor ATTEST: ~~ J# Tokar, fiity Secretary UNA ORDENANZA 07-E-19 EMITIDA POR EL CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE SCHERTZ, TEJAS, DECLARANDO QUE LOS CANDIDA TOS SIN OPONENTES PARA LA PLAZA 3, PLAZA 4 Y PLAZA 5 DEL CONSEJO SON ELECTOS, Y LA ELECCION MUNICIPAL NO HA DE CELEBRARSE EL DiA 12 DE MAYO DE 2007, REVOCADO TODA ORDENANZA o PARTES DE ORDENANZAS EN CONFLlCTO CON LA MISMA; DISPONIENDO UNA cLAUSULA DE SALVEDAD; DISPONIENDO UNA cLAUSULA DE SEPARACION; ENCONTRANDO Y DETERMINANDO QUE LA JUNTA EN QUE SE APROBO LA ORDENANZA FUE UNA JUNTA ABIERTA AL PUBLICO SEGUN SE REQUIERE POR LEY; Y DISPONIENDO UNA FECHA VIGENTE. POR LO TANTO, la Ciudad de Schertz, Tejas adopt6 la Ordenanza Num. 07-E- 08 el 5 de febrero de 2007, ordenando que se celebre una Elecci6n Municipal el 12 de mayo de 2007 con el prop6sito de elegir a tres funcionarios de la Ciudad a decir, tres Concejales, a decir: el Concejal de la Ciudad para la Plaza Num. 3, el Concejal de la Ciudad para la Plaza Num. 4 y el Concejal de la Ciudad para la Plaza Num. 5; y POR LO TANTO, de acuerdo alas Secciones 143.007 y 146.054 del C6digo Electoral de Tejas ha expirado la fecha limite para someter solicitudes para obtener un lugar en la balota y someter declaraciones de candidatura no registrada para la elecci6n municipal general de la Ciudad; y POR LO TANTO, la Secretaria de la Ciudad, de acuerdo a la Secci6n 2.052 del C6digo Electoral de Tejas Ie ha certificado por escrito al Consejo de Ciudad que el Concejal John Trayhan no tiene oponentes en la elecci6n, ni el Concejal Tony Wilenchik no tiene oponentes en la elecci6n ni el Concejal Michael Carpenter no tiene oponentes en la elecci6n; y POR LO TANTO, EI consejo de la Ciudad por la presente encuentra y determina que los candidatos cuyos nombres aparecen en la balota de dicha elecci6n de miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad para las Plazas 3, 4 Y 5 no tienen oponentes, ni se han declarado candidatos no registrados y no existen propuestas para candidatos en la balota de dicha elecci6n. AHORA POR CONSIGUIENTE, SE ORDENA POR EL CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE LA CIUDAD DE SCHERTZ, QUE: SECCION 1 Por la presente se determina que los hechos y asuntos indicados en el preambulo de esta Ordenanza son fieles y correctos. SECCION 2 De acuerdo a la Secci6n 2.053 (a) del C6digo Electoral de Tejas, el siguiente candidato sin oponente, por la siguiente se declara debidamente electo al puesto respectivo que se indica y se emitira un certificado de elecci6n despues de la fecha en que se lIeva a cabo la elecci6n municipal general para Concejales de las Plazas 3, 4 Y 5: Concejal Plaza 3 Concejal Plaza 4 Concejal Plaza 5 John Trayhan Tony Wilenchik Michael Carpenter SECCION 3 De acuerdo a la Secci6n 2.053 (b) del C6digo Electoral de Tejas, la elecci6n municipal general de Concejales para las Plazas 3, 4 Y 5 que ha side convocada y ordenada por la Ordenanza Num. 07 -E-08, no se lIevara a cabo y por la presenta se cancela. SECCION 4 Por la presente se Ie indica la Secretaria de la Ciudad que en el dia de la elecci6n, el dia siendo el 12 de mayo de 2007, fije una copia de esta Ordenanza en todos los lugares de votaci6n que hubiesen podido ser usados para dicha elecci6n. SECCION 5 Por la presente toda ordenanza 0 partes de ordenanzas en conflicto con las disposiciones de esta Ordenanza se revocan en la medida que causen dicho conflicto. SECCION 6 EI C6digo de Ordenanzas de la Ciudad de Schertz, Tejas, segun enmendado, continuara en pleno vigor, salvo y excepto como se enmienda por medio de esta Ordenanza. SECCI6N 7 De surgir que alguna secci6n, parrafo, oraci6n, clausula, frase 0 palabra en esta Ordenanza se declare inconstitucional 0 invalida para cualquier prop6sito por un tribunal con jurisdicci6n competente, el resto de esta Ordenanza no sera afectado por dicha raz6n; y para este fin las disposiciones de esta Ordenanza se declaran separadas. SECCION 8 Por la presente se encuentra y determina que la junta en la cual se adopt6 esta Ordenanza estuvo abierta al publico segun requiere la Secci6n 551.001 et seq., C6digo de Gobierno de Tejas, y se prest6 aviso por adelantado de la hora, lugar y prop6sito de dicho aviso. Aprobado despues de la primera lectura el 27 de marzo de 2007. PASADO, APROBADO Y ADOPTADO esle 3 dia de abril de 2~J~. Hal Baldwin, Alcalde J DOY FE: (11 Jd ~ &d~'"'T~r, Secretaria de la Ciudad I Affidavit of Publisher fUB..UC NOTICE 9RDINAN~ NO. D7-E-:1i . An Ordinance by the City STATE OF TEXAS Council of the CiN of Schertz, Texas declaring the unopposed candidata fOr Place 3, Place 4 and Place 5 on Council as COUNTY OF BEXAR elected; providing that the May 12, 2007 General Municipal Election for City Councilmem- City of Schertz bars Places 3,4 and 5 shall not be held; repealing all Ordi- nances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith; providing a savings clause; providing a sev- erability clause; finding and determining that the maeting at Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Helen which the Ordinance was by me duly sworn, says on oath that she is Publisher of the Commercial Record, pass~ .was open to the pu~IiC general circulation in the City of San Antonio in the State and County aforesaid ~s requlr6(j.9Y law; and provld- . '.. . ' Ing an .e~iY~ date. Ordinance No. 07-E-19 here to attached has been published In every Issue 01 Approved on first reading the following days to wit: this the 27th day of March , 2007. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on this the 3rd day of April 2007. 04/10/2007. Is/HAL BALDWIN . Mayor Attest: Judy Tokar City Secretary 4/10 ~) J}/X:~ /- d Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of of April, 2007. /J/dh/Ad / ( ~ //?4e'4a~ ~".....~'.""'''''';.'''''''' .......... w. '"'TH" C' M~CHUCA ~ fl-..""~ .':r;;.~l" R"f"\rt.. . "~ . . /,.);/ ~. .:,,\ NOTARY PUBLIC, ~!:~~~r>;~ STA"E OF 'TEXAS :, ~ ~ v.:', ,.."'\ /.;r! ' ,- , . 0':1 2001' '" "'~~~' 6:;~> *'V Comwt. E~"" 12-,' .1 ~ _'~'~i:;;:~;:'~;;'~~';1"";''l,~~-'~~~~~' .1..1 ""