20191121 Minutes SEDC Board Reg Mo Mtg1711ftUTES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21,2012 a Board President acalus® called the meeting to or at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone in attendance. Staff- Mark Browne — CM/Acting SEDC Exec. Director Patty Horan — Executive Assistant Jenifer Kolbe — BRE Manager Drew Vincent — Marketing & Recruitment Manager James Walters — Director of Finance 2. Public comment - Ais time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board. Each person shouldfill out the Citizzen's to be Heard registryform prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. The presiding officer, during the Public Comment portion ofthe agenda, will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered. No public comments were made. Board President Macaluso moved to agenda it # 5. Closed session Board President Macaluso recessed into closed session at 6:32 p.m. SEDC Minutes 11/21/2019 Page 1 of 4 FXeconvene into regular session [1-1-oard President Macaluso reconvened into re 4. Discussion and possible action to authorize the SEDC Acting Executive Director to take e necessary and appropriate actions to proceed with negotiations based on discussions held in Closed Session under Agenda Item No.3. The Board reviewed the case and directed staff to issue the Notice • Default, pursuant to the Article V, Section I (h) of the Agreement. Kellum will have ninety (90) days to cure the default as outlined in the letter on or before Februarg-k-a-M-2Q.-jen —the agreement-mrill-h-e terminated as of that date. The following caption was read: SEDC A motion to approve SEDC Resolution 2019-18 issuing a notice of default was made by Mr. B. Snowden. Seconded • Ms. S. Morrill. Motion passed with one abstention from Mr. R. Richard. Workshop 5. Consider/Discuss and possible action regarding the SEDC Board of Directors attendance policy and/or bylaw attendance provision. (Requested by P. Macaluso) The Board discussed meeting attendance expectations as a group and tasked staff with gathering information on the process for implementation of an attendance provision to the Bylaws. SEDC Minutes 11/21/2019 Page 2 of 4 �Ly W-14 It if I V-j togsa N 5#111 KIM 'gLy.a($161 ILAN UIUMIM; =1 . . r-01re Ule 11111111es I -Firectors AEgu.i ' neeting ffell on Thursday, October 17, 2019 was made by Mr. Richard. Seconded by Mr. Snowden. Motion passed unanimously. Presentations 7. SEDC monthly financial statement: September and October 2019. (J. Walters) alwgalw��� =�=j Ms. Kolbe provided an overview of the information referenced in the Board Packet. Highlights included a business roundtable at the Career and Technical Education center at Samuel Clemens High School, Manufacturing Day field trips with local students to ITM and Caterpillar facilities, and a community budget meeting for businesses held at the industrial park. 0 pir(O"cess rOT711ring; I T7TT7TrXjrI-C The interview board narrowed the search to two candidates. Final interviews are being conducted at the end • the month. Staff hopes to be able to make an announcement the first week of January 2020. Closed session Rtoard President Macaluso recessed to Closed Session at 6:56.lAn, SEDC Minutes 11/21/2019 Page 8 of 4 PZeconvene into regular session ■ oard President Macaluso reconvened into regular session at 7:14 p.m. 11. Discussion and possible action to authorize ©e SEDC Executive Director to take the necessary and appropriate actions to proceed with negotiations based on discussions held in Closed Session under Agenda Item o.10 1OWN UNTO rm ROP4 T171 -Rl Mawr 11sr, wi III »2e y E= Ms. Morrill requested an update on the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation strategic planning industry clusters. The following announcements were made by staffe Announcements by staff- Thanksgiving Day — November 28-29, 2019 Christmas Day — December 25, 2019 Next Board Meeting: December 19, 2019 awm= j1d; A-1 4au IC—M a c —al u s o SEDC Minutes 11/21/2019 Page 4 of 4